2019-01-03 12:43:16 -03:00

536 lines
21 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of lims_instrument module for Tryton.
# The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of this repository contains
# the full copyright notices and license terms.
import cStringIO as StringIO
except ImportError:
import StringIO
import traceback
import xlrd
from xlutils.copy import copy
from datetime import datetime
from trytond.model import ModelView, ModelSQL, fields, Unique
from trytond.wizard import Wizard, StateView, StateTransition, Button
from trytond.pool import Pool, PoolMeta
from trytond.transaction import Transaction
__all__ = ['NotebookLine', 'ResultsImport', 'NotebookLoadResultsFileStart',
'NotebookLoadResultsFileStartLine', 'NotebookLoadResultsFileEmpty',
'NotebookLoadResultsFileResult', 'NotebookLoadResultsFileWarning',
'NotebookLoadResultsFileExport', 'NotebookLoadResultsFile']
class NotebookLine:
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.line'
__metaclass__ = PoolMeta
imported_result = fields.Char('Result')
imported_literal_result = fields.Char('Literal result')
imported_end_date = fields.Date('End date')
imported_professionals = fields.Char('Professionals')
imported_chromatogram = fields.Char('Chromatogram')
imported_device = fields.Many2One('lims.lab.device', 'Device')
imported_dilution_factor = fields.Float('Dilution factor')
imported_rm_correction_formula = fields.Char('RM Correction Formula')
imported_inj_date = fields.Date('Inject date')
class ResultsImport(ModelSQL, ModelView):
'Results Import'
__name__ = 'lims.resultsimport'
_rec_name = 'description'
name = fields.Selection([], 'Name', required=True, sort=False,
description = fields.Char('Description', required=True)
controller = None
_infile = None
header = []
rawresults = {}
mimetype = None
numline = 0
def __setup__(cls):
super(ResultsImport, cls).__setup__()
t = cls.__table__()
cls._sql_constraints += [
('name_uniq', Unique(t, t.name),
'The results importer name must be unique'),
'not_module': 'No module for importer type "%s"',
'not_implemented': ('The function "%s" is not implemented for'
' this importer'),
def on_change_with_description(self, name=None):
description = None
if self.name:
if self.controller:
description = self.controller.getControllerName()
except AttributeError:
return description
def loadController(self):
self.raise_user_error('not_module', (self.name,))
def getInputFile(self):
return self._infile
def setInputFile(self, infile):
self._infile = infile
def parse(self, infile):
if not self.controller:
return self.controller.parse(self, infile)
except AttributeError:
self.raise_user_error('not_implemented', ('parse',))
def exportResults(self):
This function defines whether the importer
export results to a file at the end of the process.
Default is False
if not self.controller:
return self.controller.exportResults(self)
except AttributeError:
return False
class NotebookLoadResultsFileStart(ModelView):
'Load Results from File'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.load_results_file.start'
results_importer = fields.Many2One('lims.resultsimport',
'Results importer', required=True)
lines = fields.One2Many('lims.notebook.load_results_file.start.line',
None, 'Files', required=True)
class NotebookLoadResultsFileStartLine(ModelView):
'Load Results from File'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.load_results_file.start.line'
infile = fields.Binary('File', required=True, filename='name')
name = fields.Char('Name', readonly=True)
class NotebookLoadResultsFileEmpty(ModelView):
'Load Results from File Empty'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.load_results_file.empty'
class NotebookLoadResultsFileResult(ModelView):
'Process Results from File'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.load_results_file.result'
result_lines = fields.One2Many('lims.notebook.line', None, 'Lines',
class NotebookLoadResultsFileWarning(ModelView):
'Load Results from File Warning'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.load_results_file.warning'
msg = fields.Text('Message')
class NotebookLoadResultsFileExport(ModelView):
"Export Results from File"
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.load_results_file.export'
file = fields.Binary('File', readonly=True)
class NotebookLoadResultsFile(Wizard):
'Load Results from File'
__name__ = 'lims.notebook.load_results_file'
start = StateView('lims.notebook.load_results_file.start',
'lims_instrument.lims_load_results_file_start_view_form', [
Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'),
Button('Collect', 'collect', 'tryton-forward', default=True),
collect = StateTransition()
empty = StateView('lims.notebook.load_results_file.empty',
'lims_instrument.lims_load_results_file_empty_view_form', [
Button('Try again', 'start', 'tryton-forward'),
Button('Close', 'end', 'tryton-close', default=True),
result = StateView('lims.notebook.load_results_file.result',
'lims_instrument.lims_load_results_file_result_view_form', [
Button('Cancel', 'cancel', 'tryton-cancel'),
Button('Confirm', 'confirm', 'tryton-ok', default=True),
confirm = StateTransition()
cancel = StateTransition()
warning = StateView('lims.notebook.load_results_file.warning',
'lims_instrument.lims_load_results_file_warning_view_form', [
Button('Ok', 'close', 'tryton-ok'),
close = StateTransition()
export = StateView('lims.notebook.load_results_file.export',
'lims_instrument.lims_load_results_file_export_view_form', [
Button('Done', 'end', 'tryton-close', default=True),
def transition_collect(self):
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
pool = Pool()
Fraction = pool.get('lims.fraction')
Notebook = pool.get('lims.notebook')
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
Analysis = pool.get('lims.analysis')
lines = []
for fline in self.start.lines:
self.start.results_importer.rawresults = {}
raw_results = self.start.results_importer.rawresults
fractions_numbers = list(raw_results.keys())
if not fractions_numbers:
numbers = '\', \''.join(str(n) for n in fractions_numbers)
cursor.execute('SELECT id, number '
'FROM "' + Fraction._table + '" '
'WHERE number IN (\'' + numbers + '\') '
'ORDER BY number ASC')
for f in cursor.fetchall():
cursor.execute('SELECT id '
'FROM "' + Notebook._table + '" '
'WHERE fraction = %s '
'LIMIT 1', (f[0],))
notebook = cursor.fetchone()
if not notebook:
for analysis in raw_results[f[1]].keys():
cursor.execute('SELECT id '
'FROM "' + Analysis._table + '" '
'WHERE code = %s '
'AND automatic_acquisition = TRUE '
'LIMIT 1', (analysis,))
if not cursor.fetchone():
for rep in raw_results[f[1]][analysis].keys():
clause = [
('notebook', '=', notebook[0]),
('analysis', '=', analysis),
('repetition', '=', rep),
('result', 'in', [None, '']),
('converted_result', 'in', [None, '']),
('literal_result', 'in', [None, '']),
('result_modifier', 'not in', ['nd', 'pos', 'neg',
'ni', 'abs', 'pre', 'na']),
('converted_result_modifier', 'not in',
['nd', 'pos', 'neg', 'ni', 'abs', 'pre']),
line = NotebookLine.search(clause)
if line:
data = raw_results[f[1]][analysis][rep]
res = self.get_results(line[0], data)
if res:
NotebookLine.write([line[0]], res)
if lines:
self.result.result_lines = [l.id for l in lines]
return 'result'
return 'empty'
def get_results(self, line, data):
pool = Pool()
Device = pool.get('lims.lab.device')
res = {}
if 'result' in data or 'literal_result' in data:
if 'result' in data:
res['imported_result'] = unicode(float(data['result']))
if 'literal_result' in data:
res['imported_literal_result'] = data['literal_result']
res['imported_end_date'] = (data['end_date'] if 'end_date' in data
else line.end_date)
res['imported_inj_date'] = (data['injection_date']
if 'injection_date' in data else None)
if 'professionals' in data:
res['imported_professionals'] = data['professionals']
if 'chromatogram' in data:
res['imported_chromatogram'] = data['chromatogram']
device = data['device'] if 'device' in data else None
if device:
dev = Device.search([('code', '=', device)])
if dev:
res['imported_device'] = dev[0].id
if 'dilution_factor' in data:
res['imported_dilution_factor'] = data['dilution_factor']
if 'rm_correction_formula' in data:
res['imported_rm_correction_formula'] = (
return res
def default_result(self, fields):
default = {}
default['result_lines'] = [l.id for l in self.result.result_lines]
return default
def get_professionals(self, professionals_codes):
This function gets a string with one or more professionals codes,
separated by commas, like: 'ABC' or 'JLB, ABC'
It returns the professionals
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
pool = Pool()
Professional = pool.get('lims.laboratory.professional')
res = []
professionals = ''.join(professionals_codes.split())
professionals = professionals.split(',')
for professional in professionals:
cursor.execute('SELECT id, code '
'FROM "' + Professional._table + '" '
'WHERE code = %s '
'LIMIT 1', (professional,))
prof = cursor.fetchone()
if prof:
return res
def check_professionals(self, professionals, method):
cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
pool = Pool()
LabProfessionalMethod = pool.get('lims.lab.professional.method')
validated = False
msg = ''
for professional in professionals:
cursor.execute('SELECT state '
'FROM "' + LabProfessionalMethod._table + '" '
'WHERE professional = %s '
'AND method = %s '
'AND type = \'analytical\' '
'LIMIT 1', (professional[0], method.id))
qualification = cursor.fetchone()
if not qualification:
validated = False
msg += '%s not qualified for method: %s' % (
professional[1], method.code)
return validated, msg
elif qualification[0] == 'training':
if not validated:
msg += '%s in training for method: %s. ' \
'Add qualified professional' % (
professional[1], method.code)
elif (qualification[0] in ('qualified', 'requalified')):
validated = True
return validated, msg
def transition_confirm(self):
pool = Pool()
NotebookLine = pool.get('lims.notebook.line')
NOW = datetime.now()
warnings = False
messages = ''
# Write Results to Notebook lines
for line in self.result.result_lines:
notebook_line_write = {
'imported_result': None,
'imported_literal_result': None,
'imported_end_date': None,
'imported_professionals': None,
'imported_chromatogram': None,
'imported_device': None,
'imported_dilution_factor': None,
'imported_rm_correction_formula': None,
'imported_inj_date': None,
prevent_line = False
outcome = ''
if line.result != line.imported_result:
if line.imported_result != '-1000.0':
notebook_line_write['result'] = line.imported_result
notebook_line_write['result'] = None
notebook_line_write['result_modifier'] = 'na'
notebook_line_write['report'] = False
notebook_line_write['annulled'] = True
notebook_line_write['annulment_date'] = NOW
if line.literal_result != line.imported_literal_result:
notebook_line_write['literal_result'] = (
if line.end_date != line.imported_end_date:
if line.imported_result != '-1000.0':
if (line.start_date and
line.start_date <= line.imported_end_date):
notebook_line_write['end_date'] = (
prevent_line = True
outcome = 'End date cannot be lower than Start date'
notebook_line_write['end_date'] = None
if line.injection_date != line.imported_inj_date:
if line.imported_result != '-1000.0':
if (line.start_date and
line.start_date <= line.imported_inj_date):
notebook_line_write['injection_date'] = (
prevent_line = True
outcome = \
'Injection date cannot be lower than Start date'
notebook_line_write['injection_date'] = None
if line.chromatogram != line.imported_chromatogram:
notebook_line_write['chromatogram'] = (
if line.device != line.imported_device:
notebook_line_write['device'] = line.imported_device
if line.dilution_factor != line.imported_dilution_factor:
notebook_line_write['dilution_factor'] = (
if (line.rm_correction_formula !=
notebook_line_write['rm_correction_formula'] = (
if line.imported_professionals:
profs = self.get_professionals(line.imported_professionals)
if profs:
validated, msg = self.check_professionals(
profs, line.method)
if validated:
professionals = [{'professional': p[0]}
for p in profs]
notebook_line_write['professionals'] = (
[('delete', [p.id for p in line.professionals])]
+ [('create', professionals)])
prevent_line = True
outcome = msg
prevent_line = True
outcome = ('Professional(s) with code '
+ unicode(line.imported_professionals)
+ ' not identified')
if not prevent_line:
NotebookLine.write([line], notebook_line_write)
except Exception as e:
prevent_line = True
outcome = unicode(e)
original_profs = [{'professional': p.professional}
for p in line.professionals]
notebook_line_original_values = {
'result': line.result,
'literal_result': line.literal_result,
'end_date': line.end_date,
'professionals': (
[('delete', [p.id for p in line.professionals])]
+ [('create', original_profs,)]),
'chromatogram': line.chromatogram,
'device': line.device,
'dilution_factor': line.dilution_factor,
'rm_correction_formula': line.rm_correction_formula,
'injection_date': line.injection_date,
[line], notebook_line_original_values)
outcome = 'OK'
# Update rawresults
row_num = 0
if self.start.results_importer.exportResults() or prevent_line:
rawresults = self.start.results_importer.rawresults
number = line.fraction.number
if number in rawresults:
code = line.analysis.code
if code in rawresults[number]:
rep = line.repetition
if rep in rawresults[number][code]:
rawresults[number][code][rep]['outcome'] = outcome
row_num = rawresults[number][code][rep][
if prevent_line:
warnings = True
messages += str(row_num) + ': ' + outcome + '\n'
if warnings:
self.warning.msg = messages
return 'warning'
if self.start.results_importer.exportResults():
return 'end' # 'export'
return 'end'
def transition_cancel(self):
NotebookLine = Pool().get('lims.notebook.line')
# Clean results froms Notebook lines
notebook_line_clean = {
'imported_result': None,
'imported_literal_result': None,
'imported_end_date': None,
'imported_professionals': None,
'imported_chromatogram': None,
'imported_device': None,
'imported_dilution_factor': None,
'imported_rm_correction_formula': None,
'imported_inj_date': None,
list(self.result.result_lines), notebook_line_clean)
return 'end'
def default_warning(self, fields):
defaults = {}
if self.warning.msg:
defaults['msg'] = self.warning.msg
return defaults
def transition_close(self):
if self.start.results_importer.exportResults():
return 'end' # 'export'
return 'end'
def default_export(self, fields):
rawresults = self.start.results_importer.rawresults
filedata = StringIO.StringIO(self.start.infile) # TODO: refactoring
workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(file_contents=filedata.getvalue(),
wb_copy = copy(workbook)
for fraction in rawresults:
for analysis in rawresults[fraction]:
for rep in rawresults[fraction][analysis]:
repetition = rawresults[fraction][analysis][rep]
if 'outcome' in repetition and 'status_cell' in repetition:
sheet, row, col = repetition['status_cell']
wb_sheet = wb_copy.get_sheet(sheet)
wb_sheet.write(row, col, repetition['outcome'])
output = StringIO.StringIO()
return {'file': bytearray(output.getvalue())}