
119 lines
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# This file is part of lims_board_analysis_sheet module for Tryton.
# The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of this repository contains
# the full copyright notices and license terms.
from trytond.model import ModelView, fields
from trytond.pool import PoolMeta, Pool
from trytond.transaction import Transaction
class BoardLaboratory(metaclass=PoolMeta):
__name__ = 'lims.board.laboratory'
analysis_sheet_templates = fields.One2Many(
'lims.board.laboratory.analysis_sheet_template', None,
'Unplanned samples per Analysis sheet', states={'readonly': True})
def apply_filter(self):
self.analysis_sheet_templates = self.get_analysis_sheet_templates()
def get_analysis_sheet_templates(self):
pool = Pool()
TemplateAnalysisSheet = pool.get('lims.template.analysis_sheet')
records = []
with Transaction().set_context(
date_from=self.date_from, date_to=self.date_to):
templates = TemplateAnalysisSheet.browse(self._get_templates())
for t in templates:
record = {'t': t.name, 'q': t.pending_fractions}
return records
def _get_templates(self):
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
pool = Pool()
PlanificationServiceDetail = pool.get(
PlanificationDetail = pool.get('lims.planification.detail')
Planification = pool.get('lims.planification')
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
Notebook = pool.get('lims.notebook')
Fraction = pool.get('lims.fraction')
EntryDetailAnalysis = pool.get('lims.entry.detail.analysis')
Analysis = pool.get('lims.analysis')
Template = pool.get('lims.template.analysis_sheet')
TemplateAnalysis = pool.get('lims.template.analysis_sheet.analysis')
cursor.execute('SELECT nl.id '
'FROM "' + NotebookLine._table + '" nl '
'INNER JOIN "' + PlanificationServiceDetail._table +
'" psd ON psd.notebook_line = nl.id '
'INNER JOIN "' + PlanificationDetail._table + '" pd '
'ON psd.detail = pd.id '
'INNER JOIN "' + Planification._table + '" p '
'ON pd.planification = p.id '
'WHERE p.state = \'preplanned\'')
planned_lines = [x[0] for x in cursor.fetchall()]
planned_lines_ids = ', '.join(str(x) for x in [0] + planned_lines)
preplanned_where = 'AND nl.id NOT IN (%s) ' % planned_lines_ids
dates_where = ''
if self.date_from:
dates_where += ('AND ad.confirmation_date::date >= \'%s\'::date ' %
if self.date_to:
dates_where += ('AND ad.confirmation_date::date <= \'%s\'::date ' %
sql_select = 'SELECT nl.analysis, nl.method '
sql_from = (
'FROM "' + NotebookLine._table + '" nl '
'INNER JOIN "' + Analysis._table + '" nla '
'ON nla.id = nl.analysis '
'INNER JOIN "' + Notebook._table + '" nb '
'ON nb.id = nl.notebook '
'INNER JOIN "' + Fraction._table + '" frc '
'ON frc.id = nb.fraction '
'INNER JOIN "' + EntryDetailAnalysis._table + '" ad '
'ON ad.id = nl.analysis_detail ')
sql_where = (
'WHERE ad.plannable = TRUE '
'AND nl.start_date IS NULL '
'AND nl.annulled = FALSE '
'AND nla.behavior != \'internal_relation\' ' +
preplanned_where + dates_where)
with Transaction().set_user(0):
cursor.execute(sql_select + sql_from + sql_where)
notebook_lines = cursor.fetchall()
if not notebook_lines:
return []
result = []
for nl in notebook_lines:
cursor.execute('SELECT t.id '
'FROM "' + Template._table + '" t '
'INNER JOIN "' + TemplateAnalysis._table + '" ta '
'ON t.id = ta.template '
'WHERE t.active IS TRUE '
'AND ta.analysis = %s '
'AND (ta.method = %s OR ta.method IS NULL)',
(nl[0], nl[1]))
template = cursor.fetchone()
if template:
return list(set(result))
class BoardLaboratoryTemplateAnalysisSheet(ModelView):
'Laboratory Dashboard - Analysis sheet template'
__name__ = 'lims.board.laboratory.analysis_sheet_template'
t = fields.Char('Analysis Sheet', readonly=True)
q = fields.Integer('Samples Qty.', readonly=True)