Add ability to guess tie attachment point for different noteheads

Also, cleaned up some comments and renamed some functions to make them easier to understand
This commit is contained in:
Aaron Sattely 2021-11-03 20:56:28 -04:00 committed by Igor Korsukov
parent ccfce30e03
commit 7ff38d3ee2
4 changed files with 316 additions and 164 deletions

View file

@ -1072,6 +1072,57 @@ qreal Note::headBodyWidth() const
return headWidth() + 2 * bboxXShift();
// outsideTieAttachX
// returns the X-position for tie attachment for this particular notehead
qreal Note::outsideTieAttachX(bool up) const
qreal xo;
// special cases:
if (_headGroup == NoteHead::Group::HEAD_SLASH) {
// the anchors are really close to the stem attach points
xo = up ? symSmuflAnchor(noteHead(), SmuflAnchorId::stemUpSE).x() : symSmuflAnchor(noteHead(), SmuflAnchorId::stemDownNW).x();
xo += spatium() * 0.13 * (chord()->up() ? mag() : -mag());
return x() + xo;
if (_headGroup == NoteHead::Group::HEAD_SLASHED1 || _headGroup == NoteHead::Group::HEAD_SLASHED2) {
// just use the very center of the notehead
return x() + ((headBodyWidth() / 2) * mag());
/* Noteheads do not have optical centers at this time, but here's the code
to future-proof
xo = symSmuflAnchor(noteHead(), SmuflAnchorId::opticalCenter).x() * mag();
if (xo > 0) {
return x() + xo;
// try for average of cutouts
if (up) {
qreal xNE = symSmuflAnchor(noteHead(), SmuflAnchorId::cutOutNE).x();
qreal xNW = symSmuflAnchor(noteHead(), SmuflAnchorId::cutOutNW).x();
xo = ((xNE + xNW) / 2) * mag();
if (xNE < xNW) {
// musejazz is busted
xo = 0;
} else {
qreal xSE = symSmuflAnchor(noteHead(), SmuflAnchorId::cutOutSE).x();
qreal xSW = symSmuflAnchor(noteHead(), SmuflAnchorId::cutOutSW).x();
xo = ((xSE + xSW) / 2) * mag();
if (xSE < xSW) {
xo = 0;
if (xo > 0) {
return x() + xo;
// no cutout, not a slash head, default to middle of notehead
return x() + ((headWidth() / 2) * mag());
void Note::updateHeadGroup(const NoteHead::Group headGroup)
NoteHead::Group group = headGroup;

View file

@ -376,6 +376,7 @@ public:
qreal noteheadCenterX() const;
qreal bboxRightPos() const;
qreal headBodyWidth() const;
qreal outsideTieAttachX(bool up) const;
NoteHead::Scheme headScheme() const { return _headScheme; }
void updateHeadGroup(const NoteHead::Group headGroup);

View file

@ -349,16 +349,32 @@ void TieSegment::computeBezier(PointF shoulderOffset)
// layoutSegment
// adjustY
// adjust the y-position of the tie. this is called before adjustX()
// p1, p2 are in System coordinates
void TieSegment::layoutSegment(const PointF& p1, const PointF& p2)
void TieSegment::adjustY(const PointF& p1, const PointF& p2)
autoAdjustOffset = PointF();
Tie* t = toTie(slurTie());
Chord* sc = t->startNote() ? t->startNote()->chord() : 0;
if (!sc) {
return; // don't adjust these ties vertically
qreal sp = spatium();
const qreal ld = staff()->lineDistance(sc->tick()) * sp;
const qreal lines = staff()->lines(sc->tick());
const int line = t->startNote()->line();
shoulderHeightMin = 0.4;
shoulderHeightMax = 1.3;
qreal tieAdjustSp = 0;
const qreal staffLineOffset = 0.125 + (styleP(Sid::staffLineWidth) / 2 / ld); // sp
const qreal noteHeadOffset = 0.185; // sp
bool isUp = t->up();
ups(Grip::START).p = p1;
@ -372,9 +388,12 @@ void TieSegment::layoutSegment(const PointF& p1, const PointF& p2)
if (isNudged() || isEdited()) {
if (!t->isInside()) {
setAutoAdjust(PointF(0, noteHeadOffset * spatium() * (slurTie()->up() ? -1 : 1)));
RectF bbox;
if (p1.y() == p2.y()) {
#if 0
// for horizontal ties we can estimate the bbox using simple math instead of having to call
// computeBezier() which uses a whole lot of trigonometry to draw the entire tie
@ -385,140 +404,159 @@ void TieSegment::layoutSegment(const PointF& p1, const PointF& p2)
qreal shoulderHeight = bbox.width() * 0.4 * 0.38;
shoulderHeight = qBound(shoulderHeightMin * spatium(), shoulderHeight, shoulderHeightMax * spatium());
qreal actualHeight = 2 * (shoulderHeight + styleP(Sid::SlurMidWidth)) / 3;
qreal actualHeight = 3 * (shoulderHeight + styleP(Sid::SlurMidWidth)) / 4;
bbox.setY(p1.y() - (slurTie()->up() ? actualHeight : 0));
} else {
// more correct, less efficient
bbox = path.boundingRect();
} else {
// don't adjust ties that aren't horizontal, just add offset
// instead of the above if-else, the more "accurate" way to do this is:
// computeBezier();
// bbox = path.boundingRect();
auto spansBarline = [staffLineOffset, lines](qreal a, qreal b) {
if (b < a) {
qSwap(a, b);
if (b < -staffLineOffset || a > (lines - 1) + staffLineOffset) {
return false;
if (a < -staffLineOffset && b > staffLineOffset) {
// a and b straddle line zero
return true;
if (floor(a - staffLineOffset) != floor(b + staffLineOffset)) {
return true;
return false;
Tie* t = toTie(slurTie());
qreal sp = spatium();
qreal endpointYsp = (bbox.y() + (isUp ? bbox.height() : 0)) / ld;
qreal tieHeightSp = bbox.height() / ld;
qreal tieThicknessSp = (styleP(Sid::SlurMidWidth) + ((styleP(Sid::SlurMidWidth) - styleP(Sid::SlurEndWidth)) / 2)) / ld;
qreal tieMidOutsideSp = endpointYsp + (isUp ? -tieHeightSp : tieHeightSp);
qreal tieMidInsideSp = tieMidOutsideSp + (isUp ? (tieThicknessSp) : -(tieThicknessSp));
if (!t->isInside()) {
// adjust position to avoid staff line if necessary
Staff* st = staff();
bool collideAbove = false;
bool collideBelow = false;
if (slurTie()->isTie() && st && !st->isTabStaff(slurTie()->tick())) {
// multinote chords with ties need special handling
// otherwise, adjusted tie might crowd an unadjusted tie unnecessarily
Note* sn = t->startNote();
Chord* sc = sn ? sn->chord() : 0;
if (sc && sc->notes().size() > 1) {
for (Note* note : sc->notes()) {
if (note == sn || !note->tieFor()) {
qreal endpointYLineDist = endpointYsp - floor(endpointYsp);
// ENDPOINTS ////////////////////////////////
// If the endpoints are less than staffLineOffset from a line, they need to be adjusted
// in the direction of the tie.
qreal newAnchor = endpointYsp;
bool farAdjust = false;
if ((isUp && endpointYsp > -staffLineOffset) || (!isUp && endpointYsp < (lines - 1) + staffLineOffset)) {
if (isUp) {
if (endpointYLineDist < staffLineOffset) {
newAnchor = floor(endpointYsp) - staffLineOffset;
farAdjust = true;
} else if (endpointYLineDist > (1 - staffLineOffset)) {
newAnchor = ceil(endpointYsp) - staffLineOffset;
if (note->line() == sn->line() - 1 && t->up() == note->tieFor()->up()) {
collideAbove = true;
} else { // down
if (endpointYLineDist < staffLineOffset) {
newAnchor = floor(endpointYsp) + staffLineOffset;
} else if (endpointYLineDist > (1 - staffLineOffset)) {
newAnchor = ceil(endpointYsp) + staffLineOffset;
farAdjust = true;
if (note->line() == sn->line() + 1 && t->up() == note->tieFor()->up()) {
collideBelow = true;
tieAdjustSp += newAnchor - endpointYsp;
tieMidOutsideSp += tieAdjustSp;
tieMidInsideSp += tieAdjustSp;
// TIE APOGEE ///////////////////////////////
// If the middle of the tie conflicts with a staff line, the tie must be adjusted to resolve
// that collision.
if (farAdjust) {
// we've already adjusted the tie pretty far from the notehead, so let's just
// constrain the tie height to fit within a single space
if (endpointYsp + tieAdjustSp > 0 && endpointYsp + tieAdjustSp < lines - 1) {
shoulderHeightMax = 4 * (1 - ((staffLineOffset * 2) + (tieThicknessSp / 2))) / 3;
} else {
if (spansBarline(tieMidOutsideSp, tieMidInsideSp)) {
newAnchor = tieMidInsideSp;
if (isUp) {
newAnchor = floor(tieMidInsideSp + staffLineOffset) - staffLineOffset;
} else { // down
newAnchor = ceil(tieMidInsideSp - staffLineOffset) + staffLineOffset;
tieAdjustSp += newAnchor - tieMidInsideSp;
// we've adjusted the midpoint, but maybe the endpoint is too close to a barline now
qreal newEndpoint = endpointYsp + tieAdjustSp;
newAnchor = newEndpoint;
if (isUp && newEndpoint - floor(newEndpoint + staffLineOffset) < staffLineOffset) {
// clamp endpoint and adjust tie height
newAnchor = floor(newEndpoint + staffLineOffset) + staffLineOffset;
shoulderHeightMin = 4 * (staffLineOffset * 2 + (tieThicknessSp / 2)) / 3;
shoulderHeightMax = shoulderHeightMin;
} else if (!isUp && ceil(newEndpoint - staffLineOffset) - newEndpoint < staffLineOffset) {
// clamp endpoint and adjust tie height
newAnchor = ceil(newEndpoint - staffLineOffset) - staffLineOffset;
shoulderHeightMin = 4 * (staffLineOffset * 2 + (tieThicknessSp / 2)) / 3;
shoulderHeightMax = shoulderHeightMin;
tieAdjustSp += newAnchor - newEndpoint;
setAutoAdjust(PointF(0, (tieAdjustSp * ld) - (p1.y() - (endpointYsp * ld))));
} else {
bool collideAbove = false;
bool collideBelow = false;
Note* sn = tie()->startNote();
Chord* sc = sn->chord();
if (st && !st->isTabStaff(slurTie()->tick())) {
qreal ld = st->lineDistance(tick()) * sp;
qreal staffLineOffset = 0.125; // sp
staffLineOffset += (styleP(Sid::staffLineWidth) / 2) / ld;
bool up = slurTie()->up();
qreal tieWidth = (styleP(Sid::SlurMidWidth)) / ld;
qreal topY = / ld;
qreal bottomY = bbox.bottom() / ld;
qreal endpointY = up ? bottomY : topY;
if (endpointY > 0 && endpointY < (st->lines(tick()) - 1) * st->lineDistance(tick())) {
// tie endpoints are inside the staff and may require adjustment
std::vector<qreal> endpointAnchors;
for (int i = 0; i < st->lines(tick()); ++i) {
endpointAnchors.push_back((qreal)i - staffLineOffset);
endpointAnchors.push_back((qreal)i + staffLineOffset);
// figure out if there are situations where a tie collides with a tie above or below it
// in a chord
for (Note* note : sc->notes()) {
if (note == sn || !note->tieFor()) {
if (note->line() == sn->line() - 1 && t->up() == note->tieFor()->up()) {
collideAbove = true;
if (note->line() == sn->line() + 1 && t->up() == note->tieFor()->up()) {
collideBelow = true;
shoulderHeightMax = 4 / 3; // at max ties will be 1sp tall
// are the endpoints within the staff?
if (line > 0 && line < (lines - 1) * 2) {
// ENDPOINTS ////////////////////////////////
// Each line position in the staff has a set endpoint Y location
qreal newAnchor;
if (isUp) {
newAnchor = floor(line / 2) + ((line & 1) ? staffLineOffset : -staffLineOffset);
} else {
newAnchor = floor((line + 1) / 2) + ((line & 1) ? -staffLineOffset : staffLineOffset);
size_t endpointAnchorIndex = 0;
qreal extraAdjust = 0;
if (!tie()->isInside()) {
// Find the nearest endpoint anchor
for (size_t i = 0; i < endpointAnchors.size(); i++) {
if (qAbs(endpointAnchors[i] - endpointY) <= qAbs(endpointAnchors[endpointAnchorIndex] - endpointY)) {
endpointAnchorIndex = i;
} else {
qreal currentOffset = endpointAnchors[endpointAnchorIndex] - endpointY;
topY += currentOffset;
bottomY += currentOffset;
// Adjust for tie apogee colliding with staff lines
qreal insideTieTop = up ? topY : (bottomY - tieWidth);
qreal insideTieBottom = up ? (topY + tieWidth) : bottomY;
qreal tieTopWithMargin = insideTieTop - staffLineOffset;
qreal tieBottomWithMargin = insideTieBottom + staffLineOffset;
if ((tieTopWithMargin < 0 && tieBottomWithMargin > 0) || (int)tieTopWithMargin != (int)tieBottomWithMargin) {
qreal oldAnchorY = endpointAnchors[endpointAnchorIndex];
if (up) {
tieBottomWithMargin += endpointAnchors[endpointAnchorIndex] - oldAnchorY; // update position of tie bottom
if (endpointAnchorIndex & 1) { // endpoints just below a line can be adjusted downwards
extraAdjust = ((int)(tieBottomWithMargin + 1) - tieBottomWithMargin); // how far the inside of the tie is from the staff line
extraAdjust = qMax(extraAdjust, 0.0); // ensure downward adjustment
// clamp endpoints to at least 0.5sp of staff line
qreal endpointDistanceFromUpperLine = (endpointAnchors[endpointAnchorIndex] + extraAdjust) - (int)endpointY;
if (endpointDistanceFromUpperLine < 0.5) {
extraAdjust += 0.5 - endpointDistanceFromUpperLine;
shoulderHeightMin = 3 * (0.5 + (tieWidth / 2) + (staffLineOffset / 2)) / 2;
} else { // tie is down
tieTopWithMargin += endpointAnchors[endpointAnchorIndex] - oldAnchorY; // update position of tie top
if (!(endpointAnchorIndex & 1)) { // endpoint just above a line can be adjusted upwards
extraAdjust = ((int)tieTopWithMargin - tieTopWithMargin);
extraAdjust = qMin(extraAdjust, 0.0);
// clamp endpoints to at least 0.5sp of staff line
qreal endpointDistanceFromLowerLine = (int)(endpointY + 1)
- (endpointAnchors[endpointAnchorIndex] + extraAdjust);
if (endpointDistanceFromLowerLine < 0.5) {
// clamp endpoints to at least 0.5sp of staff line
extraAdjust -= 0.5 - endpointDistanceFromLowerLine;
shoulderHeightMin = 3 * (0.5 + (tieWidth / 2) + (staffLineOffset / 2)) / 2;
} else { // inside-tie
endpointAnchorIndex = tie()->startNote()->line() + (tie()->up() ? 0 : 1);
if ((up && endpointAnchorIndex & 1)
|| (!up && !(endpointAnchorIndex & 1))) {
// tie endpoint is right below the line, so let's adjust the height so that the top clears the line
shoulderHeightMin = 3 * (staffLineOffset + tieWidth) / 2;
shoulderHeightMax = 1 + staffLineOffset;
} else {
// avoid collisions with the next line up by constraining maximum
shoulderHeightMax = 1 - (staffLineOffset * 2);
if ((up && collideBelow) || (!up && collideAbove)) {
shoulderHeightMin = 3 * (staffLineOffset + tieWidth) / 2;
if ((up && collideAbove && endpointAnchorIndex > 1)
|| (!up && collideBelow && endpointAnchorIndex < static_cast<size_t>((st->lines(tick()) - 1) * 2))) {
shoulderHeightMax = 1 - staffLineOffset - (tieWidth / 2);
// TIE APOGEE ///////////////////////////////
// Constrain tie height to avoid staff line collisions
if (line & 1) {
// tie endpoint is right below the line, so let's adjust the height so that the top clears the line
shoulderHeightMin = 4 * ((staffLineOffset * 2) + (tieThicknessSp / 2)) / 3;
} else {
// avoid collisions with the next line up by constraining maximum
shoulderHeightMax = 4 * (1 - ((staffLineOffset * 2) + tieThicknessSp / 2)) / 3;
if ((isUp && collideBelow) || (!isUp && collideAbove)) {
shoulderHeightMin = 4 * ((staffLineOffset * 2) + (tieThicknessSp / 2)) / 3;
if ((isUp && collideAbove && newAnchor > staffLineOffset)
|| (!isUp && collideBelow && newAnchor < (lines - 1))) {
shoulderHeightMax = 4 * (1 - (staffLineOffset * 2) - (tieThicknessSp / 2)) / 3;
qreal currentOffset = endpointAnchors[endpointAnchorIndex] - endpointY;
setAutoAdjust(PointF(0, (currentOffset + extraAdjust) * ld));
setAutoAdjust(PointF(0, (newAnchor - endpointYsp) * ld));
@ -534,6 +572,11 @@ void TieSegment::finalizeSegment()
// adjustX
// adjust the tie endpoints to avoid staff lines. call adjustY() first!
void TieSegment::adjustX()
qreal offsetMargin = spatium() * 0.25;
@ -543,7 +586,7 @@ void TieSegment::adjustX()
Chord* sc = sn ? sn->chord() : nullptr;
Chord* ec = en ? en->chord() : nullptr;
qreal xo;
qreal xo = 0;
if (isNudged() || isEdited()) {
@ -559,9 +602,12 @@ void TieSegment::adjustX()
std::vector<Chord*> chords;
int strack = sc->staffIdx() * VOICES;
int etrack = sc->staffIdx() * VOICES + VOICES;
for (int track = strack; track < etrack; ++track) {
if (Chord* ch = sc->measure()->findChord(sc->tick(), track)) {
if (ch != sc && !ch->graceNotes().contains(sc)) {
@ -615,8 +661,29 @@ void TieSegment::adjustX()
xo += offsetMargin;
} else { // tie is outside
if ((slurTie()->up() && sc->up()) || (!slurTie()->up() && !sc->up())) {
// outside ties may still require adjustment for hooks
if (sc->hook() && sc->hook()->visible()) {
qreal hookHeight = sc->hook()->bbox().height();
// turn the hook upside down for downstems
qreal hookY = sc->hook()->pos().y() - (sc->up() ? 0 : hookHeight);
if (p1.y() > hookY - collisionYMargin && p1.y() < hookY + hookHeight + collisionYMargin) {
qreal tieAttach = sn->outsideTieAttachX(slurTie()->up());
qreal hookOffsetX = sc->hook()->width() - (slurTie()->up() ? 0 : tieAttach);
xo = hookOffsetX + offsetMargin;
} else if (sc->stem()) {
xo = offsetMargin;
} else if (sn->tieBack()) {
xo += spatium() / 6; // 1/3 spatium in either direction, so .33/2
} else {
xo += spatium() / 8; // tiny offset to the right
xo += offsetMargin;
xo *= sc->mag();
ups(Grip::START).p += PointF(xo, 0);
@ -676,8 +743,18 @@ void TieSegment::adjustX()
xo -= offsetMargin;
} else {
// tie is outside
if (!tie()->up() && !ec->up() && ec->stem() && ec->stem()->visible()) {
xo -= offsetMargin;
} else if (en && en->tieFor()) {
xo -= spatium() / 6;
} else {
xo -= spatium() / 8;
xo -= offsetMargin;
xo *= ec->mag();
ups(Grip::END).p += PointF(xo, 0);
@ -725,18 +802,24 @@ void Tie::slurPos(SlurPos* sp)
bool useTablature = staff() && staff()->isTabStaff(tick());
const StaffType* stt = useTablature ? staff()->staffType(tick()) : 0;
qreal _spatium = spatium();
qreal hw = startNote()->tabHeadWidth(stt); // if stt == 0, defaults to headWidth()
qreal hw = startNote()->tabHeadWidth(stt) * mag(); // if stt == 0, defaults to headWidth()
qreal __up = _up ? -1.0 : 1.0;
// y offset for ties inside chord margins (typically multi-note chords): lined up with note top or bottom margin
// or outside (typically single-note chord): overlaps note and is above/below it
// Outside: Tab: uses font size and may be asymmetric placed above/below line (frets ON or ABOVE line)
// Std: assumes notehead is 1 sp high, 1/2 sp above and 1/2 below line; add 1/4 sp to it
// Inside: Tab: 1/2 of Outside offset
// Std: use a fixed percentage of note width
/* Inside-style and Outside-style ties
Outside ties connect above the notehead, in the middle. Ideally, we'd use opticalcenter for this, but
that Smufl anchor is not available for noteheads yet. For this reason, we rely on Note::outsideTieAttachX()
which makes its best guess as to where ties should connect.
As for y connection point, inside-style ties are decided by the space or line the note occupies in TieSegment::adjustY()
so we don't need to worry about that. Outside-style ties will be 0.125 spatium from the top or bottom of the notehead.
We can parameterize that later, but this describes only a minimum distance from the notehead, it can be changed, again,
in TieSegment::adjustY().
// TODO: this probably breaks for tab staves!! at the time of writing tab staves are not working
qreal yOffOutside = useTablature
? (_up ? stt->fretBoxY() : stt->fretBoxY() + stt->fretBoxH()) * magS()
: 0.75 * _spatium * __up;
qreal yOffInside = useTablature ? yOffOutside * 0.5 : hw * .3 * __up;
: 0; // offset for outside notes is determined in adjustY(), so for the moment the tie will be the exact top of the notehead
qreal yOffInside = useTablature ? yOffOutside * 0.5 : 0; // same for inside
Chord* sc = startNote()->chord();
Chord* ec = endNote() ? endNote()->chord() : nullptr;
@ -753,34 +836,57 @@ void Tie::slurPos(SlurPos* sp)
// similar code is used in Chord::layoutPitched()
// to allocate extra space to enforce minTieLength
// so keep these in sync
if (sc->notes().size() > 1 || (ec && ec->notes().size() > 1)) {
_isInside = true;
} else {
_isInside = false;
sp->p1 = sc->pos() + sc->segment()->pos() + sc->measure()->pos();
x1 = startNote()->pos().x() + hw;
y1 = startNote()->pos().y();
qreal xo = 0;
if (sc->notes().size() > 1 || (ec && ec->notes().size() > 1)) {
_isInside = true;
xo = 0; // the offset for these will be decided in TieSegment::adjustX()
y2 = endNote() ? endNote()->pos().y() : y1;
// force tie to be horizontal except for cross-staff or if there is a difference of line (tpc, clef)
bool isHorizontal = ec ? startNote()->line() == endNote()->line() && sc->vStaffIdx() == ec->vStaffIdx() : true;
y1 += startNote()->bbox().y();
if (endNote()) {
y2 += endNote()->bbox().y();
if (!up()) {
y1 += startNote()->bbox().height();
if (endNote()) {
y2 += endNote()->bbox().height();
if (!endNote()) {
y2 = y1;
y1 += isInside() ? yOffInside : yOffOutside;
y2 += isInside() ? yOffInside : yOffOutside;
// ensure that horizontal ties remain horizontal
if (isHorizontal) {
y1 = _up ? qMin(y1, y2) : qMax(y1, y2);
y2 = _up ? qMin(y1, y2) : qMax(y1, y2);
if (_isInside) {
x1 = startNote()->pos().x() + hw; // the offset for these will be decided in TieSegment::adjustX()
} else {
_isInside = false;
if (sc->stem() && sc->up() && _up) {
if (sc->stem() && sc->stem()->visible() && sc->up() && _up) {
// usually, outside ties start in the middle of the notehead, but
// for up-ties on up-stems, we'll start at the end of the notehead
// to avoid the stem
xo = 0;
x1 = startNote()->pos().x() + hw;
} else {
// start in the middle of the notehead for outside notes
xo = -(hw / 2);
x1 = startNote()->outsideTieAttachX(_up);
y1 += isInside() ? yOffInside : yOffOutside;
sp->p1 += PointF(x1 + xo, y1);
sp->p1 += PointF(x1, y1);
y2 = y1;
xo = 0;
if (!ec) {
sp->p2 = sp->p1 + PointF(_spatium * 3, 0.0);
sp->system2 = sp->system1;
@ -789,26 +895,17 @@ void Tie::slurPos(SlurPos* sp)
sp->p2 = ec->pos() + ec->segment()->pos() + ec->measure()->pos();
sp->system2 = ec->measure()->system();
// force tie to be horizontal except for cross-staff or if there is a difference of line (tpc, clef, tpc)
bool horizontal = startNote()->line() == endNote()->line() && sc->vStaffIdx() == ec->vStaffIdx();
hw = endNote()->tabHeadWidth(stt);
x2 = endNote()->x();
if (!horizontal) {
y2 = endNote()->pos().y() + (isInside() ? yOffInside : yOffOutside);
if (isInside()) {
xo = 0.0;
x2 = endNote()->x();
} else {
if (ec->stem() && !ec->up() && !_up) {
if (ec->stem() && ec->stem()->visible() && !ec->up() && !_up) {
// as before, xo should account for stems that could get in the way
xo = 0;
x2 = endNote()->x();
} else {
// start in the middle of the notehead for outside notes
xo = -(hw / 2);
x2 = endNote()->outsideTieAttachX(_up);
sp->p2 += PointF(x2 - xo, y2);
sp->p2 += PointF(x2, y2);
// adjust for cross-staff
if (sc->vStaffIdx() != vStaffIdx() && sp->system1) {
@ -992,6 +1089,7 @@ TieSegment* Tie::layoutFor(System* system)
return 0;
Chord* c1 = startNote()->chord();
if (_slurDirection == Direction::AUTO) {
if (c1->measure()->hasVoices(c1->staffIdx(), c1->tick(), c1->actualTicks())) {
// in polyphonic passage, ties go on the stem side
@ -1008,7 +1106,7 @@ TieSegment* Tie::layoutFor(System* system)
SlurPos sPos;
segment->layoutSegment(sPos.p1, sPos.p2);
segment->adjustY(sPos.p1, sPos.p2);
return segment;
@ -1030,7 +1128,9 @@ TieSegment* Tie::layoutFor(System* system)
TieSegment* segment = segmentAt(0);
segment->setSystem(system); // Needed to populate System.spannerSegments
segment->layoutSegment(sPos.p1, sPos.p2); // adjust vertically
Chord* c1 = startNote()->chord();
segment->adjustY(sPos.p1, sPos.p2); // adjust vertically
segment->setSpannerSegmentType(sPos.system1 != sPos.system2 ? SpannerSegmentType::BEGIN : SpannerSegmentType::SINGLE);
segment->adjustX(); // adjust horizontally for inside-style ties
segment->finalizeSegment(); // compute bezier and set bbox
@ -1062,7 +1162,7 @@ TieSegment* Tie::layoutBack(System* system)
qreal x = system->firstNoteRestSegmentX(true);
segment->layoutSegment(PointF(x, sPos.p2.y()), sPos.p2);
segment->adjustY(PointF(x, sPos.p2.y()), sPos.p2);

View file

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ public:
int subtype() const override { return static_cast<int>(spanner()->type()); }
void draw(mu::draw::Painter*) const override;
void layoutSegment(const mu::PointF& p1, const mu::PointF& p2);
void adjustY(const mu::PointF& p1, const mu::PointF& p2);
void adjustX();
void finalizeSegment();