version: '2.2' services: web: image: azuracast/azuracast_web_v2:latest build: context: ../docker-azuracast-web-v2 # Want to customize the HTTP/S ports? Follow the instructions here: # ports: - '${AZURACAST_HTTP_PORT:-80}:80' - '${AZURACAST_HTTPS_PORT:-443}:443' depends_on: - mariadb - influxdb - stations - redis env_file: azuracast.env environment: &default-environment AZURACAST_DC_REVISION: 5 volumes: - letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt - .:/var/azuracast/www - tmp_data:/var/azuracast/www_tmp - station_data:/var/azuracast/stations - shoutcast2_install:/var/azuracast/servers/shoutcast2 - backups:/var/azuracast/backups restart: always ulimits: &default-ulimits nofile: soft: 65536 hard: 65536 logging: &default-logging options: max-size: "1m" max-file: "5" mariadb: image: azuracast/azuracast_db:latest build: context: ../docker-azuracast-db ports: - "" volumes: - db_data:/var/lib/mysql env_file: azuracast.env environment: << : *default-environment restart: always logging: *default-logging influxdb: image: azuracast/azuracast_influxdb:latest build: context: ../docker-azuracast-influxdb volumes: - influx_data:/var/lib/influxdb restart: always logging: *default-logging redis: image: azuracast/azuracast_redis:latest build: context: ../docker-azuracast-redis ports: - "" restart: always logging: *default-logging sysctls: net.core.somaxconn: 1024 volumes: - redis_data:/data stations: container_name: azuracast_stations image: azuracast/azuracast_radio:latest build: context: ../docker-azuracast-radio ports: - '8000:8000' - '8005:8005' - '8006:8006' - '8010:8010' - '8015:8015' - '8016:8016' - '8020:8020' - '8025:8025' - '8026:8026' - '8030:8030' - '8035:8035' - '8036:8036' - '8040:8040' - '8045:8045' - '8046:8046' volumes: - station_data:/var/azuracast/stations - letsencrypt:/etc/nginx/ssl:ro - shoutcast2_install:/var/azuracast/servers/shoutcast2 - tmp_data:/var/azuracast/www_tmp init: true restart: always ulimits: *default-ulimits logging: *default-logging # chronograf: # image: chronograf:alpine # ports: # - "8888:8888" # command: "chronograf --influxdb-url=http://influxdb:8086" # redis-commander: # image: rediscommander/redis-commander:latest # depends_on: # - redis # environment: # REDIS_HOSTS: "local-app:redis:6379:0,local-sessions:redis:6379:1,local-doctrine:redis:6379:2" # ports: # - "" # blackfire: # image: blackfire/blackfire # environment: # BLACKFIRE_SERVER_ID: "" # BLACKFIRE_SERVER_TOKEN: "" volumes: letsencrypt: {} db_data: {} influx_data: {} station_data: {} shoutcast2_install: {} tmp_data: {} redis_data: {} backups: {}