Check for straight quotes and other errors in translatable strings

The Linux CI build will fail when errors are found, but the Windows
and macOS CI builds will proceed with warnings printed in the log.
This commit is contained in:
Peter Jonas 2023-11-01 15:26:43 +00:00
parent e56349e9f3
commit e2c5161ab8
2 changed files with 72 additions and 42 deletions

View File

@ -26,21 +26,39 @@ parser.add_argument('--warn-only', action='store_true',
help='exit with zero status even when translation errors are detected')
args = parser.parse_args()
exit_status = 0
num_errors = 0
# Translation errors allowed in these files:
ignored_files = {
'src/notation/view/widgets/editstyle.ui', # many straight quotes (let's not bother translators yet)
'src/engraving/types/symnames.cpp', # SMuFL symbol names use straight quotes (')
def eprint(*args, **kwargs):
print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
def tr_error(message_element, description, resolution, hint=''):
location = message_element.find('location')
filename = location.get('filename')
filename = os.path.relpath(os.path.join('share/locale', filename))
line_num = location.get('line')
eprint(f'Translation error at line {line_num} in file {filename}:')
global num_errors
locations = [
os.path.relpath(os.path.join('share/locale', location.get('filename'))).replace('\\', '/'),
for location in message_element.findall('location')
locations = [ (file, line) for file, line in locations if file not in ignored_files ]
if not locations:
return False # error is ignored
num_errors += 1
eprint(f'Error in translatable string: "{message.find("source").text}"')
for file, line in locations:
eprint(f' Location: {file}:{line}')
eprint(f' Problem: {description}')
eprint(f' Solution: {resolution}')
if hint:
eprint(f' Hint: {hint}')
return True # error
superscript_numbers = '¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹'
@ -74,13 +92,8 @@ for source_file in glob.glob('share/locale/*_' + source_lang_ts):
bytes = source.findall('byte')
if bytes:
values = ', '.join([ f"'{b.get('value')}'" for b in bytes ])
if len(bytes) == 1:
tr_error(message, f'Translated string contains illegal byte: {values}.',
'Remove the illegal byte or provide it untranslated.')
tr_error(message, f'Translated string contains illegal bytes: {values}.',
'Remove the illegal bytes or provide them untranslated.')
exit_status = 1
tr_error(message, f'Translatable string contains illegal byte(s): {values}.',
'Remove the illegal bytes or provide them in a non-translatable string.')
# use the source as basis for the translation
@ -89,31 +102,46 @@ for source_file in glob.glob('share/locale/*_' + source_lang_ts):
if not tr_txt:
# Sadly, this test only works for empty strings in QML files. If a translated
# string is empty in a C++ file then lupdate doesn't include it in the TS file.
tr_error(message, 'Translated string is empty.',
tr_error(message, 'Translatable string is empty.',
'Provide a non-empty string or use "" untranslated if it really needs to be empty.')
exit_status = 1
tr_stripped = tr_txt.strip()
if not tr_stripped:
tr_error(message, 'Translated string only contains whitespace characters.',
tr_error(message, 'Translatable string only contains whitespace characters.',
'Include non-whitespace characters or provide the whitepace as untranslated text.')
exit_status = 1
if tr_txt != tr_stripped:
tr_error(message, 'Translated string contains leading and/or trailing whitespace.',
'Remove the whitepace or provide it separately as untranslated text.',
'Use .arg() and %1 tags if you need to insert text or numbers into a translated string.')
exit_status = 1
tr_error(message, 'Translatable string contains leading and/or trailing whitespace.',
'Remove the whitepace or provide it separately as non-translatable text.',
'Use .arg() and %1 tags if you need to insert text or numbers into a translatable string.')
if ' ' in tr_txt:
tr_error(message, "Translatable string contains consecutive space characters ( ).",
'Use a single space character ( ), or provide the spaces as untranslated text.')
if '...' in tr_txt:
tr_error(message, "Translatable string contains three consecutive dot characters (...).",
'Use the ellipsis character (…) instead.')
if "'" in tr_txt:
tr_error(message, "Translatable string contains the straight single quote mark (').",
'Use left () or right () curly single quote mark, or prime ().')
if '"' in re.sub(r'<a href="[^"]*">', '', tr_txt):
tr_error(message, 'Translatable string contains the straight double quote mark (").',
'Use left (“) or right (”) curly double quote mark, or double prime (″).')
# identify QString arg() markers '%1', '%2', etc. as their
# arguments will require separate translation
tr_txt = re.sub(r'%([1-9]+)', r'%\1⌝', tr_txt)
# identify start and end of translated string
# identify start and end of translatable string
tr_txt = '«' + tr_txt + '»'
if plurals:
@ -146,10 +174,10 @@ for source_file in glob.glob('share/locale/*_' + source_lang_ts):
.replace('\r', '&') # use the proper escape character in &apos; and &quot;
if exit_status == 0:
if num_errors == 0:
eprint(f'{sys.argv[0]}: Success!')
elif args.warn_only:
eprint(f'{sys.argv[0]}: Success! Some errors were ignored because of the --warn-only option.')
eprint(f'{sys.argv[0]}: Success! {num_errors} translation errors ignored due to the --warn-only option.')
eprint(f'{sys.argv[0]}: Failed! Translation errors were detected.')
raise SystemExit(exit_status)
eprint(f'{sys.argv[0]}: Failed! {num_errors} translation errors were detected.')
raise SystemExit(1)

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
HERE="${BASH_SOURCE%/*}" # path to dir that contains this script
cd "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/../.." # go to repository root
if [[ "$@" = *"-no-obsolete"* ]]; then
echo "Note: cleaning up obsolete strings"
@ -28,30 +28,32 @@ else
ARGS="-recursive \
-tr-function-alias translate+=trc \
-tr-function-alias translate+=mtrc \
-tr-function-alias translate+=qtrc \
-tr-function-alias translate+=TranslatableString \
-tr-function-alias qsTranslate+=qsTrc \
-extensions cpp,h,mm,ui,qml,js \
-tr-function-alias translate+=trc
-tr-function-alias translate+=mtrc
-tr-function-alias translate+=qtrc
-tr-function-alias translate+=TranslatableString
-tr-function-alias qsTranslate+=qsTrc
-extensions cpp,h,mm,ui,qml,js
# We only need to update one ts file per "resource", that will be sent to Transifex.
# We get .ts files for other languages from Transifex.
# musescore
echo "MuseScore:"
"${LUPDATE}" "${ARGS[@]}" "${SRC_DIR}" -ts "${TS_FILE}"
echo ""
# instruments (and templates, and score orders, currently)
echo "Instruments:"
"${LUPDATE}" "${ARGS[@]}" "${FAKE_HEADER_FILE}" -ts "${TS_FILE}"