include "pipelines/common.glsl" common [[ layout(std140, binding = 4) uniform Drawcall { uniform vec4 u_offset_scale; }; ]] vertex_shader [[ layout (location = 0) out vec2 v_uv; void main() { vec4 pos = fullscreenQuad(gl_VertexID, v_uv); pos.xy = pos.xy * + u_offset_scale.xy; pos.y = -pos.y; gl_Position = pos; } ]] fragment_shader [[ // arrow from const int ARROW_V_STYLE = 1; const int ARROW_LINE_STYLE = 2; // Choose your arrow head style const int ARROW_STYLE = ARROW_LINE_STYLE; const float ARROW_TILE_SIZE = 32.0; // How sharp should the arrow head be? Used const float ARROW_HEAD_ANGLE = 45.0 * M_PI / 180.0; // Used for ARROW_LINE_STYLE const float ARROW_HEAD_LENGTH = ARROW_TILE_SIZE / 6.0; const float ARROW_SHAFT_THICKNESS = 3.0; // Computes the center pixel of the tile containing pixel pos vec2 arrowTileCenterCoord(vec2 pos) { return (floor(pos / ARROW_TILE_SIZE) + 0.5) * ARROW_TILE_SIZE; } float arrow(vec2 p, vec2 v) { // Make everything relative to the center, which may be fractional p -= arrowTileCenterCoord(p); float mag_v = length(v), mag_p = length(p); if (mag_v > 0.0) { // Non-zero velocity case vec2 dir_p = p / mag_p, dir_v = v / mag_v; // We can't draw arrows larger than the tile radius, so clamp magnitude. // Enforce a minimum length to help see direction mag_v = clamp(mag_v, 5.0, ARROW_TILE_SIZE / 2.0); // Arrow tip location v = dir_v * mag_v; // Define a 2D implicit surface so that the arrow is antialiased. // In each line, the left expression defines a shape and the right controls // how quickly it fades in or out. float dist; if (ARROW_STYLE == ARROW_LINE_STYLE) { // Signed distance from a line segment based on by // Matthias Reitinger, @mreitinger // Line arrow style dist = max( // Shaft ARROW_SHAFT_THICKNESS / 4.0 - max(abs(dot(p, vec2(dir_v.y, -dir_v.x))), // Width abs(dot(p, dir_v)) - mag_v + ARROW_HEAD_LENGTH / 2.0), // Length // Arrow head min(0.0, dot(v - p, dir_v) - cos(ARROW_HEAD_ANGLE / 2.0) * length(v - p)) * 2.0 + // Front sides min(0.0, dot(p, dir_v) + ARROW_HEAD_LENGTH - mag_v)); // Back } else { // V arrow style dist = min(0.0, mag_v - mag_p) * 2.0 + // length min(0.0, dot(normalize(v - p), dir_v) - cos(ARROW_HEAD_ANGLE / 2.0)) * 2.0 * length(v - p) + // head sides min(0.0, dot(p, dir_v) + 1.0) + // head back min(0.0, cos(ARROW_HEAD_ANGLE / 2.0) - dot(normalize(v * 0.33 - p), dir_v)) * mag_v * 0.8; // cutout } return clamp(1.0 + dist, 0.0, 1.0); } else { // Center of the pixel is always on the arrow return max(0.0, 1.2 - mag_p); } } layout (binding=0) uniform sampler2D u_texture; layout (location = 0) in vec2 v_uv; layout (location = 0) out vec4 o_color; void main() { vec2 uv = toScreenUV(v_uv); vec4 t = textureLod(u_texture, uv, 0); float tt = arrow(gl_FragCoord.xy, (t.xy) * 10000); o_color = vec4(t.rg * 100, 1 - tt, 1); } ]]