updated openfbx

This commit is contained in:
Mikulas Florek 2023-03-24 00:22:33 +01:00
parent 5d84bddebf
commit 111e3d8722
3 changed files with 694 additions and 56 deletions

View file

@ -8,8 +8,14 @@
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <inttypes.h>
#if __cplusplus >= 202002L
#include <bit> // for std::bit_cast (C++20 and later)
#include <map>
namespace ofbx
@ -83,7 +89,19 @@ struct Video
struct Error
Error() {}
Error(const char* msg) { s_message = msg; }
Error(const char* msg)
s_message = msg;
// Format a message with printf-style arguments.
template <typename... Args>
Error(const char* fmt, Args... args)
char buf[1024];
std::snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, args...);
s_message = buf;
static const char* s_message;
@ -349,6 +367,11 @@ u32 DataView::toU32() const
return (u32)atoll((const char*)begin);
bool DataView::toBool() const
return toInt() != 0;
double DataView::toDouble() const
@ -582,6 +605,20 @@ static OptionalError<DataView> readLongString(Cursor* cursor)
return value;
// Cheat sheet: //
'S': Long string
'Y': 16-bit signed integer
'C': 8-bit signed integer
'I': 32-bit signed integer
'F': Single precision floating-point number
'D': Double precision floating-point number
'L': 64-bit signed integer
'R': Binary data
'b', 'f', 'd', 'l', 'c' and 'i': Arrays of binary data
Src: https://code.blender.org/2013/08/fbx-binary-file-format-specification/
static OptionalError<Property*> readProperty(Cursor* cursor, Allocator& allocator)
@ -617,6 +654,7 @@ static OptionalError<Property*> readProperty(Cursor* cursor, Allocator& allocato
case 'b':
case 'c':
case 'f':
case 'd':
case 'l':
@ -630,14 +668,18 @@ static OptionalError<Property*> readProperty(Cursor* cursor, Allocator& allocato
cursor->current += comp_len.getValue();
default: return Error("Unknown property type");
char str[32];
snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "Unknown property type: %c", prop->type);
return Error(str);
prop->value.end = cursor->current;
return prop;
static OptionalError<u64> readElementOffset(Cursor* cursor, u16 version)
static OptionalError<u64> readElementOffset(Cursor* cursor, u32 version)
if (version >= 7500)
@ -962,13 +1004,22 @@ static OptionalError<Element*> tokenizeText(const u8* data, size_t size, Allocat
static OptionalError<Element*> tokenize(const u8* data, size_t size, u32& version, Allocator& allocator)
if (size < sizeof(Header)) return Error("Invalid header");
Cursor cursor;
cursor.begin = data;
cursor.current = data;
cursor.end = data + size;
const Header* header = (const Header*)cursor.current;
cursor.current += sizeof(*header);
#if __cplusplus >= 202002L
const Header* header = std::bit_cast<const Header*>(cursor.current);
Header header_temp;
std::memcpy(&header_temp, cursor.current, sizeof(Header));
const Header* header = &header_temp;
cursor.current += sizeof(Header);
version = header->version;
Element* root = allocator.allocate<Element>();
@ -982,16 +1033,17 @@ static OptionalError<Element*> tokenize(const u8* data, size_t size, u32& versio
for (;;)
OptionalError<Element*> child = readElement(&cursor, header->version, allocator);
if (child.isError()) {
if (child.isError())
return Error();
*element = child.getValue();
if (!*element) return root;
element = &(*element)->sibling;
static void parseTemplates(const Element& root)
const Element* defs = findChild(root, "Definitions");
@ -1535,6 +1587,178 @@ struct TextureImpl : Texture
Type getType() const override { return Type::TEXTURE; }
struct LightImpl : Light
LightImpl(const Scene& _scene, const IElement& _element)
: Light(_scene, _element)
// Initialize the light properties here
Type getType() const override { return Type::LIGHT; }
// Light type
LightType getLightType() const override { return lightType; }
// Light properties
bool doesCastLight() const override { return castLight; }
bool doesDrawVolumetricLight() const override
// Return the draw volumetric light property based on the stored data (WIP)
return false;
bool doesDrawGroundProjection() const override
// Return the draw ground projection property based on the stored data (WIP)
return false;
bool doesDrawFrontFacingVolumetricLight() const override
// Return the draw front-facing volumetric light property based on the stored data (WIP)
return false;
Color getColor() const override { return color; }
double getIntensity() const override { return intensity; }
double getInnerAngle() const override { return innerAngle; }
double getOuterAngle() const override { return outerAngle; }
double getFog() const override { return fog; }
DecayType getDecayType() const override { return decayType; }
double getDecayStart() const override { return decayStart; }
// Near attenuation
bool doesEnableNearAttenuation() const override { return enableNearAttenuation; }
double getNearAttenuationStart() const override { return nearAttenuationStart; }
double getNearAttenuationEnd() const override { return nearAttenuationEnd; }
// Far attenuation
bool doesEnableFarAttenuation() const override { return enableFarAttenuation; }
double getFarAttenuationStart() const override { return farAttenuationStart; }
double getFarAttenuationEnd() const override { return farAttenuationEnd; }
// Shadows
const Texture* getShadowTexture() const override { return shadowTexture; }
bool doesCastShadows() const override { return castShadows; }
Color getShadowColor() const override { return shadowColor; }
// Member variables to store light properties
LightType lightType = LightType::POINT; // Light type
bool castLight = true; // Whether the light casts light on objects
Color color = {1, 1, 1}; // Light color (RGB values)
double intensity = 100.0; // Light intensity
// Spotlight properties
double innerAngle = 0.0;
double outerAngle = 45.0;
// Light fog intensity
double fog = 50;
// Light decay properties
DecayType decayType = DecayType::QUADRATIC;
double decayStart = 1.0;
// Near attenuation properties
bool enableNearAttenuation = false;
double nearAttenuationStart = 0.0;
double nearAttenuationEnd = 0.0;
// Far attenuation properties
bool enableFarAttenuation = false;
double farAttenuationStart = 0.0;
double farAttenuationEnd = 0.0;
// Shadow properties
const Texture* shadowTexture = nullptr;
bool castShadows = true;
Color shadowColor = {0, 0, 0};
static float M_PI = 3.14159265358979323846f;
struct CameraImpl : public Camera
CameraImpl(const Scene& _scene, const IElement& _element)
: Camera(_scene, _element)
// Initialize camera properties here
// Member variables to store camera properties
ProjectionType projectionType = ProjectionType::PERSPECTIVE; // Projection type
ApertureMode apertureMode = ApertureMode::HORIZONTAL; // Used to determine the FOV
double filmHeight = 36.0;
double filmWidth = 24.0;
double aspectHeight = 1.0;
double aspectWidth = 1.0;
double nearPlane = 0.1;
double farPlane = 1000.0;
bool autoComputeClipPanes = true;
GateFit gateFit = GateFit::HORIZONTAL;
double filmAspectRatio = 1.0;
double focalLength = 50.0;
double focusDistance = 50.0;
Vec3 backgroundColor = {0, 0, 0};
Vec3 interestPosition = {0, 0, 0};
double fieldOfView = 60.0;
// Member functions to get camera properties
Type getType() const override { return Type::CAMERA; }
ProjectionType getProjectionType() const override { return projectionType; }
ApertureMode getApertureMode() const override { return apertureMode; }
double getFilmHeight() const override { return filmHeight; }
double getFilmWidth() const override { return filmWidth; }
double getAspectHeight() const override { return aspectHeight; }
double getAspectWidth() const override { return aspectWidth; }
double getNearPlane() const override { return nearPlane; }
double getFarPlane() const override { return farPlane; }
bool doesAutoComputeClipPanes() const override { return autoComputeClipPanes; }
GateFit getGateFit() const override { return gateFit; }
double getFilmAspectRatio() const override { return filmAspectRatio; }
double getFocalLength() const override { return focalLength; }
double getFocusDistance() const override { return focusDistance; }
Vec3 getBackgroundColor() const override { return backgroundColor; }
Vec3 getInterestPosition() const override { return interestPosition; }
void CalculateFOV()
switch (apertureMode)
case Camera::ApertureMode::HORIZONTAL:
fieldOfView = 2.0 * atan(filmWidth / (2.0 * focalLength)) * 180.0 / M_PI;
case Camera::ApertureMode::VERTICAL:
fieldOfView = 2.0 * atan(filmHeight / (2.0 * focalLength)) * 180.0 / M_PI;
case Camera::ApertureMode::HORIZANDVERT:
fieldOfView = 2.0 * atan(sqrt(filmWidth * filmWidth + filmHeight * filmHeight) / (2.0 * focalLength)) * 180.0 / M_PI;
case Camera::ApertureMode::FOCALLENGTH:
fieldOfView = 2.0 * atan(filmHeight / (2.0 * focalLength)) * 180.0 / M_PI; // Same as vertical ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
fieldOfView = 60.0;
struct Root : Object
@ -1555,13 +1779,16 @@ struct Scene : IScene
enum Type
Type type = OBJECT_OBJECT;
u64 from = 0;
u64 to = 0;
DataView property;
DataView fromProperty;
DataView toProperty;
struct ObjectPair
@ -1627,6 +1854,32 @@ struct Scene : IScene
return nullptr;
// Cameras
const Camera* getCamera(int index) const override
assert(index >= 0);
assert(index < m_cameras.size());
return m_cameras[index];
int getCameraCount() const override
return (int)m_cameras.size();
// Lights
const Light* getLight(int index) const override
assert(index >= 0);
assert(index < m_lights.size());
return m_lights[index];
int getLightCount() const override
return (int)m_lights.size();
const IElement* getRootElement() const override { return m_root_element; }
const Object* getRoot() const override { return m_root; }
@ -1650,6 +1903,8 @@ struct Scene : IScene
std::vector<Mesh*> m_meshes;
std::vector<Geometry*> m_geometries;
std::vector<AnimationStack*> m_animation_stacks;
std::vector<Camera*> m_cameras;
std::vector<Light*> m_lights;
std::vector<Connection> m_connections;
std::vector<u8> m_data;
std::vector<TakeInfo> m_take_infos;
@ -1798,6 +2053,33 @@ struct AnimationLayerImpl : AnimationLayer
std::vector<AnimationCurveNodeImpl*> curve_nodes;
DEBUGGING ONLY (but im not your boss so do what you want)
- maps the contents of the given node for viewing in the debugger
std::map<std::string, ofbx::IElementProperty*, std::less<>> allProperties;
mapProperties(element, allProperties);
void mapProperties(const ofbx::IElement& parent, std::map<std::string, ofbx::IElementProperty*, std::less<>>& propMap)
for (const ofbx::IElement* element = parent.getFirstChild(); element; element = element->getSibling())
char key[32];
if (element->getFirstProperty())
ofbx::IElementProperty* prop = element->getFirstProperty();
propMap.insert({key, prop});
if (element->getFirstChild()) mapProperties(*element, propMap);
void parseVideo(Scene& scene, const Element& element, Allocator& allocator)
if (!element.first_property) return;
@ -1845,6 +2127,132 @@ struct OptionalError<Object*> parseTexture(const Scene& scene, const Element& el
return texture;
struct OptionalError<Object*> parseLight(Scene& scene, const Element& element, Allocator& allocator)
LightImpl* light = allocator.allocate<LightImpl>(scene, element);
light->lightType = static_cast<Light::LightType>(resolveEnumProperty(*light, "LightType", (int)Light::LightType::POINT));
const Element* prop = findChild(element, "Properties70");
if (prop) prop = prop->child;
// Can be replaced with a std::map for a Big O of O(log n) instead of O(n) for the if else statements - Possibly faster
while (prop)
if (prop->id == "P" && prop->first_property)
if (prop->first_property->value == "Color")
light->color.r = (float)prop->getProperty(4)->getValue().toDouble();
light->color.g = (float)prop->getProperty(5)->getValue().toDouble();
light->color.b = (float)prop->getProperty(6)->getValue().toDouble();
if (prop->first_property->value == "ShadowColor")
light->shadowColor.r = (float)prop->getProperty(4)->getValue().toDouble();
light->shadowColor.g = (float)prop->getProperty(5)->getValue().toDouble();
light->shadowColor.b = (float)prop->getProperty(6)->getValue().toDouble();
else if (prop->first_property->value == "CastShadows")
light->castShadows = prop->getProperty(4)->getValue().toBool();
else if (prop->first_property->value == "InnerAngle")
light->innerAngle = (float)prop->getProperty(4)->getValue().toDouble();
else if (prop->first_property->value == "OuterAngle")
light->outerAngle = (float)prop->getProperty(4)->getValue().toDouble();
else if (prop->first_property->value == "Intensity")
light->intensity = (float)prop->getProperty(4)->getValue().toDouble();
prop = prop->sibling;
scene.m_lights.push_back(light); // Implicit inheritance downcast
return light;
struct OptionalError<Object*> parseCamera(Scene& scene, const Element& element, Allocator& allocator)
CameraImpl* camera = allocator.allocate<CameraImpl>(scene, element);
camera->projectionType = static_cast<Camera::ProjectionType>(resolveEnumProperty(*camera, "ProjectionType", (int)Camera::ProjectionType::PERSPECTIVE)); // ProjectionType
camera->apertureMode = static_cast<Camera::ApertureMode>(resolveEnumProperty(*camera, "ApertureMode", (int)Camera::ApertureMode::HORIZANDVERT)); // ApertureMode
camera->gateFit = static_cast<Camera::GateFit>(resolveEnumProperty(*camera, "GateFit", (int)Camera::GateFit::HORIZONTAL)); // GateFit
const Element* prop = findChild(element, "Properties70");
if (prop) prop = prop->child;
// Can be replaced with a std::map for a Big O of O(log n) instead of O(n) for the if else statements - Possibly faster
while (prop)
if (prop->id == "P" && prop->first_property)
if (prop->first_property->value == "InterestPosition")
camera->interestPosition.x = (float)prop->getProperty(4)->getValue().toDouble();
camera->interestPosition.y = (float)prop->getProperty(5)->getValue().toDouble();
camera->interestPosition.z = (float)prop->getProperty(6)->getValue().toDouble();
else if (prop->first_property->value == "BackgroundColor")
camera->backgroundColor.x = (float)prop->getProperty(4)->getValue().toDouble();
camera->backgroundColor.y = (float)prop->getProperty(5)->getValue().toDouble();
camera->backgroundColor.z = (float)prop->getProperty(6)->getValue().toDouble();
else if (prop->first_property->value == "FocalLength")
camera->focalLength = prop->getProperty(4)->getValue().toDouble();
else if (prop->first_property->value == "FocusDistance")
camera->focusDistance = prop->getProperty(4)->getValue().toDouble();
else if (prop->first_property->value == "FilmAspectRatio")
camera->filmAspectRatio = prop->getProperty(4)->getValue().toDouble();
else if (prop->first_property->value == "FilmWidth")
camera->filmWidth = prop->getProperty(4)->getValue().toDouble();
else if (prop->first_property->value == "FilmHeight")
camera->filmHeight = prop->getProperty(4)->getValue().toDouble();
else if (prop->first_property->value == "AspectHeight")
camera->aspectHeight = prop->getProperty(4)->getValue().toDouble();
else if (prop->first_property->value == "AspectWidth")
camera->aspectWidth = prop->getProperty(4)->getValue().toDouble();
else if (prop->first_property->value == "AutoComputeClipPanes")
camera->autoComputeClipPanes = prop->getProperty(4)->getValue().toBool();
else if (prop->first_property->value == "NearPlane")
camera->nearPlane = prop->getProperty(4)->getValue().toDouble();
else if (prop->first_property->value == "FarPlane")
camera->farPlane = prop->getProperty(4)->getValue().toDouble();
prop = prop->sibling;
scene.m_cameras.push_back(camera); // Implicit inheritance downcast
return camera;
struct OptionalError<Object*> parsePose(const Scene& scene, const Element& element, Allocator& allocator)
@ -2375,7 +2783,7 @@ static void splat(std::vector<T>* out,
for (int i = 0, c = (int)original_indices.size(); i < c; ++i)
int idx = decodeIndex(original_indices[i]);
if ((idx < data_size) && (idx >= 0))
if ((idx < data_size) && (idx >= 0)) //-V560
(*out)[i] = data[idx];
(*out)[i] = T();
@ -2481,7 +2889,7 @@ static void triangulate(
for (int i = 0; i < (int)old_indices.size(); ++i)
int idx = getIdx(i);
if (in_polygon_idx <= 2)
if (in_polygon_idx <= 2) //-V1051
@ -2814,29 +3222,57 @@ static bool parseConnections(const Element& root, Scene* scene)
while (connection)
if (!isString(connection->first_property)
|| !isLong(connection->first_property->next)
|| !isLong(connection->first_property->next->next))
|| !isLong(connection->first_property->next) ||
!(isLong(connection->first_property->next->next) || isString(connection->first_property->next->next)))
Error::s_message = "Invalid connection";
return false;
Scene::Connection c;
c.from = connection->first_property->next->value.toU64();
c.to = connection->first_property->next->next->value.toU64();
if (connection->first_property->value == "OO")
c.type = Scene::Connection::OBJECT_OBJECT;
c.from = connection->first_property->next->value.toU64();
c.to = connection->first_property->next->next->value.toU64();
else if (connection->first_property->value == "OP")
c.type = Scene::Connection::OBJECT_PROPERTY;
c.from = connection->first_property->next->value.toU64();
c.to = connection->first_property->next->next->value.toU64();
if (!connection->first_property->next->next->next)
Error::s_message = "Invalid connection";
return false;
c.property = connection->first_property->next->next->next->value;
c.toProperty = connection->first_property->next->next->next->value;
else if (connection->first_property->value == "PO")
c.type = Scene::Connection::PROPERTY_OBJECT;
c.from = connection->first_property->next->value.toU64();
c.fromProperty = connection->first_property->next->next->value;
if (!connection->first_property->next->next->next)
Error::s_message = "Invalid connection";
return false;
c.to = connection->first_property->next->next->next->value.toU64();
else if (connection->first_property->value == "PP")
c.type = Scene::Connection::PROPERTY_PROPERTY;
c.from = connection->first_property->next->value.toU64();
c.fromProperty = connection->first_property->next->next->value;
c.to = connection->first_property->next->next->next->value.toU64();
if (!connection->first_property->next->next->next->next)
Error::s_message = "Invalid connection";
return false;
c.toProperty = connection->first_property->next->next->next->next->value;
@ -3009,12 +3445,27 @@ void sync_job_processor(JobFunction fn, void*, void* data, u32 size, u32 count)
static bool parseObjects(const Element& root, Scene* scene, u64 flags, Allocator& allocator, JobProcessor job_processor, void* job_user_ptr)
static bool parseObjects(const Element& root, Scene* scene, u16 flags, Allocator& allocator, JobProcessor job_processor, void* job_user_ptr)
if (!job_processor) job_processor = &sync_job_processor;
const bool triangulate = (flags & (u64)LoadFlags::TRIANGULATE) != 0;
const bool ignore_geometry = (flags & (u64)LoadFlags::IGNORE_GEOMETRY) != 0;
const bool ignore_blend_shapes = (flags & (u64)LoadFlags::IGNORE_BLEND_SHAPES) != 0;
const bool triangulate = (flags & (u16)LoadFlags::TRIANGULATE) != 0;
const bool ignore_geometry = (flags & (u16)LoadFlags::IGNORE_GEOMETRY) != 0;
const bool ignore_blend_shapes = (flags & (u16)LoadFlags::IGNORE_BLEND_SHAPES) != 0;
const bool ignore_cameras = (flags & (u16)LoadFlags::IGNORE_CAMERAS) != 0;
const bool ignore_lights = (flags & (u16)LoadFlags::IGNORE_LIGHTS) != 0;
const bool ignore_textures = (flags & (u16)LoadFlags::IGNORE_TEXTURES) != 0;
const bool ignore_skin = (flags & (u16)LoadFlags::IGNORE_SKIN) != 0;
const bool ignore_bones = (flags & (u16)LoadFlags::IGNORE_BONES) != 0;
const bool ignore_pivots = (flags & (u16)LoadFlags::IGNORE_PIVOTS) != 0;
const bool ignore_animations = (flags & (u16)LoadFlags::IGNORE_ANIMATIONS) != 0;
const bool ignore_materials = (flags & (u16)LoadFlags::IGNORE_MATERIALS) != 0;
const bool ignore_poses = (flags & (u16)LoadFlags::IGNORE_POSES) != 0;
const bool ignore_videos = (flags & (u16)LoadFlags::IGNORE_VIDEOS) != 0;
const bool ignore_limbs = (flags & (u16)LoadFlags::IGNORE_LIMBS) != 0;
const bool ignore_meshes = (flags & (u16)LoadFlags::IGNORE_MESHES) != 0;
const bool ignore_models = (flags & (u16)LoadFlags::IGNORE_MODELS) != 0;
const Element* objs = findChild(root, "Objects");
if (!objs) return true;
@ -3043,11 +3494,11 @@ static bool parseObjects(const Element& root, Scene* scene, u64 flags, Allocator
if (iter.second.object == scene->m_root) continue;
if (iter.second.element->id == "Geometry")
if (iter.second.element->id == "Geometry" && !ignore_geometry)
Property* last_prop = iter.second.element->first_property;
while (last_prop->next) last_prop = last_prop->next;
if (last_prop && last_prop->value == "Mesh" && !ignore_geometry)
if (last_prop && last_prop->value == "Mesh")
GeometryImpl* geom = allocator.allocate<GeometryImpl>(*scene, *iter.second.element);
@ -3055,16 +3506,16 @@ static bool parseObjects(const Element& root, Scene* scene, u64 flags, Allocator
if (last_prop && last_prop->value == "Shape" && !ignore_geometry)
if (last_prop && last_prop->value == "Shape")
obj = allocator.allocate<ShapeImpl>(*scene, *iter.second.element);
else if (iter.second.element->id == "Material")
else if (iter.second.element->id == "Material" && !ignore_materials)
obj = parseMaterial(*scene, *iter.second.element, allocator);
else if (iter.second.element->id == "AnimationStack")
else if (iter.second.element->id == "AnimationStack" && !ignore_animations)
obj = parse<AnimationStackImpl>(*scene, *iter.second.element, allocator);
if (!obj.isError())
@ -3073,19 +3524,19 @@ static bool parseObjects(const Element& root, Scene* scene, u64 flags, Allocator
else if (iter.second.element->id == "AnimationLayer")
else if (iter.second.element->id == "AnimationLayer" && !ignore_animations)
obj = parse<AnimationLayerImpl>(*scene, *iter.second.element, allocator);
else if (iter.second.element->id == "AnimationCurve")
else if (iter.second.element->id == "AnimationCurve" && !ignore_animations)
obj = parseAnimationCurve(*scene, *iter.second.element, allocator);
else if (iter.second.element->id == "AnimationCurveNode")
else if (iter.second.element->id == "AnimationCurveNode" && !ignore_animations)
obj = parse<AnimationCurveNodeImpl>(*scene, *iter.second.element, allocator);
else if (iter.second.element->id == "Deformer")
else if (iter.second.element->id == "Deformer" && !ignore_blend_shapes)
IElementProperty* class_prop = iter.second.element->getProperty(2);
@ -3103,15 +3554,33 @@ static bool parseObjects(const Element& root, Scene* scene, u64 flags, Allocator
else if (iter.second.element->id == "NodeAttribute")
obj = parseNodeAttribute(*scene, *iter.second.element, allocator);
// Add the support for lights and camera here.
Property* last_prop = iter.second.element->first_property;
while (last_prop->next) last_prop = last_prop->next;
if (last_prop)
if (last_prop->value == "Light" && !ignore_lights)
obj = parseLight(*scene, *iter.second.element, allocator);
else if (last_prop->value == "Camera" && !ignore_cameras)
obj = parseCamera(*scene, *iter.second.element, allocator);
obj = parseNodeAttribute(*scene, *iter.second.element, allocator);
else if (iter.second.element->id == "Model")
else if (iter.second.element->id == "Model" && !ignore_models)
IElementProperty* class_prop = iter.second.element->getProperty(2);
if (class_prop)
if (class_prop->getValue() == "Mesh")
if (class_prop->getValue() == "Mesh" && !ignore_meshes)
obj = parseMesh(*scene, *iter.second.element, allocator);
if (!obj.isError())
@ -3121,21 +3590,21 @@ static bool parseObjects(const Element& root, Scene* scene, u64 flags, Allocator
obj = mesh;
else if (class_prop->getValue() == "LimbNode")
else if (class_prop->getValue() == "LimbNode" && !ignore_limbs)
obj = parseLimbNode(*scene, *iter.second.element, allocator);
obj = parse<NullImpl>(*scene, *iter.second.element, allocator);
else if (iter.second.element->id == "Texture")
else if (iter.second.element->id == "Texture" && !ignore_textures)
obj = parseTexture(*scene, *iter.second.element, allocator);
else if (iter.second.element->id == "Video")
else if (iter.second.element->id == "Video" && !ignore_videos)
parseVideo(*scene, *iter.second.element, allocator);
else if (iter.second.element->id == "Pose")
else if (iter.second.element->id == "Pose" && !ignore_poses)
obj = parsePose(*scene, *iter.second.element, allocator);
@ -3168,6 +3637,8 @@ static bool parseObjects(const Element& root, Scene* scene, u64 flags, Allocator
for (const Scene::Connection& con : scene->m_connections)
if (con.type == Scene::Connection::PROPERTY_PROPERTY) continue;
Object* parent = scene->m_object_map[con.to].object;
Object* child = scene->m_object_map[con.from].object;
if (!child) continue;
@ -3188,7 +3659,7 @@ static bool parseObjects(const Element& root, Scene* scene, u64 flags, Allocator
AnimationCurveNodeImpl* node = (AnimationCurveNodeImpl*)child;
node->bone = parent;
node->bone_link_property = con.property;
node->bone_link_property = con.toProperty;
@ -3260,19 +3731,19 @@ static bool parseObjects(const Element& root, Scene* scene, u64 flags, Allocator
if (child->getType() == Object::Type::TEXTURE)
Texture::TextureType type = Texture::COUNT;
if (con.property == "NormalMap")
if (con.toProperty == "NormalMap")
type = Texture::NORMAL;
else if (con.property == "DiffuseColor")
else if (con.toProperty == "DiffuseColor")
type = Texture::DIFFUSE;
else if (con.property == "SpecularColor")
else if (con.toProperty == "SpecularColor")
type = Texture::SPECULAR;
else if (con.property == "ShininessExponent")
else if (con.toProperty == "ShininessExponent")
type = Texture::SHININESS;
else if (con.property == "EmissiveColor")
else if (con.toProperty == "EmissiveColor")
type = Texture::EMISSIVE;
else if (con.property == "AmbientColor")
else if (con.toProperty == "AmbientColor")
type = Texture::AMBIENT;
else if (con.property == "ReflectionFactor")
else if (con.toProperty == "ReflectionFactor")
type = Texture::REFLECTION;
if (type == Texture::COUNT) break;
@ -3323,7 +3794,7 @@ static bool parseObjects(const Element& root, Scene* scene, u64 flags, Allocator
if (child->getType() == Object::Type::ANIMATION_CURVE)
char tmp[32];
if (strcmp(tmp, "d|X") == 0)
node->curves[0].connection = &con;
@ -3551,7 +4022,7 @@ Object* Object::resolveObjectLink(Object::Type type, const char* property, int i
Object* obj = scene.m_object_map.find(connection.from)->second.object;
if (obj && obj->getType() == type)
if (property == nullptr || connection.property == property)
if (property == nullptr || connection.toProperty == property)
if (idx == 0) return obj;
@ -3582,7 +4053,7 @@ Object* Object::getParent() const
IScene* load(const u8* data, int size, u64 flags, JobProcessor job_processor, void* job_user_ptr)
IScene* load(const u8* data, int size, u16 flags, JobProcessor job_processor, void* job_user_ptr)
std::unique_ptr<Scene> scene(new Scene());

View file

@ -25,12 +25,36 @@ static_assert(sizeof(i64) == 8, "i64 is not 8 bytes");
using JobFunction = void (*)(void*);
using JobProcessor = void (*)(JobFunction, void*, void*, u32, u32);
enum class LoadFlags : u64 {
// Ignoring certain nodes will only stop them from being processed not tokenised (i.e. they will still be in the tree)
enum class LoadFlags : u16
IGNORE_SKIN = 1 << 6,
IGNORE_BONES = 1 << 7,
IGNORE_POSES = 1 << 11,
IGNORE_VIDEOS = 1 << 12,
IGNORE_LIMBS = 1 << 13,
IGNORE_MESHES = 1 << 14,
IGNORE_MODELS = 1 << 15,
constexpr LoadFlags operator|(LoadFlags lhs, LoadFlags rhs)
return static_cast<LoadFlags>(static_cast<u16>(lhs) | static_cast<u16>(rhs));
constexpr LoadFlags& operator|=(LoadFlags& lhs, LoadFlags rhs)
return lhs = lhs | rhs;
struct Vec2
@ -81,6 +105,7 @@ struct DataView
i64 toI64() const;
int toInt() const;
u32 toU32() const;
bool toBool() const;
double toDouble() const;
float toFloat() const;
@ -168,6 +193,8 @@ struct Object
@ -255,6 +282,124 @@ struct Texture : Object
virtual DataView getEmbeddedData() const = 0;
struct Light : Object
enum class LightType
enum class DecayType
Light(const Scene& _scene, const IElement& _element)
: Object(_scene, _element)
// Initialize the light properties here
// Light type
virtual LightType getLightType() const = 0;
// Light properties
virtual bool doesCastLight() const = 0;
virtual bool doesDrawVolumetricLight() const = 0;
virtual bool doesDrawGroundProjection() const = 0;
virtual bool doesDrawFrontFacingVolumetricLight() const = 0;
virtual Color getColor() const = 0;
virtual double getIntensity() const = 0;
virtual double getInnerAngle() const = 0;
virtual double getOuterAngle() const = 0;
virtual double getFog() const = 0;
virtual DecayType getDecayType() const = 0;
virtual double getDecayStart() const = 0;
// Near attenuation
virtual bool doesEnableNearAttenuation() const = 0;
virtual double getNearAttenuationStart() const = 0;
virtual double getNearAttenuationEnd() const = 0;
// Far attenuation
virtual bool doesEnableFarAttenuation() const = 0;
virtual double getFarAttenuationStart() const = 0;
virtual double getFarAttenuationEnd() const = 0;
// Shadows
virtual const Texture* getShadowTexture() const = 0;
virtual bool doesCastShadows() const = 0;
virtual Color getShadowColor() const = 0;
struct Camera : Object
enum class ProjectionType
enum class ApertureMode // Used to determine how to calculate the FOV
enum class GateFit
static const Type s_type = Type::CAMERA;
Camera(const Scene& _scene, const IElement& _element)
: Object(_scene, _element)
virtual Type getType() const { return Type::CAMERA; }
virtual ProjectionType getProjectionType() const = 0;
virtual ApertureMode getApertureMode() const = 0;
virtual double getFilmHeight() const = 0;
virtual double getFilmWidth() const = 0;
virtual double getAspectHeight() const = 0;
virtual double getAspectWidth() const = 0;
virtual double getNearPlane() const = 0;
virtual double getFarPlane() const = 0;
virtual bool doesAutoComputeClipPanes() const = 0;
virtual GateFit getGateFit() const = 0;
virtual double getFilmAspectRatio() const = 0;
virtual double getFocalLength() const = 0;
virtual double getFocusDistance() const = 0;
virtual Vec3 getBackgroundColor() const = 0;
virtual Vec3 getInterestPosition() const = 0;
struct Material : Object
@ -508,29 +653,51 @@ struct GlobalSettings
struct IScene
virtual void destroy() = 0;
// Root Node
virtual const IElement* getRootElement() const = 0;
virtual const Object* getRoot() const = 0;
virtual const TakeInfo* getTakeInfo(const char* name) const = 0;
virtual int getGeometryCount() const = 0;
// Meshes
virtual int getMeshCount() const = 0;
virtual float getSceneFrameRate() const = 0;
virtual const GlobalSettings* getGlobalSettings() const = 0;
virtual const Mesh* getMesh(int index) const = 0;
// Geometry
virtual int getGeometryCount() const = 0;
virtual const Geometry* getGeometry(int index) const = 0;
// Animations
virtual int getAnimationStackCount() const = 0;
virtual const AnimationStack* getAnimationStack(int index) const = 0;
// Cameras
virtual int getCameraCount() const = 0;
virtual const Camera* getCamera(int index) const = 0;
// Lights
virtual int getLightCount() const = 0;
virtual const Light* getLight(int index) const = 0;
// Scene Objects (Everything in scene)
virtual const Object* const* getAllObjects() const = 0;
virtual int getAllObjectCount() const = 0;
// Embedded files/Data
virtual int getEmbeddedDataCount() const = 0;
virtual DataView getEmbeddedData(int index) const = 0;
virtual DataView getEmbeddedFilename(int index) const = 0;
// Scene Misc
virtual const TakeInfo* getTakeInfo(const char* name) const = 0;
virtual float getSceneFrameRate() const = 0;
virtual const GlobalSettings* getGlobalSettings() const = 0;
virtual ~IScene() {}
IScene* load(const u8* data, int size, u64 flags, JobProcessor job_processor = nullptr, void* job_user_ptr = nullptr);
IScene* load(const u8* data, int size, u16 flags, JobProcessor job_processor = nullptr, void* job_user_ptr = nullptr);
const char* getError();
double fbxTimeToSeconds(i64 value);
i64 secondsToFbxTime(double value);

View file

@ -933,8 +933,8 @@ bool FBXImporter::setSource(const char* filename, bool ignore_geometry, bool for
OutputMemoryStream data(m_allocator);
if (!m_filesystem.getContentSync(Path(filename), data)) return false;
const u64 flags = ignore_geometry ? (u64)ofbx::LoadFlags::IGNORE_GEOMETRY : (u64)ofbx::LoadFlags::TRIANGULATE;
scene = ofbx::load(data.data(), (i32)data.size(), flags, &ofbx_job_processor, nullptr);
const ofbx::LoadFlags flags = ignore_geometry ? ofbx::LoadFlags::IGNORE_GEOMETRY : ofbx::LoadFlags::TRIANGULATE;
scene = ofbx::load(data.data(), (i32)data.size(), static_cast<u16>(flags), &ofbx_job_processor, nullptr);
if (!scene)
logError("Failed to import \"", filename, ": ", ofbx::getError(), "\n"