
1038 lines
37 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of lims_interface module for Tryton.
# The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of this repository contains
# the full copyright notices and license terms.
from sql import (Table as SqlTable, Column as SqlColumn, Literal,
Desc, Asc, NullsFirst, NullsLast)
from sql.aggregate import Count
import formulas
import schedula
from decimal import Decimal
from itertools import chain
from collections import defaultdict
from trytond.model import ModelSQL, ModelView, fields
from trytond.pool import Pool, PoolMeta
from trytond.transaction import Transaction
from trytond.tools import cursor_dict
from trytond.pyson import PYSONEncoder, Eval
from trytond.rpc import RPC
from trytond.exceptions import UserError
from trytond.model.modelsql import convert_from
from .interface import FIELD_TYPE_TRYTON, FIELD_TYPE_CAST
class Adapter:
def __getattr__(self, name):
fields = self.get_fields()
return getattr(fields, name)
def __contains__(self, key):
fields = self.get_fields()
return fields.__contains__(key)
def __iter__(self):
fields = self.get_fields()
return fields.__iter__()
def __getitem__(self, name):
fields = self.get_fields()
return fields.__getitem__(name)
def get_fields(self):
# TODO: Cache
Data = Pool().get('lims.interface.data')
table = Data.get_table()
if not table:
return Data._previous_fields
res = {}
groups = 0
for field in table.fields_:
if field.type == 'char':
obj = fields.Char(field.string)
elif field.type == 'multiline':
obj = fields.Text(field.string)
elif field.type == 'integer':
obj = fields.Integer(field.string)
elif field.type == 'float':
obj = fields.Float(field.string)
elif field.type == 'boolean':
obj = fields.Boolean(field.string)
elif field.type == 'numeric':
obj = fields.Numeric(field.string)
elif field.type == 'date':
obj = fields.Date(field.string)
elif field.type == 'datetime':
obj = fields.DateTime(field.string)
elif field.type == 'timestamp':
obj = fields.Timestamp(field.string)
elif field.type == 'many2one':
obj = fields.Many2One(field.related_model.model, field.string)
elif field.type in ('binary', 'icon'):
obj = fields.Binary(field.string)
elif field.type == 'selection':
selection = [tuple(v.split(':', 1))
for v in field.selection.splitlines() if v]
obj = fields.Selection(selection, field.string)
obj.name = field.name
res[field.name] = obj
groups = max(groups, field.group or 0)
obj = fields.Integer('ID')
obj.name = 'id'
res['id'] = obj
obj = fields.Many2One('lims.interface.compilation', 'Compilation')
obj.name = 'compilation'
res['compilation'] = obj
obj = fields.Boolean('Annulled')
obj.name = 'annulled'
res['annulled'] = obj
obj = fields.Many2One('lims.notebook.line', 'Notebook Line')
obj.name = 'notebook_line'
obj.readonly = True
res['notebook_line'] = obj
for i in range(0, groups):
obj = fields.One2Many(
'lims.interface.grouped_data', 'data', 'Group %s' % (i + 1, ))
obj.name = 'group_%s' % (i + 1, )
res[obj.name] = obj
return res
class GroupedAdapter:
def __getattr__(self, name):
fields = self.get_fields()
return getattr(fields, name)
def __contains__(self, key):
fields = self.get_fields()
return fields.__contains__(key)
def __iter__(self):
fields = self.get_fields()
return fields.__iter__()
def __getitem__(self, name):
fields = self.get_fields()
return fields.__getitem__(name)
def get_fields(self):
GroupedData = Pool().get('lims.interface.grouped_data')
table = GroupedData.get_table()
if not table:
return GroupedData._previous_fields
res = {}
for field in table.grouped_fields_:
if field.type == 'char':
obj = fields.Char(field.string)
elif field.type == 'multiline':
obj = fields.Text(field.string)
elif field.type == 'integer':
obj = fields.Integer(field.string)
elif field.type == 'float':
obj = fields.Float(field.string)
elif field.type == 'boolean':
obj = fields.Boolean(field.string)
elif field.type == 'numeric':
obj = fields.Numeric(field.string)
elif field.type == 'date':
obj = fields.Date(field.string)
elif field.type == 'datetime':
obj = fields.DateTime(field.string)
elif field.type == 'timestamp':
obj = fields.Timestamp(field.string)
elif field.type == 'many2one':
obj = fields.Many2One(field.related_model.model, field.string)
elif field.type in ('binary', 'icon'):
obj = fields.Binary(field.string)
elif field.type == 'selection':
selection = [tuple(v.split(':', 1))
for v in field.selection.splitlines() if v]
obj = fields.Selection(selection, field.string)
obj.name = field.name
res[field.name] = obj
obj = fields.Integer('ID')
obj.name = 'id'
res['id'] = obj
obj = fields.Many2One('lims.notebook.line', 'Notebook Line')
obj.name = 'notebook_line'
obj.readonly = True
res['notebook_line'] = obj
obj = fields.Many2One('lims.interface.data', 'Data')
obj.name = 'data'
obj.readonly = True
res['data'] = obj
obj = fields.Integer('Iteration')
obj.name = 'iteration'
obj.readonly = True
res['iteration'] = obj
return res
class ModelAccess(metaclass=PoolMeta):
__name__ = 'ir.model.access'
def check_relation(cls, model_name, field_name, mode='read'):
We must override check_relation and ensure that super() does not
getattr(Model, fieldname)
because the fields do not exist in the Model. If super() used
Model._fields[fieldname] we would not be forced to override the method.
if model_name in ('lims.interface.data',
return True
return super().check_relation(model_name, field_name, mode)
class Data(ModelSQL, ModelView):
'Lims Interface Data'
__name__ = 'lims.interface.data'
compilation = fields.Many2One('lims.interface.compilation', 'Compilation',
required=True, ondelete='CASCADE')
annulled = fields.Boolean('Annulled')
notebook_line = fields.Many2One('lims.notebook.line', 'Notebook Line',
def __setup__(cls):
cls._order.insert(0, ('notebook_line.notebook', 'ASC'))
cls._order.insert(1, ('notebook_line.analysis.order', 'ASC'))
cls._order.insert(2, ('notebook_line.analysis.code', 'ASC'))
cls.__rpc__['fields_view_get'].cache = None
cls.__rpc__['default_get'].cache = None
def __post_setup__(cls):
cls._previous_fields = cls._fields
cls._fields = Adapter()
def __table__(cls):
# TODO: Check if we can drop create(), read(), write(), delete() &
# search()
return cls.get_sql_table()
def __init__(self, id=None, **kwargs):
kwargs_copy = kwargs.copy()
for kw in kwargs_copy:
kwargs.pop(kw, None)
super().__init__(id, **kwargs)
self._values = {}
for kw in kwargs_copy:
self._values[kw] = kwargs_copy[kw]
def __getattr__(self, name):
return super().__getattr__(name)
except AttributeError:
def on_change_with(self, fieldnames):
table = self.get_table()
res = {}
grouped_fields = defaultdict(list)
for field in table.fields_:
if field.group:
for field in table.fields_:
if field.name not in fieldnames:
ast = field.get_ast()
inputs = []
for input_ in field.inputs.split():
found = False
for group, repetition_fields in grouped_fields.items():
if input_ in repetition_fields:
group_values = getattr(self, 'group_%s' % group)
if not group_values:
for line in group_values:
if line['iteration'] == int(
found = True
if not found:
inputs.append(getattr(self, input_))
value = ast(*inputs)
except schedula.utils.exc.DispatcherError as e:
raise UserError(e.args[0] % e.args[1:])
if isinstance(value, list):
value = str(value)
elif not isinstance(value, (str, int, float, Decimal, type(None))):
value = value.tolist()
if isinstance(value, formulas.tokens.operand.XlError):
value = None
elif isinstance(value, list):
for x in chain(*value):
if isinstance(x, formulas.tokens.operand.XlError):
value = None
res[field.name] = value
return res
def add_on_change_with_method(cls, field):
Dynamically add 'on_change_with_<field>' methods.
fn_name = 'on_change_with_' + field.name
def fn(self):
table = self.get_table()
grouped_fields = defaultdict(list)
for table_field in table.fields_:
if table_field.group:
ast = field.get_ast()
inputs = []
for input_ in field.inputs.split():
found = False
for group, repetition_fields in grouped_fields.items():
if input_ in repetition_fields:
group_values = getattr(self, 'group_%s' % group)
if not group_values:
for line in group_values:
if line['iteration'] == int(
found = True
if not found:
inputs.append(getattr(self, input_))
value = ast(*inputs)
except schedula.utils.exc.DispatcherError as e:
raise UserError(e.args[0] % e.args[1:])
if isinstance(value, list):
value = str(value)
elif not isinstance(value, (str, int, float, Decimal, type(None))):
value = value.tolist()
if isinstance(value, formulas.tokens.operand.XlError):
value = None
elif isinstance(value, list):
for x in chain(*value):
if isinstance(x, formulas.tokens.operand.XlError):
value = None
return value
setattr(cls, fn_name, fn)
def _get_readonly_notebook_lines(cls):
readonly_ids = []
compilation_id = Transaction().context.get(
'lims_interface_compilation', None)
if not compilation_id:
return readonly_ids
for line in cls.search([('compilation', '=', compilation_id)]):
if line.notebook_line and line.notebook_line.end_date:
return readonly_ids
def set_field(self, value, field):
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
table = self.get_sql_table()
query = table.update([SqlColumn(table, field)], [value],
where=(table.id == self.id))
except Exception:
def fields_get(cls, fields_names=None, level=0):
Model = Pool().get('ir.model')
res = super().fields_get(fields_names)
table = cls.get_table()
interface = cls.get_interface()
readonly_ids = []
readonly = Transaction().context.get('lims_interface_readonly', False)
if not readonly:
readonly_ids = cls._get_readonly_notebook_lines()
encoder = PYSONEncoder()
groups = 0
grouped_fields = defaultdict(list)
for field in table.fields_:
if field.group:
for field in table.fields_:
groups = max(groups, field.group or 0)
if field.group:
states = {
'readonly': (bool(readonly or field.formula or field.readonly)
or Eval('notebook_line').in_(readonly_ids)),
res[field.name] = {
'name': field.name,
'string': field.string,
'type': FIELD_TYPE_TRYTON[field.type],
'help': field.help,
'domain': field.domain,
'states': encoder.encode(states),
'sortable': True,
if field.type == 'many2one':
res[field.name]['relation'] = (field.related_model.model if
field.related_model else None)
if field.type == 'selection':
selection = [tuple(v.split(':', 1))
for v in field.selection.splitlines() if v]
res[field.name]['selection'] = selection
res[field.name]['selection_change_with'] = []
res[field.name]['sort'] = False
if field.type == 'reference':
selection = []
for model in Model.search([]):
selection.append((model.model, model.name))
res[field.name]['selection'] = selection
if field.type in ['date', 'time', 'datetime', 'timestamp']:
res[field.name]['format'] = PYSONEncoder().encode(
if field.type in ['float', 'numeric']:
res[field.name]['digits'] = encoder.encode((16, field.digits))
if field.inputs:
inputs = []
for input_ in field.inputs.split():
found = False
for group, repetition_fields in grouped_fields.items():
if input_ in repetition_fields:
inputs.append('group_%s' % group)
found = True
if not found:
res[field.name]['on_change_with'] = list(set(inputs))
func_name = '%s_%s' % ('on_change_with', field.name)
cls.__rpc__.setdefault(func_name, RPC(instantiate=0))
for i in range(0, groups):
field_description = None
for rep in interface.grouped_repetitions:
if rep.group == i + 1:
field_description = rep.description
field_name = 'group_%s' % (i + 1)
res[field_name] = {
'name': field_name,
'string': field_description or field_name,
'type': 'one2many',
'help': '',
'relation': 'lims.interface.grouped_data',
'relation_field': 'data',
res[field_name]['views'] = {
'tree': GroupedData.fields_view_get(
view_type='tree', group=i + 1)}
func_name = '%s_%s' % ('on_change_with', field_name)
cls.__rpc__.setdefault(func_name, RPC(instantiate=0))
return res
def fields_view_get(cls, view_id=None, view_type='form'):
if Pool().test:
table = cls.get_table()
for view in table.views:
if view.type == view_type:
fields_names = [
groups = 0
for field in table.fields_:
groups = max(groups, field.group or 0)
if field.group and view.type == 'form':
for i in range(0, groups):
fields_names.append('group_%s' % (i + 1))
res = {
'type': view.type,
'view_id': view_id,
'field_childs': None,
'arch': view.arch,
'fields': cls.fields_get(fields_names),
'model': cls.__name__,
return res
def search(cls, domain, offset=0, limit=None, order=None, count=False,
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
# Clean transaction cache
for cache in Transaction().cache.values():
if cls.__name__ in cache:
del cache[cls.__name__]
if not cls.get_table():
return super().search(domain, offset, limit, order, count, query)
# Get domain clauses
sql_table = cls.get_sql_table()
tables, expression = cls.search_domain(domain,
tables={None: (sql_table, None)})
# Get order by
order_by = []
order_types = {
'DESC': Desc,
'ASC': Asc,
null_ordering_types = {
'NULLS FIRST': NullsFirst,
'NULLS LAST': NullsLast,
None: lambda _: _
if order is None or order is False:
order = cls._order
for oexpr, otype in order:
fname, _, extra_expr = oexpr.partition('.')
field = cls._fields[fname]
if not otype:
otype, null_ordering = 'ASC', None
otype = otype.upper()
otype, null_ordering = otype.split(' ', 1)
except ValueError:
null_ordering = None
Order = order_types[otype]
NullOrdering = null_ordering_types[null_ordering]
forder = field.convert_order(oexpr, tables, cls)
order_by.extend((NullOrdering(Order(o)) for o in forder))
main_table, _ = tables[None]
table = convert_from(None, tables)
if count:
where=expression, limit=limit, offset=offset))
return cursor.fetchone()[0]
columns = [main_table.id]
select = table.select(*columns,
where=expression, order_by=order_by, limit=limit, offset=offset)
if query:
return select
res = [x[0] for x in cursor.fetchall()]
return cls.browse(res)
def read(cls, ids, fields_names=None):
sql_table = cls.get_sql_table()
table = cls.get_table()
if not ids:
return []
def read_related(field_name, Target, rows, fields):
target_ids = []
for row in rows:
value = row[field_name]
if value is not None:
return Target.read(target_ids, fields)
def add_related(field_name, rows, targets):
Adds 'id' and 'rec_name' of many2one/related_model fields
Also adds 'rec_name' for the rows
key = field_name + '.'
for row in rows:
value = row[field_name]
if isinstance(value, str):
value = int(value.split(',', 1)[1])
if value is not None and value >= 0:
row[key] = targets[value]
if 'rec_name' in targets[value]:
row['rec_name'] = targets[value]['rec_name']
row[key] = None
if 'rec_name' not in row:
row['rec_name'] = str(row['id'])
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
fetchall = list(cursor_dict(cursor))
fields_related = {
'compilation': 'lims.interface.compilation',
'notebook_line': 'lims.notebook.line'
for f in table.fields_:
if f.related_model is not None:
fields_related[f.name] = f.related_model.model
for field in fields_related:
Target = Pool().get(fields_related[field])
if Target:
targets = read_related(
field, Target, fetchall, ['id', 'rec_name'])
targets = {t['id']: t for t in targets}
targets = {}
add_related(field, fetchall, targets)
to_cast = {}
for field in table.fields_:
if fields_names and field.name not in fields_names:
cast = FIELD_TYPE_CAST[field.type]
if cast:
to_cast[field.name] = cast
if to_cast:
for record in fetchall:
for field, cast in to_cast.items():
record[field] = cast(record[field])
return fetchall
def create(cls, vlist):
sql_table = cls.get_sql_table()
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
ids = []
for record in vlist:
fields = []
values = []
for key, value in record.items():
fields.append(SqlColumn(sql_table, key))
query = sql_table.insert(fields, values=[values],
records = cls.browse(ids)
return records
def write(cls, *args):
sql_table = cls.get_sql_table()
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
all_records = []
actions = iter(args)
for records, vals in zip(actions, actions):
all_records += records
fields = []
values = []
for key, value in vals.items():
fields.append(SqlColumn(sql_table, key))
query = sql_table.update(fields, values,
where=sql_table.id.in_([x.id for x in records]))
def update_formulas(cls, records=None):
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
pool = Pool()
Compilation = Pool().get('lims.interface.compilation')
TableField = pool.get('lims.interface.table.field')
Column = pool.get('lims.interface.column')
compilation_id = Transaction().context.get(
if not compilation_id:
compilation = Compilation(compilation_id)
table = compilation.table
interface = compilation.interface
sql_table = SqlTable(table.name)
formula_fields = []
fields = TableField.search([
('table', '=', table),
('formula', 'not in', [None, '']),
for field in fields:
col = Column.search([
('interface', '=', interface),
('alias', '=', field.name),
order = col and col[0].evaluation_order or 0
'order': order,
'field': field,
if not formula_fields:
formula_fields = sorted(formula_fields, key=lambda x: x['order'])
if not records:
records = cls.search([])
for record in records:
vals = {}
fields = []
values = []
for field in formula_fields:
for x in (field['field'].inputs or '').split():
if x not in vals:
vals[x] = getattr(record, x)
field_name = field['field'].name
value = record.get_formula_value(field['field'], vals)
if value is None:
fields.append(SqlColumn(sql_table, field_name))
vals[field_name] = value
if not values:
query = sql_table.update(fields, values,
where=(sql_table.id == record.id))
def get_formula_value(self, field, vals={}):
ast = field.get_ast()
inputs = []
for x in (field.inputs or '').split():
value = ast(*inputs)
except schedula.utils.exc.DispatcherError as e:
raise UserError(e.args[0] % e.args[1:])
if isinstance(value, list):
value = str(value)
elif not isinstance(value, (str, int, float, Decimal, type(None))):
value = value.tolist()
if isinstance(value, formulas.tokens.operand.XlError):
value = None
elif isinstance(value, list):
for x in chain(*value):
if isinstance(x, formulas.tokens.operand.XlError):
value = None
return value
def delete(cls, records):
sql_table = cls.get_sql_table()
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
ids = [x.id for x in records if x.id > 0]
if ids:
query = sql_table.delete(where=sql_table.id.in_(ids))
def copy(cls, records, default=None):
records = cls.read([x.id for x in records if x.id])
for record in records:
del record['id']
del record['notebook_line']
return cls.create(records)
def get_compilation(cls):
Compilation = Pool().get('lims.interface.compilation')
compilation_id = Transaction().context.get(
if compilation_id:
return Compilation(compilation_id)
def get_table(cls):
pool = Pool()
Interface = pool.get('lims.interface')
Table = pool.get('lims.interface.table')
if Pool().test:
# Tryton default tests try to get data using '1' as active_id
# We prevent the tests from failing by returning no table
table = Transaction().context.get('lims_interface_table')
if not table:
compilation = cls.get_compilation()
if compilation:
table = compilation.table
if (not table and
Transaction().context.get('active_model') == 'lims.interface'):
interface_id = Transaction().context.get('active_id', None)
if interface_id:
interface = Interface(interface_id)
table = interface.table and interface.table.id or None
if table:
return Table(table)
def get_sql_table(cls):
table = cls.get_table()
if table:
return SqlTable(table.name)
return super().__table__()
def get_interface(cls):
pool = Pool()
Compilation = pool.get('lims.interface.compilation')
Interface = pool.get('lims.interface')
compilation_id = Transaction().context.get(
if compilation_id:
return Compilation(compilation_id).interface
interface_id = (Transaction().context.get(
'active_model') == 'lims.interface' and
Transaction().context.get('active_id', None) or None)
if interface_id:
return Interface(interface_id)
return None
class GroupedData(ModelView):
'Grouped Data'
__name__ = 'lims.interface.grouped_data'
notebook_line = fields.Many2One('lims.notebook.line', 'Notebook Line',
data = fields.Many2One('lims.inteface.data', 'Data',
iteration = fields.Integer('Iteration', readonly=True)
def __setup__(cls):
cls.__rpc__['fields_view_get'].cache = None
cls.__rpc__['default_get'].cache = None
def __post_setup__(cls):
cls._previous_fields = cls._fields
cls._fields = GroupedAdapter()
def __init__(self, id=None, **kwargs):
kwargs_copy = kwargs.copy()
for kw in kwargs_copy:
kwargs.pop(kw, None)
super().__init__(id, **kwargs)
self._values = {}
for kw in kwargs_copy:
self._values[kw] = kwargs_copy[kw]
def __getattr__(self, name):
return super().__getattr__(name)
except AttributeError:
def on_change_with(self, fieldnames):
table = self.get_table()
res = {}
for field in table.grouped_fields_:
if field.name not in fieldnames:
ast = field.get_ast()
inputs = field.get_inputs().split()
inputs = [self.data.get(x) if x in self.data.keys()
else getattr(self, x) for x in inputs]
value = ast(*inputs)
except schedula.utils.exc.DispatcherError as e:
raise UserError(e.args[0] % e.args[1:])
if isinstance(value, list):
value = str(value)
elif not isinstance(value, (str, int, float, Decimal, type(None))):
value = value.tolist()
if isinstance(value, formulas.tokens.operand.XlError):
value = None
elif isinstance(value, list):
for x in chain(*value):
if isinstance(x, formulas.tokens.operand.XlError):
value = None
res[field.name] = value
return res
def add_on_change_with_method(cls, field):
Dynamically add 'on_change_with_<field>' methods.
fn_name = 'on_change_with_' + field.name
def fn(self):
ast = field.get_ast()
inputs = field.get_inputs().split()
inputs = [self.data.get(x) if x in self.data.keys()
else getattr(self, x) for x in inputs]
value = ast(*inputs)
except schedula.utils.exc.DispatcherError as e:
raise UserError(e.args[0] % e.args[1:])
if isinstance(value, list):
value = str(value)
elif not isinstance(value, (str, int, float, Decimal, type(None))):
value = value.tolist()
if isinstance(value, formulas.tokens.operand.XlError):
value = None
elif isinstance(value, list):
for x in chain(*value):
if isinstance(x, formulas.tokens.operand.XlError):
value = None
return value
setattr(cls, fn_name, fn)
def fields_get(cls, fields_names=None, group=0, level=0):
Model = Pool().get('ir.model')
Data = Pool().get('lims.interface.data')
res = super().fields_get(fields_names)
table = cls.get_table()
readonly = Transaction().context.get('lims_interface_readonly', False)
encoder = PYSONEncoder()
for field in table.grouped_fields_:
if field.group != group:
res[field.name] = {
'name': field.name,
'string': field.string,
'type': FIELD_TYPE_TRYTON[field.type],
'readonly': bool(readonly or field.formula or field.readonly),
'help': field.help,
'domain': field.domain,
'states': '{}',
if field.type == 'many2one':
res[field.name]['relation'] = (field.related_model.model if
field.related_model else None)
if field.type == 'selection':
selection = [tuple(v.split(':', 1))
for v in field.selection.splitlines() if v]
res[field.name]['selection'] = selection
res[field.name]['selection_change_with'] = []
res[field.name]['sort'] = False
if field.type == 'reference':
selection = []
for model in Model.search([]):
selection.append((model.model, model.name))
res[field.name]['selection'] = selection
if field.type in ['date', 'time', 'datetime', 'timestamp']:
res[field.name]['format'] = PYSONEncoder().encode(
if field.type in ['float', 'numeric']:
res[field.name]['digits'] = encoder.encode((16, field.digits))
if field.inputs:
res[field.name]['on_change_with'] = field.inputs.split() + [
func_name = '%s_%s' % ('on_change_with', field.name)
cls.__rpc__.setdefault(func_name, RPC(instantiate=0))
res['data'] = {
'name': 'data',
'string': 'Data',
'type': 'many2one',
'readonly': True,
'help': '',
'states': '{}',
'relation': 'lims.interface.data',
'relation_field': 'group_%s' % group,
'relation_fields': (Data.fields_get(level=level - 1)
if level > 0 else []),
return res
def fields_view_get(cls, view_id=None, view_type='form', group=0):
if Pool().test:
table = cls.get_table()
for view in table.grouped_views:
if view.type == view_type and view.group == group:
fields_names = [
for field in table.grouped_fields_:
if field.group != group:
res = {
'type': view.type,
'view_id': view_id,
'field_childs': None,
'arch': view.arch,
'fields': cls.fields_get(fields_names, group),
'model': cls.__name__,
return res
def get_compilation(cls):
Compilation = Pool().get('lims.interface.compilation')
compilation_id = Transaction().context.get(
if compilation_id:
return Compilation(compilation_id)
def get_table(cls):
pool = Pool()
Interface = pool.get('lims.interface')
Table = pool.get('lims.interface.table')
if Pool().test:
# Tryton default tests try to get data using '1' as active_id
# We prevent the tests from failing by returning no table
table = Transaction().context.get('lims_interface_table')
if not table:
compilation = cls.get_compilation()
if compilation:
table = compilation.table
if (not table and
Transaction().context.get('active_model') == 'lims.interface'):
interface_id = Transaction().context.get('active_id', None)
if interface_id:
interface = Interface(interface_id)
table = interface.table and interface.table.id or None
if table:
return Table(table)