Dafault for "follow text" remains false, so the 'reset value' button
remains enabled tor tempo texts taken from the palette.
Still the tempo setting is used, even if 'Follow Text' is enabled and
the that text says something entirely different.
This PR should complete the revision of bar line flag managements.
- Make sure single bar line span changes affect both the `_customSpan` and the `_generated` flags.
- Make sure that manually bringing a custom-spanned bar line to default span resets the `_customSpan` flag and, if no other customization is in effect. the `_generated` flag.
- Deleting a measure bar line resets it to default configuration.
- Fix a missing initialization of `Measure::_endBarLineColor` variable.
- To simplify tests and debug, check boxes for the `BarLine::_customSpan` and the `BarLine::_customSubtype` have been added to the debugger dialogue box.
As far as system-initial bar lines are concerned, they were made un-editable by a recent commit (https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/pull/1300). This PR add a few consistency changes:
- system-initial bar lines do not accept drops;
- they are not saved to score output files and are ignored when reading from them;
- their internal `_customSybtype` and _customSpan` flags are always false;
- they do not show up in the Inspector (if a system bar line is selected, the Inspector remains blank)
This PR DOES NOT include the special system-initial double bar management recently discussed. This will be part of a specific PR in the next days.
Together with previous PR's, this should ensure that:
- bar lines are written to a score output file only when some customization is in effect which cannot be reconstructed when reading back;
- any measure bar line can be edited;
- any measure bar line user edit is saved, written to the score file and read back properly;
- no system bar line edit is possible.