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2018-07-19 13:03:25 +02:00
// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2002-2018 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#include "lyrics.h"
#include "chord.h"
#include "score.h"
#include "sym.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "xml.h"
#include "staff.h"
#include "segment.h"
#include "undo.h"
#include "textedit.h"
2018-09-25 10:36:01 +02:00
#include "measure.h"
2018-07-19 13:03:25 +02:00
namespace Ms {
2018-08-02 13:27:08 +02:00
// metrics for dashes and melisma; all in sp. units:
static constexpr qreal LYRICS_DASH_Y_POS_RATIO = 0.67; // the fraction of lyrics font x-height to
// raise the dashes above text base line;
2018-07-19 13:03:25 +02:00
// searchNextLyrics
static Lyrics* searchNextLyrics(Segment* s, int staffIdx, int verse, Placement p)
Lyrics* l = 0;
while ((s = s->next1(SegmentType::ChordRest))) {
int strack = staffIdx * VOICES;
int etrack = strack + VOICES;
// search through all tracks of current staff looking for a lyric in specified verse
for (int track = strack; track < etrack; ++track) {
ChordRest* cr = toChordRest(s->element(track));
if (cr) {
// cr with lyrics found, but does it have a syllable in specified verse?
l = cr->lyrics(verse, p);
if (l)
if (l)
return l;
// LyricsLine
LyricsLine::LyricsLine(Score* s)
: SLine(s, ElementFlag::NOT_SELECTABLE)
setGenerated(true); // no need to save it, as it can be re-generated
2018-08-02 13:27:08 +02:00
2018-07-19 13:03:25 +02:00
_nextLyrics = 0;
LyricsLine::LyricsLine(const LyricsLine& g)
: SLine(g)
_nextLyrics = 0;
2018-08-02 13:27:08 +02:00
// styleChanged
void LyricsLine::styleChanged()
2018-07-19 13:03:25 +02:00
// layout
void LyricsLine::layout()
bool tempMelismaTicks = (lyrics()->ticks() == Lyrics::TEMP_MELISMA_TICKS);
if (lyrics()->ticks()) { // melisma
// if lyrics has a temporary one-chord melisma, set to 0 ticks (just its own chord)
if (tempMelismaTicks)
// Lyrics::_ticks points to the beginning of the last spanned segment,
// but the line shall include it:
// include the duration of this last segment in the melisma duration
Segment* lyricsSegment = lyrics()->segment();
int lyricsStartTick = lyricsSegment->tick();
int lyricsEndTick = lyrics()->endTick();
int lyricsTrack = lyrics()->track();
// find segment with tick >= endTick
Segment* s = lyricsSegment;
while (s && s->tick() < lyricsEndTick)
s = s->nextCR(lyricsTrack, true);
if (!s) {
// user probably deleted measures at end of score, leaving this melisma too long
// set s to last segment and reset lyricsEndTick to trigger FIXUP code below
s = score()->lastSegment();
lyricsEndTick = -1;
Element* se = s->element(lyricsTrack);
// everything is OK if we have reached a chord at right tick on right track
if (s->tick() == lyricsEndTick && se && se->type() == ElementType::CHORD) {
// advance to next CR, or last segment if no next CR
s = s->nextCR(lyricsTrack, true);
if (!s)
s = score()->lastSegment();
else {
// FIXUP - lyrics tick count not valid
// this happens if edits to score have removed the original end segment
// so let's fix it here
// s is already pointing to segment past endTick (or to last segment)
// we should shorten the lyrics tick count to make this work
Segment* ns = s;
Segment* ps = s->prev1(SegmentType::ChordRest);
while (ps && ps != lyricsSegment) {
Element* pe = ps->element(lyricsTrack);
// we're looking for an actual chord on this track
if (pe && pe->type() == ElementType::CHORD)
s = ps;
ps = ps->prev1(SegmentType::ChordRest);
if (!ps || ps == lyricsSegment) {
// no valid previous CR, so try to lengthen melisma instead
ps = ns;
s = ps->nextCR(lyricsTrack, true);
Element* e = s ? s->element(lyricsTrack) : nullptr;
// check to make sure we have a chord
if (!e || e->type() != ElementType::CHORD) {
// nothing to do but set ticks to 0
// this will result in melisma being deleted later
lyrics()->undoChangeProperty(Pid::LYRIC_TICKS, 0);
lyrics()->undoChangeProperty(Pid::LYRIC_TICKS, ps->tick() - lyricsStartTick);
setTicks(s->tick() - lyricsStartTick);
else { // dash(es)
_nextLyrics = searchNextLyrics(lyrics()->segment(), staffIdx(), lyrics()->no(), lyrics()->placement());
setTick2(_nextLyrics ? _nextLyrics->segment()->tick() : tick());
if (ticks()) { // only do layout if some time span
// do layout with non-0 duration
if (tempMelismaTicks)
2018-09-25 10:36:01 +02:00
// layoutSystem
SpannerSegment* LyricsLine::layoutSystem(System* system)
int stick = system->firstMeasure()->tick();
int etick = system->lastMeasure()->endTick();
// qDebug("%s %p %d-%d %d-%d", name(), this, stick, etick, tick(), tick2());
2018-09-25 10:36:01 +02:00
LyricsLineSegment* lineSegm = 0;
for (SpannerSegment* ss : segments) {
if (!ss->system()) {
lineSegm = toLyricsLineSegment(ss);
if (!lineSegm) {
lineSegm = toLyricsLineSegment(createLineSegment());
SpannerSegmentType sst;
if (tick() >= stick) {
if (!ticks()) // only do layout if some time span
return 0;
// this is the first call to layoutSystem,
// processing the first line segment
sst = tick2() <= etick ? SpannerSegmentType::SINGLE : SpannerSegmentType::BEGIN;
else if (tick() < stick && tick2() > etick) {
sst = SpannerSegmentType::MIDDLE;
else {
// this is the last call to layoutSystem
// processing the last line segment
sst = SpannerSegmentType::END;
switch (sst) {
case SpannerSegmentType::SINGLE: {
System* s;
QPointF p1 = linePos(Grip::START, &s);
QPointF p2 = linePos(Grip::END, &s);
qreal len = p2.x() - p1.x();
lineSegm->setPos2(QPointF(len, p2.y() - p1.y()));
case SpannerSegmentType::BEGIN: {
System* s;
QPointF p1 = linePos(Grip::START, &s);
qreal x2 = system->bbox().right();
lineSegm->setPos2(QPointF(x2 - p1.x(), 0.0));
case SpannerSegmentType::MIDDLE: {
Measure* firstMeasure = system->firstMeasure();
Segment* firstCRSeg = firstMeasure->first(SegmentType::ChordRest);
qreal x1 = (firstCRSeg ? firstCRSeg->pos().x() : 0) + firstMeasure->pos().x();
qreal x2 = system->bbox().right();
System* s;
QPointF p1 = linePos(Grip::START, &s);
lineSegm->setPos(QPointF(x1, p1.y()));
lineSegm->setPos2(QPointF(x2 - x1, 0.0));
case SpannerSegmentType::END: {
qreal offset = 0.0;
System* s;
QPointF p2 = linePos(Grip::END, &s);
Measure* firstMeas = system->firstMeasure();
Segment* firstCRSeg = firstMeas->first(SegmentType::ChordRest);
if (anchor() == Anchor::SEGMENT || anchor() == Anchor::MEASURE) {
// start line just after previous element (eg, key signature)
firstCRSeg = firstCRSeg->prev();
Element* e = firstCRSeg ? firstCRSeg->element(staffIdx() * VOICES) : nullptr;
if (e)
offset = e->width();
qreal x1 = (firstCRSeg ? firstCRSeg->pos().x() : 0) + firstMeas->pos().x() + offset;
qreal len = p2.x() - x1;
lineSegm->setPos(QPointF(p2.x() - len, p2.y()));
lineSegm->setPos2(QPointF(len, 0.0));
#if 1
QList<SpannerSegment*> sl;
for (SpannerSegment* ss : segments) {
if (ss->system())
else {
qDebug("delete spanner segment %s", ss->name());
delete ss;
// if temp melisma extend the first line segment to be
// after the lyrics syllable (otherwise the melisma segment
// will be too short).
const bool tempMelismaTicks = (lyrics()->ticks() == Lyrics::TEMP_MELISMA_TICKS);
if (tempMelismaTicks && segments.size() > 0 && segments.front() == lineSegm)
lineSegm->rxpos2() += lyrics()->width();
2018-09-25 10:36:01 +02:00
#if 0
QList<SpannerSegment*> sl;
for (SpannerSegment* ss : segments) {
if (ss->system())
else {
qDebug("delete spanner segment %s", ss->name());
delete ss;
return lineSegm;
2018-07-19 13:03:25 +02:00
// createLineSegment
LineSegment* LyricsLine::createLineSegment()
LyricsLineSegment* seg = new LyricsLineSegment(score());
return seg;
// removeUnmanaged
// same as Spanner::removeUnmanaged(), but in addition, remove from hosting Lyrics
void LyricsLine::removeUnmanaged()
if (lyrics())
// setProperty
bool LyricsLine::setProperty(Pid propertyId, const QVariant& v)
switch (propertyId) {
// if parent lyrics has a melisma, change its length too
if (parent() && parent()->type() == ElementType::LYRICS
&& toLyrics(parent())->ticks() > 0) {
int newTicks = toLyrics(parent())->ticks() + v.toInt() - ticks();
parent()->undoChangeProperty(Pid::LYRIC_TICKS, newTicks);
if (!SLine::setProperty(propertyId, v))
return false;
return true;
// LyricsLineSegment
LyricsLineSegment::LyricsLineSegment(Score* s)
: LineSegment(s, ElementFlag::ON_STAFF | ElementFlag::NOT_SELECTABLE)
// layout
void LyricsLineSegment::layout()
ryoffset() = 0.0;
2018-09-19 12:35:03 +02:00
2018-07-19 13:03:25 +02:00
bool endOfSystem = false;
bool isEndMelisma = lyricsLine()->lyrics()->ticks() > 0;
Lyrics* lyr = 0;
Lyrics* nextLyr = 0;
qreal fromX = 0;
qreal toX = 0; // start and end point of intra-lyrics room
qreal sp = spatium();
System* sys;
if (lyricsLine()->ticks() <= 0) { // if no span,
_numOfDashes = 0; // nothing to draw
return; // and do nothing
// A) if line precedes a syllable, advance line end to right before the next syllable text
// if not a melisma and there is a next syllable;
if (!isEndMelisma && lyricsLine()->nextLyrics() && isSingleEndType()) {
lyr = nextLyr = lyricsLine()->nextLyrics();
sys = lyr->segment()->system();
endOfSystem = (sys != system());
// if next lyrics is on a different system, this line segment is at the end of its system:
// do not adjust for next lyrics position
if (!endOfSystem) {
qreal lyrX = lyr->bbox().x();
qreal lyrXp = lyr->pagePos().x();
qreal sysXp = sys->pagePos().x();
toX = lyrXp - sysXp + lyrX; // syst.rel. X pos.
2018-08-02 13:27:08 +02:00
qreal offsetX = toX - pos().x() - pos2().x() - score()->styleP(Sid::lyricsDashPad);
2018-07-19 13:03:25 +02:00
// delta from current end pos.| ending padding
rxpos2() += offsetX;
// B) if line follows a syllable, advance line start to after the syllable text
lyr = lyricsLine()->lyrics();
sys = lyr->segment()->system();
if (sys && isSingleBeginType()) {
qreal lyrX = lyr->bbox().x();
qreal lyrXp = lyr->pagePos().x();
qreal lyrW = lyr->bbox().width();
qreal sysXp = sys->pagePos().x();
fromX = lyrXp - sysXp + lyrX + lyrW;
// syst.rel. X pos. | lyr.advance
qreal offsetX = fromX - pos().x();
2018-08-02 13:27:08 +02:00
offsetX += score()->styleP(isEndMelisma ? Sid::lyricsMelismaPad : Sid::lyricsDashPad);
2018-07-19 13:03:25 +02:00
// delta from curr.pos. | add initial padding
rxpos() += offsetX;
rxpos2() -= offsetX;
// VERTICAL POSITION: at the base line of the syllable text
if (!isEndType()) {
2018-07-19 13:03:25 +02:00
rypos() = lyr->ipos().y();
ryoffset() = lyr->offset().y();
2018-07-19 13:03:25 +02:00
else {
// use Y position of *next* syllable if there is one on same system
Lyrics* nextLyr1 = searchNextLyrics(lyr->segment(), lyr->staffIdx(), lyr->no(), lyr->placement());
if (nextLyr1 && nextLyr1->segment()->system() == system()) {
rypos() = nextLyr1->ipos().y();
ryoffset() = nextLyr1->offset().y();
else {
2018-09-19 12:35:03 +02:00
rypos() = lyr->ipos().y();
ryoffset() = lyr->offset().y();
2018-07-19 13:03:25 +02:00
if (isEndMelisma) { // melisma
_numOfDashes = 1;
rypos() -= lyricsLine()->lineWidth() * .5; // let the line 'sit on' the base line
qreal offsetX = score()->styleP(Sid::minNoteDistance) * mag();
// if final segment, extend slightly after the chord, otherwise shorten it
rxpos2() += (isBeginType() || isEndType()) ? -offsetX : +offsetX;
else { // dash(es)
// set conventional dash Y pos
2018-08-02 13:27:08 +02:00
rypos() -= MScore::pixelRatio * lyr->fontMetrics().xHeight() * score()->styleD(Sid::lyricsDashYposRatio);
2018-07-19 13:03:25 +02:00
_dashLength = score()->styleP(Sid::lyricsDashMaxLength) * mag(); // and dash length
qreal len = pos2().x();
qreal minDashLen = score()->styleS(Sid::lyricsDashMinLength).val() * sp;
qreal maxDashDist = score()->styleS(Sid::lyricsDashMaxDistance).val() * sp;
if (len < minDashLen) { // if no room for a dash
// if at end of system or dash is forced
if (endOfSystem || score()->styleB(Sid::lyricsDashForce)) {
rxpos2() = minDashLen; // draw minimal dash
_numOfDashes = 1;
_dashLength = minDashLen;
else // if within system or dash not forced
_numOfDashes = 0; // draw no dash
else if (len < (maxDashDist * 2.0)) { // if no room for two dashes
_numOfDashes = 1; // draw one dash
if (_dashLength > len) // if no room for a full dash
_dashLength = len; // shorten it
_numOfDashes = len / (maxDashDist); // draw several dashes
// adjust next lyrics horiz. position if too little a space forced to skip the dash
if (_numOfDashes == 0 && nextLyr != nullptr && len > 0)
nextLyr->rxpos() -= (toX - fromX);
// set bounding box
QRectF r = QRectF(0.0, 0.0, pos2().x(), pos2().y()).normalized();
qreal lw = lyricsLine()->lineWidth() * .5;
setbbox(r.adjusted(-lw, -lw, lw, lw));
// draw
void LyricsLineSegment::draw(QPainter* painter) const
if (_numOfDashes < 1) // nothing to draw
QPen pen(lyricsLine()->lyrics()->curColor());
if (lyricsLine()->lyrics()->ticks() > 0) // melisma
painter->drawLine(QPointF(), pos2());
else { // dash(es)
qreal step = pos2().x() / (_numOfDashes+1);
qreal x = step - _dashLength * .5;
for (int i = 0; i < _numOfDashes; i++, x += step)
painter->drawLine(QPointF(x, 0.0), QPointF(x + _dashLength, 0.0));