
395 lines
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2012-05-26 14:26:10 +02:00
// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#include "chordline.h"
#include "xml.h"
#include "chord.h"
#include "measure.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "note.h"
2013-05-13 18:49:17 +02:00
namespace Ms {
2012-05-26 14:26:10 +02:00
// ChordLine
ChordLine::ChordLine(Score* s)
: Element(s)
setFlags(ElementFlag::MOVABLE | ElementFlag::SELECTABLE);
2012-05-26 14:26:10 +02:00
modified = false;
_chordLineType = ChordLineType::NOTYPE;
_straight = false;
_lengthX = 0.0;
_lengthY = 0.0;
2012-05-26 14:26:10 +02:00
ChordLine::ChordLine(const ChordLine& cl)
: Element(cl)
path = cl.path;
modified = cl.modified;
_chordLineType = cl._chordLineType;
_straight = cl._straight;
_lengthX = cl._lengthX;
_lengthY = cl._lengthY;
2012-05-26 14:26:10 +02:00
// setChordLineType
2012-05-26 14:26:10 +02:00
void ChordLine::setChordLineType(ChordLineType st)
2012-05-26 14:26:10 +02:00
qreal x2 = 0;
qreal y2 = 0;
switch(st) {
case ChordLineType::NOTYPE:
2012-05-26 14:26:10 +02:00
case ChordLineType::FALL:
2012-05-26 14:26:10 +02:00
x2 = 2;
y2 = 2;
case ChordLineType::PLOP:
x2 = -2;
y2 = -2;
case ChordLineType::SCOOP:
x2 = -2;
y2 = 2;
2012-05-26 14:26:10 +02:00
case ChordLineType::DOIT:
2012-05-26 14:26:10 +02:00
x2 = 2;
y2 = -2;
if (st != ChordLineType::NOTYPE) {
2012-05-26 14:26:10 +02:00
path = QPainterPath();
// chordlines to the right of the note
if (st == ChordLineType::FALL || st == ChordLineType::DOIT)
path.cubicTo(x2/2, 0.0, x2, y2/2, x2, y2);
// chordlines to the left of the note
if (st == ChordLineType::PLOP || st == ChordLineType::SCOOP)
path.cubicTo(0.0, y2/2, x2/2, y2, x2, y2);
2012-05-26 14:26:10 +02:00
_chordLineType = st;
2012-05-26 14:26:10 +02:00
// layout
void ChordLine::layout()
qreal _spatium = spatium();
if (parent()) {
Note* note = chord()->upNote();
QPointF p(note->pos());
// chordlines to the right of the note
if (_chordLineType == ChordLineType::FALL || _chordLineType == ChordLineType::DOIT)
setPos(p.x() + note->headWidth() + _spatium * .2, p.y());
// chordlines to the left of the note
if (_chordLineType == ChordLineType::PLOP)
setPos(p.x() + note->headWidth() * .25, p.y() - note->headHeight() * .75);
if (_chordLineType == ChordLineType::SCOOP) {
qreal x = p.x() + (chord()->up() ? note->headWidth() * .25 : _spatium * -.2);
setPos(x, p.y() + note->headHeight() * .75);
2012-05-26 14:26:10 +02:00
setPos(0.0, 0.0);
QRectF r(path.boundingRect());
int x1, y1, width, height = 0;
/* layout of sides have been fine-tuned below to get the
bounding box fitting around the slide, factoring in spatium,
length of slide, height, and offset from note, plus some
extra space for user mis-click error. These values have been
set to match Guitar Pro behaviour. */
// negative gradient after note
if (_straight && _chordLineType == ChordLineType::FALL) {
x1 = r.x() + _spatium;
y1 = r.height() + _spatium * 0.8 + _lengthY * 0.95;
width = r.width() + _spatium * 2 + _lengthX;
height = -r.height() - _spatium * 2 - _lengthY * 0.95;
// positive gradient after note
else if (_straight && _chordLineType == ChordLineType::DOIT) {
x1 = r.x() + _spatium;
y1 = r.y() + _spatium * 0.5 - _lengthY * 0.15;
width = r.width() + _spatium * 2.2 + _lengthX * 0.95;
height = -r.height() - _spatium * 2 + _lengthY * 0.95;
// negative gradient before note
else if (_straight && _chordLineType == ChordLineType::SCOOP) {
x1 = -r.x() - _spatium * 1.3;
y1 = -r.y() / 4 - _spatium * 0.5;
width = -r.width() - _spatium * 2.5 + _lengthX;
height = r.height() - _spatium * 1.9 + _lengthY * 1.1;
// positive gradient before note
else if (_straight && _chordLineType == ChordLineType::PLOP) {
x1 = -r.x() - _spatium * 1.2;
y1 = -r.y() + _spatium * 1.5 + _lengthY;
width = -r.width() - _spatium * 2.9 + _lengthX * 1.15;
height = -r.height() - _spatium * 2.5 - _lengthY * 0.93;
else {
x1 = r.x() * _spatium;
y1 = r.y() * _spatium;
width = r.width() * _spatium;
height = r.height() * _spatium;
bbox().setRect(x1, y1, width, height);
2012-05-26 14:26:10 +02:00
// read
2013-01-11 18:10:18 +01:00
void ChordLine::read(XmlReader& e)
2012-05-26 14:26:10 +02:00
path = QPainterPath();
2013-01-11 18:10:18 +01:00
while (e.readNextStartElement()) {
const QStringRef& tag(;
2012-05-26 14:26:10 +02:00
if (tag == "Path") {
path = QPainterPath();
QPointF curveTo;
QPointF p1;
int state = 0;
2013-01-11 18:10:18 +01:00
while (e.readNextStartElement()) {
const QStringRef& tag(;
2012-05-26 14:26:10 +02:00
if (tag == "Element") {
2013-01-11 18:10:18 +01:00
int type = e.intAttribute("type");
qreal x = e.doubleAttribute("x");
qreal y = e.doubleAttribute("y");
2012-05-26 14:26:10 +02:00
switch(QPainterPath::ElementType(type)) {
case QPainterPath::MoveToElement:
path.moveTo(x, y);
case QPainterPath::LineToElement:
path.lineTo(x, y);
case QPainterPath::CurveToElement:
curveTo.rx() = x;
curveTo.ry() = y;
state = 1;
case QPainterPath::CurveToDataElement:
if (state == 1) {
p1.rx() = x;
p1.ry() = y;
state = 2;
else if (state == 2) {
path.cubicTo(curveTo, p1, QPointF(x, y));
state = 0;
e.skipCurrentElement(); //needed to go to next Element in Path
2012-05-26 14:26:10 +02:00
2013-01-11 18:10:18 +01:00
2012-05-26 14:26:10 +02:00
modified = true;
else if (tag == "subtype")
else if (tag == "straight")
else if (tag == "lengthX")
else if (tag == "lengthY")
2012-05-26 14:26:10 +02:00
else if (!Element::readProperties(e))
2013-01-11 18:10:18 +01:00
2012-05-26 14:26:10 +02:00
// write
void ChordLine::write(Xml& xml) const
xml.tag("subtype", int(_chordLineType));
xml.tag("straight", _straight, false);
xml.tag("lengthX", _lengthX, 0.0);
xml.tag("lengthY", _lengthY, 0.0);
2012-05-26 14:26:10 +02:00
if (modified) {
int n = path.elementCount();
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
const QPainterPath::Element& e = path.elementAt(i);
xml.tagE(QString("Element type=\"%1\" x=\"%2\" y=\"%3\"")
// Symbol::draw
void ChordLine::draw(QPainter* painter) const
qreal _spatium = spatium();
if (this->isStraight()) {
QPen pen(curColor());
pen.setWidthF(_spatium * .15);
/* we use constants below in order to shift the drawing of
straight lines away from the notehead. This will gave
almost identical results to the Guitar Pro
represenation. */
// negative gradient after note
if (_chordLineType == ChordLineType::FALL)
painter->drawLine(QLineF(_spatium + 3.0, -_spatium + 2.0, _spatium * 3 + _lengthX, 2.0 + _spatium / 2 + _lengthY));
// positive gradient, after note
else if (_chordLineType == ChordLineType::DOIT)
painter->drawLine(QLineF(_spatium + 3.0, _spatium / 3 - 2.0, _spatium * 3 + _lengthX, -2.0 - _spatium / 2 + _lengthY));
else if (_chordLineType == ChordLineType::SCOOP)
painter->drawLine(QLineF(-3.5 * _spatium + _lengthX, -_spatium * 2 + _lengthY, -_spatium - 2.0, -_spatium / 2));
else if (_chordLineType == ChordLineType::PLOP)
painter->drawLine(QLineF(-3.5 * _spatium + _lengthX, _spatium + 3.0 + _lengthY, -_spatium - 3.0, -_spatium / 5));
else {
painter->scale(_spatium, _spatium);
painter->setPen(QPen(curColor(), .15, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::RoundJoin));
painter->scale(1.0/_spatium, 1.0/_spatium);
2012-05-26 14:26:10 +02:00
// editDrag
void ChordLine::editDrag(const EditData& ed)
int n = path.elementCount();
QPainterPath p;
qreal sp = spatium();
_lengthX +=;
_lengthY +=;
// used to limit how grips can affect the slide, stops the user from being able to turn one kind of slide into another
int slideBoundary = 5;
if ((_chordLineType == ChordLineType::PLOP || _chordLineType == ChordLineType::FALL) && _lengthY < -slideBoundary)
_lengthY = -slideBoundary;
else if ((_chordLineType == ChordLineType::FALL || _chordLineType == ChordLineType::DOIT) && _lengthX < -slideBoundary)
_lengthX = -slideBoundary;
else if ((_chordLineType == ChordLineType::DOIT || _chordLineType == ChordLineType::SCOOP) && _lengthY > slideBoundary)
_lengthY = slideBoundary;
else if ((_chordLineType == ChordLineType::SCOOP || _chordLineType == ChordLineType::PLOP) && _lengthX > slideBoundary)
_lengthX = slideBoundary;
2012-05-26 14:26:10 +02:00
qreal dx = / sp;
qreal dy = / sp;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
const QPainterPath::Element& e = path.elementAt(i);
qreal x = e.x;
qreal y = e.y;
if (ed.curGrip == i) {
x += dx;
y += dy;
switch(e.type) {
case QPainterPath::CurveToDataElement:
case QPainterPath::MoveToElement:
p.moveTo(x, y);
case QPainterPath::LineToElement:
p.lineTo(x, y);
case QPainterPath::CurveToElement:
qreal x2 = path.elementAt(i+1).x;
qreal y2 = path.elementAt(i+1).y;
qreal x3 = path.elementAt(i+2).x;
qreal y3 = path.elementAt(i+2).y;
if (i + 1 == ed.curGrip) {
x2 += dx;
y2 += dy;
else if (i + 2 == ed.curGrip) {
x3 += dx;
y3 += dy;
p.cubicTo(x, y, x2, y2, x3, y3);
i += 2;
path = p;
modified = true;
// updateGrips
2014-03-16 14:57:32 +01:00
void ChordLine::updateGrips(int* grips, int* defaultGrip, QRectF* grip) const
2012-05-26 14:26:10 +02:00
int n = path.elementCount();
QPointF cp(pagePos());
qreal sp = spatium();
if (_straight) {
// calculate grip to be near the head of the slide rather than near the notehead
int xOffsetAfterNote = sp * 3 + 2;
int xOffsetBeforeNote = sp * 3 + 4;
int yOffsetAterNote = -sp;
int yOffsetBeforeNote = sp + 4;
if (_chordLineType == ChordLineType::DOIT)
grip[0].translate(QPointF(xOffsetAfterNote, yOffsetAterNote));
else if (_chordLineType == ChordLineType::FALL)
grip[0].translate(QPointF(xOffsetAfterNote, -yOffsetAterNote));
else if (_chordLineType == ChordLineType::SCOOP)
grip[0].translate(QPointF(-xOffsetBeforeNote, -yOffsetBeforeNote));
else if (_chordLineType == ChordLineType::PLOP)
grip[0].translate(QPointF(-xOffsetBeforeNote, yOffsetBeforeNote));
// limit the number of grips to one
*grips = 1;
// translate on the length and height - stops the grips from goint past boundries of slide
grip[0].translate(cp + QPointF(_lengthX, _lengthY));
else {
*grips = n;
*defaultGrip = n - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
grip[i].translate(cp + QPointF(path.elementAt(i).x * sp, path.elementAt(i).y * sp));
2012-05-26 14:26:10 +02:00
2013-05-13 18:49:17 +02:00