dynamic properties - boolean type

This commit is contained in:
Mikulas Florek 2020-04-07 20:03:08 +02:00
parent 92ae68ea2e
commit 7e9e1f52f8
2 changed files with 93 additions and 6 deletions

View file

@ -16,7 +16,21 @@ fragment_shader [[
layout (location = 0) out vec4 o_color;
vec3 air_color = vec3(0.18867780436772762, 0.4978442963618773, 0.6616065586417131);
float rtop = 6478e3;
float rbot = 6378e3;
// mie - Schlick appoximation phase function of Henyey-Greenstein
float miePhase(float g, float cos_theta)
float tmp = 1 + g * cos_theta;
return (1 - g * g) / (4 * M_PI + tmp * tmp);
float rayleighPhase(float cos_theta)
return 3/(16.0 * M_PI) * (1 + cos_theta * cos_theta);
float phase(float alpha, float g)
float a = 3.0*(1.0-g*g);
@ -89,13 +103,84 @@ fragment_shader [[
return res;
vec3 transmittance(vec3 extinction, float len) {
return exp(-len * extinction);
vec2 ray_sphere_intersect(vec3 r0, vec3 rd, vec3 s0, float sr) {
vec3 s0_r0 = s0 - r0;
float tc = dot(s0_r0, rd);
float d2 = dot(s0_r0, s0_r0) - tc * tc;
float sr2 = sr * sr;
if (d2 > sr2) return vec2(-1);
float td2 = sr2 - d2;
float td = sqrt(td2);
return vec2(tc - td, tc + td);
float toTopAtmoLightDir(vec3 p) {
vec2 t = ray_sphere_intersect(p, u_light_direction.xyz, vec3(0), rtop);
return t.y;
// extinction == absorption + outscatter
void main()
#if 1
const int STEP_COUNT = 100;
vec3 sunlight = vec3(1);
vec3 scatter_rayleigh = vec3(5.8e-6, 1.35e-5, 3.31e-5); // m-1
vec3 extinction_rayleigh = scatter_rayleigh;
vec3 scatter_mie = vec3(2e-5);
vec3 extinction_mie = 1.11 * scatter_mie;
vec3 eyedir = getWorldNormal(v_uv);
vec3 lightdir = u_light_direction.xyz;
vec3 campos = vec3(0, 6378e3, 0);
vec2 atmo_isect = ray_sphere_intersect(campos, eyedir, vec3(0), rtop);
if(atmo_isect.y < 0) {
o_color = vec4(0);
atmo_isect.x = max(0, atmo_isect.x);
float mu = eyedir.y;
vec3 rayleigh = vec3(0);
vec3 mie = vec3(0);
vec3 p = campos;
const float step_len = (atmo_isect.y - atmo_isect.x) / STEP_COUNT;
const vec3 step = step_len * eyedir;
p += step * 0.5;
for (int i = 0; i < STEP_COUNT; ++i) {
const float cos_theta = dot(normalize(p - campos), lightdir);
float p_to_top_atmo = toTopAtmoLightDir(p);
float p_dens_rayleigh_0 = exp(min(0, -(length(p) - rbot) / 16000));
float p_dens_rayleigh_1 = exp(min(0, -(length(p) - rbot) / 4000));
float p_dens_mie_0 = exp(min(0, -(length(p) - rbot) / 1200));
float p_dens_mie_1 = exp(min(0, -(length(p) - rbot) / 1200));
vec3 rayleigh_inscatter = (sunlight * rayleighPhase(cos_theta) * scatter_rayleigh * step_len)
* transmittance(extinction_rayleigh * p_dens_rayleigh_0, p_to_top_atmo)
* transmittance(extinction_rayleigh * p_dens_rayleigh_1, length(p - campos));
vec3 mie_inscatter = (sunlight * miePhase(0.75, cos_theta) * scatter_mie * step_len)
* transmittance(extinction_mie * p_dens_mie_0, p_to_top_atmo)
* transmittance(extinction_mie * p_dens_mie_1, length(p - campos));
rayleigh += rayleigh_inscatter;
mie += mie_inscatter;
p += step;
o_color.rgb = rayleigh /*+ mie*/;
o_color.w = 1;
const vec3 strength = vec3(0.028, 0.139, 0.0264);
const vec3 brightness = vec3(5, 0.15, 200);
const float rayleigh_collection_power = 0.51f;
const float mie_collection_power = 0.39f;
const float mie_distribution = 0.13f;
const float mie_distribution = 0.758;
const float sun_size = 150;
const float surface_height = 0.993;
@ -105,11 +190,11 @@ fragment_shader [[
vec3 lightdir = u_light_direction.xyz;
vec3 eyedir = getWorldNormal(v_uv);
float alpha = dot(eyedir, lightdir);
float cos_theta = dot(eyedir, lightdir);
float rayleigh_factor = phase(alpha, -0.01) * brightness.x;
float mie_factor = phase(alpha, mie_distribution) * brightness.y;
float spot = smoothstep(0.0, sun_size, phase(alpha, 0.9995)) * brightness.z;
float rayleigh_factor = rayleighPhase(cos_theta) * brightness.x;
float mie_factor = miePhase(mie_distribution, cos_theta) * brightness.y;
float spot = smoothstep(0.0, sun_size, phase(cos_theta, 0.9995)) * brightness.z;
vec3 eye_position = vec3(0.0, surface_height, 0.0);
float eye_depth = atmospheric_depth(eye_position, eyedir);
@ -135,8 +220,9 @@ fragment_shader [[
vec3 color = vec3(spot * mie_collected + mie_factor * mie_collected + rayleigh_factor * rayleigh_collected);
float fog_factor = getFogFactorSky(u_camera_world_pos.y, eyedir, u_fog_params.x, u_fog_params.y, u_fog_params.z);
float fog_factor = 0;//getFogFactorSky(u_camera_world_pos.y, eyedir, u_fog_params.x, u_fog_params.y, u_fog_params.z);
o_color.xyz = mix(color.rgb, u_fog_color.rgb, fog_factor);
o_color.w = 1;

View file

@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ struct GridUIVisitor final : Reflection::IPropertyVisitor
for (u32 i = 0, c = prop.getCount(cmp, m_index); i < c; ++i) {
const Reflection::IDynamicProperties::Type type = prop.getType(cmp, m_index, i);
switch(type) {
case Reflection::IDynamicProperties::BOOLEAN: dynamicProperty<bool>(cmp, prop, i); break;
case Reflection::IDynamicProperties::FLOAT: dynamicProperty<float>(cmp, prop, i); break;
case Reflection::IDynamicProperties::ENTITY: dynamicProperty<EntityPtr>(cmp, prop, i); break;
case Reflection::IDynamicProperties::I32: dynamicProperty<i32>(cmp, prop, i); break;