mirror of
synced 2023-12-14 07:13:04 +01:00
5749 lines
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5749 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of lims module for Tryton.
# The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of this repository contains
# the full copyright notices and license terms.
import operator
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from sql import Literal, Join
from trytond.model import ModelView, ModelSQL, fields
from trytond.wizard import Wizard, StateTransition, StateView, StateAction, \
StateReport, Button
from trytond.pool import Pool
from trytond.pyson import PYSONEncoder, Eval, Bool, Not, Or
from trytond.transaction import Transaction
from trytond.report import Report
from trytond.exceptions import UserError
from trytond.i18n import gettext
from .configuration import get_print_date
from .formula_parser import FormulaParser
class Notebook(ModelSQL, ModelView):
'Laboratory Notebook'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook'
fraction = fields.Many2One('lims.fraction', 'Fraction', required=True,
readonly=True, ondelete='CASCADE', select=True)
lines = fields.One2Many('lims.notebook.line', 'notebook', 'Lines')
product_type = fields.Function(fields.Many2One('lims.product.type',
'Product type'), 'get_sample_field', searcher='search_sample_field')
matrix = fields.Function(fields.Many2One('lims.matrix', 'Matrix'),
'get_sample_field', searcher='search_sample_field')
party = fields.Function(fields.Many2One('party.party', 'Party'),
'get_sample_field', searcher='search_sample_field')
party_code = fields.Function(fields.Char('Party'), 'get_party_code',
invoice_party = fields.Function(fields.Many2One('party.party',
'Invoice Party'),
'get_sample_field', searcher='search_sample_field')
label = fields.Function(fields.Char('Label'), 'get_sample_field',
date = fields.Function(fields.DateTime('Date'), 'get_sample_field',
date2 = fields.Function(fields.Date('Date'), 'get_sample_field',
sample_comments = fields.Function(fields.Text('Sample Comments'),
fraction_type = fields.Function(fields.Many2One('lims.fraction.type',
'Fraction type'), 'get_fraction_field',
fraction_comments = fields.Function(fields.Text('Fraction Comments'),
shared = fields.Function(fields.Boolean('Shared'), 'get_fraction_field',
current_location = fields.Function(fields.Many2One('stock.location',
'Current Location'), 'get_current_location',
divided_report = fields.Function(fields.Boolean('Divided report'),
icon = fields.Function(fields.Char("Icon"), 'get_icon')
obj_description = fields.Function(fields.Char('Objective description',
translate=True), 'get_obj_description')
completion_percentage = fields.Function(fields.Numeric('Complete',
digits=(1, 4)), 'get_sample_field')
department = fields.Function(fields.Many2One('company.department',
'Department'), 'get_department', searcher='search_department')
state = fields.Function(fields.Char('State'), 'get_state',
lines_pending_reporting = fields.Function(fields.One2Many(
'lims.notebook.line', 'notebook', 'Lines'),
acceptance_pending = fields.Function(fields.Boolean('Pending acceptance'),
'get_acceptance_pending', searcher='search_acceptance_pending')
urgent = fields.Function(fields.Boolean('Urgent'), 'get_urgent',
def __setup__(cls):
cls._order.insert(0, ('fraction', 'DESC'))
def get_rec_name(self, name):
if self.fraction:
return self.fraction.rec_name
def search_rec_name(cls, name, clause):
return [('fraction',) + tuple(clause[1:])]
def get_sample_field(cls, notebooks, names):
result = {}
for name in names:
result[name] = {}
if cls._fields[name]._type == 'many2one':
for n in notebooks:
field = getattr(n.fraction.sample, name, None)
result[name][n.id] = field.id if field else None
elif name == 'sample_comments':
for n in notebooks:
result[name][n.id] = getattr(
n.fraction.sample, 'comments', None)
for n in notebooks:
result[name][n.id] = getattr(n.fraction.sample, name, None)
return result
def search_sample_field(cls, name, clause):
return [('fraction.sample.' + name,) + tuple(clause[1:])]
def _order_sample_field(name):
def order_field(tables):
pool = Pool()
Sample = pool.get('lims.sample')
Fraction = pool.get('lims.fraction')
field = Sample._fields[name]
table, _ = tables[None]
fraction_tables = tables.get('fraction')
if fraction_tables is None:
fraction = Fraction.__table__()
fraction_tables = {
None: (fraction, fraction.id == table.fraction),
tables['fraction'] = fraction_tables
return field.convert_order(name, fraction_tables, Fraction)
return staticmethod(order_field)
order_date = _order_sample_field('date')
def get_obj_description(cls, notebooks, name):
result = {}
for n in notebooks:
field = getattr(n.fraction.sample, 'obj_description', None)
if field:
result[n.id] = field.description
result[n.id] = getattr(n.fraction.sample,
'obj_description_manual', None)
return result
def get_party_code(cls, notebooks, name):
result = {}
for n in notebooks:
result[n.id] = n.party.code
return result
def search_party_code(cls, name, clause):
return [('fraction.sample.entry.party.code',) + tuple(clause[1:])]
def get_fraction_field(cls, notebooks, names):
result = {}
for name in names:
result[name] = {}
if name == 'fraction_type':
for n in notebooks:
field = getattr(n.fraction, 'type', None)
result[name][n.id] = field.id if field else None
elif name == 'fraction_comments':
for n in notebooks:
result[name][n.id] = getattr(n.fraction, 'comments', None)
for n in notebooks:
result[name][n.id] = getattr(n.fraction, name, None)
return result
def search_fraction_field(cls, name, clause):
if name == 'fraction_type':
name = 'type'
return [('fraction.' + name,) + tuple(clause[1:])]
def get_divided_report(self, name):
if not self.fraction or not self.fraction.services:
return False
for s in self.fraction.services:
if s.divide:
return True
return False
def get_current_location(cls, notebooks, name=None):
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
Move = Pool().get('stock.move')
result = {}
for n in notebooks:
cursor.execute('SELECT to_location '
'FROM "' + Move._table + '" '
'WHERE fraction = %s '
'AND state IN (\'assigned\', \'done\') '
'ORDER BY effective_date DESC, id DESC '
'LIMIT 1', (n.fraction.id,))
location = cursor.fetchone()
result[n.id] = location[0] if location else None
return result
def search_current_location(cls, name, domain=None):
def _search_current_location_eval_domain(line, domain):
operator_funcs = {
'=': operator.eq,
'>=': operator.ge,
'>': operator.gt,
'<=': operator.le,
'<': operator.lt,
'!=': operator.ne,
'in': lambda v, l: v in l,
'not in': lambda v, l: v not in l,
'ilike': lambda v, l: False,
field, op, operand = domain
value = line.get(field)
return operator_funcs[op](value, operand)
if domain and domain[1] == 'ilike':
Location = Pool().get('stock.location')
locations = Location.search([
('code', '=', domain[2]),
], order=[])
if not locations:
locations = Location.search([
('name',) + tuple(domain[1:]),
], order=[])
if not locations:
return []
domain = ('current_location', 'in', [l.id for l in locations])
all_notebooks = cls.search([])
current_locations = iter(
processed_lines = [{
'fraction': fraction,
'current_location': location,
} for fraction, location in current_locations]
record_ids = [line['fraction'] for line in processed_lines
if _search_current_location_eval_domain(line, domain)]
return [('id', 'in', record_ids)]
def get_icon(self, name):
if self.fraction_comments:
return 'lims-blue'
return 'lims-white'
def get_department(cls, notebooks, name):
result = {}
for n in notebooks:
field = getattr(n.fraction.sample.product_type, name, None)
result[n.id] = field.id if field else None
return result
def search_department(cls, name, clause):
return [('fraction.sample.product_type.' + name,) + tuple(clause[1:])]
def get_state(cls, notebooks, name=None):
result = {}
laboratory_id = Transaction().context.get(
'samples_pending_reporting_laboratory', None)
if not laboratory_id:
for n in notebooks:
result[n.id] = None
return result
for n in notebooks:
result[n.id] = cls._get_notebook_state(n.id, laboratory_id)
return result
def _get_notebook_state(cls, notebook_id, laboratory_id):
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
pool = Pool()
ResultsLine = pool.get('lims.results_report.version.detail.line')
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
Notebook = pool.get('lims.notebook')
Fraction = pool.get('lims.fraction')
FractionType = pool.get('lims.fraction.type')
EntryDetailAnalysis = pool.get('lims.entry.detail.analysis')
draft_lines_ids = []
draft_lines = ResultsLine.search([
('detail_sample.notebook', '=', notebook_id),
('detail_sample.version_detail.laboratory', '=', laboratory_id),
('detail_sample.version_detail.state', 'in', ['draft', 'revised']),
('detail_sample.version_detail.type', '!=', 'preliminary'),
if draft_lines:
draft_lines_ids = [dl.notebook_line.id for dl in draft_lines]
draft_lines_ids = ', '.join(str(l) for l in [0] + draft_lines_ids)
sql_query = ('SELECT COUNT(*) '
'FROM "' + NotebookLine._table + '" nl '
'INNER JOIN "' + Notebook._table + '" n '
'ON n.id = nl.notebook '
'INNER JOIN "' + Fraction._table + '" f '
'ON f.id = n.fraction '
'INNER JOIN "' + FractionType._table + '" ft '
'ON ft.id = f.type '
'WHERE nl.notebook = %s '
'AND nl.laboratory = %s '
'AND ft.report = TRUE '
'AND nl.report = TRUE '
'AND nl.annulled = FALSE '
'AND nl.results_report IS NULL '
'AND nl.accepted = TRUE '
'AND nl.id NOT IN (' + draft_lines_ids + ') ')
excluded_notebooks = cls._get_excluded_notebooks([notebook_id],
if excluded_notebooks:
for n_id, grouper in excluded_notebooks:
cursor.execute('SELECT nl.id '
'FROM "' + NotebookLine._table + '" nl '
'INNER JOIN "' + EntryDetailAnalysis._table + '" d '
'ON d.id = nl.analysis_detail '
'WHERE nl.notebook = %s AND d.report_grouper = %s',
(n_id, grouper))
excluded_lines = [x[0] for x in cursor.fetchall()]
excluded_lines_ids = ', '.join(str(l)
for l in [0] + excluded_lines)
sql_query += 'AND nl.id NOT IN (' + excluded_lines_ids + ') '
cursor.execute(sql_query, (notebook_id, laboratory_id))
if cursor.fetchone()[0] > 0:
return 'complete'
sql_query = ('SELECT COUNT(*) '
'FROM "' + NotebookLine._table + '" nl '
'INNER JOIN "' + Notebook._table + '" n '
'ON n.id = nl.notebook '
'INNER JOIN "' + Fraction._table + '" f '
'ON f.id = n.fraction '
'INNER JOIN "' + FractionType._table + '" ft '
'ON ft.id = f.type '
'WHERE nl.notebook = %s '
'AND nl.laboratory = %s '
'AND ft.report = TRUE '
'AND nl.report = TRUE '
'AND nl.annulled = FALSE '
'AND nl.results_report IS NULL '
'AND nl.id NOT IN (' + draft_lines_ids + ') ')
sql_query += cls._get_samples_in_progress_sql_clause()
cursor.execute(sql_query, (notebook_id, laboratory_id))
if cursor.fetchone()[0] > 0:
return 'in_progress'
return None
def search_state(cls, name, domain=None):
if domain[2] == 'complete':
notebooks_ids = cls._get_notebooks_complete()
return [('id', 'in', notebooks_ids)]
if domain[2] == 'in_progress':
notebooks_ids = cls._get_notebooks_in_progress()
return [('id', 'in', notebooks_ids)]
return [('id', '=', -1)]
def _get_notebooks_complete(cls):
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
pool = Pool()
ResultsLine = pool.get('lims.results_report.version.detail.line')
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
Notebook = pool.get('lims.notebook')
Fraction = pool.get('lims.fraction')
FractionType = pool.get('lims.fraction.type')
EntryDetailAnalysis = pool.get('lims.entry.detail.analysis')
laboratory_id = Transaction().context.get(
'samples_pending_reporting_laboratory', None)
if not laboratory_id:
return []
draft_lines_ids = []
draft_lines = ResultsLine.search([
('detail_sample.version_detail.laboratory', '=', laboratory_id),
('detail_sample.version_detail.state', 'in', ['draft', 'revised']),
('detail_sample.version_detail.type', '!=', 'preliminary'),
if draft_lines:
draft_lines_ids = [dl.notebook_line.id for dl in draft_lines]
draft_lines_ids = ', '.join(str(l) for l in [0] + draft_lines_ids)
sql_query = ('SELECT nl.notebook '
'FROM "' + NotebookLine._table + '" nl '
'INNER JOIN "' + Notebook._table + '" n '
'ON n.id = nl.notebook '
'INNER JOIN "' + Fraction._table + '" f '
'ON f.id = n.fraction '
'INNER JOIN "' + FractionType._table + '" ft '
'ON ft.id = f.type '
'WHERE nl.laboratory = %s '
'AND ft.report = TRUE '
'AND nl.report = TRUE '
'AND nl.annulled = FALSE '
'AND nl.results_report IS NULL '
'AND nl.accepted = TRUE '
'AND nl.id NOT IN (' + draft_lines_ids + ') ')
cursor.execute(sql_query, (laboratory_id,))
notebooks_ids = [x[0] for x in cursor.fetchall()]
excluded_notebooks = cls._get_excluded_notebooks(notebooks_ids,
if excluded_notebooks:
for n_id, grouper in excluded_notebooks:
cursor.execute('SELECT nl.id '
'FROM "' + NotebookLine._table + '" nl '
'INNER JOIN "' + EntryDetailAnalysis._table + '" d '
'ON d.id = nl.analysis_detail '
'WHERE nl.notebook = %s AND d.report_grouper = %s',
(n_id, grouper))
excluded_lines = [x[0] for x in cursor.fetchall()]
excluded_lines_ids = ', '.join(str(l)
for l in [0] + excluded_lines)
sql_query += 'AND nl.id NOT IN (' + excluded_lines_ids + ') '
cursor.execute(sql_query, (laboratory_id,))
notebooks_ids = [x[0] for x in cursor.fetchall()]
return notebooks_ids
def _get_excluded_notebooks(cls, notebooks_ids, laboratory_id):
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
pool = Pool()
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
EntryDetailAnalysis = pool.get('lims.entry.detail.analysis')
Notebook = pool.get('lims.notebook')
Fraction = pool.get('lims.fraction')
Sample = pool.get('lims.sample')
Entry = pool.get('lims.entry')
FractionType = pool.get('lims.fraction.type')
notebooks_ids = '\', \''.join(str(n) for n in notebooks_ids + [0])
cursor.execute('SELECT nl.notebook, nl.analysis, nl.accepted, '
'd.report_grouper '
'FROM "' + NotebookLine._table + '" nl '
'INNER JOIN "' + EntryDetailAnalysis._table + '" d '
'ON d.id = nl.analysis_detail '
'INNER JOIN "' + Notebook._table + '" n '
'ON n.id = nl.notebook '
'INNER JOIN "' + Fraction._table + '" f '
'ON f.id = n.fraction '
'INNER JOIN "' + Sample._table + '" s '
'ON s.id = f.sample '
'INNER JOIN "' + Entry._table + '" e '
'ON e.id = s.entry '
'INNER JOIN "' + FractionType._table + '" ft '
'ON ft.id = f.type '
'WHERE nl.laboratory = %s '
'AND ft.report = TRUE '
'AND nl.report = TRUE '
'AND nl.annulled = FALSE '
'AND n.id IN (\'' + notebooks_ids + '\')',
notebook_lines = cursor.fetchall()
# Check accepted repetitions
to_check = []
oks = []
accepted_notebooks = []
for line in notebook_lines:
key = (line[0], line[1], line[3])
if not line[2]:
to_check = list(set(to_check) - set(oks))
accepted_notebooks = list(set(accepted_notebooks))
excluded_notebooks = set()
for n_id, a_id, grouper in to_check:
if n_id not in accepted_notebooks:
key = (n_id, grouper)
return excluded_notebooks
def _get_notebooks_in_progress(cls):
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
pool = Pool()
ResultsLine = pool.get('lims.results_report.version.detail.line')
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
Notebook = pool.get('lims.notebook')
Fraction = pool.get('lims.fraction')
FractionType = pool.get('lims.fraction.type')
laboratory_id = Transaction().context.get(
'samples_pending_reporting_laboratory', None)
if not laboratory_id:
return []
draft_lines_ids = []
draft_lines = ResultsLine.search([
('detail_sample.version_detail.laboratory', '=', laboratory_id),
('detail_sample.version_detail.state', 'in', ['draft', 'revised']),
('detail_sample.version_detail.type', '!=', 'preliminary'),
if draft_lines:
draft_lines_ids = [dl.notebook_line.id for dl in draft_lines]
draft_lines_ids = ', '.join(str(l) for l in [0] + draft_lines_ids)
sql_query = ('SELECT nl.notebook '
'FROM "' + NotebookLine._table + '" nl '
'INNER JOIN "' + Notebook._table + '" n '
'ON n.id = nl.notebook '
'INNER JOIN "' + Fraction._table + '" f '
'ON f.id = n.fraction '
'INNER JOIN "' + FractionType._table + '" ft '
'ON ft.id = f.type '
'WHERE nl.laboratory = %s '
'AND ft.report = TRUE '
'AND nl.report = TRUE '
'AND nl.annulled = FALSE '
'AND nl.results_report IS NULL '
'AND nl.id NOT IN (' + draft_lines_ids + ') ')
sql_query += cls._get_samples_in_progress_sql_clause()
cursor.execute(sql_query, (laboratory_id,))
notebooks_ids = [x[0] for x in cursor.fetchall()]
return notebooks_ids
def _get_samples_in_progress_clause(cls):
Config = Pool().get('lims.configuration')
samples_in_progress = Config(1).samples_in_progress
clause = []
if samples_in_progress == 'accepted':
clause = [('accepted', '=', True)]
elif samples_in_progress == 'result':
clause = [['OR',
('result', 'not in', [None, '']),
('literal_result', 'not in', [None, '']),
('result_modifier', 'in', [
'd', 'nd', 'pos', 'neg', 'ni', 'abs', 'pre', 'na']),
return clause
def _get_samples_in_progress_sql_clause(cls):
Config = Pool().get('lims.configuration')
samples_in_progress = Config(1).samples_in_progress
sql_clause = ''
if samples_in_progress == 'accepted':
sql_clause = 'AND nl.accepted = TRUE '
elif samples_in_progress == 'result':
sql_clause = ('AND (nl.result IS NOT NULL '
'OR nl.literal_result IS NOT NULL '
'OR nl.result_modifier IN '
'(\'d\', \'nd\', \'pos\', \'neg\', '
'\'ni\', \'abs\', \'pre\', \'na\')) ')
return sql_clause
def view_toolbar_get(cls):
if not Transaction().context.get('samples_pending_reporting', False):
return super().view_toolbar_get()
# Samples Pending Reporting uses specific keywords
prints = cls.get_samples_pending_reporting_keyword('form_print')
actions = cls.get_samples_pending_reporting_keyword('form_action')
relates = cls.get_samples_pending_reporting_keyword('form_relate')
result = {
'print': prints,
'action': actions,
'relate': relates,
'exports': [],
return result
def get_samples_pending_reporting_keyword(cls, keyword):
Method copied from ActionKeyword. It search for specific keywords
for Samples Pending Reporting: lims.notebook,-2
pool = Pool()
ActionKeyword = pool.get('ir.action.keyword')
Action = pool.get('ir.action')
key = (keyword, ('lims.notebook', -2))
keywords = ActionKeyword._get_keyword_cache.get(key)
if keywords is not None:
return keywords
clause = [
('keyword', '=', keyword),
('model', '=', 'lims.notebook,-2'),
('action.active', '=', True),
action_keywords = ActionKeyword.search(clause, order=[])
types = defaultdict(list)
for action_keyword in action_keywords:
type_ = action_keyword.action.type
keywords = []
for type_, action_ids in types.items():
for value in Action.get_action_values(type_, action_ids):
value['keyword'] = keyword
ActionKeyword._get_keyword_cache.set(key, keywords)
return keywords
def get_lines_pending_reporting(self, name=None):
laboratory_id = Transaction().context.get(
'samples_pending_reporting_laboratory', None)
if not laboratory_id:
return []
lines = self._get_lines_for_reporting(laboratory_id, 'complete')
return [l.id for l in lines]
def _get_lines_for_reporting(self, laboratory_id, state):
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
pool = Pool()
ResultsLine = pool.get('lims.results_report.version.detail.line')
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
EntryDetailAnalysis = pool.get('lims.entry.detail.analysis')
draft_lines_ids = []
draft_lines = ResultsLine.search([
('detail_sample.notebook', '=', self.id),
('detail_sample.version_detail.laboratory', '=', laboratory_id),
('detail_sample.version_detail.state', 'in', ['draft', 'revised']),
('detail_sample.version_detail.type', '!=', 'preliminary'),
if draft_lines:
draft_lines_ids = [dl.notebook_line.id for dl in draft_lines]
clause = [
('notebook', '=', self.id),
('laboratory', '=', laboratory_id),
('notebook.fraction.type.report', '=', True),
('report', '=', True),
('annulled', '=', False),
('results_report', '=', None),
('id', 'not in', draft_lines_ids),
if state == 'in_progress':
clause.append(('accepted', '=', True))
excluded_notebooks = self._get_excluded_notebooks(
[self.id], laboratory_id)
if excluded_notebooks:
for n_id, grouper in excluded_notebooks:
cursor.execute('SELECT nl.id '
'FROM "' + NotebookLine._table + '" nl '
'INNER JOIN "' + EntryDetailAnalysis._table + '" d '
'ON d.id = nl.analysis_detail '
'WHERE nl.notebook = %s AND d.report_grouper = %s',
(n_id, grouper))
excluded_notebook_lines = [x[0] for x in cursor.fetchall()]
clause.append(('id', 'not in', excluded_notebook_lines))
return NotebookLine.search(clause)
def get_acceptance_pending(cls, notebooks, name=None):
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
pool = Pool()
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
Fraction = pool.get('lims.fraction')
FractionType = pool.get('lims.fraction.type')
result = {}
for n in notebooks:
result[n.id] = False
cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) '
'FROM "' + NotebookLine._table + '" nl '
'INNER JOIN "' + cls._table + '" n '
'ON n.id = nl.notebook '
'INNER JOIN "' + Fraction._table + '" f '
'ON f.id = n.fraction '
'INNER JOIN "' + FractionType._table + '" ft '
'ON ft.id = f.type '
'WHERE ft.report = TRUE '
'AND nl.report = TRUE '
'AND nl.annulled = FALSE '
'AND nl.accepted = FALSE '
'AND (nl.result IS NOT NULL '
'OR nl.literal_result IS NOT NULL '
'OR nl.result_modifier IN '
'(\'d\', \'nd\', \'pos\', \'neg\', '
'\'ni\', \'abs\', \'pre\', \'na\')) '
'AND nl.notebook = %s',
if cursor.fetchone()[0] > 0:
result[n.id] = True
return result
def search_acceptance_pending(cls, name, domain=None):
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
pool = Pool()
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
Fraction = pool.get('lims.fraction')
FractionType = pool.get('lims.fraction.type')
cursor.execute('SELECT nl.notebook '
'FROM "' + NotebookLine._table + '" nl '
'INNER JOIN "' + cls._table + '" n '
'ON n.id = nl.notebook '
'INNER JOIN "' + Fraction._table + '" f '
'ON f.id = n.fraction '
'INNER JOIN "' + FractionType._table + '" ft '
'ON ft.id = f.type '
'WHERE ft.report = TRUE '
'AND nl.report = TRUE '
'AND nl.annulled = FALSE '
'AND nl.accepted = FALSE '
'AND (nl.result IS NOT NULL '
'OR nl.literal_result IS NOT NULL '
'OR nl.result_modifier IN '
'(\'d\', \'nd\', \'pos\', \'neg\', '
'\'ni\', \'abs\', \'pre\', \'na\'))')
notebooks_ids = [x[0] for x in cursor.fetchall()]
field, op, operand = domain
if (op, operand) in (('=', True), ('!=', False)):
return [('id', 'in', notebooks_ids)]
elif (op, operand) in (('=', False), ('!=', True)):
return [('id', 'not in', notebooks_ids)]
return []
def get_urgent(cls, notebooks, name):
pool = Pool()
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
result = {}
for n in notebooks:
lines = NotebookLine.search_count([
('notebook', '=', n.id),
('urgent', '=', True),
result[n.id] = True if lines > 0 else False
return result
def search_urgent(cls, name, clause):
field, op, operand = clause
if (op, operand) in (('=', True), ('!=', False)):
return [('lines.urgent', '=', True)]
elif (op, operand) in (('=', False), ('!=', True)):
urgents = cls.search([('lines.urgent', '=', True)])
return [('id', 'not in', [u.id for u in urgents])]
return []
class NotebookLine(ModelSQL, ModelView):
'Laboratory Notebook Line'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.line'
_states = {'readonly': Bool(Eval('accepted'))}
_depends = ['accepted']
notebook = fields.Many2One('lims.notebook', 'Laboratory notebook',
ondelete='CASCADE', select=True, required=True)
analysis_detail = fields.Many2One('lims.entry.detail.analysis',
'Analysis detail', select=True)
service = fields.Many2One('lims.service', 'Service', readonly=True,
ondelete='CASCADE', select=True)
analysis = fields.Many2One('lims.analysis', 'Analysis', required=True,
readonly=True, select=True)
repetition = fields.Integer('Repetition', readonly=True)
start_date = fields.Date('Start date', states={'readonly': True},
end_date = fields.Date('End date', states={
'readonly': Or(~Bool(Eval('start_date')), Bool(Eval('accepted'))),
}, depends=['start_date', 'accepted'])
laboratory = fields.Many2One('lims.laboratory', 'Laboratory',
readonly=True, select=True)
method = fields.Many2One('lims.lab.method', 'Method',
required=True, domain=['OR', ('id', '=', Eval('method')),
('id', 'in', Eval('method_domain'))],
method_view = fields.Function(fields.Many2One('lims.lab.method',
'Method'), 'get_views_field')
method_domain = fields.Function(fields.Many2Many('lims.lab.method',
None, None, 'Method domain'),
device = fields.Many2One('lims.lab.device', 'Device',
domain=['OR', ('id', '=', Eval('device')),
('id', 'in', Eval('device_domain'))],
device_view = fields.Function(fields.Many2One('lims.lab.device',
'Device'), 'get_views_field')
device_domain = fields.Function(fields.Many2Many('lims.lab.device',
None, None, 'Device domain'), 'on_change_with_device_domain')
analysis_origin = fields.Char('Analysis origin', readonly=True)
initial_concentration = fields.Char('Initial concentration')
final_concentration = fields.Char('Final concentration')
laboratory_professionals = fields.Many2Many(
'lims.notebook.line-laboratory.professional', 'notebook_line',
'professional', 'Preparation professionals')
initial_unit = fields.Many2One('product.uom', 'Initial unit',
domain=[('category.lims_only_available', '=', True)],
states=_states, depends=_depends)
final_unit = fields.Many2One('product.uom', 'Final unit',
domain=[('category.lims_only_available', '=', True)],
states=_states, depends=_depends)
result_modifier = fields.Selection([
('eq', '='),
('low', '<'),
('d', 'Detected'),
('nd', 'nd'),
('na', 'na'),
('pos', 'Positive'),
('neg', 'Negative'),
('ni', 'ni'),
('abs', 'Absence'),
('pre', 'Presence'),
], 'Result modifier', sort=False,
states=_states, depends=_depends)
result_modifier_string = result_modifier.translated('result_modifier')
converted_result_modifier = fields.Selection([
('eq', '='),
('low', '<'),
('nd', 'nd'),
('pos', 'Positive'),
('neg', 'Negative'),
('ni', 'ni'),
], 'Converted result modifier', sort=False,
states=_states, depends=_depends)
converted_result_modifier_string = converted_result_modifier.translated(
result = fields.Char('Result',
states=_states, depends=_depends)
converted_result = fields.Char('Converted result',
states=_states, depends=_depends)
detection_limit = fields.Char('Detection limit',
states=_states, depends=_depends)
quantification_limit = fields.Char('Quantification limit',
states=_states, depends=_depends)
lower_limit = fields.Char('Lower limit allowed',
states=_states, depends=_depends)
upper_limit = fields.Char('Upper limit allowed',
states=_states, depends=_depends)
check_result_limits = fields.Function(fields.Boolean(
'Validate limits directly on the result'), 'get_typification_field')
chromatogram = fields.Char('Chromatogram')
professionals = fields.One2Many('lims.notebook.line.professional',
'notebook_line', 'Analytic professionals')
comments = fields.Text('Entry comments')
theoretical_concentration = fields.Char('Theoretical concentration')
concentration_level = fields.Many2One('lims.concentration.level',
'Concentration level')
decimals = fields.Integer('Decimals')
significant_digits = fields.Integer('Significant digits')
backup = fields.Char('Backup')
reference = fields.Char('Reference')
literal_result = fields.Char('Literal result', translate=True,
states=_states, depends=_depends)
rm_correction_formula = fields.Char('RM Correction Formula')
report = fields.Boolean('Report')
uncertainty = fields.Char('Uncertainty')
verification = fields.Char('Verification')
analysis_order = fields.Function(fields.Integer('Order'),
dilution_factor = fields.Float('Dilution factor')
accepted = fields.Boolean('Accepted', select=True)
acceptance_date = fields.DateTime('Acceptance date',
states={'readonly': True})
not_accepted_message = fields.Text('Message', readonly=True,
states={'invisible': Not(Bool(Eval('not_accepted_message')))})
annulled = fields.Boolean('Annulled', states={'readonly': True},
annulment_date = fields.DateTime('Annulment date',
states={'readonly': True})
results_report = fields.Many2One('lims.results_report', 'Results Report',
readonly=True, select=True)
planification = fields.Many2One('lims.planification', 'Planification',
urgent = fields.Boolean('Urgent')
priority = fields.Function(fields.Integer('Priority'),
'get_service_field', searcher='search_service_field')
fraction = fields.Function(fields.Many2One('lims.fraction', 'Fraction'),
'get_service_field', searcher='search_service_field')
fraction_type = fields.Function(fields.Many2One('lims.fraction.type',
'Fraction type'), 'get_fraction_field',
sample = fields.Function(fields.Many2One('lims.sample', 'Sample'),
'get_fraction_field', searcher='search_fraction_field')
party = fields.Function(fields.Many2One('party.party', 'Party'),
'get_fraction_field', searcher='search_fraction_field')
product_type = fields.Function(fields.Many2One('lims.product.type',
'Product type'), 'get_sample_field', searcher='search_sample_field')
matrix = fields.Function(fields.Many2One('lims.matrix', 'Matrix'),
'get_sample_field', searcher='search_sample_field')
label = fields.Function(fields.Char('Label'), 'get_sample_field',
date = fields.Function(fields.DateTime('Date'), 'get_sample_field',
date2 = fields.Function(fields.Date('Date'), 'get_sample_field',
report_type = fields.Function(fields.Char('Report type'),
'get_typification_field', searcher='search_typification_field')
report_result_type = fields.Function(fields.Char('Result type'),
'get_typification_field', searcher='search_typification_field')
results_estimated_waiting = fields.Integer(
'Estimated number of days for results', states={'readonly': True})
results_estimated_date = fields.Function(fields.Date(
'Estimated date of result'), 'get_results_estimated_date')
laboratory_date = fields.Function(fields.Date('Laboratory deadline'),
'get_service_field', searcher='search_service_field')
report_date = fields.Function(fields.Date('Date agreed for result'),
'get_service_field', searcher='search_service_field')
department = fields.Many2One('company.department', 'Department',
icon = fields.Function(fields.Char("Icon"), 'get_icon')
planning_comments = fields.Function(fields.Text('Planification comments'),
controls = fields.Many2Many('lims.notebook.line-fraction',
'notebook_line', 'fraction', 'Controls')
referral = fields.Function(fields.Many2One('lims.referral', 'Referral'),
'get_detail_field', searcher='search_detail_field')
del _states, _depends
def __register__(cls, module_name):
table_h = cls.__table_handler__(module_name)
urgent_exist = table_h.column_exist('urgent')
if not urgent_exist:
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
Service = Pool().get('lims.service')
cursor.execute('UPDATE "' + cls._table + '" nl '
'SET urgent = srv.urgent FROM '
'"' + Service._table + '" srv '
'WHERE srv.id = nl.service')
def __setup__(cls):
cls._order.insert(0, ('analysis_order', 'ASC'))
cls._order.insert(1, ('repetition', 'ASC'))
def default_repetition():
return 0
def default_result_modifier():
return 'eq'
def default_converted_result_modifier():
return 'eq'
def default_decimals():
return 2
def default_report():
return True
def default_dilution_factor():
return 1.0
def default_accepted():
return False
def default_annulled():
return False
def create(cls, vlist):
lines = super().create(vlist)
return lines
def write(cls, *args):
Sample = Pool().get('lims.sample')
actions = iter(args)
for lines, vals in zip(actions, actions):
if vals.get('not_accepted_message'):
cls.write(lines, {'not_accepted_message': None})
if 'accepted' in vals:
cls.update_detail_analysis(lines, vals['accepted'])
if 'report' in vals:
change_dates = False
for field in ('start_date', 'end_date', 'acceptance_date'):
if field in vals:
change_dates = True
if change_dates:
sample_ids = list(set(nl.sample.id for nl in lines))
def update_detail_analysis(lines, accepted):
EntryDetailAnalysis = Pool().get('lims.entry.detail.analysis')
details = [nl.analysis_detail.id for nl in lines]
if accepted:
analysis_details = EntryDetailAnalysis.search([
('id', 'in', details),
if analysis_details:
EntryDetailAnalysis.write(analysis_details, {
'state': 'done',
analysis_details = EntryDetailAnalysis.search([
('id', 'in', details),
('analysis.behavior', '!=', 'internal_relation'),
if analysis_details:
EntryDetailAnalysis.write(analysis_details, {
'state': 'planned',
analysis_details = EntryDetailAnalysis.search([
('id', 'in', details),
('analysis.behavior', '=', 'internal_relation'),
if analysis_details:
EntryDetailAnalysis.write(analysis_details, {
'state': 'unplanned',
def update_detail_report(lines):
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
pool = Pool()
EntryDetailAnalysis = pool.get('lims.entry.detail.analysis')
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
to_save = []
details_ids = list(set(nl.analysis_detail.id for nl in lines))
with Transaction().set_context(_check_access=False):
analysis_details = EntryDetailAnalysis.browse(details_ids)
for d in analysis_details:
cursor.execute('SELECT report '
'FROM "' + NotebookLine._table + '" '
'WHERE analysis_detail = %s '
value = cursor.fetchone()
d.report = value[0] if value else False
def validate(cls, notebook_lines):
for line in notebook_lines:
def check_end_date(self):
if self.end_date:
if not self.start_date or self.end_date < self.start_date:
raise UserError(gettext('lims.msg_line_end_date',
if not self.start_date or self.end_date > datetime.now().date():
raise UserError(gettext('lims.msg_end_date_wrong',
def check_accepted(self):
if self.accepted:
accepted_lines = self.search([
('notebook', '=', self.notebook.id),
('analysis', '=', self.analysis.id),
('accepted', '=', True),
('id', '!=', self.id),
if accepted_lines:
raise UserError(gettext('lims.msg_accepted',
def get_analysis_order(cls, notebook_lines, name):
result = {}
for nl in notebook_lines:
analysis = getattr(nl, 'analysis', None)
result[nl.id] = analysis.order if analysis else None
return result
def order_analysis_order(tables):
Analysis = Pool().get('lims.analysis')
field = Analysis._fields['order']
table, _ = tables[None]
analysis_tables = tables.get('analysis')
if analysis_tables is None:
analysis = Analysis.__table__()
analysis_tables = {
None: (analysis, analysis.id == table.analysis),
tables['analysis'] = analysis_tables
return field.convert_order('order', analysis_tables, Analysis)
def get_views_field(cls, notebook_lines, names):
result = {}
for name in names:
field_name = name[:-5]
result[name] = {}
for nl in notebook_lines:
field = getattr(nl, field_name, None)
result[name][nl.id] = field.id if field else None
return result
def get_detail_field(cls, notebook_lines, names):
result = {}
for name in names:
result[name] = {}
if cls._fields[name]._type == 'many2one':
for nl in notebook_lines:
field = getattr(nl.analysis_detail, name, None)
result[name][nl.id] = field.id if field else None
for nl in notebook_lines:
result[name][nl.id] = getattr(nl.analysis_detail,
name, None)
return result
def search_detail_field(cls, name, clause):
return [('analysis_detail.' + name,) + tuple(clause[1:])]
def get_service_field(cls, notebook_lines, names):
result = {}
for name in names:
result[name] = {}
if name == 'fraction':
for nl in notebook_lines:
field = getattr(nl.service, name, None)
result[name][nl.id] = field.id if field else None
for nl in notebook_lines:
result[name][nl.id] = getattr(nl.service, name, None)
return result
def search_service_field(cls, name, clause):
return [('service.' + name,) + tuple(clause[1:])]
def get_fraction_field(cls, notebook_lines, names):
result = {}
for name in names:
result[name] = {}
if name == 'fraction_type':
for nl in notebook_lines:
fraction = getattr(nl.service, 'fraction', None)
if fraction:
field = getattr(fraction, 'type', None)
result[name][nl.id] = field.id if field else None
result[name][nl.id] = None
for nl in notebook_lines:
fraction = getattr(nl.service, 'fraction', None)
if fraction:
field = getattr(fraction, name, None)
result[name][nl.id] = field.id if field else None
result[name][nl.id] = None
return result
def search_fraction_field(cls, name, clause):
if name == 'fraction_type':
name = 'type'
return [('service.fraction.' + name,) + tuple(clause[1:])]
def get_sample_field(cls, notebook_lines, names):
result = {}
for name in names:
result[name] = {}
for nl in notebook_lines:
result[name][nl.id] = None
fraction = getattr(nl.service, 'fraction', None)
if fraction:
sample = getattr(fraction, 'sample', None)
if sample:
field = getattr(fraction, name, None)
if name in ('label', 'date', 'date2'):
result[name][nl.id] = field
result[name][nl.id] = field.id if field else None
return result
def search_sample_field(cls, name, clause):
return [('service.fraction.sample.' + name,) + tuple(clause[1:])]
def get_rec_name(self, name):
rec_name = '%s / %s' % (self.notebook.rec_name, self.analysis.rec_name)
if self.repetition != 0:
rec_name += ' (%s)' % self.repetition
return rec_name
def search_rec_name(cls, name, clause):
return [('analysis',) + tuple(clause[1:])]
def fields_view_get(cls, view_id=None, view_type='form'):
pool = Pool()
User = pool.get('res.user')
Config = pool.get('lims.configuration')
UiView = pool.get('ir.ui.view')
result = super().fields_view_get(view_id=view_id,
# All Notebook Lines view
if view_id and UiView(view_id).name == 'notebook_line_all_list':
return result
notebook_view = User(Transaction().user).notebook_view
if not notebook_view:
notebook_view = Config(1).default_notebook_view
if not notebook_view:
return result
if view_type == 'tree':
xml = '<?xml version="1.0"?>\n' \
'<tree editable="1">\n'
fields = set()
for column in notebook_view.columns:
attrs = []
if column.field.name == 'analysis':
if column.field.name in ('acceptance_date', 'annulment_date'):
xml += ('<field name="%s" %s/>\n'
% (column.field.name, ' '.join(attrs)))
for depend in getattr(cls, column.field.name).depends:
for field in ('report_date', 'result', 'converted_result',
'result_modifier', 'converted_result_modifier',
'literal_result', 'backup', 'verification', 'uncertainty',
'accepted', 'acceptance_date', 'end_date', 'report',
'annulled', 'annulment_date', 'icon'):
xml += '</tree>'
result['arch'] = xml
result['fields'] = cls.fields_get(fields_names=list(fields))
return result
@fields.depends('result', 'converted_result', 'converted_result_modifier',
'backup', 'verification', 'uncertainty', 'end_date', 'start_date',
def on_change_result(self):
self.converted_result = None
self.converted_result_modifier = 'eq'
self.backup = None
self.verification = None
self.uncertainty = None
self.end_date = None
if self.analysis and self.analysis.behavior == 'internal_relation':
self.start_date = None
@fields.depends('accepted', 'report', 'annulled', 'result',
'converted_result', 'literal_result', 'result_modifier',
'converted_result_modifier', 'end_date', 'acceptance_date')
def on_change_accepted(self):
self.not_accepted_message = ''
if self.accepted:
if not self.report:
self.accepted = False
self.not_accepted_message = gettext('lims.msg_not_accepted_1')
elif self.annulled:
self.accepted = False
self.not_accepted_message = gettext('lims.msg_not_accepted_2')
elif not self.end_date:
self.accepted = False
self.not_accepted_message = gettext('lims.msg_not_accepted_3')
elif not (self.result or self.converted_result or
self.literal_result or
self.result_modifier in
('d', 'nd', 'pos', 'neg', 'ni', 'abs', 'pre') or
self.converted_result_modifier in
('d', 'nd', 'pos', 'neg', 'ni', 'abs', 'pre')):
self.accepted = False
self.not_accepted_message = gettext('lims.msg_not_accepted_4')
if (self.converted_result and self.converted_result_modifier
not in ('ni', 'eq', 'low')):
self.accepted = False
self.not_accepted_message = gettext(
elif (self.result and self.result_modifier
not in ('ni', 'eq', 'low')):
self.accepted = False
self.not_accepted_message = gettext(
elif (self.result_modifier == 'ni' and
not self.literal_result and
(not self.converted_result_modifier or
not self.converted_result) and
self.converted_result_modifier != 'nd'):
self.accepted = False
self.not_accepted_message = gettext(
self.acceptance_date = datetime.now()
ResultsLine = Pool().get('lims.results_report.version.detail.line')
report_lines = ResultsLine.search([
('notebook_line', '=', self.id),
('detail_sample.version_detail.state', '!=', 'annulled'),
if report_lines:
self.accepted = True
report_detail = report_lines[0].detail_sample.version_detail
self.not_accepted_message = gettext('lims.msg_accepted_1',
self.acceptance_date = None
@fields.depends('result_modifier', 'annulled', 'annulment_date', 'report')
def on_change_result_modifier(self):
if self.result_modifier == 'na' and not self.annulled:
self.annulled = True
self.annulment_date = datetime.now()
self.report = False
elif self.result_modifier != 'na' and self.annulled:
self.annulled = False
self.annulment_date = None
self.report = True
def get_typification_field(cls, notebook_lines, names):
Typification = Pool().get('lims.typification')
result = dict((name, {}) for name in names)
for nl in notebook_lines:
typifications = Typification.search([
('product_type', '=', nl.notebook.product_type.id),
('matrix', '=', nl.notebook.matrix.id),
('analysis', '=', nl.analysis.id),
('method', '=', nl.method.id),
('valid', '=', True),
typification = (typifications[0] if len(typifications) == 1
else None)
for name in names:
if typification:
result[name][nl.id] = getattr(typification, name, None)
if name == 'report_type':
result[name][nl.id] = 'normal'
elif name == 'report_result_type':
result[name][nl.id] = 'result'
elif name == 'check_result_limits':
result[name][nl.id] = False
result[name][nl.id] = None
return result
def search_typification_field(cls, name, clause):
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
pool = Pool()
Notebook = pool.get('lims.notebook')
Fraction = pool.get('lims.fraction')
Sample = pool.get('lims.sample')
Typification = pool.get('lims.typification')
operator_ = clause[1:2][0]
cursor.execute('SELECT nl.id '
'FROM "' + cls._table + '" nl '
'INNER JOIN "' + Notebook._table + '" n '
'ON nl.notebook = n.id '
'INNER JOIN "' + Fraction._table + '" f '
'ON n.fraction = f.id '
'INNER JOIN "' + Sample._table + '" s '
'ON f.sample = s.id '
'INNER JOIN "' + Typification._table + '" t '
'ON (nl.analysis = t.analysis AND nl.method = t.method '
'AND s.product_type = t.product_type AND t.matrix = t.matrix) '
'WHERE t.valid = TRUE '
'AND t.' + name + ' ' + operator_ + ' %s',
return [('id', 'in', [x[0] for x in cursor.fetchall()])]
@fields.depends('method', 'party',
def on_change_with_results_estimated_waiting(self, name=None):
LabMethodWaitingTime = Pool().get('lims.lab.method.results_waiting')
if self.method:
waiting_times = LabMethodWaitingTime.search([
('method', '=', self.method.id),
('party', '=', self.party.id),
if waiting_times:
return waiting_times[0].results_estimated_waiting
return self.method.results_estimated_waiting
return None
def get_results_estimated_date(cls, notebook_lines, name):
result = {}
for nl in notebook_lines:
result[nl.id] = None
detail = getattr(nl, 'analysis_detail', None)
if not detail:
confirmation_date = getattr(detail, 'confirmation_date', None)
if not confirmation_date:
estimated_waiting = getattr(nl, 'results_estimated_waiting', None)
if not estimated_waiting:
result[nl.id] = cls._get_results_estimated_date(confirmation_date,
return result
def _get_results_estimated_date(confirmation_date, estimated_waiting):
date = (confirmation_date +
return date
@fields.depends('analysis', '_parent_analysis.methods')
def on_change_with_method_domain(self, name=None):
methods = []
if self.analysis and self.analysis.methods:
methods = [m.id for m in self.analysis.methods]
return methods
@fields.depends('analysis', 'laboratory')
def on_change_with_device_domain(self, name=None):
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
AnalysisDevice = Pool().get('lims.analysis.device')
if not self.analysis or not self.laboratory:
return []
cursor.execute('SELECT DISTINCT(device) '
'FROM "' + AnalysisDevice._table + '" '
'WHERE active IS TRUE '
'AND analysis = %s '
'AND laboratory = %s',
(self.analysis.id, self.laboratory.id))
res = cursor.fetchall()
if not res:
return []
return [x[0] for x in res]
def get_icon(self, name):
if self.report_date:
return 'lims-red'
return 'lims-white'
def get_planning_comments(self, name=None):
if self.planification:
return self.planification.comments
return ''
def get_formated_result(self):
res = ''
result_modifier = self.result_modifier
if self.literal_result:
res = self.literal_result
res = self._format_result(self.result,
self.decimals, self.significant_digits)
if result_modifier == 'eq':
res = res
elif result_modifier == 'low':
res = gettext('lims.msg_quantification_limit', loq=res)
elif result_modifier == 'd':
res = gettext('lims.msg_d')
elif result_modifier == 'nd':
res = gettext('lims.msg_nd')
elif result_modifier == 'ni':
res = ''
elif result_modifier == 'pos':
res = gettext('lims.msg_pos')
elif result_modifier == 'neg':
res = gettext('lims.msg_neg')
elif result_modifier == 'pre':
res = gettext('lims.msg_pre')
elif result_modifier == 'abs':
res = gettext('lims.msg_abs')
res = result_modifier
return res
def get_formated_converted_result(self):
res = ''
result_modifier = self.converted_result_modifier
if not self.literal_result:
res = self._format_result(self.converted_result,
self.decimals, self.significant_digits)
if result_modifier == 'eq':
res = res
elif result_modifier == 'low':
res = gettext('lims.msg_quantification_limit', loq=res)
elif result_modifier == 'd':
res = gettext('lims.msg_d')
elif result_modifier == 'nd':
res = gettext('lims.msg_nd')
elif result_modifier == 'ni':
res = ''
elif result_modifier == 'pos':
res = gettext('lims.msg_pos')
elif result_modifier == 'neg':
res = gettext('lims.msg_neg')
elif result_modifier == 'pre':
res = gettext('lims.msg_pre')
elif result_modifier == 'abs':
res = gettext('lims.msg_abs')
res = result_modifier
return res
def _format_result(self, result, decimals, significant_digits=None):
res = ''
if not result:
return res
if significant_digits:
res = ("{0:.%ie}" % (significant_digits - 1)).format(
res = round(float(result), decimals)
if decimals == 0:
res = int(res)
res = str(res)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
return res
class NotebookLineAllFields(ModelSQL, ModelView):
'Laboratory Notebook Line'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.line.all_fields'
line = fields.Many2One('lims.notebook.line', 'Notebook Line')
fraction = fields.Many2One('lims.fraction', 'Fraction', readonly=True)
fraction_type = fields.Many2One('lims.fraction.type', 'Fraction type',
party = fields.Many2One('party.party', 'Party', readonly=True)
party_code = fields.Char('Party', readonly=True)
product_type = fields.Many2One('lims.product.type', 'Product type',
matrix = fields.Many2One('lims.matrix', 'Matrix', readonly=True)
label = fields.Char('Label', readonly=True)
date = fields.DateTime('Date', readonly=True)
analysis = fields.Many2One('lims.analysis', 'Analysis', readonly=True)
repetition = fields.Integer('Repetition', readonly=True)
start_date = fields.Date('Start date', readonly=True)
end_date = fields.Date('End date', readonly=True)
laboratory = fields.Many2One('lims.laboratory', 'Laboratory',
method = fields.Many2One('lims.lab.method', 'Method', readonly=True)
device = fields.Many2One('lims.lab.device', 'Device', readonly=True)
service = fields.Many2One('lims.service', 'Service', readonly=True)
analysis_origin = fields.Char('Analysis origin', readonly=True)
urgent = fields.Boolean('Urgent', readonly=True)
priority = fields.Integer('Priority', readonly=True)
initial_concentration = fields.Char('Initial concentration', readonly=True)
final_concentration = fields.Char('Final concentration', readonly=True)
laboratory_professionals = fields.Function(fields.Many2Many(
'lims.laboratory.professional', None, None,
'Preparation professionals'), 'get_line_field',
initial_unit = fields.Many2One('product.uom', 'Initial unit',
final_unit = fields.Many2One('product.uom', 'Final unit', readonly=True)
result_modifier = fields.Selection([
('eq', '='),
('low', '<'),
('d', 'Detected'),
('nd', 'nd'),
('na', 'na'),
('pos', 'Positive'),
('neg', 'Negative'),
('ni', 'ni'),
('abs', 'Absence'),
('pre', 'Presence'),
], 'Result modifier', readonly=True)
converted_result_modifier = fields.Selection([
('eq', '='),
('low', '<'),
('nd', 'nd'),
('pos', 'Positive'),
('neg', 'Negative'),
('ni', 'ni'),
], 'Converted result modifier', readonly=True)
result_modifier_string = result_modifier.translated('result_modifier')
converted_result_modifier_string = converted_result_modifier.translated(
result = fields.Char('Result', readonly=True)
converted_result = fields.Char('Converted result', readonly=True)
detection_limit = fields.Char('Detection limit', readonly=True)
quantification_limit = fields.Char('Quantification limit', readonly=True)
lower_limit = fields.Char('Lower limit allowed', readonly=True)
upper_limit = fields.Char('Upper limit allowed', readonly=True)
chromatogram = fields.Char('Chromatogram', readonly=True)
professionals = fields.Function(fields.One2Many(
'lims.notebook.line.professional', None,
'Analytic professionals'), 'get_line_field',
comments = fields.Text('Entry comments', readonly=True)
theoretical_concentration = fields.Char('Theoretical concentration',
concentration_level = fields.Many2One('lims.concentration.level',
'Concentration level', readonly=True)
decimals = fields.Integer('Decimals', readonly=True)
significant_digits = fields.Integer('Significant digits', readonly=True)
backup = fields.Char('Backup', readonly=True)
reference = fields.Char('Reference', readonly=True)
literal_result = fields.Char('Literal result', readonly=True)
rm_correction_formula = fields.Char('RM Correction Formula', readonly=True)
report = fields.Boolean('Report', readonly=True)
uncertainty = fields.Char('Uncertainty', readonly=True)
verification = fields.Char('Verification', readonly=True)
dilution_factor = fields.Float('Dilution factor', readonly=True)
accepted = fields.Boolean('Accepted', readonly=True)
acceptance_date = fields.DateTime('Acceptance date', readonly=True)
annulled = fields.Boolean('Annulled', readonly=True)
annulment_date = fields.DateTime('Annulment date', readonly=True)
results_report = fields.Many2One('lims.results_report', 'Results Report',
planification = fields.Many2One('lims.planification', 'Planification',
confirmation_date = fields.Date('Confirmation date', readonly=True)
results_estimated_waiting = fields.Integer(
'Estimated number of days for results', readonly=True)
results_estimated_date = fields.Function(fields.Date(
'Estimated date of result'), 'get_line_field')
laboratory_date = fields.Date('Laboratory deadline', readonly=True)
report_date = fields.Date('Date agreed for result', readonly=True)
department = fields.Many2One('company.department', 'Department',
referral = fields.Function(fields.Many2One('lims.referral', 'Referral'),
'get_line_field', searcher='search_line_field')
def __setup__(cls):
cls._order.insert(0, ('fraction', 'DESC'))
cls._order.insert(1, ('analysis', 'ASC'))
cls._order.insert(2, ('repetition', 'ASC'))
def table_query():
pool = Pool()
line = pool.get('lims.notebook.line').__table__()
detail = pool.get('lims.entry.detail.analysis').__table__()
service = pool.get('lims.service').__table__()
fraction = pool.get('lims.fraction').__table__()
sample = pool.get('lims.sample').__table__()
entry = pool.get('lims.entry').__table__()
party = pool.get('party.party').__table__()
join1 = Join(line, service)
join1.condition = join1.right.id == line.service
join2 = Join(join1, fraction)
join2.condition = join2.right.id == join1.right.fraction
join3 = Join(join2, sample)
join3.condition = join3.right.id == join2.right.sample
join4 = Join(join3, entry)
join4.condition = join4.right.id == join3.right.entry
join5 = Join(join4, party)
join5.condition = join5.right.id == join4.right.party
join6 = Join(join5, detail)
join6.condition = join6.right.id == join1.left.analysis_detail
columns = [
where = Literal(True)
return join6.select(*columns, where=where)
def get_line_field(cls, notebook_lines, names):
result = dict((name, {}) for name in names)
for nl in notebook_lines:
for name in names:
field = getattr(nl.line, name, None)
if isinstance(field, ModelSQL):
result[name][nl.id] = field.id if field else None
elif isinstance(field, tuple):
result[name][nl.id] = [f.id for f in field]
result[name][nl.id] = field
return result
def search_line_field(cls, name, clause):
return [('line.' + name,) + tuple(clause[1:])]
class NotebookLineLaboratoryProfessional(ModelSQL):
'Laboratory Notebook Line - Laboratory Professional'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.line-laboratory.professional'
notebook_line = fields.Many2One('lims.notebook.line', 'Notebook Line',
ondelete='CASCADE', select=True, required=True)
professional = fields.Many2One('lims.laboratory.professional',
'Laboratory professional', ondelete='CASCADE', select=True,
class NotebookLineProfessional(ModelSQL, ModelView):
'Laboratory Notebook Line Professional'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.line.professional'
notebook_line = fields.Many2One('lims.notebook.line', 'Notebook Line',
ondelete='CASCADE', select=True, required=True)
professional = fields.Many2One('lims.laboratory.professional',
'Laboratory professional', required=True)
class NotebookInitialConcentrationCalcStart(ModelView):
'Initial Concentration Calculation'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.initial_concentration_calc.start'
class NotebookInitialConcentrationCalc(Wizard):
'Initial Concentration Calculation'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.initial_concentration_calc'
start_state = 'ok'
start = StateView('lims.notebook.initial_concentration_calc.start',
'lims.lims_notebook_initial_concentration_calc_view_form', [
Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'),
Button('Ok', 'ok', 'tryton-ok', default=True),
ok = StateTransition()
def transition_ok(self):
Notebook = Pool().get('lims.notebook')
for active_id in Transaction().context['active_ids']:
notebook = Notebook(active_id)
if not notebook.lines:
return 'end'
def lines_initial_concentration_calc(self, notebook_lines):
NotebookLine = Pool().get('lims.notebook.line')
lines_to_save = []
for notebook_line in notebook_lines:
if notebook_line.accepted:
ic = notebook_line.initial_concentration
if not ic:
if ic[0] == 'A':
analysis_code = ic[1:]
result = self._get_analysis_result(analysis_code,
if result is not None:
notebook_line.initial_concentration = str(result)
elif ic[0] == 'R':
analysis_code = ic[1:]
result = self._get_relation_result(analysis_code,
if result is not None:
notebook_line.initial_concentration = str(result)
if lines_to_save:
def _get_analysis_result(self, analysis_code, notebook, round_=False):
NotebookLine = Pool().get('lims.notebook.line')
with Transaction().set_user(0):
notebook_lines = NotebookLine.search([
('notebook', '=', notebook.id),
('analysis.code', '=', analysis_code),
('annulment_date', '=', None),
if not notebook_lines:
return None
res = float(notebook_lines[0].result)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
return None
if not round_:
return res
return round(res, notebook_lines[0].decimals)
def _get_relation_result(self, analysis_code, notebook, round_=False):
pool = Pool()
Analysis = pool.get('lims.analysis')
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
internal_relations = Analysis.search([
('code', '=', analysis_code),
if not internal_relations:
return None
formula = internal_relations[0].result_formula
if not formula:
return None
for i in (' ', '\t', '\n', '\r'):
formula = formula.replace(i, '')
variables = self._get_variables(formula, notebook)
if not variables:
return None
parser = FormulaParser(formula, variables)
value = parser.getValue()
if int(value) == value:
res = int(value)
epsilon = 0.0000000001
if int(value + epsilon) != int(value):
res = int(value + epsilon)
elif int(value - epsilon) != int(value):
res = int(value)
res = float(value)
if not round_:
return res
with Transaction().set_user(0):
notebook_lines = NotebookLine.search([
('notebook', '=', notebook.id),
('analysis.code', '=', analysis_code),
('repetition', '=', 0),
('annulment_date', '=', None),
if not notebook_lines:
return None
return round(res, notebook_lines[0].decimals)
def _get_variables(self, formula, notebook):
VolumeConversion = Pool().get('lims.volume.conversion')
variables = {}
for prefix in ('A', 'D', 'T', 'Y', 'R'):
while True:
idx = formula.find(prefix)
if idx >= 0:
var = formula[idx:idx + 5]
variables[var] = None
formula = formula.replace(var, '_')
for var in variables.keys():
if var[0] == 'A':
analysis_code = var[1:]
result = self._get_analysis_result(analysis_code, notebook,
if result is not None:
variables[var] = result
elif var[0] == 'D':
analysis_code = var[1:]
result = self._get_analysis_result(analysis_code, notebook,
if result is not None:
result = VolumeConversion.brixToDensity(result)
if result is not None:
variables[var] = result
elif var[0] == 'T':
analysis_code = var[1:]
result = self._get_analysis_result(analysis_code, notebook,
if result is not None:
result = VolumeConversion.brixToSolubleSolids(result)
if result is not None:
variables[var] = result
elif var[0] == 'R':
analysis_code = var[1:]
result = self._get_relation_result(analysis_code, notebook,
if result is not None:
result = VolumeConversion.brixToSolubleSolids(result)
if result is not None:
variables[var] = result
elif var[0] == 'Y':
analysis_code = var[1:]
result = self._get_relation_result(analysis_code, notebook,
if result is not None:
result = VolumeConversion.brixToDensity(result)
if result is not None:
variables[var] = result
for var in variables.values():
if var is None:
return None
return variables
def end(self):
return 'reload'
class NotebookLineInitialConcentrationCalc(NotebookInitialConcentrationCalc):
'Initial Concentration Calculation'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook_line.initial_concentration_calc'
def transition_ok(self):
NotebookLine = Pool().get('lims.notebook.line')
notebook_lines = NotebookLine.browse(
if not notebook_lines:
return 'end'
return 'end'
class NotebookResultsConversionStart(ModelView):
'Results Conversion'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.results_conversion.start'
class NotebookResultsConversion(Wizard):
'Results Conversion'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.results_conversion'
start_state = 'ok'
start = StateView('lims.notebook.results_conversion.start',
'lims.lims_notebook_results_conversion_view_form', [
Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'),
Button('Ok', 'ok', 'tryton-ok', default=True),
ok = StateTransition()
def transition_ok(self):
Notebook = Pool().get('lims.notebook')
for active_id in Transaction().context['active_ids']:
notebook = Notebook(active_id)
if not notebook.lines:
return 'end'
def lines_results_conversion(self, notebook_lines):
pool = Pool()
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
UomConversion = pool.get('lims.uom.conversion')
VolumeConversion = pool.get('lims.volume.conversion')
lines_to_save = []
for notebook_line in notebook_lines:
if notebook_line.accepted:
if (notebook_line.converted_result or not notebook_line.result or
notebook_line.result_modifier != 'eq'):
iu = notebook_line.initial_unit
if not iu:
fu = notebook_line.final_unit
if not fu:
ic = float(notebook_line.initial_concentration)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
fc = float(notebook_line.final_concentration)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
result = float(notebook_line.result)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
if (iu == fu and ic == fc):
converted_result = result
notebook_line.converted_result = str(converted_result)
notebook_line.converted_result_modifier = 'eq'
elif (iu != fu and ic == fc):
formula = UomConversion.get_conversion_formula(iu, fu)
if not formula:
variables = self._get_variables(formula, notebook_line)
parser = FormulaParser(formula, variables)
formula_result = parser.getValue()
converted_result = result * formula_result
notebook_line.converted_result = str(converted_result)
notebook_line.converted_result_modifier = 'eq'
elif (iu == fu and ic != fc):
converted_result = result * (fc / ic)
notebook_line.converted_result = str(converted_result)
notebook_line.converted_result_modifier = 'eq'
formula = None
conversions = UomConversion.search([
('initial_uom', '=', iu),
('final_uom', '=', fu),
if conversions:
formula = conversions[0].conversion_formula
if not formula:
initial_uom_volume = conversions[0].initial_uom_volume
final_uom_volume = conversions[0].final_uom_volume
variables = self._get_variables(formula, notebook_line,
initial_uom_volume, final_uom_volume)
parser = FormulaParser(formula, variables)
formula_result = parser.getValue()
if initial_uom_volume and final_uom_volume:
d_ic = VolumeConversion.brixToDensity(ic)
d_fc = VolumeConversion.brixToDensity(fc)
converted_result = (result * (fc / ic) * (d_fc / d_ic) *
notebook_line.converted_result = str(converted_result)
notebook_line.converted_result_modifier = 'eq'
converted_result = result * (fc / ic) * formula_result
notebook_line.converted_result = str(converted_result)
notebook_line.converted_result_modifier = 'eq'
if lines_to_save:
def _get_variables(self, formula, notebook_line,
initial_uom_volume=False, final_uom_volume=False):
VolumeConversion = Pool().get('lims.volume.conversion')
variables = {}
for var in ('DI',):
while True:
idx = formula.find(var)
if idx >= 0:
variables[var] = 0
formula = formula.replace(var, '_')
for var in variables.keys():
if var == 'DI':
if initial_uom_volume:
c = float(notebook_line.initial_concentration)
result = VolumeConversion.brixToDensity(c)
if result:
variables[var] = result
elif final_uom_volume:
c = float(notebook_line.final_concentration)
result = VolumeConversion.brixToDensity(c)
if result:
variables[var] = result
return variables
def end(self):
return 'reload'
class NotebookLineResultsConversion(NotebookResultsConversion):
'Results Conversion'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook_line.results_conversion'
def transition_ok(self):
NotebookLine = Pool().get('lims.notebook.line')
notebook_lines = NotebookLine.browse(
if not notebook_lines:
return 'end'
return 'end'
class NotebookLimitsValidationStart(ModelView):
'Limits Validation'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.limits_validation.start'
class NotebookLimitsValidation(Wizard):
'Limits Validation'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.limits_validation'
start_state = 'ok'
start = StateView('lims.notebook.limits_validation.start',
'lims.lims_notebook_limits_validation_view_form', [
Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'),
Button('Ok', 'ok', 'tryton-ok', default=True),
ok = StateTransition()
def transition_ok(self):
Notebook = Pool().get('lims.notebook')
for active_id in Transaction().context['active_ids']:
notebook = Notebook(active_id)
if not notebook.lines:
return 'end'
def lines_limits_validation(self, notebook_lines):
NotebookLine = Pool().get('lims.notebook.line')
lines_to_save = []
for notebook_line in notebook_lines:
if notebook_line.accepted:
dl = float(notebook_line.detection_limit)
ql = float(notebook_line.quantification_limit)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
ll = (notebook_line.lower_limit and
float(notebook_line.lower_limit) or None)
ul = (notebook_line.upper_limit and
float(notebook_line.upper_limit) or None)
if (notebook_line.result and (
notebook_line.check_result_limits or
not notebook_line.converted_result)):
if notebook_line.result_modifier != 'eq':
value = float(notebook_line.result)
except ValueError:
if (ll and value < ll) or (ul and value > ul):
raise UserError(gettext('lims.msg_error_limits_allowed',
if dl < value and value < ql:
notebook_line.result = str(ql)
notebook_line.result_modifier = 'low'
notebook_line.converted_result = None
notebook_line.converted_result_modifier = 'eq'
notebook_line.rm_correction_formula = None
elif value < dl:
notebook_line.result = None
notebook_line.result_modifier = 'nd'
notebook_line.converted_result = None
notebook_line.converted_result_modifier = 'eq'
notebook_line.rm_correction_formula = None
elif value == dl:
notebook_line.result = str(ql)
notebook_line.result_modifier = 'low'
notebook_line.converted_result = None
notebook_line.converted_result_modifier = 'eq'
notebook_line.rm_correction_formula = None
notebook_line.backup = str(value)
elif notebook_line.converted_result:
if notebook_line.converted_result_modifier != 'eq':
value = float(notebook_line.converted_result)
except ValueError:
if (ll and value < ll) or (ul and value > ul):
raise UserError(gettext('lims.msg_error_limits_allowed',
if dl < value and value < ql:
notebook_line.converted_result = str(ql)
notebook_line.converted_result_modifier = 'low'
notebook_line.result_modifier = 'ni'
notebook_line.rm_correction_formula = None
elif value < dl:
notebook_line.converted_result = None
notebook_line.converted_result_modifier = 'nd'
notebook_line.result_modifier = 'ni'
notebook_line.rm_correction_formula = None
elif value == dl:
notebook_line.converted_result = str(ql)
notebook_line.converted_result_modifier = 'low'
notebook_line.result_modifier = 'ni'
notebook_line.rm_correction_formula = None
notebook_line.backup = str(value)
if lines_to_save:
def end(self):
return 'reload'
class NotebookLineLimitsValidation(NotebookLimitsValidation):
'Limits Validation'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook_line.limits_validation'
def transition_ok(self):
NotebookLine = Pool().get('lims.notebook.line')
notebook_lines = NotebookLine.browse(
if not notebook_lines:
return 'end'
return 'end'
class NotebookInternalRelationsCalc1Start(ModelView):
'Internal Relations Calculation'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.internal_relations_calc_1.start'
class NotebookInternalRelationsCalc1Relation(ModelSQL):
'Internal Relations Calculation'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.internal_relations_calc_1.relation'
_table = 'lims_notebook_internal_relations_c_1_rel'
notebook = fields.Many2One('lims.notebook', 'Laboratory notebook')
internal_relation = fields.Many2One('lims.analysis', 'Internal relation')
variables = fields.One2Many(
'lims.notebook.internal_relations_calc_1.variable', 'relation',
session_id = fields.Integer('Session ID')
def __register__(cls, module_name):
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
cursor.execute('DELETE FROM "' + cls._table + '"')
class NotebookInternalRelationsCalc1Variable(ModelSQL):
'Formula Variable'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.internal_relations_calc_1.variable'
relation = fields.Many2One(
'lims.notebook.internal_relations_calc_1.relation', 'Relation',
ondelete='CASCADE', readonly=True)
line = fields.Many2One('lims.notebook.line', 'Line')
analysis = fields.Many2One('lims.analysis', 'Analysis', readonly=True)
repetition = fields.Integer('Repetition', readonly=True)
use = fields.Boolean('Use')
class NotebookInternalRelationsCalc1(Wizard):
'Internal Relations Calculation'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.internal_relations_calc_1'
start_state = 'search'
start = StateView('lims.notebook.internal_relations_calc_1.start',
'lims.lims_notebook_internal_relations_calc_1_start_view_form', [
Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'),
Button('Search', 'search', 'tryton-forward', default=True),
search = StateTransition()
confirm = StateTransition()
def transition_search(self):
Notebook = Pool().get('lims.notebook')
notebook = Notebook(Transaction().context['active_id'])
if not notebook.lines:
return 'end'
if self.get_relations(notebook.lines):
return 'confirm'
return 'end'
def get_relations(self, notebook_lines):
NotebookInternalRelationsCalc1Relation = Pool().get(
relations = {}
for notebook_line in notebook_lines:
if notebook_line.accepted:
analysis_code = notebook_line.analysis.code
if (not analysis_code or notebook_line.analysis.behavior !=
if notebook_line.result or notebook_line.converted_result:
formulas = notebook_line.analysis.result_formula
formulas += ("+" +
for i in (' ', '\t', '\n', '\r'):
formulas = formulas.replace(i, '')
variables = self._get_variables_list(formulas,
notebook_line.notebook, {})
if not variables:
has_repetition_zero = False
for var in variables:
if var['use']:
has_repetition_zero = True
if not has_repetition_zero:
relations[notebook_line.analysis.id] = {
'notebook': notebook_line.notebook.id,
'internal_relation': notebook_line.analysis.id,
'variables': [('create', variables)],
'session_id': self._session_id,
if relations:
[ir for ir in relations.values()])
return True
return False
def _get_variables_list(self, formula, notebook, analysis={}):
pool = Pool()
Analysis = pool.get('lims.analysis')
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
variables = {}
for prefix in ('A', 'D', 'T', 'Y', 'R'):
while True:
idx = formula.find(prefix)
if idx >= 0:
var = formula[idx:idx + 5]
variables[var] = None
formula = formula.replace(var, '_')
for var in variables.keys():
if var[0] in ('A', 'D', 'T'):
analysis_code = var[1:]
with Transaction().set_user(0):
notebook_lines = NotebookLine.search([
('notebook', '=', notebook.id),
('analysis.code', '=', analysis_code),
('annulment_date', '=', None),
if not notebook_lines:
for nl in notebook_lines:
analysis[nl.id] = {
'line': nl.id,
'analysis': nl.analysis.id,
'repetition': nl.repetition,
'use': True if nl.repetition == 0 else False,
elif var[0] in ('Y', 'R'):
analysis_code = var[1:]
internal_relations = Analysis.search([
('code', '=', analysis_code),
if not internal_relations:
more_formulas = internal_relations[0].converted_result_formula
more_formulas += "+" + internal_relations[0].result_formula
for i in (' ', '\t', '\n', '\r'):
more_formulas = more_formulas.replace(i, '')
self._get_variables_list(more_formulas, notebook, analysis)
return [v for v in analysis.values()]
def transition_confirm(self):
pool = Pool()
Date = pool.get('ir.date')
NotebookInternalRelationsCalc1Relation = pool.get(
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
date = Date.today()
relations = NotebookInternalRelationsCalc1Relation.search([
('session_id', '=', self._session_id),
notebook_lines_to_save = []
for relation in relations:
notebook_lines = NotebookLine.search([
('notebook', '=', relation.notebook.id),
('analysis', '=', relation.internal_relation.id)
if len(notebook_lines) != 1:
analysis_code = relation.internal_relation.code
result = self._get_relation_result(analysis_code,
relation.notebook, analysis_code)
converted_result = self._get_relation_result(analysis_code,
relation.notebook, analysis_code, converted=True)
notebook_line = notebook_lines[0]
if result is not None:
notebook_line.result = str(result)
if converted_result is not None:
notebook_line.converted_result = str(converted_result)
if result is not None or converted_result is not None:
notebook_line.start_date = date
notebook_line.end_date = date
return 'end'
def _get_analysis_result(self, analysis_code, notebook, relation_code,
NotebookInternalRelationsCalc1Variable = Pool().get(
variables = NotebookInternalRelationsCalc1Variable.search([
('relation.session_id', '=', self._session_id),
('relation.notebook', '=', notebook.id),
('relation.internal_relation.code', '=', relation_code),
('analysis.code', '=', analysis_code),
('use', '=', True),
if not variables:
return None
notebook_line = variables[0].line
if not notebook_line:
return None
if converted:
res = float(notebook_line.converted_result)
res = float(notebook_line.result)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
return None
return round(res, notebook_line.decimals)
def _get_relation_result(self, analysis_code, notebook, relation_code,
converted=False, round_=False):
pool = Pool()
Analysis = pool.get('lims.analysis')
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
internal_relations = Analysis.search([
('code', '=', analysis_code),
if not internal_relations:
return None
if converted:
formula = internal_relations[0].converted_result_formula
formula = internal_relations[0].result_formula
if not formula:
return None
for i in (' ', '\t', '\n', '\r'):
formula = formula.replace(i, '')
variables = self._get_variables(formula, notebook, relation_code,
if not variables:
return None
parser = FormulaParser(formula, variables)
value = parser.getValue()
if int(value) == value:
res = int(value)
epsilon = 0.0000000001
if int(value + epsilon) != int(value):
res = int(value + epsilon)
elif int(value - epsilon) != int(value):
res = int(value)
res = float(value)
if not round_:
return res
with Transaction().set_user(0):
notebook_lines = NotebookLine.search([
('notebook', '=', notebook.id),
('analysis.code', '=', analysis_code),
('repetition', '=', 0),
('annulment_date', '=', None),
if not notebook_lines:
return None
return round(res, notebook_lines[0].decimals)
def _get_variables(self, formula, notebook, relation_code,
VolumeConversion = Pool().get('lims.volume.conversion')
variables = {}
for prefix in ('A', 'D', 'T', 'Y', 'R'):
while True:
idx = formula.find(prefix)
if idx >= 0:
var = formula[idx:idx + 5]
variables[var] = None
formula = formula.replace(var, '_')
for var in variables.keys():
if var[0] == 'A':
analysis_code = var[1:]
result = self._get_analysis_result(analysis_code, notebook,
relation_code, converted)
if result is not None:
variables[var] = result
elif var[0] == 'D':
analysis_code = var[1:]
result = self._get_analysis_result(analysis_code, notebook,
relation_code, converted)
if result is not None:
result = VolumeConversion.brixToDensity(result)
if result is not None:
variables[var] = result
elif var[0] == 'T':
analysis_code = var[1:]
result = self._get_analysis_result(analysis_code, notebook,
relation_code, converted)
if result is not None:
result = VolumeConversion.brixToSolubleSolids(result)
if result is not None:
variables[var] = result
elif var[0] == 'R':
analysis_code = var[1:]
result = self._get_relation_result(analysis_code, notebook,
relation_code, converted, round_=True)
if result is not None:
result = VolumeConversion.brixToSolubleSolids(result)
if result is not None:
variables[var] = result
elif var[0] == 'Y':
analysis_code = var[1:]
result = self._get_relation_result(analysis_code, notebook,
relation_code, converted, round_=True)
if result is not None:
result = VolumeConversion.brixToDensity(result)
if result is not None:
variables[var] = result
for var in variables.values():
if var is None:
return None
return variables
def end(self):
return 'reload'
class NotebookLineInternalRelationsCalc1(NotebookInternalRelationsCalc1):
'Internal Relations Calculation'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook_line.internal_relations_calc_1'
def transition_search(self):
NotebookLine = Pool().get('lims.notebook.line')
notebook_lines = NotebookLine.browse(
if not notebook_lines:
return 'end'
if self.get_relations(notebook_lines):
return 'confirm'
return 'end'
class NotebookInternalRelationsCalc2Start(ModelView):
'Internal Relations Calculation'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.internal_relations_calc_2.start'
class NotebookInternalRelationsCalc2Result(ModelView):
'Internal Relations Calculation'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.internal_relations_calc_2.result'
relations = fields.Many2Many(
'lims.notebook.internal_relations_calc_2.relation', None, None,
total = fields.Integer('Total')
index = fields.Integer('Index')
class NotebookInternalRelationsCalc2Relation(ModelSQL, ModelView):
'Internal Relations Calculation'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.internal_relations_calc_2.relation'
_table = 'lims_notebook_internal_relations_c_2_rel'
notebook = fields.Many2One('lims.notebook', 'Laboratory notebook')
internal_relation = fields.Many2One('lims.analysis', 'Internal relation')
variables = fields.One2Many(
'lims.notebook.internal_relations_calc_2.variable', 'relation',
session_id = fields.Integer('Session ID')
def __register__(cls, module_name):
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
cursor.execute('DELETE FROM "' + cls._table + '"')
class NotebookInternalRelationsCalc2Variable(ModelSQL, ModelView):
'Formula Variable'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.internal_relations_calc_2.variable'
relation = fields.Many2One(
'lims.notebook.internal_relations_calc_2.relation', 'Relation',
ondelete='CASCADE', readonly=True)
line = fields.Many2One('lims.notebook.line', 'Line')
analysis = fields.Many2One('lims.analysis', 'Analysis', readonly=True)
repetition = fields.Integer('Repetition', readonly=True)
result_modifier = fields.Function(fields.Selection([
('eq', '='),
('low', '<'),
('d', 'Detected'),
('nd', 'nd'),
('na', 'na'),
('pos', 'Positive'),
('neg', 'Negative'),
('ni', 'ni'),
('abs', 'Absence'),
('pre', 'Presence'),
], 'Result modifier'), 'get_line_field')
result = fields.Function(fields.Char('Result'), 'get_line_field')
initial_unit = fields.Function(fields.Many2One('product.uom',
'Initial unit'), 'get_line_field')
initial_concentration = fields.Function(fields.Char(
'Initial concentration'), 'get_line_field')
converted_result_modifier = fields.Function(fields.Selection([
('eq', '='),
('low', '<'),
('nd', 'nd'),
('na', 'na'),
('pos', 'Positive'),
('neg', 'Negative'),
('ni', 'ni'),
], 'Converted result modifier'), 'get_line_field')
converted_result = fields.Function(fields.Char('Converted result'),
final_unit = fields.Function(fields.Many2One('product.uom', 'Final unit'),
final_concentration = fields.Function(fields.Char('Final concentration'),
use = fields.Boolean('Use')
def __setup__(cls):
cls._order.insert(0, ('relation', 'ASC'))
cls._order.insert(1, ('analysis', 'ASC'))
cls._order.insert(2, ('repetition', 'ASC'))
def get_line_field(cls, variables, names):
result = {}
for name in names:
result[name] = {}
if name in ('initial_unit', 'final_unit'):
for v in variables:
field = getattr(v.line, name, None)
result[name][v.id] = field.id if field else None
for v in variables:
result[name][v.id] = getattr(v.line, name, None)
return result
class NotebookInternalRelationsCalc2Process(ModelView):
'Internal Relations Calculation'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.internal_relations_calc_2.process'
notebook = fields.Many2One('lims.notebook', 'Laboratory notebook',
internal_relation = fields.Many2One('lims.analysis', 'Internal relation',
variables = fields.One2Many(
'lims.notebook.internal_relations_calc_2.variable', None,
class NotebookInternalRelationsCalc2(Wizard):
'Internal Relations Calculation'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.internal_relations_calc_2'
start_state = 'search'
start = StateView('lims.notebook.internal_relations_calc_2.start',
'lims.lims_notebook_internal_relations_calc_2_start_view_form', [
Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'),
Button('Search', 'search', 'tryton-forward', default=True),
search = StateTransition()
result = StateView('lims.notebook.internal_relations_calc_2.result',
'lims.lims_notebook_internal_relations_calc_2_result_view_form', [])
next_ = StateTransition()
process = StateView('lims.notebook.internal_relations_calc_2.process',
'lims.lims_notebook_internal_relations_calc_2_process_view_form', [
Button('Next', 'check_variables', 'tryton-forward', default=True),
check_variables = StateTransition()
confirm = StateTransition()
def transition_search(self):
Notebook = Pool().get('lims.notebook')
for active_id in Transaction().context['active_ids']:
notebook = Notebook(active_id)
if not notebook.lines:
if self.get_relations(notebook.lines):
return 'next_'
return 'end'
def get_relations(self, notebook_lines):
NotebookInternalRelationsCalc2Relation = Pool().get(
relations = {}
for notebook_line in notebook_lines:
if notebook_line.accepted:
analysis_code = notebook_line.analysis.code
if (not analysis_code or notebook_line.analysis.behavior !=
if notebook_line.result or notebook_line.converted_result:
formulas = notebook_line.analysis.result_formula
formulas += ("+" +
for i in (' ', '\t', '\n', '\r'):
formulas = formulas.replace(i, '')
variables = self._get_variables_list(formulas,
notebook_line.notebook, {})
if not variables:
has_repetitions = False
for var in variables:
if var['repetition'] > 0:
has_repetitions = True
if not has_repetitions:
relations[notebook_line.analysis.id] = {
'notebook': notebook_line.notebook.id,
'internal_relation': notebook_line.analysis.id,
'variables': [('create', variables)],
'session_id': self._session_id,
if relations:
res_lines = NotebookInternalRelationsCalc2Relation.create(
[ir for ir in relations.values()])
self.result.relations = res_lines
self.result.total = len(self.result.relations)
self.result.index = 0
return True
return False
def transition_next_(self):
if self.result.index < self.result.total:
relation = self.result.relations[self.result.index]
self.process.notebook = relation.notebook.id
self.process.internal_relation = relation.internal_relation.id
self.process.variables = None
self.result.index += 1
return 'process'
return 'confirm'
def default_process(self, fields):
NotebookInternalRelationsCalc2Variable = Pool().get(
if not self.process.internal_relation:
return {}
default = {}
default['notebook'] = self.process.notebook.id
default['internal_relation'] = self.process.internal_relation.id
if self.process.variables:
default['variables'] = [v.id for v in self.process.variables]
variables = NotebookInternalRelationsCalc2Variable.search([
('relation.session_id', '=', self._session_id),
('relation.notebook', '=', self.process.notebook.id),
('relation.internal_relation', '=',
if variables:
default['variables'] = [v.id for v in variables]
return default
def _get_variables_list(self, formula, notebook, analysis={}):
pool = Pool()
Analysis = pool.get('lims.analysis')
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
variables = {}
for prefix in ('A', 'D', 'T', 'Y', 'R'):
while True:
idx = formula.find(prefix)
if idx >= 0:
var = formula[idx:idx + 5]
variables[var] = None
formula = formula.replace(var, '_')
for var in variables.keys():
if var[0] in ('A', 'D', 'T'):
analysis_code = var[1:]
with Transaction().set_user(0):
notebook_lines = NotebookLine.search([
('notebook', '=', notebook.id),
('analysis.code', '=', analysis_code),
('annulment_date', '=', None),
if not notebook_lines:
for nl in notebook_lines:
analysis[nl.id] = {
'line': nl.id,
'analysis': nl.analysis.id,
'repetition': nl.repetition,
'use': True if nl.repetition == 0 else False,
elif var[0] in ('R', 'Y'):
analysis_code = var[1:]
internal_relations = Analysis.search([
('code', '=', analysis_code),
if not internal_relations:
more_formulas = internal_relations[0].converted_result_formula
more_formulas += "+" + internal_relations[0].result_formula
for i in (' ', '\t', '\n', '\r'):
more_formulas = more_formulas.replace(i, '')
self._get_variables_list(more_formulas, notebook, analysis)
return [v for v in analysis.values()]
def transition_check_variables(self):
variables = {}
for var in self.process.variables:
analysis_code = var.analysis.code
if analysis_code not in variables:
variables[analysis_code] = False
if var.use:
if variables[analysis_code]:
variables[analysis_code] = False
variables[analysis_code] = True
for var in variables.values():
if not var:
return 'process'
return 'next_'
def transition_confirm(self):
pool = Pool()
Date = pool.get('ir.date')
NotebookInternalRelationsCalc2Relation = pool.get(
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
date = Date.today()
relations = NotebookInternalRelationsCalc2Relation.search([
('session_id', '=', self._session_id),
notebook_lines_to_save = []
for relation in relations:
notebook_lines = NotebookLine.search([
('notebook', '=', relation.notebook.id),
('analysis', '=', relation.internal_relation.id)
if len(notebook_lines) != 1:
analysis_code = relation.internal_relation.code
result = self._get_relation_result(analysis_code,
relation.notebook, analysis_code)
converted_result = self._get_relation_result(analysis_code,
relation.notebook, analysis_code, converted=True)
notebook_line = notebook_lines[0]
if result is not None:
notebook_line.result = str(result)
if converted_result is not None:
notebook_line.converted_result = str(converted_result)
if result is not None or converted_result is not None:
notebook_line.start_date = date
notebook_line.end_date = date
return 'end'
def _get_analysis_result(self, analysis_code, notebook, relation_code,
NotebookInternalRelationsCalc2Variable = Pool().get(
variables = NotebookInternalRelationsCalc2Variable.search([
('relation.session_id', '=', self._session_id),
('relation.notebook', '=', notebook.id),
('relation.internal_relation.code', '=', relation_code),
('analysis.code', '=', analysis_code),
('use', '=', True),
if not variables:
return None
notebook_line = variables[0].line
if not notebook_line:
return None
if converted:
res = float(notebook_line.converted_result)
res = float(notebook_line.result)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
return None
return round(res, notebook_line.decimals)
def _get_relation_result(self, analysis_code, notebook, relation_code,
converted=False, round_=False):
pool = Pool()
Analysis = pool.get('lims.analysis')
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
internal_relations = Analysis.search([
('code', '=', analysis_code),
if not internal_relations:
return None
if converted:
formula = internal_relations[0].converted_result_formula
formula = internal_relations[0].result_formula
if not formula:
return None
for i in (' ', '\t', '\n', '\r'):
formula = formula.replace(i, '')
variables = self._get_variables(formula, notebook, relation_code,
if not variables:
return None
parser = FormulaParser(formula, variables)
value = parser.getValue()
if int(value) == value:
res = int(value)
epsilon = 0.0000000001
if int(value + epsilon) != int(value):
res = int(value + epsilon)
elif int(value - epsilon) != int(value):
res = int(value)
res = float(value)
if not round_:
return res
with Transaction().set_user(0):
notebook_lines = NotebookLine.search([
('notebook', '=', notebook.id),
('analysis.code', '=', analysis_code),
('repetition', '=', 0),
('annulment_date', '=', None),
if not notebook_lines:
return None
return round(res, notebook_lines[0].decimals)
def _get_variables(self, formula, notebook, relation_code,
VolumeConversion = Pool().get('lims.volume.conversion')
variables = {}
for prefix in ('A', 'D', 'T', 'Y', 'R'):
while True:
idx = formula.find(prefix)
if idx >= 0:
var = formula[idx:idx + 5]
variables[var] = None
formula = formula.replace(var, '_')
for var in variables.keys():
if var[0] == 'A':
analysis_code = var[1:]
result = self._get_analysis_result(analysis_code, notebook,
relation_code, converted)
if result is not None:
variables[var] = result
elif var[0] == 'D':
analysis_code = var[1:]
result = self._get_analysis_result(analysis_code, notebook,
relation_code, converted)
if result is not None:
result = VolumeConversion.brixToDensity(result)
if result is not None:
variables[var] = result
elif var[0] == 'T':
analysis_code = var[1:]
result = self._get_analysis_result(analysis_code, notebook,
relation_code, converted)
if result is not None:
result = VolumeConversion.brixToSolubleSolids(result)
if result is not None:
variables[var] = result
elif var[0] == 'R':
analysis_code = var[1:]
result = self._get_relation_result(analysis_code, notebook,
relation_code, converted, round_=True)
if result is not None:
result = VolumeConversion.brixToSolubleSolids(result)
if result is not None:
variables[var] = result
elif var[0] == 'Y':
analysis_code = var[1:]
result = self._get_relation_result(analysis_code, notebook,
relation_code, converted, round_=True)
if result is not None:
result = VolumeConversion.brixToDensity(result)
if result is not None:
variables[var] = result
for var in variables.values():
if var is None:
return None
return variables
def end(self):
return 'reload'
class NotebookLineInternalRelationsCalc2(NotebookInternalRelationsCalc2):
'Internal Relations Calculation'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook_line.internal_relations_calc_2'
def transition_search(self):
NotebookLine = Pool().get('lims.notebook.line')
notebook_lines = NotebookLine.browse(
if not notebook_lines:
return 'end'
if self.get_relations(notebook_lines):
return 'next_'
return 'end'
class NotebookLoadResultsFormulaStart(ModelView):
'Load Results by Formula'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.load_results_formula.start'
analysis = fields.Many2One('lims.analysis', 'Analysis',
domain=[('state', '=', 'active'), ('formula', '!=', None)])
method = fields.Many2One('lims.lab.method', 'Method')
start_date = fields.Date('Start date', required=True)
class NotebookLoadResultsFormulaEmpty(ModelView):
'Load Results by Formula'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.load_results_formula.empty'
class NotebookLoadResultsFormulaResult(ModelView):
'Load Results by Formula'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.load_results_formula.result'
lines = fields.Many2Many('lims.notebook.load_results_formula.line',
None, None, 'Lines')
total = fields.Integer('Total')
index = fields.Integer('Index')
class NotebookLoadResultsFormulaLine(ModelSQL, ModelView):
'Load Results by Formula'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.load_results_formula.line'
index = fields.Integer('Index')
line = fields.Many2One('lims.notebook.line', 'Line')
session_id = fields.Integer('Session ID')
def __register__(cls, module_name):
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
cursor.execute('DELETE FROM "' + cls._table + '"')
class NotebookLoadResultsFormulaAction(ModelSQL):
'Load Results by Formula'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.load_results_formula.action'
line = fields.Many2One('lims.notebook.line', 'Line')
result = fields.Char('Result')
result_modifier = fields.Selection([
('eq', '='),
('low', '<'),
('d', 'Detected'),
('nd', 'nd'),
('na', 'na'),
('pos', 'Positive'),
('neg', 'Negative'),
('ni', 'ni'),
('abs', 'Absence'),
('pre', 'Presence'),
], 'Result modifier', sort=False)
end_date = fields.Date('End date')
professional = fields.Many2One('lims.laboratory.professional',
'Laboratory professional')
chromatogram = fields.Char('Chromatogram')
initial_concentration = fields.Char('Initial concentration')
comments = fields.Text('Comments')
formula = fields.Many2One('lims.formula', 'Formula')
variables = fields.One2Many('lims.notebook.load_results_formula.variable',
'action', 'Variables')
session_id = fields.Integer('Session ID')
def __register__(cls, module_name):
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
cursor.execute('DELETE FROM "' + cls._table + '"')
class NotebookLoadResultsFormulaProcess(ModelView):
'Load Results by Formula'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.load_results_formula.process'
line = fields.Many2One('lims.notebook.line', 'Line', readonly=True)
repetition = fields.Integer('Repetition', readonly=True)
fraction = fields.Many2One('lims.fraction', 'Fraction', readonly=True)
product_type = fields.Many2One('lims.product.type', 'Product type',
matrix = fields.Many2One('lims.matrix', 'Matrix', readonly=True)
formula = fields.Many2One('lims.formula', 'Formula', readonly=True)
formula_formula = fields.Function(fields.Char('Formula'),
variables = fields.One2Many('lims.notebook.load_results_formula.variable',
None, 'Variables')
result = fields.Char('Result', required=True)
result_modifier = fields.Selection([
('eq', '='),
('low', '<'),
('d', 'Detected'),
('nd', 'nd'),
('na', 'na'),
('pos', 'Positive'),
('neg', 'Negative'),
('ni', 'ni'),
('abs', 'Absence'),
('pre', 'Presence'),
], 'Result modifier', sort=False, required=True)
end_date = fields.Date('End date')
end_date_copy = fields.Boolean('Field copy')
professional = fields.Many2One('lims.laboratory.professional',
'Laboratory professional', required=True, readonly=True)
chromatogram = fields.Char('Chromatogram')
chromatogram_copy = fields.Boolean('Field copy')
initial_concentration = fields.Char('Initial concentration')
initial_concentration_copy = fields.Boolean('Field copy')
comments = fields.Text('Comments')
comments_copy = fields.Boolean('Field copy')
@fields.depends('formula', 'variables', '_parent_formula.formula')
def on_change_with_result(self, name=None):
if not self.formula or not self.variables:
return None
formula = self.formula.formula
variables = {}
for variable in self.variables:
if not variable.value:
return ''
variables[variable.number] = variable.value
parser = FormulaParser(formula, variables)
value = parser.getValue()
return str(value)
@fields.depends('formula', '_parent_formula.formula')
def on_change_with_formula_formula(self, name=None):
if self.formula:
formula = self.formula.formula
variables = {}
for variable in self.variables:
variables[variable.number] = variable.description
for k, v in variables.items():
formula = formula.replace(k, v)
return formula
return ''
class NotebookLoadResultsFormulaVariable(ModelSQL, ModelView):
'Formula Variable'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.load_results_formula.variable'
action = fields.Many2One('lims.notebook.load_results_formula.action',
'Action', ondelete='CASCADE')
number = fields.Char('Number', readonly=True)
description = fields.Char('Description', readonly=True)
value = fields.Char('Value')
class NotebookLoadResultsFormulaBeginning(ModelView):
'Load Results by Formula'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.load_results_formula.beginning'
class NotebookLoadResultsFormulaConfirm(ModelView):
'Load Results by Formula'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.load_results_formula.confirm'
class NotebookLoadResultsFormulaSit1(ModelView):
'Professionals Control'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.load_results_formula.sit1'
msg = fields.Text('Message')
class NotebookLoadResultsFormulaSit2(ModelView):
'Professionals Control'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.load_results_formula.sit2'
details = fields.One2Many('lims.notebook.load_results_formula.sit2.detail',
None, 'Supervisors')
class NotebookLoadResultsFormulaSit2Detail(ModelSQL, ModelView):
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.load_results_formula.sit2.detail'
_table = 'lims_notebook_load_results_formula_s2_detail'
professional = fields.Many2One('lims.laboratory.professional',
'Professional', readonly=True)
method = fields.Many2One('lims.lab.method', 'Method', readonly=True)
supervisor = fields.Many2One('lims.laboratory.professional',
'Supervisor', depends=['supervisor_domain'],
domain=[('id', 'in', Eval('supervisor_domain'))])
supervisor_domain = fields.Function(fields.Many2Many(
'lims.laboratory.professional', None, None, 'Supervisor domain'),
lines = fields.Many2Many(
'load_results', 'notebook_line', 'Lines')
session_id = fields.Integer('Session ID')
def __register__(cls, module_name):
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
cursor.execute('DELETE FROM "' + cls._table + '"')
def get_supervisor_domain(self, name=None):
LabProfessionalMethod = Pool().get('lims.lab.professional.method')
res = []
qualifications = LabProfessionalMethod.search([
('method', '=', self.method.id),
('type', '=', 'analytical'),
('state', 'in', ('qualified', 'requalified')),
if qualifications:
res = [q.professional.id for q in qualifications]
return res
class NotebookLoadResultsFormulaSit2DetailLine(ModelSQL):
'Notebook Line'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.load_results_formula.sit2.detail.line'
_table = 'lims_notebook_load_results_formula_sit2_d_l'
load_results = fields.Many2One(
'lims.notebook.load_results_formula.sit2.detail', 'Load Results',
ondelete='CASCADE', select=True, required=True)
notebook_line = fields.Many2One('lims.notebook.line', 'Notebook Line',
ondelete='CASCADE', select=True, required=True)
class NotebookLoadResultsFormula(Wizard):
'Load Results by Formula'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.load_results_formula'
start = StateView('lims.notebook.load_results_formula.start',
'lims.lims_notebook_load_results_formula_start_view_form', [
Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'),
Button('Search', 'search', 'tryton-forward', default=True),
search = StateTransition()
empty = StateView('lims.notebook.load_results_formula.empty',
'lims.lims_notebook_load_results_formula_empty_view_form', [
Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'),
Button('Search again', 'start', 'tryton-forward', default=True),
result = StateView('lims.notebook.load_results_formula.result',
'lims.lims_notebook_load_results_formula_result_view_form', [])
next_ = StateTransition()
prev_ = StateTransition()
process = StateView('lims.notebook.load_results_formula.process',
'lims.lims_notebook_load_results_formula_process_view_form', [
Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'),
Button('Previous', 'prev_', 'tryton-back'),
Button('Next', 'next_', 'ttryton-forward', default=True),
beginning = StateView('lims.notebook.load_results_formula.beginning',
'lims.lims_notebook_load_results_formula_beginning_view_form', [
Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'),
Button('Next', 'next_', 'tryton-forward', default=True),
confirm = StateView('lims.notebook.load_results_formula.confirm',
'lims.lims_notebook_load_results_formula_confirm_view_form', [
Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'),
Button('Previous', 'prev_', 'tryton-back'),
Button('Confirm', 'check_professional', 'tryton-ok', default=True),
check_professional = StateTransition()
sit1 = StateView('lims.notebook.load_results_formula.sit1',
'lims.lims_notebook_load_results_formula_sit1_view_form', [
Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel', default=True),
sit2 = StateView('lims.notebook.load_results_formula.sit2',
'lims.lims_notebook_load_results_formula_sit2_view_form', [
Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'),
Button('Confirm', 'sit2_ok', 'tryton-ok', default=True),
sit2_ok = StateTransition()
confirm_ = StateTransition()
def transition_search(self):
pool = Pool()
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
NotebookLoadResultsFormulaLine = pool.get(
clause = [
('start_date', '=', self.start.start_date),
('end_date', '=', None),
('analysis.formula', '!=', None),
if self.start.analysis:
clause.append(('analysis', '=', self.start.analysis.id))
if self.start.method:
clause.append(('method', '=', self.start.method.id))
lines = NotebookLine.search(clause, order=[
('analysis_order', 'ASC'), ('id', 'ASC')])
if lines:
res_lines = []
count = 1
for line in lines:
res_line, = NotebookLoadResultsFormulaLine.create([{
'session_id': self._session_id,
'index': count,
'line': line.id,
count += 1
self.result.lines = res_lines
self.result.total = len(res_lines)
self.result.index = 0
return 'next_'
return 'empty'
def transition_next_(self):
pool = Pool()
NotebookLoadResultsFormulaAction = pool.get(
NotebookLoadResultsFormulaLine = pool.get(
LaboratoryProfessional = pool.get('lims.laboratory.professional')
has_prev = (hasattr(self.process, 'line') and
getattr(self.process, 'line'))
if has_prev:
defaults = {
'session_id': self._session_id,
'line': self.process.line.id,
'result': self.process.result,
'result_modifier': self.process.result_modifier,
'end_date': self.process.end_date,
'professional': self.process.professional.id,
'chromatogram': self.process.chromatogram,
'initial_concentration': self.process.initial_concentration,
'comments': self.process.comments,
'formula': (self.process.formula.id if
self.process.formula else None),
variables = []
for var in self.process.variables:
'number': var.number,
'description': var.description,
'value': var.value,
defaults['variables'] = [('create', variables)]
action = NotebookLoadResultsFormulaAction.search([
('session_id', '=', self._session_id),
('line', '=', self.process.line.id),
if action:
defaults['variables'] = [(
'delete', [v.id for a in action for v in a.variables],
)] + defaults['variables']
NotebookLoadResultsFormulaAction.write(action, defaults)
self.result.index += 1
if self.result.index <= self.result.total:
line = NotebookLoadResultsFormulaLine.search([
('session_id', '=', self._session_id),
('index', '=', self.result.index),
self.process.line = line[0].line.id
action = NotebookLoadResultsFormulaAction.search([
('session_id', '=', self._session_id),
('line', '=', line[0].line.id),
if action:
self.process.result = action[0].result
self.process.result_modifier = action[0].result_modifier
self.process.end_date = action[0].end_date
self.process.professional = action[0].professional.id
self.process.chromatogram = action[0].chromatogram
self.process.initial_concentration = (
self.process.comments = action[0].comments
self.process.formula = action[0].formula
self.process.variables = [v.id for v in action[0].variables]
elif has_prev:
self.process.result = None
self.process.result_modifier = 'eq'
if not self.process.end_date_copy:
self.process.end_date = None
if not self.process.chromatogram_copy:
self.process.chromatogram = None
if not self.process.initial_concentration_copy:
self.process.initial_concentration = None
if not self.process.comments_copy:
self.process.comments = None
self.process.formula = None
self.process.variables = None
professional_id = (
self.process.professional = professional_id
return 'process'
return 'confirm'
def transition_prev_(self):
pool = Pool()
NotebookLoadResultsFormulaAction = pool.get(
NotebookLoadResultsFormulaLine = pool.get(
self.result.index -= 1
if self.result.index >= 1:
line = NotebookLoadResultsFormulaLine.search([
('session_id', '=', self._session_id),
('index', '=', self.result.index),
self.process.line = line[0].line.id
action = NotebookLoadResultsFormulaAction.search([
('session_id', '=', self._session_id),
('line', '=', line[0].line.id),
if action:
self.process.result = action[0].result
self.process.result_modifier = action[0].result_modifier
self.process.end_date = action[0].end_date
self.process.professional = action[0].professional.id
self.process.chromatogram = action[0].chromatogram
self.process.initial_concentration = (
self.process.comments = action[0].comments
self.process.formula = action[0].formula
self.process.variables = [v.id for v in action[0].variables]
self.process.result = None
self.process.result_modifier = 'eq'
self.process.end_date = None
self.process.professional = None
self.process.chromatogram = None
self.process.initial_concentration = None
self.process.comments = None
self.process.formula = None
self.process.variables = None
return 'process'
self.process.line = None
return 'beginning'
def default_process(self, fields):
if not self.process.line:
return {}
default = {}
default['line'] = self.process.line.id
default['fraction'] = self.process.line.notebook.fraction.id
default['repetition'] = self.process.line.repetition
default['product_type'] = (
default['matrix'] = self.process.line.notebook.matrix.id
if (hasattr(self.process, 'formula') and
getattr(self.process, 'formula')):
formula = self.process.formula
default['formula'] = formula.id
variables = []
variables_desc = {}
for var in self.process.variables:
'number': var.number,
'description': var.description,
'value': var.value,
variables_desc[var.number] = var.description
default['variables'] = variables
formula_formula = formula.formula
for k, v in variables_desc.items():
formula_formula = formula_formula.replace(k, v)
default['formula_formula'] = formula_formula
default['result'] = self.process.result
default['result_modifier'] = self.process.result_modifier
default['initial_concentration'] = (
default['comments'] = self.process.comments
default['professional'] = self.process.professional.id
default['end_date'] = self.process.end_date
default['chromatogram'] = self.process.chromatogram
formula = self.process.line.analysis.formula
if formula:
default['formula'] = formula.id
variables = []
variables_desc = {}
for var in formula.variables:
'number': var.number,
'description': var.description,
'value': var.constant,
variables_desc[var.number] = var.description
default['variables'] = variables
formula_formula = formula.formula
for k, v in variables_desc.items():
formula_formula = formula_formula.replace(k, v)
default['formula_formula'] = formula_formula
default['result_modifier'] = 'eq'
for field in ('initial_concentration', 'comments'):
if (hasattr(self.process, field + '_copy') and
getattr(self.process, field + '_copy')):
default[field] = getattr(self.process, field)
default[field + '_copy'] = getattr(self.process,
field + '_copy')
default[field] = getattr(self.process.line, field)
for field in ('professional',):
if (hasattr(self.process, field) and
getattr(self.process, field)):
default[field] = getattr(self.process, field).id
for field in ('end_date', 'chromatogram'):
if (hasattr(self.process, field) and
getattr(self.process, field)):
default[field] = getattr(self.process, field)
for field in ('end_date_copy', 'chromatogram_copy'):
if (hasattr(self.process, field) and
getattr(self.process, field)):
default[field] = getattr(self.process, field)
return default
def transition_check_professional(self):
pool = Pool()
NotebookLoadResultsFormulaAction = pool.get(
LabProfessionalMethod = pool.get('lims.lab.professional.method')
LaboratoryProfessional = pool.get('lims.laboratory.professional')
LabMethod = pool.get('lims.lab.method')
NotebookLoadResultsFormulaSit2Detail = pool.get(
actions = NotebookLoadResultsFormulaAction.search([
('session_id', '=', self._session_id),
situations = {}
prof_lines = {}
for data in actions:
key = (data.professional.id, data.line.method.id)
if key not in situations:
situations[key] = 0
if key not in prof_lines:
prof_lines[key] = []
situation_1 = []
for key in situations.keys():
qualifications = LabProfessionalMethod.search([
('professional', '=', key[0]),
('method', '=', key[1]),
('type', '=', 'analytical'),
if not qualifications:
situations[key] = 1
elif qualifications[0].state == 'training':
situations[key] = 2
elif (qualifications[0].state in ('qualified', 'requalified')):
situations[key] = 3
if situation_1:
msg = ''
for key in situation_1:
professional = LaboratoryProfessional(key[0])
method = LabMethod(key[1])
msg += '%s: %s\n' % (professional.rec_name, method.code)
self.sit1.msg = msg
return 'sit1'
situation_2 = []
for key, sit in situations.items():
if sit == 2:
'session_id': self._session_id,
'professional': key[0],
'method': key[1],
'lines': [('add', prof_lines[key])],
if situation_2:
details = NotebookLoadResultsFormulaSit2Detail.create(
self.sit2.details = details
return 'sit2'
return 'confirm_'
def default_sit1(self, fields):
defaults = {}
if self.sit1.msg:
defaults['msg'] = self.sit1.msg
return defaults
def default_sit2(self, fields):
defaults = {}
if self.sit2.details:
defaults['details'] = [d.id for d in self.sit2.details]
return defaults
def transition_sit2_ok(self):
for detail in self.sit2.details:
if not detail.supervisor:
return 'sit2'
return 'confirm_'
def transition_confirm_(self):
pool = Pool()
NotebookLoadResultsFormulaAction = pool.get(
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
LabProfessionalMethod = pool.get('lims.lab.professional.method')
LabProfessionalMethodRequalification = pool.get(
Date = pool.get('ir.date')
# Write Results to Notebook lines
actions = NotebookLoadResultsFormulaAction.search([
('session_id', '=', self._session_id),
for data in actions:
notebook_line = NotebookLine(data.line.id)
if not notebook_line:
notebook_line_write = {
'result': data.result,
'result_modifier': data.result_modifier,
'end_date': data.end_date,
'chromatogram': data.chromatogram,
'initial_concentration': data.initial_concentration,
'comments': data.comments,
'converted_result': None,
'converted_result_modifier': 'eq',
'backup': None,
'verification': None,
'uncertainty': None,
if data.result_modifier == 'na':
notebook_line_write['annulled'] = True
notebook_line_write['annulment_date'] = datetime.now()
notebook_line_write['report'] = False
professionals = [{'professional': data.professional.id}]
notebook_line_write['professionals'] = (
[('delete', [p.id for p in notebook_line.professionals])] +
[('create', professionals)])
NotebookLine.write([notebook_line], notebook_line_write)
# Write Supervisors to Notebook lines
supervisor_lines = {}
if hasattr(self.sit2, 'details'):
for detail in self.sit2.details:
if detail.supervisor.id not in supervisor_lines:
supervisor_lines[detail.supervisor.id] = []
l.id for l in detail.lines])
for prof_id, lines in supervisor_lines.items():
notebook_lines = NotebookLine.search([
('id', 'in', lines),
if notebook_lines:
professionals = [{'professional': prof_id}]
notebook_line_write = {
'professionals': [('create', professionals)],
NotebookLine.write(notebook_lines, notebook_line_write)
# Write the execution of method
all_prof = {}
for data in actions:
key = (data.professional.id, data.line.method.id)
if key not in all_prof:
all_prof[key] = []
if hasattr(self.sit2, 'details'):
for detail in self.sit2.details:
key = (detail.supervisor.id, detail.method.id)
if key not in all_prof:
all_prof[key] = []
key = (detail.professional.id, detail.method.id)
if detail.supervisor.id not in all_prof[key]:
today = Date.today()
for key, sup in all_prof.items():
professional_method, = LabProfessionalMethod.search([
('professional', '=', key[0]),
('method', '=', key[1]),
('type', '=', 'analytical'),
if professional_method.state == 'training':
history = LabProfessionalMethodRequalification.search([
('professional_method', '=', professional_method.id),
('type', '=', 'training'),
if history:
prev_supervisors = [s.supervisor.id for s in
supervisors = [{'supervisor': s} for s in sup
if s not in prev_supervisors]
LabProfessionalMethodRequalification.write(history, {
'last_execution_date': today,
'supervisors': [('create', supervisors)],
supervisors = [{'supervisor': s} for s in sup]
to_create = [{
'professional_method': professional_method.id,
'type': 'training',
'date': today,
'last_execution_date': today,
'supervisors': [('create', supervisors)],
elif professional_method.state == 'qualified':
history = LabProfessionalMethodRequalification.search([
('professional_method', '=', professional_method.id),
('type', '=', 'qualification'),
if history:
LabProfessionalMethodRequalification.write(history, {
'last_execution_date': today,
to_create = [{
'professional_method': professional_method.id,
'type': 'qualification',
'date': today,
'last_execution_date': today,
history = LabProfessionalMethodRequalification.search([
('professional_method', '=', professional_method.id),
('type', '=', 'requalification'),
if history:
LabProfessionalMethodRequalification.write(history, {
'last_execution_date': today,
to_create = [{
'professional_method': professional_method.id,
'type': 'requalification',
'date': today,
'last_execution_date': today,
return 'end'
class NotebookLoadResultsManualStart(ModelView):
'Load Results Manually'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.load_results_manual.start'
method = fields.Many2One('lims.lab.method', 'Method', required=True)
start_date = fields.Date('Start date', required=True)
class NotebookLoadResultsManualEmpty(ModelView):
'Load Results Manually'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.load_results_manual.empty'
class NotebookLoadResultsManualResult(ModelView):
'Load Results Manually'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.load_results_manual.result'
method = fields.Many2One('lims.lab.method', 'Method', readonly=True)
start_date = fields.Date('Start date', readonly=True)
professional = fields.Many2One('lims.laboratory.professional',
'Laboratory professional', required=True, readonly=True)
lines = fields.One2Many('lims.notebook.load_results_manual.line',
None, 'Lines')
class NotebookLoadResultsManualLine(ModelSQL, ModelView):
'Load Results Manually'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.load_results_manual.line'
line = fields.Many2One('lims.notebook.line', 'Analysis', readonly=True)
repetition = fields.Integer('Repetition', readonly=True)
fraction = fields.Many2One('lims.fraction', 'Fraction', readonly=True)
result = fields.Char('Result')
result_modifier = fields.Selection([
('eq', '='),
('low', '<'),
('d', 'Detected'),
('nd', 'nd'),
('na', 'na'),
('pos', 'Positive'),
('neg', 'Negative'),
('ni', 'ni'),
('abs', 'Absence'),
('pre', 'Presence'),
], 'Result modifier', sort=False)
end_date = fields.Date('End date')
chromatogram = fields.Char('Chromatogram')
initial_unit = fields.Many2One('product.uom', 'Initial unit',
domain=[('category.lims_only_available', '=', True)])
comments = fields.Text('Comments')
literal_result = fields.Char('Literal result')
fraction_type = fields.Many2One('lims.fraction.type', 'Fraction type',
session_id = fields.Integer('Session ID')
def __register__(cls, module_name):
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
cursor.execute('DELETE FROM "' + cls._table + '"')
@fields.depends('result', 'literal_result', 'result_modifier', 'end_date')
def on_change_with_end_date(self):
pool = Pool()
Date = pool.get('ir.date')
if self.end_date:
return self.end_date
if (self.result or self.literal_result or
self.result_modifier not in ('eq', 'low')):
return Date.today()
return None
class NotebookLoadResultsManualSit1(ModelView):
'Professionals Control'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.load_results_manual.sit1'
msg = fields.Text('Message')
class NotebookLoadResultsManualSit2(ModelView):
'Professionals Control'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.load_results_manual.sit2'
supervisor = fields.Many2One('lims.laboratory.professional',
'Supervisor', depends=['supervisor_domain'],
domain=[('id', 'in', Eval('supervisor_domain'))], required=True)
supervisor_domain = fields.Many2Many('lims.laboratory.professional',
None, None, 'Supervisor domain')
lines = fields.Many2Many('lims.notebook.line', None, None, 'Lines')
class NotebookLoadResultsManual(Wizard):
'Load Results Manually'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.load_results_manual'
start = StateView('lims.notebook.load_results_manual.start',
'lims.lims_notebook_load_results_manual_start_view_form', [
Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'),
Button('Search', 'search', 'tryton-forward', default=True),
search = StateTransition()
empty = StateView('lims.notebook.load_results_manual.empty',
'lims.lims_notebook_load_results_manual_empty_view_form', [
Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'),
Button('Search again', 'start', 'tryton-forward', default=True),
result = StateView('lims.notebook.load_results_manual.result',
'lims.lims_notebook_load_results_manual_result_view_form', [
Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'),
Button('Confirm', 'check_professional', 'tryton-ok', default=True),
check_professional = StateTransition()
sit1 = StateView('lims.notebook.load_results_manual.sit1',
'lims.lims_notebook_load_results_manual_sit1_view_form', [
Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel', default=True),
sit2 = StateView('lims.notebook.load_results_manual.sit2',
'lims.lims_notebook_load_results_manual_sit2_view_form', [
Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'),
Button('Confirm', 'confirm_', 'tryton-ok', default=True),
confirm_ = StateTransition()
def transition_search(self):
pool = Pool()
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
LaboratoryProfessional = pool.get('lims.laboratory.professional')
NotebookLoadResultsManualLine = pool.get(
clause = [
('end_date', '=', None),
('method', '=', self.start.method.id),
('start_date', '=', self.start.start_date),
lines = NotebookLine.search(clause, order=[
('analysis_order', 'ASC'), ('id', 'ASC')])
if lines:
res_lines = []
for line in lines:
res_line, = NotebookLoadResultsManualLine.create([{
'session_id': self._session_id,
'line': line.id,
'repetition': line.repetition,
'result': line.result,
'result_modifier': line.result_modifier,
'end_date': line.end_date,
'chromatogram': line.chromatogram,
'initial_unit': (line.initial_unit.id if
line.initial_unit else None),
'comments': line.comments,
'fraction': line.fraction.id,
'fraction_type': line.fraction_type.id,
'literal_result': line.literal_result,
professional_id = LaboratoryProfessional.get_lab_professional()
self.result.method = self.start.method.id
self.result.start_date = self.start.start_date
self.result.professional = professional_id
self.result.lines = res_lines
if line.result_modifier == 'na':
self.result.annulled = True
self.result.annulment_date = datetime.now()
self.result.report = False
return 'result'
return 'empty'
def default_result(self, fields):
default = {}
default['method'] = self.result.method.id
default['start_date'] = self.result.start_date
default['professional'] = (self.result.professional.id
if self.result.professional else None)
default['lines'] = [l.id for l in self.result.lines]
return default
def transition_check_professional(self):
pool = Pool()
NotebookLoadResultsManualLine = pool.get(
LabProfessionalMethod = pool.get('lims.lab.professional.method')
lines_to_save = []
for line in self.result.lines:
if line.line: # Avoid empty lines created with ENTER key
professional = self.result.professional
method = self.result.method
qualifications = LabProfessionalMethod.search([
('professional', '=', professional.id),
('method', '=', method.id),
('type', '=', 'analytical'),
if not qualifications:
msg = '%s: %s' % (professional.rec_name, method.code)
self.sit1.msg = msg
return 'sit1'
elif qualifications[0].state == 'training':
situation_2_lines = [l.line.id for l in lines_to_save]
supervisor_domain = []
qualifications = LabProfessionalMethod.search([
('method', '=', method.id),
('type', '=', 'analytical'),
('state', 'in', ('qualified', 'requalified')),
if qualifications:
supervisor_domain = [q.professional.id for q in qualifications]
self.sit2.lines = situation_2_lines
self.sit2.supervisor_domain = supervisor_domain
return 'sit2'
return 'confirm_'
def default_sit1(self, fields):
defaults = {}
if self.sit1.msg:
defaults['msg'] = self.sit1.msg
return defaults
def default_sit2(self, fields):
defaults = {}
if self.sit2.supervisor_domain:
defaults['supervisor_domain'] = [p.id for p in
if self.sit2.lines:
defaults['lines'] = [l.id for l in self.sit2.lines]
return defaults
def transition_confirm_(self):
pool = Pool()
NotebookLoadResultsManualLine = pool.get(
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
LabProfessionalMethod = pool.get('lims.lab.professional.method')
LabProfessionalMethodRequalification = pool.get(
Date = pool.get('ir.date')
# Write Results to Notebook lines
actions = NotebookLoadResultsManualLine.search([
('session_id', '=', self._session_id),
for data in actions:
notebook_line = NotebookLine(data.line.id)
if not notebook_line:
notebook_line_write = {
'result': data.result,
'result_modifier': data.result_modifier,
'end_date': data.end_date,
'chromatogram': data.chromatogram,
'initial_unit': (data.initial_unit.id if
data.initial_unit else None),
'comments': data.comments,
'literal_result': data.literal_result,
'converted_result': None,
'converted_result_modifier': 'eq',
'backup': None,
'verification': None,
'uncertainty': None,
if data.result_modifier == 'na':
notebook_line_write['annulled'] = True
notebook_line_write['annulment_date'] = datetime.now()
notebook_line_write['report'] = False
professionals = [{'professional': self.result.professional.id}]
notebook_line_write['professionals'] = (
[('delete', [p.id for p in notebook_line.professionals])] +
[('create', professionals)])
NotebookLine.write([notebook_line], notebook_line_write)
# Write Supervisors to Notebook lines
supervisor_lines = {}
if hasattr(self.sit2, 'supervisor'):
supervisor_lines[self.sit2.supervisor.id] = [
l.id for l in self.sit2.lines]
for prof_id, lines in supervisor_lines.items():
notebook_lines = NotebookLine.search([
('id', 'in', lines),
if notebook_lines:
professionals = [{'professional': prof_id}]
notebook_line_write = {
'professionals': [('create', professionals)],
NotebookLine.write(notebook_lines, notebook_line_write)
# Write the execution of method
all_prof = {}
key = (self.result.professional.id, self.result.method.id)
all_prof[key] = []
if hasattr(self.sit2, 'supervisor'):
for detail in self.sit2.lines:
key = (self.sit2.supervisor.id, detail.method.id)
if key not in all_prof:
all_prof[key] = []
key = (self.result.professional.id, detail.method.id)
if self.sit2.supervisor.id not in all_prof[key]:
today = Date.today()
for key, sup in all_prof.items():
professional_method, = LabProfessionalMethod.search([
('professional', '=', key[0]),
('method', '=', key[1]),
('type', '=', 'analytical'),
if professional_method.state == 'training':
history = LabProfessionalMethodRequalification.search([
('professional_method', '=', professional_method.id),
('type', '=', 'training'),
if history:
prev_supervisors = [s.supervisor.id for s in
supervisors = [{'supervisor': s} for s in sup
if s not in prev_supervisors]
LabProfessionalMethodRequalification.write(history, {
'last_execution_date': today,
'supervisors': [('create', supervisors)],
supervisors = [{'supervisor': s} for s in sup]
to_create = [{
'professional_method': professional_method.id,
'type': 'training',
'date': today,
'last_execution_date': today,
'supervisors': [('create', supervisors)],
elif professional_method.state == 'qualified':
history = LabProfessionalMethodRequalification.search([
('professional_method', '=', professional_method.id),
('type', '=', 'qualification'),
if history:
LabProfessionalMethodRequalification.write(history, {
'last_execution_date': today,
to_create = [{
'professional_method': professional_method.id,
'type': 'qualification',
'date': today,
'last_execution_date': today,
history = LabProfessionalMethodRequalification.search([
('professional_method', '=', professional_method.id),
('type', '=', 'requalification'),
if history:
LabProfessionalMethodRequalification.write(history, {
'last_execution_date': today,
to_create = [{
'professional_method': professional_method.id,
'type': 'requalification',
'date': today,
'last_execution_date': today,
return 'end'
class NotebookAddInternalRelationsStart(ModelView):
'Add Internal Relations'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.add_internal_relations.start'
analysis = fields.Many2Many('lims.analysis', None, None,
'Internal relations', required=True,
domain=[('id', 'in', Eval('analysis_domain'))],
analysis_domain = fields.One2Many('lims.analysis', None,
'Internal relations domain')
class NotebookAddInternalRelations(Wizard):
'Add Internal Relations'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.add_internal_relations'
start = StateView('lims.notebook.add_internal_relations.start',
'lims.lims_notebook_add_internal_relations_start_view_form', [
Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'),
Button('Add', 'add', 'tryton-ok', default=True),
add = StateTransition()
def default_start(self, fields):
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
pool = Pool()
Notebook = pool.get('lims.notebook')
Analysis = pool.get('lims.analysis')
Typification = pool.get('lims.typification')
notebook = Notebook(Transaction().context['active_id'])
default = {
'analysis_domain': [],
if not notebook.lines:
return default
notebook_analysis = []
for notebook_line in notebook.lines:
notebook_analysis_codes = '\', \''.join(str(a) for a
in notebook_analysis)
cursor.execute('SELECT DISTINCT(a.id, a.result_formula) '
'FROM "' + Analysis._table + '" a '
'INNER JOIN "' + Typification._table + '" t '
'ON a.id = t.analysis '
'WHERE t.product_type = %s '
'AND t.matrix = %s '
'AND t.valid '
'AND a.behavior = \'internal_relation\' '
'AND a.code NOT IN (\'' + notebook_analysis_codes + '\')',
internal_relations = cursor.fetchall()
if not internal_relations:
return default
for internal_relation in internal_relations:
formula = internal_relation[0].split(',')[1][:-1]
if not formula:
for i in (' ', '\t', '\n', '\r'):
formula = formula.replace(i, '')
variables = self._get_variables(formula)
available = True
if variables:
for v in variables:
if v not in notebook_analysis:
available = False
if available:
ir_id = int(internal_relation[0].split(',')[0][1:])
return default
def _get_variables(self, formula):
variables = []
for prefix in ('A', 'D', 'T', 'Y', 'R'):
while True:
idx = formula.find(prefix)
if idx >= 0:
var = formula[idx:idx + 5]
formula = formula.replace(var, '_')
return variables
def transition_add(self):
Notebook = Pool().get('lims.notebook')
notebook = Notebook(Transaction().context['active_id'])
for analysis in self.start.analysis:
self._create_service(analysis, notebook.fraction)
return 'end'
def _create_service(self, analysis, fraction):
pool = Pool()
Typification = pool.get('lims.typification')
Service = pool.get('lims.service')
EntryDetailAnalysis = pool.get('lims.entry.detail.analysis')
divide, report_grouper = self._get_report_grouper(analysis)
laboratory_id = (analysis.laboratories[0].laboratory.id if
analysis.laboratories else None)
typifications = Typification.search([
('product_type', '=', fraction.product_type.id),
('matrix', '=', fraction.matrix.id),
('analysis', '=', analysis.id),
('by_default', '=', True),
('valid', '=', True),
method_id = (typifications[0].method.id if typifications
else None)
device_id = None
if analysis.devices:
for d in analysis.devices:
if (d.laboratory.id == laboratory_id and
d.by_default is True):
device_id = d.device.id
service_create = [{
'fraction': fraction.id,
'analysis': analysis.id,
'laboratory': laboratory_id,
'method': method_id,
'device': device_id,
'divide': divide,
new_service, = Service.create(service_create)
analysis_detail = list(new_service.analysis_detail)
if report_grouper != 0:
EntryDetailAnalysis.write(analysis_detail, {
'report_grouper': report_grouper,
EntryDetailAnalysis.write(analysis_detail, {
'state': 'unplanned',
def _get_report_grouper(self, analysis):
pool = Pool()
Notebook = pool.get('lims.notebook')
divide = False
report_grouper = 0
notebook = Notebook(Transaction().context['active_id'])
notebook_analysis = {}
for notebook_line in notebook.lines:
notebook_analysis[notebook_line.analysis.code] = notebook_line
formula = analysis.result_formula
for i in (' ', '\t', '\n', '\r'):
formula = formula.replace(i, '')
variables = self._get_variables(formula)
for v in variables:
if v in notebook_analysis:
divide = notebook_analysis[v].service.divide
report_grouper = (
return divide, report_grouper
def end(self):
return 'reload'
class NotebookLineRepeatAnalysisStart(ModelView):
'Repeat Analysis'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.line.repeat_analysis.start'
analysis = fields.Many2One('lims.analysis', 'Analysis', required=True,
domain=[('id', 'in', Eval('analysis_domain'))],
analysis_domain = fields.One2Many('lims.analysis', None,
'Analysis domain')
class NotebookLineRepeatAnalysis(Wizard):
'Repeat Analysis'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.line.repeat_analysis'
start = StateView('lims.notebook.line.repeat_analysis.start',
'lims.lims_notebook_line_repeat_analysis_start_view_form', [
Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'),
Button('Repeat', 'repeat', 'tryton-ok', default=True),
repeat = StateTransition()
def check_access(cls):
def _get_notebook_line_id(self):
return Transaction().context.get('active_id', None)
def default_start(self, fields):
pool = Pool()
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
Analysis = pool.get('lims.analysis')
line_id = self._get_notebook_line_id()
notebook_line = NotebookLine(line_id)
analysis_origin = notebook_line.analysis_origin
analysis_origin_list = analysis_origin.split(' > ')
analysis_code = notebook_line.analysis.code
analysis = Analysis.search([
('code', 'in', analysis_origin_list),
('behavior', '=', 'normal'),
notebook_analysis = [a.id for a in analysis]
default = {
'analysis_domain': notebook_analysis,
if len(notebook_analysis) == 1:
default['analysis'] = notebook_analysis[0]
return default
def _unaccept_original(self):
return True
def transition_repeat(self):
pool = Pool()
Analysis = pool.get('lims.analysis')
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
Notebook = pool.get('lims.notebook')
EntryDetailAnalysis = pool.get('lims.entry.detail.analysis')
Config = pool.get('lims.configuration')
analysis = self.start.analysis
if analysis.type == 'analysis':
analysis_to_repeat = [analysis.id]
analysis_to_repeat = Analysis.get_included_analysis_analysis(
line_id = self._get_notebook_line_id()
notebook_line = NotebookLine(line_id)
notebook = Notebook(notebook_line.notebook.id)
rm_type = (notebook.fraction.special_type == 'rm')
if rm_type:
config = Config(1)
rm_start_uom = (config.rm_start_uom.id if config.rm_start_uom
else None)
to_create = []
to_update = []
details_to_update = []
for analysis_id in analysis_to_repeat:
nlines = NotebookLine.search([
('notebook', '=', notebook.id),
('analysis', '=', analysis_id),
('analysis.behavior', '=', 'normal'),
if not nlines:
nline_to_repeat = nlines[0]
for nline in nlines:
if nline.repetition > nline_to_repeat.repetition:
nline_to_repeat = nline
defaults = self._get_repetition_defaults(nline_to_repeat)
if rm_type:
defaults['final_concentration'] = None
defaults['initial_unit'] = rm_start_uom
defaults['final_unit'] = None
defaults['detection_limit'] = None
defaults['quantification_limit'] = None
defaults['lower_limit'] = None
defaults['upper_limit'] = None
Notebook.write([notebook], {
'lines': [('create', to_create)],
if self._unaccept_original():
NotebookLine.write(to_update, {
'accepted': False,
'acceptance_date': None,
'report': False,
details = EntryDetailAnalysis.search([
('id', 'in', details_to_update),
if details:
EntryDetailAnalysis.write(details, {
'state': 'unplanned',
return 'end'
def _get_repetition_defaults(self, line):
defaults = {
'analysis_detail': line.analysis_detail.id,
'service': line.service.id,
'analysis': line.analysis.id,
'analysis_origin': line.analysis_origin,
'urgent': line.urgent,
'repetition': line.repetition + 1,
'laboratory': line.laboratory.id,
'method': line.method.id,
'device': line.device.id if line.device else None,
'decimals': line.decimals,
'significant_digits': line.significant_digits,
'report': line.report,
'results_estimated_waiting': (
'department': line.department,
'concentration_level': (line.concentration_level.id
if line.concentration_level else None),
'initial_concentration': line.initial_concentration,
'final_concentration': line.final_concentration,
'initial_unit': (line.initial_unit.id
if line.initial_unit else None),
'final_unit': line.final_unit.id if line.final_unit else None,
'detection_limit': line.detection_limit,
'quantification_limit': line.quantification_limit,
'lower_limit': line.lower_limit,
'upper_limit': line.upper_limit,
if line.accepted and not self._unaccept_original():
defaults['report'] = False
return defaults
def end(self):
return 'reload'
class NotebookAcceptLinesStart(ModelView):
'Accept Lines'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.accept_lines.start'
class NotebookAcceptLines(Wizard):
'Accept Lines'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.accept_lines'
start_state = 'ok'
start = StateView('lims.notebook.accept_lines.start',
'lims.lims_notebook_accept_lines_start_view_form', [
Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'),
Button('Ok', 'ok', 'tryton-ok', default=True),
ok = StateTransition()
def transition_ok(self):
pool = Pool()
Notebook = pool.get('lims.notebook')
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
for active_id in Transaction().context['active_ids']:
notebook = Notebook(active_id)
if not notebook.lines:
repeated_analysis = []
repetitions = NotebookLine.search([
('notebook', '=', notebook.id),
('repetition', '>', 0),
if repetitions:
repeated_analysis = [l.analysis.id for l in repetitions]
notebook_lines = [l for l in notebook.lines
if l.analysis.id not in repeated_analysis]
return 'end'
def lines_accept(self, notebook_lines):
NotebookLine = Pool().get('lims.notebook.line')
accepted_analysis = {}
lines_to_write = []
for notebook_line in notebook_lines:
if notebook_line.accepted:
if not notebook_line.report:
if notebook_line.annulled:
if not notebook_line.end_date:
if not (notebook_line.result or notebook_line.converted_result or
notebook_line.literal_result or
notebook_line.result_modifier in
('d', 'nd', 'pos', 'neg', 'ni', 'abs', 'pre') or
notebook_line.converted_result_modifier in
('d', 'nd', 'pos', 'neg', 'ni', 'abs', 'pre')):
if (notebook_line.converted_result and
not in ('ni', 'eq', 'low')):
if (notebook_line.result and notebook_line.result_modifier
not in ('ni', 'eq', 'low')):
notebook_id = notebook_line.notebook.id
if notebook_id not in accepted_analysis:
accepted_lines = NotebookLine.search([
('notebook', '=', notebook_id),
('accepted', '=', True),
accepted_analysis[notebook_id] = [l.analysis.id
for l in accepted_lines]
if notebook_line.analysis.id in accepted_analysis[notebook_id]:
if lines_to_write:
acceptance_date = datetime.now()
NotebookLine.write(lines_to_write, {
'accepted': True,
'acceptance_date': acceptance_date,
def end(self):
return 'reload'
class NotebookLineAcceptLines(NotebookAcceptLines):
'Accept Lines'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook_line.accept_lines'
def transition_ok(self):
NotebookLine = Pool().get('lims.notebook.line')
notebook_lines = NotebookLine.browse(
if not notebook_lines:
return 'end'
return 'end'
class NotebookLineUnacceptLines(Wizard):
'Unaccept Lines'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook_line.unaccept_lines'
start_state = 'ok'
ok = StateTransition()
def transition_ok(self):
NotebookLine = Pool().get('lims.notebook.line')
notebook_lines = NotebookLine.browse(
if not notebook_lines:
return 'end'
return 'end'
def lines_unaccept(self, notebook_lines):
pool = Pool()
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
ResultsLine = pool.get('lims.results_report.version.detail.line')
lines_to_write = []
for notebook_line in notebook_lines:
if not notebook_line.accepted:
report_lines = ResultsLine.search([
('notebook_line', '=', notebook_line.id),
('detail_sample.version_detail.state', '!=', 'annulled'),
if report_lines:
if lines_to_write:
NotebookLine.write(lines_to_write, {
'accepted': False,
'acceptance_date': None,
def end(self):
return 'reload'
class NotebookResultsVerificationStart(ModelView):
'Results Verification'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.results_verification.start'
range_type = fields.Many2One('lims.range.type', 'Origin', required=True,
domain=[('use', '=', 'results_verification')])
class NotebookResultsVerification(Wizard):
'Results Verification'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.results_verification'
start = StateView('lims.notebook.results_verification.start',
'lims.lims_notebook_results_verification_view_form', [
Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'),
Button('Ok', 'ok', 'tryton-ok', default=True),
ok = StateTransition()
def default_start(self, fields):
RangeType = Pool().get('lims.range.type')
default = {}
default_range_type = RangeType.search([
('use', '=', 'results_verification'),
('by_default', '=', True),
if default_range_type:
default['range_type'] = default_range_type[0].id
return default
def transition_ok(self):
Notebook = Pool().get('lims.notebook')
for active_id in Transaction().context['active_ids']:
notebook = Notebook(active_id)
if not notebook.lines:
return 'end'
def lines_results_verification(self, notebook_lines):
pool = Pool()
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
Range = pool.get('lims.range')
UomConversion = pool.get('lims.uom.conversion')
VolumeConversion = pool.get('lims.volume.conversion')
verifications = self._get_verifications()
lines_to_save = []
for notebook_line in notebook_lines:
if notebook_line.accepted:
result = notebook_line.converted_result
if not result:
result = notebook_line.result
iu = notebook_line.initial_unit
if not iu:
ic = float(notebook_line.initial_concentration)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
iu = notebook_line.final_unit
if not iu:
ic = float(notebook_line.final_concentration)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
result = float(result)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
ranges = Range.search([
('range_type', '=', self.start.range_type),
('analysis', '=', notebook_line.analysis.id),
('product_type', '=', notebook_line.notebook.product_type.id),
('matrix', '=', notebook_line.notebook.matrix.id),
if not ranges:
fu = ranges[0].uom
fc = float(ranges[0].concentration)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
if fu and fu.rec_name != '-':
converted_result = None
if (iu == fu and ic == fc):
converted_result = result
elif (iu != fu and ic == fc):
formula = UomConversion.get_conversion_formula(iu,
if not formula:
variables = self._get_variables(formula, notebook_line)
parser = FormulaParser(formula, variables)
formula_result = parser.getValue()
converted_result = result * formula_result
elif (iu == fu and ic != fc):
converted_result = result * (fc / ic)
formula = None
conversions = UomConversion.search([
('initial_uom', '=', iu),
('final_uom', '=', fu),
if conversions:
formula = conversions[0].conversion_formula
if not formula:
variables = self._get_variables(formula, notebook_line)
parser = FormulaParser(formula, variables)
formula_result = parser.getValue()
if (conversions[0].initial_uom_volume and
d_ic = VolumeConversion.brixToDensity(ic)
d_fc = VolumeConversion.brixToDensity(fc)
converted_result = (result * (fc / ic) *
(d_fc / d_ic) * formula_result)
converted_result = (result * (fc / ic) *
result = float(converted_result)
verification = self._verificate_result(result, ranges[0])
notebook_line.verification = verifications.get(verification)
if lines_to_save:
def _get_variables(self, formula, notebook_line):
VolumeConversion = Pool().get('lims.volume.conversion')
variables = {}
for var in ('DI',):
while True:
idx = formula.find(var)
if idx >= 0:
variables[var] = 0
formula = formula.replace(var, '_')
for var in variables.keys():
if var == 'DI':
ic = float(notebook_line.final_concentration)
result = VolumeConversion.brixToDensity(ic)
if result:
variables[var] = result
return variables
def _verificate_result(self, result, range_):
if range_.min95 and range_.max95:
if result < range_.min:
return 'out'
elif result < range_.min95:
return 'ok*'
elif result <= range_.max95:
return 'ok'
elif result <= range_.max:
return 'ok*'
return 'out'
if (range_.min and result < range_.min):
return 'out'
elif (range_.max and result <= range_.max):
return 'ok'
return 'out'
def _get_verifications(self):
pool = Pool()
User = pool.get('res.user')
Lang = pool.get('ir.lang')
lang = User(Transaction().user).language
if not lang:
lang, = Lang.search([
('code', '=', 'en'),
], limit=1)
verifications = {}
with Transaction().set_context(language=lang.code):
verifications['ok'] = gettext('lims.msg_ok')
verifications['ok*'] = gettext('lims.msg_ok*')
verifications['out'] = gettext('lims.msg_out')
return verifications
def end(self):
return 'reload'
class NotebookLineResultsVerification(NotebookResultsVerification):
'Results Verification'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook_line.results_verification'
def transition_ok(self):
NotebookLine = Pool().get('lims.notebook.line')
notebook_lines = NotebookLine.browse(
if not notebook_lines:
return 'end'
return 'end'
class UncertaintyCalcStart(ModelView):
'Uncertainty Calculation'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.uncertainty_calc.start'
range_type = fields.Many2One('lims.range.type', 'Origin', required=True,
domain=[('use', '=', 'uncertainty_calc')])
class UncertaintyCalc(Wizard):
'Uncertainty Calculation'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.uncertainty_calc'
start_state = 'check'
check = StateTransition()
start = StateView('lims.notebook.uncertainty_calc.start',
'lims.lims_notebook_uncertainty_calc_view_form', [
Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'),
Button('Ok', 'ok', 'tryton-ok', default=True),
ok = StateTransition()
def transition_check(self):
RangeType = Pool().get('lims.range.type')
default_range_type = RangeType.search([
('use', '=', 'uncertainty_calc'),
('by_default', '=', True),
if default_range_type:
self.start.range_type = default_range_type[0].id
return 'ok'
return 'start'
def default_start(self, fields):
RangeType = Pool().get('lims.range.type')
default = {}
default_range_type = RangeType.search([
('use', '=', 'uncertainty_calc'),
('by_default', '=', True),
if default_range_type:
default['range_type'] = default_range_type[0].id
return default
def transition_ok(self):
Notebook = Pool().get('lims.notebook')
for active_id in Transaction().context['active_ids']:
notebook = Notebook(active_id)
if not notebook.lines:
return 'end'
def lines_uncertainty_calc(self, notebook_lines):
pool = Pool()
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
Range = pool.get('lims.range')
lines_to_save = []
for notebook_line in notebook_lines:
if notebook_line.accepted:
result = notebook_line.converted_result
if not result:
result = notebook_line.result
result = float(result)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
ranges = Range.search([
('range_type', '=', self.start.range_type),
('analysis', '=', notebook_line.analysis.id),
('product_type', '=', notebook_line.notebook.product_type.id),
('matrix', '=', notebook_line.notebook.matrix.id),
if not ranges:
uncertainty = self._get_uncertainty(result, notebook_line,
if uncertainty is None:
notebook_line.uncertainty = str(uncertainty)
if lines_to_save:
def _get_uncertainty(self, result, notebook_line, range_):
dilution_factor = notebook_line.dilution_factor
if not dilution_factor or dilution_factor == 0.0:
dilution_factor = 1.0
diluted_result = result / dilution_factor
factor = range_.factor or 1.0
low_level = range_.low_level or 0.0 * factor
middle_level = range_.middle_level or 0.0 * factor
high_level = range_.high_level or 0.0 * factor
except TypeError:
return None
uncertainty = 0.0
if (range_.low_level_value and
not (range_.middle_level_value and range_.high_level_value) and
(diluted_result > low_level)):
uncertainty = range_.low_level_value
elif (range_.low_level_value and range_.middle_level_value and
if (low_level <= diluted_result and
diluted_result < middle_level):
uncertainty = range_.low_level_value
elif (middle_level <= diluted_result and
diluted_result < high_level):
uncertainty = range_.middle_level_value
elif diluted_result >= high_level:
uncertainty = range_.high_level_value
if (range_.low_level_value and range_.middle_level_value and not
if (low_level <= diluted_result and
diluted_result < middle_level):
uncertainty = range_.low_level_value
elif (middle_level <= diluted_result and
diluted_result < high_level):
uncertainty = range_.middle_level_value
if uncertainty > 0.0:
uncertainty = result * uncertainty / 100
return uncertainty
def end(self):
return 'reload'
class NotebookLineUncertaintyCalc(UncertaintyCalc):
'Uncertainty Calculation'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook_line.uncertainty_calc'
def transition_ok(self):
NotebookLine = Pool().get('lims.notebook.line')
notebook_lines = NotebookLine.browse(
if not notebook_lines:
return 'end'
return 'end'
class NotebookPrecisionControlStart(ModelView):
'Precision Control'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.precision_control.start'
range_type = fields.Many2One('lims.range.type', 'Origin', required=True,
domain=[('use', '=', 'repeatability_calc')])
product_type = fields.Many2One('lims.product.type', 'Product type',
matrix = fields.Many2One('lims.matrix', 'Matrix', required=True,
('id', 'in', Eval('matrix_domain')),
], depends=['matrix_domain'])
matrix_domain = fields.Function(fields.Many2Many('lims.matrix',
None, None, 'Matrix domain'),
factor = fields.Float('Factor', required=True)
def on_change_with_matrix_domain(self, name=None):
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
Typification = Pool().get('lims.typification')
if not self.product_type:
return []
cursor.execute('SELECT DISTINCT(matrix) '
'FROM "' + Typification._table + '" '
'WHERE product_type = %s '
'AND valid',
res = cursor.fetchall()
if not res:
return []
return [x[0] for x in res]
class NotebookPrecisionControl(Wizard):
'Precision Control'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.precision_control'
start_state = 'check'
check = StateTransition()
start = StateView('lims.notebook.precision_control.start',
'lims.lims_notebook_precision_control_view_form', [
Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'),
Button('Ok', 'ok', 'tryton-ok', default=True),
ok = StateTransition()
def transition_check(self):
Notebook = Pool().get('lims.notebook')
notebook = Notebook(Transaction().context['active_id'])
if notebook.fraction.special_type in ('rm', 'con'):
return 'start'
return 'end'
def default_start(self, fields):
pool = Pool()
Notebook = pool.get('lims.notebook')
RangeType = pool.get('lims.range.type')
notebook = Notebook(Transaction().context['active_id'])
default = {
'product_type': notebook.product_type.id,
'matrix': notebook.matrix.id,
'factor': 2,
default_range_type = RangeType.search([
('use', '=', 'repeatability_calc'),
('by_default', '=', True),
if default_range_type:
default['range_type'] = default_range_type[0].id
return default
def transition_ok(self):
Notebook = Pool().get('lims.notebook')
notebook = Notebook(Transaction().context['active_id'])
if not notebook.lines:
return 'end'
return 'end'
def lines_precision_control(self, notebook_lines):
pool = Pool()
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
Range = pool.get('lims.range')
lines_to_save = []
for notebook_line in notebook_lines:
if notebook_line.verification:
concentration_level = notebook_line.concentration_level
if not concentration_level:
ranges = Range.search([
('range_type', '=', self.start.range_type.id),
('analysis', '=', notebook_line.analysis.id),
('product_type', '=', self.start.product_type.id),
('matrix', '=', self.start.matrix.id),
if not ranges:
if concentration_level.code == 'NC':
cv = ranges[0].low_level_coefficient_variation
elif concentration_level.code == 'NM':
cv = ranges[0].middle_level_coefficient_variation
elif concentration_level.code == 'NA':
cv = ranges[0].high_level_coefficient_variation
if not cv:
if notebook_line.repetition == 0:
rep_0 = float(notebook_line.result)
rep_1 = float(self._get_repetition_result(notebook_line,
elif notebook_line.repetition == 1:
rep_0 = float(self._get_repetition_result(notebook_line,
rep_1 = float(notebook_line.result)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
if not rep_0 or not rep_1:
average = (rep_0 + rep_1) / 2
error = abs(rep_0 - rep_1) / average * 100
if error < (cv * self.start.factor):
res = gettext(
'lims.msg_acceptable', factor=self.start.factor, cv=cv)
res = gettext(
'lims.msg_unacceptable', factor=self.start.factor, cv=cv)
notebook_line.verification = res
if lines_to_save:
def _get_repetition_result(self, notebook_line, repetition):
NotebookLine = Pool().get('lims.notebook.line')
repetition = NotebookLine.search([
('notebook', '=', notebook_line.notebook.id),
('analysis', '=', notebook_line.analysis.id),
('repetition', '=', repetition),
if not repetition:
return None
return repetition[0].result
def end(self):
return 'reload'
class NotebookLinePrecisionControl(NotebookPrecisionControl):
'Precision Control'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook_line.precision_control'
def transition_check(self):
NotebookLine = Pool().get('lims.notebook.line')
reference_line = NotebookLine(Transaction().context['active_id'])
if reference_line.notebook.fraction.special_type in ('rm', 'con'):
return 'start'
return 'end'
def default_start(self, fields):
NotebookLine = Pool().get('lims.notebook.line')
reference_line = NotebookLine(Transaction().context['active_id'])
with Transaction().set_context(active_id=reference_line.notebook.id):
return super().default_start(fields)
def transition_ok(self):
NotebookLine = Pool().get('lims.notebook.line')
reference_line = NotebookLine(Transaction().context['active_id'])
notebook_lines = NotebookLine.browse(
notebook_lines = [l for l in notebook_lines
if l.notebook.id == reference_line.notebook.id]
if not notebook_lines:
return 'end'
return 'end'
class OpenNotebookLines(Wizard):
'Open Notebook Lines'
__name__ = 'lims.open_notebook_lines'
start_state = 'open_'
open_ = StateAction('lims.act_lims_notebook_line_related1')
def do_open_(self, action):
Notebook = Pool().get('lims.notebook')
notebook = Notebook.browse(Transaction().context['active_ids'])[0]
action['pyson_domain'] = PYSONEncoder().encode(
[('notebook', 'in', Transaction().context['active_ids'])])
action['name'] = \
'%s - %s - %s - %s - %s' % (notebook.fraction.number,
notebook.party.name, notebook.product_type.description,
notebook.matrix.description, notebook.label)
return action, {}
class ChangeEstimatedDaysForResultsStart(ModelView):
'Change Estimated Days For Results'
__name__ = 'lims.change_results_estimated_waiting.start'
date_from = fields.Date('Confirmation date From', required=True)
date_to = fields.Date('Confirmation date To', required=True)
methods = fields.Many2Many('lims.lab.method',
None, None, 'Methods', required=True)
results_estimated_waiting = fields.Integer('Days to add')
party = fields.Many2One('party.party', 'Party')
class ChangeEstimatedDaysForResults(Wizard):
'Change Estimated Days For Results'
__name__ = 'lims.change_results_estimated_waiting'
start = StateView('lims.change_results_estimated_waiting.start',
'lims.change_results_estimated_waiting_start_view_form', [
Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'),
Button('Change', 'change', 'tryton-ok', default=True),
change = StateTransition()
def transition_change(self):
NotebookLine = Pool().get('lims.notebook.line')
methods_ids = [m.id for m in self.start.methods]
clause = [('method', 'in', methods_ids)]
'>=', self.start.date_from))
'<=', self.start.date_to))
clause.append(('accepted', '=', False))
party_id = self.start.party and self.start.party.id or None
if party_id:
clause.append(('party', '=', party_id))
notebook_lines = NotebookLine.search(clause)
if notebook_lines:
lines_to_save = []
for line in notebook_lines:
line.results_estimated_waiting = ((
line.results_estimated_waiting or 0) +
return 'end'
class PrintAnalysisPendingInformStart(ModelView):
'Analysis Pending of Inform'
__name__ = 'lims.print_analysis_pending_inform.start'
date_from = fields.Date('Date from', required=True)
date_to = fields.Date('Date to', required=True)
laboratory = fields.Many2One('lims.laboratory', 'Laboratory',
party = fields.Many2One('party.party', 'Party')
include_comments_of_fraction = fields.Boolean(
'Include comments of the fraction')
class PrintAnalysisPendingInform(Wizard):
'Analysis Pending of Inform'
__name__ = 'lims.print_analysis_pending_inform'
start = StateView('lims.print_analysis_pending_inform.start',
'lims.print_analysis_pending_inform_start_view_form', [
Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'),
Button('Print', 'print_', 'tryton-print', default=True),
print_ = StateReport('lims.analysis_pending_inform')
def do_print_(self, action):
data = {
'date_from': self.start.date_from,
'date_to': self.start.date_to,
'laboratory': self.start.laboratory.id,
'party': self.start.party and self.start.party.id or None,
'include_comments_of_fraction': (
return action, data
def transition_print_(self):
return 'end'
class AnalysisPendingInform(Report):
'Analysis Pending of Inform'
__name__ = 'lims.analysis_pending_inform'
def get_context(cls, records, data):
pool = Pool()
Laboratory = pool.get('lims.laboratory')
Party = pool.get('party.party')
report_context = super().get_context(records, data)
today = get_print_date()
report_context['today'] = today
report_context['company'] = report_context['user'].company
report_context['date_from'] = data['date_from']
report_context['date_to'] = data['date_to']
report_context['laboratory'] = Laboratory(data['laboratory']).rec_name
report_context['party'] = ''
if data['party']:
report_context['party'] = Party(data['party']).rec_name
report_context['include_comments_of_fraction'] = \
objects = cls._get_report_records(data['date_from'], data['date_to'],
data['laboratory'], data['party'])
report_context['records'] = objects
return report_context
def _get_report_records(cls, date_from, date_to, laboratory, party):
pool = Pool()
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
res = []
excluded_notebooks = cls._get_excluded_notebooks(date_from, date_to,
laboratory, party)
if excluded_notebooks:
for n_id, a_ids in excluded_notebooks.items():
clause = [
('notebook.id', '=', n_id),
('analysis', 'in', a_ids),
('laboratory', '=', laboratory),
('report', '=', True),
('annulled', '=', False),
excluded_lines = NotebookLine.search(clause)
if excluded_lines:
return res
def _get_excluded_notebooks(cls, date_from, date_to, laboratory, party):
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
pool = Pool()
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
Notebook = pool.get('lims.notebook')
Fraction = pool.get('lims.fraction')
Sample = pool.get('lims.sample')
Entry = pool.get('lims.entry')
FractionType = pool.get('lims.fraction.type')
party_clause = ''
if party:
party_clause = 'AND e.party = ' + str(party)
cursor.execute('SELECT nl.notebook, nl.analysis, nl.accepted '
'FROM "' + NotebookLine._table + '" nl '
'INNER JOIN "' + Notebook._table + '" n '
'ON n.id = nl.notebook '
'INNER JOIN "' + Fraction._table + '" f '
'ON f.id = n.fraction '
'INNER JOIN "' + Sample._table + '" s '
'ON s.id = f.sample '
'INNER JOIN "' + Entry._table + '" e '
'ON e.id = s.entry '
'INNER JOIN "' + FractionType._table + '" ft '
'ON ft.id = f.type '
'WHERE ft.report = TRUE '
'AND s.date::date >= %s::date '
'AND s.date::date <= %s::date '
'AND nl.laboratory = %s '
'AND nl.report = TRUE '
'AND nl.annulled = FALSE ' +
(date_from, date_to, laboratory,))
notebook_lines = cursor.fetchall()
# Check accepted repetitions
to_check = []
oks = []
for line in notebook_lines:
key = (line[0], line[1])
if not line[2]:
to_check = list(set(to_check) - set(oks))
excluded_notebooks = {}
for n_id, a_id in to_check:
if n_id not in excluded_notebooks:
excluded_notebooks[n_id] = []
return excluded_notebooks
class PrintAnalysisCheckedPendingInformStart(ModelView):
'Analysis checked pending of Inform'
__name__ = 'lims.print_analysis_checked_pending_inform.start'
date_from = fields.Date('Date from', required=True)
date_to = fields.Date('Date to', required=True)
laboratory = fields.Many2One('lims.laboratory', 'Laboratory',
party = fields.Many2One('party.party', 'Party')
class PrintAnalysisCheckedPendingInform(Wizard):
'Analysis Checked pending of Inform'
__name__ = 'lims.print_analysis_checked_pending_inform'
start = StateView('lims.print_analysis_checked_pending_inform.start',
'lims.print_analysis_checked_pending_inform_start_view_form', [
Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'),
Button('Print', 'print_', 'tryton-print', default=True),
print_ = StateReport('lims.analysis_checked_pending_inform')
def do_print_(self, action):
data = {
'date_from': self.start.date_from,
'date_to': self.start.date_to,
'laboratory': self.start.laboratory.id,
'party': self.start.party and self.start.party.id or None,
return action, data
def transition_print_(self):
return 'end'
class AnalysisCheckedPendingInform(Report):
'Analysis checked pending of Inform'
__name__ = 'lims.analysis_checked_pending_inform'
def get_context(cls, records, data):
pool = Pool()
Laboratory = pool.get('lims.laboratory')
Party = pool.get('party.party')
report_context = super().get_context(records, data)
today = get_print_date()
report_context['today'] = today
report_context['company'] = report_context['user'].company
report_context['date_from'] = data['date_from']
report_context['date_to'] = data['date_to']
report_context['laboratory'] = Laboratory(data['laboratory']).rec_name
report_context['party'] = ''
if data['party']:
report_context['party'] = Party(data['party']).rec_name
objects = cls._get_report_records(data['date_from'], data['date_to'],
data['laboratory'], data['party'])
report_context['records'] = objects
return report_context
def _get_report_records(cls, date_from, date_to, laboratory, party):
pool = Pool()
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
res = []
included_notebooks = cls._get_included_notebooks(date_from, date_to,
laboratory, party)
if included_notebooks:
for n_id, a_ids in included_notebooks:
clause = [
('notebook.id', '=', n_id),
('analysis', 'in', [a_ids]),
('laboratory', '=', laboratory),
('report', '=', True),
('annulled', '=', False),
included_lines = NotebookLine.search(clause)
if included_lines:
res.extend(line for line in included_lines)
return res
def _get_included_notebooks(cls, date_from, date_to, laboratory, party):
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
pool = Pool()
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
Notebook = pool.get('lims.notebook')
Fraction = pool.get('lims.fraction')
Sample = pool.get('lims.sample')
Entry = pool.get('lims.entry')
FractionType = pool.get('lims.fraction.type')
party_clause = ''
if party:
party_clause = 'AND e.party = ' + str(party)
cursor.execute('SELECT nl.notebook, nl.analysis '
'FROM "' + NotebookLine._table + '" nl '
'INNER JOIN "' + Notebook._table + '" n '
'ON n.id = nl.notebook '
'INNER JOIN "' + Fraction._table + '" f '
'ON f.id = n.fraction '
'INNER JOIN "' + Sample._table + '" s '
'ON s.id = f.sample '
'INNER JOIN "' + Entry._table + '" e '
'ON e.id = s.entry '
'INNER JOIN "' + FractionType._table + '" ft '
'ON ft.id = f.type '
'WHERE ft.report = TRUE '
'AND s.date::date >= %s::date '
'AND s.date::date <= %s::date '
'AND nl.laboratory = %s '
'AND nl.report = TRUE '
'AND nl.accepted = TRUE '
'AND nl.results_report IS NULL '
'AND nl.annulled = FALSE ' +
(date_from, date_to, laboratory,))
notebook_lines = cursor.fetchall()
return notebook_lines
class NotebookEvaluateRulesStart(ModelView):
'Evaluate Rules'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.evaluate_rules.start'
class NotebookEvaluateRules(Wizard):
'Evaluate Rules'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.evaluate_rules'
start_state = 'ok'
start = StateView('lims.notebook.evaluate_rules.start',
'lims.notebook_evaluate_rules_start_view_form', [
Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'),
Button('Ok', 'ok', 'tryton-ok', default=True),
ok = StateTransition()
def transition_ok(self):
Notebook = Pool().get('lims.notebook')
for active_id in Transaction().context['active_ids']:
notebook = Notebook(active_id)
return 'end'
def evaluate_rules(self, notebook_lines):
pool = Pool()
NotebookRule = pool.get('lims.rule')
for line in notebook_lines:
rules = NotebookRule.search([
('analysis', '=', line.analysis),
for rule in rules:
if rule.eval_condition(line):
def end(self):
return 'reload'
class NotebookLineEvaluateRules(NotebookEvaluateRules):
'Evaluate Rules'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook_line.evaluate_rules'
def transition_ok(self):
NotebookLine = Pool().get('lims.notebook.line')
notebook_lines = NotebookLine.browse(
if not notebook_lines:
return 'end'
return 'end'