3 Unlock all sites in 7 steps
tangdou1 edited this page 2019-01-19 14:45:26 +08:00

If you care about the security issue, donot test it in your personal PC and run it in a new VPS that donot have your personal information.

  1. Enter your Linux system as root user
  2. Make sure your PC or VPS has installed sqlite3 and curl
  3. Make sure you have visted the site 1LtvsjbtQ2tY7SCtCZzC4KhErqEK3bXD4n
  4. run vi seedall.sh
  5. write (press i key then copy these flowing content) and save (press Esc key then :wq then Enter key)


ALL_SITES=`sqlite3 $ZERO_DIR/data/$APP_ID/data/zerosites.db "select address from sites;"`
for SITE in $ALL_SITES; do
    echo Check site $SITE
    curl -H "Accept: text/html" --silent http://$ZERO_HOST:$HOST_PORT/$SITE > /dev/null

(change the ZERO_DIR,ZERO_HOST,and HOST_PORT, if neccessary )

  1. run chmod 777 seedall.sh
  2. run ./seedall.sh