Comments improved and cleaned up.

This commit is contained in:
Maurizio Gavioli 2012-11-11 01:50:57 +01:00
parent d553eb63be
commit 13a0db06c9
3 changed files with 6 additions and 27 deletions

View file

@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ Element* BarLine::drop(const DropData& data)
delete e;
return 0;
// system left-hand bar line
// system left-side bar line
if (parent()->type() == SYSTEM) {
BarLine* b = static_cast<System*>(parent())->barLine();
score()->undoChangeProperty(b, P_SUBTYPE, int(bl->subtype()));
@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ Element* BarLine::drop(const DropData& data)
// if drop refers to span, update this bar line span
if(bl->spanFrom() != 0 || bl->spanTo() != DEFAULT_BARLINE_TO) {
// if dropped spanFrom or spanTo are below the middle of standard staff (5 lines)
// adjust to the number of lines of this bar line staff
// adjust to the number of syaff lines
int bottomSpan = (staff()->lines()-1) * 2;
int spanFrom = bl->spanFrom() > 4 ? bottomSpan - (8 - bl->spanFrom()) : bl->spanFrom();
int spanTo = bl->spanTo() > 4 ? bottomSpan - (8 - bl->spanTo()) : bl->spanTo();
@ -531,11 +531,11 @@ void BarLine::endEdit()
_span = _origSpan; // restore original span values
_spanFrom = _origSpanFrom;
_spanTo = _origSpanTo;
// undoable change
score()->undoChangeSingleBarLineSpan(this, newSpan, newSpanFrom, newSpanTo);
// if same as staff settings, do nothing
if (staff()->barLineSpan() == _span && staff()->barLineFrom() == _spanFrom && staff()->barLineTo() == _spanTo)
@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ void BarLine::endEdit()
else {
int idx1 = staffIdx() + _span;
int idx2 = staffIdx() + staff()->barLineSpan();
// set standard span for each un-spanned staff
// set standard span for each no-longer-spanned staff
for (int idx = idx1; idx < idx2; ++idx)
score()->undoChangeBarLineSpan(score()->staff(idx), 1, 0, (score()->staff(idx)->lines()-1)*2);
@ -561,8 +561,6 @@ void BarLine::endEdit()
// update span for the staff the edited bar line belongs to
score()->undoChangeBarLineSpan(staff(), _span, _spanFrom, _spanTo);
// added "_score->setLayoutAll(true);" to ChangeBarLineSpan::flip()
// otherwise no measure bar line update occurs
@ -612,7 +610,6 @@ void BarLine::endEditDrag()
qreal y1, y2;
getY(&y1, &y2);
qreal ay0 = pagePos().y();
// qreal ay1 = ay0 + y1;
qreal ay2 = ay0 + y2; // absolute (page-relative) bar line bottom coord
int staffIdx1 = staffIdx();
@ -681,25 +678,9 @@ void BarLine::endEditDrag()
// if any value changed, update
if(newSpan != _span || newSpanFrom != _spanFrom || newSpanTo != _spanTo) {
if (newSpan > _span) {
int diff = newSpan - _span;
staffIdx1 += _span;
staffIdx2 = staffIdx1 + diff;
Segment* s = score()->firstMeasure()->first(SegEndBarLine);
for (; s; s = s->next1(SegEndBarLine)) {
for (int staffIdx = staffIdx1; staffIdx < staffIdx2; ++staffIdx) {
Element* e = s->element(staffIdx * VOICES);
if (e) {
} */
_span = newSpan;
_spanFrom = newSpanFrom;
_spanTo = newSpanTo;
// score()->undoChangeBarLineSpan(staff(), _span, _spanFrom, _spanTo);
yoff1 = yoff2 = 0.0;

View file

@ -2752,9 +2752,6 @@ qreal Score::computeMinWidth(Segment* fs) const
// updateBarLineSpans
/// updates bar line span(s) when the number of lines of a staff changes
// if idxIsStaffIdx == true, change is for staff(idx)
// if idxIsStaffIdx ==false, change for all staves with StaffType idx
void Score::updateBarLineSpans(int idx, int linesOld, int linesNew)
@ -2766,7 +2763,7 @@ void Score::updateBarLineSpans(int idx, int linesOld, int linesNew)
// barLineSpan is not changed; barLineFrom and barLineTo are changed if they occur in the bottom half of a staff
// in practice, a barLineFrom/To from/to the top half of the staff is linked to the staff top line,
// a barLineFrom/To from/to the bottom half of the staff is linked to staff bottom line;
// this ensures plainchant and mensurstrich special bar lines keep their relationships to the staff.
// this ensures plainchant and mensurstrich special bar lines keep their relationships to the staff lines.
for(int sIdx = 0; sIdx < nStaves; sIdx++) {
_staff = staff(sIdx);
// if this is the modified staff

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@ -2237,6 +2237,7 @@ void ChangeStaff::flip()
MStaff* mstaff = m->mstaff(staffIdx);
// if staff type changed, the whole staff across the entire score needs re-laying out