2016-05-05 12:12:33 +02:00

283 lines
9.6 KiB

# Modified: Werkzeug Debugger workaround in run_websocket(self):
import base64
import hashlib
import warnings
from gevent.pywsgi import WSGIHandler
from .websocket import WebSocket, Stream
from .logging import create_logger
class Client(object):
def __init__(self, address, ws):
self.address = address = ws
class WebSocketHandler(WSGIHandler):
Automatically upgrades the connection to a websocket.
To prevent the WebSocketHandler to call the underlying WSGI application,
but only setup the WebSocket negotiations, do:
mywebsockethandler.prevent_wsgi_call = True
before calling run_application(). This is useful if you want to do more
things before calling the app, and want to off-load the WebSocket
negotiations to this library. Socket.IO needs this for example, to send
the 'ack' before yielding the control to your WSGI app.
SUPPORTED_VERSIONS = ('13', '8', '7')
GUID = "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"
def run_websocket(self):
Called when a websocket has been created successfully.
if getattr(self, 'prevent_wsgi_call', False):
# In case WebSocketServer is not used
if not hasattr(self.server, 'clients'):
self.server.clients = {}
# Since we're now a websocket connection, we don't care what the
# application actually responds with for the http response
self.server.clients[self.client_address] = Client(
self.client_address, self.websocket)
if self.application.__class__.__name__ == "DebuggedApplication": # Modified: Werkzeug Debugger workaround (
list(self.application(self.environ, lambda s, h: []))
self.application(self.environ, lambda s, h: [])
del self.server.clients[self.client_address]
if not self.websocket.closed:
'wsgi.websocket': None
self.websocket = None
def run_application(self):
if (hasattr(self.server, 'pre_start_hook')
and self.server.pre_start_hook):
self.logger.debug("Calling pre-start hook")
if self.server.pre_start_hook(self):
return super(WebSocketHandler, self).run_application()
self.logger.debug("Initializing WebSocket")
self.result = self.upgrade_websocket()
if hasattr(self, 'websocket'):
if self.status and not self.headers_sent:
if self.status:
# A status was set, likely an error so just send the response
if not self.result:
self.result = []
# This handler did not handle the request, so defer it to the
# underlying application object
return super(WebSocketHandler, self).run_application()
def upgrade_websocket(self):
Attempt to upgrade the current environ into a websocket enabled
connection. If successful, the environ dict with be updated with two
new entries, `wsgi.websocket` and `wsgi.websocket_version`.
:returns: Whether the upgrade was successful.
# Some basic sanity checks first
self.logger.debug("Validating WebSocket request")
if self.environ.get('REQUEST_METHOD', '') != 'GET':
# This is not a websocket request, so we must not handle it
self.logger.debug('Can only upgrade connection if using GET method.')
upgrade = self.environ.get('HTTP_UPGRADE', '').lower()
if upgrade == 'websocket':
connection = self.environ.get('HTTP_CONNECTION', '').lower()
if 'upgrade' not in connection:
# This is not a websocket request, so we must not handle it
self.logger.warning("Client didn't ask for a connection "
# This is not a websocket request, so we must not handle it
if self.request_version != 'HTTP/1.1':
self.start_response('402 Bad Request', [])
self.logger.warning("Bad server protocol in headers: %s" % self.request_version)
return ['Bad protocol version']
if self.environ.get('HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_VERSION'):
return self.upgrade_connection()
self.logger.warning("No protocol defined")
self.start_response('426 Upgrade Required', [
('Sec-WebSocket-Version', ', '.join(self.SUPPORTED_VERSIONS))])
return ['No Websocket protocol version defined']
def upgrade_connection(self):
Validate and 'upgrade' the HTTP request to a WebSocket request.
If an upgrade succeeded then then handler will have `start_response`
with a status of `101`, the environ will also be updated with
`wsgi.websocket` and `wsgi.websocket_version` keys.
:param environ: The WSGI environ dict.
:param start_response: The callable used to start the response.
:param stream: File like object that will be read from/written to by
the underlying WebSocket object, if created.
:return: The WSGI response iterator is something went awry.
self.logger.debug("Attempting to upgrade connection")
version = self.environ.get("HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_VERSION")
if version not in self.SUPPORTED_VERSIONS:
msg = "Unsupported WebSocket Version: {0}".format(version)
self.start_response('400 Bad Request', [
('Sec-WebSocket-Version', ', '.join(self.SUPPORTED_VERSIONS))
return [msg]
key = self.environ.get("HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY", '').strip()
if not key:
# 5.2.1 (3)
msg = "Sec-WebSocket-Key header is missing/empty"
self.start_response('400 Bad Request', [])
return [msg]
key_len = len(base64.b64decode(key))
except TypeError:
msg = "Invalid key: {0}".format(key)
self.start_response('400 Bad Request', [])
return [msg]
if key_len != 16:
# 5.2.1 (3)
msg = "Invalid key: {0}".format(key)
self.start_response('400 Bad Request', [])
return [msg]
# Check for WebSocket Protocols
requested_protocols = self.environ.get(
protocol = None
if hasattr(self.application, 'app_protocol'):
allowed_protocol = self.application.app_protocol(
if allowed_protocol and allowed_protocol in requested_protocols:
protocol = allowed_protocol
self.logger.debug("Protocol allowed: {0}".format(protocol))
self.websocket = WebSocket(self.environ, Stream(self), self)
'wsgi.websocket_version': version,
'wsgi.websocket': self.websocket
headers = [
("Upgrade", "websocket"),
("Connection", "Upgrade"),
("Sec-WebSocket-Accept", base64.b64encode(
hashlib.sha1(key + self.GUID).digest())),
if protocol:
headers.append(("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol", protocol))
self.logger.debug("WebSocket request accepted, switching protocols")
self.start_response("101 Switching Protocols", headers)
def logger(self):
if not hasattr(self.server, 'logger'):
self.server.logger = create_logger(__name__)
return self.server.logger
def log_request(self):
if '101' not in self.status:
def active_client(self):
return self.server.clients[self.client_address]
def start_response(self, status, headers, exc_info=None):
Called when the handler is ready to send a response back to the remote
endpoint. A websocket connection may have not been created.
writer = super(WebSocketHandler, self).start_response(
status, headers, exc_info=exc_info)
return writer
def _prepare_response(self):
Sets up the ``pywsgi.Handler`` to work with a websocket response.
This is used by other projects that need to support WebSocket
connections as part of a larger effort.
assert not self.headers_sent
if not self.environ.get('wsgi.websocket'):
# a WebSocket connection is not established, do nothing
# So that `finalize_headers` doesn't write a Content-Length header
self.provided_content_length = False
# The websocket is now controlling the response
self.response_use_chunked = False
# Once the request is over, the connection must be closed
self.close_connection = True
# Prevents the Date header from being written
self.provided_date = True