Fribok, INSTALL file Build requirements: * Java SDK, version 1.7 or greater * Apache Maven 2 The preferred way of building Fribok is using the Maven POM-file. $ mvn assembly:assembly [output...] And to run it: $ java -jar target/fribok-2.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar The above command must be run from the project root directory. NOTE: In case you have problem with missing files from in the build step above you might want to disable the maven repository prior to building. For your convenience, we have a settings file for Maven that does just that. In case you already have a ~/.m2/settings file you should append the contents of m2-settings.xml, if not you can install it by simply: $ mkdir ~/.m2 $ cp m2-settings.xml ~/.m2/settings.xml Other things to try: $ mvn compile [output...] $ mvn test [output...] IntelliJ IDEA forms are used to generate parts of the GUI. We would like to get rid of this dependency. For now, we recommend people to use the free software community edition of the IDE to edit the forms. It is available from: You can also generate an IntelliJ project using Maven. $ mvn idea:idea If you wish, you can download the sources and javadocs of deployed artifacts for easy access inside IntelliJ. $ mvn idea:idea -DdownloadSources=true -DdownloadJavadocs=true If you don't wish to use Maven, you can build Fribok from inside IntelliJ IDEA. What follows is build instructions for IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition. 1. Start IntelliJ IDEA. 2. Open the IntelliJ IDEA project, located in `JFS Administration.ipr'. IDEA will now rebuild it's index. 2. Choose the menu option `Build' -> `Make project' 3. Choose the menu option `Run' -> `Edit configurations' 4. Add a new configuration as `Application', using org.fribok.bookkeeping.Bookkeeping as main class and `administration' as working dir. Make sure to specify an SDK to use. 5. Run the program!