
1624 lines
59 KiB

/* ---- plugins/Sidebar/media/ ---- */
(function() {
var Class,
slice = [].slice;
Class = (function() {
function Class() {}
Class.prototype.trace = true;
Class.prototype.log = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ?, 0) : [];
if (!this.trace) {
if (typeof console === 'undefined') {
args.unshift("[" + + "]");
console.log.apply(console, args);
return this;
Class.prototype.logStart = function() {
var args, name;
name = arguments[0], args = 2 <= arguments.length ?, 1) : [];
if (!this.trace) {
this.logtimers || (this.logtimers = {});
this.logtimers[name] = +(new Date);
if (args.length > 0) {
this.log.apply(this, ["" + name].concat(, ["(started)"]));
return this;
Class.prototype.logEnd = function() {
var args, ms, name;
name = arguments[0], args = 2 <= arguments.length ?, 1) : [];
ms = +(new Date) - this.logtimers[name];
this.log.apply(this, ["" + name].concat(, ["(Done in " + ms + "ms)"]));
return this;
return Class;
window.Class = Class;
/* ---- plugins/Sidebar/media/ ---- */
(function() {
var Console,
bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; },
extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },
hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
Console = (function(superClass) {
extend(Console, superClass);
function Console(sidebar) {
var handleMessageWebsocket_original;
this.sidebar = sidebar;
this.stopDragY = bind(this.stopDragY, this);
this.cleanup = bind(this.cleanup, this);
this.onClosed = bind(this.onClosed, this);
this.onOpened = bind(this.onOpened, this); = bind(, this);
this.close = bind(this.close, this);
this.loadConsoleText = bind(this.loadConsoleText, this);
this.addLines = bind(this.addLines, this);
this.formatLine = bind(this.formatLine, this);
this.checkTextIsBottom = bind(this.checkTextIsBottom, this);
this.tag = null;
this.opened = false;
this.filter = null;
handleMessageWebsocket_original = this.sidebar.wrapper.handleMessageWebsocket;
this.sidebar.wrapper.handleMessageWebsocket = (function(_this) {
return function(message) {
if (message.cmd === "logLineAdd" && message.params.stream_id === _this.stream_id) {
return _this.addLines(message.params.lines);
} else {
return handleMessageWebsocket_original(message);
if ( === "#console") {
setTimeout(((function(_this) {
return function() {
})(this)), 10);
Console.prototype.createHtmltag = function() {
if (!this.container) {
this.container = $("<div class=\"console-container\">\n <div class=\"console\">\n <div class=\"console-top\">\n <div class=\"console-text\">Loading...</div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"console-middle\">\n <div class=\"mynode\"></div>\n <div class=\"peers\">\n <div class=\"peer\"><div class=\"line\"></div><a href=\"#\" class=\"icon\">\u25BD</div></div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n</div>");
this.text = this.container.find(".console-text");
this.text_elem = this.text[0];
this.text.on("mousewheel", (function(_this) {
return function(e) {
if (e.originalEvent.deltaY < 0) {
return RateLimit(300, _this.checkTextIsBottom);
this.text.is_bottom = true;
this.tag = this.container.find(".console");
this.container.on("mousedown touchend touchcancel", (function(_this) {
return function(e) {
if ( !== e.currentTarget) {
return true;
if ($(document.body).hasClass("body-console")) {
return true;
return this.loadConsoleText();
Console.prototype.checkTextIsBottom = function() {
return this.text.is_bottom = Math.round(this.text_elem.scrollTop + this.text_elem.clientHeight) >= this.text_elem.scrollHeight - 15;
Console.prototype.toColor = function(text, saturation, lightness) {
var hash, i, j, ref;
if (saturation == null) {
saturation = 60;
if (lightness == null) {
lightness = 70;
hash = 0;
for (i = j = 0, ref = text.length - 1; 0 <= ref ? j <= ref : j >= ref; i = 0 <= ref ? ++j : --j) {
hash += text.charCodeAt(i) * i;
hash = hash % 1777;
return "hsl(" + (hash % 360) + ("," + saturation + "%," + lightness + "%)");
Console.prototype.formatLine = function(line) {
var added, level, match, module, ref, text;
match = line.match(/(\[.*?\])[ ]+(.*?)[ ]+(.*?)[ ]+(.*)/);
if (!match) {
return line.replace(/\</g, "&lt;").replace(/\>/g, "&gt;");
ref = line.match(/(\[.*?\])[ ]+(.*?)[ ]+(.*?)[ ]+(.*)/), line = ref[0], added = ref[1], level = ref[2], module = ref[3], text = ref[4];
added = "<span style='color: #dfd0fa'>" + added + "</span>";
level = "<span style='color: " + (this.toColor(level, 100)) + ";'>" + level + "</span>";
module = "<span style='color: " + (this.toColor(module, 60)) + "; font-weight: bold;'>" + module + "</span>";
text = text.replace(/(Site:[A-Za-z0-9\.]+)/g, "<span style='color: #AAAAFF'>$1</span>");
text = text.replace(/\</g, "&lt;").replace(/\>/g, "&gt;");
return added + " " + level + " " + module + " " + text;
Console.prototype.addLines = function(lines, animate) {
var html_lines, j, len, line;
if (animate == null) {
animate = true;
html_lines = [];
for (j = 0, len = lines.length; j < len; j++) {
line = lines[j];
this.text.append(html_lines.join("<br>") + "<br>");
if (this.text.is_bottom && animate) {
return this.text.stop().animate({
scrollTop: this.text_elem.scrollHeight - this.text_elem.clientHeight + 1
}, 600, 'easeInOutCubic');
Console.prototype.loadConsoleText = function() {"consoleLogRead", {
filter: this.filter
}, (function(_this) {
return function(res) {
var pos_diff, size_read, size_total;
pos_diff = res["pos_end"] - res["pos_start"];
size_read = Math.round(pos_diff / 1024);
size_total = Math.round(res['pos_end'] / 1024);
_this.text.append("Displaying " + res.lines.length + " of " + res.num_found + " lines found in the last " + size_read + "kB of the log file. (" + size_total + "kB total)<br>");
_this.addLines(res.lines, false);
return _this.text_elem.scrollTop = _this.text_elem.scrollHeight;
return"consoleLogStream", {
filter: this.filter
}, (function(_this) {
return function(res) {
return _this.stream_id = res.stream_id;
Console.prototype.close = function() {
this.sidebar.move_lock = "y";
return this.sidebar.stopDrag();
}; = function() {
this.sidebar.fixbutton_targety = this.sidebar.page_height;
return this.stopDragY();
Console.prototype.onOpened = function() {
return this.log("onOpened");
Console.prototype.onClosed = function() {
if (this.stream_id) {
return"consoleLogStreamRemove", {
stream_id: this.stream_id
Console.prototype.cleanup = function() {
if (this.container) {
return this.container = null;
Console.prototype.stopDragY = function() {
var targety;
if (this.sidebar.fixbutton_targety === this.sidebar.fixbutton_inity) {
targety = 0;
this.opened = false;
} else {
targety = this.sidebar.fixbutton_targety - this.sidebar.fixbutton_inity;
this.opened = true;
if (this.tag) {
this.tag.css("transition", "0.5s ease-out");
this.tag.css("transform", "translateY(" + targety + "px)").one(transitionEnd, (function(_this) {
return function() {
_this.tag.css("transition", "");
if (!_this.opened) {
return _this.cleanup();
this.log("stopDragY", "opened:", this.opened, targety);
if (!this.opened) {
return this.onClosed();
return Console;
window.Console = Console;
/* ---- plugins/Sidebar/media/ ---- */
(function() {
var Menu,
slice = [].slice;
Menu = (function() {
function Menu(button) {
this.button = button;
this.elem = $(".menu.template").clone().removeClass("template");
this.items = [];
} = function() {
var button_pos, left;
if (window.visible_menu && window.visible_menu.button[0] === this.button[0]) {
return this.hide();
} else {
button_pos = this.button.offset();
left = button_pos.left;
"top": + this.button.outerHeight(),
"left": left
if (this.elem.position().left + this.elem.width() + 20 > window.innerWidth) {
this.elem.css("left", window.innerWidth - this.elem.width() - 20);
if (window.visible_menu) {
return window.visible_menu = this;
Menu.prototype.hide = function() {
return window.visible_menu = null;
Menu.prototype.addItem = function(title, cb) {
var item;
item = $(".menu-item.template", this.elem).clone().removeClass("template");
item.on("click", (function(_this) {
return function() {
if (!cb(item)) {
return false;
return item;
Menu.prototype.log = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ?, 0) : [];
return console.log.apply(console, ["[Menu]"].concat(;
return Menu;
window.Menu = Menu;
$("body").on("click", function(e) {
if (window.visible_menu && !== window.visible_menu.button[0] && $([0] !== window.visible_menu.elem[0]) {
return window.visible_menu.hide();
/* ---- plugins/Sidebar/media/ ---- */
(function() {
var call_after_interval, limits;
limits = {};
call_after_interval = {};
window.RateLimit = function(interval, fn) {
if (!limits[fn]) {
call_after_interval[fn] = false;
return limits[fn] = setTimeout((function() {
if (call_after_interval[fn]) {
delete limits[fn];
return delete call_after_interval[fn];
}), interval);
} else {
return call_after_interval[fn] = true;
/* ---- plugins/Sidebar/media/Scrollable.js ---- */
/* via */
window.initScrollable = function () {
var scrollContainer = document.querySelector('.scrollable'),
scrollContentWrapper = document.querySelector('.scrollable .content-wrapper'),
scrollContent = document.querySelector('.scrollable .content'),
contentPosition = 0,
scrollerBeingDragged = false,
function calculateScrollerHeight() {
// *Calculation of how tall scroller should be
var visibleRatio = scrollContainer.offsetHeight / scrollContentWrapper.scrollHeight;
if (visibleRatio == 1) = "none";
else = "block";
return visibleRatio * scrollContainer.offsetHeight;
function moveScroller(evt) {
// Move Scroll bar to top offset
var scrollPercentage = / scrollContentWrapper.scrollHeight;
topPosition = scrollPercentage * (scrollContainer.offsetHeight - 5); // 5px arbitrary offset so scroll bar doesn't move too far beyond content wrapper bounding box = topPosition + 'px';
function startDrag(evt) {
normalizedPosition = evt.pageY;
contentPosition = scrollContentWrapper.scrollTop;
scrollerBeingDragged = true;
window.addEventListener('mousemove', scrollBarScroll);
return false;
function stopDrag(evt) {
scrollerBeingDragged = false;
window.removeEventListener('mousemove', scrollBarScroll);
function scrollBarScroll(evt) {
if (scrollerBeingDragged === true) {
var mouseDifferential = evt.pageY - normalizedPosition;
var scrollEquivalent = mouseDifferential * (scrollContentWrapper.scrollHeight / scrollContainer.offsetHeight);
scrollContentWrapper.scrollTop = contentPosition + scrollEquivalent;
function updateHeight() {
scrollerHeight = calculateScrollerHeight() - 10; = scrollerHeight + 'px';
function createScroller() {
// *Creates scroller element and appends to '.scrollable' div
// create scroller element
scroller = document.createElement("div");
scroller.className = 'scroller';
// determine how big scroller should be based on content
scrollerHeight = calculateScrollerHeight() - 10;
if (scrollerHeight / scrollContainer.offsetHeight < 1) {
// *If there is a need to have scroll bar based on content size = scrollerHeight + 'px';
// append scroller to scrollContainer div
// show scroll path divot
scrollContainer.className += ' showScroll';
// attach related draggable listeners
scroller.addEventListener('mousedown', startDrag);
window.addEventListener('mouseup', stopDrag);
// *** Listeners ***
scrollContentWrapper.addEventListener('scroll', moveScroller);
return updateHeight;
/* ---- plugins/Sidebar/media/ ---- */
(function() {
var Sidebar, wrapper,
bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; },
extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },
hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; };
Sidebar = (function(superClass) {
extend(Sidebar, superClass);
function Sidebar(wrapper1) {
this.wrapper = wrapper1;
this.unloadGlobe = bind(this.unloadGlobe, this);
this.displayGlobe = bind(this.displayGlobe, this);
this.loadGlobe = bind(this.loadGlobe, this);
this.animDrag = bind(this.animDrag, this);
this.setHtmlTag = bind(this.setHtmlTag, this);
this.waitMove = bind(this.waitMove, this);
this.resized = bind(this.resized, this);
this.tag = null;
this.container = null;
this.opened = false;
this.width = 410;
this.console = new Console(this);
this.fixbutton = $(".fixbutton");
this.fixbutton_addx = 0;
this.fixbutton_addy = 0;
this.fixbutton_initx = 0;
this.fixbutton_inity = 15;
this.fixbutton_targetx = 0;
this.move_lock = null;
this.page_width = $(window).width();
this.page_height = $(window).height();
this.frame = $("#inner-iframe");
this.dragStarted = 0;
this.globe = null;
this.preload_html = null;
this.original_set_site_info = this.wrapper.setSiteInfo;
if (false) {
this.fixbutton_targetx = this.fixbutton_initx - this.width;
Sidebar.prototype.initFixbutton = function() {
this.fixbutton.on("mousedown touchstart", (function(_this) {
return function(e) {
if (e.button > 0) {
e.preventDefault();"click touchend touchcancel");
_this.dragStarted = +(new Date);
$("<div class='drag-bg'></div>").appendTo(document.body);
return $("body").one("mousemove touchmove", function(e) {
var mousex, mousey;
mousex = e.pageX;
mousey = e.pageY;
if (!mousex) {
mousex = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;
mousey = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY;
_this.fixbutton_addx = _this.fixbutton.offset().left - mousex;
_this.fixbutton_addy = _this.fixbutton.offset().top - mousey;
return _this.startDrag();
this.fixbutton.parent().on("click touchend touchcancel", (function(_this) {
return function(e) {
if ((+(new Date)) - _this.dragStarted < 100) { = _this.fixbutton.find(".fixbutton-bg").attr("href");
return _this.stopDrag();
return $(window).on("resize", this.resized);
Sidebar.prototype.resized = function() {
this.page_width = $(window).width();
this.page_height = $(window).height();
this.fixbutton_initx = this.page_width - 75;
if (this.opened) {
return this.fixbutton.css({
left: this.fixbutton_initx - this.width
} else {
return this.fixbutton.css({
left: this.fixbutton_initx
Sidebar.prototype.startDrag = function() {
this.log("startDrag", this.fixbutton_initx, this.fixbutton_inity);
this.fixbutton_targetx = this.fixbutton_initx;
this.fixbutton_targety = this.fixbutton_inity;
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') !== -1 || navigator.appVersion.indexOf('Trident/') > 0) {
this.fixbutton.css("pointer-events", "none");
}"click", (function(_this) {
return function(e) {
var moved_x, moved_y;
moved_x = Math.abs(_this.fixbutton.offset().left - _this.fixbutton_initx);
moved_y = Math.abs(_this.fixbutton.offset().top - _this.fixbutton_inity);
if (moved_x > 5 || moved_y > 10) {
return e.preventDefault();
this.fixbutton.parents().on("mousemove touchmove", this.animDrag);
this.fixbutton.parents().on("mousemove touchmove", this.waitMove);
return this.fixbutton.parents().one("mouseup touchend touchcancel", (function(_this) {
return function(e) {
return _this.stopDrag();
Sidebar.prototype.waitMove = function(e) {
var moved_x, moved_y; = "1000px"; = "100%"; = "perspective"; = "100%";
moved_x = Math.abs(parseInt(this.fixbutton[0].style.left) - this.fixbutton_targetx);
moved_y = Math.abs(parseInt(this.fixbutton[0] - this.fixbutton_targety);
if (moved_x > 5 && (+(new Date)) - this.dragStarted + moved_x > 50) {
"top": this.fixbutton_inity
}, 1000);
return this.fixbutton.parents().off("mousemove touchmove", this.waitMove);
} else if (moved_y > 5 && (+(new Date)) - this.dragStarted + moved_y > 50) {
return this.fixbutton.parents().off("mousemove touchmove", this.waitMove);
Sidebar.prototype.moved = function(direction) {
var img;
this.log("Moved", direction);
this.move_lock = direction;
if (direction === "y") {
return this.console.createHtmltag();
this.container.on("mousedown touchend touchcancel", (function(_this) {
return function(e) {
if ( !== e.currentTarget) {
return true;
if ($(document.body).hasClass("body-sidebar")) {
return true;
$(window).on("resize", (function(_this) {
return function() {
$(document.body).css("height", $(window).height());
return _this.resized();
this.wrapper.setSiteInfo = (function(_this) {
return function(site_info) {
return _this.original_set_site_info.apply(_this.wrapper, arguments);
img = new Image();
return img.src = "/uimedia/globe/world.jpg";
Sidebar.prototype.setSiteInfo = function(site_info) {
RateLimit(1500, (function(_this) {
return function() {
return _this.updateHtmlTag();
return RateLimit(30000, (function(_this) {
return function() {
return _this.displayGlobe();
Sidebar.prototype.createHtmltag = function() {
this.when_loaded = $.Deferred();
if (!this.container) {
this.container = $("<div class=\"sidebar-container\"><div class=\"sidebar scrollable\"><div class=\"content-wrapper\"><div class=\"content\">\n</div></div></div></div>");
this.tag = this.container.find(".sidebar");
return this.scrollable = window.initScrollable();
Sidebar.prototype.updateHtmlTag = function() {
if (this.preload_html) {
return this.preload_html = null;
} else {
return"sidebarGetHtmlTag", {}, this.setHtmlTag);
Sidebar.prototype.setHtmlTag = function(res) {
if (this.tag.find(".content").children().length === 0) {
this.log("Creating content");
morphdom(this.tag.find(".content")[0], '<div class="content">' + res + '</div>');
} else {
morphdom(this.tag.find(".content")[0], '<div class="content">' + res + '</div>', {
onBeforeMorphEl: function(from_el, to_el) {
if (from_el.className === "globe" || from_el.className.indexOf("noupdate") >= 0) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
this.tag.find("#privatekey-add").off("click, touchend").on("click touchend", (function(_this) {
return function(e) {
_this.wrapper.displayPrompt("Enter your private key:", "password", "Save", "", function(privatekey) {
return"userSetSitePrivatekey", [privatekey], function(res) {
return _this.wrapper.notifications.add("privatekey", "done", "Private key saved for site signing", 5000);
return false;
return this.tag.find("#privatekey-forgot").off("click, touchend").on("click touchend", (function(_this) {
return function(e) {
_this.wrapper.displayConfirm("Remove saved private key for this site?", "Forgot", function(res) {
if (!res) {
return false;
return"userSetSitePrivatekey", [""], function(res) {
return _this.wrapper.notifications.add("privatekey", "done", "Saved private key removed", 5000);
return false;
Sidebar.prototype.animDrag = function(e) {
var mousex, mousey, overdrag, overdrag_percent, targetx, targety;
mousex = e.pageX;
mousey = e.pageY;
if (!mousex && e.originalEvent.touches) {
mousex = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;
mousey = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY;
overdrag = this.fixbutton_initx - this.width - mousex;
if (overdrag > 0) {
overdrag_percent = 1 + overdrag / 300;
mousex = (mousex + (this.fixbutton_initx - this.width) * overdrag_percent) / (1 + overdrag_percent);
targetx = this.fixbutton_initx - mousex - this.fixbutton_addx;
targety = this.fixbutton_inity - mousey - this.fixbutton_addy;
if (this.move_lock === "x") {
targety = this.fixbutton_inity;
} else if (this.move_lock === "y") {
targetx = this.fixbutton_initx;
if (!this.move_lock || this.move_lock === "x") {
this.fixbutton[0].style.left = (mousex + this.fixbutton_addx) + "px";
if (this.tag) {
this.tag[0].style.transform = "translateX(" + (0 - targetx) + "px)";
if (!this.move_lock || this.move_lock === "y") {
this.fixbutton[0] = (mousey + this.fixbutton_addy) + "px";
if (this.console.tag) {
this.console.tag[0].style.transform = "translateY(" + (0 - targety) + "px)";
if ((!this.opened && targetx > this.width / 3) || (this.opened && targetx > this.width * 0.9)) {
this.fixbutton_targetx = this.fixbutton_initx - this.width;
} else {
this.fixbutton_targetx = this.fixbutton_initx;
if ((!this.console.opened && 0 - targety > this.page_height / 10) || (this.console.opened && 0 - targety > this.page_height * 0.8)) {
return this.fixbutton_targety = this.page_height - this.fixbutton_inity - 50;
} else {
return this.fixbutton_targety = this.fixbutton_inity;
Sidebar.prototype.stopDrag = function() {
var left, top;
this.fixbutton.parents().off("mousemove touchmove");"mousemove touchmove");
this.fixbutton.css("pointer-events", "");
if (!this.fixbutton.hasClass("dragging")) {
if (this.fixbutton_targetx !== this.fixbutton.offset().left || this.fixbutton_targety !== this.fixbutton.offset().top) {
if (this.move_lock === "y") {
top = this.fixbutton_targety;
left = this.fixbutton_initx;
if (this.move_lock === "x") {
top = this.fixbutton_inity;
left = this.fixbutton_targetx;
"left": left,
"top": top
}, 500, "easeOutBack", (function(_this) {
return function() {
if (_this.fixbutton_targetx === _this.fixbutton_initx) {
_this.fixbutton.css("left", "auto");
} else {
_this.fixbutton.css("left", left);
return $(".fixbutton-bg").trigger("mouseout");
return this.move_lock = null;
Sidebar.prototype.stopDragX = function() {
var targetx;
if (this.fixbutton_targetx === this.fixbutton_initx || this.move_lock === "y") {
targetx = 0;
this.opened = false;
} else {
targetx = this.width;
if (this.opened) {
} else {
this.when_loaded.done((function(_this) {
return function() {
return _this.onOpened();
this.opened = true;
if (this.tag) {
this.tag.css("transition", "0.4s ease-out");
this.tag.css("transform", "translateX(-" + targetx + "px)").one(transitionEnd, (function(_this) {
return function() {
_this.tag.css("transition", "");
if (!_this.opened) {
_this.container = null;
if (_this.tag) {
return _this.tag = null;
this.log("stopdrag", "opened:", this.opened);
if (!this.opened) {
return this.onClosed();
Sidebar.prototype.sign = function(inner_path, privatekey) {
this.wrapper.displayProgress("sign", "Signing: " + inner_path + "...", 0);
return"siteSign", {
privatekey: privatekey,
inner_path: inner_path,
update_changed_files: true
}, (function(_this) {
return function(res) {
if (res === "ok") {
return _this.wrapper.displayProgress("sign", inner_path + " signed!", 100);
} else {
return _this.wrapper.displayProgress("sign", "Error signing " + inner_path, -1);
Sidebar.prototype.publish = function(inner_path, privatekey) {
return"sitePublish", {
privatekey: privatekey,
inner_path: inner_path,
sign: true,
update_changed_files: true
}, (function(_this) {
return function(res) {
if (res === "ok") {
return _this.wrapper.notifications.add("sign", "done", inner_path + " Signed and published!", 5000);
Sidebar.prototype.onOpened = function() {
var menu;
this.tag.find("#checkbox-owned, #checkbox-autodownloadoptional").off("click touchend").on("click touchend", (function(_this) {
return function() {
return setTimeout((function() {
return _this.scrollable();
}), 300);
this.tag.find("#button-sitelimit").off("click touchend").on("click touchend", (function(_this) {
return function() {"siteSetLimit", $("#input-sitelimit").val(), function(res) {
if (res === "ok") {
_this.wrapper.notifications.add("done-sitelimit", "done", "Site storage limit modified!", 5000);
return _this.updateHtmlTag();
return false;
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return document.location = $(".fixbutton-bg").attr("href");
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_this.tag.find("#button-delete").addClass("loading");"siteblockAdd", [_this.wrapper.site_info.address, reason]);
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data["description"] = $("#settings-description").val();
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return _this.wrapper.notifications.add("file-write", "error", "File write error: " + res);
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_this.wrapper.notifications.add("file-write", "done", "Site settings saved!", 5000);
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e.clipboardData.setData('text/plain', copy_text);
_this.wrapper.notifications.add("copy", "done", "Site address with peers copied to your clipboard", 5000);
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inner_path: inner_path
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return _this.sign(inner_path, privatekey);
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"inner_path": inner_path,
"sign": false
_this.tag.find(".contents + .flex").removeClass("active");
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inner_path: inner_path
}, function(rules) {
var ref;
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return _this.publish(inner_path, "stored");
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return _this.wrapper.displayPrompt("Enter your private key:", "password", "Sign", "", function(privatekey) {
return _this.publish(inner_path, privatekey);
return false;
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return this.loadGlobe();
Sidebar.prototype.close = function() {
this.move_lock = "x";
return this.stopDrag();
Sidebar.prototype.onClosed = function() {
$(window).on("resize", this.resized);
$(document.body).css("transition", "0.6s ease-in-out").removeClass("body-sidebar").on(transitionEnd, (function(_this) {
return function(e) {
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$(document.body).css("height", "auto").css("perspective", "").css("will-change", "").css("transition", "").off(transitionEnd);
return _this.unloadGlobe();
return this.wrapper.setSiteInfo = this.original_set_site_info;
Sidebar.prototype.loadGlobe = function() {
if (this.tag.find(".globe").hasClass("loading")) {
return setTimeout(((function(_this) {
return function() {
var script_tag;
if (typeof DAT === "undefined") {
script_tag = $("<script>");
script_tag.attr("nonce", _this.wrapper.script_nonce);
script_tag.attr("src", "/uimedia/globe/all.js");
script_tag.on("load", _this.displayGlobe);
return document.head.appendChild(script_tag[0]);
} else {
return _this.displayGlobe();
})(this)), 600);
Sidebar.prototype.displayGlobe = function() {
var img;
img = new Image();
img.src = "/uimedia/globe/world.jpg";
return img.onload = (function(_this) {
return function() {
return"sidebarGetPeers", [], function(globe_data) {
var e, ref, ref1, ref2;
if (_this.globe) {
_this.globe.addData(globe_data, {
format: 'magnitude',
name: "hello",
animated: false
return (ref = _this.tag) != null ? ref.find(".globe").removeClass("loading") : void 0;
} else if (typeof DAT !== "undefined") {
try {
_this.globe = new DAT.Globe(_this.tag.find(".globe")[0], {
"imgDir": "/uimedia/globe/"
_this.globe.addData(globe_data, {
format: 'magnitude',
name: "hello"
} catch (error) {
e = error;
console.log("WebGL error", e);
if ((ref1 = _this.tag) != null) {
ref1.find(".globe").addClass("error").text("WebGL not supported");
return (ref2 = _this.tag) != null ? ref2.find(".globe").removeClass("loading") : void 0;
Sidebar.prototype.unloadGlobe = function() {
if (!this.globe) {
return false;
return this.globe = null;
return Sidebar;
wrapper = window.wrapper;
setTimeout((function() {
return window.sidebar = new Sidebar(wrapper);
}), 500);
window.transitionEnd = 'transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd otransitionend';
/* ---- plugins/Sidebar/media/morphdom.js ---- */
(function(f){if(typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module!=="undefined"){module.exports=f()}else if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],f)}else{var g;if(typeof window!=="undefined"){g=window}else if(typeof global!=="undefined"){g=global}else if(typeof self!=="undefined"){g=self}else{g=this}g.morphdom = f()}})(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){
var specialElHandlers = {
* Needed for IE. Apparently IE doesn't think
* that "selected" is an attribute when reading
* over the attributes using selectEl.attributes
OPTION: function(fromEl, toEl) {
if ((fromEl.selected = toEl.selected)) {
fromEl.setAttribute('selected', '');
} else {
fromEl.removeAttribute('selected', '');
* The "value" attribute is special for the <input> element
* since it sets the initial value. Changing the "value"
* attribute without changing the "value" property will have
* no effect since it is only used to the set the initial value.
* Similar for the "checked" attribute.
/*INPUT: function(fromEl, toEl) {
fromEl.checked = toEl.checked;
fromEl.value = toEl.value;
if (!toEl.hasAttribute('checked')) {
if (!toEl.hasAttribute('value')) {
function noop() {}
* Loop over all of the attributes on the target node and make sure the
* original DOM node has the same attributes. If an attribute
* found on the original node is not on the new node then remove it from
* the original node
* @param {HTMLElement} fromNode
* @param {HTMLElement} toNode
function morphAttrs(fromNode, toNode) {
var attrs = toNode.attributes;
var i;
var attr;
var attrName;
var attrValue;
var foundAttrs = {};
for (i=attrs.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
attr = attrs[i];
if (attr.specified !== false) {
attrName =;
attrValue = attr.value;
foundAttrs[attrName] = true;
if (fromNode.getAttribute(attrName) !== attrValue) {
fromNode.setAttribute(attrName, attrValue);
// Delete any extra attributes found on the original DOM element that weren't
// found on the target element.
attrs = fromNode.attributes;
for (i=attrs.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
attr = attrs[i];
if (attr.specified !== false) {
attrName =;
if (!foundAttrs.hasOwnProperty(attrName)) {
* Copies the children of one DOM element to another DOM element
function moveChildren(from, to) {
var curChild = from.firstChild;
while(curChild) {
var nextChild = curChild.nextSibling;
curChild = nextChild;
return to;
function morphdom(fromNode, toNode, options) {
if (!options) {
options = {};
if (typeof toNode === 'string') {
var newBodyEl = document.createElement('body');
newBodyEl.innerHTML = toNode;
toNode = newBodyEl.childNodes[0];
var savedEls = {}; // Used to save off DOM elements with IDs
var unmatchedEls = {};
var onNodeDiscarded = options.onNodeDiscarded || noop;
var onBeforeMorphEl = options.onBeforeMorphEl || noop;
var onBeforeMorphElChildren = options.onBeforeMorphElChildren || noop;
function removeNodeHelper(node, nestedInSavedEl) {
var id =;
// If the node has an ID then save it off since we will want
// to reuse it in case the target DOM tree has a DOM element
// with the same ID
if (id) {
savedEls[id] = node;
} else if (!nestedInSavedEl) {
// If we are not nested in a saved element then we know that this node has been
// completely discarded and will not exist in the final DOM.
if (node.nodeType === 1) {
var curChild = node.firstChild;
while(curChild) {
removeNodeHelper(curChild, nestedInSavedEl || id);
curChild = curChild.nextSibling;
function walkDiscardedChildNodes(node) {
if (node.nodeType === 1) {
var curChild = node.firstChild;
while(curChild) {
if (! {
// We only want to handle nodes that don't have an ID to avoid double
// walking the same saved element.
// Walk recursively
curChild = curChild.nextSibling;
function removeNode(node, parentNode, alreadyVisited) {
if (alreadyVisited) {
if (! {
} else {
function morphEl(fromNode, toNode, alreadyVisited) {
if ( {
// If an element with an ID is being morphed then it is will be in the final
// DOM so clear it out of the saved elements collection
delete savedEls[];
if (onBeforeMorphEl(fromNode, toNode) === false) {
morphAttrs(fromNode, toNode);
if (onBeforeMorphElChildren(fromNode, toNode) === false) {
var curToNodeChild = toNode.firstChild;
var curFromNodeChild = fromNode.firstChild;
var curToNodeId;
var fromNextSibling;
var toNextSibling;
var savedEl;
var unmatchedEl;
outer: while(curToNodeChild) {
toNextSibling = curToNodeChild.nextSibling;
curToNodeId =;
while(curFromNodeChild) {
var curFromNodeId =;
fromNextSibling = curFromNodeChild.nextSibling;
if (!alreadyVisited) {
if (curFromNodeId && (unmatchedEl = unmatchedEls[curFromNodeId])) {
unmatchedEl.parentNode.replaceChild(curFromNodeChild, unmatchedEl);
morphEl(curFromNodeChild, unmatchedEl, alreadyVisited);
curFromNodeChild = fromNextSibling;
var curFromNodeType = curFromNodeChild.nodeType;
if (curFromNodeType === curToNodeChild.nodeType) {
var isCompatible = false;
if (curFromNodeType === 1) { // Both nodes being compared are Element nodes
if (curFromNodeChild.tagName === curToNodeChild.tagName) {
// We have compatible DOM elements
if (curFromNodeId || curToNodeId) {
// If either DOM element has an ID then we handle
// those differently since we want to match up
// by ID
if (curToNodeId === curFromNodeId) {
isCompatible = true;
} else {
isCompatible = true;
if (isCompatible) {
// We found compatible DOM elements so add a
// task to morph the compatible DOM elements
morphEl(curFromNodeChild, curToNodeChild, alreadyVisited);
} else if (curFromNodeType === 3) { // Both nodes being compared are Text nodes
isCompatible = true;
curFromNodeChild.nodeValue = curToNodeChild.nodeValue;
if (isCompatible) {
curToNodeChild = toNextSibling;
curFromNodeChild = fromNextSibling;
continue outer;
// No compatible match so remove the old node from the DOM
removeNode(curFromNodeChild, fromNode, alreadyVisited);
curFromNodeChild = fromNextSibling;
if (curToNodeId) {
if ((savedEl = savedEls[curToNodeId])) {
morphEl(savedEl, curToNodeChild, true);
curToNodeChild = savedEl; // We want to append the saved element instead
} else {
// The current DOM element in the target tree has an ID
// but we did not find a match in any of the corresponding
// siblings. We just put the target element in the old DOM tree
// but if we later find an element in the old DOM tree that has
// a matching ID then we will replace the target element
// with the corresponding old element and morph the old element
unmatchedEls[curToNodeId] = curToNodeChild;
// If we got this far then we did not find a candidate match for our "to node"
// and we exhausted all of the children "from" nodes. Therefore, we will just
// append the current "to node" to the end
curToNodeChild = toNextSibling;
curFromNodeChild = fromNextSibling;
// We have processed all of the "to nodes". If curFromNodeChild is non-null then
// we still have some from nodes left over that need to be removed
while(curFromNodeChild) {
fromNextSibling = curFromNodeChild.nextSibling;
removeNode(curFromNodeChild, fromNode, alreadyVisited);
curFromNodeChild = fromNextSibling;
var specialElHandler = specialElHandlers[fromNode.tagName];
if (specialElHandler) {
specialElHandler(fromNode, toNode);
var morphedNode = fromNode;
var morphedNodeType = morphedNode.nodeType;
var toNodeType = toNode.nodeType;
// Handle the case where we are given two DOM nodes that are not
// compatible (e.g. <div> --> <span> or <div> --> TEXT)
if (morphedNodeType === 1) {
if (toNodeType === 1) {
if (morphedNode.tagName !== toNode.tagName) {
morphedNode = moveChildren(morphedNode, document.createElement(toNode.tagName));
} else {
// Going from an element node to a text node
return toNode;
} else if (morphedNodeType === 3) { // Text node
if (toNodeType === 3) {
morphedNode.nodeValue = toNode.nodeValue;
return morphedNode;
} else {
// Text node to something else
return toNode;
morphEl(morphedNode, toNode, false);
// Fire the "onNodeDiscarded" event for any saved elements
// that never found a new home in the morphed DOM
for (var savedElId in savedEls) {
if (savedEls.hasOwnProperty(savedElId)) {
var savedEl = savedEls[savedElId];
if (morphedNode !== fromNode && fromNode.parentNode) {
fromNode.parentNode.replaceChild(morphedNode, fromNode);
return morphedNode;
module.exports = morphdom;