#!/usr/bin/env bash # -*- coding: utf-8; mode: sh indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # shellcheck disable=SC2059,SC1117,SC2162,SC2004 ADMIN_NAME="${ADMIN_NAME:-$(git config user.name)}" ADMIN_NAME="${ADMIN_NAME:-$USER}" ADMIN_EMAIL="${ADMIN_EMAIL:-$(git config user.email)}" ADMIN_EMAIL="${ADMIN_EMAIL:-$USER@$(hostname)}" if [[ -z "${REPO_ROOT}" ]]; then REPO_ROOT=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") while [ -h "${REPO_ROOT}" ] ; do REPO_ROOT=$(readlink "${REPO_ROOT}") done REPO_ROOT=$(cd "${REPO_ROOT}/.." && pwd -P ) fi if [[ -z ${TEMPLATES} ]]; then TEMPLATES="${REPO_ROOT}/utils/templates" fi if [[ -z "$CACHE" ]]; then CACHE="${REPO_ROOT}/cache" fi if [[ -z "$SYSTEMD_UNITS" ]]; then SYSTEMD_UNITS="/lib/systemd/system" fi if [[ -z ${DIFF_CMD} ]]; then DIFF_CMD="diff -u" if command -v colordiff >/dev/null; then DIFF_CMD="colordiff -u" fi fi sudo_or_exit() { # usage: sudo_or_exit if [ ! "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ]; then err_msg "this command requires root (sudo) privilege!" >&2 exit 42 fi } rst_title() { # usage: rst_title [part|chapter|section] case ${2-chapter} in part) printf "\n${1//?/=}\n$1\n${1//?/=}\n";; chapter) printf "\n${1}\n${1//?/=}\n";; section) printf "\n${1}\n${1//?/-}\n";; *) err_msg "invalid argument '${2}' in line $(caller)" return 42 ;; esac } if command -v fmt >/dev/null; then export FMT="fmt -u" else export FMT="cat" fi rst_para() { # usage: RST_INDENT=1 rst_para "lorem ipsum ..." local prefix='' if ! [[ -z $RST_INDENT ]] && [[ $RST_INDENT -gt 0 ]]; then prefix="$(for i in $(seq 1 "$RST_INDENT"); do printf " "; done)" echo -en "\n$*\n" | $FMT | prefix_stdout "$prefix" else echo -en "\n$*\n" | $FMT fi } err_msg() { echo -e "ERROR: $*" >&2; } warn_msg() { echo -e "WARN: $*" >&2; } info_msg() { echo -e "INFO: $*"; } clean_stdin() { if [[ $(uname -s) != 'Darwin' ]]; then while read -n1 -t 0.1; do : ; done fi } wait_key(){ # usage: waitKEY [] clean_stdin local _t=$1 [[ ! -z $FORCE_TIMEOUT ]] && _t=$FORCE_TIMEOUT [[ ! -z $_t ]] && _t="-t $_t" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 read -s -n1 $_t -p "** press any [KEY] to continue **" echo clean_stdin } ask_yn() { # usage: ask_yn [Ny|Yn] [] local EXIT_YES=0 # exit status 0 --> successful local EXIT_NO=1 # exit status 1 --> error code local _t=$3 [[ ! -z $FORCE_TIMEOUT ]] && _t=$FORCE_TIMEOUT [[ ! -z $_t ]] && _t="-t $_t" case "${2}" in Yn) local exit_val=${EXIT_YES} local choice="[YES/no]" local default="Yes" ;; *) local exit_val=${EXIT_NO} local choice="[NO/yes]" local default="No" ;; esac echo while true; do clean_stdin printf "$1 ${choice} " # shellcheck disable=SC2086 read -n1 $_t if [[ -z $REPLY ]]; then printf "$default\n"; break elif [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then exit_val=${EXIT_YES} printf "\n" break elif [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Nn]$ ]]; then exit_val=${EXIT_NO} printf "\n" break fi _t="" err_msg "invalid choice" done clean_stdin return $exit_val } tee_stderr () { # usage:: # tee_stderr 1 <>> print("hello") # hello local _t="0"; if [[ ! -z $1 ]] ; then _t="$1"; fi (while read line; do # shellcheck disable=SC2086 sleep $_t echo -e "$line" >&2 echo "$line" done) } prefix_stdout () { # usage: | prefix_stdout [prefix] local prefix=" | " if [[ ! -z $1 ]] ; then prefix="$1"; fi (while IFS= read line; do echo -e "${prefix}$line" done) } append_line() { # usage: append_line # # Append line if not exists, create file if not exists. E.g:: # # append_line 'source ~/.foo' ~/bashrc local LINE=$1 local FILE=$2 grep -qFs -- "$LINE" "$FILE" || echo "$LINE" >> "$FILE" } cache_download() { # usage: cache_download local exit_value=0 if [[ ! -z ${SUDO_USER} ]]; then sudo -u "${SUDO_USER}" mkdir -p "${CACHE}" else mkdir -p "${CACHE}" fi if [[ -f "${CACHE}/$2" ]] ; then info_msg "already cached: $1" info_msg " --> ${CACHE}/$2" fi if [[ ! -f "${CACHE}/$2" ]]; then info_msg "caching: $1" info_msg " --> ${CACHE}/$2" if [[ ! -z ${SUDO_USER} ]]; then sudo -u "${SUDO_USER}" wget --progress=bar -O "${CACHE}/$2" "$1" ; exit_value=$? else wget --progress=bar -O "${CACHE}/$2" "$1" ; exit_value=$? fi if $exit_value; then err_msg "failed to download: $1" fi fi } choose_one() { # usage: # # DEFAULT_SELECT= 2 \ # choose_one "your selection?" "Coffee" "Coffee with milk" local default=${DEFAULT_SELECT-1} local REPLY local env_name=$1 && shift local choice=$1; local max="${#@}" local _t [[ ! -z $FORCE_TIMEOUT ]] && _t=$FORCE_TIMEOUT [[ ! -z $_t ]] && _t="-t $_t" list=("$@") echo -e "Menu::" for ((i=1; i<= $(($max -1)); i++)); do if [[ "$i" == "$default" ]]; then echo -e " $i.) ${list[$i]} [default]" else echo -e " $i.) ${list[$i]}" fi done while true; do clean_stdin printf "$1 [$default] " if (( 10 > $max )); then # shellcheck disable=SC2086 read -n1 $_t else # shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2229 read $_t fi # selection fits [[ $REPLY =~ ^-?[0-9]+$ ]] && (( $REPLY > 0 )) && (( $REPLY < $max )) && break # take default [[ -z $REPLY ]] && REPLY=$default && break _t="" err_msg "invalid choice" done eval "$env_name"='${list[${REPLY}]}' echo clean_stdin } install_template() { # usage: # # install_template [--no-eval] [--variant=] \ # {file} [{owner} [{group} [{chmod}]]] # # E.g. the origin of variant 'raw' of /etc/updatedb.conf is:: # # ${TEMPLATES}/etc/updatedb.conf:raw # # To install variant 'raw' of /etc/updatedb.conf without evaluated # replacements you can use:: # # install_template --variant=raw --no-eval \ # /etc/updatedb.conf root root 644 local _reply="" local do_eval=1 local variant="" local pos_args=("$0") for i in "$@"; do case $i in --no-eval) do_eval=0; shift ;; --variant=*) variant=":${i#*=}"; shift ;; *) pos_args+=("$i") ;; esac done local dst="${pos_args[1]}" local template_origin="${TEMPLATES}${dst}${variant}" local template_file="${TEMPLATES}${dst}" local owner="${pos_args[2]-$(id -un)}" local group="${pos_args[3]-$(id -gn)}" local chmod="${pos_args[4]-644}" info_msg "install (eval=$do_eval): ${dst}" [[ ! -z $variant ]] && info_msg "variant: ${variant}" if [[ ! -f "${template_origin}" ]] ; then err_msg "${template_origin} does not exists" err_msg "... can't install $dst" wait_key 30 return 42 fi if [[ "$do_eval" == "1" ]]; then template_file="${CACHE}${dst}${variant}" info_msg "BUILD template ${template_file}" if [[ ! -z ${SUDO_USER} ]]; then sudo -u "${SUDO_USER}" mkdir -p "$(dirname "${template_file}")" else mkdir -p "$(dirname "${template_file}")" fi # shellcheck disable=SC2086 eval "echo \"$(cat ${template_origin})\"" > "${template_file}" if [[ ! -z ${SUDO_USER} ]]; then chown "${SUDO_USER}:${SUDO_USER}" "${template_file}" fi else template_file=$template_origin fi mkdir -p "$(dirname "${dst}")" if [[ ! -f "${dst}" ]]; then info_msg "install: ${template_file}" sudo -H install -v -o "${owner}" -g "${group}" -m "${chmod}" \ "${template_file}" "${dst}" | prefix_stdout return $? fi if [[ -f "${dst}" ]] && cmp --silent "${template_file}" "${dst}" ; then info_msg "file ${dst} allready installed" return 0 fi info_msg "diffrent file ${dst} allready exists on this host" while true; do choose_one _reply "choose next step with file $dst" \ "replace file" \ "leave file unchanged" \ "interactiv shell" \ "diff files" case $_reply in "replace file") info_msg "install: ${template_file}" sudo -H install -v -o "${owner}" -g "${group}" -m "${chmod}" \ "${template_file}" "${dst}" | prefix_stdout break ;; "leave file unchanged") break ;; "interactiv shell") echo "// edit ${dst} to your needs" echo "// exit with CTRL-D" sudo -H -u "${owner}" -i $DIFF_CMD "${dst}" "${template_file}" echo echo "did you edit file ..." printf " ${template_file}" if ask_yn "... to your needs?"; then break fi ;; "diff files") $DIFF_CMD "${dst}" "${template_file}" | prefix_stdout esac done } # Apache # ------ # FIXME: Arch Linux & RHEL should be added if [[ -z "${APACHE_SITES_AVAILABE}" ]]; then APACHE_SITES_AVAILABE="/etc/apache2/sites-available" fi apache_is_installed() { (command -v apachectl \ && command -v a2ensite \ && command -v a2dissite ) &>/dev/null } apache_reload() { info_msg "reload apache .." echo sudo -H apachectl configtest sudo -H service apache2 force-reload } apache_install_site() { # usage: apache_install_site [