2021-12-02 23:07:23 +01:00

740 lines
19 KiB

#include <transcoder/basisu_transcoder.h>
#include "engine/crt.h"
#include "engine/file_system.h"
#include "engine/log.h"
#include "engine/math.h"
#include "engine/path.h"
#include "engine/os.h"
#include "engine/profiler.h"
#include "engine/resource_manager.h"
#include "engine/stream.h"
#include "engine/string.h"
#include "renderer/renderer.h"
#include "renderer/texture.h"
#include "stb/stb_image.h"
namespace Lumix
const ResourceType Texture::TYPE("texture");
Texture::Texture(const Path& path, ResourceManager& resource_manager, Renderer& renderer, IAllocator& _allocator)
: Resource(path, resource_manager, _allocator)
, data_reference(0)
, allocator(_allocator)
, data(_allocator)
, format(gpu::TextureFormat::RGBA8)
, depth(1)
, width(0)
, height(0)
, mips(0)
, renderer(renderer)
flags = 0;
is_cubemap = false;
handle = gpu::INVALID_TEXTURE;
bool Texture::getFlag(Flags flag)
return flags & u32(flag);
void Texture::setFlag(Flags flag, bool value)
u32 new_flags = flags & ~u32(flag);
new_flags |= value ? u32(flag) : 0;
flags = new_flags;
void Texture::setFlags(u32 flags)
if (isReady() && this->flags != flags) {
logWarning("Trying to set different flags for texture ", getPath().c_str(), ". They are ignored.");
this->flags = flags;
void Texture::destroy()
bool Texture::create(u32 w, u32 h, gpu::TextureFormat format, const void* data, u32 size)
Renderer::MemRef memory = renderer.copy(data, size);
handle = renderer.createTexture(w, h, 1, format, getGPUFlags() | gpu::TextureFlags::NO_MIPS, memory, getPath().c_str());
mips = 1;
width = w;
height = h;
const bool isReady = handle;
onCreated(isReady ? State::READY : State::FAILURE);
return isReady;
u32 Texture::getPixelNearest(u32 x, u32 y) const
if (data.empty() || x >= width || y >= height || x < 0 || y < 0 || format != gpu::TextureFormat::RGBA8) return 0;
return *(u32*)&[(x + y * width) * 4];
u32 Texture::getPixel(float x, float y) const
ASSERT(format == gpu::TextureFormat::RGBA8);
if (data.empty() || x >= width || y >= height || x < 0 || y < 0)
return 0;
int px = (int)x;
int py = (int)y;
const u32* p0 = (u32*)&[(px + py * width) * 4];
const u8* p1 = (u8*)p0;
const u8* p2 = (u8*)(p0 + 1);
const u8* p3 = (u8*)(p0 + width);
const u8* p4 = (u8*)(p0 + 1 + width);
float fx = x - px;
float fy = y - py;
float fx1 = 1.0f - fx;
float fy1 = 1.0f - fy;
int w1 = (int)(fx1 * fy1 * 256.0f);
int w2 = (int)(fx * fy1 * 256.0f);
int w3 = (int)(fx1 * fy * 256.0f);
int w4 = (int)(fx * fy * 256.0f);
alignas(u32) u8 res[4];
res[0] = (u8)((p1[0] * w1 + p2[0] * w2 + p3[0] * w3 + p4[0] * w4) >> 8);
res[1] = (u8)((p1[1] * w1 + p2[1] * w2 + p3[1] * w3 + p4[1] * w4) >> 8);
res[2] = (u8)((p1[2] * w1 + p2[2] * w2 + p3[2] * w3 + p4[2] * w4) >> 8);
res[3] = (u8)((p1[3] * w1 + p2[3] * w2 + p3[3] * w3 + p4[3] * w4) >> 8);
return *(u32*)res;
bool Texture::saveTGA(IOutputStream* file,
int width,
int height,
gpu::TextureFormat format,
const u8* image_dest,
bool upper_left_origin,
const Path& path,
IAllocator& allocator)
if (format != gpu::TextureFormat::RGBA8) {
logError("Texture ", path, " could not be saved, unsupported TGA format");
return false;
u8* data = (u8*)allocator.allocate(width * height * 4);
TGAHeader header;
memset(&header, 0, sizeof(header));
header.bitsPerPixel = (char)(4 * 8);
header.height = (short)height;
header.width = (short)width;
header.dataType = 2;
header.imageDescriptor = upper_left_origin ? 32 : 0;
file->write(&header, sizeof(header));
for (long y = 0; y < header.height; y++)
long write_index = y * header.width * 4;
for (long x = 0; x < header.width; x++)
data[write_index + 0] = image_dest[write_index + 2];
data[write_index + 1] = image_dest[write_index + 1];
data[write_index + 2] = image_dest[write_index + 0];
data[write_index + 3] = image_dest[write_index + 3];
write_index += 4;
file->write(data, width * height * 4);
return true;
static void saveTGA(Texture& texture)
if (
logError("Texture ", texture.getPath(), " could not be saved, no data was loaded");
os::OutputFile file;
FileSystem& fs = texture.getResourceManager().getOwner().getFileSystem();
if (!, file)) {
logError("Failed to create file ", texture.getPath());
void Texture::save()
char ext[5];
makeLowercase(Span(ext), Path::getExtension(Span(getPath().c_str(), getPath().length())).begin());
if (equalStrings(ext, "raw") && format == gpu::TextureFormat::R16)
FileSystem& fs = m_resource_manager.getOwner().getFileSystem();
os::OutputFile file;
if (!, file)) {
logError("Failed to create file ", getPath());
RawTextureHeader header;
header.channels_count = 1;
header.channel_type = RawTextureHeader::ChannelType::U16;
header.is_array = false;
header.width = width;
header.height = height;
header.depth = depth;
bool success = file.write(&header, sizeof(header));
success = file.write(, data.size()) && success;
if (!success) {
logError("Failed to write ", getPath());
else if (equalStrings(ext, "tga") && format == gpu::TextureFormat::RGBA8)
logError("Texture ", getPath(), " can not be saved - unsupported format");
void Texture::onDataUpdated(u32 x, u32 y, u32 w, u32 h)
u32 bytes_per_pixel = getBytesPerPixel(format);
const u8* src_mem = (const u8*);
const Renderer::MemRef mem = renderer.allocate(w * h * bytes_per_pixel);
u8* dst_mem = (u8*);
for (u32 j = 0; j < h; ++j) {
&dst_mem[(j * w) * bytes_per_pixel],
&src_mem[(x + (y + j) * width) * bytes_per_pixel],
bytes_per_pixel * w);
renderer.updateTexture(handle, 0, x, y, w, h, format, mem);
static bool loadRaw(Texture& texture, InputMemoryStream& file, IAllocator& allocator)
RawTextureHeader header;, sizeof(header));
if (header.magic != RawTextureHeader::MAGIC) {
logError(texture.getPath(), ": corrupted file or not raw texture format.");
return false;
if (header.version > RawTextureHeader::LAST_VERSION) {
logError(texture.getPath(), ": unsupported version.");
return false;
texture.width = header.width;
texture.height = header.height;
texture.depth = header.depth;
switch(header.channel_type) {
case RawTextureHeader::ChannelType::FLOAT:
switch (header.channels_count) {
case 1: texture.format = gpu::TextureFormat::R32F; break;
case 4: texture.format = gpu::TextureFormat::RGBA32F; break;
default: ASSERT(false); return false;
case RawTextureHeader::ChannelType::U8:
switch (header.channels_count) {
case 1: texture.format = gpu::TextureFormat::R8; break;
case 4: texture.format = gpu::TextureFormat::RGBA8; break;
default: ASSERT(false); return false;
case RawTextureHeader::ChannelType::U16:
switch (header.channels_count) {
case 1: texture.format = gpu::TextureFormat::R16; break;
case 4: texture.format = gpu::TextureFormat::RGBA16; break;
default: ASSERT(false); return false;
default: ASSERT(false); return false;
const u64 size = file.size() - file.getPosition();
const u8* data = (const u8*)file.getBuffer() + file.getPosition();
if (texture.data_reference) {;, size);
const Renderer::MemRef dst_mem = texture.renderer.copy(data, (u32)size);
const gpu::TextureFlags flag_3d = header.depth > 1 && !header.is_array ? gpu::TextureFlags::IS_3D : gpu::TextureFlags::NONE;
texture.handle = texture.renderer.createTexture(texture.width
, texture.height
, texture.depth
, texture.format
, (texture.getGPUFlags() & ~gpu::TextureFlags::SRGB) | flag_3d | gpu::TextureFlags::NO_MIPS
, dst_mem
, texture.getPath().c_str());
texture.mips = 1;
texture.is_cubemap = false;
return texture.handle;
static void flipVertical(u32* image, int width, int height)
for (int j = 0; j < height / 2; ++j)
int row_offset = width * j;
int inv_j = height - j - 1;
int inv_row_offset = width * inv_j;
for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i)
u32 tmp = image[i + row_offset];
image[i + row_offset] = image[i + inv_row_offset];
image[i + inv_row_offset] = tmp;
bool Texture::loadTGA(IInputStream& file)
TGAHeader header;, sizeof(header));
int image_size = header.width * header.height * 4;
if (header.dataType != 2 && header.dataType != 10)
int w, h, cmp;
stbi_uc* stb_data = stbi_load_from_memory(static_cast<const stbi_uc*>(file.getBuffer()) + 7, (int)file.size() - 7, &w, &h, &cmp, 4);
if (!stb_data) {
logError("Unsupported texture format ", getPath());
return false;
Renderer::MemRef mem;
if (!data_reference) mem = renderer.allocate(image_size);
u8* image_dest = data_reference ? data.getMutableData() : (u8*);
memcpy(image_dest, stb_data, image_size);
//if ((header.imageDescriptor & 32) == 0) flipVertical((u32*)image_dest, header.width, header.height);
is_cubemap = false;
width = header.width;
height = header.height;
mips = 1;
if (data_reference) mem = renderer.copy(image_dest, image_size);
const bool is_srgb = flags & (u32)Flags::SRGB;
format = is_srgb ? gpu::TextureFormat::SRGBA : gpu::TextureFormat::RGBA8;
handle = renderer.createTexture(header.width
, header.height
, 1
, format
, getGPUFlags() & ~gpu::TextureFlags::SRGB | gpu::TextureFlags::NO_MIPS
, mem
, getPath().c_str());
depth = 1;
return handle;
if (header.bitsPerPixel < 24)
logError("Unsupported color mode ", getPath());
return false;
width = header.width;
height = header.height;
int pixel_count = width * height;
is_cubemap = false;
if (data_reference) data.resize(image_size);
Renderer::MemRef mem;
if (!data_reference) mem = renderer.allocate(image_size);
u8* image_dest = data_reference ? data.getMutableData() : (u8*);
u32 bytes_per_pixel = header.bitsPerPixel / 8;
bool is_rle = header.dataType == 10;
if (is_rle)
PROFILE_BLOCK("read rle");
u8* out = image_dest;
u8 byte;
struct Pixel {
u8 uint8[4];
} pixel;
{, sizeof(byte));
if (byte < 128)
u8 count = byte + 1;
for (u8 i = 0; i < count; ++i)
{, bytes_per_pixel);
out[0] = pixel.uint8[2];
out[1] = pixel.uint8[1];
out[2] = pixel.uint8[0];
if (bytes_per_pixel == 4) out[3] = pixel.uint8[3];
else out[3] = 255;
out += 4;
byte -= 127;, bytes_per_pixel);
for (int i = 0; i < byte; ++i)
out[0] = pixel.uint8[2];
out[1] = pixel.uint8[1];
out[2] = pixel.uint8[0];
if (bytes_per_pixel == 4) out[3] = pixel.uint8[3];
else out[3] = 255;
out += 4;
} while (out - image_dest < pixel_count * 4);
if (bytes_per_pixel == 4)
PROFILE_BLOCK("read 4BPP");, header.width * header.height * bytes_per_pixel);
for (long y = 0; y < header.height; y++)
long idx = y * header.width * bytes_per_pixel;
u8* LUMIX_RESTRICT cursor = &image_dest[idx];
const u8* row_end = cursor + header.width * bytes_per_pixel;
while(cursor != row_end)
const u8 tmp = cursor[0];
cursor[0] = cursor[2];
cursor[2] = tmp;
cursor += 4;
for (long y = 0; y < header.height; y++)
long idx = y * header.width * 4;
for (long x = 0; x < header.width; x++)
{[idx + 2], sizeof(u8));[idx + 1], sizeof(u8));[idx + 0], sizeof(u8));
image_dest[idx + 3] = 255;
idx += 4;
if ((header.imageDescriptor & 32) == 0) flipVertical((u32*)image_dest, header.width, header.height);
mips = 1;
if (data_reference) mem = renderer.copy(image_dest, image_size);
const bool is_srgb = flags & (u32)Flags::SRGB;
format = is_srgb ? gpu::TextureFormat::SRGBA : gpu::TextureFormat::RGBA8;
handle = renderer.createTexture(header.width
, header.height
, 1
, format
, getGPUFlags() & ~gpu::TextureFlags::SRGB | gpu::TextureFlags::NO_MIPS
, mem
, getPath().c_str());
depth = 1;
return handle;
void Texture::addDataReference()
if (data_reference == 1 && isReady())
void Texture::removeDataReference()
if (data_reference == 0)
u8* Texture::getLBCInfo(const void* data, gpu::TextureDesc& desc) {
const LBCHeader* hdr = (const LBCHeader*)data;
if (hdr->magic != LBCHeader::MAGIC) return nullptr;
if (hdr->version > 0) return nullptr;
desc.width = hdr->w;
desc.height = hdr->h;
desc.is_cubemap = hdr->flags & LBCHeader::CUBEMAP;
desc.mips = hdr->mips;
desc.depth = hdr->slices;
desc.format = hdr->format;
return (u8*)data + sizeof(*hdr);
static bool loadBasisU(Texture& texture, IInputStream& file)
if(texture.data_reference > 0) {
logError("Unsupported texture format ", texture.getPath(), " to access on CPU. Use uncompressed TGA without mipmaps or RAW.");
return false;
static bool once = []() { basist::basisu_transcoder_init(); return true; }();
InputMemoryStream blob(file.getBuffer(), file.size());
const gpu::TextureFormat gpu_format =<gpu::TextureFormat>();
const u32 size = u32(blob.size() - blob.getPosition());
const u8* data = (const u8*)blob.skip(size);
basist::basisu_transcoder transcoder(nullptr);
if (transcoder.validate_header(data, size)) {
basist::basisu_image_info info;
if (transcoder.get_image_info(data, size, info, 0)) {
basist::basisu_file_info fileInfo;
transcoder.get_file_info(data, size, fileInfo);
if (transcoder.start_transcoding(data, size)) {
gpu::TextureDesc desc;
desc.width = info.m_width;
desc.height = info.m_height;
desc.depth = 1;
desc.format = gpu_format;
desc.is_cubemap = false;
desc.mips = info.m_total_levels;
OutputMemoryStream tmp(texture.allocator);
u32 blocks = 0;
for (u32 i = 0; i < info.m_total_levels; ++i) {
u32 w = maximum(info.m_width >> i, 1);
u32 h = maximum(info.m_height >> i, 1);
blocks += (w + 3) / 4 * (h + 3) / 4;
basist::transcoder_texture_format format;
switch(gpu_format) {
case gpu::TextureFormat::BC1: format = basist::transcoder_texture_format::cTFBC1; break;
case gpu::TextureFormat::BC3: format = basist::transcoder_texture_format::cTFBC3; break;
case gpu::TextureFormat::BC5: format = basist::transcoder_texture_format::cTFBC5; break;
default: ASSERT(false); break;
const u32 block_bytes_size = (gpu_format == gpu::TextureFormat::BC1 ? 8 : 16);
tmp.resize(block_bytes_size * blocks);
u8* ptr = tmp.getMutableData();
for (u32 i = 0; i < info.m_total_levels; ++i) {
u32 w = maximum(info.m_width >> i, 1);
u32 h = maximum(info.m_height >> i, 1);
u32 mip_blocks = ((w + 3) / 4) * ((h + 3) / 4);
transcoder.get_image_level_desc(data, size, 0, i, w, h, mip_blocks);
if (!transcoder.transcode_image_level(data, size, 0, i, ptr, mip_blocks, format)) return false;
ptr += mip_blocks * block_bytes_size;
Renderer::MemRef mem = texture.renderer.copy(, (u32)tmp.size());
texture.handle = texture.renderer.loadTexture(desc, mem, texture.getGPUFlags(), texture.getPath().c_str());
if (texture.handle) {
texture.mips = info.m_total_levels;
texture.width = desc.width;
texture.height = desc.height;
texture.mips = desc.mips;
texture.depth = desc.depth;
texture.is_cubemap = desc.is_cubemap;
return texture.handle;
return false;
static bool loadLBC(Texture& texture, const u8* data, u32 size)
gpu::TextureDesc desc;
const u8* image_data = Texture::getLBCInfo(data, desc);
if (!image_data) {
logError("Corrupted or unsupported texture ", texture.getPath());
return false;
const u32 offset = u32(image_data - data);
if (offset >= size) return false;
if(texture.data_reference > 0) {
if (desc.format != gpu::TextureFormat::RGBA8) {
logError("Unsupported texture format ", texture.getPath(), " to access on CPU. Use uncompressed TGA without mipmaps or RAW.");
else { - offset);
memcpy(, image_data,;
Renderer::MemRef mem = texture.renderer.copy(image_data, size - offset);
texture.handle = texture.renderer.loadTexture(desc, mem, texture.getGPUFlags(), texture.getPath().c_str());
if (texture.handle) {
texture.width = desc.width;
texture.height = desc.height;
texture.mips = desc.mips;
texture.depth = desc.depth;
texture.is_cubemap = desc.is_cubemap;
return texture.handle;
gpu::TextureFlags Texture::getGPUFlags() const
gpu::TextureFlags gpu_flags = gpu::TextureFlags::NONE;
if(flags & (u32)Flags::SRGB) {
gpu_flags = gpu_flags | gpu::TextureFlags::SRGB;
if(flags & (u32)Flags::POINT) {
gpu_flags = gpu_flags | gpu::TextureFlags::POINT_FILTER;
if(flags & (u32)Flags::ANISOTROPIC) {
gpu_flags = gpu_flags | gpu::TextureFlags::ANISOTROPIC_FILTER;
if (flags & (u32)Flags::CLAMP_U) {
gpu_flags = gpu_flags | gpu::TextureFlags::CLAMP_U;
if (flags & (u32)Flags::CLAMP_V) {
gpu_flags = gpu_flags | gpu::TextureFlags::CLAMP_V;
if (flags & (u32)Flags::CLAMP_W) {
gpu_flags = gpu_flags | gpu::TextureFlags::CLAMP_W;
return gpu_flags;
bool Texture::load(u64 size, const u8* mem)
char ext[4] = {};
InputMemoryStream file(mem, size);
if (!, 3)) return false;
if (!, sizeof(flags))) return false;
bool loaded = false;
if (equalIStrings(ext, "bsu")) {
loaded = loadBasisU(*this, file);
} else
if (equalIStrings(ext, "dds")) {
logWarning("Outdated baked texture ", getPath(), ". Please delete directory .lumix and try again");
return false;
if (equalIStrings(ext, "lbc")) {
loaded = loadLBC(*this, (const u8*)file.getBuffer() + file.getPosition(), u32(file.size() - file.getPosition()));
else if (equalIStrings(ext, "raw")) {
loaded = loadRaw(*this, file, allocator);
else {
loaded = loadTGA(file);
if (!loaded) {
logWarning("Error loading texture ", getPath());
return false;
return true;
void Texture::unload()
if (handle) {
handle = gpu::INVALID_TEXTURE;
} // namespace Lumix