
447 lines
16 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of lims_account_invoice module for Tryton.
# The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of this repository contains
# the full copyright notices and license terms.
import operator
from collections import defaultdict
from decimal import Decimal
from trytond.model import fields
from trytond.wizard import Wizard, StateAction
from trytond.report import Report
from trytond.pool import Pool, PoolMeta
from trytond.pyson import PYSONEncoder
from trytond.transaction import Transaction
from trytond.exceptions import UserError
from trytond.i18n import gettext
class FractionType(metaclass=PoolMeta):
__name__ = 'lims.fraction.type'
invoiceable = fields.Boolean('Invoiceable')
def default_invoiceable():
return True
class Entry(metaclass=PoolMeta):
__name__ = 'lims.entry'
last_release_date = fields.Function(fields.DateTime(
'Last Release date'), 'get_last_release_date')
qty_lines_pending_invoicing = fields.Function(fields.Integer(
'Lines pending invoicing'), 'get_qty_lines_pending_invoicing')
def get_last_release_date(cls, entries, name):
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
pool = Pool()
ResultsVersion = pool.get('lims.results_report.version')
ResultsDetail = pool.get('lims.results_report.version.detail')
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
Notebook = pool.get('lims.notebook')
Fraction = pool.get('lims.fraction')
Sample = pool.get('lims.sample')
result = {}
for e in entries:
cursor.execute('SELECT MAX(rd.release_date) '
'FROM "' + ResultsVersion._table + '" rv '
'INNER JOIN "' + ResultsDetail._table + '" rd '
'ON rv.id = rd.report_version '
'INNER JOIN "' + NotebookLine._table + '" nl '
'ON nl.results_report = rv.results_report '
'INNER JOIN "' + Notebook._table + '" n '
'ON n.id = nl.notebook '
'INNER JOIN "' + Fraction._table + '" f '
'ON f.id = n.fraction '
'INNER JOIN "' + Sample._table + '" s '
'ON s.id = f.sample '
'WHERE s.entry = %s '
'AND rd.state = \'released\' '
'AND rd.type != \'preliminary\'',
result[e.id] = cursor.fetchone()[0]
return result
def get_qty_lines_pending_invoicing(cls, entries, name):
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
pool = Pool()
Sample = pool.get('lims.sample')
Fraction = pool.get('lims.fraction')
Service = pool.get('lims.service')
InvoiceLine = pool.get('account.invoice.line')
result = {}
for e in entries:
result[e.id] = 0
cursor.execute('SELECT srv.id '
'FROM "' + Service._table + '" srv '
'INNER JOIN "' + Fraction._table + '" f '
'ON f.id = srv.fraction '
'INNER JOIN "' + Sample._table + '" s '
'ON s.id = f.sample '
'WHERE s.entry = %s',
services_ids = [x[0] for x in cursor.fetchall()]
if not services_ids:
origins = '\', \''.join(['lims.service,' + str(s)
for s in services_ids])
cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) '
'FROM "' + InvoiceLine._table + '" '
'WHERE origin IN (\'' + origins + '\') '
'AND invoice IS NULL')
result[e.id] = cursor.fetchone()[0]
return result
def on_hold(cls, entries):
def create_invoice_lines(cls, entries):
Service = Pool().get('lims.service')
with Transaction().set_context(_check_access=False):
services = Service.search([
('entry', 'in', [e.id for e in entries]),
('annulled', '=', False),
for service in services:
def view_toolbar_get(cls):
if not Transaction().context.get('ready_for_invoicing', False):
return super().view_toolbar_get()
# Entries Ready for Invoicing uses specific keywords
prints = cls.get_entries_ready_for_invoicing_keyword('form_print')
actions = cls.get_entries_ready_for_invoicing_keyword('form_action')
relates = cls.get_entries_ready_for_invoicing_keyword('form_relate')
result = {
'print': prints,
'action': actions,
'relate': relates,
'exports': [],
return result
def get_entries_ready_for_invoicing_keyword(cls, keyword):
Method copied from ActionKeyword. It search for specific keywords
for Entries Ready for Invoicing: lims.entry,-2
pool = Pool()
ActionKeyword = pool.get('ir.action.keyword')
Action = pool.get('ir.action')
key = (keyword, ('lims.entry', -2))
keywords = ActionKeyword._get_keyword_cache.get(key)
if keywords is not None:
return keywords
clause = [
('keyword', '=', keyword),
('model', '=', 'lims.entry,-2'),
('action.active', '=', True),
action_keywords = ActionKeyword.search(clause, order=[])
types = defaultdict(list)
for action_keyword in action_keywords:
type_ = action_keyword.action.type
keywords = []
for type_, action_ids in types.items():
for value in Action.get_action_values(type_, action_ids):
value['keyword'] = keyword
ActionKeyword._get_keyword_cache.set(key, keywords)
return keywords
class Fraction(metaclass=PoolMeta):
__name__ = 'lims.fraction'
def confirm(cls, fractions):
fractions_to_invoice = [f for f in fractions if
f.sample.entry.state != 'pending']
if fractions_to_invoice:
def create_invoice_lines(cls, fractions):
Service = Pool().get('lims.service')
with Transaction().set_context(_check_access=False):
services = Service.search([
('fraction', 'in', [f.id for f in fractions]),
('annulled', '=', False),
for service in services:
class Service(metaclass=PoolMeta):
__name__ = 'lims.service'
def create(cls, vlist):
services = super().create(vlist)
services_to_invoice = [s for s in services if
s.entry.state == 'pending']
for service in services_to_invoice:
return services
def create_invoice_line(self):
InvoiceLine = Pool().get('account.invoice.line')
if (not self.fraction.type.invoiceable or
invoice_line = self.get_invoice_line()
if not invoice_line:
with Transaction().set_context(_check_access=False):
def get_invoice_line(self):
Company = Pool().get('company.company')
company = Transaction().context.get('company')
currency = Company(company).currency.id
product = self.analysis.product if self.analysis else None
if not product:
account_revenue = product.account_revenue_used
if not account_revenue:
raise UserError(
party = self.entry.invoice_party
taxes = []
pattern = {}
for tax in product.customer_taxes_used:
if party.customer_tax_rule:
tax_ids = party.customer_tax_rule.apply(tax, pattern)
if tax_ids:
if party.customer_tax_rule:
tax_ids = party.customer_tax_rule.apply(None, pattern)
if tax_ids:
taxes_to_add = None
if taxes:
taxes_to_add = [('add', taxes)]
return {
'company': company,
'currency': currency,
'invoice_type': 'out',
'party': party,
'description': self.number + ' - ' + self.analysis.rec_name,
'origin': str(self),
'quantity': 1,
'unit': product.default_uom,
'product': product,
'unit_price': Decimal('1.00'),
'taxes': taxes_to_add,
'account': account_revenue,
def delete(cls, services):
def write(cls, *args):
actions = iter(args)
for services, vals in zip(actions, actions):
if vals.get('annulled'):
def delete_invoice_lines(cls, services):
InvoiceLine = Pool().get('account.invoice.line')
lines_to_delete = []
for service in services:
with Transaction().set_context(_check_access=False):
lines = InvoiceLine.search([
('origin', '=', str(service)),
if lines_to_delete:
for line in lines_to_delete:
if line.invoice:
raise UserError(gettext(
with Transaction().set_context(_check_access=False,
class ManageServices(metaclass=PoolMeta):
__name__ = 'lims.manage_services'
def create_service(self, service, fraction):
new_service = super().create_service(service, fraction)
return new_service
class EditSampleService(metaclass=PoolMeta):
__name__ = 'lims.sample.edit_service'
def create_service(self, service, fraction):
new_service = super().create_service(service, fraction)
return new_service
class AddSampleService(metaclass=PoolMeta):
__name__ = 'lims.sample.add_service'
def create_service(self, service, fraction):
new_service = super().create_service(service, fraction)
return new_service
class OpenEntriesReadyForInvoicing(Wizard):
'Entries Ready for Invoicing'
__name__ = 'lims.entries_ready_for_invoicing'
start_state = 'open_'
open_ = StateAction('lims_account_invoice.act_entries_ready_for_invoicing')
def _get_entries_ready_for_invoicing(self):
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
pool = Pool()
InvoiceLine = pool.get('account.invoice.line')
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
Notebook = pool.get('lims.notebook')
Fraction = pool.get('lims.fraction')
Sample = pool.get('lims.sample')
cursor.execute('SELECT origin '
'FROM "' + InvoiceLine._table + '" '
'WHERE origin LIKE \'lims.service,%\' '
'AND invoice IS NULL')
invoiced_services = [x[0][13:] for x in cursor.fetchall()]
if not invoiced_services:
return []
services_ids = ', '.join(s for s in invoiced_services)
cursor.execute('SELECT DISTINCT(s.entry) '
'FROM "' + NotebookLine._table + '" nl '
'INNER JOIN "' + Notebook._table + '" n '
'ON n.id = nl.notebook '
'INNER JOIN "' + Fraction._table + '" f '
'ON f.id = n.fraction '
'INNER JOIN "' + Sample._table + '" s '
'ON s.id = f.sample '
'WHERE nl.service IN (' + services_ids + ')')
invoiced_entries = [x[0] for x in cursor.fetchall()]
cursor.execute('SELECT DISTINCT(s.entry) '
'FROM "' + NotebookLine._table + '" nl '
'INNER JOIN "' + Notebook._table + '" n '
'ON n.id = nl.notebook '
'INNER JOIN "' + Fraction._table + '" f '
'ON f.id = n.fraction '
'INNER JOIN "' + Sample._table + '" s '
'ON s.id = f.sample '
'WHERE nl.service IN (' + services_ids + ') '
'AND (nl.annulled = FALSE '
'AND nl.report = TRUE '
'AND nl.results_report IS NULL)')
pending_entries = [x[0] for x in cursor.fetchall()]
entries = list(set(invoiced_entries) - set(pending_entries))
if not entries:
return []
return entries
def do_open_(self, action):
entries_ids = self._get_entries_ready_for_invoicing()
action['pyson_context'] = PYSONEncoder().encode({
'ready_for_invoicing': True,
action['pyson_domain'] = PYSONEncoder().encode([
('id', 'in', entries_ids),
return action, {}
class OpenLinesPendingInvoicing(Wizard):
'Lines Pending Invoicing'
__name__ = 'lims.lines_pending_invoicing'
start_state = 'open_'
open_ = StateAction('lims_account_invoice.act_invoice_line')
def do_open_(self, action):
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
pool = Pool()
Entry = pool.get('lims.entry')
Sample = pool.get('lims.sample')
Fraction = pool.get('lims.fraction')
Service = pool.get('lims.service')
InvoiceLine = pool.get('account.invoice.line')
lines_ids = []
entries = Entry.browse(Transaction().context['active_ids'])
for entry in entries:
cursor.execute('SELECT srv.id '
'FROM "' + Service._table + '" srv '
'INNER JOIN "' + Fraction._table + '" f '
'ON f.id = srv.fraction '
'INNER JOIN "' + Sample._table + '" s '
'ON s.id = f.sample '
'WHERE s.entry = %s',
services_ids = [x[0] for x in cursor.fetchall()]
if not services_ids:
origins = '\', \''.join(['lims.service,' + str(s)
for s in services_ids])
cursor.execute('SELECT id '
'FROM "' + InvoiceLine._table + '" '
'WHERE origin IN (\'' + origins + '\') '
'AND invoice IS NULL')
lines_ids.extend(x[0] for x in cursor.fetchall())
action['pyson_domain'] = PYSONEncoder().encode([
('id', 'in', lines_ids),
action['name'] += ' (%s)' % ', '.join(
e.rec_name for e in entries)
return action, {}
class EntriesReadyForInvoicingSpreadsheet(Report):
'Entries Ready for Invoicing'
__name__ = 'lims.entries_ready_for_invoicing.spreadsheet'