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2012-05-26 14:26:10 +02:00
// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// $Id: beam.cpp 5656 2012-05-21 15:36:47Z wschweer $
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#include "beam.h"
#include "segment.h"
#include "score.h"
#include "chord.h"
#include "sig.h"
#include "style.h"
#include "note.h"
#include "tuplet.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "tremolo.h"
#include "measure.h"
#include "undo.h"
#include "staff.h"
#include "stafftype.h"
#include "stem.h"
#include "hook.h"
#include "mscore.h"
#include "icon.h"
// BeamFragment
// position of primary beam
// idx 0 - AUTO or DOWN
// 1 - UP
struct BeamFragment {
qreal py1[2];
qreal py2[2];
// BeamHint
// beam hint for autobeamer
struct BeamHint {
Fraction noteLen;
Fraction prevNoteLen; // zero = all notes
Fraction timeSig; // valid for this timesig; zero = valid for all
Fraction pos;
BeamHint(Fraction sig, Fraction p, Fraction len, Fraction prevLen)
: noteLen(len), prevNoteLen(prevLen), timeSig(sig), pos(p) {}
// endBeam
static BeamHint endBeamList[] = {
// in 2 2 time
// end beams each 1 2 note
BeamHint(Fraction(2,2), Fraction(1,2), Fraction(0,0), Fraction(0,0)),
// in 3 2 time:
// end beams each 1 2 note
// end beams with 16th notes each 1 4 note
// end beams with 32th notes each 1 8 note
// noteLen timesig position
BeamHint(Fraction(3,2), Fraction(1,2), Fraction(0,0), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(3,2), Fraction(2,2), Fraction(0,0), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(3,2), Fraction(1,4), Fraction(1,16), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(3,2), Fraction(1,2), Fraction(1,16), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(3,2), Fraction(3,4), Fraction(1,16), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(3,2), Fraction(1,1), Fraction(1,16), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(3,2), Fraction(5,4), Fraction(1,16), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(3,2), Fraction(1,8), Fraction(1,32), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(3,2), Fraction(1,4), Fraction(1,32), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(3,2), Fraction(3,8), Fraction(1,32), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(3,2), Fraction(1,2), Fraction(1,32), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(3,2), Fraction(5,8), Fraction(1,32), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(3,2), Fraction(3,4), Fraction(1,32), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(3,2), Fraction(7,8), Fraction(1,32), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(3,2), Fraction(1,1), Fraction(1,32), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(3,2), Fraction(9,8), Fraction(1,32), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(3,2), Fraction(5,4), Fraction(1,32), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(3,2), Fraction(11,8),Fraction(1,32), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(2,4), Fraction(0,0), Fraction(0,0), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(2,4), Fraction(1,4), Fraction(0,0), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(2,4), Fraction(1,9), Fraction(1,32), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(2,4), Fraction(3,8), Fraction(1,32), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(3,4), Fraction(1,4), Fraction(0,0), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(3,4), Fraction(1,2), Fraction(0,0), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(3,4), Fraction(1,4), Fraction(1,16), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(3,4), Fraction(1,2), Fraction(1,16), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(3,4), Fraction(1,8), Fraction(1,32), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(3,4), Fraction(1,4), Fraction(1,32), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(3,4), Fraction(3,8), Fraction(1,32), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(3,4), Fraction(1,2), Fraction(1,32), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(3,4), Fraction(5,8), Fraction(1,32), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(12,16), Fraction(3,8), Fraction(0, 0), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(12,16), Fraction(3,16), Fraction(1,16), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(12,16), Fraction(6,16), Fraction(1,8), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(12,16), Fraction(9,16), Fraction(1,8), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(12,16), Fraction(9,16), Fraction(1,16), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(4,4), Fraction(1,2), Fraction(0,0), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(4,4), Fraction(1,4), Fraction(1,12), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(4,4), Fraction(3,4), Fraction(1,12), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(4,4), Fraction(1,4), Fraction(1,8), Fraction(1,16)), // ws
BeamHint(Fraction(4,4), Fraction(2,4), Fraction(1,8), Fraction(1,16)), // ws
BeamHint(Fraction(4,4), Fraction(3,4), Fraction(1,8), Fraction(1,16)), // ws
BeamHint(Fraction(4,4), Fraction(1,4), Fraction(1,16), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(4,4), Fraction(3,4), Fraction(1,16), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(4,4), Fraction(1,8), Fraction(1,32), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(4,4), Fraction(1,4), Fraction(1,32), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(4,4), Fraction(3,8), Fraction(1,32), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(4,4), Fraction(5,8), Fraction(1,32), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(4,4), Fraction(3,4), Fraction(1,32), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(4,4), Fraction(7,8), Fraction(1,32), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(5,4), Fraction(3,4), Fraction(0,0), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(6,4), Fraction(3,4), Fraction(0,0), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(3,8), Fraction(3,8), Fraction(0,0), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(4,8), Fraction(0,0), Fraction(0,0), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(4,8), Fraction(1,4), Fraction(0,0), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(4,8), Fraction(1,8), Fraction(1,32), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(4,8), Fraction(3,8), Fraction(1,32), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(6,8), Fraction(3,8), Fraction(0,0), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(9,8), Fraction(3,8), Fraction(0,0), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(9,8), Fraction(3,4), Fraction(0,0), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(12,8), Fraction(3,8), Fraction(0,0), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(12,8), Fraction(3,4), Fraction(0,0), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(12,8), Fraction(9,8), Fraction(0,0), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(15,8), Fraction(3,8), Fraction(0,0), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(15,8), Fraction(3,4), Fraction(0,0), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(15,8), Fraction(9,8), Fraction(0,0), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(15,8), Fraction(6,8), Fraction(0,0), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(4,16), Fraction(0,0), Fraction(0,0), Fraction(0,0)),
BeamHint(Fraction(4,16), Fraction(1,8), Fraction(0,0), Fraction(0,0))
// endBeam
// return true if beam should be ended
bool endBeam(const Fraction& ts, ChordRest* cr, ChordRest* prevCr)
int p = cr->tick() - cr->measure()->tick();
if (cr->tuplet() && !cr->tuplet()->elements().isEmpty()) {
if (cr->tuplet()->elements().front() == cr) // end beam at tuplet
return true;
return false;
Fraction l = cr->duration();
Fraction pl = prevCr ? prevCr->duration() : Fraction(0,1);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(endBeamList)/sizeof(*endBeamList); ++i) {
const BeamHint& h = endBeamList[i];
if (!h.timeSig.isZero() && (!h.timeSig.identical(ts)))
if (!h.noteLen.isZero() && (h.noteLen != l))
if (!h.prevNoteLen.isZero() && (h.prevNoteLen != pl))
if (!h.pos.isZero()) {
int pos = h.pos.ticks();
if (pos != p)
else { // if (h.pos.numerator() == 0) { // stop on every beat
int len = (4 * MScore::division) / h.timeSig.denominator();
if (p % len) {
return true;
return false;
// Beam
Beam::Beam(Score* s)
: Element(s)
_direction = AUTO;
_up = true;
_distribute = false;
_userModified[0] = false;
_userModified[1] = false;
_grow1 = 1.0;
_grow2 = 1.0;
editFragment = 0;
// Beam
Beam::Beam(const Beam& b)
: Element(b)
_elements = b._elements;
foreach(QLineF* bs, b.beamSegments)
beamSegments.append(new QLineF(*bs));
_direction = b._direction;
_up = b._up;
_userModified[0] = b._userModified[0];
_userModified[1] = b._userModified[1];
_grow1 = b._grow1;
_grow2 = b._grow2;
foreach(BeamFragment* f, b.fragments)
fragments.append(new BeamFragment(*f));
minMove = b.minMove;
maxMove = b.maxMove;
isGrace = b.isGrace;
cross = b.cross;
maxDuration = b.maxDuration;
slope = b.slope;
// Beam
// delete all references from chords
foreach(ChordRest* cr, _elements)
// pagePos
QPointF Beam::pagePos() const
System* system = static_cast<System*>(parent());
if (system == 0)
return pos();
qreal yp = y() + system->staff(staffIdx())->y() + system->y();
return QPointF(pageX(), yp);
// add
void Beam::add(ChordRest* a)
if (!_elements.contains(a)) {
// insert element in same order as it appears
// in the score
if (a->segment() && !_elements.isEmpty()) {
for (int i = 0; i < _elements.size(); ++i) {
Segment* s = _elements[i]->segment();
if ((s->tick() > a->segment()->tick())
|| ((s->tick() == a->segment()->tick()) && (a->segment()->next(SegChordRest) == s))
) {
_elements.insert(i, a);
// remove
void Beam::remove(ChordRest* a)
if (!_elements.removeOne(a))
qDebug("Beam::remove(): cannot find ChordRest");
// draw
void Beam::draw(QPainter* painter) const
if (staff()->useTablature()) {
if (staff()->staffType()->slashStyle())
qreal lw2 = point(score()->styleS(ST_beamWidth)) * .5 * mag();
foreach (const QLineF* bs, beamSegments) {
QPolygonF pg;
pg << QPointF(bs->x1(), bs->y1()-lw2)
<< QPointF(bs->x2(), bs->y2()-lw2)
<< QPointF(bs->x2(), bs->y2()+lw2)
<< QPointF(bs->x1(), bs->y1()+lw2);
painter->drawPolygon(pg, Qt::OddEvenFill);
// move
void Beam::move(qreal x, qreal y)
Element::move(x, y);
foreach (QLineF* bs, beamSegments)
bs->translate(x, y);
// writeMusicXml
// needed only for dump beam contents
// #include "rest.h"
void Beam::writeMusicXml(Xml& xml, ChordRest* cr) const
qDebug("Beam::writeMusicXml(cr=%p)\n", cr);
// dump beam contents
foreach(ChordRest* crst, _elements) {
if (crst->type() == CHORD) {
Chord* c = static_cast<Chord*>(crst);
qDebug(" chord %p tick=%d durtype=%d beams=%d\n", c, c->tick(), c->duration().type(), c->beams());
else if (crst->type() == REST) {
Rest* r = static_cast<Rest*>(crst);
qDebug(" rest %p tick=%d durtype=%d beams=%d\n", r, r->tick(), r->duration().type(), r->beams());
else {
qDebug(" type=%d %p tick=%d\n", crst->type(), crst, crst->tick());
// end dump beam contents
int idx = _elements.indexOf(cr);
if (idx == -1) {
qDebug("Beam::writeMusicXml(): cannot find ChordRest\n");
int blp = -1; // beam level previous chord
int blc = -1; // beam level current chord
int bln = -1; // beam level next chord
// find beam level previous chord
for (int i = idx - 1; blp == -1 && i >= 0; --i) {
ChordRest* crst = _elements[i];
if (crst->type() == CHORD)
blp = (static_cast<Chord*>(crst))->beams();
// find beam level current chord
if (cr->type() == CHORD)
blc = (static_cast<Chord*>(cr))->beams();
// find beam level next chord
for (int i = idx + 1; bln == -1 && i < _elements.size(); ++i) {
ChordRest* crst = _elements[i];
if (crst->type() == CHORD)
bln = (static_cast<Chord*>(crst))->beams();
// qDebug(" blp=%d blc=%d bln=%d\n", blp, blc, bln);
for (int i = 1; i <= blc; ++i) {
QString s;
if (blp < i && bln >= i) s = "begin";
else if (blp < i && bln < i) {
if (bln > 0) s = "forward hook";
else if (blp > 0) s = "backward hook";
else if (blp >= i && bln < i) s = "end";
else if (blp >= i && bln >= i) s = "continue";
if (s != "")
xml.tag(QString("beam number=\"%1\"").arg(i), s);
// twoBeamedNotes
// calculate stem direction of two beamed notes
// return true if two beamed notes found
bool Beam::twoBeamedNotes()
if ((_elements.size() != 2)
|| (_elements[0]->type() != CHORD)
|| _elements[1]->type() != CHORD) {
return false;
const Chord* c1 = static_cast<const Chord*>(_elements[0]);
const Chord* c2 = static_cast<const Chord*>(_elements[1]);
if (c1->notes().size() != 1 || c2->notes().size() != 1)
return false;
int dist1 = c1->upNote()->line() - 4;
int dist2 = c2->upNote()->line() - 4;
if ((dist1 == -dist2) || (-dist1 == dist2)) {
_up = false;
Segment* s = c1->segment();
s = s->prev1(SegChordRest);
if (s && s->element(c1->track())) {
Chord* c = static_cast<Chord*>(s->element(c1->track()));
if ((c->type() == CHORD) && c->beam())
_up = c->beam()->up();
else if (qAbs(dist1) > qAbs(dist2))
_up = dist1 > 0;
_up = dist2 > 0;
return true;
// layout1
void Beam::layout1()
//delete old segments
foreach(QLineF* i, beamSegments)
delete i;
Chord* c1 = 0;
Chord* c2 = 0;
if (staff()->useTablature()) {
//TABULATURES: all beams (and related chords) are UP at slope 0
_up = true;
slope = 0.0;
cross = isGrace = false;
foreach(ChordRest* cr, _elements) {
if (cr->type() == CHORD) {
// set members maxDuration, c1, c2
if (!maxDuration.isValid() || (maxDuration < cr->durationType()))
maxDuration = cr->durationType();
c2 = static_cast<Chord*>(cr);
if (c2->noteType() != NOTE_NORMAL)
isGrace = true;
if (c1 == 0)
c1 = c2;
else {
minMove = 1000;
maxMove = -1000;
isGrace = false;
int upCount = 0;
int mUp = 0;
int mDown = 0;
foreach(ChordRest* cr, _elements) {
if (cr->type() == CHORD) {
c2 = static_cast<Chord*>(cr);
if (c2->line() != 4)
upCount += c2->up() ? 1 : -1;
if (c2->noteType() != NOTE_NORMAL)
isGrace = true;
if (c1 == 0)
c1 = c2;
int i = c2->staffMove();
if (i < minMove)
minMove = i;
if (i > maxMove)
maxMove = i;
int line = c2->upNote()->line();
if ((line - 4) > mUp)
mUp = line - 4;
line = c2->downNote()->line();
if (4 - line > mDown)
mDown = 4 - line;
if (!maxDuration.isValid() || (maxDuration < cr->durationType()))
maxDuration = cr->durationType();
// determine beam stem direction
if (_direction != AUTO) {
_up = _direction == UP;
else {
ChordRest* cr = _elements[0];
Measure* m = cr->measure();
if (m->hasVoices(cr->staffIdx())) {
switch(cr->voice()) {
case 0: _up = (score()->style(ST_stemDir1).toDirection() == UP); break;
case 1: _up = (score()->style(ST_stemDir2).toDirection() == UP); break;
case 2: _up = (score()->style(ST_stemDir3).toDirection() == UP); break;
case 3: _up = (score()->style(ST_stemDir4).toDirection() == UP); break;
else if (!twoBeamedNotes()) {
// if (upCount == 0) {
// highest or lowest note determines stem direction
// down-stems is preferred if equal
_up = mUp > mDown;
// }
#if 0
else {
// the number of notes above/below the middle line
// determines stem direction
_up = upCount > 0;
cross = minMove < maxMove;
int idx = (_direction == AUTO || _direction == DOWN) ? 0 : 1;
slope = 0.0;
if (cross || _userModified[idx]) {
// guess stem direction for every chord
foreach(ChordRest* cr, _elements) {
if (cr->type() != CHORD)
Chord* c = static_cast<Chord*>(cr);
int move = c->staffMove();
if (move == 0)
c->setUp(maxMove ? false : true);
else if (move > 0)
else if (move < 0)
else {
foreach(ChordRest* cr, _elements)
} // end of if/else(tablature)
// layout
void Beam::layout()
System* system = _elements.front()->measure()->system();
QList<ChordRest*> crl;
int n = 0;
foreach(ChordRest* cr, _elements) {
if (cr->measure()->system() != system) {
SpannerSegmentType st;
if (n == 0)
if (fragments.size() < n)
fragments.append(new BeamFragment);
layout2(crl, st, n-1);
system = cr->measure()->system();
if (!crl.isEmpty()) {
SpannerSegmentType st;
if (n == 0)
if (fragments.size() < (n+1))
fragments.append(new BeamFragment);
layout2(crl, st, n);
qreal lw2 = point(score()->styleS(ST_beamWidth)) * .5 * mag();
foreach(const QLineF* bs, beamSegments) {
QPolygonF a(4);
a[0] = QPointF(bs->x1(), bs->y1()-lw2);
a[1] = QPointF(bs->x2(), bs->y2()-lw2);
a[2] = QPointF(bs->x2(), bs->y2()+lw2);
a[3] = QPointF(bs->x1(), bs->y1()+lw2);
// shape
QPainterPath Beam::shape() const
QPainterPath pp;
qreal lw2 = point(score()->styleS(ST_beamWidth)) * .5 * mag();
foreach(const QLineF* bs, beamSegments) {
QPolygonF a(5);
a[0] = QPointF(bs->x1(), bs->y1()-lw2);
a[1] = QPointF(bs->x2(), bs->y2()-lw2);
a[2] = QPointF(bs->x2(), bs->y2()+lw2);
a[3] = QPointF(bs->x1(), bs->y1()+lw2);
a[4] = QPointF(bs->x1(), bs->y1()-lw2);
return pp;
// contains
bool Beam::contains(const QPointF& p) const
return shape().contains(p - pagePos());
// absLimit
inline qreal absLimit(qreal val, qreal limit)
if (val > limit)
return limit;
if (val < -limit)
return -limit;
return val;
// noSlope
bool Beam::noSlope(const QList<Chord*>& cl)
if (cl.size() < 2)
return true;
int l1 = cl.front()->line();
int le = cl.back()->line();
// look for some pattern
if (cl.size() == 4) {
int l2 = cl[1]->line();
int l3 = cl[2]->line();
if ((l1 < le) && (l2 > l1) && (l2 > l3) && (l3 > le)) {
return true;
if ((l1 == l3) && (l2 == le))
return true;
else if (cl.size() == 6) {
int l2 = cl[1]->line();
int l3 = cl[2]->line();
int l4 = cl[3]->line();
int l5 = cl[4]->line();
if ((l2 > l1) && (l3 > l2) && (l1 == l4) && (l2 == l5) && (l3 == le))
return true;
// concave beams have a slope of 0.0
bool sameLine = true;
slope = 0.0;
if (cl.size() >= 3) {
int l4 = cl[1]->line(_up);
for (int i = 1; i < cl.size()-1; ++i) {
int l3 = cl[i]->line(_up);
if (l3 != l4)
sameLine = false;
if (_up) {
if (l3 < l1 && l3 < le)
return true;
else {
if (l3 > l1 && l3 > le)
return true;
if (sameLine && (l1 == l4 || le == l4)) {
if (_up) {
if (l1 == l4 && l1 < le)
return true;
if (le == l4 && le < l1)
return true;
else {
if (l1 == l4 && l1 > le)
return true;
else if (le == l4 && le > l1)
return true;
return l1 == le;
// BeamMetric
struct Bm
char l; // stem len in 1/4 spatium units
char s; // beam slant in 1/4 spatium units
Bm() : l(0), s(0) {}
Bm(char a, char b) : l(a), s(b) {}
static int key(int a, int b, int c) { return ((a & 0xff) << 16) | ((b & 0xff) << 8) | (c & 0xff); }
static QHash<int, Bm> bMetrics;
// initBeamMetrics
#define B(a,b,c,d,e) bMetrics[Bm::key(a, b, c)] = Bm(d, e);
static void initBeamMetrics()
// up step1 step2 stemLen1 slant
// (- up) (- up)
// =================================== C
B(1, 10, 10, -12, 0);
B(0, 3, 3, 11, 0);
B(1, 3, 3, -11, 0);
B(1, 10, 9, -12, -1);
B(1, 10, 8, -12, -4);
B(1, 10, 7, -12, -5);
B(1, 10, 6, -15, -5);
B(1, 10, 5, -16, -5);
B(1, 10, 4, -20, -4);
B(1, 10, 3, -20, -5);
B(1, 10, 11, -12, 1);
B(1, 10, 12, -13, 2); // F
B(1, 10, 13, -13, 2);
B(1, 10, 14, -13, 2);
B(1, 10, 15, -13, 2);
B(1, 3, 4, -11, 1);
B(1, 3, 5, -11, 2);
B(1, 3, 6, -11, 4);
B(1, 3, 7, -11, 5);
B(1, 3, 8, -11, 5);
B(1, 3, 9, -11, 5);
B(1, 3, 10, -11, 5);
B(0, -4, -3, 15, 1);
B(0, -4, -2, 15, 2);
B(0, -4, -1, 15, 2);
B(0, -4, 0, 15, 5);
B(0, -4, 1, 16, 5);
B(0, -4, 2, 20, 4);
B(0, -4, 3, 20, 5);
B(0, 3, 4, 13, 1);
B(0, 3, 5, 13, 2);
B(0, 3, 6, 14, 4);
B(0, 3, 7, 13, 4);
B(0, 3, 8, 13, 6);
B(0, 3, 2, 11, -1);
B(0, 3, 1, 11, -2);
B(0, 3, 0, 11, -5);
B(0, 3, -1, 11, -5);
B(0, 3, -2, 11, -5);
B(0, 3, -3, 11, -5);
B(0, 3, -4, 11, -5);
// =================================== D
B(1, 9, 9, -13, 0);
B(0, 2, 2, 12, 0);
B(1, 2, 2, -11, 0);
B(1, 9, 8, -13, -1);
B(1, 9, 7, -13, -2);
B(1, 9, 6, -13, -5);
B(1, 9, 5, -14, -5);
B(1, 9, 4, -16, -6);
B(1, 9, 3, -17, -5);
B(1, 9, 2, -17, -8);
B(1, 9, 10, -11, 1);
B(1, 9, 11, -11, 2);
B(1, 9, 12, -11, 2);
B(1, 9, 13, -11, 2);
B(1, 9, 14, -11, 2);
B(1, 9, 15, -11, 2);
B(1, 2, 3, -12, 1);
B(1, 2, 4, -12, 2);
B(1, 2, 5, -12, 4);
B(1, 2, 6, -12, 5);
B(1, 2, 7, -11, 5);
B(1, 2, 8, -12, 5);
B(1, 2, 9, -12, 8);
B(0, -5,-4, 16, 2);
B(0, -5,-3, 16, 2);
B(0, -5,-2, 16, 2);
B(0, -5,-1, 16, 2);
B(0, -5, 0, 16, 4);
B(0, -5, 1, 16, 5);
B(0, -5, 2, 16, 5);
B(0, 2, 3, 12, 1);
B(0, 2, 4, 12, 4);
B(0, 2, 5, 13, 4); // F
B(0, 2, 6, 15, 5);
B(0, 2, 7, 13, 6);
B(0, 2, 8, 16, 8);
B(0, 2, 9, 16, 8);
B(0, 2, 1, 12, -1);
B(0, 2, 0, 12, -4);
B(0, 2, -1, 12, -5);
B(0, 2, -2, 12, -5);
B(0, 2, -3, 12, -4);
B(0, 2, -4, 12, -4);
B(0, 2, -5, 12, -5);
// =================================== E
B(1, 8, 8, -12, 0);
B(0, 1, 1, 13, 0);
B(1, 1, 1, -9, 0);
B(1, 8, 7, -12, -1);
B(1, 8, 6, -12, -4);
B(1, 8, 5, -12, -5);
B(1, 8, 4, -15, -5);
B(1, 8, 3, -16, -5);
B(1, 8, 2, -17, -6);
B(1, 8, 1, -19, -6);
B(1, 15, 11, -21, -1);
B(1, 15, 10, -21, -1);
B(1, 15, 9, -21, -1);
B(1, 15, 8, -21, -1);
B(1, 1, 8, -11, 6);
B(1, 1, 7, -11, 6);
B(1, 1, 6, -12, 6);
B(1, 8, 9, -12, 1);
B(1, 8, 10, -12, 4);
B(1, 8, 11, -12, 5);
B(1, 8, 12, -12, 5);
B(1, 8, 13, -12, 4);
B(1, 8, 14, -12, 5);
B(1, 8, 15, -12, 1);
B(0, 1, 0, 11, -1);
B(0, 1, -1, 11, -2);
B(0, 1, -2, 11, -5);
B(0, 1, -3, 11, -5);
B(0, 1, -4, 11, -5);
B(0, 1, -5, 11, -5);
B(0, 1, -6, 11, -5);
B(0, 1, 2, 13, 1);
B(0, 1, 3, 13, 2);
B(0, 1, 4, 13, 5);
B(0, 1, 5, 14, 5);
B(0, 1, 6, 15, 5);
B(0, 1, 7, 17, 5);
B(0, 1, 8, 17, 8);
B(0, -6, -2, 19, 2);
B(0, -6, -1, 19, 4);
B(0, -6, 0, 20, 4);
B(0, -6, 1, 20, 5);
B(0, 8, 3, 9, -6);
B(0, 8, 2, 12, -8);
B(0, 8, 1, 12, -8);
// =================================== F
B(1, 7, 7,-13, 0); //F
B(0, 0, 0, 12, 0);
B(0, 7, 7, 10, 0);
B(1, 7, 6, -13, -1);
B(1, 7, 5, -13, -2);
B(1, 7, 4, -13, -5);
B(1, 7, 3, -14, -5);
B(1, 7, 2, -15, -6);
B(1, 7, 1, -17, -6);
B(1, 7, 0, -18, -8);
B(1, 14, 10, -19, -2);
B(1, 14, 9, -19, -2);
B(1, 14, 8, -20, -4);
B(1, 14, 7, -20, -5);
B(1, 0, 5, -9, 6);
B(1, 0, 6, -12, 8);
B(1, 0, 7, -12, 8);
B(1, 7, 8, -11, 1);
B(1, 7, 9, -11, 2);
B(1, 7, 10, -11, 5);
B(1, 7, 11, -11, 5);
B(1, 7, 12, -11, 5);
B(1, 7, 13, -11, 5);
B(1, 7, 14, -11, 5);
B(0, 0, -1, 12, -1);
B(0, 0, -2, 12, -4);
B(0, 0, -3, 12, -5);
B(0, 0, -4, 12, -5);
B(0, 0, -5, 12, -4);
B(0, 0, -6, 12, -4);
B(0, 0, -7, 12, -4);
B(0, 0, 1, 12, 1);
B(0, 0, 2, 12, 4);
B(0, 0, 3, 12, 5);
B(0, 0, 4, 15, 5);
B(0, 0, 5, 16, 5);
B(0, 0, 6, 17, 5);
B(0, 0, 7, 19, 6);
B(0, -7, -3, 21, 2);
B(0, -7, -2, 21, 2);
B(0, -7, -1, 21, 2);
B(0, -7, 0, 22, 4);
B(0, 7, 2, 12, -6);
B(0, 7, 1, 11, -6);
B(0, 7, 0, 11, -6);
// =================================== G
B(1, 6, 6, -12, 0);
B(0, -1, -1, 13, 0);
B(0, 6, 6, 11, 0);
B(1, 6, 5, -12, -1);
B(1, 6, 4, -12, -4);
B(1, 6, 3, -13, -4);
B(1, 6, 2, -15, -5);
B(1, 6, 1, -13, -7);
B(1, 6, 0, -16, -8);
B(1, 6, -1, -16, -8);
B(1, 13, 10, -17, -2);
B(1, 13, 9, -17, -2);
B(1, 13, 8, -18, -4);
B(1, 13, 7, -18, -5);
B(1, 13, 6, -21, -5);
B(1, -1, 6, -10, 8);
B(1, 6, 7, -12, 1);
B(1, 6, 8, -12, 4);
B(1, 6, 9, -12, 5);
B(1, 6, 10, -12, 5);
B(1, 6, 11, -12, 4);
B(1, 6, 12, -12, 5);
B(1, 6, 13, -12, 5);
B(0, -1, -2, 11, -1);
B(0, -1, -3, 11, -2);
B(0, -1, -4, 11, -2);
B(0, -1, -5, 11, -2);
B(0, -1, -6, 11, -2);
B(0, -1, -7, 11, -2);
B(0, -1, 0, 13, 1);
B(0, -1, 1, 13, 2);
B(0, -1, 2, 13, 5);
B(0, -1, 3, 14, 5);
B(0, -1, 4, 17, 6);
B(0, -1, 5, 18, 5);
B(0, -1, 6, 18, 8);
B(0, 6, 5, 12, -4);
B(0, 6, 4, 12, -4);
B(0, 6, 3, 12, -4);
B(0, 6, 2, 12, -6);
B(0, 6, 1, 11, -6);
B(0, 6, 0, 12, -7);
B(0, 6, -1, 12, -8);
// =================================== A
B(1, 5, 5, -11, 0);
B(0, -2, -2, 12, 0);
B(0, 5, 5, 11, 0);
B(1, 5, 4, -13, -1);
B(1, 5, 3, -13, -2);
B(1, 5, 2, -14, -4);
B(1, 5, 1, -14, -4);
B(1, 5, 0, -13, -6);
B(1, 12, 11, -15, -1);
B(1, 12, 10, -15, -2);
B(1, 12, 9, -15, -2);
B(1, 12, 8, -15, -5);
B(1, 12, 7, -16, -5);
B(1, 12, 6, -20, -4);
B(1, 12, 5, -20, -5);
B(1, 5, 6, -11, 1);
B(1, 5, 7, -11, 2);
B(1, 5, 8, -11, 5);
B(1, 5, 9, -11, 5);
B(1, 5, 10, -11, 5);
B(1, 5, 11, -11, 5);
B(1, 5, 12, -11, 5);
B(0, -2, -1, 12, 1);
B(0, -2, 0, 12, 4);
B(0, -2, 1, 12, 5);
B(0, -2, 2, 15, 5);
B(0, -2, 3, 16, 5);
B(0, -2, 4, 20, 4);
B(0, -2, 5, 20, 5);
B(0, -2, -3, 12, -1);
B(0, -2, -4, 13, -2);
B(0, -2, -5, 13, -2);
B(0, -2, -6, 13, -2);
B(0, -2, -7, 13, -2);
B(0, 5, 4, 11, -1);
B(0, 5, 3, 11, -2);
B(0, 5, 2, 11, -4);
B(0, 5, 1, 11, -5);
B(0, 5, 0, 11, -5);
B(0, 5, -1, 11, -5);
B(0, 5, -2, 11, -5);
// =================================== B
B(1, 4, 4, -12, 0);
B(1, 11, 11, -13, 0);
B(0, 4, 4, 12, 0);
B(0, -3, -3, 13, 0);
B(1, 11, 10, -13, -1);
B(1, 11, 9, -13, -2);
B(1, 11, 8, -13, -5);
B(1, 11, 7, -14, -5);
B(1, 11, 6, -18, -4);
B(1, 11, 5, -18, -5);
B(1, 11, 4, -21, -5);
B(1, 4, 3, -12, -1);
B(1, 4, 2, -12, -4);
B(1, 4, 1, -14, -4);
B(1, 4, 0, -16, -4);
B(1, 11, 12, -14, 1);
B(1, 11, 13, -14, 1);
B(1, 11, 14, -14, 1);
B(1, 11, 15, -15, 2);
B(1, 11, 16, -15, 2);
B(1, 4, 5, -12, 1);
B(1, 4, 6, -12, 4);
B(1, 4, 7, -12, 5);
B(1, 4, 8, -12, 5);
B(1, 4, 9, -13, 6);
B(1, 4, 10, -12, 4);
B(1, 4, 11, -12, 5);
B(0, 4, 3, 12, -1);
B(0, 4, 2, 12, -4);
B(0, 4, 1, 12, -5);
B(0, 4, 0, 12, -5);
B(0, 4, -1, 13, -6);
B(0, 4, -2, 12, -4);
B(0, 4, -3, 12, -5);
B(0, 4, 5, 12, 1);
B(0, 4, 6, 12, 4);
B(0, -3, -4, 14, -1);
B(0, -3, -5, 14, -1);
B(0, -3, -6, 14, -1);
B(0, -3, -7, 15, -2);
B(0, -3, -8, 15, -2);
B(0, -3, -9, 15, -2);
B(0, -3, -2, 13, 1);
B(0, -3, -1, 13, 2);
B(0, -3, 0, 13, 5);
B(0, -3, 1, 14, 5);
B(0, -3, 2, 18, 4);
B(0, -3, 3, 18, 5);
B(0, -3, 4, 21, 5);
// beamMetric1
// table driven
static Bm beamMetric1(bool up, char l1, char l2)
static int initialized = false;
if (!initialized) {
initialized = true;
return bMetrics[Bm::key(up, l1, l2)];
// adjust
// adjust stem len for notes between start-end
static int adjust(qreal _spatium4, int slant, const QList<Chord*>& cl)
int n = cl.size();
const Chord* c1 = cl[0];
const Chord* c2 = cl[n-1];
QPointF p1(c1->stemPosBeam()); // canvas coordinates
qreal slope = (slant * _spatium4) / (c2->stemPosBeam().x() - p1.x());
int ml = -1000;
if (c1->up()) {
for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
QPointF p3(cl[i]->stemPosBeam());
qreal yUp = p1.y() + (p3.x() - p1.x()) * slope;
int l = lrint((yUp - p3.y()) / _spatium4);
ml = qMax(ml, l);
else {
for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
const Chord* c3 = cl[i];
QPointF p3(c3->stemPosBeam());
qreal yUp = p1.y() + (p3.x() - p1.x()) * slope;
int l = lrint((p3.y() - yUp) / _spatium4);
ml = qMax(ml, l);
return (ml > 0) ? ml : 0;
// adjust2
// adjust stem position for single beams
static void adjust2(Bm& bm, const Chord* c1)
static const int dd[4][4] = {
// St H -- S
{0, 0, 1, 0}, // St
{0, 0, -1, 0}, // S
{1, 1, 1, -1}, // --
{0, 0, -1, 0} // H
int ys = bm.l + c1->line() * 2;
int e1 = qAbs((ys + 1000) % 4);
int e2 = qAbs((ys + 1000 + bm.s) % 4);
bm.l -= dd[e1][e2];
// minSlant
static int minSlant(uint interval)
static const int minSlantTable[] = { 0, 1, 2, 4, 5 };
if (interval > 4)
return 5;
return minSlantTable[interval];
// maxSlant
static int maxSlant(uint interval)
static const int maxSlantTable[] = { 0, 1, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
if (interval > 7)
return 8;
return maxSlantTable[interval];
// slantTable
static int* slantTable(uint interval)
static int t[8][5] = {
{ 0, -1, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 1, -1, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 3, 4, 2, -1, 0 },
{ 4, 5, -1, 0, 0 },
{ 5, -1, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 5, 6, -1, 0, 0 },
{ 6, 5, 7, -1, 0 },
{ 6, 7, 5, 8, -1 },
if (interval > 7)
interval = 7;
return &t[interval][0] ;
// computeStemLen
void Beam::computeStemLen(const QList<Chord*>& cl, qreal& py1, int beamLevels)
qreal _spatium = spatium();
qreal _spatium4 = _spatium * .25;
const Chord* c1 = cl.front();
const Chord* c2 = cl.back();
qreal dx = c2->pagePos().x() - c1->pagePos().x();
bool zeroSlant = noSlope(cl);
int l1 = c1->line() * 2;
int l2 = c2->line() * 2;
Bm bm;
if (beamLevels == 1) {
bm = beamMetric1(_up, l1 / 2, l2 / 2);
if (bm.l && !(zeroSlant && cl.size() > 2)) {
if (cl.size() > 2) {
if (_up)
bm.l = -12 - adjust(_spatium4, bm.s, cl);
bm.l = 12 + adjust(_spatium4, bm.s, cl);
adjust2(bm, c1);
else {
int* st = slantTable(zeroSlant ? 0 : qAbs((l2 - l1) / 2));
int ll1;
if (_up) {
ll1 = l1 - ((l1 & 3) ? 11 : 12);
int ll1m = l1 - 10;
int rll1 = ll1;
if ((l1 > 20) && (l2 > 20)) {
st = slantTable(zeroSlant ? 0 : 1);
rll1 = (zeroSlant || (l2 < l1)) ? 9 : 8;
for (int n = 0; ; ll1--) {
int i;
for (i = 0; st[i] != -1; ++i) {
int slant = (l2 > l1) ? st[i] : -st[i];
int lll1 = qMin(rll1, ll1m - n - adjust(_spatium4, slant, cl));
int ll2 = lll1 + slant;
static bool ba[4][4] = {
{ true, true, false, true },
{ true, true, false, true },
{ false, false, false, true },
{ true, true, false, true }
if (ba[lll1 & 3][ll2 & 3]) {
ll1 = lll1;
bm.s = slant;
if (st[i] != -1)
if (++n > 4) {
printf("beam note not found 1\n");
else {
ll1 = ((l1 & 3) ? 11 : 12) + l1;
int rll1 = ll1;
if ((l1 < -4) && (l2 < -4)) {
// extend to middle line, slant is always 0 <= 1
st = slantTable(zeroSlant ? 0 : 1);
rll1 = (zeroSlant || (l2 > l1)) ? 7 : 8;
for (int n = 0;;ll1++) {
int i;
for (i = 0; st[i] != -1; ++i) {
int slant = (l2 > l1) ? st[i] : -st[i];
int lll1 = qMax(rll1, ll1 + adjust(_spatium4, slant, cl));
int e1 = lll1 & 3;
int ll2 = lll1 + slant;
int e2 = ll2 & 3;
static bool ba[4][4] = {
{ true, true, false, true },
{ true, true, false, true },
{ false, false, false, true },
{ true, true, false, true }
if (ba[e1][e2]) {
ll1 = lll1;
bm.s = slant;
if (st[i] != -1)
if (++n > 4) {
printf("beam not found 2\n");
bm.l = ll1 - l1;
else if (beamLevels == 2) {
int minS, maxS;
if (zeroSlant)
minS = maxS = 0;
else {
uint interval = qAbs((l2 - l1) / 2);
minS = minSlant(interval);
maxS = maxSlant(interval);
int ll1;
if (_up) {
ll1 = l1 - 12; // sp minimum to primary beam
int rll1 = ll1;
if ((l1 > 20) && (l2 > 20)) {
minS = zeroSlant ? 0 : 1;
maxS = minS;
rll1 = (zeroSlant || (l2 < l1)) ? 9 : 8;
for (int n = 0; ; ll1--) {
int i;
for (i = minS; i <= maxS; ++i) {
int slant = (l2 > l1) ? i : -i;
int lll1 = qMin(rll1, ll1 - adjust(_spatium4, slant, cl));
int ll2 = lll1 + slant;
static bool ba[4][4] = {
{ true, true, false, false },
{ true, true, false, false },
{ false, false, false, false },
{ false, false, false, false }
if (ba[lll1 & 3][ll2 & 3]) {
ll1 = lll1;
if (i <= maxS) {
bm.s = l2 > l1 ? i : -i;
if (++n > 4) {
printf("beam note not found 1 %d-%d\n", minS, maxS);
else {
ll1 = 12 + l1;
int rll1 = ll1;
bool down = l2 > l1;
if ((l1 < -4) && (l2 < -4)) {
// extend to middle line, slant is always 0 <= 1
minS = zeroSlant ? 0 : 1;
maxS = minS;
rll1 = (zeroSlant || down) ? 7 : 8;
for (int n = 0;;ll1++) {
int i;
for (i = minS; i <= maxS; ++i) {
int slant = down ? i : -i;
int lll1 = qMax(rll1, ll1 + adjust(_spatium4, slant, cl));
int ll2 = lll1 + slant;
static bool ba[4][4] = {
{ true, false, false, true },
{ false, false, false, false },
{ false, false, false, false },
{ true, false, false, true }
if (ba[lll1 & 3][ll2 & 3]) {
ll1 = lll1;
bm.s = slant;
if (i <= maxS)
if (++n > 4) {
printf("beam not found 2\n");
bm.l = ll1 - l1;
else if (beamLevels == 3) {
int slant;
bool outside;
if (zeroSlant) {
outside = (_up && qMin(l1, l2) <= 10) ||
(!_up && qMax(l1, l2) >= 6);
slant = 0;
else {
outside = (_up && (l1 <= 10) && (l2 <= 10)) ||
(!_up && (l1 >= 6) && (l2 >= 6));
if (outside)
slant = *slantTable(qAbs(l1-l2) / 2);
slant = 4;
if (l1 > l2)
slant = -slant;
int ll1;
if (_up) {
static const int t[4] = { 3, 0, 1, 2 };
ll1 = l1 - 15 - adjust(_spatium4, slant, cl);
ll1 = qMin(ll1, 5);
if (!outside)
ll1 -= t[ll1 & 3]; // extend to sit on line
else {
ll1 = 15 + l1 + adjust(_spatium4, slant, cl);
ll1 = qMax(ll1, 11);
if (!outside)
ll1 += 3 - (ll1 & 3); // extend to hang on line
bm.s = slant;
bm.l = ll1 - l1;
else if (beamLevels == 4) {
int slant = zeroSlant ? 0 : (l2 > l1 ? 4 : -4);
int ll1;
if (_up) {
ll1 = l1 - 17 - adjust(_spatium4, slant, cl);
ll1 = qMin(ll1, 1);
static const int t[4] = { 3, 0, 1, 2 };
ll1 -= t[ll1 & 3]; // extend to sit on line
else {
ll1 = 17 + l1 + adjust(_spatium4, slant, cl);
ll1 = qMax(ll1, 15);
ll1 += 3 - (ll1 & 3); // extend to hang on line
bm.s = slant;
bm.l = ll1 - l1;
else { // if (beamLevels > 4) {
static const int t[] = { 0, 0, 4, 4, 8, 12, 16 }; // spatium4 added to stem len
int n = t[beamLevels] + 12;
bm.s = 0;
if (_up) {
bm.l = -n;
bm.l -= adjust(_spatium4, bm.s, cl);
else {
bm.l += n;
bm.l += adjust(_spatium4, bm.s, cl);
slope = (bm.s * _spatium4) / dx;
py1 += ((c1->line(_up) - c1->line(!_up)) * 2 + bm.l) * _spatium4;
// layout2
void Beam::layout2(QList<ChordRest*>crl, SpannerSegmentType st, int frag)
if (_distribute)
score()->respace(&crl); // fix horizontal spacing of stems
QList<Chord*> cl;
foreach(ChordRest* cr, crl) {
if (cr->type() == CHORD)
if (cl.isEmpty()) // no chords?
const Chord* c1 = cl.front(); // first chord in beam
const Chord* c2 = cl.back(); // last chord in beam
int beamLevels = 1;
int chordRests = crl.size();
bool hasBeamSegment[chordRests];
for (int idx = 0; idx < chordRests; ++idx) {
if (crl[idx]->type() != REST)
beamLevels = qMax(beamLevels, crl[idx]->durationType().hooks());
hasBeamSegment[idx] = false;
BeamFragment* f = fragments[frag];
int dIdx = (_direction == AUTO || _direction == DOWN) ? 0 : 1;
qreal& py1 = f->py1[dIdx];
qreal& py2 = f->py2[dIdx];
qreal _spatium = spatium();
QPointF canvPos(pagePos());
qreal beamMinLen = point(score()->styleS(ST_beamMinLen));
qreal graceMag = score()->styleD(ST_graceNoteMag);
// style values ST_beamDistance and ST_beamWidth not used
if (beamLevels == 4)
_beamDist = (2.5 / 3.0) * _spatium;
_beamDist = 0.75 * _spatium;
if (isGrace) {
_beamDist *= graceMag;
beamMinLen *= graceMag;
if (staff()->useTablature()) {
py1 = y;
py2 = y;
_up = true;
else {
2012-06-01 14:33:20 +02:00
qreal px1 = c1->stemPos().x();
qreal px2 = c2->stemPos().x();
2012-05-26 14:26:10 +02:00
if (_userModified[dIdx]) {
py1 += canvPos.y();
py2 += canvPos.y();
2012-06-01 14:33:20 +02:00
qreal beamY = py1;
slope = (py2 - py1) / (px2 - px1);
2012-05-26 14:26:10 +02:00
// set stem direction for every chord
foreach(Chord* c, cl) {
QPointF p = c->upNote()->pagePos();
qreal y1 = beamY + (p.x() - px1) * slope;
bool nup = y1 < p.y();
if (c->up() != nup) {
// guess was wrong, have to relayout
score()->layoutChords1(c->segment(), c->staffIdx());
// _up = cl.front()->up();
else if (cross) {
qreal beamY = 0.0; // y position of main beam start
qreal y1 = -200000;
qreal y2 = 200000;
foreach(const Chord* c, cl) {
qreal y = c->upNote()->pagePos().y();
y1 = qMax(y1, y);
y2 = qMin(y2, y);
if (y1 > y2)
beamY = y2 + (y1 - y2) * .5;
beamY = _up ? y2 : y1;
py1 = beamY;
// set stem direction for every chord
foreach(Chord* c, cl) {
qreal y = c->upNote()->pagePos().y();
bool nup = beamY < y;
if (c->up() != nup) {
// guess was wrong, have to relayout
score()->layoutChords1(c->segment(), c->staffIdx());
qreal yDownMax = -300000;
qreal yUpMin = 300000;
foreach(const Chord* cr, cl) {
bool _up = cr->up();
qreal y = (_up ? cr->upNote() : cr->downNote())->stemPos(_up).y();
if (_up)
yUpMin = qMin(y, yUpMin);
yDownMax = qMax(y, yDownMax);
2012-06-01 14:33:20 +02:00
qreal slant = _spatium;
if (cl.front()->up())
slant = -slant;
py1 = yUpMin + (yDownMax - yUpMin) * .5 - slant * .5;
slope = slant / (px2 - px1);
2012-05-26 14:26:10 +02:00
else {
py1 = c1->stemPos().y();
py2 = c2->stemPos().y();
computeStemLen(cl, py1, beamLevels);
py2 = (px2 - px1) * slope + py1;
py1 -= canvPos.y();
py2 -= canvPos.y();
// create beam segments:
qreal stemWidth = point(score()->styleS(ST_stemWidth));
qreal x1 = c1->stemPos().x() - canvPos.x();
for (int beamLevel = 0; beamLevel < beamLevels; ++beamLevel) {
ChordRest* cr1 = 0;
ChordRest* cr2 = 0;
bool hasBeamSegment1[chordRests];
memset(hasBeamSegment1, 0, sizeof(hasBeamSegment));
qreal dist;
bool stemUp = _up;
bool firstChord = true;
for (int idx = 0; idx < chordRests; ++idx) {
Chord* cr = static_cast<Chord*>(crl[idx]);
if (cr->type() == REST)
int crLevel = cr->durationType().hooks() - 1;
if ((cr1 == 0) && (crLevel < beamLevel)) {
hasBeamSegment1[idx] = false;
if (cr1 == 0) {
cr1 = cr;
// set direction
QPointF p(cr->stemPos() - canvPos);
if (idx == 0 && cross)
stemUp = true;
stemUp = py1 < p.y();
2012-05-26 14:26:10 +02:00
dist = _beamDist * beamLevel * (stemUp ? 1.0 : -1.0);
cr2 = cr;
if (crLevel == beamLevel) {
// create stem
Stem* stem = cr->stem();
if (!stem) {
stem = new Stem(score());
if (cr->hook())
QPointF stemPos(cr->stemPos());
qreal x2 = stemPos.x() - canvPos.x();
qreal y1 = (x2 - x1) * slope + py1 + canvPos.y();
qreal y2 = stemPos.y();
if ((y2 > y1) != stemUp)
y2 -= dist;
stem->setLen(y2 - y1);
stem->setPos(stemPos - cr->pagePos());
// layout stem slash for acciacatura
if (firstChord && cr->noteType() == NOTE_ACCIACCATURA) {
StemSlash* stemSlash = cr->stemSlash();
if (!stemSlash) {
stemSlash = new StemSlash(score());
firstChord = false;
Tremolo* tremolo = cr->tremolo();
if (tremolo)
if (idx < chordRests-1) {
bool b32 = (beamLevel >= 1) && (cr->beamMode() == BEAM_BEGIN32);
bool b64 = (beamLevel >= 2) && (cr->beamMode() == BEAM_BEGIN64);
// end current beam level?
int crLevel = crl[idx+1]->durationType().hooks() - 1;
if (!((crLevel < beamLevel) || b32 || b64)) {
hasBeamSegment1[idx] = true;
qreal x2 = cr1->stemPos().x() - canvPos.x();
qreal x3;
if (cr2) {
// create segment
x3 = cr2->stemPos().x() - canvPos.x();
if (st == SEGMENT_BEGIN)
x3 += _spatium * 2;
else if (st == SEGMENT_END)
x2 -= _spatium * 2;
else {
if (cr1->up())
x2 -= stemWidth;
if (!cr2->up())
x3 += stemWidth;
else {
// create broken segment
qreal len = beamMinLen;
if (idx == 0) // point to right
else if (idx == chordRests-1) // point to left
len = -len;
else if ((idx > 1) && (idx < chordRests)
&& (crl[idx-2]->duration() != crl[idx]->duration())) {
Fraction a = crl[idx-2]->duration();
Fraction b = crl[idx-1]->duration();
Fraction c = crl[idx]->duration();
if (((a + b) / 2 == c)
|| ((a < c) && !((b+c)/2 == a))) {
len = -len;
else {
// find out direction of beam fragment:
// point to same direction as beam starting
// one level higher
if (!hasBeamSegment[idx-1]) {
TDuration d = cr1->durationType();
d = d.shift(-1);
int rtick = cr1->tick() - cr1->measure()->tick();
if (rtick % d.ticks())
len = -len;
if (stemUp && len > 0)
x2 -= stemWidth;
else if (!stemUp && len < 0)
x2 += stemWidth;
x3 = x2 + len;
hasBeamSegment1[idx-1] = false;
qreal yo = py1 + dist * _grow1;
qreal ly1 = (x2 - x1) * slope + yo;
qreal ly2 = (x3 - x1) * slope + yo;
beamSegments.push_back(new QLineF(x2, ly1, x3, ly2));
cr1 = cr2 = 0;
memcpy(hasBeamSegment, hasBeamSegment1, sizeof(hasBeamSegment));
// write
void Beam::write(Xml& xml, P_ID id) const
xml.tag(id, getProperty(id), propertyDefault(id));
// write
void Beam::write(Xml& xml) const
if (_elements.isEmpty())
xml.stag(QString("Beam id=\"%1\"").arg(_id));
write(xml, P_STEM_DIRECTION);
write(xml, P_DISTRIBUTE);
write(xml, P_GROW_LEFT);
write(xml, P_GROW_RIGHT);
int idx = (_direction == AUTO || _direction == DOWN) ? 0 : 1;
if (_userModified[idx]) {
qreal _spatium = spatium();
foreach(BeamFragment* f, fragments) {
xml.tag("y1", f->py1[idx] / _spatium);
xml.tag("y2", f->py2[idx] / _spatium);
#ifndef NDEBUG
// this info is used for regression testing
// l1/l2 is the beam position of the layout engine
if (score()->testMode()) {
qreal _spatium4 = spatium() * .25;
foreach(BeamFragment* f, fragments) {
xml.tag("l1", int(lrint(f->py1[idx] / _spatium4)));
xml.tag("l2", int(lrint(f->py2[idx] / _spatium4)));
// read
void Beam::read(const QDomElement& de)
QPointF p1, p2;
qreal _spatium = spatium();
_id = de.attribute("id").toInt();
for (QDomElement e = de.firstChildElement(); !e.isNull(); e = e.nextSiblingElement()) {
const QString& tag(e.tagName());
const QString& val(e.text());
if (tag == "StemDirection")
setProperty(P_STEM_DIRECTION, ::getProperty(P_STEM_DIRECTION, e));
else if (tag == "distribute")
else if (tag == "growLeft")
else if (tag == "growRight")
else if (tag == "y1") {
if (fragments.isEmpty())
fragments.append(new BeamFragment);
BeamFragment* f = fragments.back();
int idx = (_direction == AUTO || _direction == DOWN) ? 0 : 1;
_userModified[idx] = true;
f->py1[idx] = val.toDouble() * _spatium;
else if (tag == "y2") {
if (fragments.isEmpty())
fragments.append(new BeamFragment);
BeamFragment* f = fragments.back();
int idx = (_direction == AUTO || _direction == DOWN) ? 0 : 1;
_userModified[idx] = true;
f->py2[idx] = val.toDouble() * _spatium;
else if (tag == "Fragment") {
BeamFragment* f = new BeamFragment;
int idx = (_direction == AUTO || _direction == DOWN) ? 0 : 1;
_userModified[idx] = true;
qreal _spatium = spatium();
for (QDomElement ee = e.firstChildElement(); !ee.isNull(); ee = ee.nextSiblingElement()) {
const QString& tag(ee.tagName());
qreal v = ee.text().toDouble() * _spatium;
if (tag == "y1")
f->py1[idx] = v;
else if (tag == "y2")
f->py2[idx] = v;
#ifndef NDEBUG
else if (tag == "l1" || tag == "l2") // ignore
else if (tag == "subtype") // obsolete
else if (!Element::readProperties(e))
// editDrag
void Beam::editDrag(const EditData& ed)
int idx = (_direction == AUTO || _direction == DOWN) ? 0 : 1;
qreal dy =;
BeamFragment* f = fragments[editFragment];
if (ed.curGrip == 0)
f->py1[idx] += dy;
f->py2[idx] += dy;
_userModified[idx] = true;
// score()->setLayoutAll(true);
// updateGrips
void Beam::updateGrips(int* grips, QRectF* grip) const
*grips = 2;
int idx = (_direction == AUTO || _direction == DOWN) ? 0 : 1;
BeamFragment* f = fragments[editFragment];
Chord* c1;
Chord* c2;
int n = _elements.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (_elements[i]->type() == CHORD) {
c1 = static_cast<Chord*>(_elements[i]);
for (int i = n-1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (_elements[i]->type() == CHORD) {
c2 = static_cast<Chord*>(_elements[i]);
int y = pagePos().y();
grip[0].translate(QPointF(c1->stemPos().x(), f->py1[idx] + y));
grip[1].translate(QPointF(c2->stemPos().x(), f->py2[idx] + y));
// setBeamDirection
void Beam::setBeamDirection(Direction d)
_direction = d;
if (d != AUTO)
_up = d == UP;
// toDefault
void Beam::toDefault()
if (distribute())
score()->undoChangeProperty(this, P_DISTRIBUTE, false);
if (growLeft() != 1.0)
score()->undoChangeProperty(this, P_GROW_LEFT, 1.0);
if (growRight() != 1.0)
score()->undoChangeProperty(this, P_GROW_RIGHT, 1.0);
if (userModified()) {
score()->undoChangeProperty(this, P_BEAM_POS, QVariant(beamPos()));
score()->undoChangeProperty(this, P_USER_MODIFIED, false);
if (beamDirection() != AUTO)
score()->undoChangeProperty(this, P_STEM_DIRECTION, int(AUTO));
// startEdit
void Beam::startEdit(MuseScoreView*, const QPointF& p)
QPointF pt(p - pagePos());
qreal ydiff = 100000000.0;
int idx = (_direction == AUTO || _direction == DOWN) ? 0 : 1;
int i = 0;
editFragment = 0;
foreach (BeamFragment* f, fragments) {
qreal d = fabs(f->py1[idx] - pt.y());
if (d < ydiff) {
ydiff = d;
editFragment = i;
// acceptDrop
bool Beam::acceptDrop(MuseScoreView*, const QPointF&, Element* e) const
return (e->type() == ICON) && ((static_cast<Icon*>(e)->subtype() == ICON_FBEAM1)
|| (static_cast<Icon*>(e)->subtype() == ICON_FBEAM2));
// drop
Element* Beam::drop(const DropData& data)
Icon* e = static_cast<Icon*>(data.element);
if (e->type() != ICON)
return 0;
qreal g1;
qreal g2;
if (e->subtype() == ICON_FBEAM1) {
g1 = 1.0;
g2 = 0.0;
else if (e->subtype() == ICON_FBEAM2) {
g1 = 0.0;
g2 = 1.0;
return 0;
if (g1 != growLeft())
score()->undoChangeProperty(this, P_GROW_LEFT, g1);
if (g2 != growRight())
score()->undoChangeProperty(this, P_GROW_RIGHT, g2);
return 0;
// beamPos
// misuse QPointF for y1-y2 real values
QPointF Beam::beamPos() const
if (fragments.isEmpty())
return QPointF(0.0, 0.0);
BeamFragment* f = fragments.back();
int idx = (_direction == AUTO || _direction == DOWN) ? 0 : 1;
qreal _spatium = spatium();
return QPointF(f->py1[idx] / _spatium, f->py2[idx] / _spatium);
// setBeamPos
void Beam::setBeamPos(const QPointF& bp)
if (fragments.isEmpty())
fragments.append(new BeamFragment);
BeamFragment* f = fragments.back();
int idx = (_direction == AUTO || _direction == DOWN) ? 0 : 1;
_userModified[idx] = true;
qreal _spatium = spatium();
f->py1[idx] = bp.x() * _spatium;
f->py2[idx] = bp.y() * _spatium;
// userModified
bool Beam::userModified() const
int idx = (_direction == AUTO || _direction == DOWN) ? 0 : 1;
return _userModified[idx];
// setUserModified
void Beam::setUserModified(bool val)
int idx = (_direction == AUTO || _direction == DOWN) ? 0 : 1;
_userModified[idx] = val;
// getProperty
QVariant Beam::getProperty(P_ID propertyId) const
switch(propertyId) {
case P_STEM_DIRECTION: return int(beamDirection());
case P_DISTRIBUTE: return distribute();
case P_GROW_LEFT: return growLeft();
case P_GROW_RIGHT: return growRight();
case P_USER_MODIFIED: return userModified();
case P_BEAM_POS: return beamPos();
return Element::getProperty(propertyId);
// setProperty
bool Beam::setProperty(P_ID propertyId, const QVariant& v)
switch(propertyId) {
case P_BEAM_POS:
if (userModified())
if (!Element::setProperty(propertyId, v))
return false;
return true;
// propertyDefault
QVariant Beam::propertyDefault(P_ID id) const
switch(id) {
case P_STEM_DIRECTION: return int(AUTO);
case P_DISTRIBUTE: return false;
case P_GROW_LEFT: return 1.0;
case P_GROW_RIGHT: return 1.0;
case P_USER_MODIFIED: return false;
case P_BEAM_POS: return beamPos();
default: return Element::propertyDefault(id);