FiguredBass script properties (work in progress)

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Maurizio Gavioli 2012-08-10 00:11:42 +02:00
parent 0039d5f4a7
commit 3fb7bc3d9a

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@ -155,11 +155,20 @@ struct FiguredBassFont {
// @@ FiguredBass
/// A complete figured bass indication
// @P items array[FiguredBassItem] the list of individual items
// @P onNote bool whether it is placed on a note beginning or between notes (r/o)
// @P ticks int duration in ticks
class FiguredBass : public Text {
// Q_PROPERTY(QDeclarativeListProperty<FiguredBassItem> items READ qmlItems)
Q_PROPERTY(bool onNote READ onNote)
Q_PROPERTY(int ticks READ ticks WRITE setTicks)
QList<FiguredBassItem> items; // the individual lines of the F.B.
QVector<qreal> _lineLenghts; // lengths of duration indicator lines (in raster units)
bool _onNote; // true if this element is on a staff note | false if it is betweee notes
@ -197,9 +206,19 @@ class FiguredBass : public Text {
void writeMusicXML(Xml& xml) const;
// getter /setters
qreal lineLength(int idx) const { if(_lineLenghts.size() > idx)
// void qmlItemsAppend(QDeclarativeListProperty<FiguredBassItem> *list, FiguredBassItem * pItem)
// { list->append(pItem);
// items.append(&pItem);
// }
// QDeclarativeListProperty<FiguredBassItem> qmlItems()
// { QList<FiguredBassItem*> list;
// foreach(FiguredBassItem item, items)
// list.append(&item);
// return QDeclarativeListProperty<FiguredBassItem>(this, &items, qmlItemsAppend);
// }
qreal lineLength(int idx) const { if(_lineLenghts.size() > idx)
return 0; }
return 0; }
bool onNote() const { return _onNote; }
void setOnNote(bool val) { _onNote = val; }
Segment * segment() const { return static_cast<Segment*>(parent()); }