2019-01-20 16:19:14 +01:00

361 lines
15 KiB

import logging
import time
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
import gevent
import msgpack
from gevent.server import StreamServer
from gevent.pool import Pool
import util
from Debug import Debug
from Connection import Connection
from Config import config
from Crypt import CryptConnection
from Crypt import CryptHash
from Tor import TorManager
from Site import SiteManager
class ConnectionServer(object):
def __init__(self, ip=None, port=None, request_handler=None):
if not ip:
if config.fileserver_ip_type == "ipv6":
ip = "::1"
ip = ""
port = 15441
self.ip = ip
self.port = port
self.last_connection_id = 1 # Connection id incrementer
self.log = logging.getLogger("ConnServer")
self.port_opened = None
self.peer_blacklist = SiteManager.peer_blacklist
self.tor_manager = TorManager(self.ip, self.port)
self.connections = [] # Connections
self.whitelist = config.ip_local # No flood protection on this ips
self.ip_incoming = {} # Incoming connections from ip in the last minute to avoid connection flood
self.broken_ssl_ips = {} # Peerids of broken ssl connections
self.ips = {} # Connection by ip
self.has_internet = True # Internet outage detection
self.supported_ip_types = ["ipv4"] # Outgoing ip_type support
if self.isIpv6Supported():
self.stream_server = None
self.running = False
self.stat_recv = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
self.stat_sent = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
self.bytes_recv = 0
self.bytes_sent = 0
self.num_recv = 0
self.num_sent = 0
self.num_incoming = 0
self.num_outgoing = 0
self.timecorrection = 0.0
# Bittorrent style peerid
self.peer_id = "-UT3530-%s" % CryptHash.random(12, "base64")
# Check msgpack version
if msgpack.version[0] == 0 and msgpack.version[1] < 4:
"Error: Unsupported msgpack version: %s (<0.4.0), please run `sudo apt-get install python-pip; sudo pip install msgpack --upgrade`" %
if request_handler:
self.handleRequest = request_handler
def start(self, check_connections=True):
self.running = True
if check_connections:
self.thread_checker = gevent.spawn(self.checkConnections)
if config.tor != "disable":
if not self.port:"No port found, not binding")
return False
self.log.debug("Binding to: %s:%s, (msgpack: %s), supported crypt: %s, supported ip types: %s" % (
self.ip, self.port, ".".join(map(str, msgpack.version)),
CryptConnection.manager.crypt_supported, self.supported_ip_types
self.pool = Pool(500) # do not accept more than 500 connections
if helper.getIpType(self.ip) == "ipv6":
sock_address = (self.ip, self.port, 0, 0)
sock_address = (self.ip, self.port)
self.stream_server = StreamServer(
sock_address, self.handleIncomingConnection, spawn=self.pool, backlog=100
except Exception, err:"StreamServer bind error: %s" % err)
def isIpv6Supported(self):
if helper.getIpType(self.ip) == "ipv6":
return True
# Test if we can connect to ipv6 address
ipv6_testip = "2001:19f0:6c01:e76:5400:1ff:fed6:3eca"
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
sock.connect((ipv6_testip, 80))
local_ipv6 = sock.getsockname()[0]
if local_ipv6 == "::1":
return False
return True
except Exception as err:
return False
def listen(self):
except Exception, err:"StreamServer listen error: %s" % err)
def stop(self):
self.running = False
if self.stream_server:
def handleIncomingConnection(self, sock, addr):
ip, port = addr
self.num_incoming += 1
# Connection flood protection
if ip in self.ip_incoming and ip not in self.whitelist:
self.ip_incoming[ip] += 1
if self.ip_incoming[ip] > 6: # Allow 6 in 1 minute from same ip
self.log.debug("Connection flood detected from %s" % ip)
return False
self.ip_incoming[ip] = 1
connection = Connection(self, ip, port, sock)
if ip not in config.ip_local:
self.ips[ip] = connection
def handleMessage(self, *args, **kwargs):
def getConnection(self, ip=None, port=None, peer_id=None, create=True, site=None, is_tracker_connection=False):
if (ip.endswith(".onion") or self.port_opened == False) and self.tor_manager.start_onions and site: # Site-unique connection for Tor
if ip.endswith(".onion"):
site_onion = self.tor_manager.getOnion(site.address)
site_onion = self.tor_manager.getOnion("global")
key = ip + site_onion
key = ip
# Find connection by ip
if key in self.ips:
connection = self.ips[key]
if not peer_id or connection.handshake.get("peer_id") == peer_id: # Filter by peer_id
if not connection.connected and create:
succ = connection.event_connected.get() # Wait for connection
if not succ:
raise Exception("Connection event return error")
return connection
# Recover from connection pool
for connection in self.connections:
if connection.ip == ip:
if peer_id and connection.handshake.get("peer_id") != peer_id: # Does not match
if ip.endswith(".onion") and self.tor_manager.start_onions and ip.replace(".onion", "") != connection.target_onion:
# For different site
if not connection.connected and create:
succ = connection.event_connected.get() # Wait for connection
if not succ:
raise Exception("Connection event return error")
return connection
# No connection found
if create: # Allow to create new connection if not found
if port == 0:
raise Exception("This peer is not connectable")
if (ip, port) in self.peer_blacklist and not is_tracker_connection:
raise Exception("This peer is blacklisted")
if (ip.endswith(".onion") or self.port_opened == False) and self.tor_manager.start_onions and site: # Lock connection to site
connection = Connection(self, ip, port, target_onion=site_onion, is_tracker_connection=is_tracker_connection)
connection = Connection(self, ip, port, is_tracker_connection=is_tracker_connection)
self.num_outgoing += 1
self.ips[key] = connection
connection.log("Connecting... (site: %s)" % site)
succ = connection.connect()
if not succ:
connection.close("Connection event return error")
raise Exception("Connection event return error")
except Exception, err:
connection.close("%s Connect error: %s" % (ip, Debug.formatException(err)))
raise err
if len(self.connections) > config.global_connected_limit:
return connection
return None
def removeConnection(self, connection):
# Delete if same as in registry
if self.ips.get(connection.ip) == connection:
del self.ips[connection.ip]
# Site locked connection
if connection.target_onion:
if self.ips.get(connection.ip + connection.target_onion) == connection:
del self.ips[connection.ip + connection.target_onion]
# Cert pinned connection
if connection.cert_pin and self.ips.get(connection.ip + "#" + connection.cert_pin) == connection:
del self.ips[connection.ip + "#" + connection.cert_pin]
if connection in self.connections:
def checkConnections(self):
run_i = 0
while self.running:
run_i += 1
time.sleep(15) # Check every minute
self.ip_incoming = {} # Reset connected ips counter
self.broken_ssl_ips = {} # Reset broken ssl peerids count
last_message_time = 0
s = time.time()
for connection in self.connections[:]: # Make a copy
if connection.ip.endswith(".onion") or config.tor == "always":
timeout_multipler = 2
timeout_multipler = 1
idle = time.time() - max(connection.last_recv_time, connection.start_time, connection.last_message_time)
if connection.last_message_time > last_message_time and not connection.is_private_ip:
# Message from local IPs does not means internet connection
last_message_time = connection.last_message_time
if connection.unpacker and idle > 30:
# Delete the unpacker if not needed
del connection.unpacker
connection.unpacker = None
elif connection.last_cmd_sent == "announce" and idle > 20: # Bootstrapper connection close after 20 sec
connection.close("[Cleanup] Tracker connection, idle: %.3fs" % idle)
if idle > 60 * 60:
# Wake up after 1h
connection.close("[Cleanup] After wakeup, idle: %.3fs" % idle)
elif idle > 20 * 60 and connection.last_send_time < time.time() - 10:
# Idle more than 20 min and we have not sent request in last 10 sec
if not
connection.close("[Cleanup] Ping timeout")
elif idle > 10 * timeout_multipler and connection.incomplete_buff_recv > 0:
# Incomplete data with more than 10 sec idle
connection.close("[Cleanup] Connection buff stalled")
elif idle > 10 * timeout_multipler and connection.protocol == "?": # No connection after 10 sec
"[Cleanup] Connect timeout: %.3fs" % idle
elif idle > 10 * timeout_multipler and connection.waiting_requests and time.time() - connection.last_send_time > 10 * timeout_multipler:
# Sent command and no response in 10 sec
"[Cleanup] Command %s timeout: %.3fs" % (connection.last_cmd_sent, time.time() - connection.last_send_time)
elif idle < 60 and connection.bad_actions > 40:
"[Cleanup] Too many bad actions: %s" % connection.bad_actions
elif idle > 5 * 60 and connection.sites == 0:
"[Cleanup] No site for connection"
elif run_i % 90 == 0:
# Reset bad action counter every 30 min
connection.bad_actions = 0
# Internet outage detection
if time.time() - last_message_time > max(60, 60 * 10 / max(1, float(len(self.connections)) / 50)):
# Offline: Last message more than 60-600sec depending on connection number
if self.has_internet and last_message_time:
self.has_internet = False
# Online
if not self.has_internet:
self.has_internet = True
self.timecorrection = self.getTimecorrection()
if time.time() - s > 0.01:
self.log.debug("Connection cleanup in %.3fs" % (time.time() - s))
self.log.debug("Checkconnections ended")
def checkMaxConnections(self):
if len(self.connections) < config.global_connected_limit:
return 0
s = time.time()
num_connected_before = len(self.connections)
self.connections.sort(key=lambda connection: connection.sites)
num_closed = 0
for connection in self.connections:
idle = time.time() - max(connection.last_recv_time, connection.start_time, connection.last_message_time)
if idle > 60:
connection.close("Connection limit reached")
num_closed += 1
if num_closed > config.global_connected_limit * 0.1:
self.log.debug("Closed %s connections of %s after reached limit %s in %.3fs" % (
num_closed, num_connected_before, config.global_connected_limit, time.time() - s
return num_closed
def onInternetOnline(self):"Internet online")
def onInternetOffline(self):"Internet offline")
def getTimecorrection(self):
corrections = sorted([
connection.handshake.get("time") - connection.handshake_time + connection.last_ping_delay
for connection in self.connections
if connection.handshake.get("time") and connection.last_ping_delay
if len(corrections) < 6:
return 0.0
mid = len(corrections) / 2 - 1
median = (corrections[mid - 1] + corrections[mid] + corrections[mid + 1]) / 3
return median