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ID: b4caf6 (24) No.5017461>>5017553 >>5017636 [Watch Thread]
Name says it all
ITT we discuss GATE and the possibility that they are looking for specially gifted people to help advance the research of Quantum mechanics.
ID: 000000 (7) No.5017553>>5017608
Quick question: Are you Ophuchian or Cetan?
>tfw fascinated with D*Wave…

ID: 82917d (1) No.5017568>>5017589

ID: b4caf6 (24) No.5017589

ID: b4caf6 (24) No.5017608>>5017651
>Ophuchian or Cetan?
Elaborate please. I've not heard these terms before.

ID: 000000 (7) No.5017613>>5017623
Well certainly not a bunch of shit tier memers like NSA agents… we're dealing with non-autists here…

ID: b4caf6 (24) No.5017623
this essentially

ID: ca11d7 (5) No.5017636>>5017656 >>5017685
>looking for specially gifted people
OK. Nothing implausible about that.
There are uncountable insights that could be gained by studying them.
>to help advance the research of Quantum mechanics
Is this pure conjecture or why do you suspect this specifically?

ID: 000000 (7) No.5017651>>5017672 >>5017686 >>5017687 >>5018037 >>5021500
"Ophiuchus (December 6 to December 31) and Cetus (May 12 to June 6)"
interpreter of dreams, vivid premonitions,
attracts good luck and fruitful blessings,
serpent holder, lofty ideals, a seeker of peace and harmony,
doctor of medicine or science, natural-pathic, adds, increases, joins, or gathers together poetical, inventive nature, expanding qualities,
seeks higher education and wisdom, overseer, supervisor of work, fame either grand, or completely misunderstood, longevity, aspirations of healing the ills of man,
architect, builder, reaches for the stars, figuratively and literally,
tax assessor, or levys taxes,
astrological talents, intuitive,
large family indicated, but apt to be separated from them when young,
the number twelve holds great significance,
foresight and good fortune to benefit from hard times,
has secret enemies in family or close associations,
many jealous of this subject,
notable father, apple of fathers eye when young,
high position in life expected [depending on aspects] highest fame and legend comes after death
feelings of granular, wise, genius mentality,
likes to wear clothing of vibrant colors, and plaids in particular, receives the favor of those in authority.
In all the legends and myths of the ancient world, Cetus is associated with the idea of wickedness, or of ferociousness. He is portrayed as the “Dusky Monster”, Jonahs whale, or Jobs leviathan. The Chaledeans regarded Cetus as the ferocious Tiamat. The Greeks said that he is the sea monster sent to devour Andromeda, and hence, he was destroyed by Perseus who caused the monster to be turned to stone by holding the head of the Medusa before it. / The truth is that this sign DOES represent evil in its entirety. He is the enemy of our souls, Satan and all the influences Satan evokes in the world.
>Mark of the Beast?
Kinda shitty images:

ID: b4caf6 (24) No.5017656
Follow the link posted earlier

ID: 000000 (7) No.5017672>>5017697
BUT Cetans are almost certainly NOT demonic.
Rather, they are a tool of God, some kind of wrathful beasts. Consider: Jonah's whale was sent by God. God called the Leviathan similar to himself.

ID: 616a3b (11) No.5017685>>5017736 >>5017776 >>5017856
its diverging from the previous thread gatekeeper digging, basically, one fringe tier thought is that children involved in GATE and similar programs were potential people of influence, and given what we (/pol/) know about qi and memes, it's possible that such levels of autism could manipulate things on a quantum level.
easily explained: a bunch of spergs got drugged and tested and we think it's because they can alter the roll of the dice.

ID: a04f2b (2) No.5017686>>5017711
Well, I thought Ophiuchus was Nov. 30 to Dec. 18… all the information online seems to corroborate that.

ID: b4caf6 (24) No.5017687
From the descriptions, I would have to say I'm an Ophiuchans.
But the description is quite grandeur, I would hate to sound like a pseudo-intellectual or some kind of wanna-be genius

ID: 000000 (7) No.5017697
My guess is Cetans are insanely stubborn and are capable of absorbing the complete attention of another person for months on end, and are prone to doing this, only to vomit them out and go for a period of lonesomeness…

ID: 000000 (7) No.5017711
Just check your birthdate in Stellarium.

ID: 000000 (7) No.5017736>>5017766 >>5017787 >>5017809 >>5017821 >>5017830
Also called "Synchronicity"…

ID: 616a3b (11) No.5017766>>5018295
eh, i strongly believe synchronicity has more to do with perhaps the will of the universe as a being, or perhaps certain world lines overlapping.
i'm more specifically referring to quantum manipulation, in that;if a person were to be able to use the frequency of their thoughts to directly alter manipulable variables to some degree.

ID: b4caf6 (24) No.5017776
for some reason this reminded me of Schroedinger's cat.
what if the gifted are able to turn that "subatomic switch" on and off at command.

ID: 616a3b (11) No.5017787>>5018295
eh, i strongly believe synchronicity has more to do with perhaps the will of the universe as a being, or perhaps certain world lines overlapping.
i'm more specifically referring to quantum manipulation, in that;if a person were to be able to use the frequency of their thoughts to directly alter manipulable variables to some degree.

ID: 616a3b (11) No.5017809>>5018295
eh, i strongly believe synchronicity has more to do with perhaps the will of the universe as a being, or perhaps certain world lines overlapping.
i'm more specifically referring to quantum manipulation, in that;if a person were to be able to use the frequency of their thoughts to directly alter manipulable variables to some degree.

ID: 616a3b (11) No.5017821>>5018295
eh, i strongly believe synchronicity has more to do with perhaps the will of the universe as a being, or perhaps certain world lines overlapping.
i'm more specifically referring to quantum manipulation, in that;if a person were to be able to use the frequency of their thoughts to directly alter manipulable variables to some degree.

ID: 616a3b (11) No.5017830>>5018295
eh, i strongly believe synchronicity has more to do with perhaps the will of the universe as a being, or perhaps certain world lines overlapping.
i'm more specifically referring to quantum manipulation, in that;if a person were to be able to use the frequency of their thoughts to directly alter manipulable variables to some degree.

ID: ca11d7 (5) No.5017856>>5020971
I remember something about soviets trying to find psychics for years without making any progress.
If they also have tests for stuff like that, it doesn't mean it automatically becomes real.

ID: 3cc6df (1) No.5017878
I talked about this in an /xpol/ thread a few months ago and this is all giving me the chills. Also wouldn't post in the other thread because hotwheels can't fix his damn site
Here is the story.
Second year in Uni. First night of that first semester. My new roommate is a Muslim of Arab decent if that means anything. I'm white. In the middle of that night I get up. Though I am not in control, yet I am aware. It was pitch black, yet I could see everything in the room. Everything around me had an orange tint. Some things looked like a bright white. Even things that were not in the room. I remember looking at the floor for a second and seeing a bag that was not actually there as well as some other things in the room. At one point I turned my head towards the door and could see the entire hallway and into a few of the rooms across the hallway as well as everything in them, despite everything being closed. So here is where it gets weirder. I start hearing a voice echo in my head telling me that my roommate is the enemy. It told me not to trust him and that he would deceive me. As I said before, my body was in control of itself. I started yelling some gibberish and he jumped out of his bed. His body looked completely white, yet still humanoid, but a little different. I kicked him in the leg then punched him somewhere before turning around and going back into my bed. Instantly I snapped back and started breathing heavily. I turned on the lights and asked him what happened. He told me the whole attack scene exactly as it happened. Nothing else happened after that.
I'm still freaked out about that to this day. It's been a constant fear of mine that something like that might happen again. Does anyone have an explanation for this?

ID: 04bdf2 (12) No.5017960>>5019483
Sandia National Laboratories, Andrija Puharich, Walter Breen, Jack Sarfatti . Star Kids, or Space Kid program. Stargate project.

ID: 496694 (1) No.5017986>>5021460
>mods delete threads about the government hauling student debtors to prison
>leave /fringe/ shit up

ID: c4cd63 (1) No.5018014
Fuck off back to /x/ or whatever.

ID: 1e735d (1) No.5018037
Not to take part in datamining, not that it matters much to me, but yes I am the first. You might have already guessed that since you listed a lot about that one, and not much about the second. But it does make a lot of sense. I've always interpreted dreams, and had a year-long phase of premonitory dreams; I'm an idealist; constant autodidact; business owner; architect; large family I'm separate from; have my best luck after hitting rock bottom; often betrayed by close associates; genius mentality/wisdom.
Maybe I should start wearing plaid more often, although I do tend to choose plaids in button-up shirts. Yep, that's me all right.
I couldn't post in the GATE thread, but it looks like you're here as well. So there ya go, datamine it

ID: 04bdf2 (12) No.5018129>>5018628
Sandia National Laboratories, Andrija Puharich, Walter Breen, Jack Sarfatti . Star Kids, or Space Kid program. Stargate project.

ID: e758a5 (6) No.5018145
A good discussion was shut down it seems. Great job everyone.
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ID: 04bdf2 (12) No.5018168>>5018255 >>5018265 >>5018290
What in the fuck is happening?

ID: 36f876 (2) No.5018219>>5018255
we already have our answers, and why they did it on the pragmatic level, we even have reason to believe they we're interested in Xtier related shit. What more is there to prove, than our selves?

ID: a04f2b (2) No.5018255
File (hide): 1455691838874.jpg (198.91 KB, 753x1061, 753:1061, 132556464.jpg)
kali yuga
someone claimed datamining, but I dunno if Jim & co. are subversive enough to initiate datamining in a greenpill thread through discussion of salvia trips (which very organically, moved onto other topics). But whatever, my file in the alphabet soup is jam-packed with goodies, not too concerned with peripheral information being released, seeing as I'd be one of thousands, and even then, not exactly threatening much of anything from my hovel.
I'm of this perspective, in a way. I'll certainly try better to hone my skills in magickal practices just for the sake of remembering any repressed memories, etc. I wouldn't mind finding a hypnotist who could help me out, but self-hypnosis could be enough. It's certainly worth looking into, if this is true, boy would it be a laugh riot (for my schizoid ass).

ID: e1493e (1) No.5018265
>Some fringe tier shit about schools using autists as batteries
>actually gains traction
>wow turns out there's a lot of fucking correlation
>someone hits the sage bot's trigger
>autism never seen before ensues

ID: b37318 (1) No.5018290>>5018318 >>5018346
we went down the wrong rabbit hole as intended
that is teh nature of the red pill
you accept that commonly held truths are false and then try to find out why
with teh green pill, you understand that no human can ever possibly know the one truth.
instead, it is our jobs as greenpilled to spread that idea to human subcollective hivemind
shills and bots will now try to dissuade discussion.
it is futile but it's the only way to stop us.
gifted and talented programs were created to find certain people who have the innate ability to persuade others or to possess intuition skills bordering on telekinesis.
They have been tampering with genes and DNA splicing for over 50 years now.
They are trying to see if the end result was what they expected and it's backfiring horribly.
They made the perfect soldier.
They made the perfect salesman.
But they also created the one thing that would stop them.
An experiment in creating a super soldier created a super revolutionary.
They can't contain the experiment so they try to discredit or try the experiment insane, typically known as gangstalking. Some experiments are harmless. Others are walking bombs, waiting for the detonator signal.
what happens when the experiment breaks loose and can't be contained? it finds other experiments and turns on the creator. I imagine that reinforcements are being called in due to all the buzzwords and filter words

ID: 616a3b (11) No.5018295>>5018305
glad i was able to get it through.
while trying to send this out i managed to no be able to post anything on anythread, and 8ch seemed to freeze, i refreshed waited and tried a bunch of things to see if it'd update, but to no avail.
i looked back in another thread i tried posting in and there "test" posts i didnt write, so i wan't the only anon effected.
needless to say, we're on to something.

ID: 9b4640 (1) No.5018305>>5018329
yeah 8chan stopped being able to post for a while
hotwheels refuses to actually work on the site and instead is making fucking emojis or some stupid shit

ID: 616a3b (11) No.5018318
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ID: e758a5 (6) No.5018328
I just realized, a lot of us have time distortions with relation to our thoughts and that whole area.
Then I thought - there are some people who do not experience that, I would imagine. The experience of time distortion causes a clear loss of faith in pretty much everything.

ID: 616a3b (11) No.5018329
i'm surprised he even bothers with us anymore.
if i were him, i'd have OD on cheap booze and lady boys by now.

ID: 04bdf2 (12) No.5018346
I've felt that certain things on this site have been gaslighting attempts aimed directly at me. People posting things only I would know, then I start thinking I'm crazy, but then I look at all of this stuff, and the GATE stuff, and I wonder if I really have been targeted.
My friend and I have even seen people drive by his driveway, down a dead end street in the middle of nowhere in the country, and he had a real clean cut haircut, polo shirt on, and he was staring right at us, talking into car radio, with the hand mic attached by cord to a unit.
There has been lots of odd stuff.

ID: 19ab9d (2) No.5018376>>5018388 >>5018389 >>5018446
This was a good thread once. Before all the retards showed up with their made up shit
>muh cetans
>muh shadow people
I've been in every thread, but this is just silly. Fringe fuck you.
Global revolution
Also don't trust anything OP of redpill green pill red pill says, he's a retard who did LSD every day for months and thinks he had sex with space princesses. No I'm serious

ID: 04bdf2 (12) No.5018388
The shadow people is me. I hadn't even mentioned that in this thread.

ID: 616a3b (11) No.5018389
i fucked a space princess once in a GATE class.
i'm not sorry

ID: b4caf6 (24) No.5018446>>5018465 >>5018474 >>5018520 >>5018593
OP here, I'm also disappointed in the condition of this thread, but I still think it's salvageable.
/x/, I like you, but tone it down a bit for the better.

ID: 616a3b (11) No.5018465>>5018490
quickly! post links to cymatics and show that matter can be altered sound waves, and that it's just a rational to think that thought waves (frequencies) can be used to alter specific events. like altering a probably outcome in a controlled setting.

ID: 19ab9d (2) No.5018474>>5018490 >>5018520
Yea fam, keep your theories in the realm of reality.
Please don't tell me about how you were in front of your school with an AK and you found a dead body and put it in your car and you were on the news but have no proof of anything alright?

ID: b4caf6 (24) No.5018490>>5018500 >>5018520 >>5018547
Well, brains do give off brainwaves. that can be used to control rc helis and stuff, so who's to say your theory isn't plausible.
OP, I just got back, but if anyone has been claiming to be me and claims I saw something paranormal, that definitely isn't me.
But I will admit I have had run ins with the paranormal in the past.
But yes /x/ listen to this poster, stay within your constant, observable reality when coming up with theories, it helps you stay out of mental hospitals.

ID: b4caf6 (24) No.5018500
wait, i forgot about IDs lol

ID: 36f876 (2) No.5018520
Thank you, as I've said we need to focus on moving past this autistic "woah cool" phase and sharing every weird story, some things are personal, some things are objective like the occipital bone.
Please stay true to the constants.

ID: b4caf6 (24) No.5018547
I ought to mention that I theorize that maybe with meditation, or chemical engineering, you may be able to better control these brain waves.
Just adding this because I know /x/ talks about meditation alot as to at least let them know I'm not trying to shit on them

ID: b4caf6 (24) No.5018586
OP here, I'm tired, going to bed, don't let me down guys.
Might make a second thread tomorrow as to continue.

ID: 2108d6 (2) No.5018593>>5018628 >>5018757
I've been lurking the threads and while there is some interesting stuff they keep getting derailed by personal anecdotes and /fringe/ babbling.
This one should contain a serious dig into GATE. From the sounds of it, it was a special curriculum designed by some private company and rolled out nationwide and maybe even internationally, which raises serious alarm bells in my mind.
I'm trying to round up scholarly articles by this Puharich guy but not coming up with much.

ID: 04bdf2 (12) No.5018628>>5019483

ID: b4caf6 (24) No.5018757>>5019036
Sorry to have lied
Op back, I caught myself brainstorming.
Another idea popped into my head, please tell me if I'm just crazy or not.
If my previous theory about emotions being like waves we can emit to alter things "synchrocity" as stated by /x/philes. If this is true, and Schroedinger's cat theory is true (when you look at a particle, you only perceive it that way, because when you're not observing them, they're in wave form) So what happens to our "emote waves"? do they transcend form beyond wave or 3 dimensional?
I'm just brainstorming insane shit right now, please feel free to criticize my understanding of physics, I'm barely out of high-school without much time to read books on particle physics.
I'm babbling again, I mean, excuse my misunderstandings.

ID: 044552 (4) No.5018806>>5018945
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Everyone needs to watch Men Who Stare At Photons Part 1 and, Part2.
Dean Radin runs presents a talk that discusses scientific experiments that show that our mere consciousness can manipulate the physical world around us.
Meme magick isn't just a meme, it's real.

ID: b4caf6 (24) No.5018945>>5018993
this has been stated before, and is widely accepted here, but here isn't the actual universe so we shouldn't get caught up in it. But, it is a nice theory that would explain loads.

ID: 044552 (4) No.5018993>>5019029
Sure, but some more critical investigation, and in depth conversation couldn't hurt.

ID: b4caf6 (24) No.5019029>>5019095 >>5027903
Go for it.
Please present a theory as to why collective human thought causes changes in the universe.

ID: 04bdf2 (12) No.5019036>>5019083 >>5019283
Our minds actually have the ability to determine our reality. Look into the whole particle-wave duality thing and the placebo effect for proof of that. What we perceive to be true, is what is actually true. Our minds effect things at a quantum level, they make things, they determine our entire reality.

ID: b4caf6 (24) No.5019083>>5019156
Well, meme magic makes this apparent, but I want to know why this occurs so we can see where else this science can be applied.

ID: 044552 (4) No.5019095>>5019238
I don't have one to present. I've only been in this area of thought for a few weeks now, so I haven't had much time to put things together.

ID: 337833 (1) No.5019126>>5019144
So this is where autists come to suck each other off?
What the fuck happened to /pol/?

ID: 044552 (4) No.5019144
Normies out.

ID: 04bdf2 (12) No.5019156
That's what a lot of people want to figure out. All I know is, is that I always wanted to be a part of something like this, and now I am.did my mind create this reality for me?
This can applied to everything.

ID: 4fc14e (5) No.5019210
I've only skimmed through these threads and haven't had NDEs and shit but I do still have a story.
Now, in Australia I don't think they have a GATE system, teachers would on rare cases give extension work but that was about as far as it went, but there was a really weird as fuck workshop everyone had to go to one day.
It was around the end of the first year of high school, or the start of the second (in Australia that's when kids are around 12-14), an outside group came into the school and there were lots of speakers and activities meant to bring the year group together, and the final session for me and another third of the year ended with guided hypnosis.
Before this started, all the teachers left the room and they forced us all to participate. The scenario they guided us through was us being outside our primary school after school had ended, and walking in and taking in the scenery and walking into the playground, seeing someone on the swing which ended up being ourselves, and then we went up and told them something.
I was hesitant to do the exercise at first, but they pushed me into doing it, and I did get immersed until they mentioned the swing (my primary school didn't have a swing).
From what I heard later on, quite a moderate amount of people from each session that did it ended up crying. They had us share our thoughts to that third of the year after it which brought out more tears (one of which is because that child's mother died while he was in primary school, but when he was older than said to be in the hypnosis).
I got curious and looked up the organization later, and it solely consisted of people that had gone through the workshop when they were in school. It was very non-descriptive and didn't mention the guided hypnosis at all, and various employees were given odd titles.
I would give you more detail, but my hard drive with the files on it shat itself a while ago and I never ended up recovering it.

ID: b4caf6 (24) No.5019238>>5019283
Well, I have a theory, let me explain.
So we exist within the 3D dimension, where things have depth, and we can observe two dimensional objects, well sorta, but you get my drift.
We can comprehend the 2nd dimension, but all dimensions higher are alien to us.
What if there are foces that exist within all dimensions, but are perceived differently?
The fact that humans are capable of comprehending their own existence is grounds for unique things. As living beings that can perceive and transmit brain waves.
Unlike animals who can't perceive their own existence as something higher, we can imagine altering our surroundings, but, we alone are very weak which is why we have to practice it in groups in order to achieve more (which explains why the plane crashed and such).
What I'm getting at is maybe we as perceivers have access to some force that acts as a wave and transcends all dimensions and as observers we have the ability to change our surroundings with it.

ID: 4fc14e (5) No.5019283>>5019330 >>5019392
Great, more of this pseudo-scientific bullshit.
>Look into the whole particle-wave duality thing
Holy shit, particles have a wave function, because of that our brains can change reality. I can't believe I never realized this obvious logical leap before.
>placebo effect
It always amazes me how much people overstate this effect. Of course our brain can make itself think that it's not hurting as much, but you can't cure ebola off yourself by placebo effect. Drugs in stores are in those stores because they consistently perform BETTER than placebo.
Of course if you're feeling like shit and you don't think it will better you will keep feeling like shit, but you can't influence who will get elected for president just from feels.
>What if there are foces that exist within all dimensions, but are perceived differently?
Well, depends what you mean by perceived differently. Gravity affects 2 dimensions as well as 4 dimensions, but it affects higher numbered dimensions more weakly than lower numbered dimensions, if you catch my drift.
>perceive and transmit brain waves
>Unlike animals who can't perceive their own existence as something higher
So at what step in our evolution from proto-monkeys did we gain the ability to alter the universe?

ID: b4caf6 (24) No.5019330>>5019370 >>5019424
maybe it wasn't a purposeful step in evolution, but maybe an accident that led form one thing to another.
Also that gave me an idea.
What if the forces that effect dimensions act as waves themselves
If gravity has a lower effect on higher dimensions, and has a higher effect on lower dimensions, such as ours, would the same effect apply to what I'm going to call the UMWs (universal meme waves, for the lolz)?

ID: b4caf6 (24) No.5019352>>5019367
I'm off to bed now for real this time, it was fun.

ID: b4caf6 (24) No.5019367
Oh and I forgot to mention, I'm making logs of these threads as to call out future bullshit and record our progress.

ID: 4fc14e (5) No.5019370>>5019386 >>5019424 >>5019454
I can't quite remember exactly why gravity is weaker on higher dimensions, I'll go look it up after this post, but I remember that it's a large enough effect for solar systems to not be reasonable with 2 dimensions due to the pull being too high, or with 4 dimensions due to the pull being too low.

ID: b4caf6 (24) No.5019386
Well, they don't call it a theory for nothin.
Maybe it's wrong maybe it's not. keep this in mind about all theories.

ID: 879b8c (1) No.5019387>>5019432
OP of threads 3-5 of gate.
Why did you make this one? If your purpose was to have it be outright fringey, there's a board for that. If your purpose was to contribute to the gate conversation in a specific manner, you could have kept within the threads.
Now you are just drawing negative attention to the fact that two separate threads on the same topic exist.
Were you trying to shill, or was this a goodnatured attempt to contribute to the conversation?

ID: 04bdf2 (12) No.5019392>>5019454
All that needs to be known about the placebo effect and how powerful it really is can be read from this article from the American Cancer Society
>Since many scientific tests have shown that there is a placebo effect, its one way we know for sure that the mind and body are connected.
If the mind has the ability to cause a physical reaction int he human mind, then it has the ability to effect physical reality. The mind/bod yconnection is a mind/physical world in general connection
>Some people can have the placebo effect without getting a pill, shot, or procedure. Some may just feel better from visiting the doctor or doing something else they believe will help. This type of placebo effect seems most related to the degree of confidence and faith the patient has in the doctor or activity.
It's because your mind has faith in something, it knows something to be true, and it knows the hospital makes people better, and it has been proven that just showing up to a doctor's appointment can make someone physically better. Just from our minds determining our reality.

ID: 04bdf2 (12) No.5019424>>5019452 >>5019454
Does gravity even have to exist in all dimensions? Time becomes nonlinear eventually(or rather I guess technically it even is now since this is all happening at once, but it's not here), which means that eventually time stops becoming what it is now. Once time becomes something you can move through forest to get to where you need to go, it's not really time anymore, it's just like the equivalent of what a square or a cube is to us.
Couldn't gravity become like that too eventually? Something, but just something you see as an object, or a piece.

ID: b4caf6 (24) No.5019432
Back again, can't help it.
I'm not the creator of the other threads, I was told I should create a /x/ish tier thread that applied to /pol/ a lil bit
I created it here so that I could round up some of the people actually interested in Science to discuss Quantum Mechanics.
It was a good natured attempt at conversation, put simply.

ID: b4caf6 (24) No.5019452>>5019589
Well, if that's the case, imagine living in a 5th or 6t dimensional world, you can't? That's because there can't be time without space, or space without time. Either time exists in higher dimensions, or dimensions higher than 4 don't exist within our current capabilities. All we can do is speculate.

ID: 4fc14e (5) No.5019454>>5019487 >>5027806
The problem with those lines of logic and thinking is that they're half true, with an implication of something that's false.
Our mind can effect the system of our body, there is no contention over this. Your mind, for instance, makes your heart beat, and moves your legs. And it isn't a stretch to think that thinking that you'll be cured will help curing the disease, your mind can make your body put more effort into curing it.
The leap which you, and other subscribers to that idea, take, is that your mind controlling your body means that your mind can control reality.
Just because you can walk using your mind doesn't mean that you can explode the moon using your mind.
I just checked why gravity gets weaker in higher dimensions, and waves wouldn't get weaker. Gravity gets weaker because it propagates in all distances equally (correct me if I'm wrong here), which means that in higher dimensions, there is more space that needs to be covered if the gravity is affecting everything within 10m radius of it. E.g. the area inside a circle of radius 5cm is less than the volume inside a sphere of radius 5cm. This makes gravity not stretch as far for the same amount of mass in higher dimensions.
I don't have a PhD, but I'm pretty sure that gravity exists in all spacial dimensions.
>time becomes nonlinear eventually
Explain what you mean by this and then I can address the rest of your comment.

ID: 2108d6 (2) No.5019483>>5019586
File (hide): 1455699318476.png (25.23 KB, 824x630, 412:315, gB3MjMd[1].png)
Here's something. In 1990, Puharich founded a company called Intellaeon Communication Assocation with the people in pic related.
I can't find out anything about that company, but Jan Walleczek is involved in deep research into quantum mechanics:

ID: b4caf6 (24) No.5019487>>5019557 >>5020181
Ironically, I believed that a higher dimension would make things in our universe more compact as they would have to be observable in some way, For instance like the way we observe 2D objects as being flat

ID: 04bdf2 (12) No.5019557>>5019586 >>5020181
That's what it's be like. Time would be something that a higher dimensional being would see like when we're looking at a triangle. It's just an object, our minds our stuck in this dimensional world, so we can't fully understand what time would appear as to something like that.
Higher dimensional worlds could be the home of the things that causes stuff to happen at a quantum level. They could exist outside of time completely. They could draw time maybe, or just pass in and out anywhere, anytime they please. Who knows.

ID: 04bdf2 (12) No.5019586
*are, not our
I'm thinking the "paranormal" stuff and the quantum stuff is related. The mind is able to have an effect at a quantum level. Maybe some of us are better at it than others.

ID: fa8574 (1) No.5019589
time can exist without space because before time was the thought

ID: 4fc14e (5) No.5020181
What do you mean it has to be observable in some way?
No it wouldn't. A 4th dimensional being (in a 4th dimensional universe) wouldn't see time, neither would an 8th dimensional one (in an 8th dimensional universe). For the same reason that we don't see time in a 3d universe even though we can see (basically) 2d things.
People often conflate dimensions as including space and time, which I personally don't think is too helpful. Spacial and temporal dimensions don't mix, like how water and oil don't mix. When we call ourselves 3rd dimensional beings that's referring to the 3 spacial dimensions. Sometimes people refer to our universe as being in 4d because it has 3 spacial dimensions and 1 temporal dimension. But a 4th dimensional being wouldn't necessarily see time like we see triangles, because they're 4th dimensional spacially. Even going further, we see spacial dimensions with our eyes, though we can sense the temporal dimension with some non-basic senses, but in that case we can only give rough estimates to the passage of time. The best that I can see a higher dimensional being doing is having a better clock.
tl;dr higher-dimensional beings can't see/sense time/the future because temporal and spacial dimensions act differently and are independent of each other. You can't apply space dimension logic to time dimensions.

ID: ca11d7 (5) No.5020971
There's a good chance what I heard was disinfo.
Both the USA and the Soviets apparently had big programs to research psychics and if you believe their reports they were not completely unsuccessful.
Someone mentioned the stargate project correctly.

ID: c7b107 (2) No.5020994>>5021171
>quantum mysticism

ID: ca11d7 (5) No.5021171>>5021213
I don't believe it either, but it's at least at one point the US spend considerable amounts of taxpayers to research this stuff.
The implications don't have to be that big though.
Maybe the really dropped it completely, maybe they are just adding some stupid tests to for kids just in case.
The non mystical stuff seems more interesting anyway and it may be related to relevant stuff like common core.

ID: c7b107 (2) No.5021213
Yeah, I'm monitoring since it's sorta interesting. Guess I should bump out of courtesy.
I don't mind discussing fringe topics from time to time, it's interesting, but the too eagerly repeated whack theories based in pseudo-scientific superstition - mostly based off of clickbait headlines and shit - is a bit irksome.

ID: 675281 (1) No.5021460
Don't beg them to keep it up, they hate that

ID: 14b05f (2) No.5021496>>5021551
>already have one thread.
>better make a similar one and fill it with bullshit that has barely anything to do with the subjec at hand.
Fuck off kike.

ID: 06943a (1) No.5021500
>Good and Evil
It's nice that those who believe they are enlightened are always the dumbest.

ID: 14b05f (2) No.5021509
The actual thread, dont fall for OP's division tactic.

ID: ca11d7 (5) No.5021551
Look at the creation date.
The other one looks more interesting though.

ID: b67b34 (1) No.5021635
just quickly gone through the thread, but nobody seems to post anything on quantum computers, so let me TL;DR them anyone with more knowledge, feel free to point and fix any mistakes
Normal computer chip is using logical gates, think of two electrical signals going through one gate and merging into one. Based on the state of the two incominc wires and the type of gate it gives different outcome, eg. AND gates are on only if both incoming wires are on, in other options they are off. same with OR/XOR… gates but computers usually use NAND gates because of price and the fact that any logical operations can be transformed to a different one based on some rules
Quantum computer differs in the fact that those logical gates are doing some quantum voodoo, basically instead of one signal going in and out of one gate, it is possible for ALL the possible combinations to go through one quantum gate at the same time and later figuring out which one are the one you are looking for (for example all the combinations that end up TRUE are considered as a solution, and quantum chip can calculate all of them at the same time and show which one will end up as true)
What does it mean for computing? For a normal computing not much, quantum chip is not quicker than normal chip, but there are special kind of problems in the computer world P=NP, one of them is the traveling salesman.
If you have X cities interconnected together and one salesman that wants to go through all of the X cities in the shortest possible way, that is a problem with solution in polynomial time every increase in the number of cities does MAJOR increas in the time of the whole calculation and as of now, there is no solution to P=NP problems via algorithm. To know which way is the quickest for the salesman, you have to simulate ALL the possible ways and calculate which one is shortest, there is no shortcut for this.
This is where quantum computer comes into play, it can go through all the possibilities in one time and output the quickest one. This is the place where quantum computer is quicker than normal computer.
So what are the P=NP problems? For example weather calculations, planning school scheludes for students thats why school scheludes suck so much, you cannot get optimal solution in a short time and BREAKING SYMETRICS ENCRYPTION remember NSA is storing all the encrypted communication, because they know they will be able to decrypt it later
How does it all play into the whole world situation? I don't know, just giving you info on quantum computers

ID: 3c0698 (1) No.5022415
Posted in thread 5:
I'm not a weeb, but I can't shake the feeling that Neon Genesis Evangelion was some sort of shit aimed at us
I know the Anno hating his fans meme but there's something about the original series that just screams forbidden knowledge. Sure, the tree of life and kabbalistic/esoteric themes are obvious, but that I felt was in and of itself a shield for it
The Human Instrumentality Project in particular is what stands out in my mind. The whole high school of kids that Shinji, Rei, Aska attended was full of 'potentials'
That just screams GATE and the quantum mechanics shit. Like, biologically gifted individuals are being manipulated off course to achieve God hood
I watched the show as a teen and I think it set the course for me coming here. Show seriously fucked with me, in a good way.

ID: 0a1b0f (1) No.5027806
You don't get it, anon.
What happens when you take that 'placebo effect' as you like to explain it away as; what happens when you take it and control it via EVERY single human mind?
If you control the window through which everyone looks through; you control everything they know, have known, and will know.
But if one shatters the window by finding out they can use a certain idea and spread it a certain way. They can take away their power indefinitely and then influence every mind to focus.
There's a reason they pushed for the WORLD WIDE WEB, social media, and mass media.
There is a reason the Internet is a thing and encompasses the whole fucking planet now.
If you cannot seriously comprehend how controlling the view and minds of a billion or even an entire country or the whole planet is a powerful method to alter reality? Then you cannot seriously ever try to comprehend anything at all.
Yes this is real and yes this is all physical, but, you must understand that nothing the Human being has invented came without imagining it at first and in your imagination? You may make whatever you wish and if you're powerful enough you can impose it upon reality through your will.
Do you know how the CIA was co-opted by leftist vermin? After the OSS; Neocon think-tanks formed or, 'intelligence communities,' that worked to subvert it via public means… Which is to say they would attack the organization via public debates, magazines, newspaper articles, and other assorted media outlets. They would adhere only to their faith in their Ideology and ignored any objective truth.
Specifically they were successful in this by invoking the powerful emotion of Fear in the masses. By methods of using the public outlets that the people subject themselves to willingly.
To be brainwashed you must first be willing and often to circumvent those unwilling is first by pleasure and then by fear.
But if you are unable to be used by either? Then you are free and able to do as you Will and their only cure for you is Death.

ID: e758a5 (6) No.5027813
File (hide): 1455756885984.jpg (275.45 KB, 900x900, 1:1, diglet.jpg)
baby made his first memetic image

ID: acbe74 (1) No.5027903>>5027941
meme magic = natural phenomenon involving quantum mechanics
by concentrating on a single event we briefly synchronize our universe with a parallel universe where that event has actually taken place and allow the meme to cross over to our reality. may explain berenstein bears

ID: e758a5 (6) No.5027941>>5027977
I think BMW is neglecting advanced memetic possibilities. What is art, exactly, other than a meme.
I notice that my meme above is more like art than it is a "meme" per se. but what is the dividing line between art and a meme? Well, art is more abstract and has interpretive features, whereas a meme on its own tends to be more like an organic part of a unity as a social communication. The line is hardly considered steadfast, or trite. I recommend interpretive power.

ID: e758a5 (6) No.5027977
furthermore consider memetic authorship
has such a thing even been concieved, or is such a thing an oxymoron?

ID: a62ce4 (1) No.5028044
File (hide): 1455758276427.jpg (169.97 KB, 1100x1399, 1100:1399, tmp_1449136888249-01655228….jpg)
ENTP here, ~122 IQ
my cousin invented the first quantum computer a couple of years ago
very interested in encryption methods, and am developing a website designed to transcend twitter, facebook, reddit etc. - highly concerned with quantum decryption which could nullify all my work
was in the GATE program, and my hometown has an international spy base
also, I believe in the phenomena whereupon if key figures believe something, then those beliefs have the possibility of manifesting themselves into reality - "meme magick", if you will

ID: 5dce05 (1) No.5028090
Digfriends read this
> Lab9 was a research facility based in New Jersey and was the brainchild of American Army physician and parapsychologist Andrija Puharich. “They included scientists interested in the interface between quantum physics and consciousness besides members of super-rich families, politicians and writers.”
>There are claims that the New Jersey complex burned to the ground in 1979 amidst a flurry of alleged accusations of child related abuse.

ID: 6931c8 (1) No.5028138
Quantum Memetics is the next Genetics.

ID: e758a5 (6) No.5028216
File (hide): 1455759003921.jpg (319.33 KB, 900x900, 1:1, diglet1.jpg)
a pretty great meme tonight

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