
169 lines
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import os, logging, urllib2, urllib, re, time
import gevent, msgpack
import as zmq
from Config import config
from FileRequest import FileRequest
from Site import SiteManager
from Debug import Debug
from Connection import ConnectionServer
class FileServer(ConnectionServer):
def __init__(self):
ConnectionServer.__init__(self, config.fileserver_ip, config.fileserver_port, self.handleRequest)
if config.ip_external: # Ip external definied in arguments
self.port_opened = True
SiteManager.peer_blacklist.append((config.ip_external, self.port)) # Add myself to peer blacklist
self.port_opened = None # Is file server opened on router
self.sites = SiteManager.list()
# Handle request to fileserver
def handleRequest(self, connection, message):
if "params" in message:
self.log.debug("FileRequest: %s %s %s" % (message["cmd"], message["params"].get("site"), message["params"].get("inner_path")))
self.log.debug("FileRequest: %s" % req["cmd"])
req = FileRequest(self, connection)
req.route(message["cmd"], message.get("req_id"), message.get("params"))
# Reload the FileRequest class to prevent restarts in debug mode
def reload(self):
global FileRequest
import imp
FileRequest = imp.load_source("FileRequest", "src/File/").FileRequest
# Try to open the port using upnp
def openport(self, port=None, check=True):
if not port: port = self.port
if self.port_opened: return True # Port already opened
if check: # Check first if its already opened
if self.testOpenport(port)["result"] == True:
return True # Port already opened
if config.upnpc: # If we have upnpc util, try to use it to puch port on our router"Try to open port using upnpc...")
exit = os.system("%s -e ZeroNet -r %s tcp" % (config.upnpc, self.port))
if exit == 0: # Success
upnpc_success = True
else: # Failed
exit = os.system("%s -r %s tcp" % (config.upnpc, self.port)) # Try without -e option
if exit == 0:
upnpc_success = True
upnpc_success = False
except Exception, err:
self.log.error("Upnpc run error: %s" % Debug.formatException(err))
upnpc_success = False
if upnpc_success and self.testOpenport(port)["result"] == True:
return True"Upnp mapping failed :( Please forward port %s on your router to your ipaddress" % port)
return False
# Test if the port is open
def testOpenport(self, port = None):
time.sleep(1) # Wait for port open
if not port: port = self.port"Checking port %s using" % port)
data = urllib2.urlopen("", "port=%s" % port, timeout=20.0).read()
message = re.match('.*<p style="padding-left:15px">(.*?)</p>', data, re.DOTALL).group(1)
message = re.sub("<.*?>", "", message.replace("<br>", " ").replace("&nbsp;", " ")) # Strip http tags
except Exception, err:
message = "Error: %s" % Debug.formatException(err)
if "Error" in message:"[BAD :(] Port closed: %s" % message)
if port == self.port:
self.port_opened = False # Self port, update port_opened status
config.ip_external = False
return {"result": False, "message": message}
else:"[OK :)] Port open: %s" % message)
if port == self.port: # Self port, update port_opened status
self.port_opened = True
match = re.match(".*?([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)", message) # Try find my external ip in message
if match: # Found my ip in message
config.ip_external =
SiteManager.peer_blacklist.append((config.ip_external, self.port)) # Add myself to peer blacklist
config.ip_external = False
return {"result": True, "message": message}
# Set external ip without testing
def setIpExternal(self, ip_external):"Setting external ip without testing: %s..." % ip_external)
config.ip_external = ip_external
self.port_opened = True
# Check site file integrity
def checkSite(self, site):
if site.settings["serving"]:
site.announce() # Announce site to tracker
site.update() # Update site's content.json and download changed files
# Check sites integrity
def checkSites(self):
if self.port_opened == None: # Test and open port if not tested yet
self.log.debug("Checking sites integrity..")
for address, site in self.sites.items(): # Check sites integrity
gevent.spawn(self.checkSite, site) # Check in new thread
time.sleep(2) # Prevent too quick request
# Announce sites every 20 min
def announceSites(self):
while 1:
time.sleep(20*60) # Announce sites every 20 min
for address, site in self.sites.items():
if site.settings["serving"]:
site.announce() # Announce site to tracker
for inner_path in site.bad_files: # Reset bad file retry counter
site.bad_files[inner_path] = 0
time.sleep(2) # Prevent too quick request
# Detects if computer back from wakeup
def wakeupWatcher(self):
last_time = time.time()
while 1:
if time.time()-last_time > 60: # If taken more than 60 second then the computer was in sleep mode"Wakeup detected: time wrap from %s to %s (%s sleep seconds), acting like startup..." % (last_time, time.time(), time.time()-last_time))
self.port_opened = None # Check if we still has the open port on router
last_time = time.time()
# Bind and start serving sites
def start(self, check_sites = True):
self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
if config.debug:
# Auto reload FileRequest on change
from Debug import DebugReloader
if check_sites: # Open port, Update sites, Check files integrity
thread_announce_sites = gevent.spawn(self.announceSites)
thread_wakeup_watcher = gevent.spawn(self.wakeupWatcher)
# thread_wakeup_watcher.kill(exception=Debug.Notify("Stopping FileServer"))
# thread_announce_sites.kill(exception=Debug.Notify("Stopping FileServer"))