
708 lines
26 KiB

# This file is part of lims_report_html module for Tryton.
# The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of this repository contains
# the full copyright notices and license terms.
import os
import operator
from io import BytesIO
from decimal import Decimal
from datetime import date, datetime
from binascii import b2a_base64
from functools import partial
from PyPDF2 import PdfFileMerger
from PyPDF2.utils import PdfReadError
from jinja2 import contextfilter, Markup
from jinja2 import Environment, FunctionLoader
from lxml import html as lxml_html
from base64 import b64encode
from babel.support import Translations as BabelTranslations
from mimetypes import guess_type as mime_guess_type
from sql import Literal
from trytond.model import ModelSQL, ModelView, fields
from trytond.report import Report
from trytond.pool import Pool
from trytond.pyson import Eval, Bool, Or
from trytond.transaction import Transaction
from trytond.cache import Cache
from trytond.exceptions import UserError
from trytond.i18n import gettext
from trytond.tools import file_open
from trytond import backend
from .generator import PdfGenerator
class ReportTemplate(ModelSQL, ModelView):
'Report Template'
__name__ = 'lims.report.template'
report_name = fields.Char('Internal Name', required=True)
name = fields.Char('Name', required=True)
type = fields.Selection([
(None, ''),
('base', 'HTML'),
('header', 'HTML - Header'),
('footer', 'HTML - Footer'),
], 'Type')
report = fields.Many2One('ir.action.report', 'Report',
('report_name', '=', Eval('report_name')),
('template_extension', '!=', 'lims'),
'required': ~Eval('type'),
'invisible': Bool(Eval('type')),
depends=['report_name', 'type'])
content = fields.Text('Content',
states={'required': Bool(Eval('type'))}, depends=['type'])
header = fields.Many2One('lims.report.template', 'Header',
('report_name', '=', Eval('report_name')),
('type', '=', 'header'),
footer = fields.Many2One('lims.report.template', 'Footer',
('report_name', '=', Eval('report_name')),
('type', '=', 'footer'),
translations = fields.One2Many('lims.report.template.translation',
'template', 'Translations')
_translation_cache = Cache('lims.report.template.translation',
size_limit=10240, context=False)
sections = fields.One2Many('lims.report.template.section',
'template', 'Sections')
previous_sections = fields.Function(fields.One2Many(
'lims.report.template.section', 'template',
'Previous Sections', domain=[('position', '=', 'previous')]),
'get_previous_sections', setter='set_previous_sections')
following_sections = fields.Function(fields.One2Many(
'lims.report.template.section', 'template',
'Following Sections', domain=[('position', '=', 'following')]),
'get_following_sections', setter='set_following_sections')
page_orientation = fields.Selection([
('portrait', 'Portrait'),
('landscape', 'Landscape'),
], 'Page orientation', sort=False,
states={'invisible': Eval('type') != 'base'},
def __register__(cls, module_name):
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
TableHandler = backend.TableHandler
sql_table = cls.__table__()
old_table_exist = TableHandler.table_exist(
if old_table_exist:
cursor.execute('ALTER TABLE '
'lims_result_report_template '
'RENAME TO lims_report_template')
cursor.execute('ALTER INDEX '
'lims_result_report_template_pkey '
'RENAME TO lims_report_template_pkey')
cursor.execute('ALTER SEQUENCE '
'lims_result_report_template_id_seq '
'RENAME TO lims_report_template_id_seq')
if old_table_exist:
[sql_table.report_name], ['lims.result_report'],
def default_type():
return None
def default_page_orientation():
return 'portrait'
def view_attributes(cls):
return super().view_attributes() + [
('//page[@name="content"]', 'states', {
'invisible': ~Bool(Eval('type')),
('//page[@id="header_footer"]', 'states', {
'invisible': Eval('type') != 'base',
('//page[@name="translations"]', 'states', {
'invisible': ~Bool(Eval('type')),
('//page[@name="sections"]', 'states', {
'invisible': Eval('type') != 'base',
def gettext(cls, *args, **variables):
ReportTemplateTranslation = Pool().get(
template, src, lang = args
key = (template, src, lang)
text = cls._translation_cache.get(key)
if text is None:
template_ids = [template]
base = cls(template)
if base.header:
if base.footer:
translations = ReportTemplateTranslation.search([
('template', 'in', template_ids),
('src', '=', src),
('lang', '=', lang),
], limit=1)
if translations:
text = translations[0].value
text = src
cls._translation_cache.set(key, text)
return text if not variables else text % variables
def get_previous_sections(self, name):
return [s.id for s in self.sections if s.position == 'previous']
def set_previous_sections(cls, sections, name, value):
if not value:
cls.write(sections, {'sections': value})
def get_following_sections(self, name):
return [s.id for s in self.sections if s.position == 'following']
def set_following_sections(cls, sections, name, value):
if not value:
cls.write(sections, {'sections': value})
class ReportTemplateTranslation(ModelSQL, ModelView):
'Report Template Translation'
__name__ = 'lims.report.template.translation'
_order_name = 'src'
template = fields.Many2One('lims.report.template', 'Template',
ondelete='CASCADE', select=True, required=True)
src = fields.Text('Source', required=True)
value = fields.Text('Translation Value', required=True)
lang = fields.Selection('get_language', string='Language', required=True)
_get_language_cache = Cache(
def __register__(cls, module_name):
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
TableHandler = backend.TableHandler
old_table_exist = TableHandler.table_exist(
if old_table_exist:
cursor.execute('ALTER TABLE '
'lims_result_report_template_translation '
'RENAME TO lims_report_template_translation')
cursor.execute('ALTER INDEX '
'lims_result_report_template_translation_pkey '
'RENAME TO lims_report_template_translation_pkey')
cursor.execute('ALTER INDEX '
'lims_result_report_template_translation_template_index '
'RENAME TO lims_report_template_translation_template_index')
cursor.execute('ALTER SEQUENCE '
'lims_result_report_template_translation_id_seq '
'RENAME TO lims_report_template_translation_id_seq')
def default_lang():
return Transaction().language
def get_language(cls):
result = cls._get_language_cache.get(None)
if result is not None:
return result
langs = Pool().get('ir.lang').search([('translatable', '=', True)])
result = [(lang.code, lang.name) for lang in langs]
cls._get_language_cache.set(None, result)
return result
def create(cls, vlist):
Template = Pool().get('lims.report.template')
return super().create(vlist)
def write(cls, *args):
Template = Pool().get('lims.report.template')
return super().write(*args)
def delete(cls, translations):
Template = Pool().get('lims.report.template')
return super().delete(translations)
class ReportTemplateSection(ModelSQL, ModelView):
'Report Template Section'
__name__ = 'lims.report.template.section'
_order_name = 'order'
template = fields.Many2One('lims.report.template', 'Template',
ondelete='CASCADE', select=True, required=True)
name = fields.Char('Name', required=True)
data = fields.Binary('File', filename='name', required=True,
file_id='data_id', store_prefix='results_report_template_section')
data_id = fields.Char('File ID', readonly=True)
position = fields.Selection([
('previous', 'Previous'),
('following', 'Following'),
], 'Position', required=True)
order = fields.Integer('Order')
def __setup__(cls):
cls._order.insert(0, ('order', 'ASC'))
def __register__(cls, module_name):
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
TableHandler = backend.TableHandler
old_table_exist = TableHandler.table_exist(
if old_table_exist:
cursor.execute('ALTER TABLE '
'lims_result_report_template_section '
'RENAME TO lims_report_template_section ')
cursor.execute('ALTER INDEX '
'lims_result_report_template_section_pkey '
'RENAME TO lims_report_template_section_pkey')
cursor.execute('ALTER INDEX '
'lims_result_report_template_section_template_index '
'RENAME TO lims_report_template_section_template_index')
cursor.execute('ALTER SEQUENCE '
'lims_result_report_template_section_id_seq '
'RENAME TO lims_report_template_section_id_seq')
def validate(cls, sections):
merger = PdfFileMerger(strict=False)
for section in sections:
filedata = BytesIO(section.data)
except PdfReadError:
raise UserError(gettext('lims_report_html.msg_section_pdf'))
class LimsReport(Report):
def execute_custom_lims_report(cls, ids, data):
pool = Pool()
ActionReport = pool.get('ir.action.report')
action_id = data.get('action_id')
if action_id is None:
action_reports = ActionReport.search([
('report_name', '=', cls.__name__),
('template_extension', '!=', 'lims'),
assert action_reports, '%s not found' % cls
action = action_reports[0]
action = ActionReport(action_id)
records = []
model = action.model or data.get('model')
if model:
records = cls._get_records(ids, model, data)
oext, content = cls._execute(records, data, action)
if not isinstance(content, str):
content = bytearray(content) if bytes == str else bytes(content)
return (oext, content, action.direct_print, action.name)
def execute_html_lims_report(cls, ids, data):
pool = Pool()
ActionReport = pool.get('ir.action.report')
action_reports = ActionReport.search([
('report_name', '=', cls.__name__),
('template_extension', '=', 'lims'),
assert action_reports, '%s not found' % cls
action = action_reports[0]
records = []
model = action.model or data.get('model')
if model:
records = cls._get_records(ids, model, data)
oext, content = cls._execute_html_lims_report(records, data, action)
if not isinstance(content, str):
content = bytearray(content) if bytes == str else bytes(content)
return (oext, content, action.direct_print, action.name)
def _execute_html_lims_report(cls, records, data, action):
record = records[0]
template_id, tcontent, theader, tfooter = (
cls.get_lims_template(action, record))
context = Transaction().context
context['template'] = template_id
if not template_id:
context['default_translations'] = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(__file__), 'report', 'translations')
with Transaction().set_context(**context):
content = cls.render_lims_template(action,
tcontent, record=record, records=[record],
header = theader and cls.render_lims_template(action,
theader, record=record, records=[record],
footer = tfooter and cls.render_lims_template(action,
tfooter, record=record, records=[record],
stylesheets = cls.parse_stylesheets(tcontent)
if theader:
stylesheets += cls.parse_stylesheets(theader)
if tfooter:
stylesheets += cls.parse_stylesheets(tfooter)
page_orientation = (record.template and
record.template.page_orientation or 'portrait')
document = PdfGenerator(content,
header_html=header, footer_html=footer,
side_margin=1, extra_vertical_margin=30,
if record.previous_sections or record.following_sections:
merger = PdfFileMerger(strict=False)
# Previous Sections
for section in record.previous_sections:
filedata = BytesIO(section.data)
# Main Report
filedata = BytesIO(document)
# Following Sections
for section in record.following_sections:
filedata = BytesIO(section.data)
output = BytesIO()
document = output.getvalue()
return 'pdf', document
def get_lims_template(cls, action, record):
template_id, content, header, footer = None, None, None, None
if record.template:
template_id = record.template
content = '<body>%s</body>' % record.template.content
header = (record.template.header and
'<header id="header">%s</header>' %
footer = (record.template.footer and
'<footer id="footer">%s</footer>' %
if not content:
content = (action.report_content and
if not content:
raise UserError(gettext('lims_report_html.msg_no_template'))
return template_id, content, header, footer
def render_lims_template(cls, action, template_string,
record=None, records=None, data=None):
User = Pool().get('res.user')
user = User(Transaction().user)
if data and data.get('alt_lang'):
locale = data['alt_lang']
elif user.language:
locale = user.language.code
locale = Transaction().language
with Transaction().set_context(locale=locale):
env = cls.get_lims_environment()
report_template = env.from_string(template_string)
context = cls.get_context(records, data)
'report': action,
'get_image': cls.get_image,
'operation': cls.operation,
res = report_template.render(**context)
res = cls.parse_images(res)
# print('TEMPLATE:\n', res)
return res
def get_lims_environment(cls):
extensions = ['jinja2.ext.i18n', 'jinja2.ext.autoescape',
'jinja2.ext.with_', 'jinja2.ext.loopcontrols', 'jinja2.ext.do']
env = Environment(extensions=extensions,
loader=FunctionLoader(lambda name: ''))
locale = Transaction().context.get('locale').split('_')[0]
translations = TemplateTranslations(locale)
return env
def get_lims_filters(cls):
Lang = Pool().get('ir.lang')
def module_path(name):
module, path = name.split('/', 1)
with file_open(os.path.join(module, path)) as f:
return 'file://%s' % f.name
def render(value, digits=2, lang=None, filename=None):
if value is None or value == '':
return ''
if isinstance(value, (float, Decimal)):
return lang.format('%.*f', (digits, value), grouping=True)
if isinstance(value, int):
return lang.format('%d', value, grouping=True)
if isinstance(value, bool):
if value:
return gettext('lims_report_html.msg_yes')
return gettext('lims_report_html.msg_no')
if hasattr(value, 'rec_name'):
return value.rec_name
if isinstance(value, date):
return lang.strftime(value)
if isinstance(value, datetime):
return '%s %s' % (lang.strftime(value),
if isinstance(value, str):
return value.replace('\n', '<br/>')
if isinstance(value, bytes):
b64_value = b2a_base64(value).decode('ascii')
mimetype = 'image/png'
if filename:
mimetype = mime_guess_type(filename)[0]
return ('data:%s;base64,%s' % (mimetype, b64_value)).strip()
return value
def subrender(context, value, subobj=None):
if value is None or value == '':
return ''
_template = context.eval_ctx.environment.from_string(value)
if subobj:
new_context = {'subobj': subobj}
new_context = context
result = _template.render(**new_context)
if context.eval_ctx.autoescape:
result = Markup(result)
return result
locale = Transaction().context.get('locale').split('_')[0]
lang, = Lang.search([('code', '=', locale or 'en')])
return {
'modulepath': module_path,
'render': partial(render, lang=lang),
'subrender': subrender,
def parse_images(cls, template_string):
Attachment = Pool().get('ir.attachment')
root = lxml_html.fromstring(template_string)
for elem in root.iter('img'):
# get image from attachments
if 'id' in elem.attrib:
img = Attachment.search([('id', '=', int(elem.attrib['id']))])
if img:
elem.attrib['src'] = cls.get_image(img[0].data)
# get image from TinyMCE widget
elif 'data-mce-src' in elem.attrib:
elem.attrib['src'] = elem.attrib['data-mce-src']
del elem.attrib['data-mce-src']
# set width and height in style attribute
style = elem.attrib.get('style', '')
if 'width' in elem.attrib:
style += ' width: %spx;' % str(elem.attrib['width'])
if 'height' in elem.attrib:
style += ' height: %spx;' % str(elem.attrib['height'])
elem.attrib['style'] = style
return lxml_html.tostring(root).decode()
def get_image(cls, image):
if not image:
return ''
b64_image = b64encode(image).decode()
return 'data:image/png;base64,%s' % b64_image
def operation(cls, function, value1, value2):
return getattr(operator, function)(value1, value2)
def parse_stylesheets(cls, template_string):
Attachment = Pool().get('ir.attachment')
root = lxml_html.fromstring(template_string)
res = []
# get stylesheets from attachments
elems = root.xpath("//div[@id='tryton_styles_container']/div")
for elem in elems:
css = Attachment.search([('id', '=', int(elem.attrib['id']))])
if not css:
return res
class TemplateTranslations:
def __init__(self, lang='en'):
self.cache = {}
self.env = None
self.current = None
self.language = lang
self.template = None
def set_language(self, lang='en'):
self.language = lang
if lang in self.cache:
self.current = self.cache[lang]
context = Transaction().context
if context.get('default_translations'):
default_translations = context['default_translations']
if os.path.isdir(default_translations):
self.current = BabelTranslations.load(
dirname=default_translations, locales=[lang])
self.cache[lang] = self.current
self.template = context.get('template', -1)
def ugettext(self, message):
ReportTemplate = Pool().get('lims.report.template')
if self.current:
return self.current.ugettext(message)
elif self.template:
return ReportTemplate.gettext(self.template, message,
return message
def ngettext(self, singular, plural, n):
ReportTemplate = Pool().get('lims.report.template')
if self.current:
return self.current.ugettext(singular, plural, n)
elif self.template:
return ReportTemplate.gettext(self.template, singular,
return singular
class ResultsReportTemplate(ReportTemplate):
__name__ = 'lims.report.template'
trend_charts = fields.One2Many('lims.report.template.trend.chart',
'template', 'Trend Charts')
charts_x_row = fields.Selection([
('1', '1'),
('2', '2'),
], 'Charts per Row')
resultrange_origin = fields.Many2One('lims.range.type', 'Comparison range',
domain=[('use', '=', 'result_range')],
'invisible': Or(
Eval('type') != 'base',
Eval('report_name') != 'lims.result_report',
def default_charts_x_row():
return '1'
def view_attributes(cls):
return super().view_attributes() + [
('//page[@name="trend_charts"]', 'states', {
'invisible': Or(
Eval('type') != 'base',
Eval('report_name') != 'lims.result_report',
class ResultsReportTemplateTrendChart(ModelSQL, ModelView):
'Results Report Template Trend Chart'
__name__ = 'lims.report.template.trend.chart'
_order_name = 'order'
template = fields.Many2One('lims.report.template', 'Template',
ondelete='CASCADE', select=True, required=True)
chart = fields.Many2One('lims.trend.chart', 'Trend Chart',
required=True, domain=[('active', '=', True)])
order = fields.Integer('Order')
def __register__(cls, module_name):
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
TableHandler = backend.TableHandler
old_table_exist = TableHandler.table_exist(
if old_table_exist:
cursor.execute('ALTER TABLE '
'lims_result_report_template_trend_chart '
'RENAME TO lims_report_template_trend_chart ')
cursor.execute('ALTER INDEX '
'lims_result_report_template_trend_chart_pkey '
'RENAME TO lims_report_template_trend_chart_pkey')
cursor.execute('ALTER INDEX '
'lims_result_report_template_trend_chart_template_index '
'RENAME TO lims_report_template_trend_chart_template_index')
cursor.execute('ALTER SEQUENCE '
'lims_result_report_template_trend_chart_id_seq '
'RENAME TO lims_report_template_trend_chart_id_seq')