2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
// MuseScore
// Linux Music Score Editor
// $Id: instrdialog.cpp 5580 2012-04-27 15:36:57Z wschweer $
// Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Werner Schweer and others
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "icons.h"
#include "instrwidget.h"
2018-02-26 09:06:45 +01:00
#include "stringutils.h"
2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
#include "libmscore/clef.h"
#include "libmscore/instrtemplate.h"
#include "libmscore/line.h"
#include "libmscore/measure.h"
#include "libmscore/part.h"
#include "libmscore/score.h"
#include "libmscore/segment.h"
#include "libmscore/staff.h"
#include "libmscore/stafftype.h"
#include "libmscore/style.h"
#include "libmscore/system.h"
#include "libmscore/stringdata.h"
#include "libmscore/undo.h"
#include "libmscore/keysig.h"
namespace Ms {
void filterInstruments(QTreeWidget *instrumentList, const QString &searchPhrase = QString());
// filterInstruments
void filterInstruments(QTreeWidget* instrumentList, const QString &searchPhrase)
QTreeWidgetItem* item = 0;
for (int idx = 0; (item = instrumentList->topLevelItem(idx)); ++idx) {
int numMatchedChildren = 0;
QTreeWidgetItem* ci = 0;
for (int cidx = 0; (ci = item->child(cidx)); ++cidx) {
2018-02-14 20:20:21 +01:00
// replace the unicode b (accidental) so a search phrase of "bb" would give Bb Trumpet...
2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
QString text = ci->text(0).replace(QChar(0x266d), QChar('b'));
2018-02-26 09:06:45 +01:00
// remove ligatures and diacritics
QString removedSpecialChar = stringutils::removeLigatures(text);
removedSpecialChar = stringutils::removeDiacritics(removedSpecialChar);
bool isMatch = text.contains(searchPhrase, Qt::CaseInsensitive) || removedSpecialChar.contains(searchPhrase, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
if (isMatch)
item->setHidden(numMatchedChildren == 0);
item->setExpanded(numMatchedChildren > 0 && !searchPhrase.isEmpty());
// StaffListItem
StaffListItem::StaffListItem(PartListItem* li)
: QTreeWidgetItem(li, STAFF_LIST_ITEM)
: QTreeWidgetItem(STAFF_LIST_ITEM)
// initStaffTypeCombo
void StaffListItem::initStaffTypeCombo(bool forceRecreate)
if (_staffTypeCombo && !forceRecreate) // do not init more than once
// NOTE: DO NOT DELETE the old _staffTypeCombo if already created:
// a bug in Qt looses track of (and presumably deletes) the combo set into the item
// if the item is repositioned in the tree; in this case, the pointer to the combo
// is no longer valid and cannot be used to delete it
// Call initStaffTypeCombo(true) ONLY if the item has been repositioned
// or a memory leak may result
bool canUseTabs = false; // assume only normal staves are applicable
2018-05-02 19:22:28 +02:00
int numFrettedStrings = 0;
2015-02-11 13:12:25 +01:00
bool canUsePerc = false;
2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
PartListItem* part = static_cast<PartListItem*>(QTreeWidgetItem::parent());
// PartListItem has different members filled out if used in New Score Wizard
// or in Instruments Wizard
if (part) {
const StringData* stringData = part->it ? &(part->it->stringData) :
2015-03-13 11:16:43 +01:00
( (part->part && part->part->instrument()) ? part->part->instrument()->stringData() : 0);
2018-05-02 19:22:28 +02:00
canUseTabs = stringData && stringData->frettedStrings() > 0;
if (canUseTabs)
numFrettedStrings = stringData->frettedStrings();
2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
canUsePerc = part->it ? part->it->useDrumset :
2015-03-13 11:16:43 +01:00
( (part->part && part->part->instrument()) ? part->part->instrument()->useDrumset() : false);
2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
_staffTypeCombo = new QComboBox();
int idx = 0;
for (const StaffType& st : StaffType::presets()) {
2015-02-11 13:12:25 +01:00
if ( (st.group() == StaffGroup::STANDARD && (!canUsePerc)) // percussion excludes standard
|| (st.group() == StaffGroup::PERCUSSION && canUsePerc)
2018-05-02 19:22:28 +02:00
|| (st.group() == StaffGroup::TAB && canUseTabs && st.lines() <= numFrettedStrings)) {
2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
_staffTypeCombo->addItem(st.name(), idx);
treeWidget()->setItemWidget(this, 4, _staffTypeCombo);
connect(_staffTypeCombo, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), SLOT(staffTypeChanged(int)) );
// setPartIdx
void StaffListItem::setPartIdx(int val)
_partIdx = val;
setText(0, InstrumentsWidget::tr("Staff %1").arg(_partIdx + 1));
// setClefType
void StaffListItem::setClefType(const ClefTypeList& val)
_clefType = val;
setText(2, qApp->translate("clefTable", ClefInfo::name(_clefType._transposingClef)));
// setLinked
void StaffListItem::setLinked(bool val)
_linked = val;
setIcon(3, _linked ? *icons[int(Icons::checkmark_ICON)] : QIcon() );
// setStaffType
void StaffListItem::setStaffType(const StaffType* st)
if (!st) // if no staff type given, dault to stadard
_staffTypeCombo->setCurrentIndex(0); // staff type (at combo box index 0)
else {
// if staff type given, look into combo box item data for a preset equal to staff type
for (int i = 0; i < _staffTypeCombo->count(); ++i) {
const StaffType* _st = StaffType::preset(StaffTypes(_staffTypeCombo->itemData(i).toInt()));
if (*_st == *st) {
// try harder
for (int i = 0; i < _staffTypeCombo->count(); ++i) {
const StaffType* _st = StaffType::preset(StaffTypes(_staffTypeCombo->itemData(i).toInt()));
if (_st->isSameStructure(*st)) {
qDebug("StaffListItem::setStaffType: not found\n");
_staffTypeCombo->setCurrentIndex(0); // if none found, default to standard staff type
// setStaffType
void StaffListItem::setStaffType(int idx)
int i = _staffTypeCombo->findData(idx);
if (i != -1)
// staffType
const StaffType* StaffListItem::staffType() const
return StaffType::preset(StaffTypes((staffTypeIdx())));
// staffTypeIdx
int StaffListItem::staffTypeIdx() const
return _staffTypeCombo->itemData(_staffTypeCombo->currentIndex()).toInt();
// staffTypeChanged
void StaffListItem::staffTypeChanged(int idx)
// check current clef matches new staff type
int staffTypeIdx = _staffTypeCombo->itemData(idx).toInt();
const StaffType* stfType = StaffType::preset(StaffTypes(staffTypeIdx));
PartListItem* pli = static_cast<PartListItem*>(QTreeWidgetItem::parent());
2016-12-13 13:16:17 +01:00
if (_staff && _staff->staffType(0)->name() != stfType->name()) {
2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
if (_op != ListItemOp::I_DELETE && _op != ListItemOp::ADD)
_op = ListItemOp::UPDATE;
// setVisible
void PartListItem::setVisible(bool val)
setCheckState(1, val ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
// visible
bool PartListItem::visible() const
return checkState(1) == Qt::Checked;
// updateClefs
void PartListItem::updateClefs()
for (int i = 0; i < childCount(); ++i) {
StaffListItem* sli = static_cast<StaffListItem*>(child(i));
const StaffType* stfType = StaffType::preset(StaffTypes(sli->staffTypeIdx()));
ClefTypeList clefType;
switch (stfType->group()) {
case StaffGroup::STANDARD:
clefType = sli->defaultClefType();
case StaffGroup::TAB:
clefType = ClefTypeList(ClefType::TAB);
case StaffGroup::PERCUSSION:
clefType = ClefTypeList(ClefType::PERC);
// PartListItem
PartListItem::PartListItem(Part* p, QTreeWidget* lv)
: QTreeWidgetItem(lv, PART_LIST_ITEM)
part = p;
it = 0;
op = ListItemOp::KEEP;
setText(0, p->partName());
setFlags(flags() | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable);
PartListItem::PartListItem(const InstrumentTemplate* i, QTreeWidget* lv)
: QTreeWidgetItem(lv, PART_LIST_ITEM)
part = 0;
it = i;
op = ListItemOp::ADD;
setText(0, it->trackName);
// InstrumentTemplateListItem
InstrumentTemplateListItem::InstrumentTemplateListItem(QString group, QTreeWidget* parent)
: QTreeWidgetItem(parent) {
_instrumentTemplate = 0;
_group = group;
setText(0, group);
InstrumentTemplateListItem::InstrumentTemplateListItem(InstrumentTemplate* i, InstrumentTemplateListItem* item)
: QTreeWidgetItem(item) {
_instrumentTemplate = i;
setText(0, i->trackName);
InstrumentTemplateListItem::InstrumentTemplateListItem(InstrumentTemplate* i, QTreeWidget* parent)
: QTreeWidgetItem(parent) {
_instrumentTemplate = i;
setText(0, i->trackName);
// text
QString InstrumentTemplateListItem::text(int col) const
switch (col) {
case 0:
return _instrumentTemplate ?
_instrumentTemplate->trackName : _group;
return QString("");
// InstrumentsWidget
InstrumentsWidget::InstrumentsWidget(QWidget* parent)
: QWidget(parent)
splitter->setStretchFactor(0, 10);
splitter->setStretchFactor(1, 0);
splitter->setStretchFactor(2, 15);
setWindowFlags(this->windowFlags() & ~Qt::WindowContextHelpButtonHint);
2014-10-15 19:48:38 +02:00
QStringList header = (QStringList() << tr("Staves") << tr("Visible") << tr("Clef") << tr("Linked") << tr("Staff type"));
2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
partiturList->resizeColumnToContents(1); // shrink "visible "and "linked" columns as much as possible
connect(instrumentList, SIGNAL(clicked(const QModelIndex &)), SLOT(expandOrCollapse(const QModelIndex &)));
// populateGenreCombo
void populateGenreCombo(QComboBox* combo)
combo->addItem(qApp->translate("InstrumentsDialog", "All instruments"), "all");
int i = 1;
int defaultIndex = 0;
foreach (InstrumentGenre *ig, instrumentGenres) {
combo->addItem(ig->name, ig->id);
if (ig->id == "common")
defaultIndex = i;
// populateInstrumentList
void populateInstrumentList(QTreeWidget* instrumentList)
2018-06-05 20:17:21 +02:00
// TODO: memory leak?
2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
foreach(InstrumentGroup* g, instrumentGroups) {
InstrumentTemplateListItem* group = new InstrumentTemplateListItem(g->name, instrumentList);
2018-08-14 10:03:49 +02:00
for (InstrumentTemplate* t : g->instrumentTemplates) {
2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
new InstrumentTemplateListItem(t, group);
// buildTemplateList
void InstrumentsWidget::buildTemplateList()
// clear search if instrument list is updated
// expandOrCollapse
void InstrumentsWidget::expandOrCollapse(const QModelIndex &model)
// genPartList
void InstrumentsWidget::genPartList(Score* cs)
2016-12-13 13:16:17 +01:00
foreach (Part* p, cs->parts()) {
2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
PartListItem* pli = new PartListItem(p, partiturList);
2018-08-14 10:03:49 +02:00
for (Staff* s : *p->staves()) {
2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
StaffListItem* sli = new StaffListItem(pli);
2018-04-27 13:29:20 +02:00
const LinkedElements* ls = s->links();
2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
bool bLinked = false;
2016-02-06 22:03:43 +01:00
if (ls && !ls->empty()) {
2018-04-27 13:29:20 +02:00
for (auto le : *ls) {
Staff* ps = toStaff(le);
2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
if (ps != s && ps->score() == s->score()) {
bLinked = true;
2016-12-13 13:16:17 +01:00
sli->setStaffType(s->staffType(0)); // TODO
2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
partiturList->setItemExpanded(pli, true);
partiturList->resizeColumnToContents(2); // adjust width of "Clef " and "Staff type" columns
// on_instrumentList_itemSelectionChanged
void InstrumentsWidget::on_instrumentList_itemSelectionChanged()
QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> wi = instrumentList->selectedItems();
bool flag = !wi.isEmpty();
// on_partiturList_itemSelectionChanged
void InstrumentsWidget::on_partiturList_itemSelectionChanged()
QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> wi = partiturList->selectedItems();
if (wi.isEmpty()) {
QTreeWidgetItem* item = wi.front();
bool flag = item != 0;
int count = 0; // item can be hidden
QTreeWidgetItem* it = 0;
QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> witems;
if(item->type() == PART_LIST_ITEM) {
for (int idx = 0; (it = partiturList->topLevelItem(idx)); ++idx) {
if (!it->isHidden()) {
else {
for (int idx = 0; (it = item->parent()->child(idx)); ++idx) {
if (!it->isHidden()){
bool onlyOne = (count == 1);
bool first = (witems.first() == item);
bool last = (witems.last() == item);
removeButton->setEnabled(flag && !onlyOne);
upButton->setEnabled(flag && !onlyOne && !first);
downButton->setEnabled(flag && !onlyOne && !last);
linkedButton->setEnabled(item && item->type() == STAFF_LIST_ITEM);
belowButton->setEnabled(item && item->type() == STAFF_LIST_ITEM);
// on_instrumentList
void InstrumentsWidget::on_instrumentList_itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*, int)
// on_addButton_clicked
// add instrument to partitur
void InstrumentsWidget::on_addButton_clicked()
foreach(QTreeWidgetItem* i, instrumentList->selectedItems()) {
InstrumentTemplateListItem* item = static_cast<InstrumentTemplateListItem*>(i);
const InstrumentTemplate* it = item->instrumentTemplate();
if (it == 0)
PartListItem* pli = new PartListItem(it, partiturList);
pli->op = ListItemOp::ADD;
int n = it->nstaves();
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
StaffListItem* sli = new StaffListItem(pli);
partiturList->setItemExpanded(pli, true);
partiturList->clearSelection(); // should not be necessary
partiturList->setItemSelected(pli, true);
emit completeChanged(true);
// on_removeButton_clicked
// remove instrument from partitur
void InstrumentsWidget::on_removeButton_clicked()
QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> wi = partiturList->selectedItems();
if (wi.isEmpty())
QTreeWidgetItem* item = wi.front();
QTreeWidgetItem* parent = item->parent();
if (parent) {
if (((StaffListItem*)item)->op() == ListItemOp::ADD) {
if (parent->childCount() == 1) {
delete parent;
else {
delete item;
else {
2014-12-01 12:29:36 +01:00
// check if a staff is linked to this staff
int idx = parent->indexOfChild(item);
StaffListItem* sli = static_cast<StaffListItem*>(parent->child(idx+1));
if (sli) {
StaffListItem* sli2 = static_cast<StaffListItem*>(parent->child(idx+2));
if (sli->linked() && !(sli2 && sli2->linked())) {
2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
2015-02-16 12:05:00 +01:00
partiturList->setItemSelected(parent, true);
2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
else {
2015-02-16 12:05:00 +01:00
int idx = partiturList->indexOfTopLevelItem(item);
2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
if (((PartListItem*)item)->op == ListItemOp::ADD)
delete item;
else {
((PartListItem*)item)->op = ListItemOp::I_DELETE;
2015-02-16 12:05:00 +01:00
// select an item, do not consider hidden ones
int plusIdx = 0;
QTreeWidgetItem* nextParent = partiturList->topLevelItem(idx + plusIdx);
while (nextParent && nextParent->isHidden()) {
nextParent = partiturList->topLevelItem(idx + plusIdx);
if(!nextParent) { // could find after, check before
plusIdx = 1;
nextParent = partiturList->topLevelItem(idx - plusIdx);
while (nextParent && nextParent->isHidden()) {
nextParent = partiturList->topLevelItem(idx - plusIdx);
partiturList->setItemSelected(nextParent, true);
2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
// on_upButton_clicked
// move instrument up in partitur
void InstrumentsWidget::on_upButton_clicked()
QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> wi = partiturList->selectedItems();
if (wi.isEmpty())
QTreeWidgetItem* item = wi.front();
if (item->type() == PART_LIST_ITEM) {
bool isExpanded = partiturList->isItemExpanded(item);
int idx = partiturList->indexOfTopLevelItem(item);
// if part item not first, move one slot up
if (idx) {
QTreeWidgetItem* item = partiturList->takeTopLevelItem(idx);
// Qt looses the QComboBox set into StaffListItem's when they are re-inserted into the tree:
// get the currently selected staff type of each combo and re-insert
int numOfStaffListItems = item->childCount();
Solved all compilation errors on MSVC
This commit contains changes required for MuseScore to compile under MSVC with no errors.
There are several general categories of problems that resulted in errors with the compilation. Main issues:
- Variable Length Arrays (VLA). This is a non-standard extension to C++, supported by clang toolchains, but not by MSVC. The initial workaround is to use std::vector<> instead of VLAs, eventually (if needed) with the original variable pointing to the beginning of the allocated array. More efficient alternatives are possible if profiling shows any code using VLAs to be timing-critical.
- Floating-point constants not suffixed with "f" are doubles by default; in some instances, this leads to narrowing conversion errors (in other instances, just warnings).
- MSVC does not support "or"/"and"/"not" in lieu of "||"/"&&"/"!". Changed unconditionally to use standard C++ symbols.
- MSVC does not support the "__builtin_unreachable()" compiler hint. A similar, albeit not exactly equal, alternative is "__assume(0)", which is MSVC-specific.
- MSVC does not support ranges in case statements. Replaced with list of cases instead of range (non-conditionally)
Detailed changes, with per-file comments:
- all.h: opt-in to deprecated features, include <io.h> and <process.h> instead of POSIX <unistd.h>, undefine "STRING_NONE" and "small", which Microsoft defines as macros, which result in compilation errors.
- effects/compressor/zita.cpp: eliminated narrowing conversion error by appending "f" to float constants.
- fluid/voice.cpp: appended "f" to float constants to eliminate narrowing conversion errors/warnings
- libmscore/beam.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA
- libmscore/edit.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA
- libmscore/element.cpp: appended "f" to float constant
- libmscore/fret.cpp: changed or -> ||
- libmscore/layout.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA
- libmscore/mscore.cpp: conditionally replaced "__builtin_unreachable()" with "__assume(0)" for MSVC
- libmscore/scorefile.coo: use correct char representation conversion for MSVC
- libmscore/stringdata.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA
- libmscore/system.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA
- libmscroe/text.cpp: replaced range in case statement.
- manual/genManual.cpp: use getopt() replacement.
- midi/midifile.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA. This does not use the default replacement.
- mscore/bb.cpp: replaced range in case statement.
- mscore/capella.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA. Changed and -> &&
- mscore/driver:cpp: preclude errors due to macro redefinitions.
- mscore/editstyle.cpp: conditionally replaced "__builtin_unreachable()" with "__assume(0)" for MSVC
- mscore/importgtp-gp6.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA.
- mscore/instrwidget.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA.
- mscore/jackaudio.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA. Preclude errors due to macro redefinitions.
- mscore/jackweakapi.cpp: Preclude errors due to macro redefinitions. Replacement for __atribute__((constructor)) through static object construction for MSVC. Force use of LoadLibraryA instead of LoadLibrary.
- mscore/mididriver.h: Changed not -> !
- mscore/musescore.cpp: Changed not -> !. Conditionally replaced VLA.
- mscore/resourceManager.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA.
- mscore/timeline.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA.
- omr/omrpage.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA.
- synthesizer/msynthesizer.cpp: replaced UNIX sleep(1) method with MSVC Sleep(1000) (equivalent, but in ms instead of seconds)
- synthesizer/msynthsizer.h: appended "f" to float constant
- thirdparty/poppler/config.h: set defines for MSVC to preclude the use of inexistent libraries.
- thirdparty/poppler/poppler/poppler-config.h: set defines for MSVC to preclude the use of inexistent libraries. Eliminated #defines for fmin and fmax which where causing problems.
- thirdparty/poppler/poppler/PSOutputDev.cc: added #include <algorithm> for std::min() and std::max(). Note this is required per-C++ standard.
- thirdparty/portmidi/pm_win/pmwinmm.c: undefined UNICODE to use char-based library functions.
- thirdparty/qzip/qzip.cpp: changed or -> ||
- thirdparty/rtf2html/rtf_keyword.h: file format changed from Apple to UNIX, as MSVC does not supported the former.
(NOT error related, just improvement on previous commit; manual/getopt/README.md: added link to source article)
2018-05-01 19:14:44 +02:00
#if (!defined (_MSCVER) && !defined (_MSC_VER))
2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
int staffIdx[numOfStaffListItems];
Solved all compilation errors on MSVC
This commit contains changes required for MuseScore to compile under MSVC with no errors.
There are several general categories of problems that resulted in errors with the compilation. Main issues:
- Variable Length Arrays (VLA). This is a non-standard extension to C++, supported by clang toolchains, but not by MSVC. The initial workaround is to use std::vector<> instead of VLAs, eventually (if needed) with the original variable pointing to the beginning of the allocated array. More efficient alternatives are possible if profiling shows any code using VLAs to be timing-critical.
- Floating-point constants not suffixed with "f" are doubles by default; in some instances, this leads to narrowing conversion errors (in other instances, just warnings).
- MSVC does not support "or"/"and"/"not" in lieu of "||"/"&&"/"!". Changed unconditionally to use standard C++ symbols.
- MSVC does not support the "__builtin_unreachable()" compiler hint. A similar, albeit not exactly equal, alternative is "__assume(0)", which is MSVC-specific.
- MSVC does not support ranges in case statements. Replaced with list of cases instead of range (non-conditionally)
Detailed changes, with per-file comments:
- all.h: opt-in to deprecated features, include <io.h> and <process.h> instead of POSIX <unistd.h>, undefine "STRING_NONE" and "small", which Microsoft defines as macros, which result in compilation errors.
- effects/compressor/zita.cpp: eliminated narrowing conversion error by appending "f" to float constants.
- fluid/voice.cpp: appended "f" to float constants to eliminate narrowing conversion errors/warnings
- libmscore/beam.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA
- libmscore/edit.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA
- libmscore/element.cpp: appended "f" to float constant
- libmscore/fret.cpp: changed or -> ||
- libmscore/layout.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA
- libmscore/mscore.cpp: conditionally replaced "__builtin_unreachable()" with "__assume(0)" for MSVC
- libmscore/scorefile.coo: use correct char representation conversion for MSVC
- libmscore/stringdata.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA
- libmscore/system.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA
- libmscroe/text.cpp: replaced range in case statement.
- manual/genManual.cpp: use getopt() replacement.
- midi/midifile.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA. This does not use the default replacement.
- mscore/bb.cpp: replaced range in case statement.
- mscore/capella.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA. Changed and -> &&
- mscore/driver:cpp: preclude errors due to macro redefinitions.
- mscore/editstyle.cpp: conditionally replaced "__builtin_unreachable()" with "__assume(0)" for MSVC
- mscore/importgtp-gp6.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA.
- mscore/instrwidget.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA.
- mscore/jackaudio.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA. Preclude errors due to macro redefinitions.
- mscore/jackweakapi.cpp: Preclude errors due to macro redefinitions. Replacement for __atribute__((constructor)) through static object construction for MSVC. Force use of LoadLibraryA instead of LoadLibrary.
- mscore/mididriver.h: Changed not -> !
- mscore/musescore.cpp: Changed not -> !. Conditionally replaced VLA.
- mscore/resourceManager.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA.
- mscore/timeline.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA.
- omr/omrpage.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA.
- synthesizer/msynthesizer.cpp: replaced UNIX sleep(1) method with MSVC Sleep(1000) (equivalent, but in ms instead of seconds)
- synthesizer/msynthsizer.h: appended "f" to float constant
- thirdparty/poppler/config.h: set defines for MSVC to preclude the use of inexistent libraries.
- thirdparty/poppler/poppler/poppler-config.h: set defines for MSVC to preclude the use of inexistent libraries. Eliminated #defines for fmin and fmax which where causing problems.
- thirdparty/poppler/poppler/PSOutputDev.cc: added #include <algorithm> for std::min() and std::max(). Note this is required per-C++ standard.
- thirdparty/portmidi/pm_win/pmwinmm.c: undefined UNICODE to use char-based library functions.
- thirdparty/qzip/qzip.cpp: changed or -> ||
- thirdparty/rtf2html/rtf_keyword.h: file format changed from Apple to UNIX, as MSVC does not supported the former.
(NOT error related, just improvement on previous commit; manual/getopt/README.md: added link to source article)
2018-05-01 19:14:44 +02:00
// MSVC does not support VLA. Replace with std::vector. If profiling determines that the
// heap allocation is slow, an optimization might be used.
std::vector<int> staffIdx(numOfStaffListItems);
2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
for (int itemIdx=0; itemIdx < numOfStaffListItems; ++itemIdx)
staffIdx[itemIdx] = (static_cast<StaffListItem*>(item->child(itemIdx)))->staffTypeIdx();
2015-02-16 12:05:00 +01:00
// do not consider hidden ones
int minusIdx = 1;
QTreeWidgetItem* prevParent = partiturList->topLevelItem(idx - minusIdx);
while (prevParent && prevParent->isHidden()) {
prevParent = partiturList->topLevelItem(idx - minusIdx);
partiturList->insertTopLevelItem(idx - minusIdx, item);
2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
// after-re-insertion, recreate each combo and set its index
for (int itemIdx=0; itemIdx < numOfStaffListItems; ++itemIdx) {
StaffListItem* staffItem = static_cast<StaffListItem*>(item->child(itemIdx));
partiturList->setItemExpanded(item, isExpanded);
partiturList->setItemSelected(item, true);
else {
QTreeWidgetItem* parent = item->parent();
int idx = parent->indexOfChild(item);
// if staff item not first of its part, move one slot up
if (idx) {
StaffListItem* item = static_cast<StaffListItem*>(parent->takeChild(idx));
// Qt looses the QComboBox set into StaffListItem when it is re-inserted into the tree:
// get currently selected staff type and re-insert
int staffTypeIdx = item->staffTypeIdx();
2015-02-16 12:05:00 +01:00
parent->insertChild(idx - 1, item);
2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
// after item has been inserted into the tree, create a new QComboBox and set its index
partiturList->setItemSelected(item, true);
else {
// if staff item first of its part...
int parentIdx = partiturList->indexOfTopLevelItem(parent);
// ...and there is a previous part, move staff item to previous part
if (parentIdx) {
QTreeWidgetItem* prevParent = partiturList->topLevelItem(parentIdx - 1);
StaffListItem* sli = static_cast<StaffListItem*>(parent->takeChild(idx));
int staffTypeIdx = sli->staffTypeIdx();
partiturList->setItemSelected(sli, true);
// PartListItem* pli = static_cast<PartListItem*>(prevParent);
// int idx = pli->part->nstaves();
//?? cs->undo(new MoveStaff(sli->staff(), pli->part, idx));
// TODO : if staff was linked to a staff of the old parent part, unlink it!
// on_downButton_clicked
// move instrument down in partitur
void InstrumentsWidget::on_downButton_clicked()
QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> wi = partiturList->selectedItems();
if (wi.isEmpty())
QTreeWidgetItem* item = wi.front();
if (item->type() == PART_LIST_ITEM) {
bool isExpanded = partiturList->isItemExpanded(item);
int idx = partiturList->indexOfTopLevelItem(item);
int n = partiturList->topLevelItemCount();
// if part not last, move one slot down
if (idx < (n-1)) {
QTreeWidgetItem* item = partiturList->takeTopLevelItem(idx);
// Qt looses the QComboBox set into StaffListItem's when they are re-inserted into the tree:
// get the currently selected staff type of each combo and re-insert
int numOfStaffListItems = item->childCount();
Solved all compilation errors on MSVC
This commit contains changes required for MuseScore to compile under MSVC with no errors.
There are several general categories of problems that resulted in errors with the compilation. Main issues:
- Variable Length Arrays (VLA). This is a non-standard extension to C++, supported by clang toolchains, but not by MSVC. The initial workaround is to use std::vector<> instead of VLAs, eventually (if needed) with the original variable pointing to the beginning of the allocated array. More efficient alternatives are possible if profiling shows any code using VLAs to be timing-critical.
- Floating-point constants not suffixed with "f" are doubles by default; in some instances, this leads to narrowing conversion errors (in other instances, just warnings).
- MSVC does not support "or"/"and"/"not" in lieu of "||"/"&&"/"!". Changed unconditionally to use standard C++ symbols.
- MSVC does not support the "__builtin_unreachable()" compiler hint. A similar, albeit not exactly equal, alternative is "__assume(0)", which is MSVC-specific.
- MSVC does not support ranges in case statements. Replaced with list of cases instead of range (non-conditionally)
Detailed changes, with per-file comments:
- all.h: opt-in to deprecated features, include <io.h> and <process.h> instead of POSIX <unistd.h>, undefine "STRING_NONE" and "small", which Microsoft defines as macros, which result in compilation errors.
- effects/compressor/zita.cpp: eliminated narrowing conversion error by appending "f" to float constants.
- fluid/voice.cpp: appended "f" to float constants to eliminate narrowing conversion errors/warnings
- libmscore/beam.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA
- libmscore/edit.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA
- libmscore/element.cpp: appended "f" to float constant
- libmscore/fret.cpp: changed or -> ||
- libmscore/layout.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA
- libmscore/mscore.cpp: conditionally replaced "__builtin_unreachable()" with "__assume(0)" for MSVC
- libmscore/scorefile.coo: use correct char representation conversion for MSVC
- libmscore/stringdata.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA
- libmscore/system.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA
- libmscroe/text.cpp: replaced range in case statement.
- manual/genManual.cpp: use getopt() replacement.
- midi/midifile.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA. This does not use the default replacement.
- mscore/bb.cpp: replaced range in case statement.
- mscore/capella.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA. Changed and -> &&
- mscore/driver:cpp: preclude errors due to macro redefinitions.
- mscore/editstyle.cpp: conditionally replaced "__builtin_unreachable()" with "__assume(0)" for MSVC
- mscore/importgtp-gp6.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA.
- mscore/instrwidget.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA.
- mscore/jackaudio.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA. Preclude errors due to macro redefinitions.
- mscore/jackweakapi.cpp: Preclude errors due to macro redefinitions. Replacement for __atribute__((constructor)) through static object construction for MSVC. Force use of LoadLibraryA instead of LoadLibrary.
- mscore/mididriver.h: Changed not -> !
- mscore/musescore.cpp: Changed not -> !. Conditionally replaced VLA.
- mscore/resourceManager.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA.
- mscore/timeline.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA.
- omr/omrpage.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA.
- synthesizer/msynthesizer.cpp: replaced UNIX sleep(1) method with MSVC Sleep(1000) (equivalent, but in ms instead of seconds)
- synthesizer/msynthsizer.h: appended "f" to float constant
- thirdparty/poppler/config.h: set defines for MSVC to preclude the use of inexistent libraries.
- thirdparty/poppler/poppler/poppler-config.h: set defines for MSVC to preclude the use of inexistent libraries. Eliminated #defines for fmin and fmax which where causing problems.
- thirdparty/poppler/poppler/PSOutputDev.cc: added #include <algorithm> for std::min() and std::max(). Note this is required per-C++ standard.
- thirdparty/portmidi/pm_win/pmwinmm.c: undefined UNICODE to use char-based library functions.
- thirdparty/qzip/qzip.cpp: changed or -> ||
- thirdparty/rtf2html/rtf_keyword.h: file format changed from Apple to UNIX, as MSVC does not supported the former.
(NOT error related, just improvement on previous commit; manual/getopt/README.md: added link to source article)
2018-05-01 19:14:44 +02:00
#if (!defined (_MSCVER) && !defined (_MSC_VER))
2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
int staffIdx[numOfStaffListItems];
Solved all compilation errors on MSVC
This commit contains changes required for MuseScore to compile under MSVC with no errors.
There are several general categories of problems that resulted in errors with the compilation. Main issues:
- Variable Length Arrays (VLA). This is a non-standard extension to C++, supported by clang toolchains, but not by MSVC. The initial workaround is to use std::vector<> instead of VLAs, eventually (if needed) with the original variable pointing to the beginning of the allocated array. More efficient alternatives are possible if profiling shows any code using VLAs to be timing-critical.
- Floating-point constants not suffixed with "f" are doubles by default; in some instances, this leads to narrowing conversion errors (in other instances, just warnings).
- MSVC does not support "or"/"and"/"not" in lieu of "||"/"&&"/"!". Changed unconditionally to use standard C++ symbols.
- MSVC does not support the "__builtin_unreachable()" compiler hint. A similar, albeit not exactly equal, alternative is "__assume(0)", which is MSVC-specific.
- MSVC does not support ranges in case statements. Replaced with list of cases instead of range (non-conditionally)
Detailed changes, with per-file comments:
- all.h: opt-in to deprecated features, include <io.h> and <process.h> instead of POSIX <unistd.h>, undefine "STRING_NONE" and "small", which Microsoft defines as macros, which result in compilation errors.
- effects/compressor/zita.cpp: eliminated narrowing conversion error by appending "f" to float constants.
- fluid/voice.cpp: appended "f" to float constants to eliminate narrowing conversion errors/warnings
- libmscore/beam.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA
- libmscore/edit.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA
- libmscore/element.cpp: appended "f" to float constant
- libmscore/fret.cpp: changed or -> ||
- libmscore/layout.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA
- libmscore/mscore.cpp: conditionally replaced "__builtin_unreachable()" with "__assume(0)" for MSVC
- libmscore/scorefile.coo: use correct char representation conversion for MSVC
- libmscore/stringdata.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA
- libmscore/system.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA
- libmscroe/text.cpp: replaced range in case statement.
- manual/genManual.cpp: use getopt() replacement.
- midi/midifile.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA. This does not use the default replacement.
- mscore/bb.cpp: replaced range in case statement.
- mscore/capella.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA. Changed and -> &&
- mscore/driver:cpp: preclude errors due to macro redefinitions.
- mscore/editstyle.cpp: conditionally replaced "__builtin_unreachable()" with "__assume(0)" for MSVC
- mscore/importgtp-gp6.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA.
- mscore/instrwidget.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA.
- mscore/jackaudio.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA. Preclude errors due to macro redefinitions.
- mscore/jackweakapi.cpp: Preclude errors due to macro redefinitions. Replacement for __atribute__((constructor)) through static object construction for MSVC. Force use of LoadLibraryA instead of LoadLibrary.
- mscore/mididriver.h: Changed not -> !
- mscore/musescore.cpp: Changed not -> !. Conditionally replaced VLA.
- mscore/resourceManager.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA.
- mscore/timeline.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA.
- omr/omrpage.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA.
- synthesizer/msynthesizer.cpp: replaced UNIX sleep(1) method with MSVC Sleep(1000) (equivalent, but in ms instead of seconds)
- synthesizer/msynthsizer.h: appended "f" to float constant
- thirdparty/poppler/config.h: set defines for MSVC to preclude the use of inexistent libraries.
- thirdparty/poppler/poppler/poppler-config.h: set defines for MSVC to preclude the use of inexistent libraries. Eliminated #defines for fmin and fmax which where causing problems.
- thirdparty/poppler/poppler/PSOutputDev.cc: added #include <algorithm> for std::min() and std::max(). Note this is required per-C++ standard.
- thirdparty/portmidi/pm_win/pmwinmm.c: undefined UNICODE to use char-based library functions.
- thirdparty/qzip/qzip.cpp: changed or -> ||
- thirdparty/rtf2html/rtf_keyword.h: file format changed from Apple to UNIX, as MSVC does not supported the former.
(NOT error related, just improvement on previous commit; manual/getopt/README.md: added link to source article)
2018-05-01 19:14:44 +02:00
// MSVC does not support VLA. Replace with std::vector. If profiling determines that the
// heap allocation is slow, an optimization might be used.
std::vector<int> staffIdx(numOfStaffListItems);
2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
int itemIdx;
for (itemIdx=0; itemIdx < numOfStaffListItems; ++itemIdx)
staffIdx[itemIdx] = (static_cast<StaffListItem*>(item->child(itemIdx)))->staffTypeIdx();
2015-02-16 12:05:00 +01:00
// do not consider hidden ones
int plusIdx = 1;
QTreeWidgetItem* nextParent = partiturList->topLevelItem(idx + plusIdx);
while (nextParent && nextParent->isHidden()) {
nextParent = partiturList->topLevelItem(idx + plusIdx);
partiturList->insertTopLevelItem(idx + plusIdx, item);
2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
// after-re-insertion, recreate each combo and set its index
for (itemIdx=0; itemIdx < numOfStaffListItems; ++itemIdx) {
StaffListItem* staffItem = static_cast<StaffListItem*>(item->child(itemIdx));
partiturList->setItemExpanded(item, isExpanded);
partiturList->setItemSelected(item, true);
else {
QTreeWidgetItem* parent = item->parent();
int idx = parent->indexOfChild(item);
int n = parent->childCount();
// if staff item is not last of its part, move one slot down in part
if (idx < (n-1)) {
StaffListItem* item = static_cast<StaffListItem*>(parent->takeChild(idx));
// Qt looses the QComboBox set into StaffListItem when it is re-inserted into the tree:
// get currently selected staff type and re-insert
int staffTypeIdx = item->staffTypeIdx();
parent->insertChild(idx+1, item);
// after item has been inserted into the tree, create a new QComboBox and set its index
partiturList->setItemSelected(item, true);
else {
// if staff item is last of its part...
int parentIdx = partiturList->indexOfTopLevelItem(parent);
int n = partiturList->topLevelItemCount();
//..and there is a next part, move to next part
if (parentIdx < (n-1)) {
StaffListItem* sli = static_cast<StaffListItem*>(parent->takeChild(idx));
QTreeWidgetItem* nextParent = partiturList->topLevelItem(parentIdx - 1);
int staffTypeIdx = sli->staffTypeIdx();
partiturList->setItemSelected(sli, true);
// PartListItem* pli = static_cast<PartListItem*>(nextParent);
// cs->undo(new MoveStaff(sli->staff(), pli->part, 0));
// TODO : if staff was linked to a staff of the old parent part, unlink it!
// on_belowButton_clicked
// (actually "Add Staff" button)
StaffListItem* InstrumentsWidget::on_belowButton_clicked()
QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> wi = partiturList->selectedItems();
if (wi.isEmpty())
return 0;
QTreeWidgetItem* item = wi.front();
if (item->type() != STAFF_LIST_ITEM)
return 0;
StaffListItem* sli = static_cast<StaffListItem*>(item);
2014-08-17 12:27:31 +02:00
// Staff* staff = sli->staff();
2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
PartListItem* pli = static_cast<PartListItem*>(sli->QTreeWidgetItem::parent());
StaffListItem* nsli = new StaffListItem();
2014-08-16 18:52:16 +02:00
// nsli->setStaff(staff);
// if (staff)
2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
2014-08-16 18:52:16 +02:00
int ridx = pli->indexOfChild(sli) + 1;
pli->insertChild(ridx, nsli);
2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
nsli->initStaffTypeCombo(); // StaffListItem needs to be inserted in the tree hierarchy
nsli->setStaffType(sli->staffType()); // before a widget can be set into it
2014-08-16 18:52:16 +02:00
ClefTypeList clefType;
if (pli->it)
clefType = pli->it->clefType(ridx);
2015-03-13 11:16:43 +01:00
clefType = pli->part->instrument()->clefType(ridx);
2014-08-16 18:52:16 +02:00
2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
partiturList->clearSelection(); // should not be necessary
partiturList->setItemSelected(nsli, true);
return nsli;
// on_linkedButton_clicked
void InstrumentsWidget::on_linkedButton_clicked()
StaffListItem* nsli = on_belowButton_clicked();
if (nsli)
// on_search_textChanged
void InstrumentsWidget::on_search_textChanged(const QString &searchPhrase)
2017-11-10 20:42:09 +01:00
filterInstruments(instrumentList, searchPhrase);
2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
// on_instrumentGenreFilter_currentTextChanged
void InstrumentsWidget::on_instrumentGenreFilter_currentIndexChanged(int index)
QString id = instrumentGenreFilter->itemData(index).toString();
// Redisplay tree, only showing items from the selected genre
filterInstrumentsByGenre(instrumentList, id);
// filterInstrumentsByGenre
void InstrumentsWidget::filterInstrumentsByGenre(QTreeWidget *instrumentList, QString genre)
QTreeWidgetItemIterator iList(instrumentList);
while (*iList) {
InstrumentTemplateListItem* itli = static_cast<InstrumentTemplateListItem*>(*iList);
InstrumentTemplate *it=itli->instrumentTemplate();
if(it) {
if (genre == "all" || it->genreMember(genre)) {
QTreeWidgetItem *iParent = (*iList)->parent();
while(iParent) {
iParent = iParent->parent();
// createInstruments
void InstrumentsWidget::createInstruments(Score* cs)
// process modified partitur list
QTreeWidget* pl = partiturList;
Part* part = 0;
int staffIdx = 0;
QTreeWidgetItem* item = 0;
for (int idx = 0; (item = pl->topLevelItem(idx)); ++idx) {
PartListItem* pli = (PartListItem*)item;
if (pli->op != ListItemOp::ADD) {
qDebug("bad op");
const InstrumentTemplate* t = ((PartListItem*)item)->it;
part = new Part(cs);
pli->part = part;
QTreeWidgetItem* ci = 0;
int rstaff = 0;
for (int cidx = 0; (ci = pli->child(cidx)); ++cidx) {
if (ci->isHidden())
StaffListItem* sli = (StaffListItem*)ci;
2014-08-16 13:32:08 +02:00
Staff* staff = new Staff(cs);
2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
staff->init(t, sli->staffType(), cidx);
if (sli->linked() && !part->staves()->isEmpty()) {
Staff* linkedStaff = part->staves()->back();
cs->staves().insert(staffIdx + rstaff, staff);
// if a staff was removed from instrument:
if (part->staff(0)->barLineSpan() > rstaff) {
2017-08-04 15:45:23 +02:00
//TODO part->staff(0)->setBarLineSpan(rstaff);
2017-03-31 13:03:15 +02:00
part->staff(0)->setBracketType(0, BracketType::NO_BRACKET);
2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
// insert part
cs->insertPart(part, staffIdx);
int sidx = cs->staffIdx(part);
int eidx = sidx + part->nstaves();
for (Measure* m = cs->firstMeasure(); m; m = m->nextMeasure())
m->cmdAddStaves(sidx, eidx, true);
staffIdx += rstaff;
2017-08-04 15:45:23 +02:00
#if 0 // TODO
2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
// check for bar lines
for (int staffIdx = 0; staffIdx < cs->nstaves();) {
Staff* staff = cs->staff(staffIdx);
int barLineSpan = staff->barLineSpan();
if (barLineSpan == 0)
int nstaffIdx = staffIdx + barLineSpan;
for (int idx = staffIdx+1; idx < nstaffIdx; ++idx) {
Staff* tStaff = cs->staff(idx);
if (tStaff)
staffIdx = nstaffIdx;
2017-08-04 15:45:23 +02:00
2016-03-02 13:20:19 +01:00
2014-08-16 11:41:36 +02:00
// init
void InstrumentsWidget::init()
emit completeChanged(false);
// getPartiturList
QTreeWidget* InstrumentsWidget::getPartiturList()
return partiturList;