2020-06-11 22:47:22 +02:00

543 lines
12 KiB

#pragma once
namespace ofbx
typedef unsigned char u8;
typedef unsigned short u16;
typedef unsigned int u32;
#ifdef _WIN32
typedef long long i64;
typedef unsigned long long u64;
typedef long i64;
typedef unsigned long u64;
static_assert(sizeof(u8) == 1, "u8 is not 1 byte");
static_assert(sizeof(u32) == 4, "u32 is not 4 bytes");
static_assert(sizeof(u64) == 8, "u64 is not 8 bytes");
static_assert(sizeof(i64) == 8, "i64 is not 8 bytes");
using JobFunction = void (*)(void*);
using JobProcessor = void (*)(JobFunction, void*, void*, u32, u32);
enum class LoadFlags : u64 {
struct Vec2
double x, y;
struct Vec3
double x, y, z;
struct Vec4
double x, y, z, w;
struct Matrix
double m[16]; // last 4 are translation
struct Quat
double x, y, z, w;
struct Color
float r, g, b;
struct DataView
const u8* begin = nullptr;
const u8* end = nullptr;
bool is_binary = true;
bool operator!=(const char* rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); }
bool operator==(const char* rhs) const;
u64 toU64() const;
i64 toI64() const;
int toInt() const;
u32 toU32() const;
double toDouble() const;
float toFloat() const;
template <int N>
void toString(char(&out)[N]) const
char* cout = out;
const u8* cin = begin;
while (cin != end && cout - out < N - 1)
*cout = (char)*cin;
*cout = '\0';
struct IElementProperty
enum Type : unsigned char
LONG = 'L',
FLOAT = 'F',
ARRAY_INT = 'i',
virtual ~IElementProperty() {}
virtual Type getType() const = 0;
virtual IElementProperty* getNext() const = 0;
virtual DataView getValue() const = 0;
virtual int getCount() const = 0;
virtual bool getValues(double* values, int max_size) const = 0;
virtual bool getValues(int* values, int max_size) const = 0;
virtual bool getValues(float* values, int max_size) const = 0;
virtual bool getValues(u64* values, int max_size) const = 0;
virtual bool getValues(i64* values, int max_size) const = 0;
struct IElement
virtual ~IElement() = default;
virtual IElement* getFirstChild() const = 0;
virtual IElement* getSibling() const = 0;
virtual DataView getID() const = 0;
virtual IElementProperty* getFirstProperty() const = 0;
enum class RotationOrder
SPHERIC_XYZ // Currently unsupported. Treated as EULER_XYZ.
struct AnimationCurveNode;
struct AnimationLayer;
struct Scene;
struct IScene;
struct Object
enum class Type
Object(const Scene& _scene, const IElement& _element);
virtual ~Object() {}
virtual Type getType() const = 0;
const IScene& getScene() const;
Object* resolveObjectLink(int idx) const;
Object* resolveObjectLink(Type type, const char* property, int idx) const;
Object* resolveObjectLinkReverse(Type type) const;
Object* getParent() const;
RotationOrder getRotationOrder() const;
Vec3 getRotationOffset() const;
Vec3 getRotationPivot() const;
Vec3 getPostRotation() const;
Vec3 getScalingOffset() const;
Vec3 getScalingPivot() const;
Vec3 getPreRotation() const;
Vec3 getLocalTranslation() const;
Vec3 getLocalRotation() const;
Vec3 getLocalScaling() const;
Matrix getGlobalTransform() const;
Matrix getLocalTransform() const;
Matrix evalLocal(const Vec3& translation, const Vec3& rotation) const;
Matrix evalLocal(const Vec3& translation, const Vec3& rotation, const Vec3& scaling) const;
bool isNode() const { return is_node; }
template <typename T> T* resolveObjectLink(int idx) const
return static_cast<T*>(resolveObjectLink(T::s_type, nullptr, idx));
u64 id;
char name[128];
const IElement& element;
const Object* node_attribute;
bool is_node;
const Scene& scene;
struct Pose : Object {
static const Type s_type = Type::POSE;
Pose(const Scene& _scene, const IElement& _element);
virtual Matrix getMatrix() const = 0;
virtual const Object* getNode() const = 0;
struct Texture : Object
enum TextureType
static const Type s_type = Type::TEXTURE;
Texture(const Scene& _scene, const IElement& _element);
virtual DataView getFileName() const = 0;
virtual DataView getRelativeFileName() const = 0;
virtual DataView getEmbeddedData() const = 0;
struct Material : Object
static const Type s_type = Type::MATERIAL;
Material(const Scene& _scene, const IElement& _element);
virtual Color getDiffuseColor() const = 0;
virtual Color getSpecularColor() const = 0;
virtual Color getReflectionColor() const = 0;
virtual Color getAmbientColor() const = 0;
virtual Color getEmissiveColor() const = 0;
virtual double getDiffuseFactor() const = 0;
virtual double getSpecularFactor() const = 0;
virtual double getReflectionFactor() const = 0;
virtual double getShininess() const = 0;
virtual double getShininessExponent() const = 0;
virtual double getAmbientFactor() const = 0;
virtual double getBumpFactor() const = 0;
virtual double getEmissiveFactor() const = 0;
virtual const Texture* getTexture(Texture::TextureType type) const = 0;
struct Cluster : Object
static const Type s_type = Type::CLUSTER;
Cluster(const Scene& _scene, const IElement& _element);
virtual const int* getIndices() const = 0;
virtual int getIndicesCount() const = 0;
virtual const double* getWeights() const = 0;
virtual int getWeightsCount() const = 0;
virtual Matrix getTransformMatrix() const = 0;
virtual Matrix getTransformLinkMatrix() const = 0;
virtual const Object* getLink() const = 0;
struct Skin : Object
static const Type s_type = Type::SKIN;
Skin(const Scene& _scene, const IElement& _element);
virtual int getClusterCount() const = 0;
virtual const Cluster* getCluster(int idx) const = 0;
struct BlendShapeChannel : Object
static const Type s_type = Type::BLEND_SHAPE_CHANNEL;
BlendShapeChannel(const Scene& _scene, const IElement& _element);
virtual double getDeformPercent() const = 0;
virtual int getShapeCount() const = 0;
virtual const struct Shape* getShape(int idx) const = 0;
struct BlendShape : Object
static const Type s_type = Type::BLEND_SHAPE;
BlendShape(const Scene& _scene, const IElement& _element);
virtual int getBlendShapeChannelCount() const = 0;
virtual const BlendShapeChannel* getBlendShapeChannel(int idx) const = 0;
struct NodeAttribute : Object
static const Type s_type = Type::NODE_ATTRIBUTE;
NodeAttribute(const Scene& _scene, const IElement& _element);
virtual DataView getAttributeType() const = 0;
struct Geometry : Object
static const Type s_type = Type::GEOMETRY;
static const int s_uvs_max = 4;
Geometry(const Scene& _scene, const IElement& _element);
virtual const Vec3* getVertices() const = 0;
virtual int getVertexCount() const = 0;
virtual const int* getFaceIndices() const = 0;
virtual int getIndexCount() const = 0;
virtual const Vec3* getNormals() const = 0;
virtual const Vec2* getUVs(int index = 0) const = 0;
virtual const Vec4* getColors() const = 0;
virtual const Vec3* getTangents() const = 0;
virtual const Skin* getSkin() const = 0;
virtual const BlendShape* getBlendShape() const = 0;
virtual const int* getMaterials() const = 0;
struct Shape : Object
static const Type s_type = Type::SHAPE;
Shape(const Scene& _scene, const IElement& _element);
virtual const Vec3* getVertices() const = 0;
virtual int getVertexCount() const = 0;
virtual const Vec3* getNormals() const = 0;
struct Mesh : Object
static const Type s_type = Type::MESH;
Mesh(const Scene& _scene, const IElement& _element);
virtual const Pose* getPose() const = 0;
virtual const Geometry* getGeometry() const = 0;
virtual Matrix getGeometricMatrix() const = 0;
virtual const Material* getMaterial(int idx) const = 0;
virtual int getMaterialCount() const = 0;
struct AnimationStack : Object
static const Type s_type = Type::ANIMATION_STACK;
AnimationStack(const Scene& _scene, const IElement& _element);
virtual const AnimationLayer* getLayer(int index) const = 0;
struct AnimationLayer : Object
static const Type s_type = Type::ANIMATION_LAYER;
AnimationLayer(const Scene& _scene, const IElement& _element);
virtual const AnimationCurveNode* getCurveNode(int index) const = 0;
virtual const AnimationCurveNode* getCurveNode(const Object& bone, const char* property) const = 0;
struct AnimationCurve : Object
static const Type s_type = Type::ANIMATION_CURVE;
AnimationCurve(const Scene& _scene, const IElement& _element);
virtual int getKeyCount() const = 0;
virtual const i64* getKeyTime() const = 0;
virtual const float* getKeyValue() const = 0;
struct AnimationCurveNode : Object
static const Type s_type = Type::ANIMATION_CURVE_NODE;
AnimationCurveNode(const Scene& _scene, const IElement& _element);
virtual const AnimationCurve* getCurve(int idx) const = 0;
virtual Vec3 getNodeLocalTransform(double time) const = 0;
virtual const Object* getBone() const = 0;
struct TakeInfo
DataView name;
DataView filename;
double local_time_from;
double local_time_to;
double reference_time_from;
double reference_time_to;
// Specifies which canonical axis represents up in the system (typically Y or Z).
enum UpVector
UpVector_AxisX = 0,
UpVector_AxisY = 1,
UpVector_AxisZ = 2
// Vector with origin at the screen pointing toward the camera.
enum FrontVector
FrontVector_ParityEven = 0,
FrontVector_ParityOdd = 1
// Specifies the third vector of the system.
enum CoordSystem
CoordSystem_RightHanded = 0,
CoordSystem_LeftHanded = 1
enum FrameRate
FrameRate_DEFAULT = 0,
FrameRate_120 = 1,
FrameRate_100 = 2,
FrameRate_60 = 3,
FrameRate_50 = 4,
FrameRate_48 = 5,
FrameRate_30 = 6,
FrameRate_30_DROP = 7,
FrameRate_NTSC_DROP_FRAME = 8,
FrameRate_NTSC_FULL_FRAME = 9,
FrameRate_PAL = 10,
FrameRate_CINEMA = 11,
FrameRate_1000 = 12,
FrameRate_CINEMA_ND = 13,
FrameRate_CUSTOM = 14,
struct GlobalSettings
UpVector UpAxis = UpVector_AxisX;
int UpAxisSign = 1;
FrontVector FrontAxis = FrontVector_ParityOdd;
int FrontAxisSign = 1;
CoordSystem CoordAxis = CoordSystem_RightHanded;
int CoordAxisSign = 1;
int OriginalUpAxis = 0;
int OriginalUpAxisSign = 1;
float UnitScaleFactor = 1;
float OriginalUnitScaleFactor = 1;
double TimeSpanStart = 0L;
double TimeSpanStop = 0L;
FrameRate TimeMode = FrameRate_DEFAULT;
float CustomFrameRate = -1.0f;
struct IScene
virtual void destroy() = 0;
virtual const IElement* getRootElement() const = 0;
virtual const Object* getRoot() const = 0;
virtual const TakeInfo* getTakeInfo(const char* name) const = 0;
virtual int getMeshCount() const = 0;
virtual float getSceneFrameRate() const = 0;
virtual const GlobalSettings* getGlobalSettings() const = 0;
virtual const Mesh* getMesh(int index) const = 0;
virtual int getAnimationStackCount() const = 0;
virtual const AnimationStack* getAnimationStack(int index) const = 0;
virtual const Object* const* getAllObjects() const = 0;
virtual int getAllObjectCount() const = 0;
virtual int getEmbeddedDataCount() const = 0;
virtual DataView getEmbeddedData(int index) const = 0;
virtual DataView getEmbeddedFilename(int index) const = 0;
virtual ~IScene() {}
IScene* load(const u8* data, int size, u64 flags, JobProcessor job_processor = nullptr, void* job_user_ptr = nullptr);
const char* getError();
double fbxTimeToSeconds(i64 value);
i64 secondsToFbxTime(double value);
} // namespace ofbx