3 Introduction for default disabled plugin
tangdou1 edited this page 2019-01-19 14:53:00 +08:00

There are some default diabled plugins in plugins folder. We would introduce them for you.

  1. disabled-Bootstrapper

It is a tracker-like plugin. Your zeronet would become a tracker if you change the folder name to Bootstrapper and restart zeronet. You can see you tracker in the right-top corner of the Hello page. And this plugin would build a bootstrapper.db in your data folder for helpping communication of peers.

  1. disabled-UiPassword

It is a proteciton plugin for your zeronet in remote PC. You can enter the zeronet only when you input the right password in the protection page if you change the folder name to UiPassword. Also you can specify your password in zeronet.conf file.