# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only # MuseScore-CLA-applies # # MuseScore # Music Composition & Notation # # Copyright (C) 2021 MuseScore BVBA and others # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16) cmake_policy(SET CMP0091 OLD) # not set MSVC default args project(mscore LANGUAGES C CXX) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) set(CMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR ON) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/build ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/build/cmake ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} ) ########################################### # Setup option and build settings ########################################### set(MUSESCORE_BUILD_CONFIGURATION "app" CACHE STRING "Build configuration") # Possible MUSESCORE_BUILD_CONFIGURATION values: # - app - for desktop app # - app-portable - for desktop portable app (Windows build for PortableApps.com) # - vtest - for visual tests (for CI) # - utest - for unit tests (for CI) set(MUSESCORE_BUILD_MODE "dev" CACHE STRING "Build mode") # Possible MUSESCORE_BUILD_MODE values: # - dev - for development/nightly builds # - testing - for testing versions (alpha, beta, RC) # - release - for stable release builds set(MUSESCORE_REVISION "" CACHE STRING "Build revision") # Modules framework (alphabetical order please) option(MUE_BUILD_ACCESSIBILITY_MODULE "Build accessibility module" ON) option(MUE_BUILD_AUDIO_MODULE "Build audio module" ON) option(MUE_ENABLE_AUDIO_EXPORT "Enable audio export" ON) option(MUE_BUILD_MIDI_MODULE "Build midi module" ON) option(MUE_BUILD_MPE_MODULE "Build mpe module" ON) option(MUE_BUILD_MUSESAMPLER_MODULE "Build MuseSampler module" ON) set(MUSESAMPLER_SRC_PATH "" CACHE PATH "Path to MuseSampler sources") option(MUE_BUILD_NETWORK_MODULE "Build network module" ON) option(MUE_BUILD_SHORTCUTS_MODULE "Build shortcuts module" ON) option(MUE_BUILD_UI_MODULE "Build ui module" ON) set(VST3_SDK_VERSION "3.7") option(MUE_BUILD_VST_MODULE "Build VST module" OFF) set(VST3_SDK_PATH "" CACHE PATH "Path to VST3_SDK. SDK version >= ${VST3_SDK_VERSION} required") # Modules (alphabetical order please) option(MUE_BUILD_APPSHELL_MODULE "Build appshell module" ON) option(MUE_BUILD_AUTOBOT_MODULE "Build autobot module" ON) option(MUE_BUILD_BRAILLE_MODULE "Build braille module" ON) option(MUE_BUILD_CLOUD_MODULE "Build cloud module" ON) option(MUE_BUILD_CONVERTER_MODULE "Build converter module" ON) option(MUE_BUILD_DIAGNOSTICS_MODULE "Build diagnostic code" ON) option(MUE_BUILD_IMPORTEXPORT_MODULE "Build importexport module" ON) option(MUE_BUILD_VIDEOEXPORT_MODULE "Build videoexport module" OFF) option(MUE_BUILD_IMAGESEXPORT_MODULE "Build imagesexport module" ON) option(MUE_BUILD_INSPECTOR_MODULE "Build inspector module" ON) option(MUE_BUILD_INSTRUMENTSSCENE_MODULE "Build instruments scene module" ON) option(MUE_BUILD_LANGUAGES_MODULE "Build languages module" ON) option(MUE_BUILD_LEARN_MODULE "Build learn module" ON) set(MUE_LEARN_YOUTUBE_API_KEY "" CACHE STRING "YouTube API key") option(MUE_BUILD_MULTIINSTANCES_MODULE "Build multiinstances module" ON) option(MUE_BUILD_NOTATION_MODULE "Build notation module" ON) option(MUE_BUILD_PALETTE_MODULE "Build palette module" ON) option(MUE_BUILD_PLAYBACK_MODULE "Build playback module" ON) option(MUE_BUILD_PLUGINS_MODULE "Build plugins module" ON) option(MUE_BUILD_PROJECT_MODULE "Build project module" ON) option(MUE_BUILD_UPDATE_MODULE "Build update module" ON) option(MUE_BUILD_WORKSPACE_MODULE "Build workspace module" ON) # === Setup === option(MUE_DOWNLOAD_SOUNDFONT "Download the latest soundfont version as part of the build process" ON) # === Pack === option(MUE_RUN_LRELEASE "Generate .qm files" ON) option(MUE_ENABLE_FILE_ASSOCIATION "File types association (using for package)" OFF) option(MUE_INSTALL_SOUNDFONT "Install sound font" ON) # === Tests === option(MUE_BUILD_UNIT_TESTS "Build unit tests" ON) option(MUE_BUILD_ASAN "Enable Address Sanitizer" OFF) option(MUE_BUILD_CRASHPAD_CLIENT "Build crashpad client" ON) set(MUE_CRASH_REPORT_URL "" CACHE STRING "URL where to send crash reports") option(MUE_CRASHPAD_HANDLER_PATH "Path to custom crashpad_handler executable (optional)" "") # === Tools === option(MUE_ENABLE_CUSTOM_ALLOCATOR "Enable custom allocator (used for engraving)" OFF) # === Compile === option(MUE_COMPILE_BUILD_64 "Build 64 bit version of editor" ON) option(MUE_COMPILE_BUILD_MACOS_APPLE_SILICON "Build for Apple Silicon architecture. Only applicable on Macs with Apple Silicon, and requires suitable Qt version." OFF) option(MUE_COMPILE_USE_PCH "Use precompiled headers." ON) option(MUE_COMPILE_USE_UNITY "Use unity build." ON) option(MUE_COMPILE_USE_CCACHE "Try use ccache" ON) option(MUE_COMPILE_USE_SHARED_LIBS_IN_DEBUG "Build shared libs if possible in debug" OFF) # === Debug === option(MUE_ENABLE_LOGGER_DEBUGLEVEL "Enable logging debug level" ON) option(MUE_ENABLE_ACCESSIBILITY_TRACE "Enable accessibility logging" OFF) option(MUE_ENABLE_DRAW_TRACE "Trace draw objects" ON) option(MUE_DISABLE_UI_MODALITY "Disable dialogs modality for testing purpose" OFF) option(MUE_ENABLE_LOAD_QML_FROM_SOURCE "Load qml files from source (not resource)" OFF) option(MUE_ENABLE_ENGRAVING_PAINT_DEBUGGER "Enable diagnostic engraving paint debugger" OFF) option(MUE_ENABLE_STRING_DEBUG_HACK "Enable string debug hack (only clang)" ON) ########################################### # Setup Configure ########################################### include(SetupConfigure) set(THIRDPARTY_DIR ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/thirdparty) ########################################### # Setup compiler and build environment ########################################### include(SetupBuildEnvironment) include(GetPlatformInfo) if (MUE_COMPILE_USE_CCACHE) include(TryUseCcache) endif(MUE_COMPILE_USE_CCACHE) ########################################### # Setup external dependencies ########################################### set(QT_MIN_VERSION "5.15.0") include(FindQt5) if (OS_IS_WIN) set(DEPENDENCIES_DIR "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/dependencies/libx64") link_directories(${DEPENDENCIES_DIR}) include_directories(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/dependencies/include) endif(OS_IS_WIN) include(FindSndFile) if (MUE_DOWNLOAD_SOUNDFONT) include(DownloadSoundFont) endif(MUE_DOWNLOAD_SOUNDFONT) ########################################### # Add source tree ########################################### if (MUE_BUILD_UNIT_TESTS) enable_testing() message(STATUS "Enabled testing") define_property(TARGET PROPERTY OUTPUT_XML BRIEF_DOCS "List XML files outputted by google test." FULL_DOCS "List XML files outputted by google test." ) add_subdirectory(thirdparty/googletest) endif(MUE_BUILD_UNIT_TESTS) add_subdirectory(share) add_subdirectory(src/framework/global) # should be first to work pch add_subdirectory(src) ########################################### # Setup the KDDockWidgets lib ########################################### if (NOT BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) set(KDDockWidgets_STATIC ON CACHE BOOL "Build static versions of the libraries" FORCE) endif(NOT BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) set(KDDockWidgets_QTQUICK ON CACHE BOOL "Build for QtQuick instead of QtWidgets" FORCE) set(KDDockWidgets_EXAMPLES OFF CACHE BOOL "Build the examples" FORCE) add_subdirectory(thirdparty/KDDockWidgets) ########################################### # Setup Packaging ########################################### if (OS_IS_LIN) include(SetupAppImagePackaging) endif(OS_IS_LIN) if (OS_IS_WIN) include(Packaging) endif(OS_IS_WIN)