1) fix some bugs which appear in runtime: replace QString::tostdstring() to Foo.toUtf8().constData().
2) Enable start center online community. To use it you need download webengine in your QT lib. see instruction https://musescore.org/en/handbook/developers-handbook/compilation/compile-instructions-windows-visual-studio-2017-wip
3) update install steps. Add additional dlls for webEngine. Add copying dlls and musescore.exe to /msvc.install/bin folder. Run project will work with the "$(ProjectDir)\..\..\msvc.install\bin\MuseScore.exe" specified in Debugging field in mscore project
4) Moving AppVeyor from MinGW to MSVC. Exclude ALL MSVC project from INSTALL project. Exclude ALL from PACKAGE. Remove migw-cmake in script build, add .bat instead. Remove xcopy from 7z archive step
5) Fix warning : Warning C4703 potentially uninitialized local pointer variable '' used; Warning C4456 declaration of '' hides previous local declaration; Warning C4458 declaration of '' hides class member
6) Change path to 11 version wix toolset which created .msi installer package
Found via `codespell -i 3 -w --skip="./thirdparty,./share/locale,./fonts" -I ../musescore-whitelist.txt`
The old Preferences struct holding all preferences are removed in favor of a
new Preferences class which acts as a proxy for QSettings. The settings stored
in QSettings are accessed directly through access methods like getBool(key),
getInt(key), etc. and changed with setPreference(key, value).
Since we are using QSettings directly the preferences are stored automatically
without the need for a custom write() and read() method like before.
The preferences.cpp/.h and prefdialog.cpp/h are refactored to have fewer
responsibilities than before. The Preferences class are all about storing and
retrieving preferences - it should not contain any code to handle any other
aspect of MuseScore.
The Preferences class can be used in tests. All preferences are initialized with
default values in mtest. If a test requires that a preference has a specific
value it can be changed using setPreference() for that single test. In the tests
the preferences are stored in memory only.
The Preference class is supposed to be used as a singleton. In preferences.h an
'extern Preferences preferences' is set and it is defined in preferences.cpp. All
files which includes preferences.h have access to the 'preferences' singleton
and should use this to get and set preferences.