
74 KiB

<html lang="en"> <head> {% block stylesheets %} {% endblock stylesheets %} {% block custom_style %} {% endblock custom_style %} </head> {% block body %}
{% block report_header %}
{% if company.logo %} {{ company.party.rec_name }} {% endif %}
{% endblock report_header %} {% block report_body %}

{{ enac_label }}

{% if comments or tas_project == 'True' %} {% endif %}

{{ _('Results Report') }}

{{ replace_number }}

{{ _('Date') }}: {{ print_date|render}}

{{ _('REPORT Nº') }}: {{ number }}

{{ _('REQUESTED BY') }}: {{ party }}

{{ _('ADDRESS') }}: {{ party_address }}

{% if report_type == 'normal' %} {% if report_section == 'for' %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if report_section == 'rp' and (stp_project == 'True' or stp_polisample_project == 'True') %} {% endif %} {% if report_type == 'normal' and report_section == 'rp' and stp_project == 'True' %} {% if stp_z_senasa_protocol %} {% endif %} {% endif %}


{{ _('LABEL') }}: {{ sample_label }}

{{ _('CUSTOMER DESCRIPTION') }}: {{ sample_client_description }}

{{ _('FORMULATION TYPES') }}: {{ sample_prodct_type }}

{{ _('ACTIVE INGREDIENT') }}: {{ sample_matrix }}

{{ _('PRODUCER COMPANY') }}: {{ sample_producer }}

{{ _('CONFIRMATION SAMPLE RECEPTION') }}: {{ sample_confirmation_date|render }}

{{ _('CONTAINER') }}: {{ sample_packages_quantity }} {{ sample_package_type }}

{{ _('BEGINNING OF THE ANALYSIS') }}: {{ min_start_date|render }}

{{ _('SAMPLE PRESENTATION') }}: {{ sample_package_state }}

{{ _('END OF ANALYSIS') }}: {{ max_end_date|render }}

{% if report_type == 'normal' %}

{{ _('CODE OF THE SAMPLE') }}: {{ sample_number }}

{% endif %}

{{ _('STUDY PLAN N°') }}: {{ stp_code }}

{{ _('APPLICATION DATES') }}: {% if stp_application_date %}{{ stp_application_date|render }}{% endif %}

{{ _('SAMPLING DATE') }}: {% if stp_sampling_date %}{{ stp_sampling_date|render }}{% endif %}

{{ _('TREATMENT') }}: {{ stp_treatment }}

{{ _('ZONE') }}: {{ stp_zone }}

{{ _('DOSE') }}: {{ stp_dosis }}

{{ _('DAYS AFTER TREATMENT (DAT)') }}: {{ stp_after_application_days }}

{{ _('REPETITION') }}: {{ stp_repetition }}

{{ _('SENASA PROTOCOL N°') }}: {{ stp_z_senasa_protocol }}

{{ _('RESULTS') }}

{% for fraction in fractions %} {% if report_type == 'normal' %} {% if report_section in ('amb', 'sq') and report_result_type == 'result' %} {% for conc in fraction.concentrations.values() %}

{{ conc.label }}

{% for line in conc.lines %} {% endfor %}

{{ _('Analysis') }}

{{ _('Result') }}

{{ _('Unit') }}

{% if (enac == 'True' and line.acredited == 'False') %}* {% else %} {% endif %}{{ line.analysis }}

{{ line.result }}

{{ line.initial_unit }}

{{ line.detection_limit }}

{{ line.corrected }}

{% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if report_section == 'for' and report_result_type in ('result', 'both') %} {% for conc in fraction.concentrations.values() %}

{{ conc.label }}

{% for line in conc.lines %} {% endfor %}

{{ _('Analysis') }}

{{ _('Result') }}

{{ _('Detection Limit') }}

{{ _('Unit') }}

{% if (enac == 'True' and line.acredited == 'False') %}* {% else %} {% endif %}{{ line.analysis }}

{{ line.result }}

{{ line.detection_limit }}

{{ line.initial_unit }}

{{ line.corrected }}

{% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if report_section in ('amb', 'sq') and report_result_type == 'result_range' %} {% for conc in fraction.concentrations.values() %}

{{ conc.label }}

{% for line in conc.lines %} {% endfor %}

{{ _('Analysis') }}

{{ _('Result') }}

{{ _('Unit') }}

{{ range_title }}

{% if (enac == 'True' and line.acredited == 'False') %}* {% else %} {% endif %}{{ line.analysis }}

{{ line.result }}

{{ line.initial_unit }}

{{ line.reference }}

{{ line.detection_limit }}

{{ line.corrected }}

{% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if report_section == 'for' and report_result_type == 'result_range' %} {% for conc in fraction.concentrations.values() %}

{{ conc.label }}

{% for line in conc.lines %} {% endfor %}

{{ _('Analysis') }}

{{ _('Result') }}

{{ _('Detection Limit') }}

{{ _('Unit') }}

{{ range_title }}

{% if (enac == 'True' and line.acredited == 'False') %}* {% else %} {% endif %}{{ line.analysis }}

{{ line.result }}

{{ line.detection_limit }}

{{ line.initial_unit }}

{{ line.reference }}

{{ line.corrected }}

{% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if report_section in ('amb', 'sq') and report_result_type == 'both' %} {% for conc in fraction.concentrations.values() %}

{{ conc.label }}

{% for line in conc.lines %} {% endfor %}

{{ _('Analysis') }}

{{ _('Result') }}

{{ conc.unit_label }}

{% if (enac == 'True' and line.acredited == 'False') %}* {% else %} {% endif %}{{ line.analysis }}

{{ line.result }}

{{ line.initial_unit }}

{{ line.converted_result }}

{{ line.final_unit }}

{{ line.detection_limit }}

{{ line.corrected }}

{% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if report_section == 'mi' and report_result_type in ('result', 'both') %} {% for conc in fraction.concentrations.values() %}

{{ conc.label }}

{% for line in conc.lines %} {% endfor %}

{{ _('Analysis') }}

{{ _('Result') }}

{% if (enac == 'True' and line.acredited == 'False') %}* {% else %} {% endif %}{{ line.analysis }}

{{ line.result }}

{{ line.initial_unit }}

{{ line.corrected }}

{% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if report_section == 'mi' and report_result_type == 'result_range' %} {% for conc in fraction.concentrations.values() %}

{{ conc.label }}

{% for line in conc.lines %} {% endfor %}

{{ _('Analysis') }}

{{ _('Result') }}

{{ range_title }}

{% if (enac == 'True' and line.acredited == 'False') %}* {% else %} {% endif %}{{ line.analysis }}

{{ line.result }}

{{ line.initial_unit }}

{{ line.reference }}

{{ line.corrected }}

{% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if report_section == 'rp' and report_result_type in ('result', 'both') %} {% for conc in fraction.concentrations.values() %}

{{ conc.label }}

{% for line in conc.lines %} {% endfor %}

{{ _('Analysis') }}

{{ _('Result') }}

({{ initial_unit }})

{{ _('Detection Limit') }}

({{ initial_unit }})

{{ _('Method') }}

{% if (enac == 'True' and line.acredited == 'False') %}* {% else %} {% endif %}{{ line.analysis }}

{{ line.result }}

{{ line.initial_unit }}

{{ line.detection_limit }}

{{ line.pnt }}

{{ line.corrected }}

{% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if report_section == 'rp' and report_result_type == 'result_range' %} {% for conc in fraction.concentrations.values() %}

{{ conc.label }}

{% for line in conc.lines %} {% endfor %}

{{ _('Analysis') }}

{{ _('Result') }}

({{ initial_unit }})

{{ _('Detection Limit') }}

({{ initial_unit }})

{{ range_title }}

{{ _('Method') }}

{% if (enac == 'True' and line.acredited == 'False') %}* {% else %} {% endif %}{{ line.analysis }}

{{ line.result }}

{{ line.initial_unit }}

{{ line.detection_limit }}

{{ line.reference }}

{{ line.pnt }}

{{ line.corrected }}

{% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if report_type == 'polisample' %} {% if report_section in ('amb', 'sq') %}

{{ _('CUSTOMER DESCRIPTION') }}: {{ fraction.client_description }}

{{ _('LABEL') }}: {{ fraction.label }}

{% for conc in fraction.concentrations.values() %}

{{ conc.label }}

{% if report_result_type in ('result', 'both') %} {% for line in conc.lines %} {% endfor %}

{{ _('Analysis') }}

{{ _('Result') }}

({{ initial_unit }})

{% if (enac == 'True' and line.acredited == 'False') %}* {% else %} {% endif %}{{ line.analysis }}

{{ line.result }}

{{ line.detection_limit }}

{{ line.corrected }}

{% endif %} {% if report_result_type == 'result_range' %} {% for line in conc.lines %} {% endfor %}

{{ _('Analysis') }}

{{ _('Result') }}

({{ initial_unit }})

{{ range_title }}

{% if (enac == 'True' and line.acredited == 'False') %}* {% else %} {% endif %}{{ line.analysis }}

{{ line.result }}

{{ line.reference }}

{{ line.detection_limit }}

{{ line.corrected }}

{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if report_section == 'for' %}

{{ _('CUSTOMER DESCRIPTION') }}: {{ fraction.client_description }}

{{ _('LABEL') }}: {{ fraction.label }}

{% for conc in fraction.concentrations.values() %}

{{ conc.label }}

{% if report_result_type in ('result', 'both') %} {% for line in conc.lines %} {% endfor %}

{{ _('Analysis') }}

{{ _('Result') }}

({{ initial_unit }})

{{ _('Detection Limit') }}

{% if (enac == 'True' and line.acredited == 'False') %}* {% else %} {% endif %}{{ line.analysis }}

{{ line.result }}

{{ line.detection_limit }}

{{ line.corrected }}

{% endif %} {% if report_result_type == 'result_range' %} {% for line in conc.lines %} {% endfor %}

{{ _('Analysis') }}

{{ _('Result') }}

({{ initial_unit }})

{{ _('Detection Limit') }}

{{ range_title }}

{% if (enac == 'True' and line.acredited == 'False') %}* {% else %} {% endif %}{{ line.analysis }}

{{ line.result }}

{{ line.detection_limit }}

{{ line.reference }}

{{ line.corrected }}

{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if report_section == 'mi' %}

{{ _('CUSTOMER DESCRIPTION') }}: {{ fraction.client_description }}

{{ _('LABEL') }}: {{ fraction.label }}

{% for conc in fraction.concentrations.values() %}

{{ conc.label }}

{% if report_result_type in ('result', 'both') %} {% for line in conc.lines %} {% endfor %}

{{ _('Analysis') }}

{{ _('Result') }} ({{ initial_unit }})

{% if (enac == 'True' and line.acredited == 'False') %}* {% else %} {% endif %}{{ line.analysis }}

{{ line.result }}

{{ line.corrected }}

{% endif %} {% if report_result_type == 'result_range' %} {% for line in conc.lines %} {% endfor %}

{{ _('Analysis') }}

{{ _('Result') }} ({{ initial_unit }})

{{ range_title }}

{% if (enac == 'True' and line.acredited == 'False') %}* {% else %} {% endif %}{{ line.analysis }}

{{ line.result }}

{{ line.reference }}

{{ line.corrected }}

{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if report_section == 'rp' %} {% if stp_polisample_project == 'True' and fraction.stp_variety %} {% endif %} {% if sample_producer %} {% endif %} {% if stp_polisample_project == 'True' %} {% if fraction.stp_application_date %} {% endif %} {% if fraction.stp_sampling_date or fraction.stp_treatment %} {% endif %} {% if fraction.stp_zone or fraction.stp_dosis %} {% endif %} {% if fraction.stp_after_application_days or fraction.stp_repetition %} {% endif %} {% endif %}

{{ _('CODE OF THE SAMPLE') }}: {{ fraction.number }}

{{ _('LABEL') }}: {{ fraction.label }}

{{ _('CUSTOMER DESCRIPTION') }}: {{ fraction.client_description }}

{{ _('CUSTOMER VARIETY') }}: {{ fraction.stp_variety }}

{{ _('PRODUCER COMPANY') }}: {{ sample_producer }}

{{ _('APPLICATION DATES') }}: {{ fraction.stp_application_date|render }}

{% if fraction.stp_sampling_date %}{{ _('SAMPLING DATE') }}: {{ fraction.stp_sampling_date|render }}{% endif %}

{% if fraction.stp_treatment %}{{ _('TREATMENT') }}: {{ fraction.stp_treatment }}{% endif %}

{% if fraction.stp_zone %}{{ _('ZONE') }}: {{ fraction.stp_zone }}{% endif %}

{% if fraction.stp_dosis %}{{ _('DOSE') }}: {{ fraction.stp_dosis }}{% endif %}

{% if fraction.stp_after_application_days %}{{ _('DAYS AFTER TREATMENT (DAT)') }}: {{ fraction.stp_after_application_days }}{% endif %}

{% if fraction.stp_repetition %}{{ _('REPETITION') }}: {{ fraction.stp_repetition }}{% endif %}

{% for conc in fraction.concentrations.values() %}

{{ conc.label }}

{% if report_result_type in ('result', 'both') %} {% for line in conc.lines %} {% endfor %}

{{ _('Analysis') }}

{{ _('Result') }}

({{ initial_unit }})

{{ _('Detection Limit') }}

({{ initial_unit }})

{% if (enac == 'True' and line.acredited == 'False') %}* {% else %} {% endif %}{{ line.analysis }}

{{ line.result }}

{{ line.initial_unit }}

{{ line.detection_limit }}

{{ line.corrected }}

{% endif %} {% if report_result_type == 'result_range' %} {% for line in conc.lines %} {% endfor %}

{{ _('Analysis') }}

{{ _('Result') }}

({{ initial_unit }})

{{ _('Detection Limit') }}

({{ initial_unit }})

{{ range_title }}

{% if (enac == 'True' and line.acredited == 'False') %}* {% else %} {% endif %}{{ line.analysis }}

{{ line.result }}

{{ line.initial_unit }}

{{ line.detection_limit }}

{{ line.reference }}

{{ line.corrected }}

{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endif %}

{% endfor %}


{% if comments %} {% for line in comments.split('\n') %}

{{ line }}

{% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if tas_project == 'True' %}

{{ _('For the SAT NRO') }}: {{ tas_code }}

{% endif %}

{{ _('METHODS') }}

{% if report_section in ('amb', 'for', 'mi', 'sq') %} {% for method in methods %}

{{ method.analysis }}: {{ method.method }}

{% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if report_section == 'rp' %} {% for method in pnt_methods %}

{{ method.pnt }}: {{ method.method }}

{% endfor %} {% endif %}


{{ signer }}

{{ signer_role }}

{% endblock report_body %} {% block report_footer %}

The results only refer to the analyzed samples. This report must not be partially reproduced without the written approval of {{ company.party.rec_name }}.

{% endblock report_footer %}
{% endblock body %} </html>