
400 lines
10 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of lims_interface module for Tryton.
# The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of this repository contains
# the full copyright notices and license terms.
import datetime
import formulas
import numpy as np
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from decimal import Decimal
from trytond.model import ModelView, ModelSQL, fields
from trytond.pool import Pool
from trytond.transaction import Transaction
custom_functions = {}
def dummy_iter(alias, iteration=None):
return alias
custom_functions['ITER'] = dummy_iter
def to_str(value):
return value and str(value) or ''
custom_functions['STR'] = to_str
def concat(*args):
return ''.join([a if isinstance(a, str) else '' for a in args])
custom_functions['CONCAT'] = concat
def trunc_float(value, digits=2):
if not isinstance(value, (float, int)) or not isinstance(digits, int):
return value
pow_10 = 10 ** digits
return (float(int(value * pow_10))) / pow_10
custom_functions['TRUNC_FLOAT'] = trunc_float
def get_variable(notebook_line, variable):
pool = Pool()
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
VariableValue = pool.get('lims.interface.variable.value')
if not notebook_line or not variable:
return None
if isinstance(notebook_line, int):
notebook_line = NotebookLine(notebook_line)
analysis = notebook_line.analysis
product_type = notebook_line.product_type
matrix = notebook_line.matrix
method = notebook_line.method
res = VariableValue.get_value(variable, analysis, product_type, matrix,
if res:
return res
res = VariableValue.get_value(variable, analysis, product_type, matrix)
if res:
return res
res = VariableValue.get_value(variable, analysis, product_type)
if res:
return res
res = VariableValue.get_value(variable, analysis, method)
if res:
return res
res = VariableValue.get_value(variable, analysis)
if res:
return res
return None
custom_functions['VAR'] = get_variable
def get_constant(name, parameter1=None, parameter2=None, parameter3=None,
pool = Pool()
Constant = pool.get('lims.interface.constant')
if not name:
return None
if not value:
value = 'value1'
if str(parameter1) == '#VALUE!':
parameter1 = None
if str(parameter2) == '#VALUE!':
parameter2 = None
if str(parameter3) == '#VALUE!':
parameter3 = None
return Constant.get_constant(name, parameter1, parameter2, parameter3,
custom_functions['CONSTANT'] = get_constant
def _get_column_name(alias, iteration=None):
if not iteration:
return alias
parser = formulas.Parser()
ast = parser.ast('=%s' % str(iteration))[1].compile()
iteration = str(ast())
return '%s_%s' % (alias, iteration)
def get_column_value(notebook_line, alias, iteration=None):
pool = Pool()
Data = pool.get('lims.interface.data')
if not notebook_line or not alias:
return None
if not isinstance(notebook_line, int):
notebook_line = notebook_line.id
compilation_id = Transaction().context.get('lims_interface_compilation')
if not compilation_id:
return None
lines = Data.search([
('compilation', '=', compilation_id),
('notebook_line', '=', notebook_line),
], limit=1)
target_line = lines and lines[0] or None
if not target_line:
return None
target_field = _get_column_name(alias, iteration)
if not hasattr(target_line, target_field):
return None
return getattr(target_line, target_field)
custom_functions['V'] = get_column_value
def _td_to_time(td_value):
hours, remainder = divmod(td_value.seconds, 3600)
minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
return datetime.time(hours, minutes, seconds)
def time_diff(time_1, time_2, uom=False, return_delta=False):
uoms = {
'H': lambda x: x.seconds / 3600,
'M': lambda x: x.seconds / 60,
'S': lambda x: x.seconds,
'MS': lambda x: x.seconds * 1000,
if not time_1 or not time_2 or time_1 < time_2:
return None
datetime1 = datetime.datetime.combine(datetime.date.today(), time_1)
datetime2 = datetime.datetime.combine(datetime.date.today(), time_2)
delta_difference = datetime1 - datetime2
if uom:
if uom not in uoms:
return None
return uoms[uom](delta_difference)
if return_delta:
return delta_difference
return _td_to_time(delta_difference)
custom_functions['TIMEDIF'] = time_diff
def to_time(value, uom):
uoms = {
'H': lambda x: datetime.timedelta(hours=x),
'M': lambda x: datetime.timedelta(minutes=x),
'S': lambda x: datetime.timedelta(seconds=x),
'MS': lambda x: datetime.timedelta(seconds=x/1000),
res = None
value = float(value)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
value = False
if type(value) is float and value == 0:
res = datetime.timedelta(hours=0)
elif not value or not type(value) is float or not uom or uom not in uoms:
res = None
res = _td_to_time(uoms[uom](value))
return res
custom_functions['TOTIME'] = to_time
def float_to_delta(value, uom):
uoms = {
'MO': lambda x: relativedelta(months=x),
'W': lambda x: datetime.timedelta(days=x*7),
'D': lambda x: datetime.timedelta(days=x),
'H': lambda x: datetime.timedelta(hours=x),
'M': lambda x: datetime.timedelta(minutes=x),
'S': lambda x: datetime.timedelta(seconds=x),
return uoms.get(uom, lambda x: False)(value)
def date_add(base_date, value, uom):
res = None
value = float(value)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return None
if not type(base_date) in [datetime.date, datetime.datetime]:
return None
if type(base_date) is datetime.date and uom in ['H', 'M', 'S']:
return base_date
# Float is not allowed for month values, because its ambiguos
if uom == 'MO':
value = int(value)
delta = float_to_delta(value, uom)
res = base_date + delta if delta else None
return res
custom_functions['DATEADD'] = date_add
def date_diff(date_1, date_2, uom, return_delta=False):
uoms = {
'D': lambda x: x.days,
'W': lambda x: round((x.days / 7), 2),
'MO': lambda x: round((x.days / 30), 2),
'Y': lambda x: round((x.days / 365), 2),
if not date_1 or not date_2 or date_1 < date_2:
return None
if not type(date_1) is datetime.date or not type(date_2) is datetime.date:
return None
delta_difference = date_1 - date_2
if uom:
if uom not in uoms:
return None
res = uoms[uom](delta_difference)
if return_delta:
res = delta_difference
return res
custom_functions['DATEDIFF'] = date_diff
def get_date_list(dates):
date_list = []
def isValid(date):
return isinstance(date, datetime.date) or isinstance(date, datetime.datetime)
date_list = [date for date in dates[0] if isValid(date)]
except IndexError:
return date_list
return date_list
def max_date(dates):
res = None
date_list = get_date_list(dates)
if len(date_list):
res = max(d for d in date_list)
return res
custom_functions['MAXDATE'] = max_date
def min_date(dates):
res = None
date_list = get_date_list(dates)
if len(date_list):
res = min(d for d in date_list)
return res
custom_functions['MINDATE'] = min_date
def slope(yp, xp):
items_to_delete, i = [], 0
for y1 in yp:
for val in y1:
if not isinstance(val, (int, float, Decimal)):
i += 1
if items_to_delete:
yp = np.delete(yp, items_to_delete, axis=1)
xp = np.delete(xp, items_to_delete, axis=1)
if any(val is None for x1 in xp for val in x1):
return None
return formulas.functions.wrap_func(formulas.functions.stat.xslope)(yp, xp)
custom_functions['SLOPE'] = slope
def intercept(y, x):
items_to_delete, i = [], 0
for y1 in y:
for val in y1:
if not isinstance(val, (int, float, Decimal)):
i += 1
if items_to_delete:
y = np.delete(y, items_to_delete, axis=1)
x = np.delete(x, items_to_delete, axis=1)
if any(val is None for x1 in x for val in x1):
return None
y, x = y[0].astype(float), x[0].astype(float)
if len(y) < 2 or len(x) < 2:
return None
def _mean(l):
return sum(l) / len(l)
def _multiply(l1, l2):
return [a * b for a, b in zip(l1, l2)]
m = ((_mean(x) * _mean(y) - _mean(_multiply(x, y))) /
(_mean(x) ** 2 - _mean(_multiply(x, x))))
b = _mean(y) - m * _mean(x)
return b
custom_functions['INTERCEPT'] = intercept
def rsq(y, x):
items_to_delete, i = [], 0
for y1 in y:
for val in y1:
if not isinstance(val, (int, float, Decimal)):
i += 1
if items_to_delete:
y = np.delete(y, items_to_delete, axis=1)
x = np.delete(x, items_to_delete, axis=1)
if any(val is None for x1 in x for val in x1):
return None
y, x = y[0].astype(float), x[0].astype(float)
if len(y) < 2 or len(x) < 2:
return None
zx = (x - np.mean(x)) / np.std(x, ddof=1)
zy = (y - np.mean(y)) / np.std(y, ddof=1)
r = np.sum(zx * zy) / (len(x) - 1)
return r ** 2
custom_functions['RSQ'] = rsq
def scientific_notation(value, decimals=2):
res = ''
if not value:
return res
res = ("{0:.%ie}" % (decimals)).format(float(value))
except (TypeError, ValueError):
return res
custom_functions['SCIENTIFIC_NOTATION'] = scientific_notation
class Function(ModelSQL, ModelView):
'Interface Function'
__name__ = 'lims.interface.function'
name = fields.Char('Name', required=True)
parameters = fields.Char('Parameters')
help = fields.Text('Help')
def get_rec_name(self, name):
return '%s(%s)' % (self.name, self.parameters)