
368 lines
12 KiB

<?xml version="1.0"?>
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<!-- POM Relationships -->
<!-- Project Information -->
Fribok is a free software bookkeeping package aimed at non-profit
organizations and small companies.
<name>The GNU General Public License, version 3</name>
<!-- Build Settings -->
<!-- Start: For IDEA-forms -->
<!-- 2021-10-19 version 212.5457.59 -->
<!-- but started with 212.5284.40 == Intellij IDEA v2021.2.2 2021-09-14/ljo -->
<!-- End: For IDEA-forms, but pluginRepositories added below -->
<!-- compiletime dependencies -->
<!-- test dependencies -->
<!-- javadoc -->
<!-- code browser -->
<!-- code dependency report -->
<!-- findbugs -->
<!-- checkstyle -->
<!-- For IDEA-forms -->
<!--maven.build.timestamp.format>yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm</maven.build.timestamp.format-->
<!-- Local Variables: -->
<!-- indent-tabs-mode: nil -->
<!-- End: -->