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Anonymous (ID: hh6VZRHK)
Searching intelligent individu(...)
12/08/16(Thu)06:52:41 No.102032219
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Many of the children diagnosed with these conditions are, as we have seen, incredibly intelligent.

Their IQs are often as high as 130; 100 is the average. Many have IQs in the genius range of 160. Recently I found out that the tests they once used for testing if a child was a genius is exactly the same test they now use to diagnose ADD and ADHD!

So it looks like the Doctors actually do know that the population of geniuses is on the increase.

The Psychic Children are living proof of the human potential. This leads me to ask the question; why are these children put on Ritalin? And is there a valid reason to pump them full of dangerous pharmeaucital chemicals?

1. Year of birth
2. Where do you come from?
3. paranormal experiences?
4. involved in G.A.T.E?
Anonymous (ID: zwUSnvLg)
12/08/16(Thu)06:57:26 No.102032538
Anonymous (ID: zwUSnvLg) 12/08/16(Thu)11:57:26 No.102032538
>>102032219 (OP)
Nice data mining, faggot. Take your survey bullshit somewhere else
Anonymous (ID: UnGo7dwK)
12/08/16(Thu)06:57:37 No.102032549
Anonymous (ID: UnGo7dwK) 12/08/16(Thu)11:57:37 No.102032549
>>102032219 (OP)
I was diagnosed with adhd as a child. Born 1990 in Texas.
I used to see ghosts as a child. Stopped seeing them as I grew older and decided that it was probably just bullshit.
Can feel tension from others which gives me a little insight into what they might possibly be thinking.
Anonymous (ID: hh6VZRHK)
12/08/16(Thu)06:59:55 No.102032713
Anonymous (ID: hh6VZRHK) 12/08/16(Thu)11:59:55 No.102032713
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Did you get medication?
Anonymous (ID: Bu0kbfuA)
12/08/16(Thu)07:00:06 No.102032725
Anonymous (ID: Bu0kbfuA) 12/08/16(Thu)12:00:06 No.102032725
>>102032219 (OP)
i have it,electronic repair,guitar,violin,ocarina,programming and understanding of the universe.....................yet im a social retard who has to prepare going to the shops like its an army mission

its a gift and curse,i hate it

born in 86 and i saw what i think was a ghost once....i am atheist but i saw it clear as day at the entrance of my room...i even sat up in bed and squinted hard to absorb what i was seeing

a figure formed from not black smoke but somert more thicker took form of a person... in a dark purple robe,gold rope belt with tassles,ornate floral design on the sleeves,hood over its face and looking down

i shouted for my mum and the hallway light flicked on due to her turning it on and it vanished instantly.
Anonymous (ID: UnGo7dwK)
12/08/16(Thu)07:01:32 No.102032826
Anonymous (ID: UnGo7dwK) 12/08/16(Thu)12:01:32 No.102032826
Ritalin then adderall.
Ritalin caused me extreme headaches and rining ears.
I also used to get migraines constantly.
Anonymous (ID: UnGo7dwK)
12/08/16(Thu)07:01:57 No.102032852
Anonymous (ID: UnGo7dwK) 12/08/16(Thu)12:01:57 No.102032852
Anonymous (ID: Bu0kbfuA)
12/08/16(Thu)07:02:56 No.102032929
Anonymous (ID: Bu0kbfuA) 12/08/16(Thu)12:02:56 No.102032929
ritalin sent my heart rate through the roof...they took me off it due to that

come downs are awful,hearing laughing coming from the attack and it made me paranoid

but it worked initially,i could focus alot better
Anonymous (ID: q09KPY4m)
12/08/16(Thu)07:03:02 No.102032940
Anonymous (ID: q09KPY4m) 12/08/16(Thu)12:03:02 No.102032940
ADHD is a made up disease for snowflakes and autists to make them feel better.
Anonymous (ID: Bu0kbfuA)
12/08/16(Thu)07:03:33 No.102032976
Anonymous (ID: Bu0kbfuA) 12/08/16(Thu)12:03:33 No.102032976
attack? = attic
Anonymous (ID: Bu0kbfuA)
12/08/16(Thu)07:04:00 No.102033005
Anonymous (ID: Bu0kbfuA) 12/08/16(Thu)12:04:00 No.102033005
it really isnt ivan........i wish it was just a made up condition
Anonymous (ID: UnGo7dwK)
12/08/16(Thu)07:04:40 No.102033043
Anonymous (ID: UnGo7dwK) 12/08/16(Thu)12:04:40 No.102033043
It works wonders but it's all just meth.
I stopped taking all of that shit.
Anonymous (ID: hh6VZRHK)
12/08/16(Thu)07:05:24 No.102033103
Anonymous (ID: hh6VZRHK) 12/08/16(Thu)12:05:24 No.102033103
i was on riatlin from 8 until i was 15. my memory is really blurred

i have also memorys beeing in a special class divided from my usual class when i was a really young boy.

i researched and found out my mother did not knew about that special lessons and my old teachers could not tell me who this employee was. external

i remember foggy weird tests and puzzles, hearing strange noises and EEG (Electroencephalogram) for hours
Anonymous (ID: +xPlGvL6)
12/08/16(Thu)07:06:08 No.102033153
Anonymous (ID: +xPlGvL6) 12/08/16(Thu)12:06:08 No.102033153
actually not. this is one of the rare non made up diseases.
Anonymous (ID: M36aFRkC)
12/08/16(Thu)07:06:40 No.102033181
Anonymous (ID: M36aFRkC) 12/08/16(Thu)12:06:40 No.102033181
>>102032219 (OP)
I have premonitions
Anonymous (ID: Bu0kbfuA)
12/08/16(Thu)07:06:53 No.102033201
Anonymous (ID: Bu0kbfuA) 12/08/16(Thu)12:06:53 No.102033201
im off it now and it was horrid coming down from it

i bought iodine,multi vits,omega 3 caps,iron,creatine and loads of other vit pills and started a nicer diet of late...im hoping that does me some good

also bought a benchpress and a cycling machine and a running one also

im hoping a healthy lifestyle will change it...i feel like a zombie
Anonymous (ID: hh6VZRHK)
12/08/16(Thu)07:07:08 No.102033216
Anonymous (ID: hh6VZRHK) 12/08/16(Thu)12:07:08 No.102033216
Are intelligent, though may not have had top grades.

Are very creative and enjoy making things.

Always need to know WHY, especially why they are being asked to do something.

Had disgust and perhaps loathing for much of the required and repetitious work in school.

Were rebellious in school in that they refused to do homework and rejected authority of teachers, OR seriously wanted to rebel, but didn't DARE, usually due to parental pressure.

May have experienced early existential depression and feelings of helplessness. These may have ranged from sadness to utter despair. Suicidal feelings while still in high school or younger are not uncommon in the Indigo Adult.

Have difficulty in service-oriented jobs. Indigos resist authority and caste system of employment.

Prefer leadership positions or working alone to team positions.

Have deep empathy for others, yet an intolerance of stupidity.

May be extremely emotionally sensitive including crying at the drop of a hat (no shielding) Or may be the opposite and show no expression of emotion (full shielding).
May have trouble with RAGE.

Have trouble with systems they consider broken or ineffective, ie. political, educational, medical, and legal.
Anonymous (ID: hh6VZRHK)
12/08/16(Thu)07:07:42 No.102033234
Anonymous (ID: hh6VZRHK) 12/08/16(Thu)12:07:42 No.102033234

Alienation from or anger with politics - feeling your voice won't count and/or that the outcome really doesn't mattter.

Frustration with or rejection of the traditional American dream - 9-5 career, marriage, 2.5 children, house with white picket fence, etc.

Anger at rights being taken away, fear and/or fury at "Big Brother watching you."

Have a burning desire to do something to change and improve the world. May be stymied what to do. May have trouble identifying their path.

Have psychic or spiritual interest appear fairly young - in or before teen years.

Had few if any Indigo role models. Having had some doesn't mean you're not an indigo, though.

Have strong intuition.

Random behavior pattern or mind style - (symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder). May have trouble focusing on assigned tasks, may jump around in conversations.

Have had psychic experiences, such as premonitions, seeing angels or ghosts, out of body experiences, hearing voices.

May be electrically sensitive such as watches not working and street lights going out as you move under them, electrical equipment malfunctioning and lights blowing out.

May have awareness of other dimensions and parallel realities.

Sexually are very expressive and inventive OR may reject sexuality in boredom or with intention of achieving higher spiritual connection. May explore alternative types of sexuality.

Seek meaning to their life and understanding about the world May seek this through religion or spirituality, spiritual groups and books, self-help groups and books.

When they find balance they may become very strong, healthy, happy individuals.
Anonymous (ID: M36aFRkC)
12/08/16(Thu)07:08:21 No.102033271
Anonymous (ID: M36aFRkC) 12/08/16(Thu)12:08:21 No.102033271
I had retitlin from the age of 5 to 14 with the max dosage. I couldnt feel empathy at all and last week I had MDMA and now I feel empathy with people. Really strange dude.
Anonymous (ID: hh6VZRHK)
12/08/16(Thu)07:08:46 No.102033290
Anonymous (ID: hh6VZRHK) 12/08/16(Thu)12:08:46 No.102033290
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Accurate premonitions or more a kind of warning feel?
Anonymous (ID: jvRSAqH4)
12/08/16(Thu)07:09:09 No.102033310
Anonymous (ID: jvRSAqH4) 12/08/16(Thu)12:09:09 No.102033310
Sometimes I like to scoop my poo out of the toilet and draw erasable pictures on the toilet bowl.

One time it didn't erase and two spoons of sugar later dad was gargling his own blood trying to breath.
Anonymous (ID: jvRSAqH4)
12/08/16(Thu)07:09:43 No.102033355
Anonymous (ID: jvRSAqH4) 12/08/16(Thu)12:09:43 No.102033355
Anonymous (ID: UnGo7dwK)
12/08/16(Thu)07:09:58 No.102033371
Anonymous (ID: UnGo7dwK) 12/08/16(Thu)12:09:58 No.102033371
I got MRIs for the migraines and there was nothing wrong apparently.
Ritalin blurred my memory but it's been dripping back into place.
I stayed in the same classes as everyone else.
I also used to be extremely violent until the ritalin. After that I was constantly bullied until a few years being off of medication.
Anonymous (ID: grHh5Ou/)
12/08/16(Thu)07:10:23 No.102033398
Anonymous (ID: grHh5Ou/) 12/08/16(Thu)12:10:23 No.102033398
Anonymous (ID: Bu0kbfuA)
12/08/16(Thu)07:10:37 No.102033411
Anonymous (ID: Bu0kbfuA) 12/08/16(Thu)12:10:37 No.102033411
its most likely due to we see the shit normies dont allowing us to predict the future easier

i predicted trump and brexit over a year ago

the people on my fb laughed...they aint laughing anymore lol
Anonymous (ID: M36aFRkC)
12/08/16(Thu)07:10:58 No.102033434
Anonymous (ID: M36aFRkC) 12/08/16(Thu)12:10:58 No.102033434
I have symbolic premonitions the day before relatives die and I also see locations and then eventauly find them. It isnt deja vu since some locations were recuring for many years.
Anonymous (ID: Bu0kbfuA)
12/08/16(Thu)07:12:11 No.102033514
Anonymous (ID: Bu0kbfuA) 12/08/16(Thu)12:12:11 No.102033514
i was bullied in school alot...but i fought back most of the time which made things wworse as they would bait others into fighting me for entertainment IE tell them i called their mum a whore

i didnt even know what a whore was lol
Anonymous (ID: 9/XZ9SOr)
12/08/16(Thu)07:12:45 No.102033551
Anonymous (ID: 9/XZ9SOr) 12/08/16(Thu)12:12:45 No.102033551
gate was pretty sick.
Still was slow for me.
now I know 4 languages, getting my masters in physics, and can deadlift 300 lbs
Anonymous (ID: l/ISZQrZ)
12/08/16(Thu)07:13:01 No.102033569
Anonymous (ID: l/ISZQrZ) 12/08/16(Thu)12:13:01 No.102033569
>>102032219 (OP)

ADHD/ADD is a bluff.
Anonymous (ID: UnGo7dwK)
12/08/16(Thu)07:15:08 No.102033700
Anonymous (ID: UnGo7dwK) 12/08/16(Thu)12:15:08 No.102033700
I dealt with the same bullshit.
I stopped being docile off the meds so I went back to what I could remember as a child. I'm pretty good at intimidation.
Anonymous (ID: Hyp0lXTB)
12/08/16(Thu)07:18:08 No.102033891
Anonymous (ID: Hyp0lXTB) 12/08/16(Thu)12:18:08 No.102033891
Me too. Does the tinnitus get better??
Anonymous (ID: Hyp0lXTB)
12/08/16(Thu)07:19:41 No.102034008
Anonymous (ID: Hyp0lXTB) 12/08/16(Thu)12:19:41 No.102034008
Omega 3s and fish oil will be effective after one year.
Take some zinc as well
Anonymous (ID: hh6VZRHK)
12/08/16(Thu)07:19:51 No.102034019
Anonymous (ID: hh6VZRHK) 12/08/16(Thu)12:19:51 No.102034019
i had today several tinnitus

anyone else experience it daily / frequently?

we are tuned
Anonymous (ID: Hyp0lXTB)
12/08/16(Thu)07:20:36 No.102034067
Anonymous (ID: Hyp0lXTB) 12/08/16(Thu)12:20:36 No.102034067
Jesus Christ . So accurate
Anonymous (ID: rRCQm9Og)
12/08/16(Thu)07:21:17 No.102034107
Anonymous (ID: rRCQm9Og) 12/08/16(Thu)12:21:17 No.102034107
>>102032219 (OP)
I was in GATE but I didn't get any meds until I was in High School
also paranormal experiences wtf
Anonymous (ID: Hyp0lXTB)
12/08/16(Thu)07:22:23 No.102034186
Anonymous (ID: Hyp0lXTB) 12/08/16(Thu)12:22:23 No.102034186
Yup from the past few weeks. That's why I am on a vacation.
Anonymous (ID: orfXGD2/)
12/08/16(Thu)07:23:47 No.102034291
Anonymous (ID: orfXGD2/) 12/08/16(Thu)12:23:47 No.102034291
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>i was on riatlin from 8 until i was 15.
>my memory is really blurred

Pure coincidence.
Anonymous (ID: Hyp0lXTB)
12/08/16(Thu)07:25:51 No.102034431
Anonymous (ID: Hyp0lXTB) 12/08/16(Thu)12:25:51 No.102034431
A man with a white face paint and probably the most horrifying grin ever ?
Anonymous (ID: kBrOYoam)
12/08/16(Thu)07:25:54 No.102034434
Anonymous (ID: kBrOYoam) 12/08/16(Thu)12:25:54 No.102034434

You nailed it German-me.
Anonymous (ID: +LFpBj+h)
12/08/16(Thu)07:25:59 No.102034438
Anonymous (ID: +LFpBj+h) 12/08/16(Thu)12:25:59 No.102034438
Do you even know what ADHD means?

I know 2 people with attetion deficit hyperactivity disorder
But i don't like to call it a "disorder"

Like for me i may have ADHD too, never thought about diagnosing it..

I'm doing alot of sports like soccer,basketball,volleyball etc.
Learned aikido, kenjutsu, shooting with bows/longbows ,crossbows
Learned playing piano, currently guitar and planning violine in the future.
But my biggest problem is my short span of attention.. I get bored really fast and stop what i'm doing and never touch that again. Ending up on half hearted abilities ..
Anonymous (ID: xaDV28Dc)
12/08/16(Thu)07:26:40 No.102034490
Anonymous (ID: xaDV28Dc) 12/08/16(Thu)12:26:40 No.102034490
>>102032219 (OP)

Mind if you folks tell me what you're majoring in / doing with your life?
Anonymous (ID: GgS6KeSJ)
12/08/16(Thu)07:26:56 No.102034514
Anonymous (ID: GgS6KeSJ) 12/08/16(Thu)12:26:56 No.102034514
I hate it when I start relating to something and then I find out it was pseudoscience
Anonymous (ID: b5vEfBT3)
12/08/16(Thu)07:29:22 No.102034677
Anonymous (ID: b5vEfBT3) 12/08/16(Thu)12:29:22 No.102034677
Anonymous (ID: orfXGD2/)
12/08/16(Thu)07:29:50 No.102034714
Anonymous (ID: orfXGD2/) 12/08/16(Thu)12:29:50 No.102034714

It's outrageous that we give stuff like this to kids. No wonder Millennials are so fucked up.
Anonymous (ID: Hyp0lXTB)
12/08/16(Thu)07:30:13 No.102034744
Anonymous (ID: Hyp0lXTB) 12/08/16(Thu)12:30:13 No.102034744
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Hurts to live with ADHD
Anonymous (ID: aZ4V8bEO)
12/08/16(Thu)07:31:58 No.102034867
Anonymous (ID: aZ4V8bEO) 12/08/16(Thu)12:31:58 No.102034867


ADHD drugs don't work.

Compounded with other mental disabilities

I've wasted my life.
Anonymous (ID: 7iXGjLBX)
12/08/16(Thu)07:32:49 No.102034934
Anonymous (ID: 7iXGjLBX) 12/08/16(Thu)12:32:49 No.102034934

I can relate to all of this. Is this about indigos or something else?
Anonymous (ID: kBrOYoam)
12/08/16(Thu)07:33:08 No.102034959
Anonymous (ID: kBrOYoam) 12/08/16(Thu)12:33:08 No.102034959
>anyone else experience it daily / frequently?

I have it so often, that it's just another day at the office for me. Hell, it's going on right now. It's not intense, but it's very often there.

Always happens when I'm about to go to sleep.
Anonymous (ID: UnGo7dwK)
12/08/16(Thu)07:35:14 No.102035110
Anonymous (ID: UnGo7dwK) 12/08/16(Thu)12:35:14 No.102035110
I'm a loser, but at least I'm a happy loser.
I dropped out of college since I couldn't take my "teachers" seriously and now I can't get financial aid to go back. Probably would have made the same choices knowing what I know now. I'm resourceful enough to always find my way.
Agreed. Amphetamine should never be given to children.
The ghost in my house was female and would call my name. It was a very bright white ghost in a flowing dress.
Come to think of it I've seen one on vacation at a beach in Corpus Christie too. That one was walking from a collapsed shack near the beach. It was wearing a black dress and was very dark looking. I like to think it was just a person that I didn't notice but people don't pop up in a field out of nowhere like that. I avoided looking directly at it.
Anonymous (ID: Hyp0lXTB)
12/08/16(Thu)07:35:46 No.102035149
Anonymous (ID: Hyp0lXTB) 12/08/16(Thu)12:35:46 No.102035149
Try fish oils, zinc and b complex ( Rich in B6)
Anonymous (ID: Erbqj7ai)
12/08/16(Thu)07:37:11 No.102035244
Anonymous (ID: Erbqj7ai) 12/08/16(Thu)12:37:11 No.102035244
>>102032219 (OP)

1. When the universe began bigbang.
2. Potential - the original source of all things to be, to have been and that might be - God.
3. Life is paranormal.
4. Yes it´s a long distance infinite course conducted via google and youtube.
Anonymous (ID: Hyp0lXTB)
12/08/16(Thu)07:37:35 No.102035280
Anonymous (ID: Hyp0lXTB) 12/08/16(Thu)12:37:35 No.102035280
>would call my name. It was a very bright white ghost in a flowing dress.
When you were about to leave the house or whenever you were alone or having a shower ?
Anonymous (ID: 9MTqWMP7)
12/08/16(Thu)07:38:56 No.102035371
Anonymous (ID: 9MTqWMP7) 12/08/16(Thu)12:38:56 No.102035371
I have a 136 IQ and failed high school due to not giving a fuck

I was always innatentive/ daydreamy as long as I can remember. other kids used to think I was retarded or something and I could never connect with people

one time I stared out the window for 5 hours straight because I wanted to catch a glimpse of a pokemon. I told my Mum I saw a pidgey even though I didn't. I was a fucking weird kid
Anonymous (ID: UnGo7dwK)
12/08/16(Thu)07:39:10 No.102035383
Anonymous (ID: UnGo7dwK) 12/08/16(Thu)12:39:10 No.102035383
It would walk up and down my hallway and would call my name when I would be trying to play video games or watch tv.
Anonymous (ID: doNNbZ5y)
12/08/16(Thu)07:39:20 No.102035394
Anonymous (ID: doNNbZ5y) 12/08/16(Thu)12:39:20 No.102035394
>>102032219 (OP)

adhd here.

I'm kinda smart but slower than most (113 IQ, but I have no hustle and keep my own pace), I don't care to get into discussions or show off my wit much at all. I just want to be comfortable with the way I think, which is hard because a lot of the time I will run on auto pilot even when I don't want to. I'll go entire days where I can't critically think about things I want to, It's depressing to me because when I am able to think at my optimal level I'm so much quicker and efficient at everything. I've been tying some techniques as of late to where I will ask myself what my surroundings are and what is different about them than from yesterday (IE like new road construction on a street). I also just started to think about my childhood a lot more to get my memory in motion to help boost my mind.
Anonymous (ID: +LFpBj+h)
12/08/16(Thu)07:39:24 No.102035395
Anonymous (ID: +LFpBj+h) 12/08/16(Thu)12:39:24 No.102035395
Like for me
had been tested and physically there is nothing broken with my hearing but i still have this high pitched sound
intense when going to sleep.
Anonymous (ID: Hyp0lXTB)
12/08/16(Thu)07:39:44 No.102035423
Anonymous (ID: Hyp0lXTB) 12/08/16(Thu)12:39:44 No.102035423
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YES !!!!!!!
Anonymous (ID: Hyp0lXTB)
12/08/16(Thu)07:41:32 No.102035569
Anonymous (ID: Hyp0lXTB) 12/08/16(Thu)12:41:32 No.102035569
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Huh. Is there anything we can do to repel these entities?
Anonymous (ID: 7iXGjLBX)
12/08/16(Thu)07:42:00 No.102035600
Anonymous (ID: 7iXGjLBX) 12/08/16(Thu)12:42:00 No.102035600
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Jag gillar hur du tänker
Anonymous (ID: Hyp0lXTB)
12/08/16(Thu)07:43:30 No.102035704
Anonymous (ID: Hyp0lXTB) 12/08/16(Thu)12:43:30 No.102035704
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I had an obsession with Pokémon as well ( especially the original 150)
Even I had difficulty connecting with my class mates
Anonymous (ID: E1qfyxiD)
12/08/16(Thu)07:44:02 No.102035740
Anonymous (ID: E1qfyxiD) 12/08/16(Thu)12:44:02 No.102035740
>>102032219 (OP)
>lots of obe's and sleep paralysis when I was a kid
>the fuck is gate?
Anonymous (ID: aZ4V8bEO)
12/08/16(Thu)07:44:17 No.102035755
Anonymous (ID: aZ4V8bEO) 12/08/16(Thu)12:44:17 No.102035755
One step ahead of you on fish oil, although I eat oily fish.

Don't really get zinc and B that much.
Anonymous (ID: UnGo7dwK)
12/08/16(Thu)07:45:00 No.102035808
Anonymous (ID: UnGo7dwK) 12/08/16(Thu)12:45:00 No.102035808
Stop worrying about it. Only the weak willed have to worry.
Anonymous (ID: KYjPYnc7)
12/08/16(Thu)07:45:11 No.102035822
Anonymous (ID: KYjPYnc7) 12/08/16(Thu)12:45:11 No.102035822
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>>102032219 (OP)
>Probably have add/spergs
>Never told mommy
>Escaped the bad pills
I win, ayy lmaos.
Anonymous (ID: hh6VZRHK)
12/08/16(Thu)07:46:09 No.102035888
Anonymous (ID: hh6VZRHK) 12/08/16(Thu)12:46:09 No.102035888
anyone experienced ESP abilities?

Read this

Thread I: https://archive.is/qQkpC
Thread II: https://archive.is/wced0
Thread III: https://archive.is/d0pID
Thread IV: https://archive.is/nNVa3
Thread V: https://archive.is/ANDHs
Anonymous (ID: E1qfyxiD)
12/08/16(Thu)07:46:55 No.102035938
Anonymous (ID: E1qfyxiD) 12/08/16(Thu)12:46:55 No.102035938
I have while on psychedelics particularly an experience with lsd
Anonymous (ID: Nt5l4h8Y)
12/08/16(Thu)07:48:01 No.102036006
Anonymous (ID: Nt5l4h8Y) 12/08/16(Thu)12:48:01 No.102036006
>>102032219 (OP)
all the add kids i knew were retarded as fuck
Anonymous (ID: 9MTqWMP7)
12/08/16(Thu)07:50:23 No.102036173
Anonymous (ID: 9MTqWMP7) 12/08/16(Thu)12:50:23 No.102036173
you're probably misjudging what add is

if you're reffering to the specifically hyperactive kids. that's not even really what real add is
Anonymous (ID: /lrElV3b)
12/08/16(Thu)07:50:53 No.102036206
Anonymous (ID: /lrElV3b) 12/08/16(Thu)12:50:53 No.102036206
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>>102032219 (OP)

As a conservative I don't believe in many mental health or psychological theories such as these theories or autism. I do believe in learning difficulties but that's about it. Thus the defunding for much of that apparent 'science' under conservative governments. Learning difficulties get financial aid though. But I don't consider ADHD or similar as a learning difficulty just something that will be grown out of eventually and naturally and isn't seen as something that needs treatment.
Anonymous (ID: gOzuar4e)
12/08/16(Thu)07:51:08 No.102036227
Anonymous (ID: gOzuar4e) 12/08/16(Thu)12:51:08 No.102036227
>I'll go entire days where I can't critically think about things I want to, It's depressing to me because when I am able to think at my optimal level I'm so much quicker and efficient at everything.

I have that, but it's like a heavy brain fog.
Anonymous (ID: 2IhBl0Cg)
12/08/16(Thu)07:52:03 No.102036292
Anonymous (ID: 2IhBl0Cg) 12/08/16(Thu)12:52:03 No.102036292
>>102032219 (OP)
Diagnosed in 2010
Doors would slam at the barracks in our rooms with nobody there and our wall locker doors would slam. Heard footsteps and running when there was nobody there.
I have no idea what GATE is.
Anonymous (ID: doNNbZ5y)
12/08/16(Thu)07:52:34 No.102036334
Anonymous (ID: doNNbZ5y) 12/08/16(Thu)12:52:34 No.102036334
thats exactly what it is. Do you have any techniques to get into your peak mental performance?
Anonymous (ID: 9MTqWMP7)
12/08/16(Thu)07:54:48 No.102036484
Anonymous (ID: 9MTqWMP7) 12/08/16(Thu)12:54:48 No.102036484
you sound real fucking stupid

so schizophrenia is a conspiracy theory?
Anonymous (ID: ql14xYeN)
12/08/16(Thu)07:55:11 No.102036503
Anonymous (ID: ql14xYeN) 12/08/16(Thu)12:55:11 No.102036503
Went on ritalin, adderall, stratera.

After HS, got into drugs, out of curioutsity, although declared myself straight edge. Found out I loved them.
Older now. I'm an existential God. I play with my psyche as if it were a sandbox and I've relatively broken the norm of reality for my daily life, as I self-prophecised.
Anonymous (ID: Hyp0lXTB)
12/08/16(Thu)07:56:12 No.102036588
Anonymous (ID: Hyp0lXTB) 12/08/16(Thu)12:56:12 No.102036588
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DAE: Has trouble letting go of bad experiences and especially the times when people used and abused just because you were kind
Anonymous (ID: gOzuar4e)
12/08/16(Thu)07:56:14 No.102036591
Anonymous (ID: gOzuar4e) 12/08/16(Thu)12:56:14 No.102036591
It sort of appears whenever. I think it might be related to dairy, but that isn't the only thing causing it. On mornings where I fast and just have tea, I tend to feel pretty good. That's when I have to finish my research papers, because otherwise my brain is shut down.
Anonymous (ID: aZ4V8bEO)
12/08/16(Thu)07:57:34 No.102036669
Anonymous (ID: aZ4V8bEO) 12/08/16(Thu)12:57:34 No.102036669
Yeah I've heard this before. I've believed this before as an autismo. I never told anybody about my disability wanting equal treatment too.

But when where-ever you go, no matter if you never mention it, no matter how hard to try, in a couple of months everybody is whispering behind your back... you start thinking there might be something to this disability multiple psychologists told you that you had. When you can go months without social interaction easily... when you're in your mid twenties and on your way to wizard status... when the only real friend you made in the first twenty years of your life was initially your friend because he was told to... when you're constantly the butt of jokes...

Doesn't matter if autism is real or not I'm fucked anyways. But the label "Autism" gives me access to various supports and lets me easily communicate the general problems I might have. That can help with my problems.
Anonymous (ID: Hyp0lXTB)
12/08/16(Thu)07:58:18 No.102036724
Anonymous (ID: Hyp0lXTB) 12/08/16(Thu)12:58:18 No.102036724
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>I'm an existential God. I play with my psyche as if it were a sandbox and I've relatively broken the norm of reality for my daily life, as I self-prophecised.
Tell me more
Anonymous (ID: CfGVXGjQ)
12/08/16(Thu)07:58:48 No.102036769
Anonymous (ID: CfGVXGjQ) 12/08/16(Thu)12:58:48 No.102036769
>>102032219 (OP)
134 here

I'm still a fat NEET weeb virgin
Anonymous (ID: Hyp0lXTB)
12/08/16(Thu)07:59:13 No.102036796
Anonymous (ID: Hyp0lXTB) 12/08/16(Thu)12:59:13 No.102036796
How many of you guys have The negative blood?
Just curious
Anonymous (ID: aZ4V8bEO)
12/08/16(Thu)08:00:29 No.102036880
Anonymous (ID: aZ4V8bEO) 12/08/16(Thu)13:00:29 No.102036880
Like you're mostly wrong, but you're also a little right. Disabilities are fairly made up. "Autism" is a spectrum of differant disabilities all caused by individual things, and while you say it's a myth, there's some forms of autism we understand better like Fragile X Syndrome caused by chromosonal issues. But really it's people in actuality not TRULY suffering the same mental illness all lumped into the same broad group. Kind of like how like there isn't one disease called "Cancer" and it describes a wide variety of similar diseases.

Autism is a helpful label though.
Anonymous (ID: oDNgClOm)
12/08/16(Thu)08:02:55 No.102037055
Anonymous (ID: oDNgClOm) 12/08/16(Thu)13:02:55 No.102037055
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Medical student
Anonymous (ID: 2xKmuwyT)
12/08/16(Thu)08:04:23 No.102037156
Anonymous (ID: 2xKmuwyT) 12/08/16(Thu)13:04:23 No.102037156
IQ 160+, Saw things. Can feel people's thoughts when rested and have clear mind. Not sure what major. Premonitions as well, which I had the peasure of describing the current situation and surroundings as it unfolded once to a friend. I know when people are thinking of me if I am close to them, sometimes know who will call 2 hrs-30 Mins beforehand.
Anonymous (ID: 9MTqWMP7)
12/08/16(Thu)08:04:54 No.102037187
Anonymous (ID: 9MTqWMP7) 12/08/16(Thu)13:04:54 No.102037187
anyone else get stuck in thought loops?
Anonymous (ID: mTBOp+oC)
12/08/16(Thu)08:05:37 No.102037240
Anonymous (ID: mTBOp+oC) 12/08/16(Thu)13:05:37 No.102037240
>>102032219 (OP)
>kids with add/adhd
>incredibly intelligent

Yeah no.
Anonymous (ID: v5Ddm1ND)
12/08/16(Thu)08:05:53 No.102037267
Anonymous (ID: v5Ddm1ND) 12/08/16(Thu)13:05:53 No.102037267

Basically a nigger.
Anonymous (ID: hh6VZRHK)
12/08/16(Thu)08:05:54 No.102037268
Anonymous (ID: hh6VZRHK) 12/08/16(Thu)13:05:54 No.102037268
you mean recurring thoughts you cant really "kill" them?
Anonymous (ID: 9MTqWMP7)
12/08/16(Thu)08:07:02 No.102037346
Anonymous (ID: 9MTqWMP7) 12/08/16(Thu)13:07:02 No.102037346
yeah. essentially
Anonymous (ID: MQYgGhiQ)
12/08/16(Thu)08:07:42 No.102037383
Anonymous (ID: MQYgGhiQ) 12/08/16(Thu)13:07:42 No.102037383
>>102032219 (OP)
>the tests they once used for testing if a child was a genius is exactly the same test they now use to diagnose ADD and ADHD!

I'd like source on this
Anonymous (ID: 2xKmuwyT)
12/08/16(Thu)08:07:54 No.102037396
Anonymous (ID: 2xKmuwyT) 12/08/16(Thu)13:07:54 No.102037396
--If i still have some real connection to them.
Anonymous (ID: hh6VZRHK)
12/08/16(Thu)08:08:37 No.102037459
Anonymous (ID: hh6VZRHK) 12/08/16(Thu)13:08:37 No.102037459
yeah im stuck with one loop it generates fear and panic

i tried to get rid of it but it still comes back

could it be "mind control" ?
Anonymous (ID: 2xKmuwyT)
12/08/16(Thu)08:09:03 No.102037485
Anonymous (ID: 2xKmuwyT) 12/08/16(Thu)13:09:03 No.102037485

Sometimes. There are ways to get rid of them.
Anonymous (ID: 5s4y8frz)
12/08/16(Thu)08:09:10 No.102037493
Anonymous (ID: 5s4y8frz) 12/08/16(Thu)13:09:10 No.102037493
What is GATE? can't find anything
Anonymous (ID: A08RF1eP)
12/08/16(Thu)08:10:05 No.102037561
Anonymous (ID: A08RF1eP) 12/08/16(Thu)13:10:05 No.102037561
Wow, this is me to a T.

I have to wonder though if some of that isn't just a product of our current society. I find many of these traits just appear when faced with the absurdity of the social game.

Had a few interesting events occur around me. All electronics in the house started malfunctioning when my depression led to a mental breakdown. The router flat out failed, voices on the phone became robotic, computer kept crashing, the worse i felt, the more malfunctions happened beyond what could be coincidence. People won't believe me when I tell them though.

This indigo stuff mixes too much mumbo jumbo in it to warrant good research though.
Anonymous (ID: 2xKmuwyT)
12/08/16(Thu)08:10:06 No.102037563
Anonymous (ID: 2xKmuwyT) 12/08/16(Thu)13:10:06 No.102037563
Could be bad vibes from the culture of town or people you come into contact with. How do you affect it?
Anonymous (ID: +ZZkQ2LZ)
12/08/16(Thu)08:10:29 No.102037588
Anonymous (ID: +ZZkQ2LZ) 12/08/16(Thu)13:10:29 No.102037588
Simple solution:
Make Amphetamines like Adderall OTC like we do with Psuedophedrine.
Then there will be no need to diagnose people with ADD/ADHD, instead we will have people self treating.
Anonymous (ID: hh6VZRHK)
12/08/16(Thu)08:10:47 No.102037607
Anonymous (ID: hh6VZRHK) 12/08/16(Thu)13:10:47 No.102037607
read this post
Anonymous (ID: 2xKmuwyT)
12/08/16(Thu)08:11:39 No.102037674
Anonymous (ID: 2xKmuwyT) 12/08/16(Thu)13:11:39 No.102037674

This gets easier to deal with as you get older, not sure why. How do you cope with it?
Anonymous (ID: 9MTqWMP7)
12/08/16(Thu)08:12:02 No.102037695
Anonymous (ID: 9MTqWMP7) 12/08/16(Thu)13:12:02 No.102037695
The problem is they started diagnosing every dumb/ slightly hyperactive kid without ADD

That isn't actually what it fundamentally is.
Anonymous (ID: hh6VZRHK)
12/08/16(Thu)08:13:19 No.102037772
Anonymous (ID: hh6VZRHK) 12/08/16(Thu)13:13:19 No.102037772
I try to push it away and ignore it
Anonymous (ID: WY1vFGaa)
12/08/16(Thu)08:13:20 No.102037773
Anonymous (ID: WY1vFGaa) 12/08/16(Thu)13:13:20 No.102037773
>>102032219 (OP)
ADHD and ADD, IQ 116
Makes me a psycho really. Not trying to be an edge here but its easy for me to bullshit people. So in so, my current gf, an architect, bought me a car. I can fake love. I can say bs stuff like forever and marriage with a straight or endearing face. I can easily spot body language and tone differentials. I can pull out facts fast for i got good retention skills. Got into occult and conspiracy theories during grade school for god knows why. Not a NEET. Undergrad though, doing business. Chad outside, autistic inside. I'm not even proud of the 'special' skills i have, i still feel like a fucked up kid who's inside a grown man's body.
Anonymous (ID: A08RF1eP)
12/08/16(Thu)08:14:16 No.102037845
Anonymous (ID: A08RF1eP) 12/08/16(Thu)13:14:16 No.102037845
Well that's interesting.
Anonymous (ID: hh6VZRHK)
12/08/16(Thu)08:15:42 No.102037959
Anonymous (ID: hh6VZRHK) 12/08/16(Thu)13:15:42 No.102037959
you just pretend to be normal but inside youre a "crazy scientist"

you would love to explore the world

i noticed im hearing the high pitched sound triggered through thoughts
Anonymous (ID: 2IhBl0Cg)
12/08/16(Thu)08:15:44 No.102037963
Anonymous (ID: 2IhBl0Cg) 12/08/16(Thu)13:15:44 No.102037963
Heyyyy waddup mass bro. Sorry to hear you live here though. Too far left.
Anonymous (ID: 08rHRBuj)
12/08/16(Thu)08:16:10 No.102037992
Anonymous (ID: 08rHRBuj) 12/08/16(Thu)13:16:10 No.102037992
I'm an ADHD/Depression type too

Dropped out of economics in the third year. Got an entry level job in digital marketing.

Considering manual labour if this career doesn't work out. Too many companies are overrun by politics and honest communication doesn't pay off.

At least if I learn to lay bricks, I can listen to music while I workand not have to worry about who is the bosses favourite.
Anonymous (ID: vUiiWXqv)
12/08/16(Thu)08:17:00 No.102038069
Anonymous (ID: vUiiWXqv) 12/08/16(Thu)13:17:00 No.102038069
>>102032219 (OP)
The jew has to put end to white childrens intellectuality early and name it as an ailment. Otherwise there would be thousands of Bobby Fischers' to expose them.
Anonymous (ID: 2IhBl0Cg)
12/08/16(Thu)08:17:07 No.102038078
Anonymous (ID: 2IhBl0Cg) 12/08/16(Thu)13:17:07 No.102038078
They have an iq of 85 on average here.
Anonymous (ID: kBrOYoam)
12/08/16(Thu)08:17:27 No.102038102
Anonymous (ID: kBrOYoam) 12/08/16(Thu)13:17:27 No.102038102
>One step ahead of you on fish oil, although I eat oily fish.
>Don't really get zinc and B that much.

Look into picking up the Biosteel sport drink/supplement. It's not cheap, about $1/dose when you buy the $60 container, but it's fucking great for b vitamins. It's what gatorade should be, minus all of the sugar and artificial shit. The worst ingredient is citric acid, which is very mild compared to what other companies put in their supplements.

Oily fish like salmon is good, if you ever want a cheaper alternative, Carlson Very Finest brand of liquid fish oil is god-tier. I've even been using it to help treat high blood pressure. It does have an oily texture, and a slight aftertaste, but it's really not that bad at all. And a hell of a lot cheaper per dose compared to the gel caps.
Anonymous (ID: 2uKFfd9+)
12/08/16(Thu)08:17:57 No.102038141
Anonymous (ID: 2uKFfd9+) 12/08/16(Thu)13:17:57 No.102038141
I have bad news: there are personal politics everywhere.
Anonymous (ID: QqDQoN52)
12/08/16(Thu)08:19:09 No.102038224
Anonymous (ID: QqDQoN52) 12/08/16(Thu)13:19:09 No.102038224
>>102032219 (OP)
>>102032219 (OP)

2_European origin dont know from where.

3_Nothing out of the ordinary , just the universe trying to kill me when i got into deep hermetic stuff, or people attacking me due to that.
The matrix does not like when one start to look at the code.

Anonymous (ID: JEcdIXD4)
12/08/16(Thu)08:20:31 No.102038336
Anonymous (ID: JEcdIXD4) 12/08/16(Thu)13:20:31 No.102038336

I am absolutely horrid with math but anything else I good.

Can fly aircraft and precision shoot.

I work in public safety and can usually judge somebody quite quite well. I'm usually 99.9% correct.

I was on concerta from grade 6 to grade 12
Anonymous (ID: +xxZa06m)
12/08/16(Thu)08:20:47 No.102038361
Anonymous (ID: +xxZa06m) 12/08/16(Thu)13:20:47 No.102038361
>>102032219 (OP)
Test when 6 confirmed IQ of 129. Knew how to assemble an atomic bomb by age 6.
Put on Anti-psychotics and mood stabilizers at age 7, put on different classes of Amphetamines by age 9.
Slept in math classes whole schooling. Barely got D's to pass. Quit my meds. Now I can do differential equations and I have no fucking clue how I learned any of it l.
I'm a PLC technician and can fix literally anything without ever having known the equipment.
Taking Staterra now...not bad actually. It simply lets me utilize more noroepinephine and doesn't fuck with my dopamine or serotonin at all.
As fat as extrasensory, I can see ghosts and spirits as easily as dogs can sense them. They're really not that common. Typically most older homes have something. I've commanded 3 spirits to leave homes I've lived in and they've never come back. Phantoms are cool as fuck and I let them be. They're just recordings of the past.
Seeing a woman in a bonnet checking the long walled off fireplace and disappearing into the nursery is cool as fuck.
Not trolling, not psychotic.
Meds never made it go away. Just made me dumb.
Anonymous (ID: XGg/+zBk)
12/08/16(Thu)08:23:21 No.102038565
Anonymous (ID: XGg/+zBk) 12/08/16(Thu)13:23:21 No.102038565
dood, exact same here, people reality for some fucking reason always manages a way to make me lose concentration when im thinking about matrix shit
Anonymous (ID: POHZYpQf)
12/08/16(Thu)08:24:23 No.102038645
Anonymous (ID: POHZYpQf) 12/08/16(Thu)13:24:23 No.102038645
>>102032219 (OP)


When I was 6 or 7 years old I was playing NES when I got a weird feeling like I was being watched. Then I saw in my mind this toy I got at school that was in my toy box in the other room. Right at that moment it flew out of it, it scared me so I ran to my parent's room and jumped in their bed. I used to be able to do simple ESP type things by sending colors and shapes to my mom (we were actively trying) this happened all throughout my childhood. When I was a teenager I sold drugs. I could sense I was being watched by the cops which allowed me to successfully evade them on a few occasions. One time I felt I was being listened to while I made a deal, when I pulled up to a stoplight I saw a cop in the distance. I sped out of the light and quickly parked into the docking area of this odd shaped building. I got out of my car and watched from underneath the overhanging part of the dock several cop cars drove by from both directions. They continued looking in the area for about 30 minutes and gave up. On another notable occasion (I was 20 at the time) my girlfriend, and my mom who was 40 miles away heard this psychic phenomenon. I was about to do a very big drug deal and we all heard what sound like people talking over shortwave radio along with a lot of static. I didn't go on time to the meeting place but drove by to look 30 minutes after the arranged time. The parking lots was literally full of police.

I wasn't involved in GATE. I was diagnosed at 6 with ADD/ADHD . My IQ when tested in 8th grade was 150. They actually put people with ADD/ADHD in special ed in my state. Kek
Anonymous (ID: WY1vFGaa)
12/08/16(Thu)08:24:33 No.102038658
Anonymous (ID: WY1vFGaa) 12/08/16(Thu)13:24:33 No.102038658
Wtf german bro. You've been nailing the head about ADHD with your posts. About the crazy scientist, I'm an undergraduate of occupational therapy, so its prerequisites for us to do anatomy. I dissect people with no emotion even the first time, i also played with some frogs like poking the lungs and watch it retracts.. and yes, all those things i did comes with a high pitch sound inside my head telling me stuff. For example, when I lie, i feel someone is coaching me what to say.

Its a conflicting feeling to be honest. I feel im a righteous person who wants to do good deeds to people but the fact i can easily lie or fake feelings makes it hard to be.
Anonymous (ID: kSp+9VMU)
12/08/16(Thu)08:25:40 No.102038759
Anonymous (ID: kSp+9VMU) 12/08/16(Thu)13:25:40 No.102038759
I was diagnosed with ADD in 7th grade.
A professional IQ test showed I had an IQ of 128 with, they say, a margin of error of ~2-3 points.
Adopted from Russia in 1996 at 9 months old by American parents.
I took Vyvanse for several months. I didn't like it, so we didn't get a new prescription.
I'm in college, and I'm majoring in Finance.
Maybe I don't have ADD.
Anonymous (ID: Dxa+G09R)
12/08/16(Thu)08:25:55 No.102038785
Anonymous (ID: Dxa+G09R) 12/08/16(Thu)13:25:55 No.102038785
Several master degrees
Business owner.
5 languages

Can work several days non-stop and get all my tasks done with quality and on time. Always thought that stress is for weak pussies.

Not happy, brain doesn't ever stop thinking. Just wish I could breakdown or go on vacations for an year.
Anonymous (ID: QqDQoN52)
12/08/16(Thu)08:26:27 No.102038813
Anonymous (ID: QqDQoN52) 12/08/16(Thu)13:26:27 No.102038813
Anonymous (ID: XGg/+zBk)
12/08/16(Thu)08:26:56 No.102038858
Anonymous (ID: XGg/+zBk) 12/08/16(Thu)13:26:56 No.102038858
about that high picthed sound... any chance you hear it in your right ear?
i sometimes get that shit for no explainable reason
Anonymous (ID: 08rHRBuj)
12/08/16(Thu)08:27:10 No.102038878
Anonymous (ID: 08rHRBuj) 12/08/16(Thu)13:27:10 No.102038878

True, but it is most toxic in places that have a lot of women, or HR interference in policy (HR is inherently feminine).

I've contracted in different companies and even changed career. So I've picked up a bit of "data".

Working with blue collar guys would reduce the bullshit a lot.
Anonymous (ID: LZ0o+jX+)
12/08/16(Thu)08:28:31 No.102038971
Anonymous (ID: LZ0o+jX+) 12/08/16(Thu)13:28:31 No.102038971
How does all this tie into Christianity?
Anonymous (ID: ql14xYeN)
12/08/16(Thu)08:28:43 No.102038986
Anonymous (ID: ql14xYeN) 12/08/16(Thu)13:28:43 No.102038986
I am One, all of One, nothing of One, and the Devil of One. I am others and me and nothing. I fear only what is in my growth path, although it is dwindling weekly.
Anonymous (ID: WY1vFGaa)
12/08/16(Thu)08:29:51 No.102039069
Anonymous (ID: WY1vFGaa) 12/08/16(Thu)13:29:51 No.102039069
Lol. As a business owner myself, it hits close to home. You want to get mad at people for venting about problems cos you always think stuff logically with a common theme 'there's a solution to it, you're just overreacting'. Also, have you experienced like talking to yourself, discussing ideas like political speeches and such?
Anonymous (ID: +xxZa06m)
12/08/16(Thu)08:30:39 No.102039125
Anonymous (ID: +xxZa06m) 12/08/16(Thu)13:30:39 No.102039125
Fuck man...same here.
I'm without a doubt the greatest liar, i never forget a lie and can manipulate anyones feelings any way I choose.
It's fucking hard to avoid but necessary when the genpop uses you as a scapegoat due to them feeling threatened for whatever reason by you...
Anonymous (ID: JEcdIXD4)
12/08/16(Thu)08:30:54 No.102039143
Anonymous (ID: JEcdIXD4) 12/08/16(Thu)13:30:54 No.102039143
I sometimes have hours long conversations with myself because I'm the only person who makes sense sometimes.
Anonymous (ID: hh6VZRHK)
12/08/16(Thu)08:31:11 No.102039166
Anonymous (ID: hh6VZRHK) 12/08/16(Thu)13:31:11 No.102039166
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we should connect and work together

ill guess thats the thing ((they) do not want under no circumstances

Alone, we are weak and confused - together we can achieve things that would never have been possible. I think that makes them afraid

anyone remember a "concentrating training" in primary school?

they called it "dream travels"

could it be that they tried to access astral realms or achieve remote viewing?
Anonymous (ID: XGg/+zBk)
12/08/16(Thu)08:32:12 No.102039242
Anonymous (ID: XGg/+zBk) 12/08/16(Thu)13:32:12 No.102039242
are you guys me?
Anonymous (ID: WY1vFGaa)
12/08/16(Thu)08:32:27 No.102039260
Anonymous (ID: WY1vFGaa) 12/08/16(Thu)13:32:27 No.102039260
Yes! Its sometimes a soft buzzing sound like feedback from a microphone sometimes its lowkey static but still noticeable. It usually happens when i think despicable stuff or overtly excited
Anonymous (ID: 5s4y8frz)
12/08/16(Thu)08:32:39 No.102039285
Anonymous (ID: 5s4y8frz) 12/08/16(Thu)13:32:39 No.102039285
this threads are utter bullshit written by a guy who was on lsd for 6 months. Its on the internet so it must be true right
Anonymous (ID: C+lmHtBx)
12/08/16(Thu)08:33:15 No.102039325
Anonymous (ID: C+lmHtBx) 12/08/16(Thu)13:33:15 No.102039325
Lol are you me? That's why I use 4 - as a distraction from my own unrelenting mental dialog.
Anonymous (ID: +xxZa06m)
12/08/16(Thu)08:33:31 No.102039345
Anonymous (ID: +xxZa06m) 12/08/16(Thu)13:33:31 No.102039345
I get that too.
Thought it was normal no?
The ringing isn't typical tinnitus, it's more like when you get really high on dopamine. All of outside goes away and focus to task becomes a thousandfold.
Anonymous (ID: iAYkKI4e)
12/08/16(Thu)08:34:53 No.102039467
Anonymous (ID: iAYkKI4e) 12/08/16(Thu)13:34:53 No.102039467
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Genius-level verba/writtenl comprehension here. Strangely that doesn't translate into speaking skills.

Very good at creating or tearing down arguments, great writer, not too great at math. Was in honors classes in high school, was placed into honors-college composition courses in college even though I was a finance major.

Super slow reader, but great memory and retention of information.

90's kid.
From the south.
No paranormal experiences.
School didn't offer GATE
Take Vyvanse, 30 mg.
Anonymous (ID: hh6VZRHK)
12/08/16(Thu)08:35:03 No.102039476
Anonymous (ID: hh6VZRHK) 12/08/16(Thu)13:35:03 No.102039476
wow that was a fast reply after reading all that archives in less than 30 minutes lol

it is definitely something big
Anonymous (ID: WY1vFGaa)
12/08/16(Thu)08:35:19 No.102039502
Anonymous (ID: WY1vFGaa) 12/08/16(Thu)13:35:19 No.102039502
I think so too germanbro. I admit, I'm a redditor before but i always facepalm to the corniness of being a normy. I often criticize how superficial most are. I've been to different boards like storm but when i got into pol, i never got out. I felt an autistic connection that i can sense there's a plenty of people who has a disorder. I just really felt it by the gut, glad im not wrong
Anonymous (ID: iAYkKI4e)
12/08/16(Thu)08:35:52 No.102039541
Anonymous (ID: iAYkKI4e) 12/08/16(Thu)13:35:52 No.102039541
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Independent verification
Anonymous (ID: hh6VZRHK)
12/08/16(Thu)08:36:39 No.102039600
Anonymous (ID: hh6VZRHK) 12/08/16(Thu)13:36:39 No.102039600
we will setup some international research group to dig and exchange


contact me if you want to get in contact
Anonymous (ID: c/R/TlOM)
12/08/16(Thu)08:36:58 No.102039621
Anonymous (ID: c/R/TlOM) 12/08/16(Thu)13:36:58 No.102039621
Every single one. Am I ayyyyy?
Anonymous (ID: +xxZa06m)
12/08/16(Thu)08:37:04 No.102039625
Anonymous (ID: +xxZa06m) 12/08/16(Thu)13:37:04 No.102039625
Am I the only one who drives WAY better the faster I drive with the music loud enough to drown out all other sounds?
Or in general, the faster paced and more stimulating the task with more tasks the better I do?
Anonymous (ID: WY1vFGaa)
12/08/16(Thu)08:37:53 No.102039699
Anonymous (ID: WY1vFGaa) 12/08/16(Thu)13:37:53 No.102039699

And this why we are good liars. We always discuss to ourselves. Its like we have an alter-ego inside that can be talked to yet we can comfortably leave it when we are talking to other people. Jekyll and Hyde stuff. The only person that can makes sense is you yourself
Anonymous (ID: hh6VZRHK)
12/08/16(Thu)08:38:47 No.102039763
Anonymous (ID: hh6VZRHK) 12/08/16(Thu)13:38:47 No.102039763
no youre not. i do the same also when driving on the Highway (190 km/h)

i also can read really fast - 1 book 200 pages in 2 hours
Anonymous (ID: POHZYpQf)
12/08/16(Thu)08:38:54 No.102039775
Anonymous (ID: POHZYpQf) 12/08/16(Thu)13:38:54 No.102039775
Kind of remember something similar, I can't remember it well but an actual cult infiltrated my elementary school. We had to sit in this room that was completely dark and black but had a single light overhead and we listened to a recording or maybe someone was in there speaking to us. I honestly just get flashes of memories of it, my mom remembers a bit of what I told her it was like back then though.

I just remember some more psychic phenomenon too. If you care to hear it.
Anonymous (ID: WY1vFGaa)
12/08/16(Thu)08:39:16 No.102039803
Anonymous (ID: WY1vFGaa) 12/08/16(Thu)13:39:16 No.102039803
Saved bro. Thanks!
Anonymous (ID: 08rHRBuj)
12/08/16(Thu)08:39:17 No.102039804
Anonymous (ID: 08rHRBuj) 12/08/16(Thu)13:39:17 No.102039804

Speaking is a muscle, you get stronger with practice.

Read one newspaper article aloud every day for a month. You'll see the difference.
Anonymous (ID: Dxa+G09R)
12/08/16(Thu)08:40:12 No.102039879
Anonymous (ID: Dxa+G09R) 12/08/16(Thu)13:40:12 No.102039879
Yes, very often keep different perspectives in mind and then assemble an argument between their points.

For example, being a business owner means that I have no boss. Almost daily, I do a list of my tasks for that day and then in my mind present them to "my boss".

This makes it easier for me to write all the things I like doing, but then filtering the ones that really matter for business and need to be done. This kind of inner discussion makes work very efficient.
Anonymous (ID: +xxZa06m)
12/08/16(Thu)08:40:31 No.102039897
Anonymous (ID: +xxZa06m) 12/08/16(Thu)13:40:31 No.102039897
Also WTF is up with randomly having songs in head and seconds later it plays on radio.
Or thinking of a TV commercial and it come on
Or being able to hear extremely small things like current in power lines nobody else can hear
Or hearing somebodies heartbeat but not making out what they are saying to you because you hear a fucking MILLION things at once
Anonymous (ID: kSp+9VMU)
12/08/16(Thu)08:40:33 No.102039899
Anonymous (ID: kSp+9VMU) 12/08/16(Thu)13:40:33 No.102039899
The notion that ADD is anything more than an attention issue is a bit ridiculous. All of this nonsense about being different from others-- constant inner dialogues, etc-- is why many people believe that ADD/ADHD is not a real disorder.

It's only an attention issue. You don't have superpowers.

> a (you) for myself
Anonymous (ID: XGg/+zBk)
12/08/16(Thu)08:41:06 No.102039944
Anonymous (ID: XGg/+zBk) 12/08/16(Thu)13:41:06 No.102039944
that actually makes quite a bit of sense.
im certain it's not tinnitus but i have no explanation whatsoever what it is.
btw i've never done drugs so i cant really tell you, however for me the sound is horrendously loud, usually i lose all concentration and makes me cover my ear from how fucking high pitched the sound is.
of course covering my ear doesnt actually do anything, so it's pointless.
when i was 10-12 i used to believe it was aliens trying to contact me. lol

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