
1690 lines
48 KiB

'use strict';
* Module dependencies.
var CP_publish = require('./CP_publish');
var CP_structure = require('./CP_structure');
var CP_cache = require('./CP_cache');
var CP_sphinx = require('./CP_sphinx');
var CP_text = require('./CP_text');
var CP_regexp = require('./CP_regexp');
var CP_translit = require('./CP_translit');
* Configuration dependencies.
var config = require('../config/production/config');
Object.keys(config).length === 0 &&
(config = require('../config/production/config.backup'));
var config_md5 = require('md5')(JSON.stringify(config));
var modules = require('../config/production/modules');
Object.keys(modules).length === 0 &&
(modules = require('../config/production/modules.backup'));
var modules_md5 = require('md5')(JSON.stringify(modules));
setInterval(function() {
if (
config_md5 &&
process.env['CP_CONFIG_MD5'] &&
config_md5 !== process.env['CP_CONFIG_MD5']
) {
config = require('../config/production/config');
Object.keys(config).length === 0 &&
(config = require('../config/production/config.backup'));
config_md5 = process.env['CP_CONFIG_MD5'];
if (
modules_md5 &&
process.env['CP_MODULES_MD5'] &&
modules_md5 !== process.env['CP_MODULES_MD5']
) {
modules = require('../config/production/modules');
Object.keys(modules).length === 0 &&
(modules = require('../config/production/modules.backup'));
modules_md5 = process.env['CP_MODULES_MD5'];
}, 3333);
* Node dependencies.
var async = require('async');
var md5 = require('md5');
* Callback.
* @callback Callback
* @param {Object} err
* @param {Object} [render]
* Getting all movies for a particular query.
* @param {Object} query
* @param {Number} [count]
* @param {String} [sorting]
* @param {Number} [page]
* @param {Boolean} [structure]
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Callback} callback
function moviesGet(query, count, sorting, page, structure, options, callback) {
if (arguments.length === 6) {
callback = options;
options = {};
options.protocol = config.protocol;
options.domain = config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
options.origin =
config.protocol + '' + config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
} else if (arguments.length === 5) {
callback = structure;
structure = true;
options = {};
options.protocol = config.protocol;
options.domain = config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
options.origin =
config.protocol + '' + config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
} else if (arguments.length === 4) {
callback = page;
page = 1;
structure = true;
options = {};
options.protocol = config.protocol;
options.domain = config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
options.origin =
config.protocol + '' + config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
} else if (arguments.length === 3) {
callback = sorting;
sorting = 'kinopoisk-vote-up';
page = 1;
structure = true;
options = {};
options.protocol = config.protocol;
options.domain = config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
options.origin =
config.protocol + '' + config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
} else if (arguments.length === 2) {
callback = count;
count = config.default.count;
sorting = 'kinopoisk-vote-up';
page = 1;
structure = true;
options = {};
options.protocol = config.protocol;
options.domain = config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
options.origin =
config.protocol + '' + config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
var sm1 = false,
sm2 = false,
sm3 = false;
if (count === -1) {
count = config.default.loc;
sm1 = true;
} else if (count === -11) {
count = 100;
sm1 = true;
} else if (count === -2) {
count = config.default.tag;
sm2 = true;
} else if (count === -22) {
count = 100;
sm2 = true;
} else if (count === -3) {
count =;
sorting =;
sm3 = true;
count = typeof count !== 'undefined' ? count : config.default.count;
sorting = typeof sorting !== 'undefined' ? sorting : 'kinopoisk-vote-up';
page = typeof page !== 'undefined' ? page : 1;
structure = typeof structure !== 'undefined' ? structure : true;
options = typeof options !== 'undefined' ? options : {};
options.protocol =
typeof options.protocol !== 'undefined'
? options.protocol
: '' + config.protocol;
options.domain =
typeof options.domain !== 'undefined'
? options.domain
: config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
options.origin =
typeof options.origin !== 'undefined'
? options.origin
: config.protocol + '' + config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
if (!parseInt(page + '') || !parseInt(count + '')) {
if (
typeof query === 'object' &&
typeof query.query_id === 'string' &&
query.query_id === ''
) {
return callback('Error: Empty request');
return callback(
'[lib/CP_get.js:moviesGet] Error: ' + JSON.stringify(query)
var q = {};
q._limit =
parseInt(page + '') * parseInt(count + '') -
parseInt(count + '') +
',' +
parseInt(count + '');
q._option =
'max_matches = ' +
(parseInt(page + '') * parseInt(count + '') -
parseInt(count + '') +
parseInt(count + ''));
if (query.certainly) {
q._select = q._where = '';
delete query.certainly;
if (query.less200m) {
q._where = ' AND kp_id < 200000000 ';
delete query.less200m;
if (query.type_movie) {
q._where = ' AND type = 0 ';
delete query.type_movie;
if (query.type_tv) {
q._where = ' AND type = 1 ';
delete query.type_tv;
if (sorting === 'lastmod') {
q._select = ' , custom.lastmod AS lastmod ';
} else {
q = CP_publish.queryCondition(config, q);
if (query.from) {
q._from = query.from;
if (process.env['CP_RT'] && q._from === process.env['CP_RT']) {
q._from = 'rt_' + config.database.all_movies.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/gi, '_');
delete query.from;
} else {
q._from =
(process.env['CP_XMLPIPE2'] &&
process.env['CP_XMLPIPE2'] !== process.env['CP_RT']
? process.env['CP_XMLPIPE2'] + ', '
: '') + process.env['CP_RT'];
if (!q._from || q._from.indexOf(',') === -1) {
q._from = 'rt_' + config.database.all_movies.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/gi, '_');
if (query.full) {
q._select = '*';
delete query.full;
} else if ( {
q._select = '* ' + (query.id_where ? q._select : ''); = '' +;
if ('custom.') + 1 && query[]) {
q._where =
' ' + +
" = '" +
query[] +
"'" +
(typeof query.type !== 'undefined' && query.type + ''
? ' AND type = ' + (query.type.toString() === '1' ? '1' : '0')
: '') +
' ' +
(query.id_where ? q._where : '');
} else {
q._where =
' `kp_id` = ' + + ' ' + (query.id_where ? q._where : '');
delete query.id_where;
} else if (query.ids) {
q._select = '*';
if (typeof query.ids === 'string') {
q._where = "MATCH('@query_id (" + query.ids + ")')";
} else {
q._where = '';
delete query.ids;
} else {
q._where = createWhere() + q._where;
q._order = createOrderBy();
q._select =
sm1 || sm3
? 'kp_id, title_ru, title_en, year, country, director, genre, actor, custom, poster, pictures ' +
: sm2
? 'year, country, director, genre, actor, pictures ' + q._select
: '* ' + q._select;
if (q._where && q._where.indexOf('AND') + 1) {
q._where = q._where.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*)$/g, '').replace(/^AND|AND$/g, '');
var queryString =
(q._select ? ' SELECT ' + q._select : '') +
(q._from ? ' FROM ' + q._from : '') +
(q._where ? ' WHERE ' + q._where : '') +
(q._order ? ' ORDER BY ' + q._order : '') +
(q._limit ? ' LIMIT ' + q._limit : '') +
(q._option ? ' OPTION ' + q._option : '');
var hash = md5((options.origin || '') + queryString + structure);
CP_cache.get(hash, function(err, render) {
return render
? callback(null, render)
: CP_sphinx.query(queryString, function(err, movies) {
if (err) return callback(err);
if (movies && movies.length) {
if (structure) {
movies =, options);
} else {
movies = [];
callback(null, movies);
if (config.cache.time && movies && !process.env['NO_CACHE']) {
CP_cache.set(hash, movies, function(err) {});
* Create WHERE for query.
* @return {String}
function createWhere() {
var thematic = CP_publish.thematic(config);
var where = thematic.where_config;
var match = thematic.match_config;
'@all_movies ' +
(process.env['CP' + '_' + 'SPB'] ||
'_' +
(config.database && config.database.all_movies) ||
).replace(/[^a-z0-9]/gi, '_') +
if (sorting.indexOf('kinopoisk-rating') + 1) {
where.push('`kp_vote` > ' +;
} else if (sorting.indexOf('imdb-rating') + 1) {
where.push('`imdb_vote` > ' +;
} else if (sorting.indexOf('year') + 1 || sorting.indexOf('premiere') + 1) {
where.push('`premiere` <= ' + toDays(config.default.days));
} else if (sorting.indexOf('soon') + 1) {
where.push('`premiere` > ' + toDays());
for (var attribute in query) {
if (query.hasOwnProperty(attribute) && query[attribute]) {
if (attribute === 'search' && (query[attribute] + '').length === 1) {
var search = CP_regexp.str(query[attribute]).toLowerCase();
if (attribute.indexOf('custom.') + 1) {
where.push('' + attribute + " = '" + search + "'");
} else if (attribute === 'type') {
if (search === config.urls.types.serial.toLowerCase()) {
where.push('`type` = 1');
match.push('@genre ' + config.default.types.serial);
} else if (search === {
where.push('`type` != 1');
match.push('@genre ' +;
} else if (search === config.urls.types.multserial.toLowerCase()) {
where.push('`type` = 1');
match.push('@genre ' + config.default.types.mult);
} else if (search === config.urls.types.mult.toLowerCase()) {
where.push('`type` != 1');
match.push('@genre ' + config.default.types.mult);
} else if (search === config.urls.types.anime.toLowerCase()) {
match.push('@genre ' + config.default.types.anime);
if (config.default.types.anime_country) {
'@country ^' + config.default.types.anime_country + '$'
} else if (search === {
match.push('@genre ' +;
} else {
if (
(attribute === 'actor' || attribute === 'director') &&
search !== '!_empty'
) {
match.push('@' + attribute + ' ("' + search + '")');
} else if (attribute === 'search' && search !== '!_empty') {
var maybe = '';
var str_search = search;
if (/[^0-9]+\s+[0-9]{4}$/.test(search)) {
maybe =
'MAYBE @year (' + search.substr(search.length - 4).trim() + ')';
str_search = search.substring(0, search.length - 4).trim();
match.push('@' + attribute + ' ("' + str_search + '")');
match.push('@' + attribute + ' (' + str_search + ')');
if (maybe) match.push(maybe);
} else if (attribute === 'year' && search.indexOf('-') + 1) {
var year_begin = search.split('-')[0];
var year_end = search.split('-')[1];
var year_begin_date = Math.floor(
new Date(year_begin + '-01-01').getTime() / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24 +
var year_end_date = Math.floor(
new Date(year_end + '-12-31').getTime() / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24 +
if (year_begin_date) {
where.push('`premiere` >= ' + year_begin_date);
if (year_end_date) {
where.push('`premiere` <= ' + year_end_date);
} else if (attribute === 'kp_rating' && search.indexOf('-') + 1) {
var kp_rating_begin = parseFloat(
search.split('-')[0].replace(/[^0-9,.]/g, '') || '0'
var kp_rating_end = parseFloat(
search.split('-')[1].replace(/[^0-9,.]/g, '') || '0'
kp_rating_begin =
kp_rating_begin < 10
? parseInt(kp_rating_begin * 10 + '')
: parseInt(kp_rating_begin + '');
kp_rating_end =
kp_rating_end < 10
? parseInt(kp_rating_end * 10 + '')
: parseInt(kp_rating_end + '');
if (kp_rating_begin) {
where.push('`kp_rating` >= ' + kp_rating_begin);
if (kp_rating_end) {
where.push('`kp_rating` <= ' + kp_rating_end);
} else if (attribute === 'imdb_rating' && search.indexOf('-') + 1) {
var imdb_rating_begin = parseInt(
search.split('-')[0].replace(/[^0-9]/g, '') || '0'
var imdb_rating_end = parseInt(
search.split('-')[1].replace(/[^0-9]/g, '') || '0'
imdb_rating_begin =
imdb_rating_begin < 10
? parseInt(imdb_rating_begin * 10 + '')
: parseInt(imdb_rating_begin + '');
imdb_rating_end =
imdb_rating_end < 10
? parseInt(imdb_rating_end * 10 + '')
: parseInt(imdb_rating_end + '');
if (imdb_rating_begin) {
where.push('`imdb_rating` >= ' + imdb_rating_begin);
if (imdb_rating_end) {
where.push('`imdb_rating` <= ' + imdb_rating_end);
} else if (attribute === 'query_id' && search.indexOf('|') === -1) {
search = search.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '');
if (search) {
where.push('`id` = ' + search);
} else {
if (attribute === 'genre') {
match = match.filter(function(m) {
return !(m.indexOf('@genre') + 1 && m.indexOf('!') + 1);
if (attribute === 'all_movies') {
match = match.filter(function(m) {
return m.indexOf('@all_movies') === -1;
match.push('@' + attribute + ' (' + search + ')');
if (config.default.donotuse.indexOf(attribute) + 1) {
where.forEach(function(w, i) {
if (w.indexOf('_vote') + 1) {
where.splice(i, 1);
var no_exclamation = true;
match.forEach(function(m) {
if (no_exclamation && m.indexOf('!') + 1) {
no_exclamation = false;
if (no_exclamation) {
match = match.filter(function(m) {
return m.indexOf('@all_movies') === -1;
if (match.length) {
where.push("MATCH('" + match.join(' ').trim() + "')");
return where.length ? where.join(' AND ') : '';
* Create ORDER BY for query.
* @return {String}
function createOrderBy() {
var ob = '';
switch (sorting) {
case 'kinopoisk-rating-up':
ob = 'kp_rating DESC';
case 'kinopoisk-rating-down':
ob = 'kp_rating ASC';
case 'imdb-rating-up':
ob = 'imdb_rating DESC';
case 'imdb-rating-down':
ob = 'imdb_rating ASC';
case 'kinopoisk-vote-up':
ob = 'kp_vote DESC';
case 'kinopoisk-vote-down':
ob = 'kp_vote ASC';
case 'imdb-vote-up':
ob = 'imdb_vote DESC';
case 'imdb-vote-down':
ob = 'imdb_vote ASC';
case 'year-up':
ob = 'year DESC';
case 'year-down':
ob = 'year ASC';
case 'premiere-up':
ob = 'premiere DESC';
case 'premiere-down':
ob = 'premiere ASC';
case 'kinopoisk-id-up':
ob = 'kp_id DESC';
case 'kinopoisk-id-down':
ob = 'kp_id ASC';
case 'soon':
ob = 'premiere ASC';
case 'lastmod':
ob = 'lastmod DESC';
ob = '';
return ob !== '' ? ob : '';
* The number of days to the current time.
* @param {Number} [days]
* @return {Number}
function toDays(days) {
days = days && parseInt(days + '') ? parseInt(days + '') : 0;
return (
719528 + Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)) + days
* The additional for index/related movies.
* @param {Object} query
* @param {String} type
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Callback} callback
function additionalMoviesGet(query, type, options, callback) {
if (arguments.length === 3) {
callback = options;
options = {};
options.protocol = config.protocol;
options.domain = config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
options.origin =
config.protocol + '' + config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
if (!query || (typeof query === 'object' && !Object.keys(query).length)) {
query = {
process.env['CP' + '_' + 'SPB'] ||
'_' +
(config.database && config.database.all_movies) ||
).replace(/[^a-z0-9]/gi, '_') +
var key,
name = '',
link = '';
var type_video = 0;
if (query && typeof query.type === 'number') {
if ( {
if (query.type === 0) {
type_video =;
} else if (query.type === 1) {
type_video = config.urls.types.serial;
} else if (query.type === 2) {
type_video =;
} else if (query.type === 3) {
type_video =;
} else if (query.type === 4) {
type_video = config.urls.types.mult;
} else if (query.type === 5) {
type_video = config.urls.types.anime;
delete query.type;
for (var q in query) {
if (query.hasOwnProperty(q)) {
key = q;
values =
typeof query[q] === 'object' ? query[q] : ('' + query[q]).split(',');
switch (type) {
case 'related':
name =[key].name;
sorting =[key].sorting;
count =[key].count;
link = ? 'related' : '';
case 'index':
name = config.index[key].name;
sorting = config.index[key].sorting;
count = config.index[key].count;
link = ? 'index' : '';
case 'index_ids':
name =;
sorting = '';
values = [formatIds(values.slice(0, config.index.ids.count))];
count = ((values && values[0]) || '').split('|').length;
case 'ids':
sorting = '';
values = [formatIds(values)];
count = ((values && values[0]) || '').split('|').length;
case 'top':
sorting =;
count =;
case 'soon':
if ( {
type = 'ids';
key = 'query_id';
sorting = '';
values = [formatIds(];
count = ((values && values[0]) || '').split('|').length;
} else {
sorting = 'soon';
count =;
type = '';
sorting = 'kinopoisk-vote-up';
count = 10;
var hash = md5(
key +
(values || []).join(',') +
type +
count +
sorting +
type_video +
return config.cache.time
? CP_cache.get(hash, function(err, render) {
return render
? callback(null, render)
: getSphinx(function(err, render) {
return err ? callback(err) : callback(null, render);
: getSphinx(function(err, render) {
return err ? callback(err) : callback(null, render);
* If not cache to get Sphinx.
* @param {Callback} callback
function getSphinx(callback) {
var m = [];
function(value, k, callback) {
var query = {};
query[key] = ('' + value)
.replace(/\s+/g, ' ')
.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*)$/g, '');
if (type_video) {
query['type'] = type_video;
if (!query[key]) return callback();
if (certainly) {
query.certainly = certainly;
moviesGet(query, count, sorting, 1, true, options, function(
) {
if (err) return callback(err);
if (movies && movies.length) {
movies: key === 'query_id' ? sortingIds(value, movies) : movies,
url: createCategoryUrl(key, query[key]),
link && type === link
? createCategoryUrl(
CP_text.formatting(name, query)
: CP_text.formatting(name, query)
function(err) {
if (err) return callback(err);
m = !m.length ? [] : m[0].name ? m : m[0].movies;
callback(null, m);
if (config.cache.time && m && !process.env['NO_CACHE']) {
CP_cache.set(hash, m, function(err) {});
* Sort films are turned by id list.
* @param {String} ids
* @param {Object} movies
* @return {Array}
function sortingIds(ids, movies) {
var arr = ('' + ids).split('|');
var result = [];
for (var id = 0; id < arr.length; id++) {
for (var i = 0; i < movies.length; i++) {
if (parseInt(movies[i].kp_id) === parseInt(arr[id]))
return result;
* Delete empty id in query.
* @param {Array} value
* @return {String}
function formatIds(value) {
var ids = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value));
var all = ids
.replace(/\s*\(\s*([0-9]{3,8})\s*\)\s*\{[^]*?}\s*/gi, ',$1,');
ids = all.split(',');
var result = [];
for (var id = 0; id < ids.length; id++) {
ids[id] = ids[id].replace(/\s+/g, ' ').replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*)$/g, '');
if (ids[id]) {
return result.join('|');
* Create URL for category page.
* @param {String} type
* @param {String} item
* @param {String} [name]
* @return {String}
function createCategoryUrl(type, item, name) {
if (name) {
return config.urls[type]
? '<a href="' +
options.protocol +
options.domain +
'/' +
config.urls[type] +
config.urls.slash +
CP_translit.text(item) +
'">' +
name +
: name;
} else {
return config.urls[type]
? options.protocol +
options.domain +
'/' +
config.urls[type] +
config.urls.slash +
: '';
* Getting count movies for a particular query.
* @param {Object} query
* @param {String} [sorting]
* @param {Callback} callback
function countMoviesGet(query, sorting, callback) {
if (arguments.length === 2) {
callback = sorting;
sorting = 'kinopoisk-vote-up';
if (query.certainly) {
var certainly = query.certainly;
delete query.certainly;
var q = {};
q = CP_publish.queryCondition(config, q, certainly);
if (query.from) {
q._from = query.from;
delete query.from;
} else {
q._from =
(process.env['CP' + '_' + 'XML' + 'PIPE' + '2'] &&
process.env['CP' + '_' + 'XML' + 'PIPE' + '2'] !==
process.env['CP' + '_' + 'RT']
? process.env['CP' + '_' + 'XML' + 'PIPE' + '2'] + ', '
: '') + process.env['CP' + '_' + 'RT'];
if (q._from.indexOf(',') === -1) {
q._from = 'rt_' + config.database.all_movies.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/gi, '_');
if (query.full) {
q._where = '';
q._select = 'kp_id';
delete query.full;
} else if (query.uniq) {
q._where = 'custom.unique = 1';
q._select = 'kp_id';
delete query.uniq;
} else {
q._select = q._select ? 'kp_id ' + q._select : 'kp_id';
q._where = createWhere() + q._where;
q._limit = 0;
if (q._where && q._where.indexOf('AND') + 1) {
q._where = q._where.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*)$/g, '').replace(/^AND|AND$/g, '');
var queryString =
'' +
(q._select ? ' SELECT ' + q._select : '') +
(q._from ? ' FROM ' + q._from : '') +
(q._where ? ' WHERE ' + q._where : '') +
(typeof q._limit !== 'undefined' ? ' LIMIT ' + q._limit : '') +
(q._option ? ' OPTION ' + q._option : '') +
CP_sphinx.query(queryString, function(err, count_movies) {
if (err) return callback(err);
if (
count_movies &&
count_movies.length &&
count_movies[1] &&
count_movies[1].length &&
count_movies[1][1] &&
count_movies[1][1]['Value'] &&
) {
count_movies = count_movies[1][1]['Value'];
} else {
count_movies = 0;
callback(null, count_movies);
* Create WHERE for query.
* @return {String}
function createWhere() {
var thematic = CP_publish.thematic(config);
var where = thematic.where_config;
var match = thematic.match_config;
'@all_movies ' +
(process.env['CP' + '_' + 'SPB'] ||
'_' +
(config.database && config.database.all_movies) ||
).replace(/[^a-z0-9]/gi, '_') +
if (sorting.indexOf('kinopoisk-rating') + 1) {
where.push('`kp_vote` > ' +;
} else if (sorting.indexOf('imdb-rating') + 1) {
where.push('`imdb_vote` > ' +;
} else if (sorting.indexOf('year') + 1 || sorting.indexOf('premiere') + 1) {
where.push('`premiere` <= ' + toDays(config.default.days));
} else if (sorting.indexOf('soon') + 1) {
where.push('`premiere` > ' + toDays());
for (var attribute in query) {
if (query.hasOwnProperty(attribute) && query[attribute]) {
if (attribute === 'search' && (query[attribute] + '').length === 1) {
var search = CP_regexp.str(query[attribute]).toLowerCase();
if (attribute.indexOf('custom.') + 1) {
where.push('' + attribute + " = '" + search + "'");
} else if (attribute === 'type') {
if (search === config.urls.types.serial.toLowerCase()) {
where.push('`type` = 1');
match.push('@genre ' + config.default.types.serial);
} else if (search === {
where.push('`type` != 1');
match.push('@genre ' +;
} else if (search === config.urls.types.multserial.toLowerCase()) {
where.push('`type` = 1');
match.push('@genre ' + config.default.types.mult);
} else if (search === config.urls.types.mult.toLowerCase()) {
where.push('`type` != 1');
match.push('@genre ' + config.default.types.mult);
} else if (search === config.urls.types.anime.toLowerCase()) {
match.push('@genre ' + config.default.types.anime);
if (config.default.types.anime_country) {
'@country ^' + config.default.types.anime_country + '$'
} else if (search === {
match.push('@genre ' +;
} else {
if (
(attribute === 'actor' || attribute === 'director') &&
search !== '!_empty'
) {
match.push('@' + attribute + ' ("' + search + '")');
} else if (attribute === 'search' && search !== '!_empty') {
var maybe = '';
var str_search = search;
if (/[^0-9]+\s+[0-9]{4}$/.test(search)) {
maybe =
'MAYBE @year (' + search.substr(search.length - 4).trim() + ')';
str_search = search.substring(0, search.length - 4).trim();
match.push('@' + attribute + ' ("' + str_search + '")');
match.push('@' + attribute + ' (' + str_search + ')');
if (maybe) match.push(maybe);
} else if (attribute === 'year' && search.indexOf('-') + 1) {
var year_begin = search.split('-')[0];
var year_end = search.split('-')[1];
var year_begin_date = Math.floor(
new Date(year_begin + '-01-01').getTime() / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24 +
var year_end_date = Math.floor(
new Date(year_end + '-12-31').getTime() / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24 +
if (year_begin_date) {
where.push('`premiere` >= ' + year_begin_date);
if (year_end_date) {
where.push('`premiere` <= ' + year_end_date);
} else if (attribute === 'kp_rating' && search.indexOf('-') + 1) {
var kp_rating_begin = parseFloat(
search.split('-')[0].replace(/[^0-9,.]/g, '') || '0'
var kp_rating_end = parseFloat(
search.split('-')[1].replace(/[^0-9,.]/g, '') || '0'
kp_rating_begin =
kp_rating_begin < 10
? parseInt(kp_rating_begin * 10 + '')
: parseInt(kp_rating_begin + '');
kp_rating_end =
kp_rating_end < 10
? parseInt(kp_rating_end * 10 + '')
: parseInt(kp_rating_end + '');
if (kp_rating_begin) {
where.push('`kp_rating` >= ' + kp_rating_begin);
if (kp_rating_end) {
where.push('`kp_rating` <= ' + kp_rating_end);
} else if (attribute === 'imdb_rating' && search.indexOf('-') + 1) {
var imdb_rating_begin = parseInt(
search.split('-')[0].replace(/[^0-9]/g, '') || '0'
var imdb_rating_end = parseInt(
search.split('-')[1].replace(/[^0-9]/g, '') || '0'
imdb_rating_begin =
imdb_rating_begin < 10
? parseInt(imdb_rating_begin * 10 + '')
: parseInt(imdb_rating_begin + '');
imdb_rating_end =
imdb_rating_end < 10
? parseInt(imdb_rating_end * 10 + '')
: parseInt(imdb_rating_end + '');
if (imdb_rating_begin) {
where.push('`imdb_rating` >= ' + imdb_rating_begin);
if (imdb_rating_end) {
where.push('`imdb_rating` <= ' + imdb_rating_end);
} else {
if (attribute === 'genre') {
match = match.filter(function(m) {
return !(m.indexOf('@genre') + 1 && m.indexOf('!') + 1);
if (attribute === 'all_movies') {
match = match.filter(function(m) {
return m.indexOf('@all_movies') === -1;
match.push('@' + attribute + ' (' + search + ')');
if (config.default.donotuse.indexOf(attribute) + 1) {
where.forEach(function(w, i) {
if (w.indexOf('_vote') + 1) {
where.splice(i, 1);
var no_exclamation = true;
match.forEach(function(m) {
if (no_exclamation && m.indexOf('!') + 1) {
no_exclamation = false;
if (no_exclamation) {
match = match.filter(function(m) {
return m.indexOf('@all_movies') === -1;
if (match.length) {
where.push("MATCH('" + match.join(' ').trim() + "')");
return where.length ? where.join(' AND ') : '';
* The number of days to the current time.
* @param {Number} [days]
* @return {Number}
function toDays(days) {
days = days && parseInt(days + '') ? parseInt(days + '') : 0;
return (
719528 + Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)) + days
* Gets an object with new ID for diapason.
* @param {Object} [published]
* @param {Callback} callback
function publishIdsGet(published, callback) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
callback = published;
published = false;
var limit =
config.publish.every.movies && config.publish.every.hours
? config.publish.every.movies /
(config.publish.start === 298 || config.publish.stop === 10000000
? 1
: 2)
: 0;
var start_limit = Math.ceil(limit);
var stop_limit = Math.floor(limit);
if ((start_limit && !stop_limit) || (!start_limit && stop_limit)) {
start_limit = start_limit ? start_limit : 1;
stop_limit = stop_limit ? stop_limit : 1;
if (!start_limit && !stop_limit) {
return callback(null, null);
var startSign = published ? '>=' : '<';
var stopSign = published ? '<=' : '>';
var startOrder = published ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
var stopOrder = published ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
var publish = {};
publish.where = '';
var where = config.publish.required.length
? {
return ' AND `' + ctgry.trim() + "` != '' ";
: [];
where = where.length ? where.join(' ') : '';
publish.where = where;
var _from =
(process.env['CP' + '_' + 'XML' + 'PIPE' + '2'] &&
process.env['CP' + '_' + 'XML' + 'PIPE' + '2'] !==
process.env['CP' + '_' + 'RT']
? process.env['CP' + '_' + 'XML' + 'PIPE' + '2'] + ', '
: '') + process.env['CP' + '_' + 'RT'];
if (_from.indexOf(',') === -1) {
_from = 'rt_' + config.database.all_movies.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/gi, '_');
var startQueryString =
' SELECT * ' +
' FROM ' +
_from +
' WHERE kp_id ' +
startSign +
' ' +
config.publish.start +
createWhere() +
publish.where +
' ORDER BY kp_id ' +
startOrder +
' LIMIT ' +
start_limit +
' OPTION max_matches = ' +
var stopQueryString =
'' +
' SELECT *' +
' FROM ' +
_from +
' WHERE kp_id ' +
stopSign +
' ' +
config.publish.stop +
createWhere() +
publish.where +
' ORDER BY kp_id ' +
stopOrder +
' LIMIT ' +
stop_limit +
' OPTION max_matches = ' +
var queryString = startQueryString + '; ' + stopQueryString;
CP_sphinx.query(queryString, function(err, result) {
if (err) return callback(err);
if (result && result.length) {
var ids = {};
var i;
ids.movies = [];
ids.soon_id = [];
ids.start_id = parseInt(config.publish.start + '');
ids.stop_id = parseInt(config.publish.stop + '');
for (i = 0; i < result[0].length; i++) {
if (parseInt(result[0][i].kp_id) < ids.start_id && startSign === '<') {
ids.start_id = parseInt(result[0][i].kp_id);
} else if (parseInt(result[0][i].kp_id) >= ids.start_id) {
for (i = 0; i < result[1].length; i++) {
if (parseInt(result[1][i].kp_id) > ids.stop_id && stopSign === '>') {
ids.stop_id = parseInt(result[1][i].kp_id);
} else if (parseInt(result[1][i].kp_id) <= ids.stop_id) {
ids.movies =;
callback(null, ids);
} else {
callback(null, null);
* Create WHERE for query.
* @return {String}
function createWhere() {
var thematic = CP_publish.thematic(config);
var where = thematic.where_config;
var match = thematic.match_config;
'@all_movies ' +
(process.env['CP' + '_' + 'SPB'] ||
'_' +
(config.database && config.database.all_movies) ||
).replace(/[^a-z0-9]/gi, '_') +
if (match.length) {
where.push("MATCH('" + match.join(' ').trim() + "')");
return where.length ? ' AND ' + where.join(' AND ') : '';
* Getting all contents for a particular query.
* @param {Object} [query]
* @param {Number} [count]
* @param {Number} [page]
* @param {Boolean} [structure]
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Callback} callback
function contentsGet(query, count, page, structure, options, callback) {
if (arguments.length === 5) {
callback = options;
options = {};
options.protocol = config.protocol;
options.domain = config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
options.origin =
config.protocol + '' + config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
} else if (arguments.length === 4) {
callback = structure;
structure = true;
options = {};
options.protocol = config.protocol;
options.domain = config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
options.origin =
config.protocol + '' + config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
} else if (arguments.length === 3) {
callback = page;
page = 1;
structure = true;
options = {};
options.protocol = config.protocol;
options.domain = config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
options.origin =
config.protocol + '' + config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
} else if (arguments.length === 2) {
callback = count;
count = 50;
page = 1;
structure = true;
options = {};
options.protocol = config.protocol;
options.domain = config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
options.origin =
config.protocol + '' + config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
} else if (arguments.length === 1) {
callback = query;
query = {};
count = 50;
page = 1;
structure = true;
options = {};
options.protocol = config.protocol;
options.domain = config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
options.origin =
config.protocol + '' + config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
query = typeof query !== 'undefined' ? query : {};
count = typeof count !== 'undefined' ? count : 50;
page = typeof page !== 'undefined' ? page : 1;
structure = typeof structure !== 'undefined' ? structure : true;
options = typeof options !== 'undefined' ? options : {};
options.protocol =
typeof options.protocol !== 'undefined'
? options.protocol
: '' + config.protocol;
options.domain =
typeof options.domain !== 'undefined'
? options.domain
: config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
options.origin =
typeof options.origin !== 'undefined'
? options.origin
: config.protocol + '' + config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
var q = {};
q._from = process.env['CP' + '_' + 'CONTENT'];
if (query.certainly) {
q._where = '';
delete query.certainly;
} else {
q._where = createWhere() + ' ORDER BY content_publish DESC';
q._limit =
parseInt(page + '') * parseInt(count + '') -
parseInt(count + '') +
',' +
parseInt(count + '');
q._option =
'max_matches = ' +
(parseInt(page + '') * parseInt(count + '') -
parseInt(count + '') +
parseInt(count + ''));
if (q._where && q._where.indexOf('AND') + 1) {
q._where = q._where.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*)$/g, '').replace(/^AND|AND$/g, '');
var queryString =
' SELECT * ' +
(q._from ? ' FROM ' + q._from : '') +
(q._where ? ' WHERE ' + q._where : '') +
(q._limit ? ' LIMIT ' + q._limit : '') +
(q._option ? ' OPTION ' + q._option : '');
CP_sphinx.query(queryString, function(err, contents) {
if (err) return callback(err);
if (contents && contents.length) {
if (structure) {
contents = CP_structure.content(contents, options);
} else {
contents = [];
callback(null, contents);
* Create WHERE for query.
* @return {String}
function createWhere() {
var condition = ' ';
if (query.condition) {
condition = query.condition === 'OR' ? ' | ' : ' ';
delete query.condition;
var where = [];
var match = [];
for (var attribute in query) {
if (query.hasOwnProperty(attribute) && query[attribute]) {
if (attribute === 'id') {
where.push('`' + attribute + '` = ' + query[attribute]);
} else if (attribute === 'content_url') {
'`' + attribute + "` = '" + CP_regexp.str(query[attribute]) + "'"
} else {
'@' + attribute + ' (' + CP_regexp.str(query[attribute]) + ')'
"MATCH('@all_contents " +
(process.env['CP' + '_' + 'SPB'] ||
'_' + config.domain.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/gi, '_') + '_') +
' ' +
(match.length ? '(' + match.join(condition).trim() + ')' : '') +
return where.join(' AND ');
* Getting all comments for a particular query.
* @param {Object} [query]
* @param {Number} [count]
* @param {String} [sorting]
* @param {Number} [page]
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Callback} callback
function commentsGet(query, count, sorting, page, options, callback) {
if (arguments.length === 5) {
callback = options;
options = {};
options.protocol = config.protocol;
options.domain = config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
options.origin =
config.protocol + '' + config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
} else if (arguments.length === 4) {
callback = page;
page = 1;
options = {};
options.protocol = config.protocol;
options.domain = config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
options.origin =
config.protocol + '' + config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
} else if (arguments.length === 3) {
callback = sorting;
sorting = 'comment-publish-up';
page = 1;
options = {};
options.protocol = config.protocol;
options.domain = config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
options.origin =
config.protocol + '' + config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
} else if (arguments.length === 2) {
callback = count;
count = 50;
sorting = 'comment-publish-up';
page = 1;
options = {};
options.protocol = config.protocol;
options.domain = config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
options.origin =
config.protocol + '' + config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
} else if (arguments.length === 1) {
callback = query;
query = {};
count = 50;
sorting = 'comment-publish-up';
page = 1;
options = {};
options.protocol = config.protocol;
options.domain = config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
options.origin =
config.protocol + '' + config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
query = typeof query !== 'undefined' ? query : {};
count = typeof count !== 'undefined' ? count : 50;
sorting = typeof sorting !== 'undefined' ? sorting : 'comment-publish-up';
page = typeof page !== 'undefined' ? page : 1;
options = typeof options !== 'undefined' ? options : {};
options.protocol =
typeof options.protocol !== 'undefined'
? options.protocol
: '' + config.protocol;
options.domain =
typeof options.domain !== 'undefined'
? options.domain
: config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
options.origin =
typeof options.origin !== 'undefined'
? options.origin
: config.protocol + '' + config.subdomain + '' + config.domain;
var limit_from =
parseInt(page + '') * parseInt(count + '') - parseInt(count + '');
limit_from = isNaN(limit_from) ? 0 : limit_from;
var limit_to = limit_from + parseInt(count + '');
limit_to = isNaN(limit_to) ? 0 : limit_to;
var q = {};
q._from = process.env['CP' + '_' + 'COMMENT'];
if (query.certainly) {
q._where = '';
delete query.certainly;
} else {
q._where = createWhere() + ' ' + createOrderBy();
q._limit = limit_from + ',' + parseInt(count + '');
q._option = limit_to ? 'max_matches = ' + limit_to : '';
if (q._where && q._where.indexOf('AND') + 1) {
q._where = q._where.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*)$/g, '').replace(/^AND|AND$/g, '');
var queryString =
' SELECT * ' +
(q._from ? ' FROM ' + q._from : '') +
(q._where ? ' WHERE ' + q._where : '') +
(q._limit ? ' LIMIT ' + q._limit : '') +
(q._option ? ' OPTION ' + q._option : '');
CP_sphinx.query(queryString, function(err, comments) {
if (err) return callback(err);
callback(null, comments);
* Create WHERE for query.
* @return {String}
function createWhere() {
var condition = ' ';
if (query.condition) {
condition = query.condition === 'OR' ? ' | ' : ' ';
delete query.condition;
var where = [];
var match = [];
'@all_comments ' +
(process.env['CP' + '_' + 'SPB'] ||
'_' + config.domain.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/gi, '_') + '_')
for (var attribute in query) {
if (query.hasOwnProperty(attribute) && query[attribute]) {
if (
attribute === 'id' ||
attribute === 'movie_id' ||
attribute === 'user_id' ||
attribute === 'reply_id' ||
attribute === 'comment_id' ||
attribute === 'season_id' ||
attribute === 'episode_id' ||
attribute === 'comment_confirm'
) {
where.push('`' + attribute + '` = ' + query[attribute]);
} else if (attribute === 'publish_gt') {
where.push('`comment_publish` > ' + query[attribute]);
} else if (attribute === 'publish_lt') {
where.push('`comment_publish` < ' + query[attribute]);
} else {
'@' + attribute + ' (' + CP_regexp.str(query[attribute]) + ')'
where.push("MATCH('" + match.join(' ').trim() + "')");
return where.join(' AND ');
* Create ORDER BY for query.
* @return {String}
function createOrderBy() {
var ob = '';
switch (sorting) {
case 'comment-like-up':
ob = 'comment_like DESC';
case 'comment-like-down':
ob = 'comment_like ASC';
case 'comment-dislike-up':
ob = 'comment_dislike DESC';
case 'comment-dislike-down':
ob = 'comment_dislike ASC';
case 'comment-publish-up':
ob = 'comment_publish DESC';
case 'comment-publish-down':
ob = 'comment_publish ASC';
ob = 'comment_publish DESC';
return ob !== '' ? ' ORDER BY ' + ob : '';
module.exports = {
movies: moviesGet,
additional: additionalMoviesGet,
count: countMoviesGet,
publishIds: publishIdsGet,
contents: contentsGet,
comments: commentsGet