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# Pybitcointools, Python library for Bitcoin signatures and transactions
### Advantages:
* Functions have a simple interface, inputting and outputting in standard formats
* No classes
* Many functions can be taken out and used individually
* Supports binary, hex and base58
* Transaction deserialization format almost compatible with BitcoinJS
* Electrum and BIP0032 support
* Make and publish a transaction all in a single command line instruction
* Includes non-bitcoin-specific conversion and JSON utilities
### Disadvantages:
* Not a full node, has no idea what blocks are
* Relies on centralized service ( for blockchain operations, although operations do have backups (eligius,
### Example usage (best way to learn :) ):
> from bitcoin import *
> priv = sha256('some big long brainwallet password')
> priv
> pub = privtopub(priv)
> pub
> addr = pubtoaddr(pub)
> addr
> h = history(addr)
> h
[{'output': u'97f7c7d8ac85e40c255f8a763b6cd9a68f3a94d2e93e8bfa08f977b92e55465e:0', 'value': 50000, 'address': u'1CQLd3bhw4EzaURHbKCwM5YZbUQfA4ReY6'}, {'output': u'4cc806bb04f730c445c60b3e0f4f44b54769a1c196ca37d8d4002135e4abd171:1', 'value': 50000, 'address': u'1CQLd3bhw4EzaURHbKCwM5YZbUQfA4ReY6'}]
> outs = [{'value': 90000, 'address': '16iw1MQ1sy1DtRPYw3ao1bCamoyBJtRB4t'}]
> tx = mktx(h,outs)
> tx
> tx2 = sign(tx,0,priv)
> tx2
> tx3 = sign(tx2,1,priv)
> tx3
> pushtx(tx3)
'Transaction Submitted'
Or using the pybtctool command line interface:
@vub: pybtctool random_electrum_seed
@vub: pybtctool electrum_privkey 484ccb566edb66c65dd0fd2e4d90ef65 0 0
@vub: pybtctool electrum_mpk 484ccb566edb66c65dd0fd2e4d90ef65
@vub: pybtctool bip32_master_key 21456t243rhgtucyadh3wgyrcubw3grydfbng
@vub: pybtctool bip32_ckd xprv9s21ZrQH143K2napkeoHT48gWmoJa89KCQj4nqLfdGybyWHP9Z8jvCGzuEDv4ihCyoed7RFPNbc9NxoSF7cAvH9AaNSvepUaeqbSpJZ4rbT 0
@vub: pybtctool bip32_privtopub xprv9s21ZrQH143K2napkeoHT48gWmoJa89KCQj4nqLfdGybyWHP9Z8jvCGzuEDv4ihCyoed7RFPNbc9NxoSF7cAvH9AaNSvepUaeqbSpJZ4rbT
The -s option lets you read arguments from the command line
@vub: pybtctool sha256 'some big long brainwallet password' | pybtctool -s privtoaddr | pybtctool -s history
[{'output': u'97f7c7d8ac85e40c255f8a763b6cd9a68f3a94d2e93e8bfa08f977b92e55465e:0', 'value': 50000, 'address': u'1CQLd3bhw4EzaURHbKCwM5YZbUQfA4ReY6'}, {'output': u'4cc806bb04f730c445c60b3e0f4f44b54769a1c196ca37d8d4002135e4abd171:1', 'value': 50000, 'address': u'1CQLd3bhw4EzaURHbKCwM5YZbUQfA4ReY6'}]
@vub: pybtctool random_electrum_seed | pybtctool -s electrum_privkey 0 0
The -b option lets you read binary data as an argument
@vub: pybtctool sha256 123 | pybtctool -s changebase 16 256 | pybtctool -b changebase 256 16
The -j option lets you read json from the command line (-J to split a json list into multiple arguments)
@vub: pybtctool unspent 1FxkfJQLJTXpW6QmxGT6oF43ZH959ns8Cq | pybtctool -j select 200000001 | pybtctool -j mksend 1EXoDusjGwvnjZUyKkxZ4UHEf77z6A5S4P:20000 1FxkfJQLJTXpW6QmxGT6oF43ZH959ns8Cq 1000 | pybtctool -s signall 805cd74ca322633372b9bfb857f3be41db0b8de43a3c44353b238c0acff9d523
Fun stuff with json:
@vub: pybtctool history 1EXoDusjGwvnjZUyKkxZ4UHEf77z6A5S4P | pybtctool -j multiaccess value | pybtctool -j sum
@vub: pybtctool history 1EXoDusjGwvnjZUyKkxZ4UHEf77z6A5S4P | pybtctool -j count
### Listing of main commands:
* privkey_to_pubkey : (privkey) -> pubkey
* privtopub : (privkey) -> pubkey
* pubkey_to_address : (pubkey) -> address
* pubtoaddr : (pubkey) -> address
* privkey_to_address : (privkey) -> address
* privtoaddr : (privkey) -> address
* add : (key1, key2) -> key1 + key2 (works on privkeys or pubkeys)
* multiply : (pubkey, privkey) -> returns pubkey * privkey
* ecdsa_sign : (message, privkey) -> sig
* ecdsa_verify : (message, sig, pubkey) -> True/False
* ecdsa_recover : (message, sig) -> pubkey
* random_key : () -> privkey
* random_electrum_seed : () -> electrum seed
* electrum_stretch : (seed) -> secret exponent
* electrum_privkey : (seed or secret exponent, i, type) -> privkey
* electrum_mpk : (seed or secret exponent) -> master public key
* electrum_pubkey : (seed or secexp or mpk) -> pubkey
* bip32_master_key : (seed) -> bip32 master key
* bip32_ckd : (private or public bip32 key, i) -> child key
* bip32_privtopub : (private bip32 key) -> public bip32 key
* bip32_extract_key : (private or public bip32_key) -> privkey or pubkey
* deserialize : (hex or bin transaction) -> JSON tx
* serialize : (JSON tx) -> hex or bin tx
* mktx : (inputs, outputs) -> tx
* mksend : (inputs, outputs, change_addr, fee) -> tx
* sign : (tx, i, privkey) -> tx with index i signed with privkey
* multisign : (tx, i, script, privkey) -> signature
* apply_multisignatures: (tx, i, script, sigs) -> tx with index i signed with sigs
* scriptaddr : (script) -> P2SH address
* mk_multisig_script : (pubkeys, k, n) -> k-of-n multisig script from pubkeys
* verify_tx_input : (tx, i, script, sig, pub) -> True/False
* tx_hash : (hex or bin tx) -> hash
* history : (address1, address2, etc) -> outputs to those addresses
* unspent : (address1, address2, etc) -> unspent outputs to those addresses
* fetchtx : (txash) -> tx if present
* pushtx : (hex or bin tx) -> tries to push to
* access : (json list/object, prop) -> desired property of that json object
* multiaccess : (json list, prop) -> like access, but mapped across each list element
* slice : (json list, start, end) -> given slice of the list
* count : (json list) -> number of elements
* sum : (json list) -> sum of all values