
9.7 KiB

{% extends "oscar/base.html" %} {% block title %}{{ _('preferences') }} - {% endblock %} {% block site_alert_warning_nojs %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}

{{ _('Preferences') }}

{{ _('Default categories') }}
{% include 'oscar/categories.html' %}
{{ _('Search language') }}
{{ _('Automatic') }} {% for lang_id,lang_name,country_name in language_codes %} {{ lang_name }} ({{ country_name }}) - {{ lang_id }} {% endfor %}
{{ _('What language do you prefer for search?') }}
{{ _('Interface language') }}
{% for locale_id,locale_name in locales.items() %} {{ locale_name }} {% endfor %}
{{ _('Change the language of the layout') }}
{{ _('Autocomplete') }}
- {% for backend in autocomplete_backends %} {{ backend }} {% endfor %}
{{ _('Find stuff as you type') }}
{{ _('Image proxy') }}
{{ _('Enabled') }} {{ _('Disabled')}}
{{ _('Proxying image results through searx') }}
{{ _('Method') }}
{{ _('Change how forms are submited, learn more about request methods') }}
{{ _('Themes') }}
{% for name in themes %} {{ name }} {% endfor %}
{{ _('Change searx layout') }}
{{ _('bootstrap theme') }}
{% for b_theme in bootstrap_themes %} {{ b_theme }} {% endfor %}
{{ _('Change style of this layout') }}
    {% for (categ,search_engines) in categs %} {{ _(categ) }} {% endfor %}
{% for (categ,search_engines) in categs %}
{% for search_engine in search_engines %} {% if not search_engine.private %}
{{ }} ({{ shortcuts[] }})
{% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

{{ _('These settings are stored in your cookies, this allows us not to store this data about you.') }}
{{ _("These cookies serve your sole convenience, we don't use these cookies to track you.") }}

{{ _('back') }}
{% endblock %}