2023-09-22 15:12:56 +02:00

149 lines
4.7 KiB

#pragma once
#include "engine/allocator.h"
#include "engine/lumix.h"
#include "engine/plugin.h"
#include "gpu/gpu.h"
#ifndef _WIN32
#include "draw_stream.h"
#include "engine/engine.h"
#include "engine/profiler.h"
namespace Lumix {
enum class AttributeSemantic : u8;
struct RenderPlugin {
virtual ~RenderPlugin() {}
// all `RenderPlugin` functions are called during execution of every `Pipeline`
virtual void renderUI(struct Pipeline& pipeline) {}
virtual void renderOpaque(Pipeline& pipeline) {}
virtual void renderTransparent(Pipeline& pipeline) {}
// returns true if AA run and builtin TAA should not run
virtual bool renderAA(Pipeline& pipeline, gpu::TextureHandle color, gpu::TextureHandle velocity, gpu::TextureHandle depth, gpu::TextureHandle output) { return false; }
virtual void pipelineDestroyed(Pipeline& pipeline) {}
virtual void frame(struct Renderer& renderer) {}
struct DrawStream;
struct LUMIX_RENDERER_API Renderer : ISystem {
struct MemRef {
u32 size = 0;
void* data = nullptr;
bool own = false;
struct TransientSlice {
gpu::BufferHandle buffer;
u32 offset;
u32 size;
u8* ptr;
enum { MAX_SHADER_DEFINES = 32 };
virtual void frame() = 0;
virtual u32 frameNumber() const = 0;
virtual void waitForRender() = 0;
virtual void waitForCommandSetup() = 0;
virtual void waitCanSetup() = 0;
virtual struct Engine& getEngine() = 0;
virtual float getLODMultiplier() const = 0;
virtual void setLODMultiplier(float value) = 0;
virtual struct LinearAllocator& getCurrentFrameAllocator() = 0;
virtual IAllocator& getAllocator() = 0;
virtual MemRef allocate(u32 size) = 0;
virtual MemRef copy(const void* data, u32 size) = 0 ;
virtual void free(const MemRef& memory) = 0;
virtual void addPlugin(RenderPlugin& plugin) = 0;
virtual void removePlugin(RenderPlugin& plugin) = 0;
virtual Span<RenderPlugin*> getPlugins() = 0;
virtual u8 getShaderDefineIdx(const char* define) = 0;
virtual const char* getShaderDefine(int define_idx) const = 0;
virtual int getShaderDefinesCount() const = 0;
virtual u8 getLayerIdx(const char* name) = 0;
virtual u8 getLayersCount() const = 0;
virtual const char* getLayerName(u8 layer) const = 0;
virtual u32 allocSortKey(struct Mesh* mesh) = 0;
virtual void freeSortKey(u32 key) = 0;
virtual u32 getMaxSortKey() const = 0;
virtual const Mesh** getSortKeyToMeshMap() const = 0;
virtual const char* getSemanticDefines(Span<const AttributeSemantic> attributes) = 0;
virtual struct FontManager& getFontManager() = 0;
virtual struct ResourceManager& getTextureManager() = 0;
virtual u32 createMaterialConstants(Span<const float> data) = 0;
virtual void destroyMaterialConstants(u32 id) = 0;
virtual gpu::BufferHandle getMaterialUniformBuffer() = 0;
virtual TransientSlice allocTransient(u32 size) = 0;
virtual TransientSlice allocUniform(u32 size) = 0;
virtual TransientSlice allocUniform(const void* data, u32 size) = 0;
virtual gpu::BufferHandle createBuffer(const MemRef& memory, gpu::BufferFlags flags) = 0;
virtual gpu::TextureHandle createTexture(u32 w, u32 h, u32 depth, gpu::TextureFormat format, gpu::TextureFlags flags, const MemRef& memory, const char* debug_name) = 0;
virtual gpu::ProgramHandle queueShaderCompile(struct Shader& shader, const struct ShaderKey& key, gpu::VertexDecl decl) = 0;
virtual DrawStream& getDrawStream() = 0;
virtual DrawStream& getEndFrameDrawStream() = 0;
template <typename T> void pushJob(const char* name, const T& func);
template <typename T> void pushJob(const T& func) { pushJob(nullptr, func); }
virtual void beginProfileBlock(const char* name, i64 link, bool stats = false) = 0;
virtual void endProfileBlock() = 0;
virtual void setupJob(void* user_ptr, void(*task)(void*)) = 0;
template <typename T>
void Renderer::pushJob(const char* name, const T& func) {
struct Context {
Context(DrawStream& stream, T func, const char* name)
: stream(stream)
, func(func)
, name(name)
static void run(void* ptr) {
Context* that = (Context*)ptr;
if (that->name) {
const i64 link = profiler::createNewLinkID();
profiler::blockColor(0x7f, 0, 0x7f);
that->stream.beginProfileBlock(that->name, link);
if (that->name) {
DrawStream& stream;
T func;
const char* name;
DrawStream& parent = getDrawStream();
u8* mem = parent.userAlloc(sizeof(Context));
DrawStream& stream = parent.createSubstream();
Context* ctx = new (NewPlaceholder(), mem) Context(stream, func, name);
setupJob(ctx, &Context::run);
} // namespace Lumix