
200 lines
6.5 KiB

from .main import *
import hmac
import hashlib
from binascii import hexlify
# Electrum wallets
def electrum_stretch(seed):
return slowsha(seed)
# Accepts seed or stretched seed, returns master public key
def electrum_mpk(seed):
if len(seed) == 32:
seed = electrum_stretch(seed)
return privkey_to_pubkey(seed)[2:]
# Accepts (seed or stretched seed), index and secondary index
# (conventionally 0 for ordinary addresses, 1 for change) , returns privkey
def electrum_privkey(seed, n, for_change=0):
if len(seed) == 32:
seed = electrum_stretch(seed)
mpk = electrum_mpk(seed)
offset = dbl_sha256(from_int_representation_to_bytes(n)+b':'+from_int_representation_to_bytes(for_change)+b':'+binascii.unhexlify(mpk))
return add_privkeys(seed, offset)
# Accepts (seed or stretched seed or master pubkey), index and secondary index
# (conventionally 0 for ordinary addresses, 1 for change) , returns pubkey
def electrum_pubkey(masterkey, n, for_change=0):
if len(masterkey) == 32:
mpk = electrum_mpk(electrum_stretch(masterkey))
elif len(masterkey) == 64:
mpk = electrum_mpk(masterkey)
mpk = masterkey
bin_mpk = encode_pubkey(mpk, 'bin_electrum')
offset = bin_dbl_sha256(from_int_representation_to_bytes(n)+b':'+from_int_representation_to_bytes(for_change)+b':'+bin_mpk)
return add_pubkeys('04'+mpk, privtopub(offset))
# seed/stretched seed/pubkey -> address (convenience method)
def electrum_address(masterkey, n, for_change=0, version=0):
return pubkey_to_address(electrum_pubkey(masterkey, n, for_change), version)
# Given a master public key, a private key from that wallet and its index,
# cracks the secret exponent which can be used to generate all other private
# keys in the wallet
def crack_electrum_wallet(mpk, pk, n, for_change=0):
bin_mpk = encode_pubkey(mpk, 'bin_electrum')
offset = dbl_sha256(str(n)+':'+str(for_change)+':'+bin_mpk)
return subtract_privkeys(pk, offset)
# Below code ASSUMES binary inputs and compressed pubkeys
MAINNET_PRIVATE = b'\x04\x88\xAD\xE4'
MAINNET_PUBLIC = b'\x04\x88\xB2\x1E'
TESTNET_PRIVATE = b'\x04\x35\x83\x94'
TESTNET_PUBLIC = b'\x04\x35\x87\xCF'
# BIP32 child key derivation
def raw_bip32_ckd(rawtuple, i):
vbytes, depth, fingerprint, oldi, chaincode, key = rawtuple
i = int(i)
if vbytes in PRIVATE:
priv = key
pub = privtopub(key)
pub = key
if i >= 2**31:
if vbytes in PUBLIC:
raise Exception("Can't do private derivation on public key!")
I =, b'\x00'+priv[:32]+encode(i, 256, 4), hashlib.sha512).digest()
I =, pub+encode(i, 256, 4), hashlib.sha512).digest()
if vbytes in PRIVATE:
newkey = add_privkeys(I[:32]+B'\x01', priv)
fingerprint = bin_hash160(privtopub(key))[:4]
if vbytes in PUBLIC:
newkey = add_pubkeys(compress(privtopub(I[:32])), key)
fingerprint = bin_hash160(key)[:4]
return (vbytes, depth + 1, fingerprint, i, I[32:], newkey)
def bip32_serialize(rawtuple):
vbytes, depth, fingerprint, i, chaincode, key = rawtuple
i = encode(i, 256, 4)
chaincode = encode(hash_to_int(chaincode), 256, 32)
keydata = b'\x00'+key[:-1] if vbytes in PRIVATE else key
bindata = vbytes + from_int_to_byte(depth % 256) + fingerprint + i + chaincode + keydata
return changebase(bindata+bin_dbl_sha256(bindata)[:4], 256, 58)
def bip32_deserialize(data):
dbin = changebase(data, 58, 256)
if bin_dbl_sha256(dbin[:-4])[:4] != dbin[-4:]:
raise Exception("Invalid checksum")
vbytes = dbin[0:4]
depth = from_byte_to_int(dbin[4])
fingerprint = dbin[5:9]
i = decode(dbin[9:13], 256)
chaincode = dbin[13:45]
key = dbin[46:78]+b'\x01' if vbytes in PRIVATE else dbin[45:78]
return (vbytes, depth, fingerprint, i, chaincode, key)
def raw_bip32_privtopub(rawtuple):
vbytes, depth, fingerprint, i, chaincode, key = rawtuple
return (newvbytes, depth, fingerprint, i, chaincode, privtopub(key))
def bip32_privtopub(data):
return bip32_serialize(raw_bip32_privtopub(bip32_deserialize(data)))
def bip32_ckd(data, i):
return bip32_serialize(raw_bip32_ckd(bip32_deserialize(data), i))
def bip32_master_key(seed, vbytes=MAINNET_PRIVATE):
I ="Bitcoin seed"), seed, hashlib.sha512).digest()
return bip32_serialize((vbytes, 0, b'\x00'*4, 0, I[32:], I[:32]+b'\x01'))
def bip32_bin_extract_key(data):
return bip32_deserialize(data)[-1]
def bip32_extract_key(data):
return safe_hexlify(bip32_deserialize(data)[-1])
# Exploits the same vulnerability as above in Electrum wallets
# Takes a BIP32 pubkey and one of the child privkeys of its corresponding
# privkey and returns the BIP32 privkey associated with that pubkey
def raw_crack_bip32_privkey(parent_pub, priv):
vbytes, depth, fingerprint, i, chaincode, key = priv
pvbytes, pdepth, pfingerprint, pi, pchaincode, pkey = parent_pub
i = int(i)
if i >= 2**31:
raise Exception("Can't crack private derivation!")
I =, pkey+encode(i, 256, 4), hashlib.sha512).digest()
pprivkey = subtract_privkeys(key, I[:32]+b'\x01')
return (newvbytes, pdepth, pfingerprint, pi, pchaincode, pprivkey)
def crack_bip32_privkey(parent_pub, priv):
dsppub = bip32_deserialize(parent_pub)
dspriv = bip32_deserialize(priv)
return bip32_serialize(raw_crack_bip32_privkey(dsppub, dspriv))
def coinvault_pub_to_bip32(*args):
if len(args) == 1:
args = args[0].split(' ')
vals = map(int, args[34:])
I1 = ''.join(map(chr, vals[:33]))
I2 = ''.join(map(chr, vals[35:67]))
return bip32_serialize((MAINNET_PUBLIC, 0, b'\x00'*4, 0, I2, I1))
def coinvault_priv_to_bip32(*args):
if len(args) == 1:
args = args[0].split(' ')
vals = map(int, args[34:])
I2 = ''.join(map(chr, vals[35:67]))
I3 = ''.join(map(chr, vals[72:104]))
return bip32_serialize((MAINNET_PRIVATE, 0, b'\x00'*4, 0, I2, I3+b'\x01'))
def bip32_descend(*args):
if len(args) == 2 and isinstance(args[1], list):
key, path = args
key, path = args[0], map(int, args[1:])
for p in path:
key = bip32_ckd(key, p)
return bip32_extract_key(key)