# Wolfram Alpha (Science) # # @website https://www.wolframalpha.com # @provide-api yes (https://api.wolframalpha.com/v2/) # # @using-api yes # @results XML # @stable yes # @parse url, infobox from urllib import urlencode from lxml import etree # search-url search_url = 'https://api.wolframalpha.com/v2/query?appid={api_key}&{query}' site_url = 'https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?{query}' api_key = '' # defined in settings.yml # xpath variables failure_xpath = '/queryresult[attribute::success="false"]' answer_xpath = '//pod[attribute::primary="true"]/subpod/plaintext' input_xpath = '//pod[starts-with(attribute::id, "Input")]/subpod/plaintext' pods_xpath = '//pod' subpods_xpath = './subpod' pod_id_xpath = './@id' pod_title_xpath = './@title' plaintext_xpath = './plaintext' image_xpath = './img' img_src_xpath = './@src' img_alt_xpath = './@alt' # pods to display as image in infobox # this pods do return a plaintext, but they look better and are more useful as images image_pods = {'VisualRepresentation', 'Illustration'} # do search-request def request(query, params): params['url'] = search_url.format(query=urlencode({'input': query}), api_key=api_key) params['headers']['Referer'] = site_url.format(query=urlencode({'i': query})) return params # replace private user area characters to make text legible def replace_pua_chars(text): pua_chars = {u'\uf522': u'\u2192', # rigth arrow u'\uf7b1': u'\u2115', # set of natural numbers u'\uf7b4': u'\u211a', # set of rational numbers u'\uf7b5': u'\u211d', # set of real numbers u'\uf7bd': u'\u2124', # set of integer numbers u'\uf74c': 'd', # differential u'\uf74d': u'\u212f', # euler's number u'\uf74e': 'i', # imaginary number u'\uf7d9': '='} # equals sign for k, v in pua_chars.iteritems(): text = text.replace(k, v) return text # get response from search-request def response(resp): results = [] search_results = etree.XML(resp.content) # return empty array if there are no results if search_results.xpath(failure_xpath): return [] try: infobox_title = search_results.xpath(input_xpath)[0].text except: infobox_title = None pods = search_results.xpath(pods_xpath) result_chunks = [] for pod in pods: pod_id = pod.xpath(pod_id_xpath)[0] pod_title = pod.xpath(pod_title_xpath)[0] subpods = pod.xpath(subpods_xpath) if not subpods: continue # Appends either a text or an image, depending on which one is more suitable for subpod in subpods: content = subpod.xpath(plaintext_xpath)[0].text image = subpod.xpath(image_xpath) if content and pod_id not in image_pods: # if no input pod was found, title is first plaintext pod if not infobox_title: infobox_title = content content = replace_pua_chars(content) result_chunks.append({'label': pod_title, 'value': content}) elif image: result_chunks.append({'label': pod_title, 'image': {'src': image[0].xpath(img_src_xpath)[0], 'alt': image[0].xpath(img_alt_xpath)[0]}}) if not result_chunks: return [] # append infobox results.append({'infobox': infobox_title, 'attributes': result_chunks, 'urls': [{'title': 'Wolfram|Alpha', 'url': resp.request.headers['Referer']}]}) # append link to site results.append({'url': resp.request.headers['Referer'], 'title': 'Wolfram|Alpha', 'content': infobox_title}) return results