Grace notes and embellishments Leon Vinken Part of bbw2mxml bww2mxml Bagpipe Bagpipe 1 110 48 2 major G 2 quarter 90 A 4 32nd up G 4 48 quarter down B 4 32nd up A 4 48 quarter down C 1 5 32nd up A 4 48 quarter down D 5 32nd up A 4 48 quarter down E 5 32nd up A 4 48 quarter down F 1 5 32nd up A 4 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up A 4 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up A 4 48 quarter down E 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin G 4 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up end end end G 4 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin A 4 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up end end end A 4 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin B 4 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up end end end B 4 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up end end end C 1 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin E 5 32nd up continue continue continue F 1 5 32nd up end end end E 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 5 32nd up end end end F 1 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin F 1 5 32nd up end end end G 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin G 5 32nd up end end end A 5 48 quarter down G 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin G 4 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up end end end G 4 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin A 4 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up end end end A 4 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin B 4 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up end end end B 4 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up end end end C 1 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin E 5 32nd up continue continue continue F 1 5 32nd up end end end E 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 5 32nd up end end end F 1 5 48 quarter down A 5 48 quarter down G 4 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up end end end G 4 48 quarter down A 4 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up end end end A 4 48 quarter down B 4 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up end end end B 4 48 quarter down C 1 5 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up end end end C 1 5 48 quarter down D 5 32nd up begin begin begin E 5 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down E 5 32nd up begin begin begin F 1 5 32nd up end end end E 5 48 quarter down F 1 5 32nd up begin begin begin G 5 32nd up end end end F 1 5 48 quarter down B 4 48 quarter down G 4 32nd up B 4 48 quarter down E 5 48 quarter down A 4 32nd up E 5 48 quarter down C 1 5 48 quarter down B 4 32nd up C 1 5 48 quarter down D 5 48 quarter down C 1 5 32nd up D 5 48 quarter down E 5 48 quarter down D 5 32nd up E 5 48 quarter down F 1 5 48 quarter down E 5 32nd up F 1 5 48 quarter down G 5 48 quarter down F 1 5 32nd up G 5 48 quarter down A 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up A 5 48 quarter down E 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin A 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end A 4 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin B 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end B 4 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end C 1 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin E 5 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up end end end E 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up end end end F 1 5 48 quarter down F 1 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin A 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end A 4 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin B 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end B 4 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end C 1 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin E 5 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up end end end E 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up end end end F 1 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin G 5 32nd up continue continue continue F 1 5 32nd up end end end G 5 48 quarter down A 5 48 quarter down A 4 32nd up begin begin begin G 4 32nd up end end end A 4 48 quarter down B 4 32nd up begin begin begin G 4 32nd up end end end B 4 48 quarter down C 1 5 32nd up begin begin begin G 4 32nd up end end end C 1 5 48 quarter down D 5 32nd up begin begin begin G 4 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down D 5 32nd up begin begin begin C 1 5 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down E 5 32nd up begin begin begin A 4 32nd up end end end E 5 48 quarter down F 1 5 32nd up begin begin begin E 5 32nd up end end end F 1 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin F 1 5 32nd up end end end G 5 48 quarter down A 4 48 quarter down G 4 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end E 5 48 quarter down G 4 48 quarter down D 5 32nd up begin begin begin G 4 32nd up end end end E 5 48 quarter down D 5 48 quarter down G 4 32nd up begin begin begin B 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end E 5 48 quarter down D 5 48 quarter down G 4 32nd up begin begin begin B 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end A 4 48 quarter down E 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin A 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end A 4 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin B 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end B 4 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end C 1 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue B 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin E 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end E 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end F 1 5 48 quarter down F 1 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin A 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end A 4 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin B 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end B 4 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end C 1 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue B 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin E 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end E 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end F 1 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin G 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end G 5 48 quarter down A 5 48 quarter down A 4 32nd up begin begin begin G 4 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end A 4 48 quarter down B 4 32nd up begin begin begin G 4 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end B 4 48 quarter down C 1 5 32nd up begin begin begin G 4 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end C 1 5 48 quarter down D 5 32nd up begin begin begin G 4 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down D 5 32nd up begin begin begin G 4 32nd up continue continue continue B 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down E 5 32nd up begin begin begin G 4 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end E 5 48 quarter down F 1 5 32nd up begin begin begin G 4 32nd up continue continue continue F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end F 1 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin G 4 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end G 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin G 4 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end A 5 48 quarter down C 1 5 48 quarter down G 4 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up end end end A 4 48 quarter down D 5 48 quarter down G 4 32nd up begin begin begin B 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up end end end A 4 48 quarter down G 4 48 quarter down D 5 32nd up begin begin begin G 4 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up end end end A 4 48 quarter down C 1 5 48 quarter down G 4 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end B 4 48 quarter down G 4 48 quarter down D 5 32nd up begin begin begin G 4 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end B 4 48 quarter down A 4 48 quarter down G 4 32nd up begin begin begin A 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end A 4 48 quarter down A 5 48 quarter down A 4 32nd up begin begin begin G 4 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end A 4 48 quarter down E 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin A 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end A 4 48 quarter down G 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin A 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end A 4 48 quarter down A 4 48 quarter down G 4 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down A 4 48 quarter down G 4 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down G 4 48 quarter down D 5 32nd up begin begin begin C 1 5 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down G 4 48 quarter down D 5 32nd up begin begin begin G 4 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down E 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin A 4 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end A 4 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin B 4 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up continue continue continue B 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end B 4 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end C 1 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin E 5 32nd up continue continue continue F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up end end end E 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 5 32nd up continue continue continue F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up end end end F 1 5 48 quarter down G 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin A 4 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end A 4 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin B 4 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up continue continue continue B 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end B 4 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end C 1 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin E 5 32nd up continue continue continue F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up end end end E 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 5 32nd up continue continue continue F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up end end end F 1 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin G 5 32nd up continue continue continue A 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 5 32nd up continue continue continue F 1 5 32nd up end end end G 5 48 quarter down A 5 48 quarter down A 4 32nd up begin begin begin E 5 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end A 4 48 quarter down B 4 32nd up begin begin begin E 5 32nd up continue continue continue B 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end B 4 48 quarter down C 1 5 32nd up begin begin begin E 5 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end C 1 5 48 quarter down D 5 32nd up begin begin begin E 5 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down D 5 32nd up begin begin begin E 5 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down E 5 32nd up begin begin begin F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up end end end E 5 48 quarter down F 1 5 32nd up begin begin begin G 5 32nd up continue continue continue F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up end end end F 1 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin A 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 5 32nd up continue continue continue F 1 5 32nd up end end end G 5 48 quarter down A 4 48 quarter down G 4 32nd up begin begin begin A 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end A 4 48 quarter down B 4 48 quarter down G 4 32nd up begin begin begin B 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end B 4 48 quarter down C 1 5 48 quarter down G 4 32nd up begin begin begin C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end C 1 5 48 quarter down D 5 48 quarter down G 4 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down D 5 48 quarter down C 1 5 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down E 5 48 quarter down A 4 32nd up begin begin begin E 5 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up end end end E 5 48 quarter down F 1 5 48 quarter down E 5 32nd up begin begin begin F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up end end end F 1 5 48 quarter down G 5 48 quarter down F 1 5 32nd up begin begin begin G 5 32nd up continue continue continue F 1 5 32nd up end end end G 5 48 quarter down A 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin A 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 5 32nd up end end end A 5 48 quarter down E 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin A 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end A 4 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin B 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue B 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end B 4 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end C 1 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin E 5 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up end end end E 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up continue continue continue F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up end end end F 1 5 48 quarter down G 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin A 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end A 4 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin B 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue B 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end B 4 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end C 1 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin E 5 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up end end end E 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up continue continue continue F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up end end end F 1 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin G 5 32nd up continue continue continue F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 5 32nd up continue continue continue F 1 5 32nd up end end end G 5 48 quarter down A 5 48 quarter down A 4 32nd up begin begin begin G 4 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end A 4 48 quarter down B 4 32nd up begin begin begin G 4 32nd up continue continue continue B 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end B 4 48 quarter down C 1 5 32nd up begin begin begin G 4 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end C 1 5 48 quarter down D 5 32nd up begin begin begin G 4 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down D 5 32nd up begin begin begin C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down E 5 32nd up begin begin begin A 4 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up end end end E 5 48 quarter down F 1 5 32nd up begin begin begin E 5 32nd up continue continue continue F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up end end end F 1 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 5 32nd up continue continue continue F 1 5 32nd up end end end G 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin G 5 32nd up continue continue continue A 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 5 32nd up end end end A 5 48 quarter down A 4 48 quarter down G 4 32nd up begin begin begin A 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end A 4 48 quarter down B 4 48 quarter down G 4 32nd up begin begin begin B 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue B 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end B 4 48 quarter down C 1 5 48 quarter down G 4 32nd up begin begin begin C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end C 1 5 48 quarter down D 5 48 quarter down G 4 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down D 5 48 quarter down C 1 5 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down E 5 48 quarter down A 4 32nd up begin begin begin E 5 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up end end end E 5 48 quarter down F 1 5 48 quarter down E 5 32nd up begin begin begin F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up continue continue continue F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up end end end F 1 5 48 quarter down G 5 48 quarter down F 1 5 32nd up begin begin begin G 5 32nd up continue continue continue F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 5 32nd up continue continue continue F 1 5 32nd up end end end G 5 48 quarter down A 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin A 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 5 32nd up continue continue continue A 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 5 32nd up end end end A 5 48 quarter down E 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin A 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end A 4 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin B 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue B 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue B 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end B 4 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end C 1 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin E 5 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up end end end E 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up continue continue continue F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up continue continue continue F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up end end end F 1 5 48 quarter down G 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin A 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end A 4 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin B 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue B 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue B 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end B 4 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end C 1 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin E 5 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up end end end E 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up continue continue continue F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up continue continue continue F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up end end end F 1 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin G 5 32nd up continue continue continue F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 5 32nd up continue continue continue F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 5 32nd up continue continue continue F 1 5 32nd up end end end G 5 48 quarter down A 5 48 quarter down A 4 32nd up begin begin begin G 4 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end A 4 48 quarter down B 4 32nd up begin begin begin G 4 32nd up continue continue continue B 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue B 4 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end B 4 48 quarter down C 1 5 32nd up begin begin begin G 4 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end C 1 5 48 quarter down D 5 32nd up begin begin begin G 4 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 4 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down D 5 32nd up begin begin begin C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue D 5 32nd up continue continue continue C 1 5 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down E 5 32nd up begin begin begin A 4 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up continue continue continue A 4 32nd up end end end E 5 48 quarter down F 1 5 32nd up begin begin begin E 5 32nd up continue continue continue F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up continue continue continue F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue E 5 32nd up end end end F 1 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 5 32nd up continue continue continue F 1 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 5 32nd up continue continue continue F 1 5 32nd up end end end G 5 48 quarter down A 5 32nd up begin begin begin G 5 32nd up continue continue continue A 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 5 32nd up continue continue continue A 5 32nd up continue continue continue G 5 32nd up end end end A 5 48 quarter down D 5 32nd up begin begin begin G 4 32nd up end end end A 4 48 quarter down D 5 32nd up begin begin begin A 4 32nd up end end end B 4 48 quarter down D 5 32nd up begin begin begin B 4 32nd up end end end C 1 5 48 quarter down D 5 32nd up begin begin begin C 1 5 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down E 5 32nd up begin begin begin G 4 32nd up end end end A 4 48 quarter down E 5 32nd up begin begin begin A 4 32nd up end end end B 4 48 quarter down E 5 32nd up begin begin begin B 4 32nd up end end end C 1 5 48 quarter down E 5 32nd up begin begin begin C 1 5 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down E 5 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up end end end E 5 48 quarter down F 1 5 32nd up begin begin begin G 4 32nd up end end end A 4 48 quarter down F 1 5 32nd up begin begin begin A 4 32nd up end end end B 4 48 quarter down F 1 5 32nd up begin begin begin B 4 32nd up end end end C 1 5 48 quarter down F 1 5 32nd up begin begin begin C 1 5 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down F 1 5 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up end end end E 5 48 quarter down F 1 5 32nd up begin begin begin E 5 32nd up end end end F 1 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin G 4 32nd up end end end A 4 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin A 4 32nd up end end end B 4 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin B 4 32nd up end end end C 1 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin C 1 5 32nd up end end end D 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin begin D 5 32nd up end end end E 5 48 quarter down G 5 32nd up begin begin 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