Implemented the view for "Glissando" inspector section

This commit is contained in:
pereverzev_v 2020-04-22 11:54:36 +02:00
parent 6aa675a8e8
commit 7d6b5e3aac
3 changed files with 62 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -119,6 +119,8 @@

View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<svg width="21" height="16" viewBox="0 0 21 16" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M7.01562 12.9062C6.99479 12.9062 6.97917 12.9062 6.96875 12.9062C6.82292 12.9062 6.69792 12.8594 6.59375 12.7656C6.5 12.6615 6.45312 12.5417 6.45312 12.4062C6.45312 12.2812 6.49479 12.1719 6.57812 12.0781C6.67188 11.974 6.78125 11.9167 6.90625 11.9062L14.4375 10.3125C14.4688 10.3021 14.5 10.2969 14.5312 10.2969C14.6042 10.2969 14.6719 10.3177 14.7344 10.3594C14.8073 10.3906 14.8698 10.4375 14.9219 10.5C14.974 10.5625 15.0052 10.6302 15.0156 10.7031C15.026 10.7448 15.0312 10.7812 15.0312 10.8125C15.0312 10.9271 14.9896 11.0312 14.9062 11.125C14.8333 11.2188 14.7396 11.276 14.625 11.2969L7.125 12.9062H7.01562ZM3.65625 4.0625C3.76042 3.95833 3.88021 3.90625 4.01562 3.90625C4.15104 3.90625 4.26562 3.95833 4.35938 4.0625C4.46354 4.15625 4.51562 4.27083 4.51562 4.40625V12.9062C4.51562 12.9271 4.51562 12.9479 4.51562 12.9688C4.51562 13.2188 4.45312 13.4896 4.32812 13.7812C4.20312 14.0833 4.05208 14.3177 3.875 14.4844C3.48958 14.8802 3.05729 15.1042 2.57812 15.1562C2.08854 15.2083 1.69271 15.0781 1.39062 14.7656C1.07812 14.4531 0.947917 14.0521 1 13.5625C1.05208 13.0833 1.27083 12.651 1.65625 12.2656C1.82292 12.0885 2.05208 11.9375 2.34375 11.8125C2.625 11.6875 2.89062 11.625 3.14062 11.625C3.26562 11.625 3.39062 11.6354 3.51562 11.6562V4.40625C3.51562 4.27083 3.5625 4.15625 3.65625 4.0625ZM20.5156 0.90625V9.40625C20.5156 9.41667 20.5156 9.43229 20.5156 9.45312C20.5156 9.70312 20.4479 9.97917 20.3125 10.2812C20.1875 10.5833 20.0365 10.8177 19.8594 10.9844C19.474 11.3802 19.0417 11.6042 18.5625 11.6562C18.0833 11.7083 17.6875 11.5781 17.375 11.2656C17.0729 10.9531 16.9479 10.5573 17 10.0781C17.0521 9.58854 17.2708 9.15104 17.6562 8.76562C17.8229 8.58854 18.0469 8.4375 18.3281 8.3125C18.6198 8.1875 18.8906 8.125 19.1406 8.125C19.2656 8.125 19.3906 8.13542 19.5156 8.15625V0.90625C19.5156 0.770833 19.5625 0.65625 19.6562 0.5625C19.7604 0.458333 19.8802 0.40625 20.0156 0.40625C20.151 0.40625 20.2656 0.458333 20.3594 0.5625C20.4635 0.65625 20.5156 0.770833 20.5156 0.90625Z" fill="black"/>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.1 KiB

View file

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
import QtQuick 2.9
import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
import MuseScore.Inspectors 3.3
import "../../common"
StyledPopup {
id: root
property QtObject model: null
implicitHeight: contentColumn.implicitHeight + topPadding + bottomPadding
width: parent.width
Column {
id: contentColumn
width: parent.width
spacing: 12
StyledTextLabel {
text: qsTr("Glissando line")
RadioButtonGroup {
id: radioButtonList
height: 30
width: parent.width
model: [
{ textRole: qsTr("Straight"), valueRole: Glissando.LINE_TYPE_STRAIGHT },
{ textRole: qsTr("Wavy"), valueRole: Glissando.LINE_TYPE_WAVY }
delegate: FlatRadioButton {
id: radioButtonDelegate radioButtonList.radioButtonGroup
checked: root.model && !root.model.lineType.isUndefined ? root.model.lineType.value === modelData["valueRole"]
: false
onToggled: {
root.model.lineType.value = modelData["valueRole"]
StyledTextLabel {
text: modelData["textRole"]
elide: Text.ElideRight
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter