fix stems for drum staves

This commit is contained in:
ws 2013-05-23 15:39:14 +02:00
parent 0326f57b19
commit 0cefb023a3
4 changed files with 252 additions and 176 deletions

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@ -1372,7 +1372,18 @@ void Chord::layout()
if (_notes.empty())
if (staff() && staff()->isTabStaff())
// layoutPitch
void Chord::layoutPitch()
qreal _spatium = spatium();
while (_ledgerLines) {
@ -1385,168 +1396,59 @@ void Chord::layout()
qreal rrr = 0.0; // space to leave at right of chord
Note* upnote = upNote();
qreal headWidth = symbols[score()->symIdx()][quartheadSym].width(magS());
StaffTypeTablature* tab = 0;
if (staff() && staff()->isTabStaff()) {
delete _tabDur; // no TAB? no duration symbol! (may happen when converting a TAB into PITCHED)
_tabDur = 0;
if (!segment()) {
// hack for use in palette
tab = (StaffTypeTablature*)staff()->staffType();
qreal lineDist = tab->lineDistance().val();
qreal stemX = tab->chordStemPosX(this) *_spatium;
int n = _notes.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Note* note =;
// set headWidth to max fret text width
qreal fretWidth = note->bbox().width();
if (headWidth < fretWidth)
headWidth = fretWidth;
// centre fret string on stem
qreal x = stemX - fretWidth*0.5;
note->setPos(x, _spatium * tab->physStringToVisual(note->string()) * lineDist);
// note->layout2(); // needed? it is repeated later right before computing bbox
qreal x = 0.0;
qreal y = note->line() * _spatium * .5;
note->setPos(x, y);
// horiz. spacing: leave half width at each side of the (potential) stem
qreal halfHeadWidth = headWidth * 0.5;
if (lll < stemX - halfHeadWidth)
lll = stemX - halfHeadWidth;
if (rrr < stemX + halfHeadWidth)
rrr = stemX + halfHeadWidth;
// if tab type is stemless or chord is stemless (possible when imported from MusicXML)
// or duration longer than half (if halves have stems) or duration longer than crochet
// remove stems
if (tab->slashStyle() || _noStem || durationType().type() <
(tab->minimStyle() != TAB_MINIM_NONE ? TDuration::V_HALF : TDuration::V_QUARTER) ) {
delete _stem;
delete _hook;
_stem = 0;
_hook = 0;
// if stem is required but missing, add it;
// set stem position (stem length is set in Chord:layoutStem() )
else {
if (_stem == 0)
setStem(new Stem(score()));
_stem->setPos(tab->chordStemPos(this) * _spatium);
if (_hook) {
if (beam()) {
delete _hook;
_hook = 0;
else {
if (rrr < stemX + _hook->width())
rrr = stemX + _hook->width();
// unconditionally delete grace slashes
delete _stemSlash;
_stemSlash = 0;
if (!tab->genDurations() // if tab is not set for duration symbols
|| (track2voice(track()))) { // or not in first voice
// no tab duration symbols
delete _tabDur; // delete an existing duration symbol
_tabDur = 0;
else {
// tab duration symbols
// check duration of prev. CR segm
ChordRest * prevCR = prevChordRest(this);
// if no previous CR
// OR duration type and/or number of dots is different from current CR
// OR previous CR is a rest
// set a duration symbol (trying to re-use existing symbols where existing to minimize
// symbol creation and deletion)
if (prevCR == 0 || prevCR->durationType().type() != durationType().type()
|| prevCR->dots() != dots()
|| prevCR->type() == REST) {
// symbol needed; if not exist, create; if exists, update duration
if (!_tabDur)
_tabDur = new TabDurationSymbol(score(), tab, durationType().type(), dots());
_tabDur->setDuration(durationType().type(), dots(), tab);
else { // symbol not needed: if exists, delete
delete _tabDur;
_tabDur = 0;
} // end of if(duration_symbols)
} // end of if(isTabStaff)
else {
delete _tabDur; // no TAB? no duration symbol! (may happen when converting a TAB into PITCHED)
_tabDur = 0;
if (!segment()) {
// hack for use in palette
int n = _notes.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Note* note =;
qreal x = 0.0;
qreal y = note->line() * _spatium * .5;
note->setPos(x, y);
// process notes
// - position
int lx = 0.0;
qreal noteWidth = _notes.size() ? downNote()->headWidth() :
qreal stemX = _up ? noteWidth : 0.0;
int n = _notes.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
Note* note =;
qreal x = note->rxpos();
Accidental* accidental = note->accidental();
if (accidental) {
qreal minNoteDistance = score()->styleS(ST_minNoteDistance).val() * _spatium;
x = accidental->x() + note->x() - minNoteDistance;
if (x < lx)
lx = x;
lll = -lx;
if (stem())
stem()->rypos() = (_up ? downNote() : upNote())->rypos();
addLedgerLines(stemX, staffMove());
for (LedgerLine* ll = _ledgerLines; ll; ll = ll->next())
// process notes
// - position
int lx = 0.0;
qreal noteWidth = _notes.size() ? downNote()->headWidth() :
qreal stemX = _up ? noteWidth : 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < _notes.size(); ++i) {
Note* note =;
qreal x = note->rxpos();
Accidental* accidental = note->accidental();
if (accidental) {
qreal minNoteDistance = score()->styleS(ST_minNoteDistance).val() * _spatium;
x = accidental->x() + note->x() - minNoteDistance;
if (x < lx)
lx = x;
lll = -lx;
if (stem())
stem()->rypos() = (_up ? downNote() : upNote())->rypos();
addLedgerLines(stemX, staffMove());
for (LedgerLine* ll = _ledgerLines; ll; ll = ll->next())
if (_arpeggio) {
qreal headHeight = upnote->headHeight();
@ -1565,29 +1467,200 @@ void Chord::layout()
if (_glissando)
lll += _spatium * .5;
if (!tab) {
int n = _notes.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
Note* note =;
qreal lhw = note->headWidth();
qreal rr = 0.0; // assume note is at left of stem (0 space at right)
if (note->mirror()) {
if (up())
rr = lhw * 2.0;
else {
if (lhw > lll)
lll = lhw;
int n = _notes.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
Note* note =;
qreal lhw = note->headWidth();
qreal rr = 0.0; // assume note is at left of stem (0 space at right)
if (note->mirror()) {
if (up())
rr = lhw * 2.0;
else {
if (lhw > lll)
lll = lhw;
rr = lhw;
if (rr > rrr)
rrr = rr;
qreal xx = note->pos().x() + headWidth + pos().x();
if (xx > dotPosX())
if (dots()) {
qreal x = dotPosX() + point(score()->styleS(ST_dotNoteDistance)
+ (dots()-1) * score()->styleS(ST_dotDotDistance));
x += symbols[score()->symIdx()][dotSym].width(1.0);
if (x > rrr)
rrr = x;
if (_hook) {
if (beam())
else {
if (up()) {
// hook position is not set yet
qreal x = _hook->bbox().right() + stem()->hookPos().x();
rrr = qMax(rrr, x);
rr = lhw;
if (rr > rrr)
rrr = rr;
qreal xx = note->pos().x() + headWidth + pos().x();
if (xx > dotPosX())
_space.setRw(rrr + ipos().x());
for (Element* e : _el) {
if (e->type() == CHORDLINE) {
int x = bbox().translated(e->pos()).right();
if (x >
for (int i = 0; i < _notes.size(); ++i)>layout2();
QRectF bb;
processSiblings([&bb] (Element* e) { bb |= e->bbox().translated(e->pos()); } );
// layoutTablature
void Chord::layoutTablature()
qreal _spatium = spatium();
while (_ledgerLines) {
LedgerLine* l = _ledgerLines->next();
delete _ledgerLines;
_ledgerLines = l;
qreal lll = 0.0; // space to leave at left of chord
qreal rrr = 0.0; // space to leave at right of chord
Note* upnote = upNote();
qreal headWidth = symbols[score()->symIdx()][quartheadSym].width(magS());
StaffTypeTablature* tab = 0;
tab = (StaffTypeTablature*)staff()->staffType();
qreal lineDist = tab->lineDistance().val();
qreal stemX = tab->chordStemPosX(this) *_spatium;
int n = _notes.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
Note* note =;
// set headWidth to max fret text width
qreal fretWidth = note->bbox().width();
if (headWidth < fretWidth)
headWidth = fretWidth;
// centre fret string on stem
qreal x = stemX - fretWidth*0.5;
note->setPos(x, _spatium * tab->physStringToVisual(note->string()) * lineDist);
// note->layout2(); // needed? it is repeated later right before computing bbox
// horiz. spacing: leave half width at each side of the (potential) stem
qreal halfHeadWidth = headWidth * 0.5;
if (lll < stemX - halfHeadWidth)
lll = stemX - halfHeadWidth;
if (rrr < stemX + halfHeadWidth)
rrr = stemX + halfHeadWidth;
// if tab type is stemless or chord is stemless (possible when imported from MusicXML)
// or duration longer than half (if halves have stems) or duration longer than crochet
// remove stems
if (tab->slashStyle() || _noStem || durationType().type() <
(tab->minimStyle() != TAB_MINIM_NONE ? TDuration::V_HALF : TDuration::V_QUARTER) ) {
delete _stem;
delete _hook;
_stem = 0;
_hook = 0;
// if stem is required but missing, add it;
// set stem position (stem length is set in Chord:layoutStem() )
else {
if (_stem == 0)
setStem(new Stem(score()));
_stem->setPos(tab->chordStemPos(this) * _spatium);
if (_hook) {
if (beam()) {
delete _hook;
_hook = 0;
else {
if (rrr < stemX + _hook->width())
rrr = stemX + _hook->width();
// unconditionally delete grace slashes
delete _stemSlash;
_stemSlash = 0;
if (!tab->genDurations() // if tab is not set for duration symbols
|| (track2voice(track()))) { // or not in first voice
// no tab duration symbols
delete _tabDur; // delete an existing duration symbol
_tabDur = 0;
else {
// tab duration symbols
// check duration of prev. CR segm
ChordRest * prevCR = prevChordRest(this);
// if no previous CR
// OR duration type and/or number of dots is different from current CR
// OR previous CR is a rest
// set a duration symbol (trying to re-use existing symbols where existing to minimize
// symbol creation and deletion)
if (prevCR == 0 || prevCR->durationType().type() != durationType().type()
|| prevCR->dots() != dots()
|| prevCR->type() == REST) {
// symbol needed; if not exist, create; if exists, update duration
if (!_tabDur)
_tabDur = new TabDurationSymbol(score(), tab, durationType().type(), dots());
_tabDur->setDuration(durationType().type(), dots(), tab);
else { // symbol not needed: if exists, delete
delete _tabDur;
_tabDur = 0;
} // end of if(duration_symbols)
if (_arpeggio) {
qreal headHeight = upnote->headHeight();
lll += _arpeggio->width() + _spatium * .5;
qreal y = upNote()->pos().y() - headHeight * .5;
qreal h = downNote()->pos().y() + downNote()->headHeight() - y;
_arpeggio->setPos(-lll, y);
// handle the special case of _arpeggio->span() > 1
// in layoutArpeggio2() after page layout has done so we
// know the y position of the next staves
if (_glissando)
lll += _spatium * .5;
if (dots()) {
qreal x = dotPosX() + point(score()->styleS(ST_dotNoteDistance)
+ (dots()-1) * score()->styleS(ST_dotDotDistance));
@ -1624,10 +1697,9 @@ void Chord::layout()
for (int i = 0; i < _notes.size(); ++i)>layout2();
QRectF bb;
processSiblings([&bb] (Element* e) { bb |= e->bbox().translated(e->pos()); } );
if (staff() && staff()->isTabStaff() && _tabDur)
if (_tabDur)
bb |= _tabDur->bbox().translated(_tabDur->pos());

View file

@ -78,6 +78,8 @@ class Chord : public ChordRest {
void addLedgerLine(qreal x, int staffIdx, int line, int extend, bool visible, qreal hw);
void addLedgerLines(qreal x, int move);
void processSiblings(std::function<void(Element*)> func);
void layoutPitch();
void layoutTablature();
Chord(Score* s = 0);

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@ -100,7 +100,8 @@ void Score::layoutChords1(Segment* segment, int staffIdx)
Staff* staff = Score::staff(staffIdx);
if (staff->isDrumStaff() || staff->isTabStaff())
// if (staff->isDrumStaff() || staff->isTabStaff())
if (staff->isTabStaff())
int startTrack = staffIdx * VOICES;

View file

@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ void DrumTools::updateDrumset()
Chord* chord = new Chord(gscore);
Note* note = new Note(gscore);