
127 lines
3.1 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of lims_interface module for Tryton.
# The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of this repository contains
# the full copyright notices and license terms.
import formulas
import numpy as np
from trytond.model import ModelView, ModelSQL, fields
from trytond.pool import Pool
custom_functions = {}
def to_str(value):
return value and str(value) or ''
custom_functions['STR'] = to_str
def concat(*args):
return ''.join([a if isinstance(a, str) else '' for a in args])
custom_functions['CONCAT'] = concat
def get_variable(notebook_line, variable):
pool = Pool()
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
VariableValue = pool.get('lims.interface.variable.value')
if not notebook_line or not variable:
return None
if isinstance(notebook_line, int):
notebook_line = NotebookLine(notebook_line)
analysis = notebook_line.analysis
product_type = notebook_line.product_type
matrix = notebook_line.matrix
method = notebook_line.method
res = VariableValue.get_value(variable, analysis, product_type, matrix,
if res:
return res
res = VariableValue.get_value(variable, analysis, product_type, matrix)
if res:
return res
res = VariableValue.get_value(variable, analysis, product_type)
if res:
return res
res = VariableValue.get_value(variable, analysis)
if res:
return res
return None
custom_functions['VAR'] = get_variable
def slope(yp, xp):
items_to_delete = []
i = 0
for y1 in yp:
for y2 in y1:
if y2 is None:
i += 1
if items_to_delete:
yp = np.delete(yp, items_to_delete, axis=1)
xp = np.delete(xp, items_to_delete, axis=1)
return formulas.functions.wrap_func(formulas.functions.stat.xslope)(yp, xp)
custom_functions['SLOPE'] = slope
def intercept(y, x):
if any(val is None for y1 in y for val in y1):
return None
if any(val is None for x1 in x for val in x1):
return None
y, x = y[0].astype(float), x[0].astype(float)
def _mean(l):
return sum(l) / len(l)
def _multiply(l1, l2):
return [a * b for a, b in zip(l1, l2)]
m = ((_mean(x) * _mean(y) - _mean(_multiply(x, y))) /
(_mean(x) ** 2 - _mean(_multiply(x, x))))
b = _mean(y) - m * _mean(x)
return b
custom_functions['INTERCEPT'] = intercept
def rsq(y, x):
if any(val is None for y1 in y for val in y1):
return None
if any(val is None for x1 in x for val in x1):
return None
y, x = y[0].astype(float), x[0].astype(float)
zx = (x - np.mean(x)) / np.std(x, ddof=1)
zy = (y - np.mean(y)) / np.std(y, ddof=1)
r = np.sum(zx * zy) / (len(x) - 1)
return r ** 2
custom_functions['RSQ'] = rsq
class Function(ModelSQL, ModelView):
'Interface Function'
__name__ = 'lims.interface.function'
name = fields.Char('Name', required=True)
parameters = fields.Char('Parameters')
help = fields.Text('Help')
def get_rec_name(self, name):
return '%s(%s)' % (self.name, self.parameters)