
325 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of lims module for Tryton.
# The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of this repository contains
# the full copyright notices and license terms.
from trytond.model import ModelView, ModelSQL, fields, Unique
from trytond.pool import Pool
from trytond.transaction import Transaction
__all__ = ['LaboratoryProfessional', 'Laboratory', 'LaboratoryCVCorrection',
'LabMethod', 'LabDeviceType', 'LabDevice', 'LabDeviceLaboratory',
'LabDeviceTypeLabMethod', ]
class Laboratory(ModelSQL, ModelView):
__name__ = 'lims.laboratory'
_rec_name = 'description'
code = fields.Char('Code', required=True)
description = fields.Char('Description', required=True)
default_laboratory_professional = fields.Many2One(
'lims.laboratory.professional', 'Default professional')
default_signer = fields.Many2One('lims.laboratory.professional',
'Default signer', required=True)
related_location = fields.Many2One('stock.location', 'Related location',
required=True, domain=[('type', '=', 'storage')])
cv_corrections = fields.One2Many('lims.laboratory.cv_correction',
'laboratory', 'CV Corrections',
help="Corrections for Coefficients of Variation (Control Charts)")
section = fields.Selection([
('amb', 'Ambient'),
('for', 'Formulated'),
('mi', 'Microbiology'),
('rp', 'Agrochemical Residues'),
('sq', 'Chemistry'),
], 'Section', sort=False)
headquarters = fields.Char('Headquarters', translate=True)
def __setup__(cls):
super(Laboratory, cls).__setup__()
t = cls.__table__()
cls._sql_constraints += [
('code_uniq', Unique(t, t.code),
'Laboratory code must be unique'),
def get_rec_name(self, name):
if self.code:
return self.code + ' - ' + self.description
return self.description
def search_rec_name(cls, name, clause):
field = None
for field in ('code', 'description'):
records = cls.search([(field,) + tuple(clause[1:])], limit=1)
if records:
if records:
return [(field,) + tuple(clause[1:])]
return [(cls._rec_name,) + tuple(clause[1:])]
class LaboratoryCVCorrection(ModelSQL, ModelView):
'CV Correction'
__name__ = 'lims.laboratory.cv_correction'
laboratory = fields.Many2One('lims.laboratory', 'Laboratory',
required=True, ondelete='CASCADE', select=True)
fraction_type = fields.Many2One('lims.fraction.type', 'Fraction type',
min_cv = fields.Float('Minimum CV (%)')
max_cv = fields.Float('Maximum CV (%)')
min_cv_corr_fact = fields.Float('Correction factor for Minimum CV',
help="Correction factor for CV between Min and Max")
max_cv_corr_fact = fields.Float('Correction factor for Maximum CV',
help="Correction factor for CV greater than Max")
class LaboratoryProfessional(ModelSQL, ModelView):
'Laboratory Professional'
__name__ = 'lims.laboratory.professional'
party = fields.Many2One('party.party', 'Party', required=True,
domain=[('is_lab_professional', '=', True)])
code = fields.Char('Code')
role = fields.Char('Signature role', translate=True)
signature = fields.Binary('Signature')
methods = fields.One2Many('lims.lab.professional.method', 'professional',
def __setup__(cls):
super(LaboratoryProfessional, cls).__setup__()
t = cls.__table__()
cls._sql_constraints += [
('code_uniq', Unique(t, t.code),
'Professional code must be unique'),
('party_uniq', Unique(t, t.party),
'The party is already associated to a professional'),
def get_rec_name(self, name):
if self.party:
return self.party.name
def search_rec_name(cls, name, clause):
return [('party',) + tuple(clause[1:])]
def get_lab_professional(cls):
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
login_user_id = Transaction().user
cursor.execute('SELECT id '
'FROM party_party '
'WHERE is_lab_professional = true '
'AND lims_user = %s '
'LIMIT 1', (login_user_id,))
party_id = cursor.fetchone()
if not party_id:
return None
cursor.execute('SELECT id '
'FROM "' + cls._table + '" '
'WHERE party = %s '
'LIMIT 1', (party_id[0],))
lab_professional_id = cursor.fetchone()
if (lab_professional_id):
return lab_professional_id[0]
return None
class LabMethod(ModelSQL, ModelView):
'Laboratory Method'
__name__ = 'lims.lab.method'
code = fields.Char('Code', required=True)
name = fields.Char('Name', required=True, translate=True)
reference = fields.Char('Reference')
determination = fields.Char('Determination', required=True)
requalification_months = fields.Integer('Requalification months',
supervised_requalification = fields.Boolean('Supervised requalification')
deprecated_since = fields.Date('Deprecated since')
pnt = fields.Char('PNT')
results_estimated_waiting = fields.Integer(
'Estimated number of days for results')
def __setup__(cls):
super(LabMethod, cls).__setup__()
t = cls.__table__()
cls._sql_constraints += [
('code_uniq', Unique(t, t.code),
'Method code must be unique'),
def get_rec_name(self, name):
if self.code:
return self.code + ' - ' + self.name
return self.name
def search_rec_name(cls, name, clause):
field = None
for field in ('code', 'name'):
records = cls.search([(field,) + tuple(clause[1:])], limit=1)
if records:
if records:
return [(field,) + tuple(clause[1:])]
return [(cls._rec_name,) + tuple(clause[1:])]
def write(cls, *args):
super(LabMethod, cls).write(*args)
actions = iter(args)
for methods, vals in zip(actions, actions):
if 'results_estimated_waiting' in vals:
def update_laboratory_notebook(cls, methods):
LimsNotebookLine = Pool().get('lims.notebook.line')
for method in methods:
notebook_lines = LimsNotebookLine.search([
('method', '=', method.id),
('accepted', '=', False),
if notebook_lines:
LimsNotebookLine.write(notebook_lines, {
'results_estimated_waiting': (
class LabDevice(ModelSQL, ModelView):
'Laboratory Device'
__name__ = 'lims.lab.device'
_rec_name = 'description'
code = fields.Char('Code', required=True)
description = fields.Char('Description', required=True)
device_type = fields.Many2One('lims.lab.device.type', 'Device type',
laboratories = fields.One2Many('lims.lab.device.laboratory', 'device',
'Laboratories', required=True)
serial_number = fields.Char('Serial number')
def __setup__(cls):
super(LabDevice, cls).__setup__()
t = cls.__table__()
cls._sql_constraints += [
('code_uniq', Unique(t, t.code),
'Device code must be unique'),
def get_rec_name(self, name):
if self.code:
return self.code + ' - ' + self.description
return self.description
def search_rec_name(cls, name, clause):
field = None
for field in ('code', 'description'):
records = cls.search([(field,) + tuple(clause[1:])], limit=1)
if records:
if records:
return [(field,) + tuple(clause[1:])]
return [(cls._rec_name,) + tuple(clause[1:])]
class LabDeviceType(ModelSQL, ModelView):
'Laboratory Device Type'
__name__ = 'lims.lab.device.type'
_rec_name = 'description'
code = fields.Char('Code', required=True)
description = fields.Char('Description', required=True)
methods = fields.Many2Many('lims.lab.device.type-lab.method',
'device_type', 'method', 'Methods')
def __setup__(cls):
super(LabDeviceType, cls).__setup__()
t = cls.__table__()
cls._sql_constraints += [
('code_uniq', Unique(t, t.code),
'Device type code must be unique'),
def get_rec_name(self, name):
if self.code:
return self.code + ' - ' + self.description
return self.description
def search_rec_name(cls, name, clause):
field = None
for field in ('code', 'description'):
records = cls.search([(field,) + tuple(clause[1:])], limit=1)
if records:
if records:
return [(field,) + tuple(clause[1:])]
return [(cls._rec_name,) + tuple(clause[1:])]
class LabDeviceTypeLabMethod(ModelSQL):
'Laboratory Device Type - Laboratory Method'
__name__ = 'lims.lab.device.type-lab.method'
device_type = fields.Many2One('lims.lab.device.type', 'Device type',
ondelete='CASCADE', select=True, required=True)
method = fields.Many2One('lims.lab.method', 'Method',
ondelete='CASCADE', select=True, required=True)
class LabDeviceLaboratory(ModelSQL, ModelView):
'Laboratory Device Laboratory'
__name__ = 'lims.lab.device.laboratory'
device = fields.Many2One('lims.lab.device', 'Device', required=True,
ondelete='CASCADE', select=True)
laboratory = fields.Many2One('lims.laboratory', 'Laboratory',
physically_here = fields.Boolean('Physically here')
def __setup__(cls):
super(LabDeviceLaboratory, cls).__setup__()
'physically_elsewhere': ('This Device is physically in another'
' Laboratory'),
def default_physically_here():
return True
def validate(cls, laboratories):
super(LabDeviceLaboratory, cls).validate(laboratories)
for l in laboratories:
def check_location(self):
if self.physically_here:
laboratories = self.search([
('device', '=', self.device.id),
('physically_here', '=', True),
('id', '!=', self.id),
if laboratories: