2016-08-10 12:26:00 +02:00

443 lines
16 KiB

class Wrapper
constructor: (ws_url) ->
@log "Created!"
@loading = new Loading()
@notifications = new Notifications($(".notifications"))
@fixbutton = new Fixbutton()
window.addEventListener("message", @onMessageInner, false)
@inner = document.getElementById("inner-iframe").contentWindow
@ws = new ZeroWebsocket(ws_url)
@ws.next_message_id = 1000000 # Avoid messageid collision :)
@ws.onOpen = @onOpenWebsocket
@ws.onClose = @onCloseWebsocket
@ws.onMessage = @onMessageWebsocket
@ws_error = null # Ws error message
@site_info = null # Hold latest site info
@event_site_info = $.Deferred() # Event when site_info received
@inner_loaded = false # If iframe loaded or not
@inner_ready = false # Inner frame ready to receive messages
@wrapperWsInited = false # Wrapper notified on websocket open
@site_error = null # Latest failed file download
@address = null
@opener_tested = false
window.onload = @onLoad # On iframe loaded
window.onhashchange = (e) => # On hash change
@log "Hashchange", window.location.hash
if window.location.hash
src = $("#inner-iframe").attr("src").replace(/#.*/, "")+window.location.hash
$("#inner-iframe").attr("src", src)
window.onpopstate = (e) =>
@sendInner {"cmd": "wrapperPopState", "params": {"href": document.location.href, "state": e.state}}
# Incoming message from UiServer websocket
onMessageWebsocket: (e) =>
message = JSON.parse(
cmd = message.cmd
if cmd == "response"
if @ws.waiting_cb[]? # We are waiting for response
@sendInner message # Pass message to inner frame
else if cmd == "notification" # Display notification
type = message.params[0]
id = "notification-#{}"
if "-" in message.params[0] # - in first param: message id defined
[id, type] = message.params[0].split("-")
@notifications.add(id, type, message.params[1], message.params[2])
else if cmd == "prompt" # Prompt input
@displayPrompt message.params[0], message.params[1], message.params[2], (res) =>
@ws.response, res
else if cmd == "confirm" # Confirm action
@displayConfirm message.params[0], message.params[1], (res) =>
@ws.response, res
else if cmd == "setSiteInfo"
@sendInner message # Pass to inner frame
if message.params.address == @address # Current page
@setSiteInfo message.params
else if cmd == "error"
@notifications.add("notification-#{}", "error", message.params, 0)
else if cmd == "updating" # Close connection
@ws.onCloseWebsocket(null, 4000)
@sendInner message # Pass message to inner frame
# Incoming message from inner frame
onMessageInner: (e) =>
# No nonce security enabled, test if window opener present
if not window.postmessage_nonce_security and @opener_tested == false
if window.opener and window.opener != window
@log "Opener present", window.opener
return false
@opener_tested = true
message =
# Invalid message (probably not for us)
if not message.cmd
return false
# Test nonce security to avoid third-party messages
if window.postmessage_nonce_security and message.wrapper_nonce != window.wrapper_nonce
@log "Message nonce error:", message.wrapper_nonce, '!=', window.wrapper_nonce
cmd = message.cmd
if cmd == "innerReady"
@inner_ready = true
if == 1 and not @wrapperWsInited # If ws already opened
@sendInner {"cmd": "wrapperOpenedWebsocket"}
@wrapperWsInited = true
else if cmd == "innerLoaded"
if window.location.hash
$("#inner-iframe")[0].src += window.location.hash # Hash tag
@log "Added hash to location", $("#inner-iframe")[0].src
else if cmd == "wrapperNotification" # Display notification
else if cmd == "wrapperConfirm" # Display confirm message
else if cmd == "wrapperPrompt" # Prompt input
else if cmd == "wrapperSetViewport" # Set the viewport
else if cmd == "wrapperReload" # Reload current page
else if cmd == "wrapperGetLocalStorage"
else if cmd == "wrapperSetLocalStorage"
else if cmd == "wrapperPushState"
query = @toRelativeQuery(message.params[2])
window.history.pushState(message.params[0], message.params[1], query)
else if cmd == "wrapperReplaceState"
query = @toRelativeQuery(message.params[2])
window.history.replaceState(message.params[0], message.params[1], query)
else if cmd == "wrapperGetState"
@sendInner {"cmd": "response", "to":, "result": window.history.state}
else if cmd == "wrapperOpenWindow"
else if cmd == "wrapperPermissionAdd"
else # Send to websocket
if < 1000000
@ws.send(message) # Pass message to websocket
@log "Invalid inner message id"
toRelativeQuery: (query=null) ->
if query == null
query =
back = window.location.pathname
if back.slice(-1) != "/"
back += "/"
if query.replace("?", "")
back += "?"+query.replace("?", "")
return back
displayOpenerDialog: ->
elem = $("<div class='opener-overlay'><div class='dialog'>You have opened this page by clicking on a link. Please, confirm if you want to load this site.<a href='?' target='_blank' class='button'>Open site</a></div></div>")
elem.find('a').on "click", ->"?", "_blank")
return false
# - Actions -
actionOpenWindow: (params) ->
if typeof(params) == "string"
w =
w.opener = null
w.location = params
w =, params[1], params[2])
w.opener = null
w.location = params[0]
actionPermissionAdd: (message) ->
permission = message.params
@displayConfirm "This site requests permission: <b>#{@toHtmlSafe(permission)}</b>", "Grant", =>
@ws.cmd "permissionAdd", permission, =>
@sendInner {"cmd": "response", "to":, "result": "Granted"}
actionNotification: (message) ->
message.params = @toHtmlSafe(message.params) # Escape html
body = $("<span class='message'>"+message.params[1]+"</span>")
@notifications.add("notification-#{}", message.params[0], body, message.params[2])
displayConfirm: (message, caption, cb) ->
body = $("<span class='message'>"+message+"</span>")
button = $("<a href='##{caption}' class='button button-#{caption}'>#{caption}</a>") # Add confirm button
button.on "click", =>
return false
@notifications.add("notification-#{caption}", "ask", body)
actionConfirm: (message, cb=false) ->
message.params = @toHtmlSafe(message.params) # Escape html
if message.params[1] then caption = message.params[1] else caption = "ok"
@displayConfirm message.params[0], caption, =>
@sendInner {"cmd": "response", "to":, "result": "boom"} # Response to confirm
return false
displayPrompt: (message, type, caption, cb) ->
body = $("<span class='message'>"+message+"</span>")
input = $("<input type='#{type}' class='input button-#{type}'/>") # Add input
input.on "keyup", (e) => # Send on enter
if e.keyCode == 13
button.trigger "click" # Response to confirm
button = $("<a href='##{caption}' class='button button-#{caption}'>#{caption}</a>") # Add confirm button
button.on "click", => # Response on button click
cb input.val()
return false
@notifications.add("notification-#{}", "ask", body)
actionPrompt: (message) ->
message.params = @toHtmlSafe(message.params) # Escape html
if message.params[1] then type = message.params[1] else type = "text"
caption = "OK"
@displayPrompt message.params[0], type, caption, (res) =>
@sendInner {"cmd": "response", "to":, "result": res} # Response to confirm
actionSetViewport: (message) ->
@log "actionSetViewport", message
if $("#viewport").length > 0
$("#viewport").attr("content", @toHtmlSafe message.params)
$('<meta name="viewport" id="viewport">').attr("content", @toHtmlSafe message.params).appendTo("head")
actionReload: (message) ->
reload: (url_post="") ->
if url_post
if window.location.toString().indexOf("?") > 0
window.location += "&"+url_post
window.location += "?"+url_post
actionGetLocalStorage: (message) ->
$.when(@event_site_info).done =>
data = localStorage.getItem "site.#{@site_info.address}.#{@site_info.auth_address}"
if not data # Migrate from non auth_address based local storage
data = localStorage.getItem "site.#{@site_info.address}"
if data
localStorage.setItem "site.#{@site_info.address}.#{@site_info.auth_address}", data
localStorage.removeItem "site.#{@site_info.address}"
@log "Migrated LocalStorage from global to auth_address based"
if data then data = JSON.parse(data)
@sendInner {"cmd": "response", "to":, "result": data}
actionSetLocalStorage: (message) ->
back = localStorage.setItem "site.#{@site_info.address}.#{@site_info.auth_address}", JSON.stringify(message.params)
@sendInner {"cmd": "response", "to":, "result": back}
# EOF actions
onOpenWebsocket: (e) =>
@ws.cmd "channelJoin", {"channel": "siteChanged"} # Get info on modifications
if not @wrapperWsInited and @inner_ready
@sendInner {"cmd": "wrapperOpenedWebsocket"} # Send to inner frame
@wrapperWsInited = true
if @inner_loaded # Update site info
# If inner frame not loaded for 2 sec show peer informations on loading screen by loading site info
setTimeout (=>
if not @site_info then @reloadSiteInfo()
), 2000
if @ws_error
@notifications.add("connection", "done", "Connection with <b>UiServer Websocket</b> recovered.", 6000)
@ws_error = null
onCloseWebsocket: (e) =>
@wrapperWsInited = false
setTimeout (=> # Wait a bit, maybe its page closing
@sendInner {"cmd": "wrapperClosedWebsocket"} # Send to inner frame
if e and e.code == 1000 and e.wasClean == false # Server error please reload page
@ws_error = @notifications.add("connection", "error", "UiServer Websocket error, please reload the page.")
else if not @ws_error
@ws_error = @notifications.add("connection", "error", "Connection with <b>UiServer Websocket</b> was lost. Reconnecting...")
), 1000
# Iframe loaded
onLoad: (e) =>
@inner_loaded = true
if not @inner_ready then @sendInner {"cmd": "wrapperReady"} # Inner frame loaded before wrapper
#if not @site_error then @loading.hideScreen() # Hide loading screen
if == 1 and not @site_info # Ws opened
else if @site_info and @site_info.content?.title?
window.document.title = @site_info.content.title+" - ZeroNet"
@log "Setting title to", window.document.title
# Send message to innerframe
sendInner: (message) ->
@inner.postMessage(message, '*')
# Get site info from UiServer
reloadSiteInfo: ->
if @loading.screen_visible # Loading screen visible
params = {"file_status": window.file_inner_path} # Query the current required file status
params = {}
@ws.cmd "siteInfo", params, (site_info) =>
@address = site_info.address
@setSiteInfo site_info
if site_info.settings.size > site_info.size_limit*1024*1024 # Site size too large and not displaying it yet
if @loading.screen_visible
@displayConfirm "Site is larger than allowed: #{(site_info.settings.size/1024/1024).toFixed(1)}MB/#{site_info.size_limit}MB", "Set limit to #{site_info.next_size_limit}MB", =>
@ws.cmd "siteSetLimit", [site_info.next_size_limit], (res) =>
@notifications.add("size_limit", "done", res, 5000)
if site_info.content
window.document.title = site_info.content.title+" - ZeroNet"
@log "Setting title to", window.document.title
# Got setSiteInfo from websocket UiServer
setSiteInfo: (site_info) ->
if site_info.event? # If loading screen visible add event to it
# File started downloading
if site_info.event[0] == "file_added" and site_info.bad_files
@loading.printLine("#{site_info.bad_files} files needs to be downloaded")
# File finished downloading
else if site_info.event[0] == "file_done"
@loading.printLine("#{site_info.event[1]} downloaded")
if site_info.event[1] == window.file_inner_path # File downloaded we currently on
if not @site_info then @reloadSiteInfo()
if site_info.content
window.document.title = site_info.content.title+" - ZeroNet"
@log "Required file done, setting title to", window.document.title
if not $(".loadingscreen").length # Loading screen already removed (loaded +2sec)
@notifications.add("modified", "info", "New version of this page has just released.<br>Reload to see the modified content.")
# File failed downloading
else if site_info.event[0] == "file_failed"
@site_error = site_info.event[1]
if site_info.settings.size > site_info.size_limit*1024*1024 # Site size too large and not displaying it yet
@loading.printLine("#{site_info.event[1]} download failed", "error")
# New peers found
else if site_info.event[0] == "peers_added"
@loading.printLine("Peers found: #{site_info.peers}")
if @loading.screen_visible and not @site_info # First site info display current peers
if site_info.peers > 1
@loading.printLine "Peers found: #{site_info.peers}"
@site_error = "No peers found"
@loading.printLine "No peers found"
if not @site_info and not @loading.screen_visible and $("#inner-iframe").attr("src").replace("?wrapper=False", "").replace(/\?wrapper_nonce=[A-Za-z0-9]+/, "").indexOf("?") == -1 # First site info and we are on mainpage (does not have other parameter thatn wrapper)
if site_info.size_limit*1.1 < site_info.next_size_limit # Need upgrade soon
@displayConfirm "Running out of size limit (#{(site_info.settings.size/1024/1024).toFixed(1)}MB/#{site_info.size_limit}MB)", "Set limit to #{site_info.next_size_limit}MB", =>
@ws.cmd "siteSetLimit", [site_info.next_size_limit], (res) =>
@notifications.add("size_limit", "done", res, 5000)
return false
if @loading.screen_visible and @inner_loaded and site_info.settings.size < site_info.size_limit*1024*1024 and site_info.settings.size > 0 # Loading screen still visible, but inner loaded
if site_info.tasks > 0 and site_info.started_task_num > 0
@loading.setProgress 1-(site_info.tasks / site_info.started_task_num)
@site_info = site_info
toHtmlSafe: (values) ->
if values not instanceof Array then values = [values] # Convert to array if its not
for value, i in values
value = String(value).replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;') # Escape
value = value.replace(/&lt;([\/]{0,1}(br|b|u|i))&gt;/g, "<$1>") # Unescape b, i, u, br tags
values[i] = value
return values
setSizeLimit: (size_limit, reload=true) =>
@ws.cmd "siteSetLimit", [size_limit], (res) =>
@loading.printLine res
@inner_loaded = false # Inner frame not loaded, just a 404 page displayed
if reload
src = $("iframe").attr("src")
$("iframe").attr "src", ""
$("iframe").attr "src", src
return false
isProxyRequest: ->
return window.location.pathname == "/"
gotoSite: (elem) =>
href = $(elem).attr("href")
if @isProxyRequest() # Fix for proxy request
$(elem).attr("href", "http://zero#{href}")
log: (args...) ->
console.log "[Wrapper]", args...
origin = window.server_url or window.location.href.replace(/(\:\/\/.*?)\/.*/, "$1")
if origin.indexOf("https:") == 0
proto = { ws: 'wss', http: 'https' }
proto = { ws: 'ws', http: 'http' }
ws_url = + ":" + origin.replace(proto.http+":", "") + "/Websocket?wrapper_key=" + window.wrapper_key
window.wrapper = new Wrapper(ws_url)