Compare commits


No commits in common. "master" and "translations" have entirely different histories.

523 changed files with 3 additions and 155041 deletions

View file

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: sh -*-
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# shellcheck shell=bash disable=SC2034
# This file should be edited only ones just before the installation of any
# service is done. After the installation of the searx service a copy of this
# file is placed into the $SEARX_SRC of the instance, e.g.::
# /usr/local/searx/searx-src/
# .. hint::
# Before you change a value here, You have to fully uninstall any previous
# installation of searx, morty and filtron services!
# utils/
# --------------
# The setup of the SearXNG instance is done in the settings.yml
# (SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH). Read the remarks in [1] carefully and don't forget to
# rebuild instance's environment (make buildenv) if needed. The settings.yml
# file of an already installed instance is shown by::
# $ ./utils/ --help
# ---- SearXNG instance setup (already installed)
# SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH : /etc/searxng/settings.yml
# SEARX_SRC : /usr/local/searx/searx-src
# [1]
# utils/
# ----------------
# utils/
# --------------
# morty listen address
# system services
# ---------------
# Common $HOME folder of the service accounts
# SERVICE_HOME_BASE="/usr/local"
# **experimental**: Set SERVICE_USER to run all services by one account, but be
# aware that removing discrete components might conflict!

View file

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
branch = True
source = searx
show_missing = True
exclude_lines =
if __name__ == .__main__.:
directory = coverage

View file

@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
;;; .dir-locals.el
;; Per-Directory Local Variables:
;; .. hint::
;; If you get ``*** EPC Error ***`` (even after a jedi:install-server) in
;; your emacs session, mostly you have jedi-mode enabled but the python
;; enviroment is missed. The python environment has to be next to the
;; ``<repo>/.dir-locals.el`` in::
;; ./local/py3
;; To setup such an environment, build target::
;; $ make pyenv.install
;; Some buffer locals are referencing the project environment:
;; - prj-root --> <repo>/
;; - nvm-dir --> <repo>/.nvm
;; - python-environment-directory --> <repo>/local
;; - python-environment-default-root-name --> py3
;; - python-shell-virtualenv-root --> <repo>/local/py3
;; When this variable is set with the path of the virtualenv to use,
;; `process-environment' and `exec-path' get proper values in order to run
;; shells inside the specified virtualenv, example::
;; (setq python-shell-virtualenv-root "/path/to/env/")
;; - python-shell-interpreter --> <repo>/local/py3/bin/python
;; Jedi, flycheck & other python stuff should use the 'python-shell-interpreter'
;; from the local py3 environment.
;; For pyright support you need to install::
;; M-x package-install lsp-pyright
;; Other useful jedi stuff you might add to your ~/.emacs::
;; (global-set-key [f6] 'flycheck-mode)
;; (add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'my:python-mode-hook)
;; (defun my:python-mode-hook ()
;; (add-to-list 'company-backends 'company-jedi)
;; (require 'jedi-core)
;; (jedi:setup)
;; (define-key python-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-d") 'jedi:show-doc)
;; (define-key python-mode-map (kbd "M-.") 'jedi:goto-definition)
;; (define-key python-mode-map (kbd "M-,") 'jedi:goto-definition-pop-marker)
;; )
. ((fill-column . 80)
(indent-tabs-mode . nil)
(eval . (progn
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.html\\'" . jinja2-mode))
;; project root folder is where the `.dir-locals.el' is located
(setq-local prj-root
(locate-dominating-file default-directory ".dir-locals.el"))
(setq-local python-environment-directory
(expand-file-name "./local" prj-root))
;; to get in use of NVM enviroment, install
(setq-local nvm-dir (expand-file-name "./.nvm" prj-root))
;; use 'py3' enviroment as default
(setq-local python-environment-default-root-name
(setq-local python-shell-virtualenv-root
python-environment-default-root-name python-environment-directory))
(setq-local python-shell-interpreter
"bin/python" python-shell-virtualenv-root))))))
. ((indent-tabs-mode . t)))
. ((eval . (progn
;; flycheck should use the local py3 environment
(setq-local flycheck-yaml-yamllint-executable
(expand-file-name "bin/yamllint" python-shell-virtualenv-root))
(setq-local flycheck-yamllintrc
(expand-file-name ".yamllint.yml" prj-root))
(flycheck-checker . yaml-yamllint)))))
. ((eval . (progn
(setq-local js-indent-level 4)
(flycheck-checker . json-python-json)))))
. ((eval . (progn
;; use nodejs from the (local) NVM environment (see nvm-dir)
(setq-local js-indent-level 2)
;; flycheck should use the eslint checker from developer tools
(setq-local flycheck-javascript-eslint-executable
(expand-file-name "node_modules/.bin/eslint" prj-root))
. ((eval . (progn
;; use nodejs from the (local) NVM environment (see nvm-dir)
(if (featurep 'lsp-pyright)
(setq-local python-environment-virtualenv
(list (expand-file-name "bin/virtualenv" python-shell-virtualenv-root)
(setq-local pylint-command
(expand-file-name "bin/pylint" python-shell-virtualenv-root))
;; pylint will find the '.pylintrc' file next to the CWD
(setq-local flycheck-pylintrc
;; flycheck & other python stuff should use the local py3 environment
(setq-local flycheck-python-pylint-executable
;; use 'M-x jedi:show-setup-info' and 'M-x epc:controller' to inspect jedi server
;; -- You
;; can specify a full path instead of a name (relative path). In that case,
;; python-environment-directory is ignored and Python virtual environment
;; is created at the specified path.
(setq-local jedi:environment-root
(setq-local jedi:server-command
(list python-shell-interpreter
;; jedi:environment-virtualenv --> see above 'python-environment-virtualenv'
;; is set buffer local! No need to setup jedi:environment-virtualenv:
;; Virtualenv command to use. A list of string. If it is nil,
;; python-environment-virtualenv is used instead. You must set non-nil
;; value to jedi:environment-root in order to make this setting work.
;; (setq-local jedi:environment-virtualenv
;; (list (expand-file-name "bin/virtualenv" python-shell-virtualenv-root)
;; "--python"
;; "/usr/bin/python3.4"
;; ))

View file

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
# Git
# CI
# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
# node_modules
# to sync with .gitignore

.gitattributes vendored
View file

@ -1,12 +1 @@
*.gif -diff
*.png -diff
*.min.css -diff
*.min.js -diff
* -diff
* -diff
*.eot -diff
*.svg -diff
*.ttf -diff
*.woff -diff
*.woff2 -diff -diff

View file

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
name: Bug report
about: Сообщить об ошибке в Trydex
title: ''
labels: bug
assignees: ''
<!-- Пожалуйста, заполните эти поля, это очень поможет разработчикам Trydex -->
**Версия Trydex, номер коммита, если вы используете на master-ветке, и укажите, форкнули ли вы SearXNG**.
<!-- Если вы работаете в мастер-ветке с помощью git, выполните эту команду
чтобы получить идентификатор последнего коммита:
git log -1
Если вы используете searxng-docker, то посмотрите на нижнюю часть страницы SearXNG
и проверьте версию после "Powered by SearXNG".
Пожалуйста, также укажите, если вы используете форк версии SearXNG и
укажите ссылку на исходный код форка.
**Как вы установили SearXNG?**.
<!-- Установили ли вы SearXNG, используя официальную вики, или используя searxng-docker
или вручную, выполнив файл searx/ -->
**Что случилось?**
<!-- Четкое и краткое описание ошибки. -->
**Как воспроизвести**
<!-- Как мы можем воспроизвести эту проблему? (как можно более минимально и точно) -->
**Ожидаемое поведение**
<!-- Четкое и краткое описание того, что вы ожидали, что произойдет. -->
**Снимки экрана и журналы**.
<!-- Если применимо, добавьте скриншоты, журналы, чтобы помочь объяснить вашу проблему. -->
**Дополнительный контекст**
<!-- Добавьте сюда любой другой контекст о проблеме. -->

View file

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
blank_issues_enabled: true
- name: Questions & Answers (Q&A)
about: Ask questions and find answers

View file

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
name: Engine request
about: Запрос нового движка в Trydex
title: ''
labels: enhancement, engine request
assignees: ''
<!-- Пожалуйста, заполните эти поля, это очень поможет разработчикам SearXNG -->
**Рабочий URL к движку**
<!-- Пожалуйста, проверьте правильность ответа движка перед отправкой. -->
**Почему вы хотите добавить этот движок?**
<!-- Что особенного в этом движке? Является ли он с открытым исходным кодом или libre? -->
**Особенности этого движка**
<!-- Особенности этого движка: Не отслеживает своих пользователей, быстрый, легко интегрируется, ... -->
**Как SearXNG может получить информацию с этого движка?
<!-- Перечислите URL API, пример кода (с использованием правильной разметки) и многое другое.
что может быть полезно разработчикам для реализации этого движка.
Если вы не знаете, что написать, оставьте эту часть пустой.>
**Применимая категория этого движка**
<!-- Где этот новый движок должен быть вписан в SearXNG? Текущие категории в SearXNG:
общие, файлы, изображения, it, карты, музыка, новости, наука, социальные сети и видео.
Вы можете добавить несколько категорий одновременно. -->
**Дополнительный контекст**
<!-- Добавьте любой другой контекст об этом движке здесь. -->

View file

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
name: Feature request
about: Запрос новой функции в Trydex
title: ''
labels: enhancement
assignees: ''
<!-- Пожалуйста, заполните эти поля, это очень поможет разработчикам SearXNG -->
**Связан ли ваш запрос функции с проблемой? Пожалуйста, опишите ее.**
<!-- Четкое и краткое описание проблемы. Например. Я всегда расстраиваюсь, когда [...] -->
**Опишите решение, которое вы хотели бы получить**.
<!-- Четкое и краткое описание того, что вы хотите, чтобы произошло. -->
**Опишите альтернативные варианты, которые вы рассматривали**
<!-- Четкое и краткое описание любых альтернативных решений или возможностей, которые вы рассматривали. -->
**Дополнительный контекст**
<!-- Добавьте сюда любой другой контекст или скриншоты о запросе функции. -->

View file

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
version: 2
- package-ecosystem: "pip"
directory: "/"
interval: "weekly"
day: "friday"
open-pull-requests-limit: 5
target-branch: "master"
- package-ecosystem: "npm"
directory: "/searx/static/themes/simple"
interval: "weekly"
day: "friday"
open-pull-requests-limit: 5
target-branch: "master"

View file

@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
name: "Update"
- cron: "05 06 28 * *"
name: Update data - ${{ matrix.fetch }}
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
if: ${{ github.repository_owner == 'searxng'}}
fail-fast: false
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Install Ubuntu packages
run: |
sudo ./utils/ install packages
- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
python-version: '3.9'
architecture: 'x64'
- name: Install Python dependencies
run: |
make V=1 install
- name: Fetch data
FETCH_SCRIPT: ./searxng_extra/update/${{ matrix.fetch }}
run: |
V=1 ./manage pyenv.cmd python "$FETCH_SCRIPT"
- name: Create Pull Request
id: cpr
uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3
commit-message: Update - ${{ matrix.fetch }}
committer: searxng-bot <>
author: ${{ }} <${{ }}>
signoff: false
branch: update_data_${{ matrix.fetch }}
delete-branch: true
draft: false
title: 'Update - ${{ matrix.fetch }}'
body: |
Update - ${{ matrix.fetch }}
labels: |
- name: Check outputs
run: |
echo "Pull Request Number - ${{ steps.cpr.outputs.pull-request-number }}"
echo "Pull Request URL - ${{ steps.cpr.outputs.pull-request-url }}"

View file

@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
name: Integration
branches: ["master"]
branches: ["master"]
name: Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
os: [ubuntu-20.04]
python-version: ["3.7", "3.8", "3.9", "3.10"]
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Install Ubuntu packages
run: |
sudo ./utils/ install packages
sudo apt install firefox
- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
architecture: 'x64'
- name: Cache Python dependencies
id: cache-python
uses: actions/cache@v2
path: ./local
key: python-${{ matrix.os }}-${{ matrix.python-version }}-${{ hashFiles('requirements*.txt', '') }}
- name: Install Python dependencies
if: steps.cache-python.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
run: |
make V=1 install
make V=1 gecko.driver
- name: Run tests
run: make V=1 ci.test
- name: Test coverage
run: make V=1 test.coverage
- name: Store coverage result
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
name: coverage-${{ matrix.python-version }}
path: coverage/
retention-days: 60
name: Themes
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Install Ubuntu packages
run: sudo ./utils/ install buildhost
- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
python-version: '3.9'
architecture: 'x64'
- name: Cache Python dependencies
id: cache-python
uses: actions/cache@v2
path: ./local
key: python-ubuntu-20.04-3.9-${{ hashFiles('requirements*.txt', '') }}
- name: Install node dependencies
run: make V=1 node.env
- name: Build themes
run: make V=1 themes.all
name: Documentation
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
fetch-depth: '0'
persist-credentials: false
- name: Install Ubuntu packages
run: sudo ./utils/ install buildhost
- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
python-version: '3.9'
architecture: 'x64'
- name: Cache Python dependencies
id: cache-python
uses: actions/cache@v2
path: ./local
key: python-ubuntu-20.04-3.9-${{ hashFiles('requirements*.txt', '') }}
- name: Build documentation
run: |
make V=1 docs.clean docs.html
- name: Deploy
if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master'
uses: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action@3.7.1
GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
BRANCH: gh-pages
FOLDER: dist/docs
CLEAN: true # Automatically remove deleted files from the deploy branch
COMMIT_MESSAGE: build from commit ${{ github.sha }}
name: Update translations branch
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
if: ${{ github.repository_owner == 'searxng' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' }}
- python
- themes
- documentation
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
fetch-depth: '0'
token: ${{ secrets.WEBLATE_GITHUB_TOKEN }}
- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
python-version: '3.9'
architecture: 'x64'
- name: Cache Python dependencies
id: cache-python
uses: actions/cache@v2
path: ./local
key: python-ubuntu-20.04-3.9-${{ hashFiles('requirements*.txt', '') }}
- name: weblate & git setup
run: |
mkdir -p ~/.config
echo "${WEBLATE_CONFIG}" > ~/.config/weblate
git config --global ""
git config --global "searxng-bot"
- name: Update transations
id: update
run: |
git restore utils/brand.env
make V=1 weblate.push.translations
name: Docker
if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master'
- python
- themes
- documentation
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
- name: Checkout
if: env.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME != null
uses: actions/checkout@v2
# make sure "make docker.push" can get the git history
fetch-depth: '0'
- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
python-version: '3.9'
architecture: 'x64'
- name: Cache Python dependencies
id: cache-python
uses: actions/cache@v2
path: ./local
key: python-ubuntu-20.04-3.9-${{ hashFiles('requirements*.txt', '') }}
- name: Set up QEMU
if: env.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME != null
uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v1
- name: Set up Docker Buildx
if: env.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME != null
uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1
- name: Login to DockerHub
if: env.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME != null
uses: docker/login-action@v1
username: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }}
password: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_TOKEN }}
- name: Build and push
if: env.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME != null
run: make -e GIT_URL=$(git remote get-url origin) docker.buildx

View file

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
name: "Update translations"
- cron: "05 07 * * 5"
name: "create PR for additons from weblate"
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
if: ${{ github.repository_owner == 'searxng' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' }}
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
fetch-depth: '0'
token: ${{ secrets.WEBLATE_GITHUB_TOKEN }}
- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
python-version: '3.9'
architecture: 'x64'
- name: Cache Python dependencies
id: cache-python
uses: actions/cache@v2
path: ./local
key: python-ubuntu-20.04-3.9-${{ hashFiles('requirements*.txt', '') }}
- name: weblate & git setup
run: |
mkdir -p ~/.config
echo "${WEBLATE_CONFIG}" > ~/.config/weblate
git config --global ""
git config --global "searxng-bot"
- name: Merge and push transation updates
run: |
make V=1 weblate.translations.commit
- name: Create Pull Request
id: cpr
uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3
token: ${{ secrets.WEBLATE_GITHUB_TOKEN }}
commit-message: Update translations
committer: searxng-bot <>
author: ${{ }} <${{ }}>
signoff: false
branch: translations_update
delete-branch: true
draft: false
title: 'Update translations'
body: |
Update translations
labels: |

.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -1,21 +1 @@
# to sync with .dockerignore & pyrightconfig.json

View file

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View file

@ -1,407 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: conf -*-
# lint Python modules using external checkers.
# This is the main checker controlling the other ones and the reports
# generation. It is itself both a raw checker and an astng checker in order
# to:
# * handle message activation / deactivation at the module level
# * handle some basic but necessary stats'data (number of classes, methods...)
# A comma-separated list of package or module names from where C extensions may
# be loaded. Extensions are loading into the active Python interpreter and may
# run arbitrary code
# Add files or directories to the blacklist. They should be base names, not
# paths.
ignore=CVS, .git, .svn
# Add files or directories matching the regex patterns to the blacklist. The
# regex matches against base names, not paths.
# Python code to execute, usually for sys.path manipulation such as
# pygtk.require().
# Use multiple processes to speed up Pylint.
# List of plugins (as comma separated values of python modules names) to load,
# usually to register additional checkers.
# Pickle collected data for later comparisons.
# Specify a configuration file.
# Allow loading of arbitrary C extensions. Extensions are imported into the
# active Python interpreter and may run arbitrary code.
# Only show warnings with the listed confidence levels. Leave empty to show
# Disable the message, report, category or checker with the given id(s). You
# can either give multiple identifiers separated by comma (,) or put this
# option multiple times (only on the command line, not in the configuration
# file where it should appear only once).You can also use "--disable=all" to
# disable everything first and then reenable specific checks. For example, if
# you want to run only the similarities checker, you can use "--disable=all
# --enable=similarities". If you want to run only the classes checker, but have
# no Warning level messages displayed, use"--disable=all --enable=classes
# --disable=W"
# Enable the message, report, category or checker with the given id(s). You can
# either give multiple identifier separated by comma (,) or put this option
# multiple time (only on the command line, not in the configuration file where
# it should appear only once). See also the "--disable" option for examples.
# Python expression which should return a note less than 10 (10 is the highest
# note). You have access to the variables errors warning, statement which
# respectively contain the number of errors / warnings messages and the total
# number of statements analyzed. This is used by the global evaluation report
# (RP0004).
evaluation=10.0 - ((float(5 * error + warning + refactor + convention) / statement) * 10)
# Template used to display messages. This is a python new-style format string
# used to format the message information. See doc for all details
# HINT: do not set this here, use argument --msg-template=...
#msg-template={path}:{line}: [{msg_id}({symbol}),{obj}] {msg}
# Set the output format. Available formats are text, parseable, colorized, json
# and msvs (visual studio).You can also give a reporter class, eg
# mypackage.mymodule.MyReporterClass.
# HINT: do not set this here, use argument --output-format=...
# Tells whether to display a full report or only the messages
# Activate the evaluation score.
# Maximum number of nested blocks for function / method body
# Regular expression matching correct argument names
# Regular expression matching correct attribute names
# Bad variable names which should always be refused, separated by a comma
# Regular expression matching correct class attribute names
# Regular expression matching correct class names
# Regular expression matching correct constant names
# Minimum line length for functions/classes that require docstrings, shorter
# ones are exempt.
# Regular expression matching correct function names
# Good variable names which should always be accepted, separated by a comma
# Include a hint for the correct naming format with invalid-name
# Regular expression matching correct inline iteration names
# Regular expression matching correct method names
# Regular expression matching correct module names
# Colon-delimited sets of names that determine each other's naming style when
# the name regexes allow several styles.
# Regular expression which should only match function or class names that do
# not require a docstring.
# List of decorators that produce properties, such as abc.abstractproperty. Add
# to this list to register other decorators that produce valid properties.
# Regular expression matching correct variable names
# Expected format of line ending, e.g. empty (any line ending), LF or CRLF.
# Regexp for a line that is allowed to be longer than the limit.
ignore-long-lines=^\s*(# )?<?https?://\S+>?$
# Number of spaces of indent required inside a hanging or continued line.
# String used as indentation unit. This is usually " " (4 spaces) or "\t" (1
# tab).
indent-string=' '
# Maximum number of characters on a single line.
# Maximum number of lines in a module
# Allow the body of a class to be on the same line as the declaration if body
# contains single statement.No config file found, using default configuration
# Allow the body of an if to be on the same line as the test if there is no
# else.
# Logging modules to check that the string format arguments are in logging
# function parameter format
# List of note tags to take in consideration, separated by a comma.
# Ignore comments when computing similarities.
# Ignore docstrings when computing similarities.
# Ignore imports when computing similarities.
# Minimum lines number of a similarity.
# Spelling dictionary name. Available dictionaries: none. To make it working
# install python-enchant package.
# List of comma separated words that should not be checked.
# A path to a file that contains private dictionary; one word per line.
# Tells whether to store unknown words to indicated private dictionary in
# --spelling-private-dict-file option instead of raising a message.
# List of decorators that produce context managers, such as
# contextlib.contextmanager. Add to this list to register other decorators that
# produce valid context managers.
# List of members which are set dynamically and missed by pylint inference
# system, and so shouldn't trigger E1101 when accessed. Python regular
# expressions are accepted.
# Tells whether missing members accessed in mixin class should be ignored. A
# mixin class is detected if its name ends with "mixin" (case insensitive).
# This flag controls whether pylint should warn about no-member and similar
# checks whenever an opaque object is returned when inferring. The inference
# can return multiple potential results while evaluating a Python object, but
# some branches might not be evaluated, which results in partial inference. In
# that case, it might be useful to still emit no-member and other checks for
# the rest of the inferred objects.
# List of class names for which member attributes should not be checked (useful
# for classes with dynamically set attributes). This supports the use of
# qualified names.
# List of module names for which member attributes should not be checked
# (useful for modules/projects where namespaces are manipulated during runtime
# and thus existing member attributes cannot be deduced by static analysis. It
# supports qualified module names, as well as Unix pattern matching.
# Show a hint with possible names when a member name was not found. The aspect
# of finding the hint is based on edit distance.
# The minimum edit distance a name should have in order to be considered a
# similar match for a missing member name.
# The total number of similar names that should be taken in consideration when
# showing a hint for a missing member.
# List of additional names supposed to be defined in builtins. Remember that
# you should avoid to define new builtins when possible.
# Tells whether unused global variables should be treated as a violation.
# List of strings which can identify a callback function by name. A callback
# name must start or end with one of those strings.
# A regular expression matching the name of dummy variables (i.e. expectedly
# not used).
# Argument names that match this expression will be ignored. Default to name
# with leading underscore
# Tells whether we should check for unused import in __init__ files.
# List of qualified module names which can have objects that can redefine
# builtins.
# List of method names used to declare (i.e. assign) instance attributes.
# List of member names, which should be excluded from the protected access
# warning.
# List of valid names for the first argument in a class method.
# List of valid names for the first argument in a metaclass class method.
# Maximum number of arguments for function / method
# Maximum number of attributes for a class (see R0902).
# Maximum number of boolean expressions in a if statement
# Maximum number of branch for function / method body
# Maximum number of locals for function / method body
# Maximum number of parents for a class (see R0901).
# Maximum number of public methods for a class (see R0904).
# Maximum number of return / yield for function / method body
# Maximum number of statements in function / method body
# Minimum number of public methods for a class (see R0903).
# Allow wildcard imports from modules that define __all__.
# Analyse import fallback blocks. This can be used to support both Python 2 and
# 3 compatible code, which means that the block might have code that exists
# only in one or another interpreter, leading to false positives when analysed.
# Deprecated modules which should not be used, separated by a comma
# Create a graph of external dependencies in the given file (report RP0402 must
# not be disabled)
# Create a graph of every (i.e. internal and external) dependencies in the
# given file (report RP0402 must not be disabled)
# Create a graph of internal dependencies in the given file (report RP0402 must
# not be disabled)
# Force import order to recognize a module as part of the standard
# compatibility libraries.
# Force import order to recognize a module as part of a third party library.
# Exceptions that will emit a warning when being caught. Defaults to
# "Exception"

View file

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
url =
translation = searxng/searxng

View file

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
extends: default
spaces: 2
# 120 chars should be enough, but don't fail if a line is longer
max: 120
level: warning
allow-non-breakable-words: true
# we don't have multiple document per file
document-start: disable
document-end: disable

View file

@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
searxng is a fork from `searx <>`_ and is
maintained by Alexandre Flament (`@dalf <>`_) and Markus
Heiser (`@return42 <>`_)
People who have submitted patches/translations, reported bugs, consulted
features or generally made searx better:
- Adam Tauber `@asciimoo <>`_
- Matej Cotman `@matejc <>`_
- Émilien Devos `@unixfox <>`_
- Thomas Pointhuber `pointhi <>`_
- Noémi Ványi `@kvch <>`_
- `@Cqoicebordel <>`_
- Marc Abonce Seguin `@MarcAbonce <>`_
- `@pofilo <>`_
- Laszlo Hammerl
- Stefan Marsiske
- Gabor Nagy
- @pw3t
- @rhapsodhy
- András Veres-Szentkirályi
- Benjamin Sonntag
- @TheRadialActive
- @Okhin
- André Koot
- Alejandro León Aznar
- rike
- dp
- Martin Zimmermann
- @courgette
- @kernc
- @Reventl0v
- Caner Başaran
- Benjamin Sonntag
- @opi
- @dimqua
- Giorgos Logiotatidis
- Luc Didry
- Niklas Haas
- @underr
- Emmanuel Benazera
- @GreenLunar
- Kang-min Liu
- Kirill Isakov
- Guilhem Bonnefille
- @jibe-b
- Christian Pietsch @pietsch
- @Maxqia
- Ashutosh Das @pyprism
- YuLun Shih @imZack
- Dmitry Mikhirev @mikhirev
- David A Roberts `@davidar <>`_
- Jan Verbeek @blyxxyz
- Ammar Najjar @ammarnajjar
- @stepshal
- François Revol @mmuman
- Harry Wood @harry-wood
- Thomas Renard @threnard
- Pydo `<>`_
- Athemis `<>`_
- Stefan Antoni `<>`
- @firebovine
- Lorenzo J. Lucchini @luccoj
- @eig8phei
- @maxigas
- Jannik Winkel @kiney
- @juanitobananas
- Vache Asatryan @vachi
- Luca CPZ @lcpz
- @nikaiw
- Thirnearez
- Hypolite Petovan @MrPetovan
- @woorst
- @Apply55gx
- @pyrrh0n1c
- @cclauss
- QGW @moon2l
- Pierre-Alain Toret @daftaupe
- Matthew Olmsted @icegiant
- Michael Tran @trankmichael
- Joseph Nuthalapati @josephkiranbabu
- @maiki
- Richard Didier @zeph33
- Michael Vieria @Themimitoof
- Richard Nespithal @rndevfx
- Stanislas @angristan
- @rinpatch
- g. s. @usernameisntallowed
- Léo Bourrel @bourrel
- @cy8aer
- @Popolon
- Alice Ferrazzi @aliceinwire
- @LiquidLemon
- @dadosch
- Václav Zouzalík @Venca24
- Ivan Skytte Jørgensen @isj-privacore
- @miicha
- Étienne Deparis @milouse
- @pelag0s
- Denis Wernert @d-tux
- Robin Hallabro-Kokko @hallabro
- Jonas Zohren @jfowl
- Elias Ojala @theel0ja
- @brunob
- Nick Espig @nachtalb
- Rachmadani Haryono @rachmadaniHaryono
- Frank de Lange @yetangitu
- Nicolas Gelot @nfk
- @volth
- Mathieu Brunot @madmath03
- @lorddavidiii
- @x250
- Robby O'Connor @robbyoconnor
- Finn @0xhtml
- @tmikaeld
- @hobbestigrou
- Vipul @finn0
- @CaffeinatedTech
- Robin Schneider @ypid
- @splintah
- Lukas van den Berk @lukasvdberk
- @piplongrun
- Jason Kaltsikis @jjasonkal
- Sion Kazama @KazamaSion
- @resynth1943
- Mostafa Ahangarha @ahangarha
- @gordon-quad
- Sophie Tauchert @999eagle
- @bauruine
- Michael Ilsaas `<>`_
- @renyhp
- rachmadani haryono @rachmadaniHaryono
- Mohamad Safadieh @msafadieh
- @gardouille
- @resynth1943
- @Eliesemoule
- @gardouille
- @GazoilKerozen
- Lukáš Kucharczyk @KucharczykL
- Lynda Lopez @lyndalopez544
- M. Efe Çetin @efectn
- Nícholas Kegler @nicholasks
- @pierrechtux
- Scott Wallace @scottwallacesh
- @Singustromo
- @TheEvilSkeleton
- @Wonderfall
- @mrwormo
- Xiaoyu WEI @xywei
- @joshu9h
- Daniel Hones
- @cyclaero
- @thezeroalpha
- @Tobi823
- @archiecodes
- @BBaoVanC
- @datagram1
- @lucky13820
- @jhigginbotham
- @xenrox
- @OliveiraHermogenes
- Paul Alcock @Guilvareux

View file

@ -1,706 +0,0 @@
1.0.0 2021.03.27
- drop support for Python 3.5 ( #2459 )
- add support for Python 3.9 ( #2397 #2459 )
- update Python dependencies ( #2428 #2459 #2206 ) ⚠️ pyopenssl is not longer required
- automatic update of ( #2555 #2585 #2595 #2592 #2600 )
- update ( #2604 #2605 #2606 #2607 #2415 )
- add ability to send engine data to subsequent requests ( #2615 )
- add checker ( #2419 #2476 #2481 #2682 #2682 #2657 )
- by default allow only HTTPS, not HTTP ( #2641 #2659 )
- replace /translations.js with an embedded JSON ( #2660 )
- activate raise_for_error by default ( #2557 )
- don't dump traceback of SearxEngineResponseException on init ( #2635 )
- update nginx configuration ( #2618 )
- document workaround for using 2 languages simultaneously ( #2479 )
- improve admin-docs about result proxy (morty) configuration ( #2509 )
- fixed typo ( #2457 )
New settings.yml
- `general.contact_url` : add link to contact instance maintainer to footer of each page ( #2391 14c7cc0e118f1d0873b32b34793cdec2c5c9c13e #2412 )
- `brand` : move brand options from Makefile to settings.yml ( #2408 #2473 )
- oscar: Hide links panel in mobile screens ( #2458 )
- oscar: upgrade dependencies ( #2346 #2673 #2662 )
- remove legacy, courgette and pix-art themes ( #2344 )
- add hyperlink to searx instances list in error message ( #2387 )
- preferences: a tooltip is shown when the mouse is over the engine names ( #2661 )
- Ignore double-quotes when highlighting query parts ( #2553 )
- update autocomplete ( #2593 )
New engines
- ccengine ( #2533 )
- mediathekviewweb ( #2541 )
- solidtorrents ( #2626 )
- solr ( #2652 )
- rumble ( #2588 )
- ( #2452 )
Fixed engines
- apk_mirror ( #2556 #2642 )
- bing ( #2602 )
- duckduckgo ( #2560 #2559 )
- library genesis ( #2448 )
- ina ( 0ba71c3644c4d20f70528c10eed1385399ec1c82 )
- invidious ( #2451 )
- json_engine ( #2562 )
- google ( #2482 )
- google images ( #2482 )
- google play apps ( 88657fe9c2a41b9be38ee5146e5870672416db12 )
- google play movies ( 50ba2b9e87ef61e96da124f906d3aff4c7870e3f )
- google news ( #2483 #2498 )
- google scholar ( #2611 )
- google video ( #2482 )
- hoogle ( 6255b33c9dcf0d28f0a3307af988565f69259ce2 )
- naver ( #2542 )
- semantic schollar ( f596f5767bed915a5c3bed59ae26283e53f975ca f596f5767bed915a5c3bed59ae26283e53f975ca )
- startpage ( #2396 )
- seznam ( #2564 28286cf3f2308113bf440fb6e7cf326c6ed07889 )
- wikipedia ( #2554 #2565 #2681 #2681 )
- yacy ( #2669 )
- yahoo news ( #2640 #2655 )
Updated engines
- duckduckgo ( 5f450fda74e80bf350eb1493f66cfa61deaf5cea )
- geektimes ( 45f0e1a859fa12ce2ae0c24dc356922fcad50c8d )
- ( 06b754ad67aa6066aed6df77b5ffb74aabebb040 )
- soundcloud ( #2671 )
- peertube ( #2570 )
- recoll ( #2539 )
- yggtorrent ( #2573 )
Removed engines
- acgsou ( #2654 )
- google_play_music ( #2558 )
- metager ( #2538 )
- voat ( #2445 )
- yandex ( #2566 )
Bug fixes
- Fix empty colon in query from selecting Chinese ( #2454 )
- Get correct locale with country from browser ( #2531 )
Code refactoring / reduce the technical debt
- refactor and ( #2398 )
- dynamically set language_support variable ( #2499 )
- engines: add about variable ( #2460 )
- processors ( #2225 5c6a5407a0b124c3323e73c33b81ec1fbd7d2fce )
- remove Fabric file ( #2494 )
- use unittest from py3, remove unittest2 from py2 ( #2608 )
- add notice for the issue templates ( #2447 )
- every Sunday, call utils/fetch_*.py scripts and create a PR automatically ( #2500 728e09676400221a064627509a31470d8f6e33bf )
- minor change: replace "travis" by "CI" ( #2528 )
Build scripts
- update secret key check ( #2411 )
- fix makefile targets `books/{name}.*` and `books/user.pdf` ( #2420 #2530 )
- upload-pypi-test & linuxdoc has been released on PyPi ( #2456 )
- fix makefile target `gh-pages` : flatten history of branch gh.pages ( #2514 )
- optimize creation of the virtualenv & pyenvinstall targets ( #2421 )
- update pyenv pyenvinstall Make targets ( #2517 )
- makefile.python: remove duplicate pyenv-(un)install targets ( #2418 )
- [fix] make targets engines.languages and useragents.update ( #2643 )
- [fix] utils/ create_pyenv() - drop duplicate 'pip install .' ( #2621 )
Install scripts
- drop Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) support ( #2619 )
- replace ubu1910 image by ubu2010 image ( #2435 )
- LXC switch to Fedora 33 / Fedora 31 reached its EOL #2634 ( #2634 )
- add package which to CentOS-7 boilerplate ( #2623 )
- use SEARX_SETTINGS_TEMPLATE from .config environment ( #2417 )
- determine path to makefile.lxc in a LXC ( #2399 )
- remove unused code ( #2401 #2497 )
- support git versions <v2.22 ( #2620 )
We, the searx maintainer team, would like to say a huge thank you for everybody who had been involved in the development of searx or supported us in the past 7 years - making our first stable release available. Special thanks to [NLNet]( for sponsoring multiple features of this release.
0.18.0 2020.12.14
- drop Python 2 support ( #2137 #2244 )
- separate index and search routes ( #1681 ). ⚠️ add & remove your searx instance(s) from your browser.
- add external_bang ( #2027 #2043 #2059 )
- add external plugins supports ( #2074 )
- add plugin converting strings into hash digests ( #1246 )
- new category: Onions ( #565 )
- allow searx query parts anywhere in the query ( commit aa3c18dda9329fff875328f6ba97483c417b149a 2aef38c3b9d1fe93e9d665a49b10151d63d92392 )
- preferences: use base_url for prefix of sharing 'currenly saved preferences' (#1249 )
- upgrade to request 2.24.0, pyopenssl is optional ( #2199 )
- force admins to set secret_key if debug mode is disabled ( #2256 )
- standalone searx update ( #1591 )
- architecture clean up ( #2140 #2185 #2195 #2196 #2198 #2189 #2208 #2239 #2241 #2246 #2248 )
- record detail about engine error ( #2332 #2375 #2350 ). Add a new API endpoint: ``/stats/errors``.
- display if an engine does not support HTTPS requests ( #2373 )
New settings.yml
- ``use_default_settings``: user settings can relied on the default settings ( #2291 #2362 #2349 )
- ``ui.results_on_new_tab: False`` - for opening result links in a new tab ( #2167 )
- ``ui.advanced_search`` - add preference for displaying advanced settings ( #2327 )
- ``server.method: "POST"`` - Make default query submission method configurable ( #2130 )
- ``server.default_http_headers`` - add default http headers ( #2295 )
- ``engines.*.proxies`` - Using proxy only for specific engines ( #1827 #2319 ), see
- ``enabled_plugins`` - Enabled plugins ( a05c660e3036ad8d02072fc6731af54c2ed6151c )
- ``preferences.lock`` - Let admins lock user preferences ( #2270 )
Oscar theme
- update infobox ( #2131 )
- Make infoboxes shorter by default.
- Hide the main image by default as well and set a maximum height even when expanded.
- Add a toggle at the bottom of the infobox to expand it or to shrink it again.
- Fix pointhi style
- query suggestion does not keep the language tag of the original query ( #1314 )
- fix the clear button ( #2306 )
Simple theme
- Fix autocomplete ( #2205 )
New engines
- ahmia, not_evil ( #565 )
- codeberg ( #2104 )
- command line engines: git grep, find, etc. ( #2128 #2250 )
- elasticsearch ( #2292 )
- metager ( #2139 )
- naver ( #1912 )
- opensemanticsearch ( #2271 )
- peertube ( #2109 )
- recoll (#2325)
- sepiasearch ( #2227 )
Updated engines
- digg ( #2285 )
- dbpedia ( #2352 )
- duckduckgo_definitions ( #2224 #2356 )
- duden ( #2359 )
- invidious ( #2116 )
- libgen ( #2360 )
- photon ( #2336 )
- soundclound ( #2365 )
- wikipedia ( #2178 #2363 #2354 )
- wikidata ( #2151 #2224 #2353 ) - faster response time
- yaCy ( #2255 ) - support HTTP digest authentication.
- youtube_noapi ( #2364 )
Fixed engines
- 1x ( #2361 )
- answer 'random sha256' ( #2121 )
- bing image ( #1496 )
- duckduckgo ( #2254 )
- genius ( #2371 )
- google ( #2236 )
- google image ( #2115 )
- ( #2253 )
- piratebay ( #2133 )
- startpage ( #2385 )
- torrentz ( #2101 )
Removed engines
- filecrop ( #2352 )
- searchcode_doc ( #2372 )
- seedpeer ( #2366 )
- twitter ( #2372 )
- yggtorrent ( #2099 #2375 )
Install scripts & documentation
- install script & documentation ( #2384 #2380 #2362 #2287 #2283 #2277 #2223 #2211 #2118 #2117 #2063 )
Docker image
- use Alpine 3.12 ( #1983 )
- uwsgi serves the static files directly. ( #1865 )
- fix k8s support ( #2099 )
- make docker produces clean tag version ( #2182 )
Bug fixes
- searx.utils.HTMLTextExtractor: invalid HTML don't raise an Exception ( #2190 )
- Fix static URL ( commit da8b227044f45127f705f6ea94a72d368eea73bb )
- Fix autocomplete ( #2127 )
- Fix opensearch.xml ( #2132 #2247 )
- Fix documentation build ( #2237 )
- Some fixes in the fetch languages script ( #2212 )
Special thanks to `NLNet <>`__ for sponsoring multiple features of this release.
0.17.0 2020.07.09
- New engines
- eTools
- Wikibooks
- Wikinews
- Wikiquote
- Wikisource
- Wiktionary
- Wikiversity
- Wikivoyage
- Rubygems
- Engine fixes (google, google images, startpage, gigablast, yacy)
- Private engines introduced - more details:
- Greatly improved documentation - check it at
- Added autofocus to all search inputs
- CSP friendly oscar theme
- Added option to hide engine errors with `display_error_messages` engine option (true/false values, default is true)
- Tons of accessibility fixes - see for details
- More flexible branding options: configurable vcs/issue tracker links
- Added "disable all" & "allow all" options to preferences engine select
- Autocomplete keyboard navigation fixes
- Configurable category order
- Wrap long lines in infoboxes
- Added RSS subscribtion link
- Added routing directions to OSM results
- Added author and length attributes to youtube videos
- Fixed image stretch with mobile viewport in oscar theme
- Added translatable JS strings
- Better HTML annotations - engine names and endpoints are available as classes
- RTL text fixes in oscar theme
- Handle weights in accept-language HTTP headers
- Added answerer results to rss/csv output
- Added new autocomplete backends to settings.yml
- Updated opensearch.xml
- Fixed custom locale setting from settings.yml
- Translation updates
- Removed engines: faroo
Special thanks to `NLNet <>`__ for sponsoring multiple features of this release.
Special thanks to for making accessibilty audit.
- @HLFH joined the maintainer team
- Dropped Python2 support
0.16.0 2020.01.30
- New engines
- Splash
- Apkmirror
- NPM search
- Invidious
- Seedpeer
- New languages
- Estonian
- Interlingua
- Lithuanian
- Tibetian
- Occitan
- Tamil
- Engine fixes (wolframalpha, google scholar, youtube, google images, seznam, google, soundcloud, google cloud, duden, btdigg, google play, bing images, flickr noapi, wikidata, dailymotion, google videos, arxiv, dictzone, fdroid, etymonline, bing, duckduckgo, startpage, voat, 1x, deviantart, digg, gigablast, mojeek, duckduckgo definitions, spotify, libgen, qwant, openstreetmap, wikipedia, ina, microsoft academic, scanr structures)
- Dependency updates
- Speed optimizations
- Initial support for offline engines
- Image format display
- Inline js scripts removed
- Infinite scroll plugin fix
- Simple theme bugfixes
- Docker image updates
- Bang expression fixes
- Result merging fixes
- New environment variable added: SEARXNG_BIND_ADDRESS
- @return42 joined the maintainer team
- This is the last release with Python2 support
0.15.0 2019.01.06
- New engines
- Acgsou (files, images, videos, music)
- (general)
- Seznam (general)
- Mojeek (general)
- New languages
- Catalan
- Welsh
- Basque
- Persian (Iran)
- Galician
- Dutch (Belgium)
- Telugu
- Vietnamese
- New random answerers
- sha256
- uuidv4
- New DOI resolsvers
- Fix Vim mode on Firefox
- Fix custom select in Oscar theme
- Engine fixes (duckduckgo, google news, currency convert, gigablast, google scholar, wikidata image, etymonline, google videos, startpage, bing image)
- Minor simple theme fixes
- New Youtube icon in Oscar theme
- Get DOI rewriters from settings.yml
- Hide page buttons when infinite scrolling is enabled
- Update user agent versions
- Make Oscar style configurable
- Make suspend times of errored engines configurable
0.14.0 2018.02.19
- New theme: oscar-logicodev dark
- New engines
- AskSteem (general)
- Autocompleter fix for py3
- Engine fixes (pdbe, pubmed, gigablast, google, yacy, bing videos, microsoft academic)
- "All" option is removed from languages
- Minor UI changes
- Translation updates
0.13.1 2017.11.23
- Bug fixes
- Dependency updates
0.13.0 2017.11.21
- New theme: simple
- New engines
- Google videos (video)
- Bing videos (video)
- Arxiv (science)
- OpenAIRE (science)
- Pubmed (science)
- Genius (music/lyrics)
- Display engine errors
- Faster startup
- Lots of engine fixes (google images, dictzone, duckduckgo, duckduckgo images, torrentz, faroo, digg, tokyotoshokan,, google news, gitlab, gigablast,,,, base, json engine, currency convert, google)
- Shorter saved preferences URL
- Fix engine duplications in results
- Py3 compatibility fixes
- Translation updates
0.12.0 2017.06.04
- Python3 compatibility
- New engines
- (files, music, video)
- Semantic Scholar (science)
- Library Genesis (general)
- Framalibre (IT)
- Free Software Directory (IT)
- More compact result UI (oscar theme)
- Configurable static content and template path
- Spelling suggestions
- Multiple engine fixes (duckduckgo, bing, swisscows, yahoo news, bing news, twitter, bing images)
- Reduced static image size
- Docker updates
- Translation updates
Special thanks to `NLNet <>`__ for sponsoring multiple features of this release.
0.11.0 2017.01.10
- New engines
- Protein Data Bank Europe (science)
- (general, social media)
- Online Etimology Dictionary (science)
- CCC tv (video, it)
- Searx (all categories - can rotate multiple other instances)
- Answerer functionality (see answerer section on /preferences)
- Local answerers
- Statistical functions
- Random value generator
- Result proxy support (with `morty <>`__)
- Extended time range filter
- Improved search language support
- Multiple engine fixes (digbt, 500px, google news, ixquick, bing, kickass, google play movies, habrahabr, yandex)
- Minor UI improvements
- Suggestion support for JSON engine
- Result and query escaping fixes
- Configurable HTTP server version
- More robust search error handling
- Faster webapp initialization in debug mode
- Search module refactor
- Translation updates
0.10.0 2016.09.06
- New engines
- (general)
- INA (videos)
- Scanr (science)
- Google Scholar (science)
- Crossref (science)
- Openrepos (files)
- Microsoft Academic Search Engine (science)
- Hoogle (it)
- Diggbt (files)
- Dictzone (general - dictionary)
- Translated (general - translation)
- New Plugins
- Infinite scroll on results page
- DOAI rewrite
- Full theme redesign
- Display the number of results
- Filter searches by date range
- Instance config API endpoint
- Dependency version updates
- Socks proxy support for outgoing requests
- 404 page
@kvch joined the maintainer team
0.9.0 2016.05.24
- New search category: science
- New engines
- Wolframalpha (science)
- Frinkiac (images)
- Arch Linux (it)
- BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (science)
- Dokuwiki (general)
- (files, images, music, video)
- Reddit (general, images, news, social media)
- (files, music, video)
- Tokyo Toshokan (files, music, video)
- F-Droid (files)
- Erowid (general)
- Bitbucket (it)
- GitLab (it)
- Geektimes (it)
- Habrahabr (it)
- New plugins
- Open links in new tab
- Vim hotkeys for better navigation
- Wikipedia/Mediawiki engine improvements
- Configurable instance name
- Configurable connection pool size
- Fixed broken google engine
- Better docker image
- Images in standard results
- Fixed and refactored user settings (Warning: backward incompatibility - you have to reset your custom engine preferences)
- Suspending engines on errors
- Simplified development/deployment tooling
- Translation updates
- Multilingual autocompleter
- Qwant autocompleter backend
0.8.1 2015.12.22
- More efficient result parsing
- Rewritten google engine to prevent app crashes
- Other engine fixes/tweaks
- Bing news
- Btdigg
- Gigablast
- Google images
- Startpage
New documentation page is available:
0.8.0 2015.09.08
- New engines
- Blekko (image)
- Gigablast (general)
- Spotify (music)
- Swisscows (general, images)
- Qwant (general, images, news, social media)
- Plugin system
- New plugins
- HTTPS rewrite
- Search on cagetory select
- User information
- Tracker url part remover
- Multiple outgoing IP and HTTP/HTTPS proxy support
- New autocompleter: startpage
- New theme: pix-art
- Settings file structure change
- Fabfile, docker deployment
- Optional safesearch result filter
- Force HTTPS in engines if possible
- Disabled HTTP referrer on outgoing links
- Display cookie information
- Prettier search URLs
- Right-to-left text handling in themes
- Translation updates (New locales: Chinese, Hebrew, Portuguese, Romanian)
New dependencies
- pyopenssl
- ndg-httpsclient
- pyasn1
- pyasn1-modules
- certifi
@dalf joined the maintainer "team"
0.7.0 2015.02.03
- New engines
- Digg
- Google Play Store
- Deezer
- Btdigg
- Mixcloud
- 1px
- Image proxy
- Search speed improvements
- Autocompletition of engines, shortcuts and supported languages
- Translation updates (New locales: Turkish, Russian)
- Default theme changed to oscar
- Settings option to disable engines by default
- UI code cleanup and restructure
- Engine tests
- Multiple engine bug fixes and tweaks
- Config option to set default interface locale
- Flexible result template handling
- Application logging and sophisticated engine exception tracebacks
- Kickass torrent size display (oscar theme)
New dependencies
- pygments -
0.6.0 - 2014.12.25
- Changelog added
- New engines
- Flickr (api)
- Subtitleseeker
- photon
- 500px
- Searchcode
- Searchcode doc
- Kickass torrent
- Precise search request timeout handling
- Better favicon support
- Stricter config parsing
- Translation updates
- Multiple ui fixes
- Flickr (noapi) engine fix
- Pep8 fixes
Health status of searx instances and engines:

View file

@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
# How to contribute
## Resources in the documentation
* [Development quickstart](
* [Contribution guide](
## Submitting PRs
Please follow the provided PR template when writing a description for your changes.
Do not take criticism personally. When you get feedback, it is about your work,
not your character, personality, etc. Keep in mind we all want to make the project better.
When something is not clear, please ask questions to clear things up.
If you would like to introduce a big architectural changes or do a refactoring
either in the codebase or the development tools, please open an issue with a proposal
first. This way we can think together about the problem and probably come up
with a better solution.
## Coding conventions and guidelines
### Commit messages
* Always write descriptive commit messages ("fix bug" is not acceptable).
* Use the present tense ("Add feature" not "Added feature").
* Use the imperative mood ("Move cursor to..." not "Moves cursor to...").
* Limit the first line to 72 characters or less.
* Include the number of the issue you are fixing.
### Coding guidelines
As a Python project, we must follow [PEP 8]( and [PEP 20]( guidelines.
Furthermore, follow the Clean code conventions. The most important
in this project are the following rules:
* Simpler is better. [KISS principle](
* Be consistent.
* Every function must do one thing.
* Use descriptive names for functions and variables.
* Always look for the root cause.
* Keep configurable data high level.
* Avoid negative conditionals.
* Prefer fewer arguments.
* Do not add obvious comment to code.
* Do not comment out code, just delete lines.

View file

@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
FROM alpine:3.15
ENTRYPOINT ["/sbin/tini","--","/usr/local/searxng/dockerfiles/"]
VOLUME /etc/searx
VOLUME /etc/searxng
RUN addgroup -g ${SEARXNG_GID} searxng && \
adduser -u ${SEARXNG_UID} -D -h /usr/local/searxng -s /bin/sh -G searxng searxng
SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH=/etc/searxng/settings.yml \
WORKDIR /usr/local/searxng
COPY requirements.txt ./requirements.txt
RUN apk upgrade --no-cache \
&& apk add --no-cache -t build-dependencies \
build-base \
py3-setuptools \
python3-dev \
libffi-dev \
libxslt-dev \
libxml2-dev \
openssl-dev \
tar \
git \
&& apk add --no-cache \
ca-certificates \
su-exec \
python3 \
py3-pip \
libxml2 \
libxslt \
openssl \
tini \
uwsgi \
uwsgi-python3 \
brotli \
&& pip3 install --upgrade pip wheel setuptools \
&& pip3 install --no-cache -r requirements.txt \
&& apk del build-dependencies \
&& rm -rf /root/.cache
COPY --chown=searxng:searxng . .
RUN su searxng -c "/usr/bin/python3 -m compileall -q searx"; \
touch -c --date=@${TIMESTAMP_SETTINGS} searx/settings.yml; \
touch -c --date=@${TIMESTAMP_UWSGI} dockerfiles/uwsgi.ini; \
find /usr/local/searxng/searx/static -a \( -name '*.html' -o -name '*.css' -o -name '*.js' \
-o -name '*.svg' -o -name '*.ttf' -o -name '*.eot' \) \
-type f -exec gzip -9 -k {} \+ -exec brotli --best {} \+
# Keep these arguments at the end to prevent redundant layer rebuilds
ARG GIT_URL=unknown
LABEL maintainer="searxng <${GIT_URL}>" \
description="A privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine." \
version="${SEARXNG_GIT_VERSION}" \
org.label-schema.schema-version="1.0" \"searxng" \
org.label-schema.version="${SEARXNG_GIT_VERSION}" \
org.label-schema.url="${LABEL_VCS_URL}" \
org.label-schema.vcs-ref=${LABEL_VCS_REF} \
org.label-schema.vcs-url=${LABEL_VCS_URL} \"${LABEL_DATE}" \
org.label-schema.usage="" \
org.opencontainers.image.title="searxng" \
org.opencontainers.image.version="${SEARXNG_GIT_VERSION}" \
org.opencontainers.image.url="${LABEL_VCS_URL}" \
org.opencontainers.image.revision=${LABEL_VCS_REF} \
org.opencontainers.image.source=${LABEL_VCS_URL} \
org.opencontainers.image.created="${LABEL_DATE}" \

View file

@ -1,661 +0,0 @@
Version 3, 19 November 2007
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The GNU Affero General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
software and other kinds of works, specifically designed to ensure
cooperation with the community in the case of network server software.
The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast,
our General Public Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to
share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
software for all its users.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
Developers that use our General Public Licenses protect your rights
with two steps: (1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer
you this License which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute
and/or modify the software.
A secondary benefit of defending all users' freedom is that
improvements made in alternate versions of the program, if they
receive widespread use, become available for other developers to
incorporate. Many developers of free software are heartened and
encouraged by the resulting cooperation. However, in the case of
software used on network servers, this result may fail to come about.
The GNU General Public License permits making a modified version and
letting the public access it on a server without ever releasing its
source code to the public.
The GNU Affero General Public License is designed specifically to
ensure that, in such cases, the modified source code becomes available
to the community. It requires the operator of a network server to
provide the source code of the modified version running there to the
users of that server. Therefore, public use of a modified version, on
a publicly accessible server, gives the public access to the source
code of the modified version.
An older license, called the Affero General Public License and
published by Affero, was designed to accomplish similar goals. This is
a different license, not a version of the Affero GPL, but Affero has
released a new version of the Affero GPL which permits relicensing under
this license.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. Definitions.
"This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License.
"Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
works, such as semiconductor masks.
"The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and
"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
on the Program.
To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying,
distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
public, and in some countries other activities as well.
To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through
a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If
the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
1. Source Code.
The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source
form of a work.
A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
is widely used among developers working in that language.
The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
implementation is available to the public in source code form. A
"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
control those activities. However, it does not include the work's
System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source
includes interface definition files associated with source files for
the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
subprograms and other parts of the work.
The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
same work.
2. Basic Permissions.
All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a
covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your
rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works
for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
makes it unnecessary.
3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
technological measures.
4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
it, and giving a relevant date.
b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
released under this License and any conditions added under section
7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
"keep intact all notices".
c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This
License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no
permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
work need not make them do so.
A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work
in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
parts of the aggregate.
6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
in one of these ways:
a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
(including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
customarily used for software interchange.
b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
(including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This
alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
with subsection 6b.
d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the
Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to
copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the
Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
charge under subsection 6d.
A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
included in conveying the object code work.
A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular
product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product
is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
the only significant mode of use of the product.
"Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must
suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
modification has been made.
If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply
if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
been installed in ROM).
The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a
network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
protocols for communication across the network.
Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
source code form), and must require no special password or key for
unpacking, reading or copying.
7. Additional Terms.
"Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions
apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
this License without regard to the additional permissions.
When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place
additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
Notices displayed by works containing it; or
c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
authors of the material; or
e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
those licensors and authors.
All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you
received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
governed by this License along with a term that is a further
restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains
a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
not survive such relicensing or conveying.
If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
where to find the applicable terms.
Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
the above requirements apply either way.
8. Termination.
You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
paragraph of section 11).
However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
prior to 60 days after the cessation.
Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
your receipt of the notice.
Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
material under section 10.
9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work
occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However,
nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do
not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible
for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered
work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may
not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
11. Patents.
A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The
work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For
purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
this License.
Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
propagate the contents of its contributor version.
In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a
party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
patent against the party.
If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have
actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
country that you have reason to believe are valid.
If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
work and works based on it.
A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered
work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a
covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
13. Remote Network Interaction; Use with the GNU General Public License.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, if you modify the
Program, your modified version must prominently offer all users
interacting with it remotely through a computer network (if your version
supports such interaction) an opportunity to receive the Corresponding
Source of your version by providing access to the Corresponding Source
from a network server at no charge, through some standard or customary
means of facilitating copying of software. This Corresponding Source
shall include the Corresponding Source for any work covered by version 3
of the GNU General Public License that is incorporated pursuant to the
following paragraph.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
under version 3 of the GNU General Public License into a single
combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this
License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
but the work with which it is combined will remain governed by version
3 of the GNU General Public License.
14. Revised Versions of this License.
The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
the GNU Affero General Public License from time to time. Such new versions
will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU Affero General
Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
version or of any later version published by the Free Software
Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the
GNU Affero General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
by the Free Software Foundation.
If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
versions of the GNU Affero General Public License can be used, that proxy's
public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
to choose that version for the Program.
Later license versions may give you additional or different
permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
later version.
15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
16. Limitation of Liability.
17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
copy of the Program in return for a fee.
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If your software can interact with users remotely through a computer
network, you should also make sure that it provides a way for users to
get its source. For example, if your program is a web application, its
interface could display a "Source" link that leads users to an archive
of the code. There are many ways you could offer source, and different
solutions will be better for different programs; see section 13 for the
specific requirements.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU AGPL, see

View file

@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: makefile-gmake -*-
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
export MTOOLS=./manage
include utils/makefile.include
all: clean install
PHONY += help
@./manage --help
@echo '----'
@echo 'run - run developer instance'
@echo 'install - developer install of SearxNG into virtualenv'
@echo 'uninstall - uninstall developer installation'
@echo 'clean - clean up working tree'
@echo 'search.checker - check search engines'
@echo 'test - run shell & CI tests'
@echo ' - test shell scripts'
@echo 'ci.test - run CI tests'
PHONY += run
run: install
PHONY += install uninstall
install uninstall:
$(Q)./manage pyenv.$@
PHONY += clean
clean: py.clean docs.clean node.clean nvm.clean test.clean
$(Q)./manage build_msg CLEAN "common files"
$(Q)find . -name '*.orig' -exec rm -f {} +
$(Q)find . -name '*.rej' -exec rm -f {} +
$(Q)find . -name '*~' -exec rm -f {} +
$(Q)find . -name '*.bak' -exec rm -f {} +
$(Q)rm -rf lxc-env
PHONY += search.checker search.checker.%
search.checker: install
$(Q)./manage pyenv.cmd searx-checker -v
search.checker.%: install
$(Q)./manage pyenv.cmd searx-checker -v "$(subst _, ,$(patsubst search.checker.%,%,$@))"
PHONY += test ci.test
ci.test: test.yamllint test.pyright test.pylint test.unit test.robot test.rst test.pybabel
test: test.yamllint test.pyright test.pylint test.unit test.robot test.rst
$(Q)shellcheck -x -s dash \
$(Q)shellcheck -x -s bash \
utils/brand.env \
utils/ \
utils/ \
utils/ \
utils/ \
utils/ \
utils/ \
utils/ \
utils/ \
utils/ \
utils/ \
utils/lxc-searx.env \
$(Q)$(MTOOLS) build_msg TEST "$@ OK"
# wrap ./manage script
MANAGE += buildenv
MANAGE += weblate.translations.commit weblate.push.translations
MANAGE += data.all data.languages data.useragents data.osm_keys_tags
MANAGE += docs.html docs.prebuild docs.clean
MANAGE += docker.push docker.buildx
MANAGE += gecko.driver
MANAGE += node.env node.clean
MANAGE += py.clean
MANAGE += pyenv pyenv.install pyenv.uninstall
MANAGE += pypi.upload pypi.upload.test
MANAGE += format.python
MANAGE += test.yamllint test.pylint test.pyright test.pybabel test.unit test.coverage test.robot test.rst test.clean
MANAGE += themes.all themes.simple themes.simple.test pygments.less
MANAGE += nvm.install nvm.clean nvm.status nvm.nodejs
$(Q)$(MTOOLS) $@
# short hands of selected targets
PHONY += docs docker themes
docs: docs.html
themes: themes.all

View file

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
## What does this PR do?
<!-- MANDATORY -->
<!-- explain the changes in your PR, algorithms, design, architecture -->
## Why is this change important?
<!-- MANDATORY -->
<!-- explain the motivation behind your PR -->
## How to test this PR locally?
<!-- commands to run the tests or instructions to test the changes-->
## Author's checklist
<!-- additional notes for reviewiers -->
## Related issues
Closes #234

View file

@ -1,139 +1,3 @@
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
This branch is updated automatically.
.. figure::
:alt: SearXNG
:width: 100%
:align: center
Privacy-respecting, hackable `metasearch engine`_
If you are looking for running instances, ready to use, then visit searx.space_.
Otherwise jump to the user_, admin_ and developer_ handbooks you will find on
our homepage_.
|SearXNG install|
|SearXNG homepage|
|SearXNG wiki|
|AGPL License|
|SearXNG logo|
.. _user:
.. _admin:
.. _developer:
.. _homepage:
.. _metasearch engine:
.. |SearXNG logo| image::
:width: 5%
.. |SearXNG install| image::
.. |SearXNG homepage| image::
.. |SearXNG wiki| image::
.. |AGPL License| image::
.. |Issues| image::
.. |PR| image::
.. |commits| image::
.. |weblate| image::
Come join us if you have questions or just want to chat about SearXNG.
` <>`_
`#searxng on <>`_
which is bridged to Matrix.
Differences to searx
SearXNG is a fork of `searx`_. Here are some of the changes:
.. _searx:
User experience
- Huge update of the simple theme:
* usable on desktop, tablet and mobile
* light and dark versions (you can choose in the preferences)
* support right-to-left languages
* `see the screenshots <>`_
- the translations are up to date, you can contribute on `Weblate`_
- the preferences page has been updated:
* you can see which engines are reliable or not
* engines are grouped inside each tab
* each engine has a description
- it is easier to report a bug of an engine
- but you can also disable the recording of the metrics on the server
- the Docker image is now also built for ARM64 and ARM/v7 architectures
- you don't need `Morty`_ to proxy the images even on a public instance
- on the way to embed `Filtron`_ into SearXNG
- up to date installation scripts
Contributing is easier
- readable debug log
- contributions to the themes are made easier, check out our `Development
Quickstart`_ guide
- a lot of code cleanup and bug fixes
- the dependencies are up to date
.. _Morty:
.. _Filtron:
.. _Weblate:
.. _Development Quickstart:
We need translators, suggestions are welcome at
.. figure::

View file

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
# Security Policy
We love responsible reports of (potential) security issues in SearXNG.
You can contact us at
Be sure to provide as much information as possible and if found
also reproduction steps of the identified vulnerability. Also
add the specific URL of the project as well as code you found
the issue in to your report.

View file

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
searxng_msg = searx.babel_extract.extract
[ignore: **/node_modules/**]
[python: **.py]
[jinja2: **/templates/**.html]
[searxng_msg: **/searxng.msg]

View file

@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
help() {
cat <<EOF
Command line:
-h Display this help
-d Dry run to update the configuration files.
-f Always update on the configuration files (existing files are renamed with
the .old suffix). Without this option, the new configuration files are
copied with the .new suffix
Environment variables:
INSTANCE_NAME settings.yml : general.instance_name
AUTOCOMPLETE settings.yml : search.autocomplete
BASE_URL settings.yml : server.base_url
MORTY_URL settings.yml : result_proxy.url
MORTY_KEY settings.yml : result_proxy.key
BIND_ADDRESS uwsgi bind to the specified TCP socket using HTTP protocol.
Default value: ${DEFAULT_BIND_ADDRESS}
/etc/searxng the docker entry point copies settings.yml and uwsgi.ini in
this directory (see the -f command line option)"
# Parse command line
while getopts "fdh" option
case $option in
d) DRY_RUN=1 ;;
exit 0
echo "unknow option ${option}"
exit 42
su searxng -c \
'python3 -c "import six; import searx.version; six.print_(searx.version.VERSION_STRING)"' \
echo "SearXNG version ${SEARXNG_VERSION}"
# helpers to update the configuration files
patch_uwsgi_settings() {
patch_searxng_settings() {
# Make sure that there is trailing slash at the end of BASE_URL
# see
export BASE_URL="${BASE_URL%/}/"
# update settings.yml
sed -i \
-e "s|base_url: false|base_url: ${BASE_URL}|g" \
-e "s/instance_name: \"SearXNG\"/instance_name: \"${INSTANCE_NAME}\"/g" \
-e "s/autocomplete: \"\"/autocomplete: \"${AUTOCOMPLETE}\"/g" \
-e "s/ultrasecretkey/$(openssl rand -hex 32)/g" \
# Morty configuration
if [ -n "${MORTY_KEY}" ] && [ -n "${MORTY_URL}" ]; then
sed -i -e "s/image_proxy: false/image_proxy: true/g" \
cat >> "${CONF}" <<-EOF
# Morty configuration
url: ${MORTY_URL}
key: !!binary "${MORTY_KEY}"
update_conf() {
if [ -f "${CONF}" ]; then
if [ "${REF_CONF}" -nt "${CONF}" ]; then
# There is a new version
if [ "$FORCE_CONF_UPDATE" -ne 0 ]; then
# Replace the current configuration
printf '⚠️ Automaticaly update %s to the new version\n' "${CONF}"
if [ ! -f "${OLD_CONF}" ]; then
printf 'The previous configuration is saved to %s\n' "${OLD_CONF}"
mv "${CONF}" "${OLD_CONF}"
cp "${REF_CONF}" "${CONF}"
# Keep the current configuration
printf '⚠️ Check new version %s to make sure SearXNG is working properly\n' "${NEW_CONF}"
cp "${REF_CONF}" "${NEW_CONF}"
printf 'Use existing %s\n' "${CONF}"
printf 'Create %s\n' "${CONF}"
cp "${REF_CONF}" "${CONF}"
# searx compatibility: copy /etc/searx/* to /etc/searxng/*
if [ -f "/etc/searx/settings.yml" ]; then
if [ ! -f "${SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH}" ]; then
printf '⚠️ /etc/searx/settings.yml is copied to /etc/searxng\n'
cp "/etc/searx/settings.yml" "${SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH}"
if [ -f "/etc/searx/uwsgi.ini" ]; then
printf '⚠️ /etc/searx/uwsgi.ini is ignored. Use the volume /etc/searxng\n'
if [ "$SEARX_CONF" -eq "1" ]; then
printf '⚠️ The deprecated volume /etc/searx is mounted. Please update your configuration to use /etc/searxng ⚠️\n'
cat << EOF > /etc/searx/deprecated_volume_read_me.txt
This Docker image uses the volume /etc/searxng
Update your configuration:
* remove uwsgi.ini (or very carefully update your existing uwsgi.ini using )
* mount /etc/searxng instead of /etc/searx
# end of searx compatibility
# make sure there are uwsgi settings
update_conf "${FORCE_CONF_UPDATE}" "${UWSGI_SETTINGS_PATH}" "/usr/local/searxng/dockerfiles/uwsgi.ini" "patch_uwsgi_settings"
# make sure there are searxng settings
update_conf "${FORCE_CONF_UPDATE}" "${SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH}" "/usr/local/searxng/searx/settings.yml" "patch_searxng_settings"
# dry run (to update configuration files, then inspect them)
if [ $DRY_RUN -eq 1 ]; then
printf 'Dry run\n'
# Start uwsgi
printf 'Listen on %s\n' "${BIND_ADDRESS}"
exec su-exec searxng:searxng uwsgi --master --http-socket "${BIND_ADDRESS}" "${UWSGI_SETTINGS_PATH}"

View file

@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
# Who will run the code
uid = searxng
gid = searxng
# Number of workers (usually CPU count)
workers = %k
threads = 4
# The right granted on the created socket
chmod-socket = 666
# Plugin to use and interpretor config
single-interpreter = true
master = true
plugin = python3
lazy-apps = true
enable-threads = true
# Module to import
module = searx.webapp
# Virtualenv and python path
pythonpath = /usr/local/searxng/
chdir = /usr/local/searxng/searx/
# automatically set processes name to something meaningful
auto-procname = true
# Disable request logging for privacy
disable-logging = true
log-5xx = true
# Set the max size of a request (request-body excluded)
buffer-size = 8192
# No keep alive
# See
add-header = Connection: close
# uwsgi serves the static files
# expires set to one year since there are hashes
static-map = /static=/usr/local/searxng/searx/static
static-expires = /* 31557600
static-gzip-all = True
offload-threads = %k
# Cache
cache2 = name=searxngcache,items=2000,blocks=2000,blocksize=4096,bitmap=1

View file

@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
@import url("pocoo.css");
a, a.reference, a.footnote-reference {
color: #004b6b;
border-color: #004b6b;
a:hover {
color: #6d4100;
border-color: #6d4100;
p.version-warning {
background-color: #004b6b;
aside.sidebar {
background-color: whitesmoke;
border-color: lightsteelblue;
border-radius: 3pt;
div.sphinxsidebar p.caption {
display: none;
p.sidebar-title, .sidebar p {
margin: 6pt;
.sidebar li,
.hlist li {
list-style-type: disclosure-closed;
.sphinxsidebar .current > a {
font-weight: bold;
/* admonitions
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list-style-type: disclosure-closed;
div.toctree-wrapper p.caption {
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font-size: 24px;
margin: 0 0 10px 0;
padding: 0;
line-height: 1;
display: inline;
p.admonition-title:after {
content: none;
.admonition.hint { border-color: #416dc0b0; }
.admonition.note { border-color: #6c856cb0; }
.admonition.tip { border-color: #85c5c2b0; }
.admonition.attention { border-color: #ecec97b0; }
.admonition.caution { border-color: #a6c677b0; }
.admonition.danger { border-color: #d46262b0; }
.admonition.important { border-color: #dfa3a3b0; }
.admonition.error { border-color: red; }
.admonition.warning { border-color: darkred; }
.admonition.admonition-generic-admonition-title {
border-color: #416dc0b0;
/* admonitions with (rendered) reST markup examples (:class: rst-example)
* .. admonition:: title of the example
* :class: rst-example
* ....
div.rst-example {
background-color: inherit;
margin: 0;
border-top: none;
border-right: 1px solid #ccc;
border-bottom: none;
border-left: none;
border-radius: none;
padding: 0;
div.rst-example > p.admonition-title {
font-family: Sans Serif;
font-style: italic;
font-size: 0.8em;
display: block;
border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
padding: 0.5em 1em;
text-align: right;
/* code block in figures
div.highlight pre {
text-align: left;
/* Table theme
thead, tfoot {
background-color: #fff;
th:hover, td:hover {
background-color: #ffc;
thead th, tfoot th, tfoot td, tbody th {
background-color: #fffaef;
tbody tr:nth-child(odd) {
background-color: #fff;
tbody tr:nth-child(even) {
background-color: #fafafa;
caption {
font-family: Sans Serif;
padding: 0.5em;
margin: 0.5em 0 0.5em 0;
caption-side: top;
text-align: left;
div.sphinx-tabs {
clear: both;

View file

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
inherit = pocoo
stylesheet = searxng.css
touch_icon =

View file

@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
.. _adminapi:
Administration API
Get configuration data
.. code:: http
GET /config HTTP/1.1
Sample response
.. code:: json
"autocomplete": "",
"categories": [
"default_locale": "",
"default_theme": "simple",
"engines": [
"categories": [
"enabled": true,
"name": "openstreetmap",
"shortcut": "osm"
"categories": [
"enabled": true,
"name": "arch linux wiki",
"shortcut": "al"
"categories": [
"enabled": true,
"name": "google images",
"shortcut": "goi"
"categories": [
"enabled": false,
"name": "bitbucket",
"shortcut": "bb"
"instance_name": "searx",
"locales": {
"de": "Deutsch (German)",
"en": "English",
"eo": "Esperanto (Esperanto)",
"plugins": [
"enabled": true,
"name": "HTTPS rewrite"
"enabled": false,
"name": "Vim-like hotkeys"
"safe_search": 0
Embed search bar
The search bar can be embedded into websites. Just paste the example into the
HTML of the site. URL of the SearXNG instance and values are customizable.
.. code:: html
<form method="post" action="">
<!-- search --> <input type="text" name="q" />
<!-- categories --> <input type="hidden" name="categories" value="general,social media" />
<!-- language --> <input type="hidden" name="lang" value="all" />
<!-- locale --> <input type="hidden" name="locale" value="en" />
<!-- date filter --> <input type="hidden" name="time_range" value="month" />

View file

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
digraph G {
node [style=filled, shape=box, fillcolor="#ffffcc", fontname="Sans"];
edge [fontname="Sans"];
browser [label="Browser", shape=Mdiamond];
rp [label="Reverse Proxy", href=""];
filtron [label="Filtron", href=""];
morty [label="Morty", href=""];
static [label="Static files", href="url to configure static files"];
uwsgi [label="uwsgi", href=""]
searx1 [label="Searx #1"];
searx2 [label="Searx #2"];
searx3 [label="Searx #3"];
searx4 [label="Searx #4"];
browser -> rp [label="HTTPS"]
subgraph cluster_searx {
label = "Searx instance" fontname="Sans";
{ rank=same; static rp };
rp -> morty [label="optional: images and HTML pages proxy"];
rp -> static [label="optional: reverse proxy serves directly static files"];
rp -> filtron [label="HTTP"];
filtron -> uwsgi [label="HTTP"];
uwsgi -> searx1;
uwsgi -> searx2;
uwsgi -> searx3;
uwsgi -> searx4;

View file

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
.. _architecture:
.. sidebar:: Further reading
- Reverse Proxy: :ref:`Apache <apache searxng site>` & :ref:`nginx <nginx
searxng site>`
- Filtron: :ref:`searxng filtron`
- Morty: :ref:`searxng morty`
- uWSGI: :ref:`searxng uwsgi`
- SearXNG: :ref:`installation basic`
Herein you will find some hints and suggestions about typical architectures of
SearXNG infrastructures.
We start with a contribution from :pull-searx:`@dalf <1776#issuecomment-567917320>`.
It shows a *reference* setup for public SearXNG instances which can build up and
maintained by the scripts from our :ref:`toolboxing`.
.. _arch public:
.. kernel-figure::
Reference architecture of a public SearXNG setup.

View file

@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
.. _buildhosts:
.. sidebar:: This article needs some work
If you have any contribution send us your :pull:`PR <../pulls>`, see
:ref:`how to contribute`.
.. contents:: Contents
:depth: 2
:backlinks: entry
To get best results from build, its recommend to install additional packages
on build hosts (see :ref:``).::
sudo -H ./utils/ install buildhost
This will install packages needed by searx:
.. kernel-include:: $DOCS_BUILD/includes/searx.rst
:start-after: START distro-packages
:end-before: END distro-packages
and packages needed to build docuemtation and run tests:
.. kernel-include:: $DOCS_BUILD/includes/searx.rst
:start-after: START build-packages
:end-before: END build-packages
.. _docs build:
Build docs
.. _Graphviz:
.. _ImageMagick:
.. _XeTeX:
.. _dvisvgm:
.. sidebar:: Sphinx build needs
- ImageMagick_
- Graphviz_
- XeTeX_
- dvisvgm_
Most of the sphinx requirements are installed from :origin:`` and the
docs can be build from scratch with ``make docs.html``. For better math and
image processing additional packages are needed. The XeTeX_ needed not only for
PDF creation, its also needed for :ref:`math` when HTML output is build.
To be able to do :ref:`sphinx:math-support` without CDNs, the math are rendered
as images (``sphinx.ext.imgmath`` extension).
Here is the extract from the :origin:`docs/` file, setting math renderer
to ``imgmath``:
.. literalinclude:: ../
:language: python
:start-after: # sphinx.ext.imgmath setup
:end-before: # sphinx.ext.imgmath setup END
If your docs build (``make docs.html``) shows warnings like this::
WARNING: dot(1) not found, for better output quality install \
graphviz from
WARNING: LaTeX command 'latex' cannot be run (needed for math \
display), check the imgmath_latex setting
you need to install additional packages on your build host, to get better HTML
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: Ubuntu / debian
.. code-block:: sh
$ sudo apt install graphviz imagemagick texlive-xetex librsvg2-bin
.. group-tab:: Arch Linux
.. code-block:: sh
$ sudo pacman -S graphviz imagemagick texlive-bin extra/librsvg
.. group-tab:: Fedora / RHEL
.. code-block:: sh
$ sudo dnf install graphviz graphviz-gd texlive-xetex-bin librsvg2-tools
For PDF output you also need:
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: Ubuntu / debian
.. code:: sh
$ sudo apt texlive-latex-recommended texlive-extra-utils ttf-dejavu
.. group-tab:: Arch Linux
.. code:: sh
$ sudo pacman -S texlive-core texlive-latexextra ttf-dejavu
.. group-tab:: Fedora / RHEL
.. code:: sh
$ sudo dnf install \
texlive-collection-fontsrecommended texlive-collection-latex \
dejavu-sans-fonts dejavu-serif-fonts dejavu-sans-mono-fonts \
.. _sh lint:
Lint shell scripts
.. _ShellCheck:
To lint shell scripts, we use ShellCheck_ - A shell script static analysis tool.
.. SNIP sh lint requirements
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: Ubuntu / debian
.. code-block:: sh
$ sudo apt install shellcheck
.. group-tab:: Arch Linux
.. code-block:: sh
$ sudo pacman -S shellcheck
.. group-tab:: Fedora / RHEL
.. code-block:: sh
$ sudo dnf install ShellCheck
.. SNAP sh lint requirements

View file

@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
.. _engine command:
Command Line Engines
.. sidebar:: info
- :origin:` <searx/engines/>`
- :ref:`offline engines`
With *command engines* administrators can run engines to integrate arbitrary
shell commands.
When creating and enabling a ``command`` engine on a public instance, you must
be careful to avoid leaking private data. The easiest solution is to limit the
access by setting ``tokens`` as described in section :ref:`private engines`.
The engine base is flexible. Only your imagination can limit the power of this
engine (and maybe security concerns). The following options are available:
A comma separated list of the elements of the command. A special token
``{{QUERY}}`` tells where to put the search terms of the user. Example:
.. code:: yaml
['ls', '-l', '-h', '{{QUERY}}']
A mapping containing a delimiter ``char`` and the *titles* of each element in
A dict containing the regular expressions for each result key.
The expected type of user search terms. Possible values: ``path`` and
Checks if the user provided path is inside the working directory. If not,
the query is not executed.
Is a list of allowed search terms. If the user submits something which is
not included in the list, the query returns an error.
A list containing allowed search terms if ``query_type`` is set to ``enum``.
The directory where the command has to be executed. Default: ``./``
The character that separates results. Default: ``\n``
The example engine below can be used to find files with a specific name in the
configured working directory:
.. code:: yaml
- name: find
engine: command
command: ['find', '.', '-name', '{{QUERY}}']
query_type: path
shortcut: fnd
chars: ' '
keys: ['line']
This development was sponsored by `Search and Discovery Fund
<>`_ of `NLnet Foundation <>`_.

View file

@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
.. _configured engines:
Configured Engines
.. sidebar:: Further reading ..
- :ref:`engines-dev`
- :ref:`settings engine`
Explanation of the :ref:`general engine configuration` shown in the table
:ref:`configured engines`.
.. jinja:: searx
SearXNG supports {{engines | length}} search engines (of which {{enabled_engine_count}} are enabled by default).
{% for category, engines in categories_as_tabs.items() %}
{{category}} search engines
{% for group, engines in engines | group_engines_in_tab %}
{% if loop.length > 1 %}
{% endif %}
.. flat-table::
:header-rows: 2
:stub-columns: 1
* - :cspan:`5` Engines configured by default (in :ref:`settings.yml <engine settings>`)
- :cspan:`3` :ref:`Supported features <engine file>`
* - Name
- Shortcut
- Module
- Disabled
- Timeout
- Weight
- Paging
- Language
- Safe search
- Time range
{% for mod in engines %}
* - `{{}} <{{mod.about and}}>`_
- ``!{{mod.shortcut}}``
- {%- if 'searx.engines.' + mod.__name__ in documented_modules %}
{%- else %}
:origin:`{{mod.__name__}} <searx/engines/{{mod.__name__}}.py>`
{%- endif %}
- {{(mod.disabled and "y") or ""}}
{%- if mod.about and mod.about.language %}
({{mod.about.language | upper}})
{%- endif %}
- {{mod.timeout}}
- {{mod.weight or 1 }}
{% if mod.engine_type == 'online' %}
- {{(mod.paging and "y") or ""}}
- {{(mod.language_support and "y") or ""}}
- {{(mod.safesearch and "y") or ""}}
- {{(mod.time_range_support and "y") or ""}}
{% else %}
- :cspan:`3` not applicable ({{mod.engine_type}})
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

View file

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
.. _engines and settings:
Engines & Settings
.. sidebar:: Further reading ..
- :ref:`settings engine`
- :ref:`engine settings` & :ref:`engine file`
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1

View file

@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
NoSQL databases
.. sidebar:: further read
- `NoSQL databases <>`_
- ` <>`_
- `MongoDB <>`_
The following `NoSQL databases`_ are supported:
- :ref:`engine redis_server`
- :ref:`engine mongodb`
All of the engines above are just commented out in the :origin:`settings.yml
<searx/settings.yml>`, as you have to set various options and install
dependencies before using them.
By default, the engines use the ``key-value`` template for displaying results /
see :origin:`simple <searx/templates/simple/result_templates/key-value.html>`
theme. If you are not satisfied with the original result layout, you can use
your own template, set ``result_template`` attribute to ``{template_name}`` and
place the templates at::
Futhermore, if you do not wish to expose these engines on a public instance, you
can still add them and limit the access by setting ``tokens`` as described in
section :ref:`private engines`.
Configure the engines
`NoSQL databases`_ are used for storing arbitrary data without first defining
their structure.
Extra Dependencies
For using :ref:`engine redis_server` or :ref:`engine mongodb` you need to
install additional packages in Python's Virtual Environment of your SearXNG
instance. To switch into the environment (:ref:`searx-src`) you can use
$ sudo utils/ shell
(searx-pyenv)$ pip install ...
.. _engine redis_server:
Redis Server
.. _redis:
.. sidebar:: info
- ``pip install`` redis_
- redis.io_
- :origin:` <searx/engines/>`
Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure (key value
based) store. Before configuring the ``redis_server`` engine, you must install
the dependency redis_.
Select a database to search in and set its index in the option ``db``. You can
either look for exact matches or use partial keywords to find what you are
looking for by configuring ``exact_match_only``. You find an example
configuration below:
.. code:: yaml
# Required dependency: redis
- name: myredis
shortcut : rds
engine: redis_server
exact_match_only: false
host: ''
port: 6379
enable_http: true
password: ''
db: 0
.. _engine mongodb:
.. _pymongo:
.. sidebar:: info
- ``pip install`` pymongo_
- MongoDB_
- :origin:` <searx/engines/>`
MongoDB_ is a document based database program that handles JSON like data.
Before configuring the ``mongodb`` engine, you must install the dependency
In order to query MongoDB_, you have to select a ``database`` and a
``collection``. Furthermore, you have to select a ``key`` that is going to be
searched. MongoDB_ also supports the option ``exact_match_only``, so configure
it as you wish. Below is an example configuration for using a MongoDB
.. code:: yaml
# MongoDB engine
# Required dependency: pymongo
- name: mymongo
engine: mongodb
shortcut: md
exact_match_only: false
host: ''
port: 27017
enable_http: true
results_per_page: 20
database: 'business'
collection: 'reviews' # name of the db collection
key: 'name' # key in the collection to search for
This development was sponsored by `Search and Discovery Fund
<>`_ of `NLnet Foundation <>`_.

View file

@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
.. _private engines:
Private Engines (``tokens``)
Administrators might find themselves wanting to limit access to some of the
enabled engines on their instances. It might be because they do not want to
expose some private information through :ref:`offline engines`. Or they would
rather share engines only with their trusted friends or colleagues.
To solve this issue the concept of *private engines* exists.
A new option was added to engines named `tokens`. It expects a list of
strings. If the user making a request presents one of the tokens of an engine,
they can access information about the engine and make search requests.
Example configuration to restrict access to the Arch Linux Wiki engine:
.. code:: yaml
- name: arch linux wiki
engine: archlinux
shortcut: al
tokens: [ 'my-secret-token' ]
Unless a user has configured the right token, the engine is going
to be hidden from him/her. It is not going to be included in the
list of engines on the Preferences page and in the output of
`/config` REST API call.
Tokens can be added to one's configuration on the Preferences page
under "Engine tokens". The input expects a comma separated list of
The distribution of the tokens from the administrator to the users
is not carved in stone. As providing access to such engines
implies that the admin knows and trusts the user, we do not see
necessary to come up with a strict process. Instead,
we would like to add guidelines to the documentation of the feature.
This development was sponsored by `Search and Discovery Fund
<>`_ of `NLnet Foundation <>`_.

View file

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
.. _engine recoll:
Recoll Engine
.. sidebar:: info
- `Recoll <>`_
- `recoll-webui <>`_
- :origin:`searx/engines/`
Recoll_ is a desktop full-text search tool based on Xapian. By itself Recoll_
does not offer WEB or API access, this can be achieved using recoll-webui_
You must configure the following settings:
Location where recoll-webui can be reached.
Location where the file hierarchy is mounted on your *local* filesystem.
Location where the file hierarchy as indexed by recoll can be reached.
Part of the indexed file hierarchy to be search, if empty the full domain is
#. Recoll indexes a local filesystem mounted in ``/export/documents/reference``,
#. the Recoll search inteface can be reached at and
#. the contents of this filesystem can be reached though
.. code:: yaml
mount_prefix: /export/documents
search_dir: ''

View file

@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
Local Search Engines
.. sidebar:: further read
- `Comparison to alternatives
Administrators might find themselves wanting to integrate locally running search
engines. The following ones are supported for now:
* `Elasticsearch`_
* `Meilisearch`_
* `Solr`_
Each search engine is powerful, capable of full-text search. All of the engines
above are added to ``settings.yml`` just commented out, as you have to
``base_url`` for all them.
Please note that if you are not using HTTPS to access these engines, you have to enable
HTTP requests by setting ``enable_http`` to ``True``.
Futhermore, if you do not want to expose these engines on a public instance, you
can still add them and limit the access by setting ``tokens`` as described in
section :ref:`private engines`.
.. _engine meilisearch:
.. sidebar:: info
- :origin:` <searx/engines/>`
- `MeiliSearch <>`_
- `MeiliSearch Documentation <>`_
- `Install MeiliSearch
MeiliSearch_ is aimed at individuals and small companies. It is designed for
small-scale (less than 10 million documents) data collections. E.g. it is great
for storing web pages you have visited and searching in the contents later.
The engine supports faceted search, so you can search in a subset of documents
of the collection. Furthermore, you can search in MeiliSearch_ instances that
require authentication by setting ``auth_token``.
Here is a simple example to query a Meilisearch instance:
.. code:: yaml
- name: meilisearch
engine: meilisearch
shortcut: mes
base_url: http://localhost:7700
index: my-index
enable_http: true
.. _engine elasticsearch:
.. sidebar:: info
- :origin:` <searx/engines/>`
- `Elasticsearch <>`_
- `Elasticsearch Guide
- `Install Elasticsearch
Elasticsearch_ supports numerous ways to query the data it is storing. At the
moment the engine supports the most popular search methods (``query_type``):
- ``match``,
- ``simple_query_string``,
- ``term`` and
- ``terms``.
If none of the methods fit your use case, you can select ``custom`` query type
and provide the JSON payload to submit to Elasticsearch in
The following is an example configuration for an Elasticsearch_ instance with
authentication configured to read from ``my-index`` index.
.. code:: yaml
- name: elasticsearch
shortcut: es
engine: elasticsearch
base_url: http://localhost:9200
username: elastic
password: changeme
index: my-index
query_type: match
# custom_query_json: '{ ... }'
enable_http: true
.. _engine solr:
.. sidebar:: info
- :origin:` <searx/engines/>`
- `Solr <>`_
- `Solr Resources <>`_
- `Install Solr <>`_
Solr_ is a popular search engine based on Lucene, just like Elasticsearch_. But
instead of searching in indices, you can search in collections.
This is an example configuration for searching in the collection
``my-collection`` and get the results in ascending order.
.. code:: yaml
- name: solr
engine: solr
shortcut: slr
base_url: http://localhost:8983
collection: my-collection
sort: asc
enable_http: true
This development was sponsored by `Search and Discovery Fund
<>`_ of `NLnet Foundation <>`_.

View file

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
.. _xpath engine:
XPath Engine
.. automodule:: searx.engines.xpath

View file

@ -1,605 +0,0 @@
.. _settings.yml:
This page describe the options possibilities of the :origin:`searx/settings.yml`
.. sidebar:: Further reading ..
- :ref:`use_default_settings.yml`
- :ref:`search API`
.. contents:: Contents
:depth: 2
:backlinks: entry
.. _settings location:
settings.yml location
The initial ``settings.yml`` we be load from these locations:
1. the full path specified in the ``SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH`` environment variable.
2. ``/etc/searxng/settings.yml``
If these files don't exist (or are empty or can't be read), SearXNG uses the
:origin:`searx/settings.yml` file. Read :ref:`settings use_default_settings` to
see how you can simplify your *user defined* ``settings.yml``.
.. _settings global:
Global Settings
.. _settings brand:
.. code:: yaml
``issue_url`` :
If you host your own issue tracker change this URL.
``docs_url`` :
If you host your own documentation change this URL.
``public_instances`` :
If you host your own change this URL.
``wiki_url`` :
Link to your wiki (or ``false``)
.. _settings general:
.. code:: yaml
debug: false # Debug mode, only for development
instance_name: "SearXNG" # displayed name
contact_url: false #
``debug`` : ``$SEARXNG_DEBUG``
Allow a more detailed log if you run SearXNG directly. Display *detailed* error
messages in the browser too, so this must be deactivated in production.
Contact ``mailto:`` address or WEB form.
Enabled by default. Record various anonymous metrics availabled at ``/stats``,
``/stats/errors`` and ``/preferences``.
.. _settings search:
.. code:: yaml
safe_search: 0
autocomplete: ""
default_lang: ""
ban_time_on_fail: 5
max_ban_time_on_fail: 120
- html
Filter results.
- ``0``: None
- ``1``: Moderate
- ``2``: Strict
Existing autocomplete backends, leave blank to turn it off.
- ``dbpedia``
- ``duckduckgo``
- ``google``
- ``startpage``
- ``swisscows``
- ``qwant``
- ``wikipedia``
Default search language - leave blank to detect from browser information or
use codes from :origin:`searx/`.
List of available languages - leave unset to use all codes from
:origin:`searx/`. Otherwise list codes of available languages.
The ``all`` value is shown as the ``Default language`` in the user interface
(in most cases, it is meant to send the query without a language parameter ;
in some cases, it means the English language) Example:
.. code:: yaml
- all
- en
- en-US
- de
- it-IT
- fr
- fr-BE
Ban time in seconds after engine errors.
Max ban time in seconds after engine errors.
Result formats available from web, remove format to deny access (use lower
- ``html``
- ``csv``
- ``json``
- ``rss``
.. _settings server:
.. code:: yaml
base_url: false # set custom base_url (or false)
port: 8888
bind_address: "" # address to listen on
secret_key: "ultrasecretkey" # change this!
limiter: false
image_proxy: false # proxying image results through SearXNG
X-Content-Type-Options : nosniff
X-XSS-Protection : 1; mode=block
X-Download-Options : noopen
X-Robots-Tag : noindex, nofollow
Referrer-Policy : no-referrer
.. sidebar:: buildenv
Changing a value tagged by :ref:`buildenv <make buildenv>`, needs to
rebuild instance's environment :ref:`utils/brand.env <make buildenv>`.
``base_url`` : :ref:`buildenv SEARXNG_URL <make buildenv>`
The base URL where SearXNG is deployed. Used to create correct inbound links.
If you change the value, don't forget to rebuild instance's environment
(:ref:`utils/brand.env <make buildenv>`)
``port`` & ``bind_address``: :ref:`buildenv SEARXNG_PORT & SEARXNG_BIND_ADDRESS <make buildenv>`
Port number and *bind address* of the SearXNG web application if you run it
directly using ``python searx/``. Doesn't apply to SearXNG running on
Apache or Nginx.
``secret_key`` : ``$SEARXNG_SECRET``
Used for cryptography purpose.
``limiter`` :
Rate limit the number of request on the instance, block some bots. The
:ref:`limiter plugin` requires a :ref:`settings redis` database.
``image_proxy`` :
Allow your instance of SearXNG of being able to proxy images. Uses memory space.
.. _HTTP headers:
``default_http_headers`` :
Set additional HTTP headers, see `#755 <>`__
.. _settings ui:
.. code:: yaml
default_locale: ""
query_in_title: false
default_theme: simple
simple_style: auto
``default_locale`` :
SearXNG interface language. If blank, the locale is detected by using the
browser language. If it doesn't work, or you are deploying a language
specific instance of searx, a locale can be defined using an ISO language
code, like ``fr``, ``en``, ``de``.
``default_theme`` :
Name of the theme you want to use by default on your SearXNG instance.
Style of simple theme: ``auto``, ``light``, ``dark``
``query_in_title`` :
When true, the result page's titles contains the query it decreases the
privacy, since the browser can records the page titles.
Open result links in a new tab by default.
.. _settings redis:
.. _Redis.from_url(url):
A redis DB can be connected by an URL, in :py:obj:`searx.shared.redisdb` you
will find a description to test your redis connection in SerXNG. When using
sockets, don't forget to check the access rights on the socket::
ls -la /usr/local/searxng-redis/run/redis.sock
srwxrwx--- 1 searxng-redis searxng-redis ... /usr/local/searxng-redis/run/redis.sock
In this example read/write access is given to the *searxng-redis* group. To get
access rights to redis instance (the socket), your SearXNG (or even your
developer) account needs to be added to the *searxng-redis* group.
URL to connect redis database, see `Redis.from_url(url)`_ & :ref:`redis db`::
.. admonition:: Tip for developers
To set up a local redis instance using sockets simply use::
$ ./manage
$ sudo -H ./manage redis.install
$ sudo -H ./manage redis.addgrp "${USER}"
# don't forget to logout & login to get member of group
The YAML setting for such a redis instance is:
.. code:: yaml
url: unix:///usr/local/searxng-redis/run/redis.sock?db=0
.. _settings outgoing:
Communication with search engines.
.. code:: yaml
request_timeout: 2.0 # default timeout in seconds, can be override by engine
max_request_timeout: 10.0 # the maximum timeout in seconds
useragent_suffix: "" # informations like an email address to the administrator
pool_connections: 100 # Maximum number of allowable connections, or null
# for no limits. The default is 100.
pool_maxsize: 10 # Number of allowable keep-alive connections, or null
# to always allow. The default is 10.
enable_http2: true # See
# uncomment below section if you want to use a proxy
# proxies:
# all://:
# - http://proxy1:8080
# - http://proxy2:8080
# uncomment below section only if you have more than one network interface
# which can be the source of outgoing search requests
# source_ips:
# -
# -
# - fe80::/126
``request_timeout`` :
Global timeout of the requests made to others engines in seconds. A bigger
timeout will allow to wait for answers from slow engines, but in consequence
will slow SearXNG reactivity (the result page may take the time specified in the
timeout to load). Can be override by :ref:`settings engine`
``useragent_suffix`` :
Suffix to the user-agent SearXNG uses to send requests to others engines. If an
engine wish to block you, a contact info here may be useful to avoid that.
``keepalive_expiry`` :
Number of seconds to keep a connection in the pool. By default 5.0 seconds.
.. _httpx proxies:
``proxies`` :
Define one or more proxies you wish to use, see `httpx proxies`_.
If there are more than one proxy for one protocol (http, https),
requests to the engines are distributed in a round-robin fashion.
``source_ips`` :
If you use multiple network interfaces, define from which IP the requests must
be made. Example:
* ```` any local IPv4 address.
* ``::`` any local IPv6 address.
* ````
* ``[, ]`` these two specific IP addresses
* ``fe80::60a2:1691:e5a2:ee1f``
* ``fe80::60a2:1691:e5a2:ee1f/126`` all IP addresses in this network.
* ``[, fe80::/126 ]``
``retries`` :
Number of retry in case of an HTTP error. On each retry, SearXNG uses an
different proxy and source ip.
``retry_on_http_error`` :
Retry request on some HTTP status code.
* ``true`` : on HTTP status code between 400 and 599.
* ``403`` : on HTTP status code 403.
* ``[403, 429]``: on HTTP status code 403 and 429.
``enable_http2`` :
Enable by default. Set to ``false`` to disable HTTP/2.
``max_redirects`` :
30 by default. Maximum redirect before it is an error.
A list of the categories that are displayed as tabs in the user interface.
Categories not listed here can still be searched with the :ref:`search-syntax`.
.. code-block:: yaml
social media:
.. _settings engine:
Engine settings
.. sidebar:: Further reading ..
- :ref:`configured engines`
- :ref:`engines-dev`
In the code example below a *full fledged* example of a YAML setup from a dummy
engine is shown. Most of the options have a default value or even are optional.
.. code:: yaml
- name: example engine
engine: example
shortcut: demo
base_url: 'https://{language}'
categories: general
timeout: 3.0
api_key: 'apikey'
disabled: false
language: en_US
tokens: [ 'my-secret-token' ]
weigth: 1
display_error_messages: true
wikidata_id: Q306656
use_official_api: true
require_api_key: true
results: HTML
enable_http: false
enable_http2: false
retries: 1
retry_on_http_error: true # or 403 or [404, 429]
max_connections: 100
max_keepalive_connections: 10
keepalive_expiry: 5.0
- http://proxy1:8080
- http://proxy2:8080
- http://proxy1:8080
- http://proxy2:8080
- socks5://user:password@proxy3:1080
- socks5h://user:password@proxy4:1080
``name`` :
Name that will be used across SearXNG to define this engine. In settings, on
the result page...
``engine`` :
Name of the python file used to handle requests and responses to and from this
search engine.
``shortcut`` :
Code used to execute bang requests (in this case using ``!bi``)
``base_url`` : optional
Part of the URL that should be stable across every request. Can be useful to
use multiple sites using only one engine, or updating the site URL without
touching at the code.
``categories`` : optional
Define in which categories this engine will be active. Most of the time, it is
defined in the code of the engine, but in a few cases it is useful, like when
describing multiple search engine using the same code.
``timeout`` : optional
Timeout of the search with the current search engine. **Be careful, it will
modify the global timeout of SearXNG.**
``api_key`` : optional
In a few cases, using an API needs the use of a secret key. How to obtain them
is described in the file.
``disabled`` : optional
To disable by default the engine, but not deleting it. It will allow the user
to manually activate it in the settings.
``language`` : optional
If you want to use another language for a specific engine, you can define it
by using the full ISO code of language and country, like ``fr_FR``, ``en_US``,
``tokens`` : optional
A list of secret tokens to make this engine *private*, more details see
:ref:`private engines`.
``weigth`` : default ``1``
Weighting of the results of this engine.
``display_error_messages`` : default ``true``
When an engine returns an error, the message is displayed on the user interface.
``network`` : optional
Use the network configuration from another engine.
In addition, there are two default networks:
- ``ipv4`` set ``local_addresses`` to ```` (use only IPv4 local addresses)
- ``ipv6`` set ``local_addresses`` to ``::`` (use only IPv6 local addresses)
.. note::
A few more options are possible, but they are pretty specific to some
engines, and so won't be described here.
Example: Multilingual Search
SearXNG does not support true multilingual search. You have to use the language
prefix in your search query when searching in a different language.
But there is a workaround: By adding a new search engine with a different
language, SearXNG will search in your default and other language.
Example configuration in settings.yml for a German and English speaker:
.. code-block:: yaml
default_lang : "de"
- name : google english
engine : google
language : en
When searching, the default google engine will return German results and
"google english" will return English results.
.. _settings use_default_settings:
.. sidebar:: ``use_default_settings: true``
- :ref:`settings location`
- :ref:`use_default_settings.yml`
- :origin:`/etc/searxng/settings.yml <utils/templates/etc/searxng/settings.yml>`
The user defined ``settings.yml`` is loaded from the :ref:`settings location`
and can relied on the default configuration :origin:`searx/settings.yml` using:
``use_default_settings: true``
In the following example, the actual settings are the default settings defined
in :origin:`searx/settings.yml` with the exception of the ``secret_key`` and
the ``bind_address``:
.. code-block:: yaml
use_default_settings: true
secret_key: "ultrasecretkey" # change this!
bind_address: ""
With ``use_default_settings: true``, each settings can be override in a
similar way, the ``engines`` section is merged according to the engine
``name``. In this example, SearXNG will load all the engine and the arch linux
wiki engine has a :ref:`token <private engines>`:
.. code-block:: yaml
use_default_settings: true
secret_key: "ultrasecretkey" # change this!
- name: arch linux wiki
tokens: ['$ecretValue']
``engines:`` / ``remove:``
It is possible to remove some engines from the default settings. The following
example is similar to the above one, but SearXNG doesn't load the the google
.. code-block:: yaml
- google
secret_key: "ultrasecretkey" # change this!
- name: arch linux wiki
tokens: ['$ecretValue']
``engines:`` / ``keep_only:``
As an alternative, it is possible to specify the engines to keep. In the
following example, SearXNG has only two engines:
.. code-block:: yaml
- google
- duckduckgo
secret_key: "ultrasecretkey" # change this!
- name: google
tokens: ['$ecretValue']
- name: duckduckgo
tokens: ['$ecretValue']

View file

@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
.. _sql engines:
SQL Engines
.. sidebar:: further read
- `SQLite <>`_
- `PostgreSQL <>`_
- `MySQL <>`_
With the *SQL engines* you can bind SQL databases into SearXNG. The following
Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) are supported:
- :ref:`engine sqlite`
- :ref:`engine postgresql`
- :ref:`engine mysql_server`
All of the engines above are just commented out in the :origin:`settings.yml
<searx/settings.yml>`, as you have to set the required attributes for the
engines, e.g. ``database:`` ...
.. code:: yaml
- name: ...
engine: {sqlite|postgresql|mysql_server}
database: ...
result_template: {template_name}
query_str: ...
By default, the engines use the ``key-value`` template for displaying results /
see :origin:`simple <searx/templates/simple/result_templates/key-value.html>`
theme. If you are not satisfied with the original result layout, you can use
your own template, set ``result_template`` attribute to ``{template_name}`` and
place the templates at::
If you do not wish to expose these engines on a public instance, you can still
add them and limit the access by setting ``tokens`` as described in section
:ref:`private engines`.
Configure the engines
The configuration of the new database engines are similar. You must put a valid
SQL-SELECT query in ``query_str``. At the moment you can only bind at most one
parameter in your query. By setting the attribute ``limit`` you can define how
many results you want from the SQL server. Basically, it is the same as the
``LIMIT`` keyword in SQL.
Please, do not include ``LIMIT`` or ``OFFSET`` in your SQL query as the engines
rely on these keywords during paging. If you want to configure the number of
returned results use the option ``limit``.
.. _engine sqlite:
.. sidebar:: info
- :origin:` <searx/engines/>`
.. _MediathekView:
SQLite is a small, fast and reliable SQL database engine. It does not require
any extra dependency. To demonstrate the power of database engines, here is a
more complex example which reads from a MediathekView_ (DE) movie database. For
this example of the SQlite engine download the database:
and unpack into ``searx/data/filmliste-v2.db``. To search the database use e.g
Query to test: ``!mediathekview concert``
.. code:: yaml
- name: mediathekview
engine: sqlite
disabled: False
categories: general
result_template: default.html
database: searx/data/filmliste-v2.db
query_str: >-
SELECT title || ' (' || time(duration, 'unixepoch') || ')' AS title,
COALESCE( NULLIF(url_video_hd,''), NULLIF(url_video_sd,''), url_video) AS url,
description AS content
FROM film
WHERE title LIKE :wildcard OR description LIKE :wildcard
ORDER BY duration DESC
Extra Dependencies
For using :ref:`engine postgresql` or :ref:`engine mysql_server` you need to
install additional packages in Python's Virtual Environment of your SearXNG
instance. To switch into the environment (:ref:`searx-src`) you can use
$ sudo utils/ shell
(searx-pyenv)$ pip install ...
.. _engine postgresql:
.. _psycopg2:
.. sidebar:: info
- :origin:` <searx/engines/>`
- ``pip install`` psycopg2_
PostgreSQL is a powerful and robust open source database. Before configuring
the PostgreSQL engine, you must install the dependency ``psychopg2``. You can
find an example configuration below:
.. code:: yaml
- name: my_database
engine: postgresql
database: my_database
username: searxng
password: password
query_str: 'SELECT * from my_table WHERE my_column = %(query)s'
.. _engine mysql_server:
.. sidebar:: info
- :origin:` <searx/engines/>`
- ``pip install`` :pypi:`mysql-connector-python <mysql-connector-python>`
MySQL is said to be the most popular open source database. Before enabling MySQL
engine, you must install the package ``mysql-connector-python``.
The authentication plugin is configurable by setting ``auth_plugin`` in the
attributes. By default it is set to ``caching_sha2_password``. This is an
example configuration for quering a MySQL server:
.. code:: yaml
- name: my_database
engine: mysql_server
database: my_database
username: searxng
password: password
limit: 5
query_str: 'SELECT * from my_table WHERE my_column=%(query)s'
This development was sponsored by `Search and Discovery Fund
<>`_ of `NLnet Foundation <>`_.

View file

@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
.. _searxng filtron:
How to protect an instance
.. tip::
To protect your instance a installation of filtron (as described here) is no
longer needed, alternatively activate the :ref:`limiter plugin` in your
``settings.yml``. Note that the :ref:`limiter plugin` requires a :ref:`Redis
<settings redis>` database.
.. sidebar:: further reading
- :ref:``
- :ref:`nginx searxng site`
.. _filtron:
SearXNG depends on external search services. To avoid the abuse of these services
it is advised to limit the number of requests processed by SearXNG.
An application firewall, filtron_ solves exactly this problem. Filtron is just
a middleware between your web server (nginx, apache, ...) and searx, we describe
such infrastructures in chapter: :ref:`architecture`.
filtron & go
.. _Go:
.. _filtron README:
Filtron needs Go_ installed. If Go_ is preinstalled, filtron_ is simply
installed by ``go get`` package management (see `filtron README`_). If you use
filtron as middleware, a more isolated setup is recommended. To simplify such
an installation and the maintenance of, use our script :ref:``.
.. _Sample configuration of filtron:
Sample configuration of filtron
.. sidebar:: Tooling box
- :origin:`/etc/filtron/rules.json <utils/templates/etc/filtron/rules.json>`
An example configuration can be find below. This configuration limits the access
- scripts or applications (roboagent limit)
- webcrawlers (botlimit)
- IPs which send too many requests (IP limit)
- too many json, csv, etc. requests (rss/json limit)
- the same UserAgent of if too many requests (useragent limit)
.. code:: json
"name": "search request",
"filters": [
"interval": "<time-interval-in-sec (int)>",
"limit": "<max-request-number-in-interval (int)>",
"subrules": [
"name": "missing Accept-Language",
"filters": ["!Header:Accept-Language"],
"limit": "<max-request-number-in-interval (int)>",
"stop": true,
"actions": [
{"name": "block",
"params": {"message": "Rate limit exceeded"}}
"name": "suspiciously Connection=close header",
"filters": ["Header:Connection=close"],
"limit": "<max-request-number-in-interval (int)>",
"stop": true,
"actions": [
{"name": "block",
"params": {"message": "Rate limit exceeded"}}
"name": "IP limit",
"interval": "<time-interval-in-sec (int)>",
"limit": "<max-request-number-in-interval (int)>",
"stop": true,
"aggregations": [
"actions": [
{ "name": "log"},
{ "name": "block",
"params": {
"message": "Rate limit exceeded"
"name": "rss/json limit",
"filters": [
"interval": "<time-interval-in-sec (int)>",
"limit": "<max-request-number-in-interval (int)>",
"stop": true,
"actions": [
{ "name": "log"},
{ "name": "block",
"params": {
"message": "Rate limit exceeded"
"name": "useragent limit",
"interval": "<time-interval-in-sec (int)>",
"limit": "<max-request-number-in-interval (int)>",
"aggregations": [
"actions": [
{ "name": "log"},
{ "name": "block",
"params": {
"message": "Rate limit exceeded"
.. _filtron route request:
Route request through filtron
.. sidebar:: further reading
- :ref:` overview`
- :ref:`installation nginx`
- :ref:`installation apache`
Filtron can be started using the following command:
.. code:: sh
$ filtron -rules rules.json
It listens on ```` and forwards filtered requests to
```` by default.
Use it along with ``nginx`` with the following example configuration.
.. code:: nginx
location /searx {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Scheme $scheme;
proxy_set_header X-Script-Name /searx;
location /searx/static {
Requests are coming from port 4004 going through filtron and then forwarded to
port 8888 where a SearXNG is being run. For a complete setup see: :ref:`nginx
searxng site`.

View file

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
Administrator documentation
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
:caption: Contents

View file

@ -1,515 +0,0 @@
.. _installation apache:
Install with apache
.. _Apache:
.. _Apache Debian:,Ubuntu(Apachehttpd2.x):
.. _README.Debian:
.. _Apache Arch Linux:
.. _Apache Fedora:
.. _Apache directives:
.. _Getting Started:
.. _Terms Used to Describe Directives:
.. _Configuration Files:
.. _ProxyPreserveHost:
.. _LoadModule:
.. _DocumentRoot:
.. _Location:
.. _uWSGI Apache support:
.. _mod_proxy_uwsgi:
.. sidebar:: further read
- `Apache Arch Linux`_
- `Apache Debian`_ and `README.Debian`_
- `Apache Fedora`_
- `Apache directives`_
.. contents:: Contents
:depth: 2
:backlinks: entry
**Install** :ref:`apache searxng site` using :ref:` < overview>`
.. code:: bash
$ sudo -H ./utils/ apache install
**Install** :ref:`apache searxng site` using :ref:` < overview>`
.. code:: bash
$ sudo -H ./utils/ apache install
The apache HTTP server
If Apache_ is not installed, install it now. If apache_ is new to you, the
`Getting Started`_, `Configuration Files`_ and `Terms Used to Describe
Directives`_ documentation gives first orientation. There is also a list of
`Apache directives`_ *to keep in the pocket*.
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: Ubuntu / debian
.. code:: sh
sudo -H apt-get install apache2
.. group-tab:: Arch Linux
.. code:: sh
sudo -H pacman -S apache
sudo -H systemctl enable httpd
sudo -H systemctl start http
.. group-tab:: Fedora / RHEL
.. code:: sh
sudo -H dnf install httpd
sudo -H systemctl enable httpd
sudo -H systemctl start httpd
Now at http://localhost you should see any kind of *Welcome* or *Test* page.
How this default intro site is configured, depends on the linux distribution
(compare `Apache directives`_).
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: Ubuntu / debian
.. code:: sh
less /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
In this file, there is a line setting the `DocumentRoot`_ directive:
.. code:: apache
DocumentRoot /var/www/html
And the *welcome* page is the HTML file at ``/var/www/html/index.html``.
.. group-tab:: Arch Linux
.. code:: sh
less /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
In this file, there is a line setting the `DocumentRoot`_ directive:
.. code:: apache
DocumentRoot "/srv/http"
<Directory "/srv/http">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Require all granted
The *welcome* page of Arch Linux is a page showing directory located at
``DocumentRoot``. This is *directory* page is generated by the Module
`mod_autoindex <>`_:
.. code:: apache
LoadModule autoindex_module modules/
Include conf/extra/httpd-autoindex.conf
.. group-tab:: Fedora / RHEL
.. code:: sh
less /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
In this file, there is a line setting the ``DocumentRoot`` directive:
.. code:: apache
DocumentRoot "/var/www/html"
<Directory "/var/www">
AllowOverride None
# Allow open access:
Require all granted
On fresh installations, the ``/var/www`` is empty and the *default
welcome page* is shown, the configuration is located at::
less /etc/httpd/conf.d/welcome.conf
.. _apache searxng site:
Apache Reverse Proxy
.. sidebar:: public to the internet?
If your SearXNG instance is public, stop here and first install :ref:`filtron
reverse proxy <>` and :ref:`result proxy morty <>`, see
:ref:`installation scripts`. If already done, follow setup: *SearXNG via
filtron plus morty*.
To setup a Apache revers proxy you have to enable the *headers* and *proxy*
modules and create a `Location`_ configuration for the SearXNG site. In most
distributions you have to un-comment the lines in the main configuration file,
except in :ref:`The Debian Layout`.
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: Ubuntu / debian
In the Apache setup, enable headers and proxy modules:
.. code:: sh
sudo -H a2enmod headers
sudo -H a2enmod proxy
sudo -H a2enmod proxy_http
In :ref:`The Debian Layout` you create a ``searxng.conf`` with the
``<Location /searx >`` directive and save this file in the *sites
available* folder at ``/etc/apache2/sites-available``. To enable the
``searxng.conf`` use :man:`a2ensite`:
.. code:: sh
sudo -H a2ensite searxng.conf
.. group-tab:: Arch Linux
In the ``/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf`` file, activate headers and proxy
modules (LoadModule_):
.. code:: apache
FIXME needs test
LoadModule headers_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/
.. group-tab:: Fedora / RHEL
In the ``/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf`` file, activate headers and proxy
modules (LoadModule_):
.. code:: apache
FIXME needs test
LoadModule headers_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/
With ProxyPreserveHost_ the incoming Host HTTP request header is passed to the
proxied host.
.. _apache searxng via filtron plus morty:
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: SearXNG via filtron plus morty
Use this setup, if your instance is public to the internet, compare
figure: :ref:`architecture <arch public>` and :ref:`installation scripts`.
1. Configure a reverse proxy for :ref:`filtron <>`, listening on
*localhost 4004* (:ref:`filtron route request`):
.. code:: apache
<Location /searx >
# SetEnvIf Request_URI "/searx" dontlog
# CustomLog /dev/null combined env=dontlog
Require all granted
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
#Allow from fd00::/8 fe80::/10 ::1
Allow from all
ProxyPreserveHost On
RequestHeader set X-Script-Name /searx
2. Configure reverse proxy for :ref:`morty <searxng morty>`, listening on
*localhost 3000*
.. code:: apache
ProxyPreserveHost On
<Location /morty >
# SetEnvIf Request_URI "/morty" dontlog
# CustomLog /dev/null combined env=dontlog
Require all granted
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
#Allow from fd00::/8 fe80::/10 ::1
Allow from all
RequestHeader set X-Script-Name /morty
For a fully result proxification add :ref:`morty's <searxng morty>` **public
URL** to your :origin:`searx/settings.yml`:
.. code:: yaml
# replace with your server's public name
url :
key : !!binary "insert_your_morty_proxy_key_here"
image_proxy : True
uWSGI support
Be warned, with this setup, your instance isn't :ref:`protected <searxng
filtron>`, nevertheless it is good enough for intranet usage. In modern Linux
distributions, the `mod_proxy_uwsgi`_ is compiled into the *normal* apache
package and you need to install only the :ref:`uWSGI <searxng uwsgi>` package:
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: Ubuntu / debian
.. code:: sh
sudo -H apt-get install uwsgi
# Ubuntu =< 18.04
sudo -H apt-get install libapache2-mod-proxy-uwsgi
.. group-tab:: Arch Linux
.. code:: sh
sudo -H pacman -S uwsgi
.. group-tab:: Fedora / RHEL
.. code:: sh
sudo -H dnf install uwsgi
The next example shows a configuration using the `uWSGI Apache support`_ via
unix sockets and `mod_proxy_uwsgi`_.
For socket communication, you have to activate ``socket =
/run/uwsgi/app/searx/socket`` and comment out the ``http =``
configuration in your :ref:`uwsgi ini file <uwsgi configuration>`. If not
already exists, create a folder for the unix sockets, which can be used by the
SearXNG account (see :ref:`create searxng user`):
.. code:: bash
sudo -H mkdir -p /run/uwsgi/app/searx/
sudo -H chown -R searx:searx /run/uwsgi/app/searx/
If the server is public; to limit access to your intranet replace ``Allow from
all`` directive and replace ```` with your subnet IP/class.
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: Ubuntu / debian
.. code:: apache
LoadModule headers_module /usr/lib/apache2/
LoadModule proxy_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
LoadModule proxy_uwsgi_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
# SetEnvIf Request_URI /searx dontlog
# CustomLog /dev/null combined env=dontlog
<Location /searx>
Require all granted
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
# Allow from fd00::/8 fe80::/10 ::1
Allow from all
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass unix:/run/uwsgi/app/searx/socket|uwsgi://uwsgi-uds-searx/
.. group-tab:: Arch Linux
.. code:: apache
FIXME needs test
LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_uwsgi_module modules/
# SetEnvIf Request_URI /searx dontlog
# CustomLog /dev/null combined env=dontlog
<Location /searx>
Require all granted
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
# Allow from fd00::/8 fe80::/10 ::1
Allow from all
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass unix:/run/uwsgi/app/searx/socket|uwsgi://uwsgi-uds-searx/
.. group-tab:: Fedora / RHEL
.. code:: apache
FIXME needs test
LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_uwsgi_module modules/
<IfModule proxy_uwsgi_module>
# SetEnvIf Request_URI /searx dontlog
# CustomLog /dev/null combined env=dontlog
<Location /searx>
Require all granted
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
# Allow from fd00::/8 fe80::/10 ::1
Allow from all
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass unix:/run/uwsgi/app/searx/socket|uwsgi://uwsgi-uds-searx/
.. group-tab:: old mod_wsgi
We show this only for historical reasons, DON'T USE `mod_uwsgi
.. code:: apache
<IfModule mod_uwsgi.c>
# SetEnvIf Request_URI "/searx" dontlog
# CustomLog /dev/null combined env=dontlog
<Location /searx >
Require all granted
Options FollowSymLinks Indexes
SetHandler uwsgi-handler
uWSGISocket /run/uwsgi/app/searx/socket
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
# Allow from fd00::/8 fe80::/10 ::1
Allow from all
.. _restart apache:
Restart service
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: Ubuntu / debian
.. code:: sh
sudo -H systemctl restart apache2
sudo -H service uwsgi restart searx
.. group-tab:: Arch Linux
.. code:: sh
sudo -H systemctl restart httpd
sudo -H systemctl restart uwsgi@searx
.. group-tab:: Fedora / RHEL
.. code:: sh
sudo -H systemctl restart httpd
sudo -H touch /etc/uwsgi.d/searxng.ini
disable logs
For better privacy you can disable Apache logs. In the examples above activate
one of the lines and `restart apache`_::
# SetEnvIf Request_URI "/searx" dontlog
# CustomLog /dev/null combined env=dontlog
The ``CustomLog`` directive disable logs for the whole (virtual) server, use it
when the URL of the service does not have a path component (``/searx``) / is
located at root (``/``).
.. _The Debian Layout:
The Debian Layout
Be aware that the Debian layout is quite different from the standard Apache
configuration. For details look at the README.Debian_
(``/usr/share/doc/apache2/README.Debian.gz``). Some commands you should know on
* :man:`apache2ctl`: Apache HTTP server control interface
* :man:`a2enmod`, :man:`a2dismod`: switch on/off modules
* :man:`a2enconf`, :man:`a2disconf`: switch on/off configurations
* :man:`a2ensite`, :man:`a2dissite`: switch on/off sites

View file

@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
.. _installation docker:
Docker installation
.. _searxng-docker:
.. _[filtron]:
.. _[morty]:
.. _[caddy]:
.. sidebar:: info
- :origin:`Dockerfile`
- `searxng/searxng @dockerhub <>`_
- `Docker overview <>`_
- `Docker Cheat Sheet <>`_
- `Alpine Linux <>`_ `(wiki) <>`__ `apt packages <>`_
- Alpine's ``/bin/sh`` is :man:`dash`
.. tip::
If you intend to create a public instance using Docker, use our well
maintained searxng-docker_ image which includes
- :ref:`protection <searxng filtron>` `[filtron]`_,
- a :ref:`result proxy <searxng morty>` `[morty]`_ and
- a HTTPS reverse proxy `[caddy]`_.
Make sure you have `installed Docker <>`_ and
on Linux, don't forget to add your user to the docker group (log out and log
back in so that your group membership is re-evaluated):
.. code:: sh
$ sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER
.. sidebar:: ``docker run``
- `-\-rm <>`__
automatically clean up when container exits
- `-d <>`__ start
detached container
- `-v <>`__
mount volume ``HOST:CONTAINER``
The docker image is based on :origin:`Dockerfile` and available from
`searxng/searxng @dockerhub`_. Using the docker image is quite easy, for
instance you can pull the `searxng/searxng @dockerhub`_ image and deploy a local
instance using `docker run <>`_:
.. code:: sh
$ mkdir my-instance
$ cd my-instance
$ export PORT=8080
$ docker pull searxng/searxng
$ docker run --rm \
-d -p ${PORT}:8080 \
-v "${PWD}/searxng:/etc/searxng" \
-e "BASE_URL=http://localhost:$PORT/" \
-e "INSTANCE_NAME=my-instance" \
2f998.... # container's ID
Open your WEB browser and visit the URL:
.. code:: sh
$ xdg-open "http://localhost:$PORT"
Inside ``${PWD}/searxng``, you will find ``settings.yml`` and ``uwsgi.ini``. You
can modify these files according to your needs and restart the Docker image.
.. code:: sh
$ docker container restart 2f998
Use command ``container ls`` to list running containers, add flag `-a
<>`__ to list
exited containers also. With ``container stop`` a running container can be
stoped. To get rid of a container use ``container rm``:
.. code:: sh
$ docker container ls
2f998d725993 searxng/searxng "/sbin/tini -- /usr/…" 7 minutes ago ...
$ docker container stop 2f998
$ docker container rm 2f998
.. sidebar:: Warning
This might remove all docker items, not only those from SearXNG.
If you won't use docker anymore and want to get rid of all conatiners & images
use the following *prune* command:
.. code:: sh
$ docker stop $(docker ps -aq) # stop all containers
$ docker system prune # make some housekeeping
$ docker rmi -f $(docker images -q) # drop all images
shell inside container
.. sidebar:: Bashism
- `A tale of two shells: bash or dash <>`_
- `How to make bash scripts work in dash <>`_
- `Checking for Bashisms <>`_
Like in many other distributions, Alpine's `/bin/sh
<>`__ is :man:`dash`. Dash is meant to be
`POSIX-compliant <>`__.
Compared to debian, in the Alpine image :man:`bash` is not installed. The
:origin:`dockerfiles/` script is checked *against dash*
To open a shell inside the container:
.. code:: sh
$ docker exec -it 2f998 sh
Build the image
It's also possible to build SearXNG from the embedded :origin:`Dockerfile`::
$ git clone
$ cd searxng
$ make
Successfully built 49586c016434
Successfully tagged searxng/searxng:latest
Successfully tagged searxng/searxng:1.0.0-209-9c823800-dirty
$ docker images
searxng/searxng 1.0.0-209-9c823800-dirty 49586c016434 13 minutes ago 308MB
searxng/searxng latest 49586c016434 13 minutes ago 308MB
alpine 3.13 6dbb9cc54074 3 weeks ago 5.61MB
Command line
.. sidebar:: docker run
Use flags ``-it`` for `interactive processes
In the :origin:`Dockerfile` the ENTRYPOINT_ is defined as
.. code:: sh
docker run --rm -it searxng/searxng -h
.. program-output:: ../dockerfiles/ -h

View file

@ -1,383 +0,0 @@
.. _installation nginx:
Install with nginx
.. _nginx:
.. _nginx server configuration:
.. _nginx beginners guide:
.. _Getting Started wiki:
.. _uWSGI support from nginx:
.. _uwsgi_params:
.. sidebar:: further reading
- nginx_
- `nginx beginners guide`_
- `nginx server configuration`_
- `Getting Started wiki`_
- `uWSGI support from nginx`_
.. contents:: Contents
:depth: 2
:backlinks: entry
**Install** :ref:`nginx searxng site` using :ref:` < overview>`
.. code:: bash
$ sudo -H ./utils/ nginx install
**Install** :ref:`nginx searxng site` using :ref:` < overview>`
.. code:: bash
$ sudo -H ./utils/ nginx install
The nginx HTTP server
If nginx_ is not installed (uwsgi will not work with the package nginx-light),
install it now.
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: Ubuntu / debian
.. code:: sh
sudo -H apt-get install nginx
.. group-tab:: Arch Linux
.. code-block:: sh
sudo -H pacman -S nginx-mainline
sudo -H systemctl enable nginx
sudo -H systemctl start nginx
.. group-tab:: Fedora / RHEL
.. code-block:: sh
sudo -H dnf install nginx
sudo -H systemctl enable nginx
sudo -H systemctl start nginx
Now at http://localhost you should see a *Welcome to nginx!* page, on Fedora you
see a *Fedora Webserver - Test Page*. The test page comes from the default
`nginx server configuration`_. How this default intro site is configured,
depends on the linux distribution:
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: Ubuntu / debian
.. code:: sh
less /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
there is a line including site configurations from:
.. code:: nginx
include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*;
.. group-tab:: Arch Linux
.. code-block:: sh
less /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
in there is a configuration section named ``server``:
.. code-block:: nginx
server {
listen 80;
server_name localhost;
# ...
.. group-tab:: Fedora / RHEL
.. code-block:: sh
less /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
there is a line including site configurations from:
.. code:: nginx
include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;
.. _nginx searxng site:
A nginx SearXNG site
.. sidebar:: public to the internet?
If your SearXNG instance is public, stop here and first install :ref:`filtron
reverse proxy <>` and :ref:`result proxy morty <>`, see
:ref:`installation scripts`. If already done, follow setup: *SearXNG via
filtron plus morty*.
Now you have to create a configuration for the SearXNG site. If nginx_ is new to
you, the `nginx beginners guide`_ is a good starting point and the `Getting
Started wiki`_ is always a good resource *to keep in the pocket*.
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: Ubuntu / debian
Create configuration at ``/etc/nginx/sites-available/searxng`` and place a
symlink to sites-enabled:
.. code:: sh
sudo -H ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/searxng /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/searxng
.. group-tab:: Arch Linux
In the ``/etc/nginx/nginx.conf`` file, replace the configuration section
named ``server``.
.. group-tab:: Fedora / RHEL
Create configuration at ``/etc/nginx/conf.d/searxng`` and place a
symlink to sites-enabled:
.. _nginx searxng via filtron plus morty:
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: SearXNG via filtron plus morty
Use this setup, if your instance is public to the internet, compare
figure: :ref:`architecture <arch public>` and :ref:`installation scripts`.
1. Configure a reverse proxy for :ref:`filtron <>`, listening on
*localhost 4004* (:ref:`filtron route request`):
.. code:: nginx
location /searx {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Scheme $scheme;
proxy_set_header X-Script-Name /searx;
location /searx/static/ {
alias /usr/local/searx/searx-src/searx/static/;
2. Configure reverse proxy for :ref:`morty <searxng morty>`, listening on
*localhost 3000*:
.. code:: nginx
location /morty {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Scheme $scheme;
For a fully result proxification add :ref:`morty's <searxng morty>` **public
URL** to your :origin:`searx/settings.yml`:
.. code:: yaml
# replace with your server's public name
url :
key : !!binary "insert_your_morty_proxy_key_here"
image_proxy : True
.. group-tab:: proxy or uWSGI
Be warned, with this setup, your instance isn't :ref:`protected <searxng
filtron>`. Nevertheless it is good enough for intranet usage and it is a
excellent example of; *how different services can be set up*. The next
example shows a reverse proxy configuration wrapping the :ref:`searx-uWSGI
application <uwsgi configuration>`, listening on ``http =``.
.. code:: nginx
# https://hostname.local/
location / {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Scheme $scheme;
proxy_buffering off;
Alternatively you can use the `uWSGI support from nginx`_ via unix
sockets. For socket communication, you have to activate ``socket =
/run/uwsgi/app/searx/socket`` and comment out the ``http =`` configuration in your :ref:`uwsgi ini file <uwsgi
The example shows a nginx virtual ``server`` configuration, listening on
port 80 (IPv4 and IPv6 http://[::]:80). The uWSGI app is configured at
location ``/`` by importing the `uwsgi_params`_ and passing requests to
the uWSGI socket (``uwsgi_pass``). The ``server``\'s root points to the
:ref:`searx-src clone <searx-src>` and wraps directly the
:origin:`searx/static/` content at ``location /static``.
.. code:: nginx
server {
# replace hostname.local with your server's name
server_name hostname.local;
listen 80;
listen [::]:80;
location / {
include uwsgi_params;
uwsgi_pass unix:/run/uwsgi/app/searx/socket;
root /usr/local/searx/searx-src/searx;
location /static { }
If not already exists, create a folder for the unix sockets, which can be
used by the SearXNG account:
.. code:: bash
mkdir -p /run/uwsgi/app/searx/
sudo -H chown -R searx:searx /run/uwsgi/app/searx/
.. group-tab:: \.\. at subdir URL
Be warned, with these setups, your instance isn't :ref:`protected <searxng
filtron>`. The examples are just here to demonstrate how to export the
SearXNG application from a subdirectory URL ````.
.. code:: nginx
# https://hostname.local/searx
location /searx {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Scheme $scheme;
proxy_set_header X-Script-Name /searx;
proxy_buffering off;
location /searx/static/ {
alias /usr/local/searx/searx-src/searx/static/;
The ``X-Script-Name /searx`` is needed by the SearXNG implementation to
calculate relative URLs correct. The next example shows a uWSGI
configuration. Since there are no HTTP headers in a (u)WSGI protocol, the
value is shipped via the SCRIPT_NAME_ in the WSGI environment.
.. code:: nginx
# https://hostname.local/searx
location /searx {
uwsgi_param SCRIPT_NAME /searx;
include uwsgi_params;
uwsgi_pass unix:/run/uwsgi/app/searx/socket;
location /searx/static/ {
alias /usr/local/searx/searx-src/searx/;
For SearXNG to work correctly the ``base_url`` must be set in the
.. code:: yaml
# replace with your server's public name
base_url :
Restart service:
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: Ubuntu / debian
.. code:: sh
sudo -H systemctl restart nginx
sudo -H service uwsgi restart searx
.. group-tab:: Arch Linux
.. code:: sh
sudo -H systemctl restart nginx
sudo -H systemctl restart uwsgi@searx
.. group-tab:: Fedora
.. code:: sh
sudo -H systemctl restart nginx
sudo -H touch /etc/uwsgi.d/searxng.ini
Disable logs
For better privacy you can disable nginx logs in ``/etc/nginx/nginx.conf``.
.. code:: nginx
http {
# ...
access_log /dev/null;
error_log /dev/null;
# ...

View file

@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
.. _installation basic:
Step by step installation
.. contents:: Contents
:depth: 2
:backlinks: entry
Step by step installation with virtualenv. For Ubuntu, be sure to have enable
universe repository.
.. _install packages:
Install packages
.. kernel-include:: $DOCS_BUILD/includes/searx.rst
:start-after: START distro-packages
:end-before: END distro-packages
.. hint::
This installs also the packages needed by :ref:`searxng uwsgi`
.. _create searxng user:
Create user
.. kernel-include:: $DOCS_BUILD/includes/searx.rst
:start-after: START create user
:end-before: END create user
.. _searx-src:
Install SearXNG & dependencies
Start a interactive shell from new created user and clone searx:
.. kernel-include:: $DOCS_BUILD/includes/searx.rst
:start-after: START clone searxng
:end-before: END clone searxng
In the same shell create *virtualenv*:
.. kernel-include:: $DOCS_BUILD/includes/searx.rst
:start-after: START create virtualenv
:end-before: END create virtualenv
To install searx's dependencies, exit the SearXNG *bash* session you opened above
and restart a new. Before install, first check if your *virtualenv* was sourced
from the login (*~/.profile*):
.. kernel-include:: $DOCS_BUILD/includes/searx.rst
:start-after: START update_packages
:end-before: END update_packages
.. tip::
Open a second terminal for the configuration tasks and leave the ``(searx)$``
terminal open for the tasks below.
.. _use_default_settings.yml:
.. sidebar:: ``use_default_settings: True``
- :ref:`settings global`
- :ref:`settings location`
- :ref:`settings use_default_settings`
- :origin:`/etc/searxng/settings.yml <utils/templates/etc/searxng/settings.yml>`
To create a initial ``/etc/searxng/settings.yml`` you can start with a copy of
the file :origin:`utils/templates/etc/searxng/settings.yml`. This setup
:ref:`use default settings <settings use_default_settings>` from
For a *minimal setup*, configure like shown below replace ``searx@$(uname
-n)`` with a name of your choice, set ``ultrasecretkey`` -- *and/or* edit
``/etc/searxng/settings.yml`` to your needs.
.. kernel-include:: $DOCS_BUILD/includes/searx.rst
:start-after: START searxng config
:end-before: END searxng config
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: Use default settings
.. literalinclude:: ../../utils/templates/etc/searxng/settings.yml
:language: yaml
.. group-tab:: searx/settings.yml
.. literalinclude:: ../../searx/settings.yml
:language: yaml
To check your SearXNG setup, optional enable debugging and start the *webapp*.
SearXNG looks at the exported environment ``$SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH`` for a
configuration file.
.. kernel-include:: $DOCS_BUILD/includes/searx.rst
:start-after: START check searxng installation
:end-before: END check searxng installation
If everything works fine, hit ``[CTRL-C]`` to stop the *webapp* and disable the
debug option in ``settings.yml``. You can now exit SearXNG user bash (enter exit
command twice). At this point SearXNG is not demonized; uwsgi allows this.

View file

@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
.. _installation switch2ng:
Switch from searx to SearXNG
.. sidebar:: info
- :pull:`456`
- :pull:`A comment about rolling release <446#issuecomment-954730358>`
.. contents:: Contents
:depth: 2
:backlinks: entry
If you have a searx installation on your sever and want to switch to SearXNG,
you need to uninstall searx first. If you have an old searx docker installation
replace your docker image / see :ref:`installation docker`.
If your searx instance was installed *"Step by step"* or by the *"Installation
scripts"*, you need to undo the installation procedure completely. If you have
morty & filtron installed, it is recommended to uninstall these services also.
In case of scripts, to uninstall use the scripts from the origin you installed
searx from.
If you have removed the old searx installation, clone from SearXNG and and start
with your installation procedure (e.g. :ref:`installation scripts`):
.. code:: bash
$ cd ~/Downloads
$ git clone searxng
$ cd searxng
$ ...
Please take into account; SearXNG has normalized ```` with
``settings.yml`` and some of the environment settings has been removed from or
renamed in the ````:
- :patch:`[mod] normalize with settings.yml <f61c918d>`
- :patch:`[fix] ./utils/ - FILTRON_TARGET from YAML settings <7196a9b5>`
- :patch:`SearXNG: SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH <253b8503>`
Check after Installation
Once you have done your installation, you can run a SearXNG *check* procedure,
to see if there are some left overs. In this example there exists a *old*
$ sudo -H ./utils/ install check
SearXNG (check installation)
ERROR: settings.yml in /etc/searx/ is deprecated, move file to folder /etc/searxng/
INFO: SearXNG instance already installed at: /usr/local/searx/searx-src
INFO: Service account searx exists.
INFO: ~searx: python environment is available.
INFO: ~searx: SearXNG software is installed.
INFO: uWSGI app searxng.ini is enabled.
INFO searx : merge the default settings ( /usr/local/searx/searx-src/searx/settings.yml ) and the user setttings ( /etc/searxng/settings.yml )
INFO searx : max_request_timeout=None
To *check* the filtron & morty installations, use similar commands::
$ sudo -H /utils/ install check
$ sudo -H /utils/ install check

View file

@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
.. _searxng uwsgi:
.. sidebar:: further reading
- `systemd.unit`_
- `uWSGI Emperor`_
.. contents:: Contents
:depth: 2
:backlinks: entry
.. _systemd.unit:
.. _One service per app in systemd:
.. _uWSGI Emperor:
.. _uwsgi ini file:
.. _systemd unit template:
Origin uWSGI
How uWSGI is implemented by distributors is different. uWSGI itself
recommend two methods
`systemd.unit`_ template files as described here `One service per app in systemd`_.
There is one `systemd unit template`_ and one `uwsgi ini file`_ per uWSGI-app
placed at dedicated locations. Take archlinux and a searxng.ini as example::
unit template --> /usr/lib/systemd/system/uwsgi@.service
uwsgi ini files --> /etc/uwsgi/searxng.ini
The SearXNG app can be maintained as know from common systemd units::
systemctl enable uwsgi@searx
systemctl start uwsgi@searx
systemctl restart uwsgi@searx
systemctl stop uwsgi@searx
The `uWSGI Emperor`_ mode which fits for maintaining a large range of uwsgi apps.
The Emperor mode is a special uWSGI instance that will monitor specific
events. The Emperor mode (service) is started by a (common, not template)
systemd unit. The Emperor service will scan specific directories for `uwsgi
ini file`_\s (also know as *vassals*). If a *vassal* is added, removed or the
timestamp is modified, a corresponding action takes place: a new uWSGI
instance is started, reload or stopped. Take Fedora and a searxng.ini as
to start a new SearXNG instance create --> /etc/uwsgi.d/searxng.ini
to reload the instance edit timestamp --> touch /etc/uwsgi.d/searxng.ini
to stop instance remove ini --> rm /etc/uwsgi.d/searxng.ini
The `uWSGI Emperor`_ mode and `systemd unit template`_ is what the distributors
mostly offer their users, even if they differ in the way they implement both
modes and their defaults. Another point they might differ is the packaging of
plugins (if so, compare :ref:`install packages`) and what the default python
interpreter is (python2 vs. python3).
Fedora starts a Emperor by default, while archlinux does not start any uwsgi
service by default. Worth to know; debian (ubuntu) follow a complete different
approach. *debian*: your are familiar with the apache infrastructure? .. they
do similar for the uWSGI infrastructure (with less comfort), the folders are::
The `uwsgi ini file`_ is enabled by a symbolic link::
ln -s /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/searxng.ini /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/
From debian's documentation (``/usr/share/doc/uwsgi/README.Debian.gz``): You
could control specific instance(s) by issuing::
service uwsgi <command> <confname> <confname> ...
sudo -H service uwsgi start searx
sudo -H service uwsgi stop searx
My experience is, that this command is a bit buggy.
.. _uwsgi configuration:
Create the configuration ini-file according to your distribution (see below) and
restart the uwsgi application.
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: Ubuntu / debian
.. kernel-include:: $DOCS_BUILD/includes/searx.rst
:start-after: START searxng uwsgi-description ubuntu-20.04
:end-before: END searxng uwsgi-description ubuntu-20.04
.. hotfix: a bug group-tab need this comment
.. group-tab:: Arch Linux
.. kernel-include:: $DOCS_BUILD/includes/searx.rst
:start-after: START searxng uwsgi-description arch
:end-before: END searxng uwsgi-description arch
.. hotfix: a bug group-tab need this comment
.. group-tab:: Fedora / RHEL
.. kernel-include:: $DOCS_BUILD/includes/searx.rst
:start-after: START searxng uwsgi-description fedora
:end-before: END searxng uwsgi-description fedora
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: Ubuntu / debian
.. kernel-include:: $DOCS_BUILD/includes/searx.rst
:start-after: START searxng uwsgi-appini ubuntu-20.04
:end-before: END searxng uwsgi-appini ubuntu-20.04
.. hotfix: a bug group-tab need this comment
.. group-tab:: Arch Linux
.. kernel-include:: $DOCS_BUILD/includes/searx.rst
:start-after: START searxng uwsgi-appini arch
:end-before: END searxng uwsgi-appini arch
.. hotfix: a bug group-tab need this comment
.. group-tab:: Fedora / RHEL
.. kernel-include:: $DOCS_BUILD/includes/searx.rst
:start-after: START searxng uwsgi-appini fedora
:end-before: END searxng uwsgi-appini fedora

View file

@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
.. _installation:
.. sidebar:: info
:ref:`installation switch2ng`
*You're spoilt for choice*, choose your preferred method of installation.
- :ref:`installation docker`
- :ref:`installation scripts`
- :ref:`installation basic`
The :ref:`installation basic` is good enough for intranet usage and it is a
excellent illustration of *how a SearXNG instance is build up*. If you place your
instance public to the internet you should really consider to install a
:ref:`filtron reverse proxy <>` and for privacy a :ref:`result proxy
<>` is mandatory.
Therefore, if you do not have any special preferences, its recommend to use the
:ref:`installation docker` or the `Installation scripts`_ from our :ref:`tooling
box <toolboxing>` as described below.
.. _installation scripts:
Installation scripts
.. sidebar:: Update OS first!
To avoid unwanted side effects, update your OS before installing SearXNG.
The following will install a setup as shown in :ref:`architecture`. First you
need to get a clone. The clone is only needed for the installation procedure
and some maintenance tasks (alternatively you can create your own fork).
For the installation procedure, use a *sudoer* login to run the scripts. If you
install from ``root``, take into account that the scripts are creating a
``searx``, a ``filtron`` and a ``morty`` user. In the installation procedure
these new created users do need read access to the clone of searx, which is not
the case if you clone into a folder below ``/root``.
.. code:: bash
$ cd ~/Downloads
$ git clone searxng
$ cd searxng
.. sidebar:: further read
- :ref:`toolboxing`
- :ref:`update searxng`
- :ref:`inspect searxng`
**Install** :ref:`SearXNG service <>`
This installs SearXNG as described in :ref:`installation basic`.
.. code:: bash
$ sudo -H ./utils/ install all
**Install** :ref:`filtron reverse proxy <>`
.. code:: bash
$ sudo -H ./utils/ install all
**Install** :ref:`result proxy <>`
.. code:: bash
$ sudo -H ./utils/ install all
If all services are running fine, you can add it to your HTTP server:
**Install** HTTP
- :ref:`installation apache`
- :ref:`installation nginx`
**Install** :ref:`external plugins <dev plugin>`
Use SearXNG's ``shell`` to install external plugins. In the example below we
install the SearXNG plugins from **The Green Web Foundation** `[ref]
.. code:: bash
$ sudo -H ./utils/ shell
// exit with [CTRL-D]
(searx-pyenv) searx@ryzen:~$ pip install git+
In the :ref:`settings.yml` activate the ``plugins:`` section and add module
``only_show_green_results`` from tgwf-searx-plugins.
.. code:: yaml
- only_show_green_results
.. _git stash:
.. tip::
About script's installation options have a look at chapter :ref:`toolboxing
setup`. How to brand your instance see chapter :ref:`settings global`. To
*stash* your instance's setup, `git stash`_ your clone's :origin:``
file .

View file

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
.. _searxng morty:
How to setup result proxy
.. sidebar:: further reading
- :ref:``
.. _morty:
.. _morty's README:
By default SearXNG can only act as an image proxy for result images, but it is
possible to proxify all the result URLs with an external service, morty_.
To use this feature, morty has to be installed and activated in SearXNG's
``settings.yml``. Add the following snippet to your ``settings.yml`` and
restart searx:
.. code:: yaml
url :
key : !!binary "insert_your_morty_proxy_key_here"
Note that the example above (````) is only for single-user
instances without a HTTP proxy. If your morty service is public, the url is the
address of the reverse proxy (e.g ````).
For more information about *result proxy* have a look at *"SearXNG via filtron
plus morty"* in the :ref:`nginx <nginx searxng via filtron plus morty>` and
:ref:`apache <apache searxng via filtron plus morty>` sections.
Is the address of the running morty service.
Is an optional argument, see `morty's README`_ for more information.

View file

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
.. _plugins generic:
Plugins builtin
.. sidebar:: Further reading ..
- :ref:`dev plugin`
Configuration defaults (at built time):
:DO: Default on
.. _configured plugins:
.. jinja:: searx
.. flat-table:: Plugins configured at built time (defaults)
:header-rows: 1
:stub-columns: 1
:widths: 3 1 9
* - Name
- DO
- Description
JS & CSS dependencies
{% for plgin in plugins %}
* - {{}}
- {{(plgin.default_on and "y") or ""}}
- {{plgin.description}}
{% for dep in (plgin.js_dependencies + plgin.css_dependencies) %}
| ``{{dep}}`` {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

View file

@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
.. _update searxng:
How to update
How to update depends on the :ref:`installation` method. If you have used the
:ref:`installation scripts`, use ``update`` command from the scripts.
**Update** :ref:`SearXNG service <>`
.. code:: sh
sudo -H ./utils/ update searx
**Update** :ref:`filtron reverse proxy <>`
.. code:: sh
sudo -H ./utils/ update filtron
**Update** :ref:`result proxy <>`
.. code:: bash
$ sudo -H ./utils/ update morty
.. _inspect searxng:
How to inspect & debug
.. sidebar:: further read
- :ref:`toolboxing`
- :ref:`Makefile`
How to debug depends on the :ref:`installation` method. If you have used the
:ref:`installation scripts`, use ``inspect`` command from the scripts.
**Inspect** :ref:`SearXNG service <>`
.. code:: sh
sudo -H ./utils/ inspect service
**Inspect** :ref:`filtron reverse proxy <>`
.. code:: sh
sudo -H ./utils/ inspect service
**Inspect** :ref:`result proxy <>`
.. code:: bash
$ sudo -H ./utils/ inspect service

View file

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
.. START create user
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: bash
.. code-block:: sh
$ sudo -H useradd --shell /bin/bash --system \\
--home-dir \"$SERVICE_HOME\" \\
--comment \"Privacy-respecting metasearch engine\" $SERVICE_USER
$ sudo -H mkdir \"$SERVICE_HOME\"
.. END create user
.. START install go
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: os: linux / arch: amd64
.. code-block:: bash
$ cat > \"$GO_ENV\" <<EOF
export GOPATH=${SERVICE_HOME}/go-apps
export PATH=\$PATH:${SERVICE_HOME}/local/go/bin:\$GOPATH/bin
$ sudo -i -u \"${SERVICE_USER}\"
(${SERVICE_USER}) $ echo 'source $GO_ENV' >> ~/.profile
(${SERVICE_USER}) $ mkdir ${SERVICE_HOME}/local
(${SERVICE_USER}) $ wget --progress=bar -O \"${GO_VERSION}.linux-amd64.tar.gz\" \\
(${SERVICE_USER}) $ tar -C ${SERVICE_HOME}/local -xzf \"${GO_VERSION}.linux-amd64.tar.gz\"
(${SERVICE_USER}) $ which go
.. END install go
.. START install filtron
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: bash
.. code-block:: bash
$ sudo -i -u \"${SERVICE_USER}\"
(${SERVICE_USER}) $ go get -v -u
.. END install filtron

View file

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
.. START create user
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: bash
.. code-block:: sh
$ sudo -H useradd --shell /bin/bash --system \\
--home-dir \"$SERVICE_HOME\" \\
--comment \"Privacy-respecting metasearch engine\" $SERVICE_USER
$ sudo -H mkdir \"$SERVICE_HOME\"
.. END create user
.. START install go
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: os: linux / arch: amd64
.. code-block:: bash
$ cat > \"$GO_ENV\" <<EOF
export GOPATH=${SERVICE_HOME}/go-apps
export PATH=\$PATH:${SERVICE_HOME}/local/go/bin:\$GOPATH/bin
$ sudo -i -u \"${SERVICE_USER}\"
(${SERVICE_USER}) $ echo 'source $GO_ENV' >> ~/.profile
(${SERVICE_USER}) $ mkdir ${SERVICE_HOME}/local
(${SERVICE_USER}) $ wget --progress=bar -O \"${GO_VERSION}.linux-amd64.tar.gz\" \\
(${SERVICE_USER}) $ tar -C ${SERVICE_HOME}/local -xzf \"${GO_VERSION}.linux-amd64.tar.gz\"
(${SERVICE_USER}) $ which go
.. END install go
.. START install morty
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: bash
.. code-block:: bash
$ sudo -i -u \"${SERVICE_USER}\"
(${SERVICE_USER}) $ go get -v -u
.. END install morty

View file

@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
.. template evaluated by: ./utils/ docs
.. hint: all dollar-names are variables, dollar sign itself is quoted by: \\$
.. START distro-packages
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: Ubuntu / debian
.. code-block:: sh
$ sudo -H apt-get install -y \\
.. group-tab:: Arch Linux
.. code-block:: sh
$ sudo -H pacman -S --noconfirm \\
.. group-tab:: Fedora / RHEL
.. code-block:: sh
$ sudo -H dnf install -y \\
.. END distro-packages
.. START build-packages
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: Ubuntu / debian
.. code-block:: sh
$ sudo -H apt-get install -y \\
.. group-tab:: Arch Linux
.. code-block:: sh
$ sudo -H pacman -S --noconfirm \\
.. group-tab:: Fedora / RHEL
.. code-block:: sh
$ sudo -H dnf install -y \\
.. END build-packages
.. START create user
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: bash
.. code-block:: sh
$ sudo -H useradd --shell /bin/bash --system \\
--home-dir \"$SERVICE_HOME\" \\
--comment 'Privacy-respecting metasearch engine' $SERVICE_USER
$ sudo -H mkdir \"$SERVICE_HOME\"
.. END create user
.. START clone searxng
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: bash
.. code-block:: sh
$ sudo -H -u ${SERVICE_USER} -i
(${SERVICE_USER})$ git clone \"$GIT_URL\" \"$SEARX_SRC\"
.. END clone searxng
.. START create virtualenv
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: bash
.. code-block:: sh
(${SERVICE_USER})$ python3 -m venv \"${SEARX_PYENV}\"
(${SERVICE_USER})$ echo \". ${SEARX_PYENV}/bin/activate\" >> \"$SERVICE_HOME/.profile\"
.. END create virtualenv
.. START update_packages
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: bash
.. code-block:: sh
$ sudo -H -u ${SERVICE_USER} -i
(${SERVICE_USER})$ command -v python && python --version
Python 3.8.1
# update pip's boilerplate ..
pip install -U pip
pip install -U setuptools
pip install -U wheel
pip install -U pyyaml
# jump to SearXNG's working tree and install SearXNG into virtualenv
(${SERVICE_USER})$ pip install -e .
.. END update_packages
.. START searxng config
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: Use default settings
.. code-block:: sh
$ sudo -H mkdir -p \"$(dirname ${SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH})\"
$ sudo -H cp \"$SEARX_SRC/utils/templates/etc/searxng/settings.yml\" \\
.. group-tab:: searx/settings.yml
.. code-block:: sh
$ sudo -H mkdir -p \"$(dirname ${SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH})\"
$ sudo -H cp \"$SEARX_SRC/searx/settings.yml\" \\
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: minimal setup
.. code-block:: sh
$ sudo -H sed -i -e \"s/ultrasecretkey/\$(openssl rand -hex 16)/g\" \"$SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH\"
.. END searxng config
.. START check searxng installation
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: bash
.. code-block:: sh
# enable debug ..
$ sudo -H sed -i -e \"s/debug : False/debug : True/g\" \"$SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH\"
# start webapp
$ sudo -H -u ${SERVICE_USER} -i
(${SERVICE_USER})$ python searx/
# disable debug
$ sudo -H sed -i -e \"s/debug : True/debug : False/g\" \"$SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH\"
Open WEB browser and visit http://$SEARX_INTERNAL_HTTP . If you are inside a
container or in a script, test with curl:
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: WEB browser
.. code-block:: sh
$ xdg-open http://$SEARX_INTERNAL_HTTP
.. group-tab:: curl
.. code-block:: none
$ curl --location --verbose --head --insecure $SEARX_INTERNAL_HTTP
* Trying
* Connected to ( port 8888 (#0)
> HEAD / HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.68.0
> Accept: */*
* Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
* HTTP 1.0, assume close after body
< HTTP/1.0 200 OK
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
.. END check searxng installation

View file

@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
import sys, os
from pallets_sphinx_themes import ProjectLink
from searx import get_setting
from searx.version import VERSION_STRING, GIT_URL, GIT_BRANCH
# Project --------------------------------------------------------------
project = 'SearXNG'
copyright = '2021 SearXNG team, 2015-2021 Adam Tauber, Noémi Ványi'
author = '2021 SearXNG team, 2015-2021 Adam Tauber'
SEARXNG_URL = get_setting('server.base_url') or ''
ISSUE_URL = get_setting('brand.issue_url')
DOCS_URL = get_setting('brand.docs_url')
PUBLIC_INSTANCES = get_setting('brand.public_instances')
CONTACT_URL = get_setting('general.contact_url')
WIKI_URL = get_setting('brand.wiki_url')
# hint: sphinx.ext.viewcode won't highlight when 'highlight_language' [1] is set
# to string 'none' [2]
# [1]
# [2]
highlight_language = 'default'
# General --------------------------------------------------------------
master_doc = "index"
source_suffix = '.rst'
numfig = True
exclude_patterns = ['build-templates/*.rst', 'user/*.md']
import searx.engines
import searx.plugins
import searx.webutils
# import searx.webapp is needed to init the engines & plugins, to init a
# (empty) secret_key is needed.
searx.settings['server']['secret_key'] = ''
import searx.webapp
jinja_contexts = {
'searx': {
'engines': searx.engines.engines,
'plugins': searx.plugins.plugins,
'version': {
'node': os.getenv('NODE_MINIMUM_VERSION')
'enabled_engine_count': sum(not x.disabled for x in searx.engines.engines.values()),
'categories': searx.engines.categories,
'categories_as_tabs': {c: searx.engines.categories[c] for c in searx.settings['categories_as_tabs']},
jinja_filters = {
'group_engines_in_tab': searx.webutils.group_engines_in_tab,
# Let the Jinja template in configured_engines.rst access documented_modules
# to automatically link documentation for modules if it exists.
def setup(app):
ENGINES_DOCNAME = 'admin/engines/configured_engines'
def before_read_docs(app, env, docnames):
assert ENGINES_DOCNAME in docnames
# configured_engines must come last so that sphinx already has
# discovered the python module documentations
def source_read(app, docname, source):
if docname == ENGINES_DOCNAME:
jinja_contexts['searx']['documented_modules'] =['py'].modules
app.connect('env-before-read-docs', before_read_docs)
app.connect('source-read', source_read)
# usage:: lorem :patch:`f373169` ipsum
extlinks = {}
# upstream links
extlinks['wiki'] = ('', ' ')
extlinks['pull'] = ('', 'PR ')
extlinks['pull-searx'] = ('', 'PR ')
# links to custom brand
extlinks['origin'] = (GIT_URL + '/blob/' + GIT_BRANCH + '/%s', 'git://')
extlinks['patch'] = (GIT_URL + '/commit/%s', '#')
extlinks['docs'] = (DOCS_URL + '/%s', 'docs: ')
extlinks['pypi'] = ('', 'PyPi: ')
extlinks['man'] = ('', '')
#extlinks['role'] = (
# '', '')
extlinks['duref'] = (
'', '')
extlinks['durole'] = (
'', '')
extlinks['dudir'] = (
'', '')
extlinks['ctan'] = (
'', 'CTAN: ')
extensions = [
"sphinx_issues", #
"sphinx_jinja", #
"sphinxcontrib.programoutput", #
'linuxdoc.kernel_include', # Implementation of the 'kernel-include' reST-directive.
'linuxdoc.rstFlatTable', # Implementation of the 'flat-table' reST-directive.
'linuxdoc.kfigure', # Sphinx extension which implements scalable image handling.
"sphinx_tabs.tabs", #
'myst_parser', #
'notfound.extension', #
myst_enable_extensions = [
"replacements", "smartquotes"
suppress_warnings = ['']
intersphinx_mapping = {
"python": ("", None),
"flask": ("", None),
"flask_babel": ("", None),
# "werkzeug": ("", None),
"jinja": ("", None),
"linuxdoc" : ("", None),
"sphinx" : ("", None),
"redis": ('', None),
issues_github_path = "searxng/searxng"
# HTML -----------------------------------------------------------------
# --> '/searxng/'
# --> '/'
notfound_urls_prefix = '/'
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("../utils/"))
html_theme_path = ['_themes']
html_theme = "searxng"
# sphinx.ext.imgmath setup
html_math_renderer = 'imgmath'
imgmath_image_format = 'svg'
imgmath_font_size = 14
# sphinx.ext.imgmath setup END
html_theme_options = {"index_sidebar_logo": True}
html_context = {"project_links": [] }
html_context["project_links"].append(ProjectLink("Source", GIT_URL + '/tree/' + GIT_BRANCH))
html_context["project_links"].append(ProjectLink("Wiki", WIKI_URL))
html_context["project_links"].append(ProjectLink("Public instances", PUBLIC_INSTANCES))
html_context["project_links"].append(ProjectLink("Issue Tracker", ISSUE_URL))
html_context["project_links"].append(ProjectLink("Contact", CONTACT_URL))
html_sidebars = {
"**": [
singlehtml_sidebars = {"index": ["project.html", "localtoc.html"]}
html_logo = "../src/brand/searxng-wordmark.svg"
html_title = "SearXNG Documentation ({})".format(VERSION_STRING)
html_show_sourcelink = True
# LaTeX ----------------------------------------------------------------
latex_documents = [
(master_doc, "searx-{}.tex".format(VERSION_STRING), html_title, author, "manual")

View file

@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
.. _how to contribute:
How to contribute
.. contents:: Contents
:depth: 2
:backlinks: entry
Prime directives: Privacy, Hackability
SearXNG has two prime directives, **privacy-by-design and hackability** . The
hackability comes in three levels:
- support of search engines
- plugins to alter search behaviour
- hacking SearXNG itself
Note the lack of "world domination" among the directives. SearXNG has no
intention of wide mass-adoption, rounded corners, etc. The prime directive
"privacy" deserves a separate chapter, as it's quite uncommon unfortunately.
SearXNG was born out of the need for a **privacy-respecting** search tool which
can be extended easily to maximize both, its search and its privacy protecting
A few widely used features work differently or turned off by default or not
implemented at all **as a consequence of privacy-by-design**.
If a feature reduces the privacy preserving aspects of searx, it should be
switched off by default or should not implemented at all. There are plenty of
search engines already providing such features. If a feature reduces the
protection of searx, users must be informed about the effect of choosing to
enable it. Features that protect privacy but differ from the expectations of
the user should also be explained.
Also, if you think that something works weird with searx, it's might be because
of the tool you use is designed in a way to interfere with the privacy respect.
Submitting a bugreport to the vendor of the tool that misbehaves might be a good
feedback to reconsider the disrespect to its customers (e.g. ``GET`` vs ``POST``
requests in various browsers).
Remember the other prime directive of SearXNG is to be hackable, so if the above
privacy concerns do not fancy you, simply fork it.
*Happy hacking.*
.. _PEP8:
.. _Conventional Commits:
.. _Git Commit Good Practice:
.. _Structural split of changes:
.. _gitmoji:
.. _Semantic PR:
.. sidebar:: Create good commits!
- `Structural split of changes`_
- `Conventional Commits`_
- `Git Commit Good Practice`_
- some like to use: gitmoji_
- not yet active: `Semantic PR`_
In order to submit a patch, please follow the steps below:
- Follow coding conventions.
- PEP8_ standards apply, except the convention of line length
- Maximum line length is 120 characters
- The cardinal rule for creating good commits is to ensure there is only one
*logical change* per commit / read `Structural split of changes`_
- Check if your code breaks existing tests. If so, update the tests or fix your
- If your code can be unit-tested, add unit tests.
- Add yourself to the :origin:`AUTHORS.rst` file.
- Choose meaningful commit messages, read `Conventional Commits`_
.. code::
<type>[optional scope]: <description>
[optional body]
[optional footer(s)]
- Create a pull request.
For more help on getting started with SearXNG development, see :ref:`devquickstart`.
Translation currently takes place on :ref:`weblate <translation>`.
.. _contrib docs:
.. _Sphinx:
.. _reST:
.. sidebar:: The reST sources
has been moved from ``gh-branch`` into ``master`` (:origin:`docs`).
The documentation is built using Sphinx_. So in order to be able to generate
the required files, you have to install it on your system. Much easier, use
our :ref:`makefile`.
Here is an example which makes a complete rebuild:
.. code:: sh
$ make docs.clean docs.html
The HTML pages are in dist/docs.
.. _make
live build
.. _sphinx-autobuild:
.. sidebar:: docs.clean
It is recommended to assert a complete rebuild before deploying (use
Live build is like WYSIWYG. If you want to edit the documentation, its
recommended to use. The Makefile target ```` builds the docs, opens
URL in your favorite browser and rebuilds every time a reST file has been
.. code:: sh
$ make
The HTML pages are in dist/docs.
... Serving on
... Start watching changes
Live builds are implemented by sphinx-autobuild_. Use environment
``$(SPHINXOPTS)`` to pass arguments to the sphinx-autobuild_ command. Except
option ``--host`` (which is always set to ````) you can pass any
argument. E.g to find and use a free port, use:
.. code:: sh
$ SPHINXOPTS="--port 0" make
... Serving on
.. _deploy on
deploy on
To deploy documentation at :docs:` <.>` use Makefile target :ref:`make`, which builds the documentation and runs all the needed git add,
commit and push:
.. code:: sh
$ make docs.clean

View file

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
stub col row 1, column, "loremLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy
eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam
stub col row 1, "At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita
kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.", column
stub col row 1, column, column

View file

@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
.. _engines-dev:
Engine Overview
.. _metasearch-engine:
.. sidebar:: Further reading ..
- :ref:`configured engines`
- :ref:`settings engine`
.. contents::
:depth: 3
:backlinks: entry
SearXNG is a metasearch-engine_, so it uses different search engines to provide
better results.
Because there is no general search API which could be used for every search
engine, an adapter has to be built between SearXNG and the external search
engines. Adapters are stored under the folder :origin:`searx/engines`.
.. _general engine configuration:
General Engine Configuration
It is required to tell SearXNG the type of results the engine provides. The
arguments can be set in the engine file or in the settings file (normally
``settings.yml``). The arguments in the settings file override the ones in the
engine file.
It does not matter if an option is stored in the engine file or in the settings.
However, the standard way is the following:
.. _engine file:
Engine File
.. table:: Common options in the engine module
:width: 100%
======================= =========== ========================================================
argument type information
======================= =========== ========================================================
categories list pages, in which the engine is working
paging boolean support multible pages
time_range_support boolean support search time range
engine_type str - ``online`` :ref:`[ref] <demo online engine>` by
default, other possibles values are:
- ``offline`` :ref:`[ref] <offline engines>`
- ``online_dictionary``
- ``online_currency``
======================= =========== ========================================================
.. _engine settings:
Engine ``settings.yml``
For a more detailed description, see :ref:`settings engine` in the :ref:`settings.yml`.
.. table:: Common options in the engine setup (``settings.yml``)
:width: 100%
======================= =========== ===============================================
argument type information
======================= =========== ===============================================
name string name of search-engine
engine string name of searx-engine (filename without ``.py``)
enable_http bool enable HTTP (by default only HTTPS is enabled).
shortcut string shortcut of search-engine
timeout string specific timeout for search-engine
display_error_messages boolean display error messages on the web UI
proxies dict set proxies for a specific engine
(e.g. ``proxies : {http: socks5://proxy:port,
https: socks5://proxy:port}``)
======================= =========== ===============================================
.. _engine overrides:
A few of the options have default values in the namespace of engine's python
modul, but are often overwritten by the settings. If ``None`` is assigned to an
option in the engine file, it has to be redefined in the settings, otherwise
SearXNG will not start with that engine (global names with a leading underline can
be ``None``).
Here is an very simple example of the global names in the namespace of engine's
.. code:: python
# engine dependent config
categories = ['general']
paging = True
_non_overwritten_global = 'foo'
.. table:: The naming of overrides is arbitrary / recommended overrides are:
:width: 100%
======================= =========== ===========================================
argument type information
======================= =========== ===========================================
base_url string base-url, can be overwritten to use same
engine on other URL
number_of_results int maximum number of results per request
language string ISO code of language and country like en_US
api_key string api-key if required by engine
======================= =========== ===========================================
.. _engine request:
Making a Request
To perform a search an URL have to be specified. In addition to specifying an
URL, arguments can be passed to the query.
.. _engine request arguments:
Passed Arguments (request)
These arguments can be used to construct the search query. Furthermore,
parameters with default value can be redefined for special purposes.
.. table:: If the ``engine_type`` is ``online``
:width: 100%
====================== ============== ========================================================================
argument type default-value, information
====================== ============== ========================================================================
url str ``''``
method str ``'GET'``
headers set ``{}``
data set ``{}``
cookies set ``{}``
verify bool ``True``
headers.User-Agent str a random User-Agent
category str current category, like ``'general'``
safesearch int ``0``, between ``0`` and ``2`` (normal, moderate, strict)
time_range Optional[str] ``None``, can be ``day``, ``week``, ``month``, ``year``
pageno int current pagenumber
language str specific language code like ``'en_US'``, or ``'all'`` if unspecified
====================== ============== ========================================================================
.. table:: If the ``engine_type`` is ``online_dictionary``, in addition to the
``online`` arguments:
:width: 100%
====================== ============== ========================================================================
argument type default-value, information
====================== ============== ========================================================================
from_lang str specific language code like ``'en_US'``
to_lang str specific language code like ``'en_US'``
query str the text query without the languages
====================== ============== ========================================================================
.. table:: If the ``engine_type`` is ``online_currency```, in addition to the
``online`` arguments:
:width: 100%
====================== ============== ========================================================================
argument type default-value, information
====================== ============== ========================================================================
amount float the amount to convert
from str ISO 4217 code
to str ISO 4217 code
from_name str currency name
to_name str currency name
====================== ============== ========================================================================
Specify Request
The function :py:func:`def request(query, params):
<searx.engines.demo_online.request>` always returns the ``params`` variable, the
following parameters can be used to specify a search request:
.. table::
:width: 100%
=================== =========== ==========================================================================
argument type information
=================== =========== ==========================================================================
url str requested url
method str HTTP request method
headers set HTTP header information
data set HTTP data information
cookies set HTTP cookies
verify bool Performing SSL-Validity check
allow_redirects bool Follow redirects
max_redirects int maximum redirects, hard limit
soft_max_redirects int maximum redirects, soft limit. Record an error but don't stop the engine
raise_for_httperror bool True by default: raise an exception if the HTTP code of response is >= 300
=================== =========== ==========================================================================
.. _engine results:
.. _engine media types:
Media Types
Each result item of an engine can be of different media-types. Currently the
following media-types are supported. To set another media-type as ``default``,
the parameter ``template`` must be set to the desired type.
.. table:: Parameter of the **default** media type:
:width: 100%
========================= =====================================================
result-parameter information
========================= =====================================================
url string, url of the result
title string, title of the result
content string, general result-text
publishedDate :py:class:`datetime.datetime`, time of publish
========================= =====================================================
.. table:: Parameter of the **images** media type:
:width: 100%
========================= =====================================================
result-parameter information
------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
template is set to ``images.html``
========================= =====================================================
url string, url to the result site
title string, title of the result *(partly implemented)*
content *(partly implemented)*
publishedDate :py:class:`datetime.datetime`,
time of publish *(partly implemented)*
img\_src string, url to the result image
thumbnail\_src string, url to a small-preview image
========================= =====================================================
.. table:: Parameter of the **videos** media type:
:width: 100%
========================= =====================================================
result-parameter information
------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
template is set to ``videos.html``
========================= =====================================================
url string, url of the result
title string, title of the result
content *(not implemented yet)*
publishedDate :py:class:`datetime.datetime`, time of publish
thumbnail string, url to a small-preview image
========================= =====================================================
.. _magnetlink:
.. table:: Parameter of the **torrent** media type:
:width: 100%
========================= =====================================================
result-parameter information
------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
template is set to ``torrent.html``
========================= =====================================================
url string, url of the result
title string, title of the result
content string, general result-text
publishedDate :py:class:`datetime.datetime`,
time of publish *(not implemented yet)*
seed int, number of seeder
leech int, number of leecher
filesize int, size of file in bytes
files int, number of files
magnetlink string, magnetlink_ of the result
torrentfile string, torrentfile of the result
========================= =====================================================
.. table:: Parameter of the **map** media type:
:width: 100%
========================= =====================================================
result-parameter information
------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
template is set to ``map.html``
========================= =====================================================
url string, url of the result
title string, title of the result
content string, general result-text
publishedDate :py:class:`datetime.datetime`, time of publish
latitude latitude of result (in decimal format)
longitude longitude of result (in decimal format)
boundingbox boundingbox of result (array of 4. values
``[lat-min, lat-max, lon-min, lon-max]``)
geojson geojson of result (
osm.type type of osm-object (if OSM-Result) id of osm-object (if OSM-Result) name of object
address.road street name of object
address.house_number house number of object
address.locality city, place of object
address.postcode postcode of object country of object
========================= =====================================================

View file

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
graph G {
Hello -- World

View file

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
Developer documentation
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
:caption: Contents

View file

@ -1,420 +0,0 @@
.. _lxcdev:
Developing in Linux Containers
.. _LXC:
In this article we will show, how you can make use of Linux Containers (LXC_) in
*distributed and heterogeneous development cycles* (TL;DR; jump to the
:ref:`lxcdev summary`).
.. sidebar:: Audience
This blog post is written for experienced admins and developers. Readers
should have a serious meaning about the terms: *distributed*, *merge* and
*linux container*.
.. contents:: Contents
:depth: 2
:backlinks: entry
Usually in our development cycle, we edit the sources and run some test and/or
builds by using ``make`` :ref:`[ref] <makefile>` before we commit. This cycle
is simple and perfect but might fail in some aspects we should not overlook.
**The environment in which we run all our development processes matters!**
The :ref:`makefile` and the :ref:`make install` encapsulate a lot for us, but
they do not have access to all prerequisites. For example, there may have
dependencies on packages that are installed on the developer's desktop, but
usually are not preinstalled on a server or client system. Another example is;
settings have been made to the software on developer's desktop that would never
be set on a *production* system.
**Linux Containers are isolate environments and not to mix up all the
prerequisites from various projects on developer's desktop is always a good
The scripts from :ref:`searx_utils` can divide in those to install and maintain
- :ref:``
- :ref:``
- :ref:``
and the script :ref:``, with we can scale our installation, maintenance or
even development tasks over a stack of isolated containers / what we call the:
**SearXNG LXC suite**
.. hint::
If you see any problems with the internet connectivity of your
containers read section :ref:`internet connectivity docker`.
Gentlemen, start your engines!
.. _LXD:
.. _archlinux:
Before you can start with containers, you need to install and initiate LXD_
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: desktop
.. code:: sh
$ snap install lxd
$ lxd init --auto
And you need to clone from origin or if you have your own fork, clone from your
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: desktop
.. code:: sh
$ cd ~/Downloads
$ git clone searxng
$ cd searxng
The :ref:`lxc-searx.env` consists of several images, see ``export
LXC_SUITE=(...`` near by :origin:`utils/lxc-searx.env#L19`. For this blog post
we exercise on a archlinux_ image. The container of this image is named
``searx-archlinux``. Lets build the container, but be sure that this container
does not already exists, so first lets remove possible old one:
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: desktop
.. code:: sh
$ sudo -H ./utils/ remove searx-archlinux
$ sudo -H ./utils/ build searx-archlinux
.. sidebar:: The ``searx-archlinux`` container
is the base of all our exercises here.
In this container we install all services :ref:`including searx, morty & filtron
< install suite>` in once:
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: desktop
.. code:: sh
$ sudo -H ./utils/ install suite searx-archlinux
To proxy HTTP from filtron and morty in the container to the outside of the
container, install nginx into the container. Once for the bot blocker filtron:
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: desktop
.. code:: sh
$ sudo -H ./utils/ cmd searx-archlinux \
./utils/ nginx install
INFO: got 429 from
and once for the content sanitizer (content proxy morty):
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: desktop
.. code:: sh
$ sudo -H ./utils/ cmd searx-archlinux \
./utils/ nginx install
INFO: got 200 from
.. sidebar:: Fully functional SearXNG suite
From here on you have a fully functional SearXNG suite running with bot
blocker (filtron) and WEB content sanitizer (content proxy morty), both are
needed for a *privacy protecting* search engine.
On your system, the IP of your ``searx-archlinux`` container differs from, just open the URL reported in your installation
protocol in your WEB browser from the desktop to test the instance from outside
of the container.
In such a earXNG suite admins can maintain and access the debug log of the
different services quite easy.
.. _working in containers:
In containers, work as usual
Usually you open a root-bash using ``sudo -H bash``. In case of LXC containers
open the root-bash in the container using ``./utils/ cmd
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: desktop
.. code:: sh
$ sudo -H ./utils/ cmd searx-archlinux bash
INFO: [searx-archlinux] bash
[root@searx-archlinux searx]# pwd
The prompt ``[root@searx-archlinux ...]`` signals, that you are the root user in
the searx-container. To debug the running SearXNG instance use:
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: root@searx-archlinux
.. code:: sh
$ ./utils/ inspect service
use [CTRL-C] to stop monitoring the log
Back in the browser on your desktop open the service
and run your application tests while the debug log is shown in the terminal from
above. You can stop monitoring using ``CTRL-C``, this also disables the *"debug
option"* in SearXNG's settings file and restarts the SearXNG uwsgi application.
To debug services from filtron and morty analogous use:
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: root@searx-archlinux
.. code:: sh
$ ./utils/ inspect service
$ ./utils/ inspect service
Another point we have to notice is that each service (:ref:`SearXNG <>`,
:ref:`filtron <>` and :ref:`morty <>`) runs under dedicated
system user account with the same name (compare :ref:`create searxng user`). To
get a shell from theses accounts, simply call one of the scripts:
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: root@searx-archlinux
.. code:: sh
$ ./utils/ shell
$ ./utils/ shell
$ ./utils/ shell
To get in touch, open a shell from the service user (searx@searx-archlinux):
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: desktop
.. code:: sh
$ sudo -H ./utils/ cmd searx-archlinux \
./utils/ shell
// exit with [CTRL-D]
(searx-pyenv) [searx@searx-archlinux ~]$ ...
The prompt ``[searx@searx-archlinux]`` signals that you are logged in as system
user ``searx`` in the ``searx-archlinux`` container and the python *virtualenv*
``(searx-pyenv)`` environment is activated.
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: searx@searx-archlinux
.. code:: sh
(searx-pyenv) [searx@searx-archlinux ~]$ pwd
Wrap production into developer suite
In this section we will see how to change the *"Fully functional SearXNG suite"*
from a LXC container (which is quite ready for production) into a developer
suite. For this, we have to keep an eye on the :ref:`installation basic`:
- SearXNG setup in: ``/etc/searxng/settings.yml``
- SearXNG user's home: ``/usr/local/searx``
- virtualenv in: ``/usr/local/searx/searx-pyenv``
- SearXNG software in: ``/usr/local/searx/searx-src``
With the use of the :ref:`` the SearXNG service was installed as
:ref:`uWSGI application <searxng uwsgi>`. To maintain this service, we can use
``systemctl`` (compare :ref:`service architectures on distributions <uwsgi
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: desktop
.. code:: sh
$ sudo -H ./utils/ cmd searx-archlinux \
systemctl stop uwsgi@searx
With the command above, we stopped the SearXNG uWSGI-App in the archlinux
The uWSGI-App for the archlinux dsitros is configured in
:origin:`utils/templates/etc/uwsgi/apps-archlinux/searxng.ini`, from where at
least you should attend the settings of ``uid``, ``chdir``, ``env`` and
env = SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH=/etc/searxng/settings.yml
http =
chdir = /usr/local/searx/searx-src/searx
virtualenv = /usr/local/searx/searx-pyenv
pythonpath = /usr/local/searx/searx-src
If you have read the :ref:`"Good to know section" <>` you remember, that
each container shares the root folder of the repository and the command
``utils/ cmd`` handles relative path names **transparent**. To wrap the
SearXNG installation into a developer one, we simple have to create a smylink to
the **transparent** reposetory from the desktop. Now lets replace the
repository at ``searx-src`` in the container with the working tree from outside
of the container:
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: container becomes a developer suite
.. code:: sh
$ sudo -H ./utils/ cmd searx-archlinux \
mv /usr/local/searx/searx-src /usr/local/searx/searx-src.old
$ sudo -H ./utils/ cmd searx-archlinux \
ln -s /share/searx/ /usr/local/searx/searx-src
Now we can develop as usual in the working tree of our desktop system. Every
time the software was changed, you have to restart the SearXNG service (in the
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: desktop
.. code:: sh
$ sudo -H ./utils/ cmd searx-archlinux \
systemctl restart uwsgi@searx
Remember: :ref:`working in containers` .. here are just some examples from my
daily usage:
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: desktop
To *inspect* the SearXNG instance (already described above):
.. code:: sh
$ sudo -H ./utils/ cmd searx-archlinux \
./utils/ inspect service
Run :ref:`makefile`, e.g. to test inside the container:
.. code:: sh
$ sudo -H ./utils/ cmd searx-archlinux \
make test
To install all prerequisites needed for a :ref:`buildhosts`:
.. code:: sh
$ sudo -H ./utils/ cmd searx-archlinux \
./utils/ install buildhost
To build the docs on a buildhost :ref:`buildhosts`:
.. code:: sh
$ sudo -H ./utils/ cmd searx-archlinux \
make docs.html
.. _lxcdev summary:
We build up a fully functional SearXNG suite in a archlinux container:
.. code:: sh
$ sudo -H ./utils/ install suite searx-archlinux
To access HTTP from the desktop we installed nginx for the services inside the
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: [root@searx-archlinux]
.. code:: sh
$ ./utils/ nginx install
$ ./utils/ nginx install
To wrap the suite into a developer one, we created a symbolic link to the
repository which is shared **transparent** from the desktop's file system into
the container :
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: [root@searx-archlinux]
.. code:: sh
$ mv /usr/local/searx/searx-src /usr/local/searx/searx-src.old
$ ln -s /share/searx/ /usr/local/searx/searx-src
$ systemctl restart uwsgi@searx
To get information about the searxNG suite in the archlinux container we can
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: desktop
.. code:: sh
$ sudo -H ./utils/ show suite searx-archlinux
[searx-archlinux] INFO: (eth0) filtron:
[searx-archlinux] INFO: (eth0) morty:
[searx-archlinux] INFO: (eth0)
[searx-archlinux] INFO: (eth0) IPv6: http://[fd42:573b:e0b3:e97e:216:3eff:fea5:9b65]

View file

@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
.. _makefile:
.. _gnu-make:
.. sidebar:: build environment
Before looking deeper at the targets, first read about :ref:`make
To install system requirements follow :ref:`buildhosts`.
All relevant build tasks are implemented in :origin:`manage` and for CI or
IDE integration a small ``Makefile`` wrapper is available. If you are not
familiar with Makefiles, we recommend to read gnu-make_ introduction.
The usage is simple, just type ``make {target-name}`` to *build* a target.
Calling the ``help`` target gives a first overview (``make help``):
.. program-output:: bash -c "cd ..; make --no-print-directory help"
.. contents:: Contents
:depth: 2
:backlinks: entry
.. _make install:
Python environment (``make install``)
.. sidebar:: activate environment
``source ./local/py3/bin/activate``
We do no longer need to build up the virtualenv manually. Jump into your git
working tree and release a ``make install`` to get a virtualenv with a
*developer install* of SearXNG (:origin:``). ::
$ cd ~/searx-clone
$ make install
PYENV [virtualenv] installing ./requirements*.txt into local/py3
PYENV [install] pip install -e 'searx[test]'
Successfully installed argparse-1.4.0 searx
BUILDENV INFO:searx:load the default settings from ./searx/settings.yml
BUILDENV INFO:searx:Initialisation done
BUILDENV build utils/brand.env
If you release ``make install`` multiple times the installation will only
rebuild if the sha256 sum of the *requirement files* fails. With other words:
the check fails if you edit the requirements listed in
:origin:`requirements-dev.txt` and :origin:`requirements.txt`). ::
$ make install
PYENV [virtualenv] requirements.sha256 failed
[virtualenv] - 6cea6eb6def9e14a18bf32f8a3e... ./requirements-dev.txt
[virtualenv] - 471efef6c73558e391c3adb35f4... ./requirements.txt
PYENV [virtualenv] installing ./requirements*.txt into local/py3
PYENV [install] pip install -e 'searx[test]'
Successfully installed argparse-1.4.0 searx
BUILDENV INFO:searx:load the default settings from ./searx/settings.yml
BUILDENV INFO:searx:Initialisation done
BUILDENV build utils/brand.env
.. sidebar:: drop environment
To get rid of the existing environment before re-build use :ref:`clean target
<make clean>` first.
If you think, something goes wrong with your ./local environment or you change
the :origin:`` file, you have to call :ref:`make clean`.
.. _make buildenv:
``make buildenv``
Rebuild instance's environment with the modified settings from the
:ref:`settings brand` and :ref:`settings server` section of your
:ref:`settings.yml <settings location>`.
We have all SearXNG setups are centralized in the :ref:`settings.yml` file.
This setup is available as long we are in a *installed instance*. E.g. the
*installed instance* on the server or the *installed developer instance* at
``./local`` (the later one is created by a :ref:`make install <make
install>` or :ref:`make run <make run>`).
Tasks running outside of an *installed instance*, especially those tasks and
scripts running at (pre-) installation time do not have access to the SearXNG
setup (from a *installed instance*). Those tasks need a *build environment*.
The ``make buildenv`` target will update the *build environment* in:
- :origin:`utils/brand.env`
Tasks running outside of an *installed instance*, need the following settings
from the YAML configuration:
- ``SEARXNG_URL`` from :ref:`server.base_url <settings server>` (aka
- ``SEARXNG_BIND_ADDRESS`` from :ref:`server.bind_address <settings server>`
- ``SEARXNG_PORT`` from :ref:`server.port <settings server>`
.. _make node.env:
Node.js environment (``make node.env``)
.. _Node.js:
.. _nvm:
.. _npm:
.. jinja:: searx
Node.js_ version {{version.node}} or higher is required to build the themes.
If the requirement is not met, the build chain uses nvm_ (Node Version
Manager) to install latest LTS of Node.js_ locally: there is no need to
install nvm_ or npm_ on your system.
Use ``make nvm.status`` to get the current status of you Node.js_ and nvm_ setup.
Here is the output you will typically get on a Ubuntu 20.04 system which serves
only a `no longer active <>`_ Release
`Node.js v10.19.0 <>`_.
$ make nvm.status
INFO: Node.js is installed at /usr/bin/node
INFO: Node.js is version v10.19.0
WARN: minimal Node.js version is 16.13.0
INFO: npm is installed at /usr/bin/npm
INFO: npm is version 6.14.4
WARN: NVM is not installed
INFO: to install NVM and Node.js (LTS) use: manage nvm install --lts
To install you can also use :ref:`make nvm.nodejs`
.. _make nvm.nodejs:
``make nvm.nodejs``
Install latest Node.js_ LTS locally (uses nvm_)::
$ make nvm.nodejs
INFO: install (update) NVM at /share/searxng/.nvm
INFO: clone:
Downloading and installing node v16.13.0...
INFO: Node.js is installed at searxng/.nvm/versions/node/v16.13.0/bin/node
INFO: Node.js is version v16.13.0
INFO: npm is installed at searxng/.nvm/versions/node/v16.13.0/bin/npm
INFO: npm is version 8.1.0
INFO: NVM is installed at searxng/.nvm
.. _make run:
``make run``
To get up a running a developer instance simply call ``make run``. This enables
*debug* option in :origin:`searx/settings.yml`, starts a ``./searx/``
instance and opens the URL in your favorite WEB browser (:man:`xdg-open`)::
$ make run
Changes to theme's HTML templates (jinja2) are instant. Changes to the CSS & JS
sources of the theme need to be rebuild. You can do that by running::
$ make themes.all
Alternatively to ``themes.all`` you can run *live builds* of the theme you are
$ LIVE_THEME=simple make run
.. _make clean:
``make clean``
Drops all intermediate files, all builds, but keep sources untouched. Before
calling ``make clean`` stop all processes using the :ref:`make install` or
:ref:`make node.env`. ::
$ make clean
CLEAN pyenv
PYENV [virtualenv] drop local/py3
CLEAN docs -- build/docs dist/docs
CLEAN themes -- locally installed npm dependencies
CLEAN test stuff
CLEAN common files
.. _make docs:
``make docs docs.autobuild docs.clean``
We describe the usage of the ``doc.*`` targets in the :ref:`How to contribute /
Documentation <contrib docs>` section. If you want to edit the documentation
read our :ref:`make` section. If you are working in your own brand,
adjust your :ref:`settings global`.
.. _make
To deploy on first adjust your :ref:`settings global`. For any
further read :ref:`deploy on`.
.. _make test:
``make test``
Runs a series of tests: :ref:`make test.pylint`, ``test.pep8``, ``test.unit``
and ``test.robot``. You can run tests selective, e.g.::
$ make test.pep8 test.unit
TEST test.pep8 OK
TEST test.unit OK
.. _make
:ref:`sh lint` / if you have changed some bash scripting run this test before
.. _make test.pylint:
``make test.pylint``
.. _Pylint:
Pylint_ is known as one of the best source-code, bug and quality checker for the
Python programming language. The pylint profile used in the SearXNG project is
found in project's root folder :origin:`.pylintrc`.
.. _make search.checker:
``search.checker.{engine name}``
To check all engines::
make search.checker
To check a engine with whitespace in the name like *google news* replace space
by underline::
make search.checker.google_news
To see HTTP requests and more use SEARXNG_DEBUG::
make SEARXNG_DEBUG=1 search.checker.google_news
.. _3xx:
To filter out HTTP redirects (3xx_)::
make SEARXNG_DEBUG=1 search.checker.google_news | grep -A1 "HTTP/1.1\" 3[0-9][0-9]"
Engine google news Checking "GET /search?q=life&hl=en&lr=lang_en&ie=utf8&oe=utf8&ceid=US%3Aen&gl=US HTTP/1.1" 302 0 "GET /search?q=life&hl=en-US&lr=lang_en&ie=utf8&oe=utf8&ceid=US:en&gl=US HTTP/1.1" 200 None
-- "GET /search?q=computer&hl=en&lr=lang_en&ie=utf8&oe=utf8&ceid=US%3Aen&gl=US HTTP/1.1" 302 0 "GET /search?q=computer&hl=en-US&lr=lang_en&ie=utf8&oe=utf8&ceid=US:en&gl=US HTTP/1.1" 200 None
``make pybuild``
.. _PyPi:
.. _twine:
Build Python packages in ``./dist/py``::
$ make pybuild
BUILD pybuild
running sdist
running egg_info
running bdist_wheel
$ ls ./dist
searx-0.18.0-py3-none-any.whl searx-0.18.0.tar.gz
To upload packages to PyPi_, there is also a ``pypi.upload`` target (to test use
``pypi.upload.test``). Since you are not the owner of :pypi:`searx` you will
never need to upload.

View file

@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
.. _offline engines:
Offline Engines
.. sidebar:: offline engines
- :ref:`demo offline engine`
- :ref:`sql engines`
- :ref:`engine command`
- :origin:`Redis <searx/engines/>`
To extend the functionality of SearXNG, offline engines are going to be
introduced. An offline engine is an engine which does not need Internet
connection to perform a search and does not use HTTP to communicate.
Offline engines can be configured, by adding those to the `engines` list of
:origin:`settings.yml <searx/settings.yml>`. An example skeleton for offline
engines can be found in :ref:`demo offline engine` (:origin:`
Programming Interface
:py:func:`init(engine_settings=None) <searx.engines.demo_offline.init>`
All offline engines can have their own init function to setup the engine before
accepting requests. The function gets the settings from settings.yml as a
parameter. This function can be omitted, if there is no need to setup anything
in advance.
:py:func:`search(query, params) <searx.engines.demo_offline.searc>`
Each offline engine has a function named ``search``. This function is
responsible to perform a search and return the results in a presentable
format. (Where *presentable* means presentable by the selected result
The return value is a list of results retrieved by the engine.
Engine representation in ``/config``
If an engine is offline, the attribute ``offline`` is set to ``True``.
.. _offline requirements:
Extra Dependencies
If an offline engine depends on an external tool, SearXNG does not install it by
default. When an administrator configures such engine and starts the instance,
the process returns an error with the list of missing dependencies. Also,
required dependencies will be added to the comment/description of the engine, so
admins can install packages in advance.
If there is a need to install additional packages in *Python's Virtual
Environment* of your SearXNG instance you need to switch into the environment
(:ref:`searx-src`) first, for this you can use :ref:``::
$ sudo utils/ shell
(searx-pyenv)$ pip install ...
Private engines (Security)
To limit the access to offline engines, if an instance is available publicly,
administrators can set token(s) for each of the :ref:`private engines`. If a
query contains a valid token, then SearXNG performs the requested private
search. If not, requests from an offline engines return errors.
This development was sponsored by `Search and Discovery Fund
<>`_ of `NLnet Foundation <>`_ .

View file

@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
.. _dev plugin:
.. sidebar:: Further reading ..
- :ref:`plugins generic`
Plugins can extend or replace functionality of various components of searx.
Example plugin
.. code:: python
name = 'Example plugin'
description = 'This plugin extends the suggestions with the word "example"'
default_on = False # disabled by default
js_dependencies = tuple() # optional, list of static js files
css_dependencies = tuple() # optional, list of static css files
# attach callback to the post search hook
# request: flask request object
# ctx: the whole local context of the post search hook
def post_search(request, search):
return True
External plugins
External plugins are standard python modules implementing all the requirements of the standard plugins.
Plugins can be enabled by adding them to :ref:`settings.yml`'s ``plugins`` section.
Example external plugin can be found `here <>`_.
Register your plugin
To enable your plugin register your plugin in
searx > plugin >
And at the bottom of the file add your plugin like.
Plugin entry points
Entry points (hooks) define when a plugin runs. Right now only three hooks are
implemented. So feel free to implement a hook if it fits the behaviour of your
plugin. A plugin doesn't need to implement all the hooks.
.. py:function:: pre_search(request, search) -> bool
Runs BEFORE the search request.
`search.result_container` can be changed.
Return a boolean:
* True to continue the search
* False to stop the search
:param flask.request request:
:param search:
:return: False to stop the search
:rtype: bool
.. py:function:: post_search(request, search) -> None
Runs AFTER the search request.
:param flask.request request: Flask request.
:param search: Context.
.. py:function:: on_result(request, search, result) -> bool
Runs for each result of each engine.
`result` can be changed.
If `result["url"]` is defined, then `result["parsed_url"] = urlparse(result['url'])`
.. warning::
`result["url"]` can be changed, but `result["parsed_url"]` must be updated too.
Return a boolean:
* True to keep the result
* False to remove the result
:param flask.request request:
:param search:
:param typing.Dict result: Result, see - :ref:`engine results`
:return: True to keep the result
:rtype: bool

View file

@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
.. _devquickstart:
Development Quickstart
.. _npm:
.. _Node.js:
SearXNG loves developers, just clone and start hacking. All the rest is done for
you simply by using :ref:`make <makefile>`.
.. code:: sh
git clone searxng
Here is how a minimal workflow looks like:
1. *start* hacking
2. *run* your code: :ref:`make run`
3. *test* your code: :ref:`make test`
If you think at some point something fails, go back to *start*. Otherwise,
choose a meaningful commit message and we are happy to receive your pull
request. To not end in *wild west* we have some directives, please pay attention
to our ":ref:`how to contribute`" guideline.
If you implement themes, you will need to setup a :ref:`make node.env` once:
.. code:: sh
make node.env
Before you call *make run* (2.), you need to compile the modified styles and
.. code:: sh
make themes.all
Alternatively you can also compile selective the theme you have modified,
e.g. the *simple* theme.
.. code:: sh
make themes.simple
.. tip::
To get live builds while modifying CSS & JS use: ``LIVE_THEME=simple make run``
If you finished your *tests* you can start to commit your changes. To separate
the modified source code from the build products first run:
.. code:: sh
This will restore the old build products and only your changes of the code
remain in the working tree which can now be added & commited. When all sources
are commited, you can commit the build products simply by:
.. code:: sh
Commiting the build products should be the last step, just before you send us
your PR. There is also a make target to rewind this last build commit:
.. code:: sh

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
.. _search API:
Search API
The search supports both ``GET`` and ``POST``.
Furthermore, two endpoints ``/`` and ``/search`` are available for querying.
``GET /``
``GET /search``
.. sidebar:: Further reading ..
- :ref:`engines-dev`
- :ref:`settings.yml`
- :ref:`configured engines`
``q`` : required
The search query. This string is passed to external search services. Thus,
SearXNG supports syntax of each search service. For example, ``
SearXNG`` is a valid query for Google. However, if simply the query above is
passed to any search engine which does not filter its results based on this
syntax, you might not get the results you wanted.
See more at :ref:`search-syntax`
``categories`` : optional
Comma separated list, specifies the active search categories
``engines`` : optional
Comma separated list, specifies the active search engines.
``lang`` : default ``all``
Code of the language.
``pageno`` : default ``1``
Search page number.
``time_range`` : optional
[ ``day``, ``month``, ``year`` ]
Time range of search for engines which support it. See if an engine supports
time range search in the preferences page of an instance.
``format`` : optional
[ ``json``, ``csv``, ``rss`` ]
Output format of results.
``results_on_new_tab`` : default ``0``
[ ``0``, ``1`` ]
Open search results on new tab.
``image_proxy`` : default ``False``
[ ``True``, ``False`` ]
Proxy image results through SearXNG.
``autocomplete`` : default *empty*
[ ``google``, ``dbpedia``, ``duckduckgo``, ``startpage``, ``wikipedia`` ]
Service which completes words as you type.
``safesearch`` : default ``None``
[ ``0``, ``1``, ``None`` ]
Filter search results of engines which support safe search. See if an engine
supports safe search in the preferences page of an instance.
``theme`` : default ``simple``
[ ``simple`` ]
Theme of instance.
Please note, available themes depend on an instance. It is possible that an
instance administrator deleted, created or renamed themes on their instance.
See the available options in the preferences page of the instance.
``enabled_plugins`` : optional
List of enabled plugins.
:default: ``HTTPS_rewrite``, ``Self_Informations``,
``Search_on_category_select``, ``Tracker_URL_remover``
:values: ``DOAI_rewrite``, ``HTTPS_rewrite``, ``Infinite_scroll``,
``Vim-like_hotkeys``, ``Self_Informations``, ``Tracker_URL_remover``,
``Search_on_category_select``, ``Hostname_replace``
``disabled_plugins``: optional
List of disabled plugins.
:default: ``DOAI_rewrite``, ``Infinite_scroll``, ``Vim-like_hotkeys``, ``Hostname_replace``
:values: ``DOAI_rewrite``, ``HTTPS_rewrite``, ``Infinite_scroll``,
``Vim-like_hotkeys``, ``Self_Informations``, ``Tracker_URL_remover``,
``Search_on_category_select``, ``Hostname_replace``
``enabled_engines`` : optional : *all* :origin:`engines <searx/engines>`
List of enabled engines.
``disabled_engines`` : optional : *all* :origin:`engines <searx/engines>`
List of disabled engines.

View file

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
.. _searxng_extra:
Tooling box ``searxng_extra``
In the folder :origin:`searxng_extra/` we maintain some tools useful for CI and
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
:caption: Contents

View file

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
.. automodule:: searxng_extra.standalone_searx

View file

@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
:origin:`[source] <searxng_extra/update/>`
Scripts to update static data in :origin:`searx/data/`
:origin:`[source] <searxng_extra/update/>`
.. automodule:: searxng_extra.update.update_ahmia_blacklist
:origin:`[source] <searxng_extra/update/>`
.. automodule:: searxng_extra.update.update_currencies
:origin:`[source] <searxng_extra/update/>`
.. automodule:: searxng_extra.update.update_engine_descriptions
:origin:`[source] <searxng_extra/update/>`
.. automodule:: searxng_extra.update.update_external_bangs
:origin:`[source] <searxng_extra/update/>`
.. automodule:: searxng_extra.update.update_firefox_version
:origin:`[source] <searxng_extra/update/>`
.. automodule:: searxng_extra.update.update_languages
:origin:`[source] <searxng_extra/update/>`
.. automodule:: searxng_extra.update.update_osm_keys_tags
:origin:`[source] <searxng_extra/update/>`
.. automodule:: searxng_extra.update.update_pygments
:origin:`[source] <searxng_extra/update/>`
.. automodule:: searxng_extra.update.update_wikidata_units

View file

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- originate: -->
<svg xmlns=""
version="1.1" baseProfile="full"
width="70px" height="40px" viewBox="0 0 700 400">
<line x1="0" y1="200" x2="700" y2="200" stroke="black" stroke-width="20px"/>
<rect x="100" y="100" width="500" height="200" fill="white" stroke="black" stroke-width="20px"/>
<line x1="180" y1="370" x2="500" y2="50" stroke="black" stroke-width="15px"/>
<polygon points="585 0 525 25 585 50" transform="rotate(135 525 25)"/>


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@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
.. _translation:
.. _Weblate:
.. _translations branch:
.. _orphan branch:
.. _Weblate repository:
.. _wlc:
.. |translated| image::
.. sidebar:: |translated|
- :ref:`searx.babel_extract`
- Weblate_
- SearXNG `translations branch`_
- SearXNG `Weblate repository`_
- Weblate Client: wlc_
- Babel Command-Line: `pybabel <>`_
- `weblate workflow <>`_
Translation takes place on weblate.bubu1.eu_.
Translations which has been added by translators on the weblate.bubu1.eu_ UI are
committed to Weblate's counterpart of the SearXNG *origin* repository which is
located at ````.
There is no need to clone this repository, :ref:`SearXNG Weblate workflow` take
care of the synchronization with the *origin*. To avoid merging commits from
the counterpart directly on the ``master`` branch of *SearXNG origin*, a *pull
request* (PR) is created by this workflow.
Weblate monitors the `translations branch`_, not the ``master`` branch. This
branch is an `orphan branch`_, decoupled from the master branch (we already know
orphan branches from the ``gh-pages``). The `translations branch`_ contains
only the
- ``translation/messages.pot`` and the
- ``translation/*/messages.po`` files, nothing else.
.. _SearXNG Weblate workflow:
.. figure:: translation.svg
SearXNG's PR workflow to be in sync with Weblate
Sync from *origin* to *weblate*: using ``make weblate.push.translations``
For each commit on the ``master`` branch of SearXNG *origin* the GitHub job
:origin:`babel / Update translations branch
<.github/workflows/integration.yml>` checks for updated translations.
Sync from *weblate* to *origin*: using ``make weblate.translations.commit``
Every Friday, the GitHub workflow :origin:`babel / create PR for additons from
weblate <.github/workflows/translations-update.yml>` creates a PR with the
updated translation files:
- ``translation/messages.pot``,
- ``translation/*/messages.po`` and
- ``translation/*/``
.. _wlc configuration:
.. _API key:
All weblate integration is done by GitHub workflows, but if you want to use wlc_,
copy this content into `wlc configuration`_ in your HOME ``~/.config/weblate``
.. code-block:: ini
[keys] = APIKEY
Replace ``APIKEY`` by your `API key`_.

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@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
Welcome to SearXNG
*Search without being tracked.*
SearXNG is a free internet metasearch engine which aggregates results from more
than 70 search services. Users are neither tracked nor profiled. Additionally,
SearXNG can be used over Tor for online anonymity.
Get started with SearXNG by using one of the instances listed at searx.space_.
If you don't trust anyone, you can set up your own, see :ref:`installation`.
.. sidebar:: Features
- Self hosted
- No user tracking
- No user profiling
- About 70 supported search engines
- Easy integration with any search engine
- Cookies are not used by default
- Secure, encrypted connections (HTTPS/SSL)
.. sidebar:: info
SearXNG development has been started in the middle of 2021 as a fork of the
searx project.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
:caption: Contents

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@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
Why use a private instance?
*"Is it worth to run my own instance?"*
\.\. is a common question among SearXNG users. Before answering this question,
see what options a SearXNG user has.
Public instances are open to everyone who has access to its URL. Usually, these
are operated by unknown parties (from the users' point of view). Private
instances can be used by a select group of people. It is for example a SearXNG of
group of friends or a company which can be accessed through VPN. Also it can be
single user one which runs on the user's laptop.
To gain more insight on how these instances work let's dive into how SearXNG
protects its users.
How does SearXNG protect privacy?
SearXNG protects the privacy of its users in multiple ways regardless of the type
of the instance (private, public). Removal of private data from search requests
comes in three forms:
1. removal of private data from requests going to search services
2. not forwarding anything from a third party services through search services
(e.g. advertisement)
3. removal of private data from requests going to the result pages
Removing private data means not sending cookies to external search engines and
generating a random browser profile for every request. Thus, it does not matter
if a public or private instance handles the request, because it is anonymized in
both cases. IP addresses will be the IP of the instance. But SearXNG can be
configured to use proxy or Tor. `Result proxy
<>`__ is supported, too.
SearXNG does not serve ads or tracking content unlike most search services. So
private data is not forwarded to third parties who might monetize it. Besides
protecting users from search services, both referring page and search query are
hidden from visited result pages.
What are the consequences of using public instances?
If someone uses a public instance, they have to trust the administrator of that
instance. This means that the user of the public instance does not know whether
their requests are logged, aggregated and sent or sold to a third party.
Also, public instances without proper protection are more vulnerable to abusing
the search service, In this case the external service in exchange returns
CAPTCHAs or bans the IP of the instance. Thus, search requests return less
I see. What about private instances?
If users run their :ref:`own instances <installation>`, everything is in their
control: the source code, logging settings and private data. Unknown instance
administrators do not have to be trusted.
Furthermore, as the default settings of their instance is editable, there is no
need to use cookies to tailor SearXNG to their needs. So preferences will not be
reset to defaults when clearing browser cookies. As settings are stored on
their computer, it will not be accessible to others as long as their computer is
not compromised.
Always use an instance which is operated by people you trust. The privacy
features of SearXNG are available to users no matter what kind of instance they
If someone is on the go or just wants to try SearXNG for the first time public
instances are the best choices. Additionally, public instance are making a
world a better place, because those who cannot or do not want to run an
instance, have access to a privacy respecting search service.

View file

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
This is a partial documentation of our source code. We are not aim to document
every item from the source code, but we will add documentation when requested.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
:caption: Contents

View file

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
.. _searx.babel_extract:
Custom message extractor (i18n)
.. automodule:: searx.babel_extract

View file

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
.. _demo offline engine:
Demo Offline Engine
.. automodule:: searx.engines.demo_offline

View file

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
.. _demo online engine:
Demo Online Engine
.. automodule:: searx.engines.demo_online

View file

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
.. _google engines:
Google Engines
.. contents:: Contents
:depth: 2
:backlinks: entry
.. _google API:
google API
.. _Query Parameter Definitions:
For detailed description of the *REST-full* API see: `Query Parameter
Definitions`_. Not all parameters can be appied and some engines are *special*
(e.g. :ref:`google news engine`).
.. _google web engine:
Google WEB
.. automodule::
.. _google images engine:
Google Images
.. automodule:: searx.engines.google_images
.. _google videos engine:
Google Videos
.. automodule:: searx.engines.google_videos
.. _google news engine:
Google News
.. automodule:: searx.engines.google_news

View file

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
.. _load_engines:
Load Engines
.. automodule:: searx.engines

View file

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
.. _tineye engine:
.. automodule:: searx.engines.tineye

View file

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
.. _yahoo engine:
Yahoo Engine
.. automodule::

View file

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
.. _searx.infopage:
Online ``/info``
.. automodule:: searx.infopage

View file

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
.. _searx.locales:
.. automodule:: searx.locales

View file

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
.. _limiter plugin:
Limiter Plugin
.. sidebar:: info
The :ref:`limiter plugin` requires a :ref:`Redis <settings redis>` database.
.. automodule:: searx.plugins.limiter

View file

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
.. _searx.redis:
Redis Library
.. automodule:: searx.redislib

View file

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
.. autoclass::
.. autoclass::
.. autoclass::
.. attribute:: search_query
.. attribute:: result_container
:type: searx.results.ResultContainer
.. automethod:: search() -> searx.results.ResultContainer
.. autoclass::
.. attribute:: search_query
.. attribute:: result_container
:type: searx.results.ResultContainer
.. attribute:: ordered_plugin_list
:type: typing.List
.. attribute:: request
:type: flask.request
.. automethod:: search() -> searx.results.ResultContainer

View file

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
.. _redis db:
Redis DB
.. automodule:: searx.shared.redisdb

View file

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
.. _searx.utils:
Utility functions for the engines
.. automodule:: searx.utils

View file

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View file

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
User information
.. contents:: Contents
:depth: 3
:backlinks: entry
.. _search-syntax:
.. include::
:parser: myst_parser.sphinx_

View file

@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
.. sidebar:: further reading
- :ref:`searxng filtron`
- :ref:`architecture`
- :ref:`installation` (:ref:`nginx <installation nginx>` & :ref:`apache
<installation apache>`)
.. _Go:
.. _filtron:
.. _filtron README:
To simplify installation and maintenance of a filtron instance you can use the
script :origin:`utils/`. In most cases you will install filtron_
simply by running the command:
.. code:: bash
sudo -H ./utils/ install all
The script adds a ``${SERVICE_USER}`` (default:``filtron``) and installs filtron_
into this user account:
#. Create a separated user account (``filtron``).
#. Download and install Go_ binary in user's $HOME (``~filtron``).
#. Install filtron with the package management from Go_ (``go get -v -u``)
#. Setup a proper rule configuration :origin:`[ref]
<utils/templates/etc/filtron/rules.json>` (``/etc/filtron/rules.json``).
#. Setup a systemd service unit :origin:`[ref]
Create user
.. kernel-include:: $DOCS_BUILD/includes/filtron.rst
:start-after: START create user
:end-before: END create user
Install go
.. kernel-include:: $DOCS_BUILD/includes/filtron.rst
:start-after: START install go
:end-before: END install go
Install filtron
Install :origin:`rules.json <utils/templates/etc/filtron/rules.json>` at
``/etc/filtron/rules.json`` (see :ref:`Sample configuration of filtron`) and
install filtron software and systemd unit:
.. kernel-include:: $DOCS_BUILD/includes/filtron.rst
:start-after: START install filtron
:end-before: END install filtron
.. kernel-include:: $DOCS_BUILD/includes/filtron.rst
:start-after: START install systemd unit
:end-before: END install systemd unit
.. overview:
The ``--help`` output of the script is largely self-explanatory
(:ref:`toolboxing common`):
.. program-output:: ../utils/ --help

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more