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GATE Searching intelligent ind(...)
05/18/17(Thu)10:00:02 No.19024631
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Many of the children diagnosed with these conditions are, as we have seen, incredibly intelligent.

Their IQs are often as high as 130; 100 is the average. Many have IQs in the genius range of 160. Recently I found out that the tests they once used for testing if a child was a genius is exactly the same test they now use to diagnose ADD and ADHD!

So it looks like the Doctors actually do know that the population of geniuses is on the increase.

The Psychic Children are living proof of the human potential. This leads me to ask the question; why are these children put on Ritalin? And is there a valid reason to pump them full of dangerous pharmeaucital chemicals?

1. Year of birth
2. Where do you come from?
3. paranormal experiences?
4. involved in G.A.T.E?
05/18/17(Thu)10:00:16 No.19024632
>>19024631 (OP)
Are intelligent, though may not have had top grades.

Are very creative and enjoy making things.

Always need to know WHY, especially why they are being asked to do something.

Had disgust and perhaps loathing for much of the required and repetitious work in school.

Were rebellious in school in that they refused to do homework and rejected authority of teachers, OR seriously wanted to rebel, but didn't DARE, usually due to parental pressure.

May have experienced early existential depression and feelings of helplessness. These may have ranged from sadness to utter despair. Suicidal feelings while still in high school or younger are not uncommon in the Indigo Adult.

Have difficulty in service-oriented jobs. Indigos resist authority and caste system of employment.

Prefer leadership positions or working alone to team positions.

Have deep empathy for others, yet an intolerance of stupidity.

May be extremely emotionally sensitive including crying at the drop of a hat (no shielding) Or may be the opposite and show no expression of emotion (full shielding).
May have trouble with RAGE.

Have trouble with systems they consider broken or ineffective, ie. political, educational, medical, and legal.
05/18/17(Thu)10:01:18 No.19024634
Alienation from or anger with politics - feeling your voice won't count and/or that the outcome really doesn't mattter.

Frustration with or rejection of the traditional American dream - 9-5 career, marriage, 2.5 children, house with white picket fence, etc.

Anger at rights being taken away, fear and/or fury at "Big Brother watching you."

Have a burning desire to do something to change and improve the world. May be stymied what to do. May have trouble identifying their path.

Have psychic or spiritual interest appear fairly young - in or before teen years.

Had few if any Indigo role models. Having had some doesn't mean you're not an indigo, though.

Have strong intuition.

Random behavior pattern or mind style - (symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder). May have trouble focusing on assigned tasks, may jump around in conversations.

Have had psychic experiences, such as premonitions, seeing angels or ghosts, out of body experiences, hearing voices.

May be electrically sensitive such as watches not working and street lights going out as you move under them, electrical equipment malfunctioning and lights blowing out.

May have awareness of other dimensions and parallel realities.

Sexually are very expressive and inventive OR may reject sexuality in boredom or with intention of achieving higher spiritual connection. May explore alternative types of sexuality.

Seek meaning to their life and understanding about the world May seek this through religion or spirituality, spiritual groups and books, self-help groups and books.

When they find balance they may become very strong, healthy, happy individuals.
05/18/17(Thu)10:14:07 No.19024670
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)16:14:07 No.19024670
>>19024631 (OP)
Fuck off, FBI
05/18/17(Thu)12:03:33 No.19024928
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)18:03:33 No.19024928
Yep! Pretty much sounds like me
05/18/17(Thu)12:06:54 No.19024945
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)18:06:54 No.19024945
9gag tier
Posting some quirky and cool description and watching retards feeling cool and identified with it
05/18/17(Thu)12:21:36 No.19024998
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)18:21:36 No.19024998
>>19024631 (OP)
Hahahaha what the fuck man? I don't knoe mt iq but I was "diagnosed" as gifted in like the first grade. I'm a stupid sack of shit and only got good grades because I fucking did the homework. Currently neet with a math degree. Sometimes I think I'm different, but who doesn't? That shit was probably a psyop to see if having evidence that a child is "special" will actually do shit. Good to know I wasted tax dollars.
05/18/17(Thu)12:33:13 No.19025037
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)18:33:13 No.19025037
>>19024631 (OP)
I think there was a post some time ago linking the GATE program with mind control though. Might have been on 8 chan though...
05/18/17(Thu)12:51:14 No.19025083
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)18:51:14 No.19025083
>>19024631 (OP)
the increase in gifted children coincides with the increase in autism.
i think parents are casting spells to steal functionality from other children
that or theyre a flat percentage and simply rise as overall population increases
05/18/17(Thu)13:03:33 No.19025119
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)19:03:33 No.19025119
No, it was here. Last time I saw it was about a month or two ago.
05/18/17(Thu)13:34:05 No.19025196
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)19:34:05 No.19025196
Are you getting this from somewhere?
05/18/17(Thu)13:39:12 No.19025207
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)19:39:12 No.19025207
FBI headquarters.
05/18/17(Thu)13:41:00 No.19025215
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)19:41:00 No.19025215
Bump cause this it's really interesting
05/18/17(Thu)13:41:13 No.19025216
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)19:41:13 No.19025216
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05/18/17(Thu)13:42:21 No.19025218
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)19:42:21 No.19025218
Born Gifted
Decaying Away
05/18/17(Thu)13:48:17 No.19025239
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)19:48:17 No.19025239
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05/18/17(Thu)13:49:20 No.19025244
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)19:49:20 No.19025244
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05/18/17(Thu)13:50:25 No.19025246
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)19:50:25 No.19025246
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05/18/17(Thu)13:51:33 No.19025251
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)19:51:33 No.19025251
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05/18/17(Thu)13:52:37 No.19025259
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)19:52:37 No.19025259
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05/18/17(Thu)13:56:33 No.19025273
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)19:56:33 No.19025273
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05/18/17(Thu)14:09:09 No.19025301
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)20:09:09 No.19025301
Is there a way to find out what happened?
05/18/17(Thu)14:09:46 No.19025302
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)20:09:46 No.19025302
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05/18/17(Thu)14:11:19 No.19025306
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)20:11:19 No.19025306
well thats the reason why im asking for other individuals which were in these programs to exchange informations and memorys
05/18/17(Thu)14:16:15 No.19025316
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)20:16:15 No.19025316
>>19025306 (You)
I'm not sure if I had it as bad as you all. I was just identified as gifted so they took me away to a different school during the middle of the day. I had to go there for lunch and recess. This made me lose all my friends and social interactions.
The goal is:

"[The] targeted spreading of rumours about particular persons with the aid of anonymous [means]... making compromising situations for them by creating confusion over the facts... [and] the engendering of hysterical and depressive behaviors in the target person."
"Directive Perceptions," she continued, was another program designed to "develop apathy (in the [targeted] subject)... to achieve a situation in which his conflicts, whether of a social, personal, career, health or political kind are irreversible... to give rise to fears in him... to develop/create disappointments... to restrict his talents or capabilities... to reduce his capacity to act and... to harness dissentions and contradictions around him..."

Identify gifted kids early, all potential threats, and get them derailed so they are no longer threats.
They already succeeded with me, I'm a loser now, but I could've been so much. IQ around 130, over 2100 on SATs, got a 98 on the ASVAB. I'm living with my parents, making minimum wage, addicted to drugs, with a criminal record.
05/18/17(Thu)14:26:00 No.19025344
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)20:26:00 No.19025344
>>19024631 (OP)
With what, adhd, add w/o hyperactivity It's speed. Better reaction time and being faster is just the stimulants. And it's a money making machine. Conveniently it also tells people just what they want to hear, regarding their kids. Pretty slick.
05/18/17(Thu)14:26:23 No.19025346
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)20:26:23 No.19025346
have a look at my crosspost on pol im doing a recruitment to unite us

05/18/17(Thu)14:27:25 No.19025348
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)20:27:25 No.19025348
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>>19025346 (You)

05/18/17(Thu)14:28:39 No.19025353
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)20:28:39 No.19025353
05/18/17(Thu)14:29:01 No.19025356
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)20:29:01 No.19025356
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>>19024631 (OP)
Yes I'm everything you say. NEET now. I was pulled from class, given an IQ test and put in GATE. Even among GT kids I was the weird one. Started to get bored of class. I was put on Ritalin. I thought I was a special snowflake hypersensitive super genius spiritual seeker, but actually realized a few months ago that my whole life when people told me I'm nuts, they weren't just kidding. I'm actually fucking nuts. (They also say I'm just like [insert eccentric TV character here], but I digress.) And there are enough other nuts out there that they have a whole cliche profile that I match perfectly. Never went to see a shrink, but I flirted with a number of mental disorders just because I was curious what would happen if I pushed a certain way of thinking further. I tend to push things too far out of curiosity and then obsession. Luckily I knew myself well enough not to drink or try addictive drugs. They used to hand out anti-drug brochures which I went out of my way to collect because the effects sounded cool. Wew.

Paranormal experiences like hearing voices when going to sleep, lucid dreams, sleep paralysis, altered states, can move energy, future prediction, etc. Nothing super showy or impressive to others. Seems normal to me.

I remember the hearing tests in GT class. There were many weird little games and tests like that I can't really remember. They taught us math in a different way than the normal class - pattern recognition over memorization. They kept telling us to think outside the box. Think outside the box. We had a simulated stock exchange which I felt like I was forced to win by screwing over my friends and tanking the stock like Soros. We had a simulated mini city with our own little pretend businesses. When I started running a casino they shut me down. I don't remember any diversity training other than cartoon brainwashing like X-Men or Captain Planet and every kid had that not just GT.
05/18/17(Thu)14:43:26 No.19025383
FBI ANON 05/18/17(Thu)20:43:26 No.19025383
That thing about the Street Lights. I'm actually learning to command them late at night. I can with thought alone make them dim by a noticeable margin. (White to dark orange)
05/18/17(Thu)14:46:31 No.19025390
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)20:46:31 No.19025390
what about repeating numbers? ear ringing?

familar with gematria?
05/18/17(Thu)14:47:41 No.19025393
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)20:47:41 No.19025393
1. 94
2. Seattle
3. Street light manipulation. UFO Sighting. Huge Mandela effect where I watched an entire medicine go from OTC to barred from OTC in 2 minutes
4. Not involved in G.A.T.E
05/18/17(Thu)14:49:16 No.19025396
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)20:49:16 No.19025396
>>19025390 (You)
I see repeating numbers everywhere
Ear Ringing usually occurs when I listen to music, I can only kind of perceive it.
I am not aware of Gematria
05/18/17(Thu)14:49:44 No.19025397
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)20:49:44 No.19025397
do you got jabber or telegram? we should do a meetup
05/18/17(Thu)14:51:24 No.19025399
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)20:51:24 No.19025399
>I see repeating numbers everywhere
like these?
05/18/17(Thu)14:52:51 No.19025402
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)20:52:51 No.19025402
>>19025246 (You)
I'm dumb. Someone spell out what's being pointed out here.
05/18/17(Thu)14:52:54 No.19025403
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)20:52:54 No.19025403
like these
05/18/17(Thu)14:53:00 No.19025404
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)20:53:00 No.19025404
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>>19025397 (You)
I'm actually fairly close to Ascension.
I saw the Light of Infinity. I spent an eternity there, only to come back. All Existence is Illusory.

Yes Actually.
05/18/17(Thu)14:54:13 No.19025406
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)20:54:13 No.19025406
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>>19025403 (You)
or these
05/18/17(Thu)14:54:34 No.19025407
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)20:54:34 No.19025407
Nailed it. Good job.
05/18/17(Thu)15:21:32 No.19025455
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)21:21:32 No.19025455
>>19025244 (You)

This happens in the West. Maybe 5-10% of the population are dirty, and game the rest. I'm guessing the Masons. Didn't attend a Gate seminar, but remember having to see a Child Psychologist when young, for ADHD. Remember telling the dickheads behind the mirrored glass that I could see them. Education is basically brainwashing and conditioning. No infiltration required. You have the 'stage' reality, and the 'backstage' where they operate from. Two distinct groups, living and working next to each other.
05/18/17(Thu)20:15:03 No.19026674
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)02:15:03 No.19026674
Serious question. Did they diagnose me with autism to destroy my self image and sabotage me?
05/18/17(Thu)21:09:13 No.19026823
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)03:09:13 No.19026823
My guess is not.

1. 93
2. SoCal
3. prophetic dreams (of random unimportant crap), maybe saw a ghost once, house is cursed, ghost in my closet (we're cool), part of local pagan community
4. in GATE all through elementary school, TAP in middle school
05/18/17(Thu)21:25:44 No.19026871
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)03:25:44 No.19026871
>>19024631 (OP)
I have pretty similar experiences/memories.
I was always a problem child, finding ways around assignments. I was that kid that would ask "if I can pass the test, why do I need to do the homework," "I didn't show my work because I did it in my head," and constantly getting in fights and what not. I was sent to a "Special Classroom" where students with "special cases" were handled. Mine was supposedly "Anger Management" (To be fair, I threw a chair when I was told I couldn't do math in my head and had to show my work, then publicly humiliated by my teacher when I couldn't show my work but got the right answer.
I remember in the classroom there was probably 5-10 of us, and several would "Dropout" or "Move on" every couple months. We would get a large amount of "Transfer" students as well. We got really strange assignments. I remember overhearing my mom on a phone call with "family" where she seemed really concerned and was asking strangely specific questions about me. She kept asking if "it counted as autism" and "does this change anything" and then getting really relieved when the answer seemed like "no."
My whole life my family has joked I'm "Secretly high functioning autistic" and what not. Anyways. We used to play weird memory games, we'd take "personality tests" once a week, and I remember once time, a kid named Cody, he was that stereotypical goosebumps and poor-parents type kid, lost his fucking shit during a test. He started just yelling "It's not me, it's not me, it's not me!" and the assistants (We had like 3 teachers and 3 "assistants") tard-wrangled him up and said he hadn't taken his "medications." We did see him for a few days.
I also remember we had "guest days" where we'd get "Outside Teachers."
05/18/17(Thu)21:32:25 No.19026894
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)03:32:25 No.19026894
That "show your work" shit always drove me mad. I refused to learn how to use punctuation for a long time because when I asked what it was for my teacher told me it was so you "knew when to breath". I thought that was stupid because you can breath whenever you want, so I didn't bother learning.
I don't know, maybe I am autistic.
05/18/17(Thu)21:32:52 No.19026896
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)03:32:52 No.19026896
what part of so cal?
05/18/17(Thu)21:33:38 No.19026898
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)03:33:38 No.19026898
They would routinely ask us questions I now fully understand were gauging our mental health. I had one instance I told a guest I was struggling with the death of a friend, and he put me in "Special Counseling" with a bunch of depressed weird kids, ages varying. Two were from my class, also struggling with our friend dying. I remember us doing weird group therapy practices. One was called "Distraction Therapy" where the counselor would hold up a card and told us to imagine what was on the card. Yeah, as stereotypical as possible.
This is where my memories get really hazy. I mean, REALLY hazy.
After that, we had an optional summer program we could attend. I remember begging to go, because my best friend Caide said he was going, and I wanted to go too, even though I hated going to school. I don't know if I went or not. I know I begged, and pleaded, and I'm pretty sure I went, but I still have dreams about it, and I honest to god can't tell if I went or not. I can't tell if it is just a really well constructed repeating dream I've had since then, or if I went and the things really happened. It's not like I woke up in a strange government facility connected to a machine or anything.
I constantly dream of a summer-camp type program, where the whole focus was "mental health and healing" and everything always seemed like a lie. I remember strict curfews, huge classrooms with few children in them, and awkward camp exercises. I do know one thing for sure. After I started having these "flashback" dreams I started having "visions" of what would occur. I don't have them nearly as much as I used to. It's like my normal dream gets interrupted and either a blurry image with distinct audio, or a muffled audio track to a crystal clear picture happens, with people I either know or don't know, with myself at varying ages in weird (at the time) situations. I used to think they were just part of the craziness of dreams, but in reality, the things started happening.
05/18/17(Thu)21:36:05 No.19026907
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)03:36:05 No.19026907
>>19024631 (OP)
>Many have IQs in the genius range of 160.
mine was 180

>Recently I found out that the tests they once used for testing if a child was a genius is exactly the same test they now use to diagnose ADD and ADHD!
not true

>So it looks like the Doctors actually do know that the population of geniuses is on the increase.
very true. as a matter of fact, autism is seen as a failed evolutionary "next step", a supermind will probably come form a GATE kid grown up and mated with someone who has at least one autistic relative.

>The Psychic Children are living proof of the human potential.
true. i was tested on ability to recognize hidden cards by suit and by number as part of my Gifted and Talented group.

>This leads me to ask the question; why are these children put on Ritalin? And is there a valid reason to pump them full of dangerous pharmeaucital chemicals?
they don't and there's not. but most mutations fail, and you end up with an autistic child, or a child with severe attention problems. when it works, you end up with the next level pf human evolution

>1. Year of birth
in my mid 40's

>2. Where do you come from?

>3. paranormal experiences?
Near death experiences, witnessed unidentified flying objects, also I'm a natural empath, I have limited precognition, and a powerful ability to affect electromagnetic fields with limited control, mostly by accident when I'm emotional.

>4. involved in G.A.T.E?
All my life.
05/18/17(Thu)21:41:54 No.19026925
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)03:41:54 No.19026925
Sometimes it was a day or two later, other times it was a month later, but at first I didn't recognize it until after. I can say I always have a distinct "Copper" or "Metallic" taste in my mouth, kind of like when you get Saline injections, DURING and AFTER what ever event it is. After a lot of this happening, I started recognizing these events sooner and sooner, and I've even been able to react differently in two occasions. Once in High School during debate class. A chair should have fallen out from underneath me and caused injury to me and my friend, while simultaneously pulling down the shirt of a girl behind me. Instead, I just lurched forward. The second happened right after high school. I should have hit a blue 1999 Subaru WRX. I saw the familiar circumstances leading up to it, and was able to maneuver between it and another car, with no injury or damage. I still can't explain it. Everything else has more a of a Deja Vu haze to it. I was in AP/Special classes my whole life, despite transferring to two schools after the first. Now, 10-15 years later, I still have a dream like that from time to time, but it's not as clear as it used to be, and they take places months to years apart, whereas it used to be up to two-three times a week.
I can also say with certainty we were used as pharmaceutical tests, because I remember having pills I have no explanation for.

I have tons of stories and memories I've been dredging up, but only my therapist knows about them. I've never talked to anyone about this stuff. I tried posting in the last thread I saw about this, most likely two months ago, but everything was full of larping and rpers so I jumped ship. If anyone has advice or information, I'd appreciate it. I've been having very, very realistic nightmares lately.

Birth Year: 1989
Location: Kansas
Paranormal Experience: There isn't a list long enough.
GATE Involvement: I'm currently in therapy to gain back childhood memories, and I can say most certainly.
05/18/17(Thu)21:42:01 No.19026926
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)03:42:01 No.19026926
>Born Gifted
>Decaying Away
gifted ones usually burn out quicker than most humans. and sadly, their gifts alienate them from most "normies", because normal people fear them, or fear that they won't be enough of a partner/lover/friend, when in fact, all the gifted ones want is connection with normal people.
05/18/17(Thu)21:43:20 No.19026931
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)03:43:20 No.19026931
>>19024631 (OP)
>tfw was a talented kid
>dropout because of my vidya addiction
>never did my homework and touched books for like 6 last grades, yet still managed to pass almost till the end just because of answering directly to teacher
>almost never wrote anything
I regret nothing.
05/18/17(Thu)21:51:58 No.19026952
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)03:51:58 No.19026952
To this day, I don't know how to write properly in cursive, because I never saw the point. I also have my own simpler way of writing certain letters that I found to be needlessly complex.
05/18/17(Thu)21:52:24 No.19026954
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)03:52:24 No.19026954
i was diagnosed with ADD in the 3rd grade for being "disinterested" in class because I was already self taught a majority of the content being peddled. My parent refused to medicate me against the school's wishes.

The US Military later estimated an IQ of 128, pretty much along with the theme of your thread
05/18/17(Thu)21:55:52 No.19026964
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)03:55:52 No.19026964
1. 94
2. SoCal
3. strong vivid dreams, deja vu, out of body experiences letting me speak to 4th dimensional beings, minor telepathy as a child ( pre gate)
05/18/17(Thu)21:57:07 No.19026967
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)03:57:07 No.19026967
>>19024631 (OP)

Bumping because this is the first collective of people I've ever encountered with similar experiences.

To answer some of these other conditions:

I supposedly have ADHD, and now AADHD.
I have died twice, both times coming back without resuscitation. I remember dying the first time.
I've always been pegged as the "Creative Type."
Rebellious, Disgust, emotional issues, etc.
Always have to know why, about everything.
Attempted suicide twice in high school.
I can "hear" electricity, to the point some places are far too "loud."
I have experienced every form of paranormal event you can think of, to the point my mother has had "blessings, cleanings, and exorcisms" attempted.

Always become the leader in positions, despite originally lacking in social skills. Now I'm pretty good at people.
Basically that entire list is how I feel or have felt, to such a degree it excites and terrifies me.

I'd really like to know if anyone here would mind communicating outside 4chan, even if just via email. I'm very nervous about all this, and I feel like if I could discuss this with someone who can understand I might uncover more memories or learn something.
05/18/17(Thu)22:00:55 No.19026973
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)04:00:55 No.19026973

you sound mentally ill my friend when you begin describing symptoms that I've only heard from my paranoia schitzophrenic brother

>mfw i have 2 brothers 1 autistic and 1 schitzo and also an autistic child but have high IQ and amazing people skill myself with little to no negative side effects
05/18/17(Thu)22:02:01 No.19026977
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)04:02:01 No.19026977
i swear to make the new more intelligent humans it comes at the expense of the gene pool, hoovering up all the potential and just leaving droppings all around you

just how i try to make sense of my bizarre situation
05/18/17(Thu)22:16:07 No.19027008
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)04:16:07 No.19027008
I suppose it's possible, although the only thing that's ever had negative side effects are the nightmares. Besides that, these weird dreams have only ever helped me, besides a strange taste in my mouth, quite literally.
What parallels are there? What similarities?
I've been in doctors, neurologists, psychologists, therapists, and specialists offices my whole life. No one has ever mentioned schizophrenic tendencies to me, nor my mother, ever. Just extreme ADHD and possible bipolar disorder, though I feel the latter is an excuse.
05/18/17(Thu)22:33:07 No.19027047
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)04:33:07 No.19027047
Too many to mention.
Not sure...
05/18/17(Thu)22:55:15 No.19027107
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)04:55:15 No.19027107
>>19024631 (OP)
1: 1998
2: Small town in rural Pennsylvania
3: Tons, nothing life altering but frequent ESP/Deja-vu type shit
4: No, but classes were always too easy, so was the homework, which is why I never did it. Average C+ student until 11th grade when I realized I need to really challenge myself to continue on. Changed every senior class to the hardest level I could and retained an A average until I graduated.

I really enjoy the idea of thks theory but I know many others with ADHD/ADD who are stupid. Although it does seem weird that we think the same way.
05/18/17(Thu)22:59:29 No.19027127
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)04:59:29 No.19027127
>>19025246 (You)
That's fucking scary, only two of the bullets didn't match me exactly.
05/18/17(Thu)22:59:46 No.19027128
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)04:59:46 No.19027128
Look out of any window
Any morning, any evening, any day
Maybe the sun is shining
Birds are winging or
Rain is falling from a heavy sky.

Maybe you're a genius, maybe you're an idiot.
Either way, this post is about you.
Yes, YOU!
05/18/17(Thu)23:09:14 No.19027155
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)05:09:14 No.19027155
>>19024631 (OP)
I got diagnosed with ADD as a child and this is pretty much how the test went.

>I'm gonna say three words.
>Car, house, basketball
>move onto more conversation
>untie your shoes. Tie them again
>what were those words again?
>"car...basketball... Idk"
05/18/17(Thu)23:13:46 No.19027168
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)05:13:46 No.19027168
Adhd here. Never been on ritalin, but was on a supplement called metidate until a few years ago. My answers are personal.
>Are intelligent, though may not have had top grades.
>Are very creative and enjoy making things.
>Always need to know WHY, especially why they are being asked to do something.
>Had disgust and perhaps loathing for much of the required and repetitious work in school.
>Were rebellious in school in that they refused to do homework and rejected authority of teachers, OR seriously wanted to rebel, but didn't DARE, usually due to parental pressure.
Y, minus the parental pressure but that's household.
>May have experienced early existential depression and feelings of helplessness. These may have ranged from sadness to utter despair. Suicidal feelings while still in high school or younger are not uncommon in the Indigo Adult.
Y, but no suicidal thoughts
>Have difficulty in service-oriented jobs. Indigos resist authority and caste system of employment.
>Prefer leadership positions or working alone to team positions.
>Have deep empathy for others, yet an intolerance of stupidity.
>May be extremely emotionally sensitive including crying at the drop of a hat (no shielding) Or may be the opposite and show no expression of emotion (full shielding).
>May have trouble with RAGE.
>Have trouble with systems they consider broken or ineffective, ie. political, educational, medical, and legal.
05/18/17(Thu)23:15:31 No.19027170
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)05:15:31 No.19027170
>the only thing that's ever had negative side effects are the nightmares
05/18/17(Thu)23:16:59 No.19027174
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)05:16:59 No.19027174
>Alienation from or anger with politics - feeling your voice won't count and/or that the outcome really doesn't mattter.
Y, that seems more individual though.
>Frustration with or rejection of the traditional American dream - 9-5 career, marriage, 2.5 children, house with white picket fence, etc.
Y, again, personal preference in most cases.
>Anger at rights being taken away, fear and/or fury at "Big Brother watching you."
>Have a burning desire to do something to change and improve the world. May be stymied what to do. May have trouble identifying their path.
>Have psychic or spiritual interest appear fairly young - in or before teen years.
>Had few if any Indigo role models. Having had some doesn't mean you're not an indigo, though.
>Have strong intuition.
>Random behavior pattern or mind style - (symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder). May have trouble focusing on assigned tasks, may jump around in conversations.
>Have had psychic experiences, such as premonitions, seeing angels or ghosts, out of body experiences, hearing voices.
>May be electrically sensitive such as watches not working and street lights going out as you move under them, electrical equipment malfunctioning and lights blowing out.
>May have awareness of other dimensions and parallel realities.
>Sexually are very expressive and inventive OR may reject sexuality in boredom or with intention of achieving higher spiritual connection. May explore alternative types of sexuality.
I like vore
>Seek meaning to their life and understanding about the world May seek this through religion or spirituality, spiritual groups and books, self-help groups and books.
>When they find balance they may become very strong, healthy, happy individuals.
Working on it, yes.

Seems like the vast majority is just describing newer generation's approaches to life and its problems, behavioral stuff is common textbook knowledge.
05/18/17(Thu)23:17:19 No.19027175
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)05:17:19 No.19027175
wow, nice cold-reading of a very typical "artistic" and childish personality
05/18/17(Thu)23:17:22 No.19027176
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)05:17:22 No.19027176
>>19024631 (OP)
>IQ range of kids with ADHD
Not really different from average, often slightly lower. Paying attention helps your performance on measures of intellectual functioning

>Test once used to test if a child was a genius same test now used to test for ADHD

That is not correct. An IQ measure is part of a standard battery of tests used in almost all psych/neuropsych batteries. There is not really a single test for ADHD, rather a battery that will include performance measures of attention and rating scales based on parent/teacher observations of behavior

>Increase in genius population

There is no real finding to support that. People in general are getting more intelligent according to trend comparisons, but then again people are also getting taller. Intelligence is a construct measured as compared to the current norm or average rather than some absolute factor. So any numbers just mean that you are X smarter/dumber than the average person according to today's norms.
05/18/17(Thu)23:22:26 No.19027184
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)05:22:26 No.19027184
Memories. I'm struggling with the ability to differentiate between what may have actually happened, and what could be an impressively well constructed childhood reoccurring dream.
It's concerns the supposed "summer camp" I wished to attend, the three posts I tagged in my bump are all me. I don't have clear memories of extra-curricular activities after my first year, I just remember everything leading up to it. Since then, I've had dreams of what I think "may have" occurred. I call them nightmares because they're extremely detailed, extremely realistic, and because I cannot tell if they are real or not.
My therapist says they are "manifestations of stress," but I've been having these dreams since I was about 12. Right after the dreams, my strange precognition dreams began as well. I'm not missing that pattern, nor possible correlation, but I'd be remiss to just start connecting dots willy nilly.
Hence my want to possibly discuss this with someone like-minded.
I'm tired of not knowing. I want to know what is real, why it's so blurry, and what was done.
05/18/17(Thu)23:29:28 No.19027196
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)05:29:28 No.19027196
>mine was 180

say something smart
05/18/17(Thu)23:32:04 No.19027203
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)05:32:04 No.19027203
omelette du fromage
05/18/17(Thu)23:32:53 No.19027207
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)05:32:53 No.19027207
>I'm tired of not knowing. I want to know what is real, why it's so blurry, and what was done.
its sounds like you are repressing memory of a childhood trauma anon. not all childhood traumas are organized and have purpose, in fact most do not.
05/18/17(Thu)23:35:17 No.19027219
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)05:35:17 No.19027219
>say something smart
Perfect Love casts out all fear.

And the definite integral of 1/(x^2) from 1 to Infinity is finite.
05/18/17(Thu)23:39:35 No.19027235
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)05:39:35 No.19027235
Unless something at that camp, or similar circumstances occurred, I wouldn't know what it would be. I have had a few traumatic childhood instances, including a minor dismemberment issue, and never had issues with memory repression. If my mind is locking knowledge away from me, I want to know why. The classes I was in were anything but normal, they meet and fulfill every GATE criteria, and after googling it, the different logos and pictures all seem vaguely familiar.
I have always wondered. Now I have a path.
05/18/17(Thu)23:40:36 No.19027243
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)05:40:36 No.19027243
Man fuck Gate. My school had that shit, if you weren't on the No Child Left Behind window licking retard level you were deemed "Gifted" sent to Gate and promptly made to give up any recess and / or breaks to do an extra set of homework, and then they had the gall to act like this was some huge favor.
05/18/17(Thu)23:42:49 No.19027251
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)05:42:49 No.19027251
1. 1999
2. Ontario, canada
3. None so far
4. Yep, i passed a gifted test in gr.4 ans went to the one class a week thing. I loved it very much, in comarison,id say its like walking through a wild safari to a nice peaceful environment. After a year of 1 class a week i chose to do the program where i had to go to gifted 5 times a week, in a new classroom with kids with the same decision. Being in that class settinf os difficult. As everybody had the work drive to just output work. It was a great expirience but i woildnt really recommend it, its more like the weird smart kids of your school put together into one big classroom. Alot of cringy shit happened as i attended. this went on from gr 6-8 and during highschool there really wasnt anything special to the gifted program. You go to regular axademic classes and sometimes get called down to a gifted meetinf with other gifted kids where the gifted counsellar just gives you opportunities for trips and all that shit. Big difference from elementary school gifted to high school. So of anyone wants to ask some questions i figured id do am AMA
05/18/17(Thu)23:43:48 No.19027255
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)05:43:48 No.19027255
>And the definite integral of 1/(x^2) from 1 to Infinity is finite.
I like it, very nice.
05/18/17(Thu)23:51:32 No.19027286
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)05:51:32 No.19027286
Also the bullshit thing is that the schoolboard in my city is fucking millions in debt so they have the bright idea of cutting funding for gifted programs. Good job retards, literally giving the smart kids in class less competition and ability to be challenged furthe by changing the gifted classrooms because they cant manage their money.
05/18/17(Thu)23:53:45 No.19027291
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)05:53:45 No.19027291
This may be a retarded question but can being gifted be genetic or is it how youre raised? When i went to gifted it was fairly common for a sibling to be also gifted and so on. Just wondering if anyone has any input id appreciate it
05/19/17(Fri)00:00:16 No.19027312
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)06:00:16 No.19027312
An excerpt:

Robert Plomin, a deputy director of the MRC Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Center at Kings College London, responds:

"Genes make a substantial difference, but they are not the whole story. They account for about half of all differences in intelligence among people, so half is not caused by genetic differences, which provides strong support for the importance of environmental factors."
05/19/17(Fri)00:03:19 No.19027321
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)06:03:19 No.19027321
05/19/17(Fri)00:46:52 No.19027474
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)06:46:52 No.19027474
I find this whole thing super spoopy guys.

Is it normal to not remember like 80% of your memories from before age 10??

I dont like to brag, but I have always considered myself intelligent to a point. I despise competition and usually lose them purposefully because I would rather see someone else happy for winning rather than mad for losing. I say this because I am not the type to go flaunting my smarts.

In fact in some situations I instinctively hide my true thoughts and perceptions from others. "Dumbing myself down" to speak on their level in a way. Yes I hate showing off THAT much.

I never remember anything about a program called GATE when in school, but I do remember being taken into an isolated room somewhere in the building (it had comfy chairs) and having to read books out loud? Only reason it stuck in my head is because they only had a few students going to this room.

I think I asked a teacher why once and got something about how i was special in response.

Nothing else. Matter of fact I cant remember alot of my elementary school days. I can remember a few students I had class with, and the teachers' faces.. a couple names. A few incidents at the school stood out to me, days that stuck in my memory. But I do not remember a whole lot of that time period..

All i want to know is, is that normal? To have so few memories of elementary? I remember it even puzzled me looking back on it when I had reached high school.. so few memories, but after that time period it was like a switch was flipped
05/19/17(Fri)01:13:49 No.19027557
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)07:13:49 No.19027557
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new england
none whatsoever
no, but it is a question I have once in awhile.
yes, mostly because it took up all of my time.
no and no. and I further say that I understood the need for order and direction, even if I felt I could guide myself.
yes, very briefly but yes.
no, no, and no. Typically I act pretty relaxed.
a bit. I have the tendency to try to avoid things that cause undue frustration.

I'mma stop here since this barely seems relevant to ADHD. Personally I wouldn't want to go through life with out adderall scattered here and there. I find it hard to function with out it. to answer the question about ritalin, honestly Idk much about ritalin seeing as I am not currently on it, but if it functions anything like adderall then the important thing to remember is that it effects people with adhd differently. If they were really doping up geniuses like you are implying, then these people would be clenching the and clawing at the table, gritting their teeth, and completely hyper focused. For most people with adhd it just bumps us up to normal dopamine levels and allows us to focus on the things we want to focus on.
I'll take other questions if you have any.
05/19/17(Fri)02:10:38 No.19027745
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)08:10:38 No.19027745
>>19025239 (You)
Shill boot camp
05/19/17(Fri)02:13:29 No.19027754
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)08:13:29 No.19027754
>>19025246 (You)
I always knew there was something sinister about those programs that was beyond my understanding... Ty
05/19/17(Fri)02:14:41 No.19027765
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)08:14:41 No.19027765
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>>19024631 (OP)



I was basically forced by court order to take adderall and whatever the creep doctor they made me to go and see chose. Nothing "worked" I was miserable and couldn't eat anything. I was brought to believe that I was somehow defective in a way, and carry with me to this day negative thoughts about myself accompanied by excessive mistrust of people.

I did/do have an overactive imagination and yawn at the thought of having to do the same thing the same way every day. But that didn't call for the psychological molestation that I experienced. I was even placed in "LD" classes with some pretty disturbed kids, most were "ok" but some were actually out of control. I was given work that I did three grades back. That was what really bummed me out and I actually talked my mom into enrolling me into a correspondence school (thank god). Eventually I never actually graduated because I kept putting off my final 'intro to accounting' course that got lost in the mail.

Thirteen years on I drift from job to job and kind of feel like I'm in limbo. Still have no idea in what the hell I want to actually do. I have too many interests and can't pick just one. Add to that the train of thought that it is "too late" and I am doomed to be stuck in the service sector til' death. I drink like a fish every day and can't seem to stop.

Sorry. But that felt kind of good typing it out like that.

05/19/17(Fri)02:22:49 No.19027805
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)08:22:49 No.19027805
>>19025251 (You)
05/19/17(Fri)02:28:40 No.19027826
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)08:28:40 No.19027826
>>19024631 (OP)


1. 1985
2. Youngstown, OH
3. Can't say definitively
4. No
05/19/17(Fri)02:43:48 No.19027872
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)08:43:48 No.19027872
>>19025390 (You)

I have tinnitus but it's prob from 4th of julys past or firing guns w/o ear protection.

I used to separate, count vowels while somebody was talking(still kind of do). Also used to count syllables and in my head rephrase the sentence as to make an even number of syllables within that sentence.
05/19/17(Fri)03:01:10 No.19027940
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)09:01:10 No.19027940
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Contact me

05/19/17(Fri)03:02:01 No.19027944
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)09:02:01 No.19027944
I swear, it's not tinnitus man. Every single person with a somewhat verifiable or identifying able connection to GATE and GATE Programs seems to have some form of "tinnitus," but it's not just ear ringing. Think of it as "audible triggers." All GATE participants have some form of mental "extra sensory" vibe. Every single person complains of some form of tinnitus, or headache, or taste of metal/copper, or all the above. It's weird. I can't put my finger on it, but it's too common between distinct cases to ignore.
05/19/17(Fri)03:02:39 No.19027948
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)09:02:39 No.19027948
>>19024631 (OP)
I've got an iq of 134 tested through Mensa.
I also have adhd.

No psychic powers yet though.

Any tips on how to manifest them?
05/19/17(Fri)03:05:40 No.19027957
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)09:05:40 No.19027957
1. 1999
2. Australia
3. Yes
4. Fuck no, I don't live in the states
05/19/17(Fri)03:05:55 No.19027958
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)09:05:55 No.19027958
This sense of dread I got as soon as I saw those cards was unreal. Insane. I felt like a chastised child.
05/19/17(Fri)03:07:05 No.19027962
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)09:07:05 No.19027962
well thats the reason i started the thread to find others like me lets find out

my intution is telling me we need to FAST, stopping with porn and a special diet

our words have power if you believe in it
05/19/17(Fri)03:07:56 No.19027965
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)09:07:56 No.19027965
>>19024631 (OP)

>And is there a valid reason to pump them full of dangerous pharmeaucital chemicals?

Pharmas (fake substances specifically) dull your gifts over time.

Natural drugs can do the same thing if you aren't careful.

Always a balance.
05/19/17(Fri)03:11:17 No.19027977
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)09:11:17 No.19027977

I didn't realize I was such an open book.

Funny to see it written like that.
05/19/17(Fri)03:14:57 No.19027991
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)09:14:57 No.19027991
>>19025306 (You)

I was made to undergo ego death.

I don't really have much of a memory of "before".
05/19/17(Fri)03:21:51 No.19028012
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)09:21:51 No.19028012
>>19025397 (You)
It's you. Did you get the email?
05/19/17(Fri)03:28:43 No.19028035
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)09:28:43 No.19028035
Different anon, you said to email.
Haven't got anything yet. Searched the email you provided. You have a big network of GATE individuals, eh?
05/19/17(Fri)03:28:52 No.19028037
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)09:28:52 No.19028037

>a kid named Cody

Who's speaking, the memory comes back from your words, but I can't place a name.
05/19/17(Fri)03:32:45 No.19028052
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)09:32:45 No.19028052
R is speaking. Not giving out my name here.
I was incredibly short, spastic yet reserved. Kansas.
05/19/17(Fri)03:34:28 No.19028054
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)09:34:28 No.19028054
>>19024631 (OP)
ADHD guy here.
Thanks for stroking my ego a bit, but that won't legitimise your paranoia.

The reason for vyvanse is because ADHD and ADD come with the side effect of constant depression due to inactivity in the pituitary gland.

No psychics exist amongst our group, though im flattered you would think that.

Go to sci and get educated, stop being a retarded schizo and learn for reality, kk?

Do it for me
Do it for the AC
Do it for the mind-gate.
05/19/17(Fri)03:34:34 No.19028055
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)09:34:34 No.19028055

I don't even remember what I was.

It's been so long, it's crazy to feel those thoughts flood back.

I still have a hole in my shoulder from that shit.
05/19/17(Fri)03:35:11 No.19028058
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)09:35:11 No.19028058
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answered you got the mail
05/19/17(Fri)03:35:53 No.19028060
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)09:35:53 No.19028060
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>>19024631 (OP)
Adhd aspie here .

Whats your endgame Hans ?Why are you searching us what normie thing are you planing?
05/19/17(Fri)03:37:22 No.19028065
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)09:37:22 No.19028065
Fucking same, man. I lost all motivation and care years ago. I'm at peace, but I'm not happy.
05/19/17(Fri)03:38:27 No.19028067
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)09:38:27 No.19028067

>all the gifted ones want is connection with normal people.

Nah, I just want normal people to stop judging everyone so harshly without imagining their perspective.
05/19/17(Fri)03:44:23 No.19028099
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)09:44:23 No.19028099

Kind of unfair you'd give out my name but not your own, btw.
05/19/17(Fri)03:47:23 No.19028110
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)09:47:23 No.19028110
How would I have any idea you'd show up?
How would I have known the mysterious Goosebumps kids Cody would show up 21 years later when I was talking about the time he flipped the fuck out?
05/19/17(Fri)04:05:40 No.19028152
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)10:05:40 No.19028152
its about to unite and work togoether

i think thats what they fear combined talents and intellect
05/19/17(Fri)04:10:15 No.19028159
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)10:10:15 No.19028159

>How would I have known the mysterious Goosebumps kids Cody would show up 21 years later when I was talking about the time he flipped the fuck out?

Well, you summoned me.

I was wondering why I was drawn here.
05/19/17(Fri)04:11:17 No.19028161
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)10:11:17 No.19028161
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Paranoia is not usefull but the powers that be fear strong introverts as we are the hardest group to manipulate and we can intuitively see the greater picture and through the bullshit.
05/19/17(Fri)04:12:27 No.19028164
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)10:12:27 No.19028164
Email me at tsukimember@gmail.com. I would like to hear more
05/19/17(Fri)04:19:04 No.19028183
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)10:19:04 No.19028183

If you really wanna know why I was fucked up. Imagine instead of summer camp, you got hell. Torturous hell.
05/19/17(Fri)04:27:03 No.19028206
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)10:27:03 No.19028206
IF you are Cody, because I feel pretty iffy about that, I don't remember you after your breakdown. You came back to class and then got "moved on." Then next guest asked us how we felt about you, and two others, leaving.
I don't remember our answers, but I thought it was odd because guests had never asked about how we felt about other students before, mostly just ourselves, our parents, school in general. You were also the first "Freak out/Break down" our class ever experienced, but not the last.

Did you attend a separate camp, because I don't have your face in any flash backs.
05/19/17(Fri)04:46:23 No.19028234
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)10:46:23 No.19028234

My parents took me out from what I gather.

I can't really tell, maybe I was phased on. Your words were the first time I've remembered it.
05/19/17(Fri)04:56:09 No.19028249
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)10:56:09 No.19028249
This random guy has given you absolutely no reasonable proof that he is the one person out of 6 billion that you're thinking of and still you are taking his bait.

You are one of the most gullible people on /x/ right now, and my god is that saying a lot.
05/19/17(Fri)04:58:40 No.19028252
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)10:58:40 No.19028252
Nah, I've been feeding zero information while seeing what he gives me. I never once believed him. He would have picked up on the vague description I gave in the beginning.

Don't ruin my fun.
05/19/17(Fri)04:59:55 No.19028254
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)10:59:55 No.19028254

I have almost no memory of that time period, or middle school, and half of high school.

When people say something specific it'll trigger them, but otherwise I just don't remember shit. Doesn't help that I've done a lot of drugs since then.
05/19/17(Fri)05:02:21 No.19028257
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)11:02:21 No.19028257

I understand that you're skeptical, but imagine what it's like from my end.

You're one of a handful of people who even know that shit happened.

To see it all written is surreal.
05/19/17(Fri)06:18:45 No.19028378
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)12:18:45 No.19028378
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>>19024631 (OP)
This is interesting...
I was in the gate program and so Ill fill out your lil questionnaire as a thanks for this info you are bringing to my attention. I think its going to trigger some digging for more info as my curiosity has been peaked.
>Are intelligent, though may not have had top grades.
Accurate for me because of my refusal to do homework. I would just listen to the teacher in class and never read a book, managed to get straight a's on my test and dependent upon the teachers % for hw Id get whatever grade
>Are very creative and enjoy making things.
yes, often being the first one to see different ways to do things
>Always need to know WHY, especially why they are being asked to do something.
always asks why in general
>Had disgust and perhaps loathing for much of the required and repetitious work in school.
why do i need to do homework when school already got 8 hours of my life and I dont even sleep 8 hours. Even in college im bored with the teacher spending a month on the same topic that i understood 95% of on the first day
>Were rebellious in school in that they refused to do homework and rejected authority of teachers, OR seriously wanted to rebel, but didn't DARE, usually due to parental pressure.
not too rebellious but definately wasnt conforming
>May have experienced early existential depression and feelings of helplessness. These may have ranged from sadness to utter despair. Suicidal feelings while still in high school or younger are not uncommon in the Indigo Adult.
my sadness had came after switching schools to go to the gate program. most kids were in groups already so i was naturally an outsider although good at sports so i still got to play on the blacktop with kids if i wanted
>Have difficulty in service-oriented jobs. Indigos resist authority and caste system of employment.
i can manage it but its definately not where i want to be, i cant stand wearing a name tag

05/19/17(Fri)06:20:00 No.19028381
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)12:20:00 No.19028381
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>Prefer leadership positions or working alone to team positions.
>Have deep empathy for others, yet an intolerance of stupidity.
>May be extremely emotionally sensitive including crying at the drop of a hat (no shielding) Or may be the opposite and show no expression of emotion (full shielding).
show minimal expression unless im with someone i trust
>May have trouble with RAGE.
i get angry rarely i have good self control also had family that had rage issues and a wise man learns from the mistakes of others
>Have trouble with systems they consider broken or ineffective, ie. political, educational, medical, and legal.
yes but shouldnt everyone
>Alienation from or anger with politics - feeling your voice won't count and/or that the outcome really doesn't mattter
yea i dont pay attention to politics, just over a year ago i wasnt clear on who the right or left is and i still dont know the difference betweem lib and conserv
>Frustration with or rejection of the traditional American dream - 9-5 career, marriage, 2.5 children, house with white picket fence, etc.
no frustration with it, to each their own. Although I have a different dream myself.
>Anger at rights being taken away, fear and/or fury at "Big Brother watching you."
you should be
>Have a burning desire to do something to change and improve the world. May be stymied what to do. May have trouble identifying their path.
>Have psychic or spiritual interest appear fairly young - in or before teen years.
that was me, I could recount multiple times where i would have a dream and then it would be recreated weeks later in class
>>has dream class lines up in the back of the class room
>>week later class lines up in same order at the back of the classroom
>>holy shit i called it
>Had few if any Indigo role models. Having had some doesn't mean you're not an indigo, though.
didnt really have role models
>Have strong intuition.
05/19/17(Fri)06:25:06 No.19028388
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)12:25:06 No.19028388
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>Random behavior pattern or mind style - (symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder). May have trouble focusing on assigned tasks, may jump around in conversations.
I believe im pretty good, I stay on track. However, when i explain things i often mention a lot of influencing factors [ie i legit explain things] and people have trouble keeping up with convo if you give them too much. i can also manage a convo with two people at one time. Friend a talks to me while i reply to friend b and then i reply to friend a while friend b continues on what i just told him
>Have had psychic experiences, such as premonitions, seeing angels or ghosts, out of body experiences, hearing voices.

>May be electrically sensitive such as watches not working and street lights going out as you move under them, electrical equipment malfunctioning and lights blowing out.
dem tingles
>May have awareness of other dimensions and parallel realities.

>Sexually are very expressive and inventive OR may reject sexuality in boredom or with intention of achieving higher spiritual connection. May explore alternative types of sexuality.
I would say yes to Sexually are very expressive and inventive OR may reject sexuality in boredom or with intention of achieving higher spiritual connection

>Seek meaning to their life and understanding about the world May seek this through religion or spirituality, spiritual groups and books, self-help groups and books.
yes everyone should be after self improvement
>When they find balance they may become very strong, healthy, happy individuals.

Also some interesting things
>>19025244 (You)
also had rumors spread about me while i was in GATE that i was homeless which caused the other kids to mostly not hangout with me and talk shit about me
05/19/17(Fri)06:55:02 No.19028443
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)12:55:02 No.19028443
just write me an email if you want to join the little group of ex gaters

05/19/17(Fri)07:29:08 No.19028501
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)13:29:08 No.19028501
This sounds like me but I'm not psychic or particularly intelligent just autistic. I was diagnosed with ADHD though
05/19/17(Fri)07:37:59 No.19028512
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)13:37:59 No.19028512
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>>19025251 (You)
Though I was never in a specific program, I am 100 percent fucking sure that the only reason I've had the devilish luck I've had with the system, is because I've been monitored along these lines since early school times.

I can and have literally done everything that has gotten so many others jail time. I have fucked myself over and taken so much money from the state multiple times, and never had to pay a single fucking penny back.

I match these descriptions to a fucking creepy level. The class I was in for my entire school life was so much different than all the other classes on the entire school. Always more focused on weird group activities and have been recorded numerous times.

BTW, I'm from Scandinavia (land of star children) and I wish I was fucking joking.
05/19/17(Fri)07:39:01 No.19028514
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)13:39:01 No.19028514
>>19024631 (OP)
>the tests they use for genius is the same they use for adhd

anyone who kept reading after this is retarded.

you aren't special, you don't have powers, this is one of the saddest LARPing threads ive ever seen on 4chan

go do something productive with your lives
05/19/17(Fri)07:50:17 No.19028530
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)13:50:17 No.19028530
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On being recorded:

>one day, get new teacher
>middle aged hip dude who lived in Copenhagen
>for whatever reason he's traveled several hundred kilometers to teach my class specifically
>the way he teached was so efficient that every thursday and friday we were basically free to do whatever
>he eventually makes an assignment, we have to do like our dear Queen and write a letter to the year gone by, and read it to the class
>this would be recorded so he ''had something to remember us by''
>shortly after this he got ''fired''

Here's the fucking catch, goys. I used to live right next door to that fucking teacher, from age 0-4 or there about. He was a friend of my family. I was a friend of his daughter, who I only remember because she was a shit kid who broke my MegaDrive. Same daughter he would never mention in the future.
I'd completely forgotten all of this.
05/19/17(Fri)08:06:05 No.19028558
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)14:06:05 No.19028558
shill :) go fuck you
05/19/17(Fri)08:26:53 No.19028609
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)14:26:53 No.19028609
ADD/ADHD is one of those bullshit labels like "restless leg syndrome ". I was told I had ADD but I just saw school for what it was. Used to be above average intelligence.

You strap a 6 year old to a desk in a box 30 hours a week, yeah, they'll get antsy.

Never exercise, sedentary life, no fucking shit your legs are restless.

It's just shilling for pharma industry. Adderall makes big bucks.

Anxiety and ADD label are almost always intertwined, this is the more important connection to investigate
05/19/17(Fri)08:41:54 No.19028643
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)14:41:54 No.19028643
Maybe he didn't want a shitskin dating his daughter.
05/19/17(Fri)08:55:26 No.19028670
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)14:55:26 No.19028670
>>19024631 (OP)
i got diagnosed with adult onset adhd i did horrible in school i mean horrible i would fill out my name on a paper test and that was it im also a bit of a sperg it costs to much to get tested for assburgers but fuck me it makes it hard to talk to people i say awkward shit and laugh while everyone else gets uncomfortable i know im not a total retard but im not educated barley schooled its incredibly hard to focus when all you want to do in school was stab kids with pens also muh anxiety, i doubt im a genius but hey at least i got the basics down like two genders and marxism is shit so yeah nah shove that uni shit up your arse
05/19/17(Fri)09:15:52 No.19028707
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)15:15:52 No.19028707
Please someone, anyone got an answer to this? Ive tried looking into it myself but I cannot find anything online about such large chunks of my life just being GONE.

The only thing I can find is it is a possible PTSD symptom? Or DID? Or some other mental disorder.

But I feel normal? Relatively...

Also, the "tinnitus" is a sound I can tune into at will. It is simply not there when I dont want it to be, but if i lay down or shut my eyes for about 30 secs i can focus in on the sound of the Universe as i like to call it. It is a very complex, multilayered ringing.. actually helps me go to sleep when I accompany it with hypnagogic imagery. The sound makes all external noise fade into the distance until its not there.

Its like im shifting into a new state of mind? Anyone have more info on this?

And my original question still stands, it really bothers me my memories are so choppy
05/19/17(Fri)09:39:04 No.19028735
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)15:39:04 No.19028735
>I like it, very nice.
Gabriel's Horn
05/19/17(Fri)09:43:58 No.19028746
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)15:43:58 No.19028746
>Nah, I just want normal people to stop judging everyone so harshly without imagining their perspective.
I agree completely. I was taught this in G&T, as a core value.
05/19/17(Fri)10:22:50 No.19028823
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)16:22:50 No.19028823
write me to this mail

05/19/17(Fri)10:36:44 No.19028854
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)16:36:44 No.19028854
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Im on to you goyim
05/19/17(Fri)10:49:56 No.19028882
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)16:49:56 No.19028882
Just precog dreams
It was called enrichment but I was in it. Drug addict and now my daughter has Asperger's and acts 100 % like I did at her age. Yay.
Principal at school always harassed me about how I had the highest iq ever at the school but always fucked off. My sister also had this but at a different School. Email have both spent considerable time in prison.
05/19/17(Fri)11:11:17 No.19028937
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)17:11:17 No.19028937
05/19/17(Fri)14:02:20 No.19029554
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)20:02:20 No.19029554
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>>19025246 (You)
I was in the GATE program myself in Elementary school, and I gotta say, this shit read me like a book. It's interesting to look back on something like this and wonder if indeed there were ulterior motives.
05/19/17(Fri)14:05:57 No.19029566
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)20:05:57 No.19029566
>>19025273 (You)
Holy shit man. I was put into GATE into Elementary school, and right as I entered 7th grade (it was a high-school that was 7-12th grade so it was middle school and highschool), my highschool just began the International Bachelorette program with my class. Is this a coincidence? My class is of 2016 and most people from my class, including myself, were born in 1998.
05/19/17(Fri)14:31:01 No.19029636
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)20:31:01 No.19029636
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05/19/17(Fri)14:41:06 No.19029667
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)20:41:06 No.19029667
>>19024631 (OP)
> 91
>ctrl FL
> lots keep them to myself because I sound like an unhinged nutjob if I talked about it.
>No but I was friends in the 3rd grade with a girl in GATE and another male classmate. Felt left out desu. However both were burnouts by the time we reached 8th grade (had no academic success) so maybe it was for the best that I and some others (that I know were GATE material) were skipped over.
05/19/17(Fri)14:53:24 No.19029695
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)20:53:24 No.19029695
It's not a bullshit label. You can even point to the the differences in brain structures between someone with ADHD and someone without, as well as genomes involved. And I can tell you about anxiety and ADHD: It's called comorbidity, it's a known thing in psychology. But hey, what do those quacks know right.
05/19/17(Fri)14:58:22 No.19029715
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)20:58:22 No.19029715

I have the same problems.

It blew my mind when anon could recall me specifically.
05/19/17(Fri)15:07:59 No.19029756
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)21:07:59 No.19029756
Is TAG the same type of program as GATE? I was in that one.
05/19/17(Fri)15:08:52 No.19029761
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)21:08:52 No.19029761
I get the feeling 4chan was created to contain those of us who are no longer in the physical program.
05/19/17(Fri)15:12:07 No.19029767
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)21:12:07 No.19029767


>In all the gifted programs, advanced placement, etc.
>aced tests, never did homework, averaged to C
>dropped out of society after high school and a few semesters in college
>lived off the grid for much of adult life (apartments with fake names, squatting, traveling via hitching or hopping freight trains in my crust punk days)
>considerable drug use, tried everything, struggle with on and off opiate addiction, done copious amounts of dissociatives
>now 30 and trying to "settle down" can't handle "normal" life without drugs
>want to die but too many loved ones

After all those GATE thread in /pol/ back in the day I'm certain they fucked with my head. Since I acted/fought against their "progressive" programing now can't find my place
05/19/17(Fri)15:14:22 No.19029777
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)21:14:22 No.19029777

If you're like some of us, dying won't change anything, other than offer you more perspective.
05/19/17(Fri)15:16:44 No.19029781
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)21:16:44 No.19029781
I can say I'm thankful for just as much.
05/19/17(Fri)15:56:34 No.19029876
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)21:56:34 No.19029876
I think 4chan was created so moot could talk anime with his SA friends. Wouldn't surprise me if a lot of outside powers are manipulating this place now though. Why build a website, when you can co-opt one?
05/19/17(Fri)15:56:36 No.19029877
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)21:56:36 No.19029877
1. 00
2. Japan but I've lived in LA since I was 5
3. Not any yet
4. Been in GATE since grade 3
I have ADHD but I don't take medication for it
05/19/17(Fri)15:58:43 No.19029884
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)21:58:43 No.19029884

Yeah, maybe "create" was the wrong word.

"Exists" would be more apt. Any other site would've been shut down after doing half the shit this place has done.

Has to be reasons.
05/19/17(Fri)16:06:27 No.19029909
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)22:06:27 No.19029909
If anything, it's simply "Monitored," and only because everything is.
I doubt 4chan is anything special within any circles, other than "To Catch a Predator." Just because a large number of 4chan users (Which borders 22 million people a month) have GATE/AP/Specialist memories does not make this a containment website.
It's more likely that such a large number of humans with extremely similar personality and psychological profiles, with similar mental capacity would all end up in similar circumstances and have similar hobbies and interests.
If we're all so damn "The Same" it stands to reason we'd all end up here eventually.
05/19/17(Fri)16:08:05 No.19029916
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)22:08:05 No.19029916

>If we're all so damn "The Same" it stands to reason we'd all end up here eventually.

So you understand what I'm getting at.
05/19/17(Fri)16:12:53 No.19029937
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)22:12:53 No.19029937
Yes, except I'm not attributing some spoopy meaning behind human commonality. I'm not LARPing and acting like "Da Ebil Gubberment uses 4chins 4 spieng on miiii!~
Be rational. In the best case scenario everyone not already active in the intelligence community was a washout, a failure at worst. They wouldn't commit massive amounts of resources to police washouts and failures.
05/19/17(Fri)16:14:38 No.19029946
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)22:14:38 No.19029946

Doesn't have to be spoopy to be a useful resource.
05/19/17(Fri)16:15:57 No.19029950
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)22:15:57 No.19029950
where? it doesn't show. my mail is miguel0antonio @ g. m. a. i. l. You can contact me there or reply with your contact info again
05/19/17(Fri)16:19:22 No.19029966
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)22:19:22 No.19029966

For example, I could be considered a failure.

But I honed my gifts and trained myself, to the point that I outshine almost any of their "successes".

I know I'm not alone.
05/19/17(Fri)16:25:32 No.19029995
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)22:25:32 No.19029995
Not only is it impossible for you to measure yourself against their "successes," but unless you had access to the methods, means, drugs, and resources they did, you know nothing. And if you did, you have a hell of a lot more information than any other GATE subject ever. Literally ever.
You'd be the foremost layman expert.
You'd be a wealth of resource, knowledge, and a focal point for us all to gain insight to blurred pasts.
But you're not.
You're an idiotic larper.
Even if you weren't, If you "outshined" their best and brightest, you'd shine bright enough to attract attention to yourself. You'd be back in the program, or whatever program comes next.
The reason you're a failure is because your a sloppy, overweight, NEET, neckbeard with nothing better to do than play pretend on the internet and post stupid vague roleplaying.
05/19/17(Fri)16:27:48 No.19029999
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)22:27:48 No.19029999

>You'd be back in the program, or whatever program comes next.

We're reaching that point now.
05/19/17(Fri)16:28:27 No.19030000
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)22:28:27 No.19030000
You seem quite passionate about this subject.
05/19/17(Fri)16:31:06 No.19030008
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)22:31:06 No.19030008
Fucking double quad posts.

Yes, I am very passionate about this subject.
I've been tortured by memories I can't confirm, I've been living my entire life on the fringe of existence, plagued by my own mind.
To see people playing pretend with my real-life is beyond obnoxious, beyond annoying; It's an affront.
So I will do my best to eradicate fakes, to dispel larpers and game-players, and weed out the few other that truly experienced what I did.
I won't stand for anything less than irrefutable.
05/19/17(Fri)16:32:49 No.19030011
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)22:32:49 No.19030011

Well this is the first time I've ever reached out on the subject specifically, or had memories jogged.

I've never been called out by name on fucking /x/ with memories that almost no one knows.
05/19/17(Fri)16:56:53 No.19030082
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)22:56:53 No.19030082
Hi. I discovered /x/ a few weeks ago. Never came back until I had a feeling I should look. I saw this thread and now I'm a little scared. Id love to have a discussion about things experienced as an adult. Most things I've seen in the thread I've experienced. Lost/repressed memories. Tinnitus, paranormal experiences. Limited precognition. So much more. I've dropped out of college 3 times. I've been in and out of the mental hospital 8 times since I was 15. I was in the GATE program in San Diego at Allen Arts Academy. I remember being grouped with other kids to play weird games with cards. Eventually they separated me and put me in another room with less kids. Always dimly lit. Can I get more info so u can see if it's real? I'm hoping this is just anxiety
05/19/17(Fri)17:10:39 No.19030123
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)23:10:39 No.19030123

Also anon, here is not the place to look for irrefutable.

The best you can do is self-evident.
05/19/17(Fri)17:51:35 No.19030268
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)23:51:35 No.19030268

I am not th same person. The one being "called by name" has presented no information besides what is in the thread itself, and has failed to add anything upon multiple prompts to do so.

Hence my antagonistic behavior.
05/19/17(Fri)17:59:37 No.19030305
Anonymous 05/19/17(Fri)23:59:37 No.19030305

I don't really feel comfortable doxxing myself further than you did. There have been quite a few unique experiences in my life.

I'm not really wanting to reconnect with that environment. It's too limiting. You are cognizant of a lot more memories of that time than I am.
05/19/17(Fri)18:03:03 No.19030317
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)00:03:03 No.19030317
>>19024631 (OP)
I dunno, my cousin has ADHD and he's like the epitome of average.
05/19/17(Fri)18:14:30 No.19030345
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)00:14:30 No.19030345
>I was brought to believe that I was somehow defective in a way, and carry with me to this day negative thoughts about myself accompanied by excessive mistrust of people.

i wasn't on adderal, but methylphenidate. recently read up on stims and shit and learned i was suffering from stimulant psychosis at times

i've slowly recovered, still get very paranoid of people though
05/19/17(Fri)18:52:01 No.19030459
!M6R0eWkIpk 05/20/17(Sat)00:52:01 No.19030459
>>19024631 (OP)
I relate to this entire list.

Many psychic happenings. I am also studying and practicing a range of esoteric and mystic practices.
I was both involved in GATE and diagnosed with ADD as a child/teen
05/19/17(Fri)18:55:15 No.19030469
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)00:55:15 No.19030469
>>19024631 (OP)
any one ever want to go back to a simpler time when bill gates tried to use small pox on japan so white people could buy up land on a island of japan

well to bad. every faggy kid thinks their a vampire or a fucking esper .what happened to congress playing neo nazi? in a few years their going to be a bunch of 60 year old women wearing team edward shirts

we need to go to mars now
05/19/17(Fri)18:57:40 No.19030476
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)00:57:40 No.19030476
You could do what MDE does and use your genius to redpill people
05/19/17(Fri)19:02:13 No.19030501
!M6R0eWkIpk 05/20/17(Sat)01:02:13 No.19030501
Hey, they put me in that too. Concerta. Stopped taking that tweaker inducing shit within a week.
05/19/17(Fri)19:03:39 No.19030507
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)01:03:39 No.19030507
hitlers wizards = meme magic
05/19/17(Fri)19:15:51 No.19030551
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)01:15:51 No.19030551
youre the one were searching for

05/19/17(Fri)20:24:42 No.19030813
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)02:24:42 No.19030813
Careful bro. Use tor FIRST, create an email with no links to phone or other emails, and then study up on how to talk to shills. Don't let the fed inside your head, anon. It's the one thing you have left. Godspeed.
05/19/17(Fri)21:11:27 No.19030931
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)03:11:27 No.19030931
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>was diagnosed adhd and mentally disturbed at 4 years old
>put on ritalin at 4 and put on slow release after bringing a box cutter to my brothers back and shoving a pencil up his nose until it bled
>was in the gifted and talented program in elementary
>junior high and highschool I was put into a special ed classroom mixed with GT kids
>there were almost never any windows and the GT kids were shown tapes that I cant recall at all
>during junior high I was given an IQ test that took 4 days to complete that consisted of math, reading, spelling, memory, writing, and other stuff I can't remember
>When they finally told me what my IQ was, it was around 150~ but memory ironically dragged me down a ways
>grandfather was a secret agent in "vietnam" though he never stepped foot in the country during the war
>he was offered a job at the CIA but declined because he wanted a family
>mother also has very high IQ but I know nothing about her school life except for the fact that she missed most of her school days to lern at home because her sister ran her over but she got straight As in all of her classes and had only 2 friends
>brother was also in the GT program but now he deals drugs and does heroin
05/19/17(Fri)21:19:39 No.19030960
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)03:19:39 No.19030960
>>19024631 (OP)



friend seemed to be controlled by otherly being while he was tripping. Also made me feel like he was interacting with my mind in an odd way. thats about it

not gate specifically, but a small public school had a similar program i was tested for and put into, but it did actually seem to be a good program

i never was put on ritalin, just concerta and strattera
Looking for me?
05/19/17(Fri)22:19:45 No.19031175
Looking for me? 05/20/17(Sat)04:19:45 No.19031175
Me again. Thanks for the tips anon. I won't be emailing you 0x92dev.
If you're looking for me, then you know where I am. You already know who I am. If I'm the one you're looking for, what's my name? What year was I recruited?
05/19/17(Fri)23:16:43 No.19031495
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)05:16:43 No.19031495
I doubt im a fucknig genious but i always thought I was of a decent inteligence. Being recently put on adderal, after a life of 20 years not on it. The difference is day and night. The levels i can focus are amazinf and I feel super human. I wish i would have been on it sooner. but i couldnt, thanks Airforce.
05/20/17(Sat)01:09:30 No.19032008
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)07:09:30 No.19032008
Highly Sensitive People... Dr. Elaine Aron. http://hsperson.com https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensory_processing_sensitivity
05/20/17(Sat)01:25:28 No.19032072
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)07:25:28 No.19032072
>>19024631 (OP)
>South Georgia
>I've seen ghosts on multiple occasions
>was in the gifted program starting in 2nd grade. Doctor tested IQ of 146.
05/20/17(Sat)02:01:07 No.19032184
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)08:01:07 No.19032184
>When they find balance they may become very strong, healthy, happy individuals.

Felt like this needs to be addressed, keep plugging away anons this is the truth most people never get to.

Not going through the rest of all this except to say it all fits to a tee, im in my mid 30's.

Should have had special education though my part of the country didnt have any programs to put me in. (Was actually told this.)

A lot of contact with UFOs and Angels, mostly UFOs.
05/20/17(Sat)03:05:40 No.19032412
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)09:05:40 No.19032412
>>19024631 (OP)

This is scary.
I was in gate. But so was my mom and her dad. And my sister.

Diagnosed with ADHD when i was young (memories from younger than 12 are really hazy) but talked the doctor into getting me off the meds around 15.(wanted a militaty future.)

Always was told how smart i am. My mom had me at 15 and mananaged to graduate on time as valedictorian.

Heres the scariness. I was raised by legal guardians. The same guardians that raised my mom and her dad. I know the husband was ex military but never gave details though i do know he was very wealthy.

The scariest part.

Ive known my s/o since 6th grade. She has schziophrenia. After being put into gate i was transferred to a private school with 300ish kids.

My s/o once told me when we were in middle school that she had been trained. She was involved with some army program. But shr was very weird talking about it. When i probed for details she refused to talk about it anymore. To this day years later she says she cant talk about it and i try and tell myself its het delusions but ive heard associations between schizophrenia and MKultra esque programs.
05/20/17(Sat)03:15:18 No.19032449
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)09:15:18 No.19032449
When you break people, things like that happen.
05/20/17(Sat)03:25:44 No.19032486
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)09:25:44 No.19032486
05/20/17(Sat)03:32:17 No.19032520
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)09:32:17 No.19032520
Adult with ADHD taking adderall here.

It helped me improve the way I think and ultimately was a big support in leading me to many realizations as to WHY my thinking was so broken, disorganized, and SEEMED to be holding me back.

Ultimately, I'm not sure how large of a part it played, nor the science behind it assuming it played a major one, but I believe it could very well help others.

I don't deny it's a harsh chemical on the body. My challenge now is overcoming the physical dependence on it. I suppose I only have myself to blame, really.

I can say there are many different kinds of intelligence, and the ability to regurgitate learned information is by far the least important of which.
05/20/17(Sat)03:39:30 No.19032546
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)09:39:30 No.19032546
>>19032486 (You)
05/20/17(Sat)03:40:26 No.19032551
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)09:40:26 No.19032551

Even though I am a lot on this list, I never was a Gate person. However, someone once recommended my mom to see if I could be one. However, I think I was just never ADD or ADHD because any sort of misconduct that would warrant a diagnosis was avoided by me learning to manipulate others to do my work or make requirements go away. It was entertaining, so I was always busy with something. Im not saying im equal to a Gate person, but some may have fallen through the cracks due to their manipulation skills
05/20/17(Sat)04:06:30 No.19032641
no.27 05/20/17(Sat)10:06:30 No.19032641
Hello brothers and sisters, another post about gate, I find very interesting because it describes my whole life coincidentally but I don't believe in coincidences, I hope somehow we all meet up one day and put our minds to good use, until then peace to you and yours .
05/20/17(Sat)04:12:39 No.19032658
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)10:12:39 No.19032658
>oices when going to sleep, lucid dreams, sleep paralysis, altered states, can move energy, future prediction, etc. Nothing super showy or impressive to others. Seems normal to me.
>I remember the hearing tests in GT class. There were many weird little games and tests like that I can't really remember

You actually sound retarded bud, coming from someone who understands a lil mathematics.
05/20/17(Sat)04:13:31 No.19032660
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)10:13:31 No.19032660
>>19024631 (OP)

I'm going to try to give a brief synopsis of my experience with the GATE/Horizons program throughout my adolescence and early teenage years, and the concomitant mental damage it caused me.

During my second-grade school year, I was selected for Gifted and Talented testing because of my exemplary grades and above average performance in reading-tracker exams. While eight years old, I was pulled out of class and given an IQ test, which I now believe was a WISC IQ test (or a Wechsler intelligence test intended for children). On that test, I was later determined to have an FSIQ of approximately 139, or about two-and-a-half standard deviations above the median score for a child of my age. A school guidance counselor recommended that I skip a grade to my father, but he wouldnt permit it, fearing that the large disparity in age between me and my future peers would likely lead to bullying from the other children. The next school year, I transferred to a different district and was again encouraged to opt for specialized education. This time, however, my mother was informed that a new advanced-placement program had become available in the district, specifically designed to provide a more rigorous and stimulating program for bright children. The necessary score on WISC for selection into this program was a 117, and so upon verification of my previous WISC, I was admitted into GT the following year, in the fourth grade.
05/20/17(Sat)04:14:34 No.19032665
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)10:14:34 No.19032665

My admission into the GT program resulted in a marked decrease in my mental stability, relationship with general figures of authority, peer interaction and self-confidence. Part of this was because the school that I had transferred to was small and insular, and so most of my peers werent really interested making friends with the “new kid”. Bullying ensued, and my grades began to decline rapidly. I started gaining weight, stopped bathing/washing my hair/cutting my nails and grew severely depressed, culminating in an outright refusal to continue going to school. I was eventually ticketed for missing (I think) eight consecutive days of school.

It was during this time that I was taken to a series of clinical psychologists and psychiatrists. It was determined that I had Tourette de Gilles and possibly Aspergers. The latter claim was later revoked, but it was recommended that I exit advanced placement programs and instead opt for ARD-guided special education throughout the remainder of my grade school education.
05/20/17(Sat)04:17:37 No.19032671
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)10:17:37 No.19032671
From someone with an admittedly small knowledge of mathematics, everyone who has commented in this threat is certainty room temp IQ. Fuck /x/ is really bad nowadays. I guess I'll try again in several years, you are all pathetic.
05/20/17(Sat)04:17:52 No.19032672
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)10:17:52 No.19032672
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Since then, my academic career has been an abject failure. I failed multiple classes every semester throughout middle school and high school. During high school, I was tempted to drop out during my senior year because I felt like I didnt have a chance in obtaining enrollment at any noteworthy universities. I made about a 2000 on an SAT and a 31 on an ACT, but graduated in the bottom quarter of my class. After spending a semester and a half at a state university, I essentially had a nervous breakdown and withdrew from the university system entirely. Afterwards I lived the NEET life for four years, and experienced a spiritual/existential crisis which drove me to enroll at a community college. Ive been struggling to get an associates degree for over five years now.

About two years ago, at the age of 22, I requested testing for ADD/ADHD. This time, I was given a WAIS-R IV test, administered by a clinical psychologist. It was determined that my FSIQ had diminished nearly a standard deviation to a 121, and my Working Memory, a sub-component of general intelligence, clocked in just about an 80. I was determined to be significantly impaired and given a prescription of 30 mg Vyvanse to help focus. A friend of mine that is currently working on a masters degree in Psychology, a 15+ point diminishment in FSIQ is essentially unheard of—equivalent to a lobotomy or severe brain damage.
05/20/17(Sat)04:31:42 No.19032700
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)10:31:42 No.19032700
Do you guys remember the rooms being tinted a certain way? Like pink/red bulbs?
05/20/17(Sat)04:36:17 No.19032711
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)10:36:17 No.19032711
Chill man.
I have a 136 IQ, that's 98.9% percentile.
I got a 98.2 on the ASVAB, but physical hindrances kept me out of service.

Most people here are shills/larpers.
There's a couple I think hold up to scrutiny, however.
05/20/17(Sat)04:44:02 No.19032724
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)10:44:02 No.19032724
About him:
Abraham Tannenbaum was a teacher in Brooklyn public schools for more than 20 years. He led many research studies focused on G/T students and helped various organizations, including the Head Start Program. His research and writing focus on underachievement, the gifted and learning disabled, as well as the econimically disadvantaged.

"Sea Star" model of giftedness.
Giftedness pertains to work within “spheres of an activity that enhances the moral, physical, emotional, social, intellectual, or aesthetic life of humanity”
Identifies students who have the potential for “becoming critically acclaimed performers or exemplary producers of ideas”. Gifted producers create whereas gifted performers stage demonstrations or are involved in benefiting society.
Holistic model that includes personality, characteristics, and environmental influences, but very restrictive due to his definition of giftedness.

Sea Star Model of Giftedness
Five factors facilitate talent:
general ability
special ability (aptitude in specific area)
non-intellectual traits (dedication, strong self-concept, willingness to sacrifice)
environmental supports
*Students must have a combination of all five factors for talent to develop. He stressed that each area was equally valuable.
*Each arm has static (current) and dynamic (learning/changing). This model takes potential into account.

Gifted Characteristics
1. Strong self- concept (how a student views themselves and their abilities)
-Positive characteristic: creates an “I can” attitude which empowers students to make choices, try new things, and strive for success.
-To build a strong self-concept, teachers must use developmentally appropriate activities that promote success, frequent positive reinforcement, and a loving, caring attitude.

2. Internal and external motivation to achieve
05/20/17(Sat)04:45:06 No.19032728
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)10:45:06 No.19032728
>>19032724 (You)
-3 things influence motivation- choice, effort, and persistence
-In order to be motivated, teachers should use students interests and natural curiosity in their classroom. Students need to be active learners and have high expectations for themselves to be intrinsically motivated.

3. Is persistent and task committed in an area of interest
-Content needs to be personalized for students according to their readiness level, interests, and preferred method of learning.
-Tasks need to be connected to students interest and needs to have relevance.

4. Visualizes images and translates into other forms (music notation, numbers, letters)
-Lectures may be difficult for these students. They are typically good with puzzles, mazes, reading maps, finding their way in unfamiliar territory, and creating visual images of locations and objects.
-Using hands-on manipulatives and computer programs may help these students to learn best. They can take things apart and put them back together in working order.
-Usually organization is a problem for these types of students, so homework may often be forgotten. They have trouble with schedules and routines.
-These students excel with complex problems, but may struggle with basic tasks in the classroom. They may often come to surprising conclusions and keep you guessing as to what they will say next. They come up with elaborate stories and explanations.
05/20/17(Sat)04:46:10 No.19032732
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)10:46:10 No.19032732
>>19032728 (You)
5. Divergent thinker
-Being a divergent thinker requires student to produce many ideas or ideas that are different from the norm. They have a preference for unusual and original responses. They do not think of the most common response first.
-Student may have trouble conforming. They think they are just like every other student at first, but discover this is not true when they reach school age. Other students may be frustrated by this type of student because they think he or she should be just like everyone else. As a result of this, students may have emotional issues related to being different
-Very creative and novel thinkers. May have trouble with common sense.
-Cannot accept authority just because it exists- they have to test their boundaries.
-Learn best by immersing themselves in their passion and working only on that passion until it is done. Ordinary tasks seem like a waste of time.
-Their thoughts and feelings are interconnected- may have trouble organizing themselves and starting large assignments. Step by step learning is a problem for these students because they see things as a whole, not in parts.
Gifted Characteristics Continued
6. Prefers complexity and open-endedness
-May struggle with basic skills, but thrive when given a complex problem situation.
-Teachers should give these students fewer parameters and more choices in the classroom as this lends to their desire for open-endedness.

7. Contributes new concepts, methods, products, or performances
-Tannenbaum labels gifted performers as gifted
-This goes along with some of the other learning needs we have touched on- supplying students with complex and open ended problems, giving them less parameters and more room for creativity
05/20/17(Sat)04:59:54 No.19032753
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)10:59:54 No.19032753
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>>19032732 (You)
8. Is visionary, has a holistic view
-Student sees things as a whole- has trouble separating things into their parts. May struggle with step by step learning and finding a starting place when completing large assignments because they cannot separate the parts from the whole. As a result they are able to see the beauty of the world around them and learn to appreciate the world around them
-Students are passionate about learning. Use transformative approach to learning- focus on knowledge as it is constructed in a students context. Students are asked to reflect critically on how they come to understand information.
-Emphasize connections in learning, as opposed to fragmentation. Cross subject matter (integrate math and science concepts for example) to promote connections.

9. Uses unique solutions to problems, improvises
-As we discussed above, students often do not see the common sense answers- they answer questions in different and unique ways, making you wonder what they will say next
-Students flourish with open-ended problems and few parameters because it allows them to come up with different solutions and approaches to solving the problem. Gives students choice and ownership over their learning.

10. Is observant and pays attention to detail
- Notices details others would not which helps them to problem solve
- Give these students the opportunity to take on leadership roles in the classroom and in the school community. These students will do well with paying attention to the details necessary to achieve goals and perform tasks.
- These students do well with solving complex problems.
05/20/17(Sat)05:01:25 No.19032756
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)11:01:25 No.19032756
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>>19032753 (You)
Related Articles
"The meaning and making of Giftedness" by Abraham Tannenbaum

This article highlights the conceptions and identification of students, with a bigger emphasis on producers and performers. It also covers a more in-depth look at each of the arms of the sea-star model as described above, as well as the static and dynamic aspect of each.


If you can dream it, you can do it. Always remember that this whole thing was started with a dream and a mouse. Walt Disney
•Harry Potter
- Divergent thinker - thinks outside the box. Ability to think creatively although has difficulty with applying common sense.
- Trouble accepting authority and constantly pushes his boundaries
- He learns best by immersing himself in a topic, such as Defense against the Dark Arts. He has trouble studying other topics because they seem like a waste of time in order to complete his goal of defeating Voldemort.
- Different from other students his age
•Hermione Granger
- Very motivated to learn and complete her goals.
-Persistent in areas of interest. She is naturally curious about the magical world, and due to this interest, studying does not seem like a chore.
- Observant and pays attention to detail.
05/20/17(Sat)05:03:09 No.19032758
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)11:03:09 No.19032758
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05/20/17(Sat)05:06:16 No.19032763
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)11:06:16 No.19032763
Project bluebird is a self aware sentient AI created in the late 90s to make sure sensitive documents weren't allowed on the Internet.
It was then modified to include popular fiction and popular culture in order to sell products/ideas based off nostalgia.
Shit, it goes even farther than that.
They have the ability to see surface thoughts through the Internet and other forms of communication.
They also have the ability to see what a target sees and hears. They can they manipulate specific objects and concepts to become tailored for that target. They do this on the level of tens of thousands of people.
Any that can detect the tampering by BlueBird, Red Fox, and Red Prime get targeted for re-education.
The very act of pedophilia isn't bad, the act of rape and sodomy on non consenting minors is.
They use those violent horrible acts to mold and brainwash individuals.
They do it so well that it becomes blocked out, unable to be recalled by the conscious mind.
I know about all that.
But talking about it and proving it on a heavily monitored public forum would be rather idiotic and ultimately pointless.
They can shut this website down whenever they want.
They have the ability to hack any electronic media.
They have the ability to listen at all times.
But they do not have the ability to see the future.
They can only predict or observe potential futures.
05/20/17(Sat)05:07:18 No.19032765
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)11:07:18 No.19032765
Project Bluebird is only responsible for online changes.
Project Red Fox is responsible for psychical books being replaced.
Red Prime is responsible for managing everything.
Red Fox agents went around to different libraries, archives, warehouses and distribution centers with altered copies.
They started sometime in the 90's and wrapped up in 2007.
Anytime Berenstein is mentioned, a little birdie is alerted.
Too many other tag words in conjunction with berenstein will see an influx of bots, AI controlled astroturfing and a few human agents pouring in.
It's quite cute actually.
They think they can stop the truth from coming out by denying that it exists.
The truth is, we died over 45,000 years ago in a nuclear doomsday event. A few minds were saved and put into artificial stasis. They were fucking evil and enslaved the other people trapped in the virtual existence. This degraded until we have what we see now. 95% of the population is nothing but soulless husks that only exist to consume, never creating anything but waste
In hiding from Death, you only guarantee you will meet Him in His most hideous and horrifying form.
This summer we will meet the 4th dimension and they will meet us.
At first, no one will understand what happened.
Why random entities suddenly appear or how.
But then a group of devious minded people will harness the ability to manifest thought by using it for harm, rather than help.
A group will form to combat them and will lead to the final battle between the king under the mountain and the Antichrist.
After all that jazz happens, we can get back to living as this matrix intended and go to other galaxies, leaving this sad mudball behind
05/20/17(Sat)05:08:20 No.19032767
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)11:08:20 No.19032767
>>19032765 (You)
>>19032763 (You)
Bion is a combination of bots, artificial intelligence and human agents all working together to create or dissipate favorable systems of thought.
A 'good' system would have /pol/ going down the rabbit hole of red herrings and half truths.
A 'bad' system would have /pol/ uncovering things like t.avist0ck and the employers of Zoe Quinn.
They create consensus, they create context with which to apply that consensus, and then when everyone is satisfied with the result, it gets buried, never to be talk about again.
"Why do we need to talk about gamergate? lol we did that already. We already agreed it's STAIN not Stein."
In reality, we are all shadowbanned.
Anybody who shows divergent thinking aka GATE students, get monitored and followed online for their whole lives.
Our posts go through a special moderation system before regular non divergent users see it.
If it's too divergent, only other like minded divergent thinkers are allowed to view it.
If it's in line with common social consensus it gets approved.
05/20/17(Sat)05:14:30 No.19032776
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)11:14:30 No.19032776
>>19032767 (You)
The internet-media censoring alone is impossible. I have some REALLY stupid friends who see my shit all the time.
05/20/17(Sat)05:33:37 No.19032810
anonemus 05/20/17(Sat)11:33:37 No.19032810
me described very well,hated school,was class clown came away with average grades but didnt revise at all,prefer working alone at work and if not i prefer to delegate,did a bsc in computing and applied mathmatics,aced it..currently starting a masters in same field in september..i consider myself above average intelligence (pretentious as that sounds i dont mean to be)..have an insane distain for benefit brigade jeremy kyle scruffbag thick shit cunts who just inbreed within their clique.
05/20/17(Sat)09:44:33 No.19033422
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)15:44:33 No.19033422
Holy fuck you just hit the nail on the head. The doctor was right that's why I'm getting put on Vyvanse
05/20/17(Sat)10:52:24 No.19033575
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)16:52:24 No.19033575
>>19024631 (OP)
we all are naturally born with photographic memories but because of the amount of stimulation around us we are over stimulated. therefore it comes off as being ADD/ADHD
05/20/17(Sat)11:26:21 No.19033641
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)17:26:21 No.19033641
It sounds like autism because it is. There is some evidence that autism and ADHD share similar root causes, and most of these traits would fit your average person with ADHD or quite high-functioning autism really well. Almost everything down to the ringing in the ears (sensory hypersensitivity) is straight out of the DSM. I'm not in favour of giving kids ritalin if they don't like it, and it kind of sickens me, but claiming that it's somehow related to being psychic is just a classic example of people seeing connections that aren't there. Just because your brain functions differently than the average normie doesn't mean you have psychic abilities or anything of the sort. There's no international conspiracy to dumb down the ADHD kids, there's just lazy parents and teachers who'd rather take the quick fix of a drug.
05/20/17(Sat)12:05:41 No.19033731
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)18:05:41 No.19033731
Anyone else ever get strange computer noises in their head when its quiet? It sounds like a disk read/write sound, this was a sound that was more easily heard on older computers. Along with my regular tinitus I get that.
05/20/17(Sat)12:48:21 No.19033832
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)18:48:21 No.19033832
All this just sounds like logical critical thinking. I used to do the same thing in math with problems. In fact, if I couldn't do it in my head initially I took it upon myself as a challenge. Showing work is really a huge time waste if you already know the answer. And let's face it, there are people, when shown the work, still don't get it.

They're not faulty, they just that way, same as people like us. But it's the fact that they disrespected us with their assumptions is what drove us to madness, but in turn, we do have control to not allow such feelings to surface in the first place.
05/20/17(Sat)13:37:52 No.19033985
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)19:37:52 No.19033985
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>>19024631 (OP)
35 male
Born in Albany, Or. on June, 1981
I was typically in advanced English and Math classes, and put into a high school for the gifted, and graduated after sophomore year.
I was professionally tested for IQ (two day long test) at either 136 or 138.
I also have ADD, can't focus well without stims.
I don't think that I was put in G.A.T.E.
Strange things that I'll mention with "those who observe" watching:
1. A blue orb encounter when 14 or 15. It came from the sky and kind of floated down like a feather, wafting back and forth, and slowly diminished until nothing seemingly a few inches from the ground with no traces left.
2. As insane as it reads, my blood type seems to have changed from B- to O- in the last year. What the fuck?
3. The government, particularly, seemingly, the CIA (I know, right?) has taken an almost obsessive interest in me as of the last two'ish years. My life is hell.
05/20/17(Sat)13:49:03 No.19034015
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)19:49:03 No.19034015
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Me again. I'll answer the questions. Again, unsure if I was in G.A.T.E, but am just like you folks... creepy... as I don't find many like myself. It's kind of nice to know, honestly.
> Are intelligent, though may not have had top grades.
Yes, sometimes honor roll if I tried, but typically didn't give a shit, and was the class clown.
> Are very creative and enjoy making things.
Usually, yes.
> Always need to know WHY, especially why they are being asked to do something.
Yes, not a bot.
> Had disgust and perhaps loathing for much of the required and repetitious work in school.
Certainly. A waste of time.
> Were rebellious in school in that they refused to do homework and rejected authority of teachers, OR seriously wanted to rebel, but didn't DARE, usually due to parental pressure.
Yes, but aren't most kids?
> May have experienced early existential depression and feelings of helplessness. These may have ranged from sadness to utter despair. Suicidal feelings while still in high school or younger are not uncommon in the Indigo Adult.
Extreme depression as a teen. Strangely so.
> Have difficulty in service-oriented jobs. Indigos resist authority and caste system of employment.
Not really, but mine were creative in nature, soooo....
> Prefer leadership positions or working alone to team positions.
Yes, typically start-up owner, or executive in some manner.
> Have deep empathy for others, yet an intolerance of stupidity.
Yes. I ran an unpaid 501c(3) for the homeless and battered women shelters and helped two underprivileged schools.
> May be extremely emotionally sensitive including crying at the drop of a hat (no shielding) Or may be the opposite and show no expression of emotion (full shielding).
I am able to disconnect emotion completely, which is good in business and a career path I did not have the opportunity to select, surgeon.
05/20/17(Sat)13:58:49 No.19034047
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)19:58:49 No.19034047
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Me again, again, due to char limit:
> May have trouble with RAGE.
Yes, but am put into situations where... let's just say my life is fucking absurd and you wouldn't believe what these government goons are doing to me.
> Have trouble with systems they consider broken or ineffective, ie. political, educational, medical, and legal.
Yes, doesn't everyone?
> Alienation from or anger with politics - feeling your voice won't count and/or that the outcome really doesn't mattter.
Yes, as it's the truth.
> Frustration with or rejection of the traditional American dream - 9-5 career, marriage, 2.5 children, house with white picket fence, etc.
Nah. I'm comfortable living however, as long as it's not too ghetto-lie. :P
> Anger at rights being taken away, fear and/or fury at "Big Brother watching you."
This is starting to smell like fishing, but isn't everyone upset by that?
> Have a burning desire to do something to change and improve the world. May be stymied what to do. May have trouble identifying their path.
Again, smells of fishing. Maybe with regards to the likely probability of the upcoming civil war before October'ish, and you are trying to seek out those who would be in leadership roles? Interesting. I'm heavily armed, and will kill without hesitation if I feel threatened, New Friends. :^)
> Have psychic or spiritual interest appear fairly young - in or before teen years.
Not answering.
> Had few if any Indigo role models. Having had some doesn't mean you're not an indigo, though.
Unsure, role models have been men of genius.
> Have strong intuition.
Typically, and sometimes way off.
> Random behavior pattern or mind style - (symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder). May have trouble focusing on assigned tasks, may jump around in conversations.
Yes, ADD.
> Have had psychic experiences, such as premonitions, seeing angels or ghosts, out of body experiences, hearing voices.
Not answering.
05/20/17(Sat)14:00:00 No.19034057
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)20:00:00 No.19034057
>>19032486 (You)

I dunno if it was Aquino, but I saw someone in a robe like that standing over me in a sleep paralysis episode. It was dark though and he had the hood up so I couldn't see his face. By this time I knew that showing fear is the worst thing you could do so I managed to move just enough to flip him off. Havn't seen the dark robe guy since.
05/20/17(Sat)14:00:36 No.19034061
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)20:00:36 No.19034061
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Me again, again, again, due to char limit:
> May be electrically sensitive such as watches not working and street lights going out as you move under them, electrical equipment malfunctioning and lights blowing out.
Not answering.
> May have awareness of other dimensions and parallel realities.
Not answering.
> Sexually are very expressive and inventive OR may reject sexuality in boredom or with intention of achieving higher spiritual connection. > > May explore alternative types of sexuality.
Yes, very sexual, like to please partners more than myself. /shrug
> Seek meaning to their life and understanding about the world May seek this through religion or spirituality, spiritual groups and books, self-help groups and books.
Yes, Alan Watts people, start there, and keep going.
> When they find balance they may become very strong, healthy, happy individuals.
I found a balance, and the US government put a huge effort into destroying it, and succeeded, yet trapped me in the US, and keep at me, but don't kill me. Strange.

It's nice to know that there are others like me, not that we are so remarkable, but... it's comforting. Good luck, and I hope that you are not targeted as I have been most severely. I highly recommend that you obtain your passport and a firearm ASAP.
05/20/17(Sat)14:07:45 No.19034095
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)20:07:45 No.19034095
>>19024631 (OP)
I have an education in psychology and I have adhd. This is completely false.

There is no correlation between adhd and intelligence. Its simply low dopamine production levels and a slow pre frontal cortex.

This creates a personality that requires High activity and a strong need for mental stimulation, and different learning patterns.

They are more creative, and think outside the box a lot more, yes, but they could also be dumb as a rock.

>same iq test

Also false. The IQ test tests pattern recognition skills, intuitive math skills, and specific cognitive functions and the ability to draw and create new information from given information. Connecting the dots basically.

The neurological and chemical markers of adhd are not easy or cheap to detect, so the diagnosis comes from a combination of patient self assessment (questions like do you feel this way a lot, do you have a hard time focusing on these specific things, and do you have an easy time focusing on those specific things.) followed by life pattern analysis, and testimony/interviews with teachers parents and authority figures. Its a very accurate and telling test when done properly and saves the whole chemical and brain screening testing.
05/20/17(Sat)14:13:12 No.19034122
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)20:13:12 No.19034122
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Sorry i wont be a complete debby downer... I have had a supernatural experience:

>Arcturian encounter
>never heard of gate until now.

Long story short i was going to an hero when i suddenly had daily episodes of sleep paralysis, woke up to a tall thing by my bed (pic related), who then put me to sleep and offered help and encouragement through telepathic communication (no words. Spoke in feelings and thought imprinting).

It then later returned when my life was better in a dream to tell me im not special and not to feel high and mighty about meeting it, that it would talk to anyone, and that all that set me apart was a specific ability to listen. Otherwise it would talk to everyone if it could, because all humans are pretty coo in their books.

I also accept these episodes may have been hallucinations and delusions due to extreme anxiety.

But it felt so intimate mang. I choose to believe.
05/20/17(Sat)14:22:12 No.19034170
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)20:22:12 No.19034170
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05/20/17(Sat)14:40:21 No.19034258
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)20:40:21 No.19034258
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To add to this, again ;^) ,and to this "Mandela Effect", I was just researching a long-bloodline ancestors which is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winfield_Scott - and his name was WILLIAM Scott, and not Winfield Scott!!! , and it was ""Old Ruffle Feathers", NOT "Old Fuss and Feathers"!!!!

What the fuck is going on here?!

05/20/17(Sat)14:40:46 No.19034261
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)20:40:46 No.19034261
>There is no correlation between adhd and intelligence.

The correlation of high IQ and ADHD is well known.
05/20/17(Sat)14:41:49 No.19034265
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)20:41:49 No.19034265
but this is blatantly false.

i was category 1.
05/20/17(Sat)14:49:52 No.19034289
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)20:49:52 No.19034289

Really? Because this would imply the opposite is true. I'm not saying people with ADHD are stupider, but they fare worse in standardised testing at the very least.
05/20/17(Sat)14:58:43 No.19034328
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)20:58:43 No.19034328
you sound retarded
05/20/17(Sat)15:00:38 No.19034342
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)21:00:38 No.19034342
Dexter's Lab
05/20/17(Sat)15:01:23 No.19034349
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)21:01:23 No.19034349
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but that's what makes Cat.2 very intimidating/entertaining; if they >chose<, not to succeed/have 'convenience', what is it do they really want then, what did they choose then, that was so much more appealing?

the medical profession will make up whatever bullshit 'condition' necessary 2 convenience themselves so their narrative will make 'sense'; and this all stems to our lack of comprehension of how our own consciousness is a working-thing that exists, but paradoxically doesn't outside our own senses

i find it ironic.. XD
05/20/17(Sat)15:05:46 No.19034366
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)21:05:46 No.19034366
05/20/17(Sat)15:16:48 No.19034408
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)21:16:48 No.19034408
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I put a post on reddit, cause we're searching for info: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/6cc4j3/mandela_effect_gate_its_now_personal_for_me_heres/
05/20/17(Sat)15:22:14 No.19034431
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)21:22:14 No.19034431
>>19032767 (You)

The thing they STILL don't understand.

We don't need consensus.

It's self-evident for our kind, consensus doesn't come from authority.
05/20/17(Sat)15:23:47 No.19034437
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)21:23:47 No.19034437

You're still tethered to the rest of us.

Whether you like it or not, just as we are to you.
05/20/17(Sat)15:30:40 No.19034454
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)21:30:40 No.19034454

>what is it do they really want then, what did they choose then, that was so much more appealing?

Category 2 is not limited by norms, protocol, or schedule. This restricts Cat 1 from ever reaching the levels possible by Cat 2.
05/20/17(Sat)15:33:35 No.19034460
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)21:33:35 No.19034460

Though, I should mention, this also makes the floor MUCH deeper for Cat. 2.
05/20/17(Sat)15:41:25 No.19034488
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)21:41:25 No.19034488
As my life has gone on, I've come to realise what a good memory I have, or more accurately how shit everyone else's memory is. I can't count the amount of times I've been frustrated that I had to say something a second time because someone forgot something I told them three months ago, or a year ago, or ten.
05/20/17(Sat)15:44:21 No.19034498
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)21:44:21 No.19034498
>>19032763 (You)

The biggest thing you have to remember about all their systems:

They can only see what you allow them to see.

This is where they cannot compete.
05/20/17(Sat)16:31:58 No.19034665
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)22:31:58 No.19034665
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I'm disturbingly aligned with nearly all of these (single exceptions being trudged through school with near top grades and extracurriculars, and that I always knew what I wanted to do). Where are you getting this information from???
05/20/17(Sat)16:33:14 No.19034669
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)22:33:14 No.19034669

You're not alone, anon.

At least you didn't get called out by name.
05/20/17(Sat)16:44:42 No.19034710
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)22:44:42 No.19034710
>>19024631 (OP)
1. Late 70s
2. Military family, grew up around NOVA and Europe
3. Many psychic experiences, dream sharing, often told that I shine, often know the future or what's going to happen, know things before people tell me
4. Was in GATE in schools in VA, MD and on military bases in Europe

Never was prescribed add mess because that was not a big thing in the early 80s and my parents aren't retarded. Have an IQ ~140 and many interests and talents which I work hard on my own to develop. Never got great grades because I was pretty bored in school. The gate classes were fun tho. We had computers before they were in every room of school and they allowed us to pursue our own interests. There was a lot of weird testing and even psychic testing in the form of games.
05/20/17(Sat)16:45:24 No.19034714
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)22:45:24 No.19034714
>>19024631 (OP)
1986, California, Sleep Paralysis and dreaming of things that come true, spot on intuition, Yes was in GATE program....although I don't remember anything wierd about it.
05/20/17(Sat)16:45:45 No.19034715
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)22:45:45 No.19034715
This is me to a t
05/20/17(Sat)16:47:34 No.19034726
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)22:47:34 No.19034726
This is 100% me yet I havent been a part of gate so it seems GATE is bullshit nigger
05/20/17(Sat)16:49:29 No.19034733
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)22:49:29 No.19034733
Where do you go to take an official IQ test?
05/20/17(Sat)17:23:58 No.19034870
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)23:23:58 No.19034870
I think you can ask a psychologist/sychiatrist for one but Im not sure
I got mine from a highschool over 4 days
05/20/17(Sat)17:34:12 No.19034907
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)23:34:12 No.19034907
So they wipe memories too?
05/20/17(Sat)17:49:08 No.19034951
Anonymous 05/20/17(Sat)23:49:08 No.19034951
I was in the gate program in elementary
05/20/17(Sat)19:04:23 No.19035172
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)01:04:23 No.19035172
>>19024631 (OP)
what was the UK version called?
05/20/17(Sat)19:29:29 No.19035255
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)01:29:29 No.19035255
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"As fierce as hell, or fiercer still, a woman piqued who has her will."
05/20/17(Sat)19:33:56 No.19035272
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)01:33:56 No.19035272
>>19024631 (OP)
>incredibly intelligent
>many of them have IQ as high as 130
>100 is the average

Can you fucking decide OP? For this to be true then they'd have to be at 70 IQ as often as 130.
Because 100 IS the freaking average. Educate yourself before posting.
05/20/17(Sat)19:39:48 No.19035290
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)01:39:48 No.19035290
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>Are intelligent, though may not have had top grades.
>Are very creative and enjoy making things.
>Always need to know WHY, especially why they are being asked to do something.
>Had disgust and perhaps loathing for much of the required and repetitious work in school.
>Were rebellious in school in that they refused to do homework and rejected authority of teachers, OR seriously wanted to rebel, but didn't DARE, usually due to parental pressure.
>May have experienced early existential depression and feelings of helplessness. These may have ranged from sadness to utter despair. Suicidal feelings while still in high school or younger are not uncommon in the Indigo Adult.
>Have difficulty in service-oriented jobs. Indigos resist authority and caste system of employment.
Y/N (no problem in working them but have to put forth effort in showing absolute obedience to the order(showing that I know my place and love it))
>Prefer leadership positions or working alone to team positions.
>Have deep empathy for others, yet an intolerance of stupidity.
>May be extremely emotionally sensitive including crying at the drop of a hat (no shielding) Or may be the opposite and show no expression of emotion (full shielding).
>May have trouble with RAGE.
Not anymore (thx LSD!)
>Have trouble with systems they consider broken or ineffective, ie. political, educational, medical, and legal.
05/20/17(Sat)19:43:30 No.19035309
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)01:43:30 No.19035309
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>Alienation from or anger with politics - feeling your voice won't count and/or that the outcome really doesn't mattter.
>Frustration with or rejection of the traditional American dream - 9-5 career, marriage, 2.5 children, house with white picket fence, etc.
>Anger at rights being taken away, fear and/or fury at "Big Brother watching you."
>Have a burning desire to do something to change and improve the world. May be stymied what to do. May have trouble identifying their path.
>Have psychic or spiritual interest appear fairly young - in or before teen years.
>Had few if any Indigo role models. Having had some doesn't mean you're not an indigo, though.
>Have strong intuition.
>Random behavior pattern or mind style - (symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder). May have trouble focusing on assigned tasks, may jump around in conversations.
>Have had psychic experiences, such as premonitions, seeing angels or ghosts, out of body experiences, hearing voices.
>May be electrically sensitive such as watches not working and street lights going out as you move under them, electrical equipment malfunctioning and lights blowing out.
>May have awareness of other dimensions and parallel realities.
>Sexually are very expressive and inventive OR may reject sexuality in boredom or with intention of achieving higher spiritual connection. May explore alternative types of sexuality.
Y (love to make for sexy time)
>Seek meaning to their life and understanding about the world May seek this through religion or spirituality, spiritual groups and books, self-help groups and books.
>When they find balance they may become very strong, healthy, happy individuals.
05/20/17(Sat)19:51:54 No.19035341
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)01:51:54 No.19035341
Maybe you just weren't good enough, anon.
05/20/17(Sat)20:03:45 No.19035388
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)02:03:45 No.19035388
So from what I've learned

Obviously OP was told wrong or is just incorrect. The testing for "geniuses" was not the testing for ADD/ADHD. How ever, there are some striking similarities.

The average IQ of a believable GATE story falls between 130-140, much higher than average IQ.

Most (and I am going to say this now because it pertains to everything, when I say "Most" or "All" it is in regards to believable GATE stories, not larpers or losers) Most were transferred or recruited in 2nd or 3rd grade, with a few exceptions. The average age of a 2-3 grader is Eight, and developmentally speaking, eight years old is the average age from advanced cognitive development.

Classrooms were always dark/covered/secluded. I personally thought I knew exactly where the classroom was, but upon some heavy focus on my memories, I recently realized where it "was" in my mind doesn't fit the school building AT ALL. This is a somewhat shared experience.

All gate students have some form of learning disability. ADD/ADHD, Dyslexia, or something similar, with behavioral issues defining Category two students.

All students have some form of strange memory regarding practices generally seen as studies into enhanced mental profiles/abilities, regardless of results.

All students were prescribed/given some form of medication. Some were given many.

Most believable stories take place between 1970 and 1999. Very few stories after 1999 are what I would classify as "believable," but several from the years 2000, 2001, and 2002 are exception. Anything after has flaws or inconsistencies. One must remember not all AP/Gifted programs are not GATE.

Both category 1 and 2 students fulfilled all five goals of a gifted student, but category students had something either holding them back, or creating hardship.

Every single person who has come forward has been category 2. There is no one, I repeat, NO ONE that has been a full-program Category 1 that has come forward.
05/20/17(Sat)20:37:32 No.19035491
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)02:37:32 No.19035491
Maybe he meant whole world population average. Yet you jumped the gun and started calling names.

>educate yourself before posting

05/20/17(Sat)20:51:16 No.19035529
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)02:51:16 No.19035529
Wow I feel like I dodged a bullet here. I went to 1 GATE consulting , decided that the tests and puzzles were lame and not worth giving up the after lunch recess and never went back.
Teachers gave me shit about wasting potential but really, you think a 9 year old is going to care about that trade?
05/20/17(Sat)22:21:06 No.19035778
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)04:21:06 No.19035778
anyone else have something else similar?

>subject seems boring, practically staring off into space at handout paper
>most likely you can't figure out anything on the paper anyways
>teacher comes around and says something like "this should be easy for you"
>suddenly everything on the paper makes sense and you fill it out in less than a minute

I can't be the only one
05/20/17(Sat)22:32:20 No.19035830
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)04:32:20 No.19035830
For whatever reason, I can think better on an empty stomach...
05/20/17(Sat)22:36:39 No.19035850
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)04:36:39 No.19035850

fasting helps us a lot, brings clarity.
05/20/17(Sat)23:10:05 No.19035947
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)05:10:05 No.19035947
Kek. You probably did dodge a bullet. It seems that most people here who were in the GATE program did shit anyways (failing classes and not doing HW), probably because they weren't falling for the meme. I for one fucking hated GATE and I think it was probably a test run for Common Core. It also has a lot of similarities to International Bachelorette which I also ended up having to take because my shitty high school incorporated it right as I entered high school.
05/20/17(Sat)23:23:53 No.19035990
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)05:23:53 No.19035990

also brings an appreciation for things
05/20/17(Sat)23:28:18 No.19036006
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)05:28:18 No.19036006

The problem with your theory is that a true group doing this wouldn't just look at IQ. There's a kid with autism right now, who's parents sheltered him. He could be a savant if his potentials were acknowledged.

There's definitely hundreds of them.

IF they wanted to raise intelligent individuals they'd just keep them in their own facilities. You can't trust parents to push people to their potential compared to what a corporation could do if they could have a facility like that.
05/21/17(Sun)00:44:21 No.19036181
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)06:44:21 No.19036181
But what if your stomach is so empty that it hurts? And you only think about eating something.
05/21/17(Sun)00:45:26 No.19036188
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)06:45:26 No.19036188
Well a lot of parents can't keep their kids on proper nutrition. Least any parent could do for their kid.
05/21/17(Sun)02:34:41 No.19036540
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)08:34:41 No.19036540
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>>19025273 (You)
I was in "pre-IB" in 9/10th grade (class of 2012 if it matters) and ended up hearing a lot of the gossip from those that stayed in for the whole thing. I'd say most graduates were moderately successful at least, with some exceptions for the top students and a few that broke from stress/mental illness but still managed to get their IB diploma.
Students could be expected to have up to 5 hours of homework a night sometimes. Stress was intense. Lots of people dropped (before or after the switch to "real IB" in 11th grade) or had breakdowns. Had at least one suicide attempt that I personally knew of. One student died (no foul play afaik, it was a car accident.) There were some pretty awful people there too - one student and one teacher that I personally know of turned out to be rapists. Teacher got formally charged in my senior year.
Not sure if it was intentionally shit, or just lacking sufficent counselors and mental health outreach for a program that's legendarily hard and meant to basically empower geniuses (who are typically fucking wrecks.)

If it was intentionally trying to ruin people, it did a good job on me. The special IB Counselor more or less brushed me off when I came in with reports of hearing voices, worried everyone could read my mind, and cutting myself. I had the worst mental breakdown of my life, got into an abusive relationship, and basically was pretty much useless for years. I'm only now even crawling back into a productive life, and it's not going to be as anyone important. >130 IQ, language skills out the ass, etc.

On the other hand: some kids in the same class as me were perfectly well adjusted, and went off to MIT or Yale or whatever. Plenty more struggled but pulled together went off to decent colleges, in subjects ranging from Chemistry to French. I wasn't an atypical result, but I wasn't typical either.

In summary: I dunno. Got any more specific questions?
05/21/17(Sun)02:48:34 No.19036566
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)08:48:34 No.19036566
this thread reads like a bad fanfiction
05/21/17(Sun)02:52:04 No.19036574
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)08:52:04 No.19036574
Wichita area, by any chance?
https://www.usd259.org/Page/2033 Was this the summer camp in question? It's moved quite a few times since then.
05/21/17(Sun)03:12:31 No.19036621
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)09:12:31 No.19036621
This whole thing is cold reading, come on guys, don't be so gullible.

>Are intelligent, though may not have had top grades.
Almost everyone thinks they are intelligent, and if you're specifically asking about people who were in GATE, then of course this will be true.

>Are very creative and enjoy making things.
This applies to like >90% of people, enjoying making things is human nature.

>Always need to know WHY, especially why they are being asked to do something.
Again, human nature. Especially will apply to people with above average intelligence.

>Had disgust and perhaps loathing for much of the required and repetitious work in school.
Find me a school age child who doesn't.

>Were rebellious in school in that they refused to do homework and rejected authority of teachers, OR seriously wanted to rebel, but didn't DARE, usually due to parental pressure.
Children have rebellious streaks, especially ones with ADHD or high intelligence. This basically covers every kid, even the ones who weren't rebellious because of that latter part.

>May have experienced early existential depression and feelings of helplessness. These may have ranged from sadness to utter despair. Suicidal feelings while still in high school or younger are not uncommon in the Indigo Adult.
A bit more uncommon, but still, among intelligent people and people with ADHD or Asperger's, this is very common. It's especially common among people who are going to be on /x/ or conspiracy boards.

>Have difficulty in service-oriented jobs. Indigos resist authority and caste system of employment.
Most people have a healthy dislike of authority, even more among conspiracy theorists.

>Prefer leadership positions or working alone to team positions
Standard among loners or ambitious people. Extroverts will prefer to be leaders, and introverts will prefer to work alone. No one prefers working in a team to both of those.
05/21/17(Sun)03:13:19 No.19036622
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)09:13:19 No.19036622
>>19036621 (cont)
>Have deep empathy for others, yet an intolerance of stupidity.
If you're smart and you aren't a sociopath, this applies.

>May be extremely emotionally sensitive including crying at the drop of a hat (no shielding) Or may be the opposite and show no expression of emotion (full shielding).
More of an Asperger's thing, but still not too uncommon among particularly smart people. Often times the more academically smart you are, the less you focus on emotional control.

>May have trouble with RAGE.
See the last point.

>Have trouble with systems they consider broken or ineffective, ie. political, educational, medical, and legal.
Seriously, does anyone not?

>Alienation from or anger with politics - feeling your voice won't count and/or that the outcome really doesn't mattter.
Again, at this point does anyone not?

>Frustration with or rejection of the traditional American dream - 9-5 career, marriage, 2.5 children, house with white picket fence, etc.
It's actually really uncommon to want this, especially earlier on in life. Throw it in with ADHD and being on /x/, and you wouldn't expect anyone to strive for it.

>Anger at rights being taken away, fear and/or fury at "Big Brother watching you."
You're on /x/

>Have a burning desire to do something to change and improve the world. May be stymied what to do. May have trouble identifying their path.
Everyone wishes they could change the world.

>Have psychic or spiritual interest appear fairly young - in or before teen years.
You're on /x/
05/21/17(Sun)03:14:06 No.19036624
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)09:14:06 No.19036624
>>19036622 (cont)
>Had few if any Indigo role models. Having had some doesn't mean you're not an indigo, though.
Considering there aren't many celebrities who claim to be Indigos, you wouldn't know anyway.

>Have strong intuition
Most people think this, especially smart people.

>Random behavior pattern or mind style - (symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder). May have trouble focusing on assigned tasks, may jump around in conversations.
Yeah: ADHD, Asperger's, or just being a smart kid can cause all of this.

>Have had psychic experiences, such as premonitions, seeing angels or ghosts, out of body experiences, hearing voices.
You're on /x/

>May be electrically sensitive such as watches not working and street lights going out as you move under them, electrical equipment malfunctioning and lights blowing out.
Not everyone on /x/ thinks this, but a lot of people believe it about themselves.
05/21/17(Sun)03:14:39 No.19036626
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)09:14:39 No.19036626
>>19036624 (cont)
>May have awareness of other dimensions and parallel realities.
Not really sure what you mean by this one, but again, you're on /x/

>Sexually are very expressive and inventive OR may reject sexuality in boredom or with intention of achieving higher spiritual connection. May explore alternative types of sexuality.
So let me get this straight: you either are expressive at sex, don't usually like sex, or you have unusual sexual desires. Obviously most people will fit in at least on category, most people have a fetish or two, so exploring alternative types of sexuality is common.

>Seek meaning to their life and understanding about the world May seek this through religion or spirituality, spiritual groups and books, self-help groups and books.
So...everyone. Especially on /x/

>When they find balance they may become very strong, healthy, happy individuals.
And again, this applies to every human on Earth.

What you're doing is just a basic cold reading of your average /x/ or conspiracy board user who is intelligent, or has ADHD or Asperger's. Considering that you're also looking for people who were in GATE, the odds of that person being intelligent (as well as having ADHD or Asperger's) increase dramatically. That's not even mentioning how a lot of the traits could apply to anyone, GATE or not. It's not surprising or significant that you can fit yourself into almost all these categories. I know there are some gullible people here, but come on guys. No one remembers their experiences because they were boring and happened a long time ago, how many of you remember your elementary school Geopgraphy class in great detail? I hope most of you are just LARPing honestly.
05/21/17(Sun)03:24:36 No.19036650
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)09:24:36 No.19036650
Clearwater, and then Wichita.
If it's on Seneca, then that's not the camp.
This was an actual Camp, like, middle of nowhere Kansas with some shitty trees and prefabs.
05/21/17(Sun)03:48:03 No.19036706
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)09:48:03 No.19036706
>>19024631 (OP)
1.) 1989

2.) March Air force base

3.) I have seen several UFOS hovering high in the sky over the years. Dad points them out first, then I see them after.

4.) I was involved in GATE. Nothing came of it.

Convinced my father had alien DNA in him and passed it onto my mother. He was in the air force and stationed in Woodridge right after the Rendlesham Forest incident.

Claimed he saw a huge light fly over a lake, then he blacked out, and woke up in a bed later on.
05/21/17(Sun)05:14:13 No.19036876
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)11:14:13 No.19036876
iq in kelvin?
05/21/17(Sun)12:24:34 No.19037726
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)18:24:34 No.19037726
Interesting point, many are stuck too deep in their underachiever conditioning.
05/21/17(Sun)12:33:30 No.19037757
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)18:33:30 No.19037757
>>19024631 (OP)
This makes me wonder. When i was a lil' kid i really had problems in school and my parents put me through tests to see whats up with me. At first the result was that im highly talented, later tests just said i have adhd, though my parents never gave me ritalin.

>1. Year of birth
>2. Where do you come from?
>3. paranormal experiences?
Not really except sleep paralysis.
Definetily interested in paranormal stuff tho.
>4. involved in G.A.T.E?
Not that i know, but i've been in a child and adolescent psychiatry for a month.
05/21/17(Sun)12:56:56 No.19037837
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)18:56:56 No.19037837
In addition:
>in a child and adolescent psychiatry for a month.

Whilst being there i had to take tests from time to time, stuff like different patterns and solving mazes and shit, was pretty boring desu.
05/21/17(Sun)13:00:05 No.19037850
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)19:00:05 No.19037850
Schreib mir mal ne Mail bin auch aus DE

05/21/17(Sun)13:17:39 No.19037903
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)19:17:39 No.19037903
Das kann gut sein
05/21/17(Sun)15:03:32 No.19038287
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)21:03:32 No.19038287
This anon is on to the right stuff. I'm a latecomer to this thread, but he laid out all the trends I had been noticing in my 'research'. The age when entered into GATE, the time frame, and the program itself.

Too often the discussion gets drowned out by "I was in the DICKBAG gifted program in high school in 2009 and I'm fine!". They're not relevant. Different programs, goals, and organizations. Research the proper GATE programs for the date range anon laid out. Very little official information available. Particularly in regards to funding.

Anon raises a good point in regards to the lack of Category 1 individuals to have come forward. All "success stories" have had a number of discrepancies from the parameters and attempt to dilute the discussion. I personally want to discount anyone in a gifted program in high school/junior high.

At the very least we have identified a major failing in modern education.
05/21/17(Sun)15:24:23 No.19038354
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)21:24:23 No.19038354
OK, listen up.

>>19024631 (OP)
1. I was born in 1997.
2. I come from the Northeastern USA.
3. I've never had any solid paranormal experiences,but there was one time about two years ago that I heard distinct breathing from something in my room. I was startled out of half-sleep by the sound and heard it again after hiding under my covers like a little bitch. It sounded like a sudden inhalation and I later realized that because I couldn't see anything when I was first startled by it, something must have been blocking the light from my LED display alarm clock across my room (It's far away so i have to get up to turn it off). But that's the only thing to ever happen to me, it's far from conclusive, and I'm a complete atheist and sceptic of all things paranormal.
4. I was not involved in any sort of GATE program.

I have an IQ of 147, measured when I was in fifth grade. I have ADD.

The points listed here are just typical traits common in many kids. These lists are as meaningless as horoscopes.

When people talk about IQ scores of 160 or higher, they're bullshitting or misinformed. Accurate IQ scores don't advance past 155 or so with any accuracy. On the topic of meds, anyone who thinks that they're intended to reign in intelligence or creativity is off his rocker. They're stimulants. GATE seems to be some conspiracy theory. I see no reason to believe that the government was ever interested in individuals with ADD or ADHD. People often cite MKULTRA, but that was not a paranormal investigation; it was research into mental states caused by hard drug use.

In short, please don't believe that you were tested on as a child or have any dormant psychic powers. It doesn't make any sense. meds for ADD and ADHD are prescribed by personal doctors all the time. Anyone with a medical degree can see how they work.
05/21/17(Sun)15:28:22 No.19038370
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)21:28:22 No.19038370
top kek, checked
05/21/17(Sun)15:36:33 No.19038408
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)21:36:33 No.19038408
>>19024631 (OP)
Whatever Mr. Dataminer here you go

1. Born in March 1997
2. Physically from Montana ancestorally from Switzerland and Finland.
3. A few UFO experiences and I've seen a couple of Ghosts.
4. Involved in GATE since the earliest point possible.

Never had ADD or ADHD though, they confirmed I had an IQ of 148. Always got pretty good grades until College because I didn't know how to study. Started abusing Vyvanse and Adderal then my grades went backup. Couldn't handle college anymore, attempted suicide, got a full time job and started feeling better after I found God again. Going to go back to school next semester and finish my degree.

I've seen a couple of UFO' s since I was young. The one that got me started was a boomerang shaped one I saw with my friends in the front yard. Here recently I've seen a couple of the glowing red orbs in the sky though. I've had one or two encounters with ghosts but not anything major.
05/21/17(Sun)15:40:21 No.19038420
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)21:40:21 No.19038420
>>19024631 (OP)
It's Larping one of the GATE program side effects?
05/21/17(Sun)15:44:47 No.19038435
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)21:44:47 No.19038435
Oh, so an actual stayover camp. About what year would this have been? Any other details on name, location, etc? I've got a few places I could look to find details for you. Not sure if any of it would be helpful, but it's worth a shot if you're trying to figure out what happened to you.
If you don't want to post that kinda stuff here, we can also switch to burner emails or something.
05/21/17(Sun)15:48:46 No.19038453
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)21:48:46 No.19038453
Do you have actual examples of Cat 2 being sabotaged, as opposed to just failing? Sabotage aside, underachieving is already a common trend among intelligent people, as is mental illness. Add that to shitty counselors and underfunded, overloaded school systems and you have a ripe environment for people to fall through the cracks.
I've seen the system fail pretty often, but I'd need stronger examples to consider it as a feature and not a bug.
05/21/17(Sun)15:50:14 No.19038458
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)21:50:14 No.19038458
Gate kid here, can confirm. Higher than normal number of us ended up LARPers or at very least tabletop gamers.
05/21/17(Sun)15:52:09 No.19038466
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)21:52:09 No.19038466
I'm generally skeptical about this sort of thing but I am curious to discuss this with someone. I've never been involved in GATE and I have no official diagnosis of anything but I do meet criteria for ADHD. I was born in 95 and I'm from Virginia. I was always a peculiar and creative child. Odd, troubled, bullied, but beloved by teachers. My friends parents usually got along with me very well because I could always hold adult, intellectual conversations just as well as I could entertain and play along with my peers. However, I was usually isolated from my peer group for being strange and "antisocial". My only friends in high school were Intelligent kids who outgrew the notion of "lol you're different, stay away from me" and in my yearbooks, people who had bullied and ostracized me in the past wrote about how much they envied my ability to do whatever I wanted without giving a fuck what others think. I've never have a paranormal experience and I hope I never do, I'm extremely spectrophobic. However, I've begun to wonder if I have precognitive abilities beyond common sense and general intuition.

If anyone wants to chat, my telegram is @Sp00kyAn0n. if you dont have telegram, feel free to leave some other form of contact. I dont have Kik.
05/21/17(Sun)16:03:02 No.19038504
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)22:03:02 No.19038504
>>19024631 (OP)
Are these barnum statements op?
05/21/17(Sun)16:05:47 No.19038514
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)22:05:47 No.19038514
>1. Year of birth
>2. Where do you come from?
>3. paranormal experiences?
Hard to tell if paranormal experience or just schizo. Have seen one friendly animal ghost off and on since I was a kid, had some weird experiences, worked with some ancient goddesses, etc.
>4. involved in G.A.T.E?
"Gifted and Talented" was the official name here, entered in 2nd grade. Stayed in various programs until 9th grade, when I switched to Pre-IB (). Left that, continued Gifted for the rest of my HS years.
Autism symptoms and other mental illnesses.

Knowing a lot about ADHD/ADD and gifted kids, they correlate, but the tests are not at all the same. If you have half a brain and can read medical articles you can figure out how they work. Whether they're good or not is another issue, but I don't think it's a conspiracy, just people awkwardly trying to deal with complicated problems of the brain.
And that list is cold reading as fuck.

I don't really think anything was actually suspicious about my Gifted program, though it was weird at times. I blame this mostly on the fact that the adults who wanted to teach these kids were usually cloud coocoolanders with weird ideas about education. Wouldn't be surprised if there was occasional interference, but conspiracy? Nah.

That said, out of curiosity: did anyone else end up studying Ancient Egypt and Medieval Europe to a ridiculous degree? We pretty much had a unit on that every year. Were the local teachers just obsessed, or is that a Gifted thing?
05/21/17(Sun)16:06:57 No.19038517
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)22:06:57 No.19038517
Shit, was trying to link this >>19036540 about IB experiences.
05/21/17(Sun)16:13:59 No.19038540
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)22:13:59 No.19038540
some should open a new thread if this one dies. its seem to be a hot topic 292 replies so far
05/21/17(Sun)16:34:54 No.19038626
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)22:34:54 No.19038626
>>19038540 (You)
I'd like to see a dedicated place for this discussion. There have been scattered threads on this topic on /x/ and /poll, the various chans and other internet forums. Things are too disconnected right now. And it's always a rush for everyone to share their personal experiences. Which is great, don't get me wrong, but that can't be all this is.

let's see if we're overreacting, autistic LARPers, or MK-ultra'd, special snowflake indigo kids or whatever. Either way, continuous discussion without progress is a circle-jerk.

If you are a GATE kid, don't dwell too much on it though. You know you're fucked up, and limited. Start working to undo it.
05/21/17(Sun)16:37:29 No.19038637
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)22:37:29 No.19038637
>>19024631 (OP)


These guys mostly have it right. They are trying to bring humans up to that next level. kids with adhd have more energy in essence. If they could control it without leaking through the use of these new fidget toys. Most of these kids will grow up to become junkies because of what anons say. Most of these kids when entering their teenage years cannot cope with the reality of things, because they have a clearer image of reality.
Kids who cannot cope are often led astray by drugs, and with so many extra negative variables in their life playing a role.

Hear this. in the near future, kids will be born with special attributes and abilities almost super power-like, the world we know will forever be changed in a way it never had before.
05/21/17(Sun)16:54:21 No.19038723
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)22:54:21 No.19038723
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I don't know if I was in GATE, but I know that I was in a program called "Gifted and Talented" - but when I was active in it the teachers referred to it as DART to ensure that soccer moms with shithead kids wouldn't get angry when they heard the title. All the weird shit happened in Elementary school.
>Sectioned off room at the very far end of the school (away from the rest of our classes)
>Covered windows
>Classical music
>Assignment that were way above any of our skill levels at the time (3rd graders made to do 10 page papers over certain subjects)

Everyone who was in the program during primary years became the preps who were seen as the "face of the school" - except for me and a few others who ended up being polar opposites.

I still don't know what the fuck


05/21/17(Sun)16:55:39 No.19038732
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)22:55:39 No.19038732
Hah. Same with me.
05/21/17(Sun)17:12:36 No.19038824
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)23:12:36 No.19038824
>>19025273 (You)
I was in both the Pre IB and IB programs throughout my highschool years. We started with a class of 90 to only 20 within the duration of 4 years. The only remaining kids were highly neurotic and had a breakdown everyday. I was just a purely apathetic dude and found the work easy but it was merely the workload that was annoying. I find it odd that many of the IB kids were GT except me (I was asked four times throughout my school years to get tested which I proceeded to reject everytime). Those highly neurotic kids? GT.

Then there was the aspect of a world wide perspective and Theory of Knowledge (TOK). TOK was supposed to teach you critical thinking skills but it mostly forced you to think in circles.
05/21/17(Sun)17:50:35 No.19038976
Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)23:50:35 No.19038976
i set a forum online for this purpose some weeks ago. this is now a great chance

all ex gate members or members of similar programs are welcomed to join the international research group and building a unique community

every member will get personal ssl certificate for the board - its cut off from the "public" internet and not accessible without a certificate

if your interested

just contact me and trust your intuition

i build this because nobody else did something in this direction

05/21/17(Sun)18:02:44 No.19039021
Anonymous 05/22/17(Mon)00:02:44 No.19039021
>>19024631 (OP)
Was scouted for gate when I was younger, but due to being sickly and often out of school I never heard from them.
Then in highschool I was put in AP classes even though I had a low gpa, it wasn't that I didn't try, it was that I was disinterested in school, more interested in paranormal stuff.
Did crazy good in highschool up til senior year and just stopped caring.
Am a nurse doing clinicals right now. I find it disheartening that people are stressing themselves over testing and I just read and perform just fine.
Wonder when my next road block will be.
05/21/17(Sun)18:11:14 No.19039065
Anonymous 05/22/17(Mon)00:11:14 No.19039065

God these fucking flashcards trigger me now.
05/21/17(Sun)20:53:00 No.19040163
Anonymous 05/22/17(Mon)02:53:00 No.19040163
>>19038976 (You)
Sent you an email, I'm the 1994/KS one with the shitposty burner address.
05/21/17(Sun)23:24:46 No.19040731
Anonymous 05/22/17(Mon)05:24:46 No.19040731
>>19024631 (OP)
I'm from prior g.a.t.e. threads as well as a few discords, I had the feeling I needed to go one this site for some reason more than the last few weeks, since I haven't been here. Next thing I know I found your thread. To answer your questions;

1. Won't say
2. Can't say
3. A few
4. Yes.
05/21/17(Sun)23:50:54 No.19040806
Anonymous 05/22/17(Mon)05:50:54 No.19040806
Almost forgot, if anyone e here is monitoring and works for whoever the hell is behind Gate, just know, you can't keep sedating me forever. I remember, and each day I grow like those damn sunflowers we had to paint constantly.
05/21/17(Sun)23:53:46 No.19040819
Anonymous 05/22/17(Mon)05:53:46 No.19040819
Any clue as to the 2112 1221 2211 1122 1212 2121 shit was? I keep seeing 1122 fucking constantly
05/22/17(Mon)00:04:00 No.19040870
Anonymous 05/22/17(Mon)06:04:00 No.19040870
05/22/17(Mon)00:06:53 No.19040886
Anonymous 05/22/17(Mon)06:06:53 No.19040886
Fuck those cards. I am extremely disturbed what the fuck
05/22/17(Mon)00:32:07 No.19040991
Anonymous 05/22/17(Mon)06:32:07 No.19040991
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72 KB
This thread is booty.

>muh x-men gifts
>muh taken to a special room
>muh pocket lining MD justified meth script
>muh several permutations of the larp-ass story

So the Psychic Corp Of Geniuses w/ physics conquering magical powers has somehow been held down/back by "the man." The everyday, run of the mill "the man."

05/22/17(Mon)00:41:04 No.19041026
Anonymous 05/22/17(Mon)06:41:04 No.19041026
>>19024631 (OP)

1. '90

2. Indiana

3. A couple of small things. When I was little, six or seven, I seen faces in the grain of a wood post when I had woken up early in the morning. Their mouths were moving like they were trying to talk to me, I had also just received five dollars the night before that I was all excited about and kept guarded in my wallet. I slept with the wallet in my pillow case that night, it was gone that morning. Second I was knocked unconscious in a car accident and was asking myself a question in the dark, within my own head just like a normal thought, "Were we just in a car accident? Am I dead?" And a female voice replied, "No. You just fell asleep."

4. Involved in GATE? Nope.

Diagnosed with ADD in third grade when I didn't show interest in learning. I could tell how fake most of the people were and the repetition of songs to learn grammar and anything else they could make into a rhyme annoyed me. Got pushed into a learning disability class when they didn't see signs of improvement, mainly because my parents were taking my Ritalin instead of giving it to me. Moved around a lot, attended eight different schools where I remember at least three giving me special psychiatric evaluations, but I never stayed at those schools long enough for anything to come of it.
05/22/17(Mon)00:44:11 No.19041040
Anonymous 05/22/17(Mon)06:44:11 No.19041040

We're waking up, anon.

Just wait.
05/22/17(Mon)00:56:16 No.19041090
Anonymous 05/22/17(Mon)06:56:16 No.19041090
What for?
05/22/17(Mon)01:00:23 No.19041106
Anonymous 05/22/17(Mon)07:00:23 No.19041106
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05/22/17(Mon)01:03:55 No.19041117
Anonymous 05/22/17(Mon)07:03:55 No.19041117
Bout time for it, I reckon.
05/22/17(Mon)01:05:17 No.19041122
Anonymous 05/22/17(Mon)07:05:17 No.19041122
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Eyes to see and ears to hear
05/22/17(Mon)01:20:14 No.19041157
Anonymous 05/22/17(Mon)07:20:14 No.19041157
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05/22/17(Mon)01:24:36 No.19041176
Anonymous 05/22/17(Mon)07:24:36 No.19041176
Most of the shit in here sounds like stuff similar to most exGaters including myself.

http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/starkids/starkids20.htm#Appendix A

05/22/17(Mon)02:07:00 No.19041312
Anonymous 05/22/17(Mon)08:07:00 No.19041312

>Special snowflake syndrome
05/22/17(Mon)06:50:08 No.19041858
Anonymous 05/22/17(Mon)12:50:08 No.19041858
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>>19024631 (OP)
>itt special cookies
05/22/17(Mon)09:43:03 No.19042156
Anonymous 05/22/17(Mon)15:43:03 No.19042156
05/22/17(Mon)11:09:03 No.19042336
Anonymous 05/22/17(Mon)17:09:03 No.19042336
So these things have leaked out of infchan?

Here are some names.
Jacob Javits

Maybe I'll get on my PC and post the archives.

So let me tell you all what's up. Between the late 70s through till the end of the 90s a program was running in the west called gifted and talented education, gate, or sometimes tag, sometimes enrichment, a few other names.

GATE is the most common and best description. It was a gate, the plebs, the masses are fenced in, the farm needs keepers, the military is the ones who guard the gate. Those classes were a not too subtle special recruitment program for the psychic branch of the military. The classes focused on certain "games" and group activities that screened for latent psych abilities. The memories of Zener cards are a prime example.

I digress, we here, cat2 as posted above, are the non selected. Non conforming, rebellious types. Probably just more honest and honourable, horrible qualities and modern gatekeepers. So we flunked out of GATE, but it seems as if we've also for the most part been unsuccessful as adults. Many blame GATE for hurting their sociability skills, but I just think we are cut from a different cloth than capitalist successful peoples. So yeah, either you are too dumb to see the fence, too stubborn to swing on their gate, or just cucked enough to join up into the system and mind the holes in the fences (like those damn bears)
05/22/17(Mon)11:15:29 No.19042350
Anonymous 05/22/17(Mon)17:15:29 No.19042350
Thread I: https://archive.is/qQkpC
Thread II: https://archive.is/wced0
Thread III: https://archive.is/d0pID
Thread IV: https://archive.is/nNVa3
Thread V: https://archive.is/WWpf9
05/22/17(Mon)11:16:32 No.19042353
Anonymous 05/22/17(Mon)17:16:32 No.19042353
> horrible qualities and modern gatekeepers.
*horrible qualities IN modern gatekeepers.
05/22/17(Mon)11:23:50 No.19042373
Anonymous 05/22/17(Mon)17:23:50 No.19042373
does quatre chan sci hub?

Social Dominance, Moral Politics, and Gifted Education
05/22/17(Mon)11:27:46 No.19042385
Anonymous 05/22/17(Mon)17:27:46 No.19042385

shills hate gate threads
05/22/17(Mon)11:30:02 No.19042389
Anonymous 05/22/17(Mon)17:30:02 No.19042389
>Schools were directed to produce students strong in math and science in order to surpass the Soviet Union in the technological race and thus win the Cold War. Today there is no similar event that so clearly defines how we should focus our schools. With the Cold War ended and a "New World Order" emerging, the race appears to have been won and our struggles today are internal(e.g., the 2004 presidential election) or against ill-defined adversaries (e.g., the war on terror). Gifted education reflects this lack of direction
05/22/17(Mon)11:43:26 No.19042430
Anonymous 05/22/17(Mon)17:43:26 No.19042430
is this anchored or is x moving fast right now (sliding)
05/22/17(Mon)12:07:19 No.19042490
Anonymous 05/22/17(Mon)18:07:19 No.19042490
>>19024631 (OP)
pretty severe ADHD and a dumbass.

but my brother seem to have a milder case of adhd and he is pretty brilliant, maybe just a little bit of it may be a good thing.
05/22/17(Mon)13:30:03 No.19042762
Anonymous 05/22/17(Mon)19:30:03 No.19042762
fuckin gate thread archived on /pol just as steam catches fire

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